tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News October 10, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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all the proceeds from the ticket sales, sponsors, and raffle to the family to assist with their medical bills, tickets sold out well in advance. great stuff, a russian analyst begins trial on charges lying to the fbi, the infamous steele dossier, we will cover it here. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight, that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced, unafraid. "jesse watters prime time" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: believe it or not, politics was not so easy to get into back in the day, aside from shaking thousands of hands and kissing hundreds of babies, you always had to be on your a game. if you did not come off as the sharpest, wittiest, and even the smartest, there was always somebody else who would. >> is there any doubt in your mind that you would be able to function in such circumstances? >> not at all.
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and i went into know that also i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i'm not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. >> jesse: but nowadays they will lead to just about anybody run for office, you don't even have to be that good looking or have a catchy slogan or even have a good idea. you don't even have to have ever been successful in your life and anything. all you have to do if you want the hispanic vote is due the mmacarena. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ but if you can't dance like hillary or no one really wants to hear you talk at coming to just go to plan b, you just whip out your phone and play sound "d'esposito."
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>> one thing to say, hang on here. ♪ ♪ [despacita" playing] >> jesse: example number one, katie hobbs running against carrie lane for governor in arizona, a state where about one-third of the population is hispanic, and may not be a spanish name, but her it's close enough. >> what have you learned specifically learned from the latino community? >> oh, that's a great question, and don't necessarily think about it that way in those te terms, and i learn all the time from people in my life. my sister-in-law, she is latino
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and her family, i love hanging out with them and practicing my espanol. in arizona would not be arizona without what the latino community brings. >> jesse: we learn two things, this democrat who wants to be the governor of arizona has not thought at all about a third of the people living in her state. and two, that was katie hobbs thinking on her feet. my brother married a latino, and a bunch of ums and ahs. and it gets awkward, you can tell that the guy who was asking the question was latino was not happy. >> one specific answer you can share with me. it is one-third of the state. >> , absolutely. i mean i think that there is many lessons, the emphasis on
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family values, hard work. >> jesse: so latinos are just catholic and i see a lot of them doing construction, that's her answer? that's like saying you like italians because their pizza is good, which it is, but still. who is this katie hobbs anyway? remember when the democrats thought cavanaugh's yearbook was controversial because he drink? well, we got a hold of katie hobbs high school yearbook back in the '80s, and katie hobbs organized a slave day at school, held auctions at her school, put freshmen in chains and seniors got to play a masters for the day. so let me get this straight, democrats are running a senate candidate who chased some black guy out of town in pennsylvania, and a gubernatorial candidate in arizona who held a mock option, has anybody even asked katie hobbs about this? of course not, she is a democrat. democrats can just get behind
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candidates in blackface or even behind presidents who speak at the funerals of klansmen. >> is there a week limited different than 15 weeks you are in favor of? >> i don't support the 15 week ban. >> in britain arizona voter were to conclude from your previous answer that you do not favor any specific week limit on abortion, would they be correct? >> i support leaving the decision between a woman and her doctor and leaving politicians entirely out of it. >> jesse: so that was katie hobbs being asked about abortion, and he asked, she believes in partial birth abortion. one end it be great if katie hobbs opponent republican carrie lane could debate her and really hash at issue out? unfortunately that's not going to happen. of course not, you know, the spanish speaking partial-birth abortion auctioneer has a very packed schedule. >> are you saying this morning
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that there is no circumstance that you can imagine or would try to negotiate in which he would carry at the debate together before election? >> at this point in the race with 30 days to go, our schedule in terms of forums is pretty much set, and i'm really happy with where we are in the plans that we have to continue talking directly to the voters of arizona. >> jesse: you can't change your schedule because it is set. who changes your schedule? you do. but if you think the democratic candidate for governor is bad, wait till you see who they are getting behind for senate in pennsylvania. john federman who did not have a real job until his mid '40s, and spent his whole life mooching off of folks when he was not chasing black guys around with a shotgun, he is the democratic nominee. he wants to empty out the prisons, ban fracking and have you pay for government run heroin injection sites. but big john's biggest blemish is his wardrobe.
