tv The Five FOX News October 11, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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in power more than willing to push forward their agenda on climate and everything else, for getting it has negative impact on pocketbook issues. and blaming corporate greed does not fly with americans. all the other issues they brought up, americans recognize it. >> time will tell, as they say. three seconds to go. here comes "the five." >> i am greg gutfield with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters. dana perino. "the five." >> the nation's border czar hitting up one of the liberal late night shows that hasn't been cancelled. harris going after the
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administration usual antagonists, like evil red state governors who remind her to do her job and visit the border. >> talk about political theater. playing games with people's lives, with their lives. i just think it is an absolute dereliction of duty. if you see a problem and if we agree that we need to address it, then if you're a leader, participate in a solution, right? when we first came in office, the first bill that we proposed was for a pathway for citizenship, was to fix a broken immigration system which was broken under the previous administration. >> kamala working overtime to spin her border security narrative. it is such a blatant lie, democrats are forced to call her out. >> kamala harris is absolutely wrong on that. it is not secure. we have a lot of work to do. i'm not here to get in a fight or tow the democratic line, i'm here to speak the truth, we do
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have more work to do. >> kamala's visit to late night wouldn't be complete without some kissing up to her boss. >> did you ever also give advice on your position? >> you know, i will tell you, first of all, i love joe biden, i really do. he is very thoughtful and he is very kind. so he is thoughtful about the american people in terms of the work we've done and it has been historic work. what i will say in terms of the interpersonal relationship, he knows the job and he cares about partnership. >> it is so funny, dana. she strikes me as somebody you strike up a conversation with at an airport bar, you know, they've been there for a couple of hours. >> when you leave, what are the words you remember? >> nothing. >> you're like wow. i met this person at the bar, i can't remember what was said. >> i think there's a theory. she was on seth meyers. they put her out there to make sure america doesn't see her. >> that's probably true,
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except for unfortunately now it is all over social media. >> well with the number one show. >> everyone gets to see it. we will bring it to you so you can see it, america. the immigration stuff just baffles me. here you are the first woman vice president of the united states, given the toughest assignment and you take a pass. nothing is going to happen on the border on immigration reform until the border is secure. you can't even have the conversation. for some peculiar reason they refuse to deal with it. she was in austin last week doing a fundraiser on abortion right. she's literally there and doesn't do anything. her idea of leadership is to say the other side needs to come up with a solution. >> what? that's the opposite in the dictionary of what leadership is. leaders propose sluthsdz or she's in a position to convene. there's power in that, to be able to say you, you, you, i want you at the white house monday
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morning, #8:00. we have to come up with four solutions. she could do that, she could travel if she wanted to. remember the announcement she made that all the companies were going to save root causes of the problem, they were going to put a bunch of businesses there. do you think anybody is doing that? what reporter followed up to see if that happened, no one. she's got power. she doesn't use it. instead of doing a real interview, they go on a comedy show, which i love. there's a time and a place for it. but if you are facing all these crises, 80% of americans think you're not on the right track, i am not sure seth meyers is the price to go to deliver a michael jackson. >> -- a message. >> the first, only nonbinary host of late night tv. jesse, the truth, dana hit on it, if she was actually doing a good job, she had be on a show people would watch. right? there's a total audience of 12. >> i heard rumors, they
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may put him on peacock. >> dana is right. we have no evidence that any of these companies spent any money in central america. in fact, they launched an anti-corruption task force. they haven't made a single indictment since they launched it. also, the state department just issued a travel warning for belize because gangs have taken over the country. guatemala is now a narc oh state and they're suspending constitutional rights. he el salvador, most violent country in the world, first lady of honduras arrested for fraud. foreign minister of canada says we have a problem with migrants so they fired her. everything in central america has got especially worse. nothing she has done there has helped. the cartels are making record profits. $13 billion last year. they shattered all time border crossing records two years in a row. they lost track of 20,000 migrant kids. they lost track after they handed them to sponsors that are basically perverts. fentanyl overdoses at an
