tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 11, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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i'm not going to arm wrestle you. leland from alabama. why did you stop giving johnny away for the day? h.r.? there's multiple complaints from h.r. to h.r. about johnny. i'm just not going to get into it. okay? i'm not allowed to talk about it. tucker is next. dvr us. i'm waters, this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." tulsi gabbard won democratic party's primary ten years ago she won the seat. might be the most liberal out of all 50 states, hawaii. it's a democratic state. has not voted for republican presidential candidate nearly 40 years. if you get elected as a democrat in hawaii it's not exactly
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breaking news. i met one tulsi gabbard won the primary and the seat the democratic national party took a deep interest in her and you can see why. a smart, appealing 31-year-old who knew what she believed i could it fluently. she was also an iraq war veteran. tulsi gabbard was near-perfect and they got it. barack obama endorsed her right away. nancy pelosi called her personally and invited tulsi gabbard to speak on the opening night of the democratic national convention in -- and she was sworn in, they named her vice chair of the national party. she had just gotten there. she was vice chair of the dnc. the media played its prescribed role. if nancy pelosi likes it, so do they. farming profile after fawning profile emerged. if you lived in washington, he remembered it very well. the future of the democratic party, tulsi gabbard. casey don't remember, here's a
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selection. >> watch out for the next superstar. >> here we go. >> tulsi gabbard. >> tulsi gabbard is a rising star in this party. tulsi gabbard should be here tonight. we do not have enough young veterans in this party, enough young woman, people of color. >> you are considered a rising star in the democratic party. you had a position of leadership in the democratic national committee. >> her story is tailor-made for hollywood. i half expect natalie portman to be vying for the role. this story is not to be believed. >> tulsi gabbard is going to be the one to watch tonight. >> told c gabbard is a iraq war veteran. yesterday she was promoted to major. she is a rising star. the fact that she's not here for whatever reason. >> in a battle i want her in my trench. >> me too. >> tucker: did you hear that? she is a rising star. hollywood is going to make a movie about her. i want her in my trench.
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it's pretty hard to believe now that was the absolute consensus among democratic party sycophants until 2016. in 2016s of by command from above, the fawning stopped abruptly, replaced by silence and then howls of scorn rage. what happened in 2016? donald trump was elected president. a few days later, displaying the independence of spirit the democrats claim to love in young women but actually despise more than anything, tulsi gabbard decided to talk to the new president about an issue that she cared about which was u.s. policy toward syria a country that again gabbard was alone in pointing out has an awful lot of christians so maybe we should pay attention. she put it "i felt it was important to take the opportunity to meet with president-elect. now before the drumbeats of war that neocons up and beating drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the syrian government." you can't say that in washington. maybe she didn't know. they told her stopped.
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let the adults do it but gabbard didn't seem to care. she went personally to syria. she was a member of congress. you can do that. in short it to see conditions for sale. and then while she was there she met with the syrian president bashar al-assad. that was it. it was over. whether tulsi gabbard knew it or not, her career as a rising star within the democratic party came to a complete abrupt and final halt. she had done the one thing you're not allowed to do, committed the one unforgivable sin which was to question permit washington's foreign policy. you can't do that and everyone knows it. if you look around you can see that no one does do it. they always tell you how radical sandy cord as is, rashida tlaib. would they do that? no. aoc may be a socialist but in the end, she is with the crystal lenses cheney on team raytheon. she does not cross that line because she's not allowed to. tulsi gabbard is someone who had served in the military, elected
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member of congress. decided why shouldn't i say what i think. that's what she did. for doing that, overnight, her fellow democrats accused tulsi gabbard, the combat at her and you'd want in your foxhole, of committing treason against the country she was serving. hillary clinton went even farther than that, speaking of conspiracy nuts, she claimed the russians were grooming tulsi gabbard as some kind of manchurian candidate. do you want to listen to lunacy? listen to this. >> i'm not making any predictions but i think they have got there i had someone currently in the democrat of primary and they are grooming her to be a third-party candidate. she's a favorite of the russian. >> tucker: was she a crisis actor? what a lunatic. no one noticed because everyone was seeing it. the "l.a. times" which at one point was an actual newspaper accused tulsi gabbard of quote talking like a russian
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asset, media spy. so the years went by and tulsi gabbard decided to run for president. still as a democrat as she had been in her entire time in congress. she had always been a democrat. advised her of the dnc. she wound up in a presidential debate in october of 2019 and she responded to this. watch. >> "new york times" and cnn have also smeared veterans like myself for calling for an end to this regime change. today's ago "the new york times" put out an article saying that i am a russian asset and the sod apologist and all these differe. this morning cnn commentator said i am an asset of russia. completely despicable. as president, i will end these regime change wars by doing two things. ending that draconian sanctions that are really a modern-day sears the likes of which we are seeing saudi arabia wage against
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llama that have caused tens and thousands of syrian civilians to die and starve and i would make sure that we stop supporting terrorists like al qaeda in syria who have been the ground force in this ongoing regime change war. >> tucker: they called her a russian asset. that slur is so common that we don't really think about it. this is a transparently patriotic person, elected number of congress serving in the u.s. army who was also by the way one of the nicest people in all of washington who is making traditionally liberal points about war. not that all wars are bad or war is never necessary. she's participated in wars personally. she was merely saying and has said dozens of times on television that wars that don't benefit the united states are probably a bad idea for us to engage in. that's all she said. and for that, she was run out of town. why is that?