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it is very hard to even find a photo of him looking at all professional. and we have tried all day. his own boss had to take him shopping. >> yeah, if you are going to be presiding over the senate to preside over the senate, apparently you have to wear a necktie. >> a tie? >> yes, that's what i hear and they are very strict about it, so how about if we go and i will buy you a necktie? >> okay, governor. ♪ ♪ >> then he made him pay for it, classic. but it's one thing just to have bad ideas and not know how to dress, bernie has made a whole career out of that. it's another thing to see democrats putting out a guy who just had a stroke and can't t talk. >> so much better than eagles. >> i'm doing fantastic, and it's
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not about kicking balls in the authority or anything. >> didn't he run again in 2024? >> i think that should be a decision made, and it's not a matter of anyone's choice other than his. >> jesse: he can even say the president's name, it's not even really that funny. a new puff piece on "new york magazine" admitted that they had the interview "using google me" because the stroke made it difficult for him to process what he hears, the video chat has closed captioning technology that allowed him to read my questions in real time. you got that? so the democrats want to put a guy who can't process speech in the set, can't process it. how is he going to be a senator if he can't hear what is happening in the senate? and he can't speak at hearings. that's literally all these guys do in the senate is listen and talk and he can't do either. i guarantee you the chinese are going to flip.
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guarantee any won't have to debate dr. ore's either, because schedule is a little tight and he is demanding all sorts of strange rules to debate. it's weird. another democrat who does not want to debate, you got it. hey, democrats, you got any more candidates you want to put in charge of the country? the democrat in north carolina running for senate terry beasley says that she feels bad for the rioters who burn your business down. >> we must recognize the legitimate pain and weight of years of disparate treatment that feels these demonstrations. it is not enough to say to protesters go home and follow the rules. it's just not that simple. >> jesse: torch my shop because equity, right? if you think that's radical, head north to wisconsin. the democrat senate candidate calls reverend jeremiah wright brilliant. remember him?
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>> no, no, no, not god bless america, god damn america is in the bible. >> now we are indignant, because the stuff we have done overseas is now right back into our own front yard! america's chickens are coming home! to roost. >> jesse: what a lovely guy. the democrats keep claiming they don't want to defend the police, how many times have you heard we don't want to do that? but in della burns does. >> the neighborhood services and programming for the community is on the front end, where will that money come from? it can come from over loaded budgets and police departments, and that reality is possible. >> jesse: and president biden is backing this guy who wants to defund the police, why?
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because he will back jeffrey dahmer if it means ron johnson loses his senate seat. and has been targeting ron johnson by name, why is that? because if he wins and republicans have the senate, they will investigate out of the crime family and find out just how much they own. these are so good, you would think they would want some help from the white house, no, they don't. democrats don't want to be on stage with joe biden, joe biden has become a laughing stock now. >> president biden pardon thousands of convicted marijuana s like maybe hes celebrated with them a little, because yesterday joe biden gave yesta speech at a car factory ao opened with thispe. >> let me start off with two words, made in america. [laughter] >> wow, let me respond with two words, jesus h christ.