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all-time high. i think two dozen jurisdictions declared emergencies, state of emergency because of the migrant crisis. she said this is trump's fault. the way to fix the problem at the border is amnesty. that's like poking holes in a boat and saying you're fixing the boat. >> what do you think, jessica. you're unthe unenviable position to have to defend kamala. >> i don't have to. >> okay. good. so judge. >> no, i have other things to say. i have one positive thing. when you say the border isn't secure, when everyone can see what's going on, everyone tunes out at that point, even if you agree with the democratic position that we need more judges down there, more facilities to make it safer. if you think this game of busing people back and forth is disgusting, which i happen to think, i don't like that eric adams sent people there, greg abbott
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and governor ducey. tim ryan is an anti-establishment guy. not a big deal for tim ryan to say that, it helps him. in the debate last night he wanted to say i vote for things i agree with and stand for ohio on things that don't help our state. people glaze over. i watch this downturn in terms of democratic support on the issue of immigration, even a couple of weeks ago, we were up one or two point, now we're underwater. everything that's come out on the hissue of immigration, it is parallel to what's going on with crime and mrissing. it will never be inflation and the economy, but if you allow people the opportunity to discount everything that you say after the border is secure, they do not know what your position is. they can't tell you what the policies are to fix it. not saying they wake up and say build the wall, that's not going to happen. they don't think they're
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serious. >> even jessica agrees kamala is an unmitigated disaster not just for america but the world. >> i think that's what she said, too. look, i don't know how the woman gets out of bed and faces the world. she's a catastrophe. she should have been on the number one comedy show. what is the name of that? look, you know, maybe when she says the border is secure, maybe you shouldn't have to listen to anything after that because you know that's a lie. so it doesn't matter whether it stops someone from hearing the other thing she's saying because you know right then and there she's lying. then she says i love joe biden. excuse me, wasn't joe biden a segregationist when you were debating him in debates for presidency. then she talks about him, she says having been vice president, he knows what the job involves. she's basically selling herself to you saying
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because he was vice president, he can be a good president. so i could be a good president, too, but everybody knows joe is a disaster and you're a disaster, too. so if she used any energy at all in trying to deal with the issue, whether it is dead people, 800 of them so far, young people, children coming over the border, people coming in with covid, fentanyl, anything, americans suffering at the hands of those illegals, not all of them, but there's certainly a percentage who are criminals. now we have the drug artery. she can't articulate any of that. she deserves not to be, you know, the first female vice president. it is an insult to women who are in power. >> i forgot to say my good things. after the ditty about i love joe biden, she talked about things the democrats have done, investment in infrastructure, in protecting the climate,
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lowering health care costs. those are things democrats have to be running on. sglm infrastructure? >> i run on bridges. >> what have they built? >> inflation. >> exactly. >> joe biden got 13 republican senators to sign onto that bill. >> show me a bridge they built. >> they're in process. go to laguardia. >> there's going to be a recession, serious next year. >> up next, tulsi gabbard with a blistering take down of their woke politics next.
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former hawaii democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate says she's leaving her party for good, issuing this fiery take down ahead of the midterms. >> i can no longer remain in today's democratic party that's under the complete control of an elitist be cab alf warmongers, driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us biracializing every issue and stoking anti-white racism. i believe in a government that's of the people, by the people, and for the people. unfortunately today's democratic party does not. instead, it stands for a government that is of, by, and for the powerful elite. i'm calling on my fellow common sense independent minded democrats to join me in leaving the democratic party. >> all right. let's go to jessica tarlov. maybe not a complete surprise she would have decided to leave, but she didn't announce becoming a
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republican, but leaving the democratic party. >> down one. we were already down that one, probably everybody else who says they're democrat and is supporting her online or tuning in, that's part of a show, she will have a new 30 minute show. tulsi gabbard hasn't been a democrat for a very long time. it is not because i am pissed off she criticized the 2016 primary process, upset debbie wasserman schultz, she has been vindictive and spiteful and angry towards democrats. she has attacked our infrastructure. she i thought in the last primary, 2020 primary, she would have been happier if donald trump ended up winning. she does things that are completely inexplicable. i am certainly not going to sit here and say she has any direct ties to russia, i don't know how you end up in position they refer to you as our girlfriend on russian state tv. >> you can't control that. >> yes, you can. >> how?
