tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News October 11, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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when able. i feel blessed when i'm with my family. to be frank, i feel blessed about everything. now, we can't wait to have him back. tomorrow on "special report" we speak with ron johnson about his campaign. thanks for inviting us in your home. fair, balanced and unafraid. we got a lot in this show. "jesse watters prime time" starts rights now. jesse? >> i don't think that intel guy liked that. thanks, bret. >> jesse: we love hearing a good fairy tale. we love the way it sparks our wildest imagination. lucky enough we get to hear fairy tales every day. they all-star the character, joe biden. >> so i -- i -- i was sort of raised in the puerto rican community at home.
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>> i got my education for real from the black church. that's not hyperbole, it's a fact. >> i probably went to -- >> when you're a black puerto rican black driving jewish professor, every day is an eventful one. some days you're fighting off your arch nemesis. >> corn pop was a bad dude. he ran a bunch of bad boys. say, esther, you, off the board our i'll drag you off. he came off and he cut off his six foot length of chain. he said you walk out with that chain. you walked in a car and said you may cut me but i'm going to wrap this chain around your head. >> jesse: other days you're battling house fires. joe brought that up again today. >> lightning struck in a pond behind my house. came in to the air conditioning system. ended up generating thick black
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smoke literally that -- of those proportions. from the basement to the third floor, the attic, everything was ruined. we almost lost a couple of firefighters they tell me because the kitchen floor was burning between beams in the house in addition to almost chanced in to the basements. >> jesse: actually, the associated press reports that it was a small fire that was contained to the kitchen. it was put out in 20 minutes. but truth doesn't matter when you tell fairy tails. it matters when you're the president. joe's fictional life caught the attention of "the new york times." they said that biden has been unable to break himself off of the narrative of embellishing narratives. otherwise, a liar. he can get into folks lore with dates that don't line up. "the new york times" is not concerned by it. they say people have decided the
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lies don't really matter. these are the kind of lies that people's grandfathers tell. so joe has been lying since his 30s? did your grandfather lie like that? mine didn't. maybe the fish he caught was this big. my grandmother would never let him get away with it. joe has been lying about who he is his whole life. like when he said he graduated top of his class. >> a much higher i.q. than you do, i suspect. i went to law school on a federal academic scholarship, the only one in my class. the first year i decided i didn't want to be in law school and i wanted to stay, went back to law school and ended up in the top half of my class. i was the outstanding student in the political science department. i graduated with three degrees from undergraduate and be delighted to compare my i.q. to yours if you'd like. >> jesse: back in the day, democrats couldn't get away with telling lies like that.
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>> now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, that he doesn't have three degrees from college and not named outstanding political science student in college. biden went to school on a half scholarship and ended up near the bottom of his class and one degree, not three. >> joe biden ranked 76th in the class of 85 at the university of syracuse law school. >> jesse: when he didn't have a life story to make up, he stole it. like when he plagiarized neil kinnix entire story. >> why is it my wife is sitting out there in the audience, the first in her family to go to college? >> she's the first woman in her family, in 1,000 generations to be able to get to the university. >> they didn't have a platform upon which to stand. >> there was no platform upon which they could stand. >> jesse: show figured out that he was far enough away for no one to notice.
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let's say he wasn't happy when he got caught. >> quite frankly, you'll all be the judge. the people will be the judge. it's much ado about nothing. every notion or idea you'd have to go back and find and attribute to somebody is ludicrous. >> biden has never had an original thought in his whole life. if he had to use foot notes, he wouldn't finish. did you know that joe biden has been shot at? >> let's start telling the truth. number 1, take all the truths out, you better have helicopters ready to take the 3,000 civilians inside the green zone where i've been seven times and shot at. you better make sure you have protection for them or let them die. >> jesse: joe biden was never shot at. we can do the whole hours on this. we don't have time. why does joe biden do this? how insecure do you have to be to lie about who you are? why can't joe biden just be joe biden? the answer is this.
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that joe biden feels that joe biden is inadequate. what does that mean for the country? to have a president that is an insecure liar with a chip on his shoulder? i'd like to expand on that but i'm not a psychologist. we invited someone on that is. katherine coleman joins me now. what does it tell you about someone, not just the president, but about anybody that embellishes his life story to this extent? >> i think we're all guilty of embellishing a story at some point in time. the fact that the president or anybody else that does this continues to do so really suggests one of three things. either they're looking for attention, they want people to like them or they want to seem interesting. in the case of joe biden, it may be the combination of all three. >> jesse: it is. why does he seek that out? the attention, the need to feel interesting. what is it about him do you think that needs that type of fulfillment? >> i think there's a combination of things.