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>> jesse: everybody can now take a shot. the approval rating in the swing states negative 15, about us toxics as the wuhan lab and even the networks no. >> he just does not have what you want as a candidate, you don't want them around and can't really make his case. >> jesse: so, who are democrats asking for help? according to cnn, democrats running for office have been begging obama to help him out on the campaign trail, but it's saying no, he doesn't want anything to do with these candidates, and you know it's bad when even barack obama thinks that the things democrats are putting out or too crazy. kellyanne conway former counselor of president trump and a fox news contributor. i love how the media always talks about these sketchy republican candidates camino, quality candidates is an issue this year for republicans, has the media seen who the democrats
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are putting out there, kelly a and? >> that's the irony, jesse, both parties had robust primaries, obviously the higher turnout in republican primaries which has a very good republican midterm success, but to the democrats, nominated the most unelectable fringed out of touch come out of sync candidates. betty john over in pennsylvania has a great example, this guy has a no-show job as lieutenant governor come the ap ran a story last week that he failed to show for about a third of the presiding state provider of the state senate, he makes $169,000 a year, the average pennsylvania household makes less than 70,000 and gave him money for her for not being a private security detail perks, and don federman hard for people to take it to the bank. he is pro-criminal, anti-fracking, and hand tom wolf have left, they have left tens
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of thousands of pennsylvania students, 40,000 just in philadelphia alone, jesse, on the waiting list for charter schools urge school choice. they have done nothing to help these kids in failing schools to exit those schools and access charter schools, school choice, freedom and opportunity scholarships. now he is trying to play the victim, you have that "new york magazine" and other people in the mainstream media trying to create sympathy for him, but remember, i think that don federman is most dangerous person in pennsylvania and if you think that the criminals are more dangerous ask john federman why he thinks they should go free. let's go over to wisconsin as you mention mandella barnes, that is the best person that ron johnson could've possibly hope to run against and they are still nominating him, some candidates dropped out and gave it to him and he has a jeremiah problem, but so does the american speech was christian impeaching at its best. i think that the republicans will run the tables in the house and the senate and they will have a majority in the polls
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always overestimating the strength of republican candidates and the lack of interest and inspiration by these democrats who are so outside the mainstream, giving out a great run to that female democrat in nevada with three names and no accomplishments, blake masters pummeled, completely made a fool out of mark kelly in that debate, and that's what they need to do to call them out for the lies, 100% voting record with joe biden, and trying to run as a donald trump guy on trade, forget about that. i think we have great candidates this time and they're going to win. >> jesse: take it to the bank, if kellyanne conway says it, it's guaranteed. >> stay away from the eagles come undefeated. he will be defeated. >> jesse: that is true, 5-0, feels good. democrats just got caught trying to register 30,000 foreigners to vote. and prime time marched in the columbus day parade.
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>> happy indigenous peoples' day. >> i don't agree. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [school bells] when pain says, “i'm here,” i say, “so are they.” ♪ aleve - who do you take it for? >> tech: at safelite, we take care of vehicles with the latest technology. we can replace your windshield ...and recalibrate your safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> jesse: under the biden economy, wages aren't keeping up with inflation unless you work with the cartel, according to the department of homeland security, they went from making $500 million smuggling humans across the border in 2018 to $13 billion in 2022. that is a 2500% increase for those of you doing the math at home. the cartels could buy the yankees and the cowboys with this year's profits and still have money left over to buy the jacksonville jaguars or
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something. it's gotten so lucrative, some cartels have pivoted away from drug running to just focus exclusively on human smuggling. what they do is smuggle illegals into the country in trucks like the one you see here and then forced migrants who can't pay up front into debt bondage for years or even decades. and basically our's waves. and when i asked one of our guests last week the founder of share together, a nonprofit fighting against sex trafficking if he says joe biden is responsible, listen. >> is the biden administration aiding and abetting international child trafficking? >> absolutely, i spoke at the united nations last week and at this east africa summit before and it is common knowledge that human trafficking destination letter a is the united states. it is basically common word of mouth around the world at the moment for six traffic rings that you want to move children into the united states, because the joe biden a administration
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has declared us open for trafficking business. >> jesse: cartels are not the only ones getting rich off of the border crisis, there is a whole ecosystem profiting from the pain. the cartels get their cut on the front end, sneaking illegals and in the united states, once border patrol captures them, they hand the migrants off to various ngos which make hundreds of millions shipping the migrants to sponsor us all across the country. and whistle-blowers have told prime time that the sponsors aren't properly vetted. accusing joe biden of basically handing underage illegals to strangers. 20,000 of which joe straight up lost. so you may ask, where is our supposed borders are enduring all of this? well, she was actually just in texas over the weekend, she did not visit the border, but she did talk about abortions. and something even more important, listen. >> let me just say, i love it venn diagrams! i really love it venn diagrams.