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>> you can do things like not go on television and say that what we're doing here in the u.s. in terms of the free press isn't that different from what's going on in russia. they throw journalists out windows in russia. what happens here, maybe you don't get to ask your question. she went to visit assad in 2017 without telling party leadership and came back and said that the people she met supported him, this is someone guilty of terrible war crimes. steve bannon liked her so much that he had to have a trump to your meeting after winning the election. why would steve bannon take such a shining to tulsi. >> what you're trying to do, first with russia, now with bannon. you say if somebody else likes you, that's on you. i can't help it. i have some fans that can be kind of strange. that ain't my fault. >> bannon isn't just kind of strange. if you're a democratic official and steve bannon and donald trump think you're aces and want to meet with you, want to
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consider you for being in the administration. >> it is not joe biden's fault that joy reid likes him, but she's a nut case. >> are you comparing steve bannon and joy reid? >> i feel the same about joy reid you probably do about ban none. >> what about the americans that don't mind being connected to donald trump, is there something wrong with them? >> maybe. >> cut it out. let's go back to tulsi. this is very interesting. we just spoke about the democrats, vice president, that they chose based on identity politics, a woman who can't get out of her own way to discuss anything which she has the power, she has the ability to get things done in this country and in the world. she is a half wit compared to other vice presidents. that's number one. you have tulsi gabbard who put her life on the line for this country compared to the half wit we have as vice president who can't
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even address the issue she's supposed to. let me tell you something, i give her credit calling out what happened with the democratic party, dnc, when bernie sanders was edged out by hillary clinton, when she got the questions from what's her name that said we were criticizing her because she was a good christian woman, what was her name, donna brazile. let's talk turkey. this woman, tulsi gash ard is educated and far from vindictive, spiteful and angry. you call her those things. i have never seen the woman -- >> you called the vice president a half wit. >> she is a half wit. >> a comedy show. let me tell you something, your party makes fun of her, your own party runs away from her. i have never seen tulsi gabbard raise her voice and she put her life on the line. don't you dare criticize her. >> because you served doesn't mean you are free
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of criticism the rest of your life. >> she was on joe rogan's show, talked about friendship and politics. watch here. >> like if you're a democrat and you decide to go on tucker carlson, for instance, what is that like? >> it ranges from people kind of like giving you a cynical look, like whose side are you really on to people just outright ending that friendship or that professional relationship because they don't want to have anything to do with you. >> have you experienced that? >> over and over. >> i hate hearing that, jesse. politics should never end friendships ever, but it does happen. >> my mother doesn't speak to me any more. we are going to talk turkey. >> i had enough turkey, turkey leftovers. >> i don't want to make it personal about tulsi gabbard. >> it is. >> but she has a point how the democratic party is unrecognizable from what it used to be.
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they're much more hawkish, they're not the party of the working man, they're the party of college graduates, elite institutions, the upper class, and they don't talk about health care and education and jobs any more. they talk about january 6 all day. or gender and race. it is annoying. and the bigger point that she's making is that there are a lot of insecure, snob oh liberals dying for acceptance. they will submit to whatever the woke language of the day is just to feel embraced by the elite institutions, and what they're really are, they're useful idiots, being used by powerful people to shutdown debate, they're being used by powerful people to say this is what you're allowed to say, this is what you're not allowed to say, so powerful interests can make their money and do their thing uninte uninterrupted. they don't realize how useful of idiots they are, but that's what they life,
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it gives their life meaning. without that, it lacks meaning. >> tulsi gabbard is on tucker carlson tonight. anyone have final comments? >> yes, i was yelling at jessica. what jessica is illustrating and other people, obvious thing, every opposing party loves it when somebody leaves that party, and the party that loses that person says good riddance. like liz cheney. like go. go away. that's how i would feel. liberals would be like she's a hero, she's a hero. almost like the mirror image of this. it is. sglm tulsi is a much more important person. >> the opposite, liz cheney runs on bitterness. talk about bitterness, her entire life is based on a grudge about trump. at least tulsi, the thing i like about tulsi, if she were to give you two opinions, you couldn't predict a third. she's a definition of an individual. like i disagree with her on 30, maybe 40% of
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things. but the boxes she ticks aren't the boxes that kamala ticks. hers are achievements and ideas. that's different than skin color, where she was born, not where she was born, wherever her background is. i think that's what makes her so different. i have never seen her angry in my life. just lastly, i think she's going to be trump's vp. that's where this is going. i think when she said the anti-white racism, she said something most people can't say. that takes serious stones to say that because it is true. i mean, in the democratic party they made it really clear that, you know, you can be racist against white people because they have it coming. and i think that's why everybody is desperately identifying as something else. no, no, i'm not white. everybody is finding something else to be. that's why you come to the republican party.