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a lot of the stories that he tells are from so far back in the day. a day when there wasn't fact checkers and there wasn't social media checking in to every little thing. so he got to live in these lies and maybe believe them to an extent, continue to repeat them over and over again. we know when we continue to repeat things over and over again, it leads for us or other people to believe them. i think that he's no dummy maybe sometimes but he knows his approval rating is low. he's doing whatever he can to seem likable or grandfatherly to remind his voters why they voted for him in the first place, by telling these goofy stories. >> jesse: if you had joe on the couch and you listened to him tell you that he was puerto rican and he drove a truck and he's basically jewish and black and was arrested at a civil rights protest, shot at in iraq and none of it was true, what would you say to him as a
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patient? >> when a person says that, it's called a delusion. typically you're not supposed to argue with people that are delusional. i'd have a hard time not rolling my eyes. i don't know that i would ever want to take joe biden on as a patient. >> jesse: all right. so the president is delusional. thanks very much. i want to tell the audience that you have not diagnosed him in any official capacity. this is using your expertise to evaluate him via the television. thank you, doctor. >> thank you. >> jesse: don't you dare evaluate me. i will not have it. >> never. >> jesse: kerri lake is next. we'll talk about drug cartels and the fact that her opponent had a mock slave auction. so get. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill
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and be the anchor of your soul? you can do that by praying this prayer with me right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe that jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you.
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>> jesse: deep in the desert, there's a blood thirsty organization kidnapping babies, smuggling drugs and poisoning civilians. who are they? it's not isis. this problem is not half the way around the world in the middle east. no. it's the mexican drug cartels, plural. they're operating miles away from the american border. they're waging war in their own country, turning their streets to murder scenes and massacring our own people. and every day americans are killed courtesy of the mexican cartels. they're proving to be an international threat, especially through one of the most lucrative products, fentanyl. fentanyl overdoses are the number 1 cause of death among americans age 18-45.
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not covid-19. in one year, nearly 80,000 people died from opioid ods, primarily fentanyl. 20 times the death from 9-11. think about that. every life taken lives families in shambles. keaton, a former marine took one pill he thought was oxy and it wasn't and he died. >> i remember walking up the stairs. i had that dread of he's not answering when i call his name. i went to touch him. he was so cold. and he was clutching his heart. >> so why is our government letting cartels control our border and kill our people? our neighbors to the south are nearly a narco state and the cartels rule through terror.
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[gun shots]. >> jesse: cartels control all the major states in mexico. as you can see here and drugs flow freely throughout the country always moving towards the united states. that's why a majority of the cartel's strength is on our border. the turf wars are raging. mexico doesn't have a centralized government. mechanic co is made up of thieves run by rich ranchers. they put in their puppet as president. president obrador, whose cartel strategy is i'm not joking as joe would say is hugs, not bullets. think about that. hugs, not bullets. obrador is owned by the cartels and the mexican military is a rogue power sensor. mexican defense ministry was hacked and exposing journalists that report on drugs and crime.
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you can do what you want, so you have the cartel once run by el chapo doing what they want. they want money and power. how do they get it? murder. [speaking spanish] >> jesse: and then there's the new generation cartel, which is known for murdering enemies and hanging them from bridges to assert their dominance. they have no respect for the mexican military. last week they tried to kidnap a tequila distillery owner. when it went sideways, they let up soldiers outside of a shopping mall. [gun shots]. >> jesse: that's not small arms fire. this happens daily in mexico. there's other cartels, too, battling for supremacy. they all try to expand their own
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caliphates, if you can call them that and traffic narcotics through the arteries all over the united states. china ships the synthetics to mexico. the cartels cook them up in their labs and they push it north killing americans in every state. it's not just drugs. the mexican cartels have found a new industry that is more profitable. human trafficking. in 2018, the cartels made a half a billion dollars smuggling humans across. that number has skyrocketed to 13 billion this year. they put migrants in trucks, subject them to dangerous and disgusting conditions. and then force thousands of them in to death bondage if they can't pay up front. that way they have control over people for decades. these human smugglers are ruthless and absolutely nuts. >> stay right there. don't move. calm down. calm down. calm down.