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the circles, right? three usually. >> jesse: if you did venn diagram of the border crisis, i think that kamala harris would be right in the middle. venn diagrams are obviously more important than a disaster at the border, and it's not just her. if you ask other democrats like in the yanks she will tell you the party's position on visiting the border, listen. >> listen, i don't need to go to the border on taxpayer dollars just to pull a publicity stunt. >> jesse: i have a feeling cindy would fly to ukraine on the taxpayer dime, don't you? and do you have a feeling that the human smuggling is also a voter registration drive on the side? because we just found truth it is. the associated press just reported that colorado secretary of state sent letters to 30,000 foreign nationals encouraging them to register to vote. and then when they got caught cold, the democrats said sorry, there was a glitch, my bad.
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let's bring in texas governor greg abbott, do you believe governor that this is a human trafficking ring that joe biden's administration is participating in? >> so it really is, all you have to do is look at the numbers of the people who are coming across the border as well as those who are victims of human trafficking and you see that there is one person who is responsible for this and that's joe biden. go back to and a half years ago and he saw the fewest illegal border crossings and multiple decades, and then joe biden eliminated every measure put in place by president trump that has now led to an all-time record in the past year there be more than 2.2 million people crossing the border illegally. many of those are victims of human trafficking. many did not make it here because they lost their life on the way. that's why the united nations declared the border between the united states and mexico biden's
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border is the most dangerous crossing and the entire world. and so what biden is doing by turning a blind eye to this is outrageous and it is the biggest humanitarian crisis caused by joe biden. >> jesse: do you wonder why the u.s. government just can't break into these overseas bank accounts and just sees these elicit to assets that the cartels are piling up? do you think it may have something to deal with maybe some of these rich and wealthy and powerful people in the united states are using the same banks? >> so, jesse, the biden administration could do that if the biden administration did what i did just a couple of weeks ago. a couple of weeks ago i declared the cartels terrorist organizations, if the president would do that, it triggers a federal law that would allow him to go into those bank accounts and get those billions of dollars that the cartels are making off of this. >> jesse: if we can seize money from isis bank accounts, we should be able to see his
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cartel bank accounts, that's a huge issue in a great idea that you had. i was going to say i'm surprised that joe biden does not have that idea, but actually, i am not. all right, governor, thank you for joining us and keep up the good fight down in texas. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: police officers are being body slammed at schools. what that means next. ♪ ♪ made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask you doctor about tremfya® today.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: do you know it a canary in a coal mining is? apparently my producers did in it, but it's a tiny bird we used to bring into the minds to test for carbon monoxide and when the bird died, they would know that the situation was dangerous and they had to get above ground. san francisco is america's canary in the coal mine. it was one of the first major city is to go soft on crime, drugs, and homelessness, and now as other cities follow suit it
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is dying a very public slow-motion death. >> i saw someone get raped. >> i saw someone get stabbed. >> somebody stemming with a machete today. >> i saw the dude gets shot in the back the head. >> someday got shot. >> did they live? >> no. >> you will end up dying out here. >> other homeless people are bad. >> this is like literally no choice, it's be homeless out here. >> based make it so easy and normalize it, they enable them, because they allow the drug market. >> jesse: coming to a city near you, think crime won't come to your doorstep, think again, two teens were shot and wounded in front of lee zeldin's house last night, he and his wife were out campaigning for governor, but there 216-year-old daughters were inside doing their homework and they heard the bullets ricochet through their neighborhood with one landing 3. he said he has had enough.