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you become an independent. then you can be who you are, you don't have to present. >> 60% of americans now say they're independent. both parties are in the minority. i apologize. i thought i had gotten to you. >> i'm going to outnumbered. >> see you. coming up, the union boss randy wine garden showing up in ukraine, and students in america are falling way behind. we have more. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪
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second largest teachers union, jetting to the war torn country after an invite from a ukrainian teachers union, tweeting she was going to assess the damage left over after russian air strikes, even though pretty sure she has no training to do that whatsoever. let me get it straight. classrooms too dangerous for teachers to go into past two years, but a war zone is not off limits. >> our trip in solidarity and witness is probably more important today than when we planned it, so the schools are closed. children are learning remotely or in perfects now. but union leadership wants to immediate with us, and we want to meet with them, so we're on our way to lviv. >> from a communications perspective, does this make a lot of sense? >> first of all, no, it does not make sense.
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i'll let jessica try to defend it. see how she does. just kidding. we have been saying education is an issue in the midterms, this is the year of the parent. we suggested democrats distance from people like randy wieingardenweingarden. this is one of the things that happened to somebody like a tim ryan in ohio, so the democrats are saying their position, one of the reasons tulsi gabbard wanted to leave the party is you're either for all of the things the democrats stand for or you can't be with us. and if you say well, the teachers union seemed to have too much power, i think i don't like this little bit or this little bit, all of a sudden you're then ostracized. tim ryan in ohio has run a pretty competitive race against jd vance, but he is pulling away because he won't put education resources into ohio. it is still on the ballot in ukraine.
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>> if you oversee two straight years of plummeting test 6scores, you leave the country. >> why not assess the damage here that you created. ukraine needs a battleship, not a battle ax, a sexist would say. this is a weird trend, right? she must have a pr consultant, if you want to burnish your public persona, go to ukraine. did this with ben stiller, is cuomo. >> as long as you are in ukraine. >> shamelessly incompetent bureaucrat out for herself. go to ukraine. the new version of going to cube a remember people were going to cuba and doing a vacation or honeymoon there. the head of teachers union isn't in it for the teachers and the kids, it is in it for herself. this is obvious. it helps no one but herself.
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>> i bet you didn't know this, judge, this is randy's second time in ukraine this year. >> why are so many democrats going to ukraine? why do we send so much money there, all the democrats show up in ukraine. just a question i'm throwing out there. >> can i answer? >> why don't you figure it out. look, she's going there to bear witness to schools being closed and areas being bombed, kids are being killed. she wants to assess the remote learning of kids living under buildings and bunkers. that's bunk. i am telling you. there's another reason, she's heading to the border to assess situation of the russian attempts to frighten civilians and the effect on children. i'm just going to repeat what greg said. why aren't you worried about american children who lost more ground in the last 30 years -- in the last two years than in
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the last 30 years. our own schools are understaffed. you have billions of dollars. you can't even put air conditioning in, let alone create a safe environment during covid. i am disgusted with them all, with the elitists thinking i, the federation of teachers, need to go to europe to assess the russian's impact on children there. are there any children there? >> this would be like governor ron desantis went to puerto rico to assess the damage in puerto rico. why doesn't he just stay in this country and fix it. >> randy weingarden? >> yes, why is she in ukraine. it was an analogy. >> first of all, it is not just democrats in ukraine, they're hosting a number of -- what we're doing, most of what we're doing is for republicans.
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the invitation came from the ukrainian teachers union. >> do you go to every party you're invited to? >> no. >> are ukrainian teachers. >> can i finish? let me finish the sentence. i think a video address for this kind of thing would have done. school is in session. it is also very different than if you go, whenever she went over the summer, kids are back in school, been about a month now. we obviously have a lot of work to do. literacy scores were terrible. we have funding issues and all of this money that came in from american rescue act that needs to be allocated and spent properly. obviously it looks terrible. we're already seeing the impact on the nevada governor's race. one of the biggest independent teacher unions that endorsed the democratic governor in the last election is not endorsing anybody. it is because nothing was done after negative effects of covid. that's a very big deal. >> didn't we spot her at the james taylor concert at the white house. >> yeah.