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back up. get your foot back in there. get your foot back. ma'am, we're going to have to tase you. >> this women was stopped in texas with a group of migrants she was smuggling in. it's not just the illegals in danger but border patrol obviously and everybody in our southern border states. so where is the federal government? why are europe's borders more important than ours? back in 2019, trump threatened to designate the cartels as terrorists but held off on that. he used that threat as leverage to make the mexican president fight the cartels and stop the caravans. guess what? it worked. drug smuggling and migrant flows went down. now they're shattering records over joe biden. if joe biden designates them terrorists, which they are if you look at their tactics, the treasury department can freeze their assets and seize their bank accounts.
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prime minister blackface did it in canada to the truckers. remember that? he evoked the emergencies act and clipped their bank accounts. he had banks freezing truckers checking accounts. joe biden applauded that. if you can get your bank accounts frozen for protesting in north america, why can't you get your bank accounts frozen for war crimes? we know joe has been seizing russian yachts. why isn't he going after the cartel profits? if he designates cartels as terror groups, that means he can let our military loose on their compounds. if these cartels were muslims doing the exact same thing that they're doing in mexico, biden would have drone them to death and confiscated their cash by now. is biden not targeting cartel bank accounts because some powerful americans use the same offshore banks? seems like something the media might be curious about. the cartels are wage ago war on america and joe biden has not
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surrendered. he doesn't know we're at war. the united states needs to militarize our posture towards mexican drug cartels just like against terrorists. every day we don't do anything, more americans die and the cartels grow more powerful. state and local governments are left to fend for themselves. kari lake is a reason in arizona. joins me now. what is your plan to fight the cartels? seems like arizona is outgunned. >> we're ground zero. thanks for having me on, jesse. my plan is the most bold, aggressive plan this country has seen for a state to take back control of its border. that's what we intend to do starting on day one, going to invoke our art one section 10 powers of the united states constitution. obviously joe biden is a complete failure. he cares more about the cartels than the good people of this country. so we're going to take control of our border. the article 4 section 4, the
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guaranteed clause requires the federal government to protect us from invasion. they are not doing that. article 1 section 10 is the remedy and we are going to do that. we will declare an invasion on our border on day one. we'll get our national guard down there. we have other governors that said they will help out. we'll stop people from coming ac across. this fentanyl is killing our young generation. they're terrorists and working with our enemy to bring drugs in and poison our young generation. if you don't think a country can be destroyed by drugs, you need to do a history lesson in the opium wars. they brought down dynasties with drugs and they're trying to bring down this country. i'll be damned if i let them use arizona in the process. >> jesse: good for you. if the chinese were collaborating with isis in mexico and waging this opium war on the united states, i
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guarantee you joe biden would do something about that. i guess it's the cost of doing business when it comes to drugs and human smuggling. i want to ask you about something that broke last night. we mentioned it. your opponent, katie hobbs, over saw a slave auction, mock slave auction during spirit week at her high school. i guess they were jokingly selling freshmen like slaves. she was in charge of operating spirit week. what is your comment about that? >> well, you know, i guess i should say i'm not surprised. i'm learning now that her racism started back when she was a teenager. she's twice convicted racist here in arizona. her racism has cost the people of arizona nearly $3 million in settlement fees, which she paid a woman of color in her office $30,000 less than she paid the men who were doing the same job.
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that woman sued her, two juries unanimously found her guilty of racial and sexual discrimination. the people of arizona are paying nearly $3 million in settlement fees because of that. i don't know if you saw this, i think it was last week, she was given a softball question at some sort of a forum to come up with one good thing you can say about the latino community. she spent 1 1/2 minutes um, um. she couldn't come up with anything. she's the worst candidate i think i've ever seen the democrats put forth for a statewide office. >> jesse: all right. we'll see what happens down in arizona. thanks, kari for joining "prime time." >> thank you. >> jesse: a journalist tried to get a woman arrested for wishing people a happy columbus day. hics with the latest technology. we can replace your windshield ...and recalibrate your safety system.