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>> it hits really close to home when it shows up on your front doorstep. i mean, at what point are we supposed to talk about the crime on her own streets. i'm standing in front of crime scene tape in front of my own house. you can't get any more outraged than right now. >> jesse: rightfully upset especially since his democrat opponent unelected governor kathy hogle hadn't not even reached out to them since the shooting. not surprising though after all, she refuses to debate him, another democrat who does not debate. but the shooting on long island is just a taste of the violence in this country, a gun fight broke of manhattan this week and after a driver jumped the curb and ran another guy down with his car. meanwhile in florida, a high school student body slammed a cop trying to break up a fight between these two students. >> [screaming] >> [bleep]. >> jesse: so many of these
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tragedies are avoidable, the deranged illegal who stabbed eight showgirls on the vegas trip should have never been on the streets. he had domestic violence charges dropped against him last year after the d.a. failed to prosecute him in time. so this creep was free to stab a part-time showgirl and teacher. and she bled to death in the street in front of her friends. she wasn't just killed by a lunatic, she was killed by the system who freed him. so was keira hudson, a 30-year-old mother who was shot and killed by her domestic abuse her husband in front of her three kids. he was arrested last week for beating keira up and then let out the next day. and by sunday, she was dead. when we say enough is enough? >> when do we say it's time to start sticking up for a law abiding new yorkers instead of sticking up for criminals? when is it that we are going to start backing our men and women of law enforcement? that we give the judges the tools to do their job and
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enforce the law? when is enough enough? >> jesse: joining me now as nancy grace, fox nation host of crime stories and the girl scout murders. you have covered crime for a very long time. what is your interpretation of this particular crime wave? >> i think that the crime wave we are suffering right now is not necessarily just the criminals at fault, it is the politicians in the system letting us down. for instance, the case you just showed keira hudson, he was in court on february -- on october 4th and was treated as having committed misdemeanors, have you looked at the video? it is sickening. their home video of him beating her, surveillance video. they let him walk right out the next day. this woman so afraid she wears a bulletproof vest to take her children to school, jesse. he rams into her car, she has through the windshield with the three children in the car and
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murders her. because he was not prosecuted correctly and was let out with a no cash bail. >> jesse: we are going to have to figure out a way to hold these politicians criminally responsible for their negligence. got a new special the girl scout murders on your fox nation program, tell us a little bit about that. >> well, i tell you this, i spoke to one of the little girl's glory farmer's mother at length, and she and her husband are still distraught, because to this day, mystery swirls about who murdered three little girl scouts, you know, i send my children to scout camp and because of this case i was so afraid to come and be my husband and myself learned to be a volunteer and we camped out too, because of this case. three little girls dragged out, raped and murdered, and till this day mystery swirls regarding the killer. >> jesse: check that out on fox nation if you haven't, thank you so much nancy grace
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were coming on. the pandemic had a devastating impact on our kids as the left insisted our kids be locked up at home instead of in the classrooms. two decades of progress was just completely wiped, long-term test scores released in september showed just how behind students are. our kids may never be able to catch up, because of people like dr. fauci and randy weinberger, president of the given american federation of teachers. so what has randy been up to him lately? you think hard at work doing everything she can to help our kids catch up? no. randy has bigger fish to fry. like assessing the border situation in ukraine. that's right, randy thinks her time is best used crossing into ukraine to fight the good fight against russia and meet with the ukrainian teachers union. she is spending the whole week in europe making a stop in warsaw for polish teachers day too. but this is her second time in ukraine this year.