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>> she goes to everything. >> she has a full dance card. >> she does. bet she can't dance. be right back. liberal college students shutting down a republican senator on campus. >> tech: at safelite, we take care of vehicles with the latest technology. when my last customer discovered a crack in his car's windshield, he scheduled at
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safelite makes it easy. we're the experts at replacing your glass... ...and recalibrating your advanced safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. now that's a company i can trust. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ here goes nothing. hey greg. um...hello? it's me, your heart! really?
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they argue he is unfit to serve because his voting record doesn't match their points of view. sasse could hear the profane chants talking to students, but didn't let that bother him. >> you know what, jesse, sometimes young people protest for any reason. is this a good reason? >> no, i don't think ben sasse has ever been protested though, i think he's a little excited about it. if they're afraid of having ben sasse as their boss, wait until they have their first real boss when they graduate. when the first real boss says we have to ask you to work on columbus day and some lib says it is indigenous people's day, and the boss is named delvecchio, now you're all over delvecchio's radar, trying to manage you out of the office, invited to
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meetings, then you're fired. you long for the days ben sasse was in charge. they don't know how good they have it. >> the amazing thing about it, when they don't like something, they shutdown free speech. you know, i remember protests, i remember all of this in college. but it is literally we don't like you, by the way, they're made up of the united federation of communists, the united federation of the democrat socialist of america that vote in all of the progressive d.a.s. >> remember, those groups used to have like ten people. and look at the crowd that they can assemble. part of that is probably social media, saying everybody show up here at noon. the other thing, does anyone remember who their university president was when they were at school? it has no bearing on your life. it doesn't matter. they're basically figuring out administrative issues, all you need to do is go to class. ben sasse wrote a book called the banishing
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american adult, a coming of age crisis. that's what they should be worried about. he will make them work. >> probably. a lot of the kids don't realize that ben sasse has been a college professor, a president, school with 1700 kids. now what they want, they want to know everyone that was interviewed for the job. they think they're entitled to know who the competitors were. >> i think it is reasonable to say there should be some transparency to the finalists. they only offered up one candidate to them. yes, he was president of a small rerelligious school in nebraska, but the strongest argument against ben sasse is not the politics but the fact that he has no background in doing this. the last three presidents of the university of florida had all had experience managing a research university. it is very different. i think they should have led with that. students saying they want someone in a position of power like that to represent the same values as them, that seems pretty
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normal to me. also, this was exercise of the first amendment, wasn't violent. isn't that what you guys love? >> oh, you guys. >> not you. >> what you say, first amendment shutdown. >> of course. but this is the irony of the first amendment, using the first amendment to shutdown other people's first amendment rights. i was yelled at by an angry protester this morning screaming at me. hideous looking, probably one of the ugliest people i have seen. does protests make people ugly or do ugly people protest. i did some research. sent people to the group. very unattractive people. disgusting day. i feel bad. tried to send them tips on hygiene, makeup, they don't listen to me. i think it is time for national spanking. students line up, people that paid off student
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loans. by the way, i am joking, not real spanking, although i thought about it. college was never supposed to be a safe space, you're supposed to be challenged by ideas, supposed to be unsafe for you, for your brain, and change your mind. sadly this is not just staying on campuses, people like that are graduating, going to companies, spotify, rogue and, google, apple. remember apple people didn't want to go to work. >> banks. >> the banks. i think this is something that sasse wrote in his book. >> the e is silent. >> you should be silent. >> as long as the florida gators win football games, that's the biggest priority. >> that's what matters. >> are you done? >> i have been done a while. >> up next, the latest craziness that will make g going to the grocery store even more annoying.
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to use recycled paper bags or ones made of compostable, i have a lot of trouble with the word, compostable materials. does anyone care about the little produce bags? i sometimes try to not use them. >> greg: you can use them for other things. >> jesse: like what? >> greg: why do you guys always have to ban stuff? why don't you introduce things? we need to get rid of this whether it is a car or a bag, but you never have anything to replace it! >> jessica: your recycle bag will replace it. it's before an increase in intestinal disease and germs, people get to diarrhea, people like me, also, you know who loves plastic? tortoises, because before there was plastic, tortoiseshell frames. so every tortoise if they could speak would say thank you america, thank you plastics, and it can talk. >> dana: i followed it, i will explain it to you.