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why is it such an acceptable thing to say? there is a pattern here. certain people do benefit from wars and they want more so three years after that debate another u.s. funded regime change war is underway and that is exactly what's happening. this time our stated goal is removing not some third world dictator who might have wmd but removing a guy who was the world's largest nuclear stockpile. 6300 nuclear warheads. vladimir putin. once again because tulsi gabbard has questioned the wisdom of this complete lunacy, democrats are accusing her of working for vladimir putin. so if you want to know what the democratic party actually believes, don't listen to what they say. oh, we want empowered women of color who are also veterans. no they don't. they want people who support regime change wars. that's their redline. that's one thing they will brook no dissent on whatsoever. they don't care what you think about it. they don't want to debate you
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wanted. if you disagree or ask questions, they go right to trader. today tulsi gabbard did what is probably inevitable and probably has been since 2016. she left her own party, the democratic party. don't have to guess as to why because she explained it in some detail. pleases and carefully to this because it's inspiring and interesting. and she didn't on the new podcast called the tulsi gabbard children watch or she is. >> can no longer remain in today's democratic party. it's under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness who divide us by racializing every issue and stoking antiwhite racism. who actively work to undermine our god-given freedoms enshrined in our constitution and who are hostile to people of faith and spirituality. who demonized the police, protect criminals the expense of law-abiding americans, who believe in open borders, who weaponize the national security
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state to go after their political opponents and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war. these are some of the main reasons i'm leaving the democratic party. >> tucker: keep in mind until today this was a registered democrat, officeholder, standard-bearer of the democratic party, the future of the democratic party. from the country's most liberal state. this was a liberal democrat. did you hear that? is there a single word you disagree with? is there a single word that the republican who represents you who you send money to a new boat forward repeat in public. until yesterday a member of the democratic party. saying things an overwhelming majority of republican voters believe but a small minority of republican officeholders say out loud because it's too scary. it tells you so much. tulsi gabbard joins us tonight we are happy she is with us. thank you for coming on. that was quite a statement.