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this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. >> jesse: the trump presidency
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broke a lot of people's brains, especially journalists. previously sane respected reporters became unglued under trump and turned into raving loons. unfortunately some of them never recovered. they're still out there screaming into the void. most of the time we don't hear them. but sometimes they do something so stupid "prime time" is forced to take note. interaward winning multimedia journalist david levitt. he became angry with tina ramirez, a returning for the virginia state senate. she had the audacity to wish her people happy columbus day. now, mr. levitt couldn't let that stand. he responded, why are you celebrating torture, rape and enslavement? happy columbus day.
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he proceeded to encourage his twitter followers to call child protective services on ramirez. the lines were busy that day and he got fussy when he was put on hold for us for ten minutes. and then for 20. after holding for an hour, finally hung up. this is what unhinged people do. so-called journalist spent an hour on the phone calling child protective services because a republican wished somebody happy columbus day. he was clogging up the phone lines when people were trying to report real child abuse charges. he stands by what he did. joining me now is virginia state senate candidate, tina ramirez. did someone from the organization child protective services ever contact you? >> no, thankfully. look, here in virginia, we have an amazing governor and attorney general. i spoke with his office this
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morning. i can assure you and they have assured me that nothing will come of this. they are 100% behind parents rights and we'll be fine. but for someone like this to have the audacity to attack a single mother that is a sole provider for her child and to have that child taken away tina ramirez them because he's so set on his feelings being hurt over me celebrating a holiday with my child is beyond the pale. that is what is wrong with these progressive leftists in america right now. that's why people across the board voted in governor youngkin and republicans last year in virginia and why it's going to continue. they're sick and tired, parents like me, of being told what to teach our kids, what to teach them to think. we are sick and tired of them telling us how to raise our kids. it needs to stop. >> jesse: so this guy on the screen, leavitt, he's a freak. he writes bylines for mainstream outlets like cbs. these are mainstream legacy
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media outlets. and they're paying a guy like this to take away the children of a candidate for office because they wished someone happy columbus day? do you want to contact any of these employers or just going to let this sit? >> look, jesse, i work all around the world. this guy doesn't know about me. he didn't do his background check. i work all around the world the last 20 years defending human rights for all people. i've written children books to teach children how to value the freedom of others. so for him to come and attack me and push his leftist propaganda, it's how the left is willing to push their ideologies than to protect children. for him to sit on a hotline an hour tweeting about it the whole time. his rant about oh, they're not there yet. over 300,000 followers this guy has. how many -- i want to know who
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his followers are that are following that nut. holding up a hotline that is there for children in need is abhorrent. he needs to be held accountable. this is appalling. >> jesse: if you have an hour to kill to call in a fake threat over something on a hotline, you probably have a pretty sad life. all right. thank you for joining us. >> this is the kind of thing -- exactly. this is the kind of thing we see in east germany. i worked in iraq. it's what we see there. not what we should see in america. calling a hotline to take away children from parents because you disagree with celebrating a holiday? it's insane. >> jesse: listen, don't wish anybody happy thanksgiving. that could be a hate crime. >> that could backfire, too. >> jesse: i'm glad the kids are all right. take care. >> thank you. >> jesse: john fetterman did his first in-person interview since
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>> jesse: john fetterman, the democrat running for the senate in pennsylvania who had a stroke last may just sat down for his first national tv interview. we're not sure who thought this was a good idea. remember, this is a guy that literally cannot understand english. yet the democrats are determined to prop him up. watch this. >> i'll hear someone speaking but i can't be precise. i use captioning. >> his campaign require that he uses a transcription program during our interview. >> i thought it was pathetic -- empathetic. excuse me. that's an example of stroke empathetic. i thought i was empathetic. >> jesse: now the nbc reporter that conducted the interview said it was clear that during
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the small talk that occurred before the sit-down, fetterman didn't understand a word she was saying. planned parenthood is going through a renaissance. you know, planned parenthood for giving abortions. now they're looking for a new market. helping your kids transition. >> some people decide or hormones or surgeries to help their bodies match up to gender identity. there's medicine you can take to delay puberty. they work like a stop sign by holding the hormones that cause puberty changes like facial hair growth. puberty blockers are safe and can give you more time to figure out what is right for you. >> jesse: vanderbilt university was caught on tape flaunting how much money that they make off of
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these gender reassignment surgeries for children. >> jesse: when you factor in the money, it makes sense why these surgeries are exploding. this was flagged to us but a journalist. listen. >> the demand for transgender surgery has increased by five fold over the past five years. the reproductive capability to be a biological parent has been eliminated. her testes are nonfunctional. in medicine, don't we recommend the removal of nonfunctional organs like an a pen diggs? so avery has to wait until she's