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now we want to help the ukrainian kids, of course, but shouldn't randy be prioritizing american kids? instead of going to ukraine to offer solidarity? >> we are going to go and talk to the union leaders there and we are not going to let putin get away with terrorizing people. the schools aren't closed, children are learning remotely or in bunkers right now. >> jesse: wasn't randy the one who made threats so that teachers could work from home and american children could learn from their bunkers? >> let's be clear, just as we have done with our health care workers, we will fight on all fronts for the safety of students and their educators. but if the authorities don't protect the safety and health of those we represent and those we
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(driver 1) it's all you. (driver 2) no, i insist. (driver 1) it's your turn. (burke) get farmers and you could save money with the safe driver discount just by having a clean driving record for three years. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (driver 3) come on! ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the democrats talk a big game when it comes to infrastructure and climate change, they promised to build a lot of things like electric car charging stations, heated sidewalks and nonracist bridges, but does anybody check back on the stop? did they actually build it? prime time looked in and in most cases no, they did not build it. they took the money, obviously, but in many cases these projects come in over budget and behind schedule if they get done at a all. to california's gravy train for example. high-speed rail, the $33 billion train was supposed to run from san francisco to l.a., but due to politics the project is a train wreck. engineers all around the world are laughing at us. they told california that they were going to build a morocco
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instead where it was "a less politically dysfunctional." [laughs] the 12 year project has now entered your 14 and there still is no end in sight. it could take another hundred years to finish this, and it is going to cost more than $130 billion. and the fail rail is currently costing taxpayers 2 million a day and it does not go to san francisco anymore or l.a. the station had to be moved to stockton and riverside, you know, hot tourist destinations. they are building the train to nowhere whether californians want to or not and they will say anything to brainwash you into believing you want this train. the former governor jerry brown wall will tell you this, but he got the idea from a "simpsons" episode. >> i swear it springfield's only choice, throw up your hands and raise your voice. ♪ monorail ♪ ♪ monorail ♪
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♪ monorail ♪ >> jesse: they may not know this, but the "simpsons" is a cartoon. the real world looks like this. >> that's a [bleep] mustang, [bleep] toyota, four wheels and a seat. >> i want a [bleep] car right [bleep] now. >> jesse: national syndicated radio host said the bullet train is a dud, dana, how could anybody have predicted this? >> oh, i don't know. i think "the simpsons" their profits or something, this whole bullet train thing, this high-speed rail, this light rail in california is like the winchester house of public works, because all this money, hundreds of millions of dollars and i was reading and i don't know how this happens, that there were even issuing construction contracts even though they had no land out whatsoever to build on and that resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars of construction delays in all this other kinds of stuff.
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so -- and who would've thought that a state that is entirely run by democrats, jesse, would have this sort of problem doing something that they said was so simple? i mean, we are all shocked. >> jesse: they stayed these high-speed rail's really cut down on pollution paired has anybody considered, i don't know, 100 years of heavy industrial machinery digging up god's green earth out in california? >> exactly, and all of the eminent domain they have to implement in order to get a lot of the land they need and that's apparently the fight that they had with all of these farmers out in california, but the other thing i was reading is that they said it was going to help with congestion in los angeles and san francisco, but the problem apparently that nobody paid attention to what is that the majority of the people in their cities, they just like to get into cars and drive just a few miles to work and i think it's like 10 miles on average is the length of the commute that people drive, so they are not -- that does not even serve the purpose of those areas. they wanted -- i have so many metaphors to
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describe this project, but it is just an absolute, it is an embarrassment. and gavin newsom should be embarrassed, because he was all a supporter of this too. i don't know how you can think that you will run for the president in the united states at some point which everybody knows he wants to when you have this boondoggle on your record. it is embarrassing. and there are no republicans to blame it on. they can't blame it on anybody else but themselves. >> jesse: no, ron desantis got a bridge back up in three days and it's taken this guy, i don't know, 15 years going on 100 to build the train. all right, day now. thank you so much for joining us. i feel like you're the type of person that might fly from san francisco to l.a. you strike me as a trained person. >> i really like driving. i will want to get my big giant gas guzzler that is huge and terrify everyone with the size of my car and the fact that a woman is driving it. >> jesse: not in california, the next couple of years he won't be able to buy one of those cars. >> they got to catch me, white bronco down the highway. >> jesse: drive it like a stole it, thank you.