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i'm listening to this and thinking we have republicans on the show from time to time and they don't put it as clearly and bravely as you do. you've been in this party a long time? you were its future. he left. it's got to be kind of a fraud moment. >> tucker, as you know, i've always been an independent minded person. democrat yes but independent democrat. my loyalties are very clear. i love our country and i took an oath as a service member, as a soldier, as well as a member of congress to support and defend the constitution. that's an oath i take extremely seriously. when you look at this party, today's democratic party, controlled by fanatical ideologues who hate freedom. they despise the constitution. they actively find ways to undermine our god-given rights enshrined in the constitution like freedom of speech. if you see something and i say something that they don't like,
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instead of saying you know what, agree to disagree, live and let live, the traditional liberalist kind of way, no. that's not good enough. they will do all they can to destroy you, silence you, smear with you, work with big tech, corporate media to actively destroy anyone who dares even question their agenda. they are against freedom of religion. they are hostile towards people of faith, people who have their own spiritual practice, especially christians finding ways to be vindictive, to discriminate, to punish people who have been to exercise that freedom of religion. the list goes on and on but the foundation of freedom is really what was at the heart of my making this decision that i cannot be a member of the party that is against freedom and actively trying to undermine it. >> tucker: inspiring to hear that but also disappointing. if you like printing out your words and asking every republican candidate comes on the show to read them if you can read them i'm not voting for
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you. why is it so hard to say out loud first of all the people always talking about racism are committing it. why is that so hard for people to acknowledge. it's so obvious. >> it speaks to the whole environment of fear that those in power, the elitists and power have fomented to where people are afraid to speak the truth. they are afraid to exercise their right to free speech because you might lose your job. you might be canceled. you might be trashed. god forbid in washington you might not be invited to the cool kids parties. you might not be as popular. this is really what it comes down to. rather than taking a stand for peace, prosperity, security and freedom of the american people, we have too many people in washington who are warmongers subservient to the military-industrial complex and continuing to put their own selfish interests, the interests of their donors first with no mind for the cost and consequence that their decisions have on the american people. this is exactly what we are
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seeing right now with president biden and leaders in congress whose decisions are actively pushing us to the brink of a nuclear holocaust of which they may have their bunkers where they will be safe that we the american people will have no shelter, no place to go, no place to hide. face the consequences that could destroy all of humanity in the world as we know it. >> tucker: you are the first person i heard say that in february when this all started. >> it's why i ran for president. >> tucker: it turns out you are absolutely right. since you did serve herschel many years in t the has anyone called you, former colleagues, democrats to say anything to y you? >> one got in touch with me and sent me a text message with three thumbs up. >> tucker: [laughs] i would love to know that is. i'm glad you're influencing people. tulsi gabbard, i'm not going to
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ask you what you're doing next. we will all watch. hope you will come back on the show. >> looking forward to it. >> tucker: it's been a couple months but you can hear it in the back of your head. this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. if you don't get the covid vaccine you are immoral. then we found out the covid vaccine doesn't prevent the transmission of covid. huh. even pfizer doesn't deny that. they knew that. we know it because one of the executives made a stunning admission about it. not beating a dead horse here. it's kind of important. we've got details just ahead.
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>> tucker: well, even the zombies in brooklyn aren't defending tony fauci anymore. it wasn't that long ago he was in charge of everything when he was he told us repeatedly that if you get the covid vaccine you're not going to get covid. we know that we are quoting. you become a dead-end for the virus, said tony fauci and so widely accepted was that statement that twitter band anyone who disagreed with it or question the part of its misinformation policy. it became clear it was misinformation because of course you can get covid and pass it on
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if you've had the shot. in fact they shouldn't be surprising because pfizer, which made the vaccine, never even tested to see if it prevented the transmission of covid. what? you think they would know that since tony fauci had everyone in the u.s. government and everyone in school and on television and morning joe and all the rest of them knew for a fact that pfizer didn't even know and we know that because pfizer executive answered questions on monday. >> the pfizer covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? >if not, please say it clearly. if yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee? and i really want a straight answer, yes or no. i am looking forward to it. thank you very much. >> regarding the question, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?
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no. we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. >> tucker: the speed of science. that's the speed at which you're moving too fast to do science and you just sort of hope for the best and yell at anyone who disagree with you. rob rose is the man that you just saw on tape. he's a conservative member of the european parliament from the no events. we are grateful to have them on tonight. thanks for coming on. did you know the answer to that question when you asked of them are you shocked what she said? >> good evening, tucker. it really was a special moment. for the first time it pfizer admitted the vaccine was not tested on stopping the transmission of the virus when it entered the market. this has massive implications. governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated by telling them,
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telling you to do it for your grandmother. perfectly healthy young people into taking this jab using false arguments. they used big words such as antisocial to solve an immense hatred against people who refused to comply with the government's wishes. even worse, many governments including mine actually introduced so-called covid passports. these passports made access to parts of society conditional. those who do not wish to get vaccinated. access, not being able to visit a restaurant or a gym in the name of public health. our government slugs talk about institutional discrimination but this was real institutional discrimination. in many countries, like the u.s. and italy, vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business because they stood by their
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principles. austria even had a locked down for the unvaccinated because of this reason. the government literally imprisoned people within their own homes. all of this was based on the idea that vaccination helped prevent the spread of the virus. otherwise why should people out of society? this has now proven to be a big lie. even the president of -- for international development market of pfizer admits there was no scientific basis to say vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus. i find this one of the biggest scandals of our time. the politicians responsible for this will be angry that people are looking back at this time, but i won't forget what they did to millions of people and if we are a democracy, we should have accountability, and that's what i'm calling for. >> tucker: yes. by the way, pfizer knew this, none of its executives bothered
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to correct these politicians and yet no pfizer executive has been charged with the crime they committed, which is pretty unbelievable. i wish we had more politicians like you in washington. thank you for coming on. we are grateful. >> thank you very much. have a good evening. >> tucker: thank you. biden announced at a fund-raiser the other night, not to you on television but to his donors. by the way, we are on the brink of nuclear armageddon. [laughs] not a big deal. what? did you know that? okay. we've got more on that next
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- [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. and all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application. that easy. has helped businesses like yours claim over $1 billion in payroll tax refunds. but it's only available for a limited time. go to powered by innovation refunds.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. it's hurricane season. we've already seen some incredible devastation. many people find themselves in different kinds of storms in life. and we need an anchor to hang onto in these storms. the anchor that we need is jesus christ. he said, "i'll never leave you, or forsake you, and if we put our faith and trust in him, we know that he will take us through the storms of this life all the way to heaven one day where we'll spend eternity with him. god sent jesus christ to this earth to save us from our sins. he took our sins to a cross where he shed his blood and died and was buried, and on the third day, god raised him to life. would you like to invite him to come into your life and be the anchor of your soul? you can do that by praying this prayer with me right now.