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18 or should older add residents be allowed to have surgery before the age of 18? >> jesse: whatever happened to your daughter just being a tom boy? kids go through phases, too. their brains and bodies have not developed. instead of letting them go through the changes naturally, why are we pushing them to radically expensive surgeries that could cause harm. the transgender complex is out of control. they look at a girl out of sports and say how can wu get you to trade your uterus for a penis? it's not good. joining me now, we have author lisa davis. she wrote a book called "tom boy" and is live with us now. how big of a danger is this and what are they doing? >> well, i think what is happening is you have adults primarily who wish they could have transitioned as children
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who transition later in life. in their minds, they want to save kids from going through the pain that they went through. what is happening is we're conflating a lot of different things. so we're assuming that when a child is nonconfirming or has distress about puberty that medical gender transition is the appropriate response to that. >> jesse: sounds like the most crazy and aggressive answer to that question. what happens if some little girl likes baseball and football and she doesn't like to wear a dress? does that mean she has to go under the knife? is that what is the thinking? >> well, i think there's a lot of misunderstanding about gender on both sides of the aisle. i think that we don't necessarily understand what it means when a child is gender nonconforming. if a child comes out two or
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three years old and is really acting like a member of the opposite sex, performing that gender role, that really happens and often happens around that age. what is happening right now is that this industrial complex you mentioned is assuming that they know what that means, that you can forecast the future of that child from that. and i interviewed about 80 people that had really identical sounding childhoods to me. but wildly different adulthoods. some did transition. they were happy about it. some regret it. many were lesbians and many were not. they were straight people. you can't tell what childhood gender nonconformity means. meanwhile, the bulk of kids who are identifying as transgender were not gender nonconforming as children. that is a totally different group. >> you used a lot of language
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that went over my head. >> sorry. >> jesse: i appreciate you coming on. thanks for joining us. >> you're welcome. >> jesse: kamala harris isn't ready for prime time. turns out she's not ready for late night either. ♪ [school bells] when pain says, “i'm here,” i say, “so are they.” ♪ aleve - who do you take it for?
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ask your doctor about trelegy today. >> jesse: kamala harris is a loose cannon. she can't do major interviews without gaffes or incoherent responses. with mid-terms around the corner, her staff couldn't take any chances. they needed to find a place where nobody would watch her interview and avoid the bad press. enter seth myers. >> i strongly believe in -- the majority of americans agree, nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed, right? [applause] >> jesse: that might be news to the nearly 2,000 people she locked up for cannabis when she was the top cop in
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san francisco. she used to brag about locking up people for small amounts. according to "the new york times," late night comedy is dying and it look like kamala is a nail in the coffin. here she is blaming republican governors for her own border problems. >> talk about political theater, playing games with people's lives. it's an absolute dereliction of duty. if you see a problem and if we agree that we need to address it, then if you're a leader, participate in a solution. >> that's rich. >> jesse: she still has her fierce defenders in the press. here's the dnc -- i mean, the view saying republicans are trying to make her look stupid. >> republicans are laser focused on building the narrative that kamala harris is a bumbling idiot. she's not. she's a brilliant woman that has broken glass feelings and great
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achievements. we have let people criticize the way she laughs, the way she dresses. takes the things she says out of context. >> jesse: we don't have to try that hard. believe me. >> i mean, truly when you -- when you see our kids and i truly believe that they are our children, they're the children of our country, of our communities, i mean, our future is really bright if we prioritize them and therefore prioritize the climate crisis and the need to address it, if we think about our children and prioritizing the need to bring our country together. >> jesse: what? we did some digging because the way kamala speaks reminds us of somebody. >> recent polls have show a fifth of americans can't locate the u.s. on a world map. why do you think this is? >> i personally believe that u.s. americans are unable to do
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so because some people out there in our nation don't have them and i believe that our education like such as in south africa and iraq, everywhere such as and i believe that they should -- our education over here in the u.s. should help the u.s. -- should help south africa and should help our asian countries so we'll be able to build ur future >> thank you very much, south carolina. >> jesse: kayleigh mcenany is the host of "outnumbered." am i being mean, kayleigh? >> no, you're not. you're talking about a vice president that stood in south korea and extolled our partners and went on and looked at the white house transcript. there's a line where it crosses out north because she meant to say south. when you read the line, she read it like a mechanical robot and
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didn't even stumble, didn't question. just went with the script. because she needs to have a script. that's why she does late night television interviews. all of thinks late night television hosts outside of greg gutfeld are the same to me. seth myers asked questions and responded in the same manner as chuck todd or george stephanopoulos, which is a sad indictment of the media, which is why we can have a vice president and make mistakes like that beauty pageant -- >> jesse: poor miss south carolina. what about when she said that trump broke the border and she's fixing it? >> right. that's unbelievable to it. we left a system that was intact. remain in mexico, title 42, the mexican government putting thousands of troops on their northern border because president trump said hey, if you don't do something, i'm going to slap tariffs on you. so they moved.