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elizabeth warren, once you to call and indigenous peoples' d day. what do italians think about that? ♪ ♪ >> tech: at safelite, we take care of vehicles with the latest technology. when my last customer discovered a crack in his car's windshield, he scheduled at safelite makes it easy. we're the experts at replacing your glass... ...and recalibrating your advanced safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. now that's a company i can trust. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: today is columbus day, a day that we celebrate the man who discovered america christopher columbus, but not everybody is celebrating, there are some people that hate mr. columbus for taking over the land of the native americans and they tore down a statue's and started calling it indigenous peoples' day, remember? but wasn't columbus just a migrant? is the left saying the indigenous people should have had stronger borders? we send to the columbus day to mix it up. ♪ ♪ >> happy indigenous peoples' day. >> i don't agree.
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>> absolutely not. >> yeah, no. >> are you talking to me? >> joe biden wants to call it indigenous peoples' day. >> he must be confused. >> is it indigenous peoples' day or columbus day? >> it is columbus day! >> it is columbus day. >> import columbus day. >> christopher columbus is a hero. ♪ ♪ >> why do people want to change the name of columbus day? >> though what culture is trying to ruin everything for us. it's because they are soft and don't appreciate the italian culture. >> that's the liberals for you. >> let's say that you are christopher columbus come to america, how would you handle the native americans? >> give them some lasagna and homemade wine. >> here, have some wine. >> this is my land. finders keepers. >> if you are attacked, you have to defend yourself. >> sit down and have something to eat with them.
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>> happy thanksgiving. >> what is indigenous peoples' day? >> i cannot tell you. >> i've never looked into it. >> nothing to me that is nothing. >> nothing. ♪ ♪ >> why do people hate christopher columbus so much? >> they have nothing better to do with their lives. it's because they hate him because they ain't him. >> they are peanut butter and jealous. >> they want to falsify history. >> two years, forget about it. >> we would not be living here if you do not find it, so, there is that. >> and that's the end of it. >> why is christopher columbus so special to you? >> because he discovered america. >> a grown italian man. >> columbus is more than one person, it's about a heritage. >> it's like i believe in god, i never met them, but i believe in them. >> without him finding the u.s., my family would still be in italy. >> italy is a beautiful place. ♪ ♪
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>> do you watch jesse watters on fox? >> i do, prime time on the show. >> i love you, jessie. >> happy columbus day! ♪ ♪ >> jesse: i never knew i was so much like my father. over the weekend it was sunday, i woke up and i said, alexa, play folk music. now my dad has always listened to folk music on the weekends in the morning, and i just asked alexa to play folk music and i enjoyed it and i had to lunch with dad later that day and we talked about folk music that we liked. i don't know what is going on, but things are changing. i'm aware of it. text message time. cheryl from belchertown, massachusetts, belchertown? democrats put joe biden in
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office after laughing at them behind his back for years, why not federman? they are on a roll. if you can't speak and can't listen, you will make a great candidate. chuck from raleigh, north carolina. joe should replace kamala harris with hunter as borders are coming is great at collecting foreign money. he sure is. through his nostrils, through his hands, anyway he can get it. melvin says is the big guy getting his 10 percent from the cartels? i would like our guy up in wisconsin to look into that. ron johnson, maybe subpoena some backgrounds. chris from massachusetts as do those who want to eliminate columbus day realize they will no longer get the random day off? that will change their minds. actually, we still got today off. indigenous peoples' day coming to still get paid on indigenous peoples' day. how about another holiday, how about we get columbus day and indigenous people, two days we don't get work and we both get paid. that's the solution. gary from clodagh, hey, jesse, i
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want to know what kind of knot that is in your tie, it's the best looking not ever on tv. who does that? you or someone else? >> i tie my own ties unlike kennedy. but that's not does not have a name. i'm not going to -- i'm not going to assume the knot's identity. it is what it is. it's like a windsor, but ♪ ♪>> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy columbus day. that's the busy day we discover celebrate the discovery of the new world, and all that happened, which is the creation of the most free and honest society in the history of man. but were also in assessing what happened to that society because it's changing. here's a story o
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