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>> jessica: dana pittard >> dana: first of all i agree, why can't there ever be innovation? it's like when they try to make people stop driving so they will do things like create to this ridiculous thing they are going to do in new york city that they did in london, congestion pricing, try to force everybody onto the subways of which we report every single day that is not the place to be. and nobody at -- instead of running, why don't you just work on the innovation? why can't work on different types of bags, like for example the bags that we use to pick up things from percy, they are after a time biodegradable. jesse showed an innovation last week, the paper straws that last for 24 hours, that is an innovation. that smart instead of banning things, help encourage the market to figure out a solution. >> jessica: so what is your invention? >> jesse: i don't have anything come i like to rip off the plastic from the dispenser and then i like to split it and i like to go -- and then it like -- i put my avocados in and then a twirl as and it twirls around
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aand i stick it on -- 's be on your really good at that, here's me, i'm trying to open the bag. i'm trying to open the bag, and having a lot of trouble. the thing that provides anything else and they outlawed the use bags in 2025, maybe you can just put them in their pockets and you know, you can go and weigh them over here on your way out, you can weigh them in your pocket, i don't know what they are thinking. this guy is just coming up with all kinds of stupid stuff. i think it's stupid stuff, it's all about a war between the plastic industry and the environment till groups, the environmental groups are so shocked again. but now we are in the middle trying to figure out what to do. i don't want to bring my old bags and put apples in my old bags, because i have a drawer with old bags. >> jessica: it's this huge pile of old bags. you never use them. >> greg: sounds like the democratic party, a bunch of old bags. >> judge jeanine: i was afraid that you're going to say that during my section.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: "one more thing," jessica, that see you! >> jessica: yes, so six time red bull cliff diving champion celebrated her newest world title by diving from a helicopter into the sydney harbor. the 31-year-old australian job 20 meters with the iconic harbour bridge in the background to celebrate her return home, she will be receiving the trophy for six consecutive overall title on october 14th where she will be the first champion to be crowned at home. >> dana: it will not have jumped up first. >> jessica: must be how you do it. >> greg: leah thomas is going i can do that. tonight i have a great show, and jonathan joey jones, johnny joey
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jones, just go with one name, and it's going to be a great show, let's do this, it's been a while. ♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪ here's a delivery driver confused by his disappearing food, he gets up there and has -- he's going to check some of these home, i think that this is the upper west side. and goes out like that and then the dog just comes and takes up, this is a very smart dog. the dog just doesn't -- takes it and while this guy as just checking and he does not really notice the dog, so we kind of hangs out for a while, and notices what is missing, here comes his buddy steve, steve is gone. and is looking around where it is, and the dog already is like on, the dog is actually up on the east side right now. all right, judge. >> judge jeanine: joined the rock johnson who was performing them all some fans throw flowers
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at their favorite performer, handed off his newborn to strangers to be crowd served to dwayne "the rock" johnson. the baby girl is clueless as she makes her way to the stage. johnson smiles, he thought it was a doll. and then apparently, by the way, he was in mexico, impressive for a new film. >> greg: should lose parental rights. >> judge jeanine: that's neglect. >> jesse: bold newest graphic, there was an honest high school -- hottest bald man competition and prince william is now not any more number one, vin diesel has taken the number one spot followed by stanley tucci, shemar moore, never heard of him. never heard of that guy. pitbull, come on. and i think that's it. and "jesse watters" today we have carrie lake.
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>> dana: i think we have her in the morning too. can i go? >> greg: no. >> dana: nelson demille has a new book out, out today, called the maze. you know nelson demille and he is an international best-selling author and this novel is terrific. you love it, he loved it? it's going to be unjustly show this week, maybe later in the week, about the unsolved murders and you are going to want to read it. >> jesse: that's it for us, thanks, book lady. >> bret: when his vice president harris coming on your show? >> greg: we have the feelers. >> bret: soon. good evening, welcome to washington, i am bret baier pretty breaking tonight i'm standing at the border, why is that? 28 days from the november midterms and that will determine whether present whether president biden and the democrats continue their control with the legislative process where republicans are able to capture the majority is in the house and/or the senate, first a look at some of the other headlines today.
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