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they acted. this is somewhat -- that line she had, if you're a leader participate in a solution, she was dispatched to europe to stop the ukraine war. she couldn't do that. dispatched to the southern border 1 time to fix it. couldn't do that. voting rights. the list goes on. her only answer is to blame it on trump. and karine jean-pierre did the same thing from the podium. >> jesse: it looks like democrats want to legalize cannabis federally. you think that will play? >> no. because everyone looking around new york city right now smelling cannabis, by the way, while these crimes are being committed, that's the number 1 priority. our kids, kindergarteners being taught sex in schools unless you're in the state of florida where we passed a law against that. cannabis is not the top of mind of voters. crime and education after that. top of mind. exactly. that was not intentional. we'll go with it. >> jesse: have you seen the new fetterman interview? he has to look on a screen to
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hear what people are saying? will he -- if he's elected, will he carry screens around with him to answer questions from reporters or listen to people testifying at hearings? >> no, of course not. you know, made me -- i was listening to the fetterman interview. i thought about the candidate we faced when president trump was running. joe biden who literally was allowed to sit in a basement. if john fetterman were in any other election, he could have sat in his basement the way our president did, skirted through without these questions being asked and maybe not become a president but become a senator. what worries me when this guy was lucid and completely healthy, he was still letting murderers out of jail. so it wasn't good when he had his cognizance there and clearly now he's not capable of being a united states senator like our president not capable of being commander-in-chief but he made it through thanks to covid in
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the basement. >> jesse: well, even fetterman after the stroke still makes more sense than kamala harris. maybe not miss teen u.s.a. south carolina but he does make more sense than the vice president. kayleigh, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: kayleigh just reminded me of something. i can not walk out in to midtown manhattan, the upper east side, especially downtown without smelling the pungent fumes of cannabis. all different strains from all different places. it does relax you. but it almost relaxes you too much. they've just opened up a cannabis shop right next to my apartment across from a church and across from a kindergarten. i don't know what this world is coming to, but i did not see this coming. i'll pull it like that. let's do some text messages. mike from florida seas hey, j-dog, what's up? i heard biden was the first man in space.
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that's true. he beat buzz aldrin. beth from oshkosh, wisconsin. can you believe oshkosh is a place? if my kid gets caught plagiarizing a paper, i'm not going to get mad anymore. he could be the next president of the united states. atta boy, johnny. you can do it. kim from tennessee. isn't the reporter that called 911 being harassed? a republican -- should we report him? are we going to be like them? i don't think so. rusty from north carolina, is that unhinged reporter thinks waiting ten minutes for a response is hard, he should try texting you. i've been trying since january to get a text on the show. it's not a child abuse hotline but the phones are jammed. how are you doing? lacy from florida, 63 years old. would still consider myself a tom boy. i'm not changing my gender. you don't have to.
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i'm not going to arm wrestle you. leland from alabama. why did you stop giving johnny away for the day? h.r.? there's multiple complaints from h.r. to h.r. about johnny. i'm just not going to get into it. okay? i'm not allowed to talk about it. tucker is next. dvr us. i'm waters, this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." tulsi gabbard won democratic party's primary ten years ago she won the seat. might be the most liberal out of all 50 states, hawaii. it's a democratic state. has not voted for republican presidential candidate nearly 40 years. if you get elected as a democrat in hawaii it's not exactly
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