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just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe that jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you. >> tucker: joe biden was at dinner with donors the other night no doubt talking about trans rights and how vitally important it is to get equity at the federal reserve when he dropped the observation we are pretty close to nuclear armageddon. [laughs] we could all die. you, your kids, the grandkids you don't yet have, all dead. all humanity gone. kind of a headline?
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no! not in this country. the media know their job which is to cheer on the war until he gets to the point of nuclear armageddon. msnbc is super excited because all the celebrities are for it. ukraine's drone army has a celebrity endorsement. watch. >> zelenskyy has been doubling down on his p.r. savvy, leveraging the soft power of his now huge global celebrity status. some of his newfound friends to bring more attention to the ukrainian cause. one such newfound friend? jedi master and veteran freedom fighter mark hamill. yes, i kid you not. luke skywalker himself, the tattooing farm boy who shot a torpedo into a exhaust pipe to destroy the first death star. pardon my momentary detour. drastbasically what they were wg
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to do was become a so-called ambassador, glorified word for the representative of their army of drones. >> tucker: save that tape. if we survive, we will look at it. that is what peak insanity looks like in the craziest of all is zelenskyy who literally called for nuclear strikes on russia which is more nuclear warheads in any country on the planet when i want to take crimea. what does that have to do with the russian invasion? it is getting super, super grazing and life on the planet is endangered by that. maybe we should note that. maybe you should know. glenn greenwald has said this before. he's an independent journalist. he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. i don't want in any way my opinions to be seen as a challenge, the intellectual hegemony of the surviving "star wars" cast but nuclear armageddon seems like something we should be talking about, no? >> yeah, i mean, it would seem like it would be a topic worth mentioning when the president of the united states.
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her any time since the cuban -- the united states. very close. minutes away. from destroying the planet and all life on it through nuclear annihilation and the question i have, tucker and it's a question we've been asking since this all began in before, if you're going to go to a war, get involved in a war, as the united states undoubtedly is in ukraine, what is the reason to risk tens of billions of dollars and in this case a possible nuclear exchange? are there really people in the united states... eastern ukraine which 99.9% of americans couldn't name because they shouldn't because it doesn't matter to them. the question, is it so vital in pressing to your lives that it's worth the risk of nuclear war in order to fight russia over it? it's worth it to russia.
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it's right on the side of the border. why is it worth it to the united states? >> tucker: that's a really great question. you're not allowed to ask it. during the cuban missile crisis in 1962, most americans were aware of the steaks and how close we were. you think most americans have any idea how close we are now? >> how we can have any idea of how close we are when even when the president comes out and says it, they just continue to ignore that and emotionally manipulate the public. >> tucker: yeah. glenn greenwald from rio. the audio cutout. want to bring you a story you may not be aware of as well and that is that some prominent republicans in washington actually don't want to end in november. seems really important to you, maybe the future of the country but some of them are actively trying to lose. mitt romney is one of them.
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he is working against his fellow utah republican senator mike lee in his reelection campaign. it seems like a big story. it's not getting a ton of coverage. senator mike lee joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. your race. i haven't been paying attention but i started reading about it. you're being painted as some sort of dangerous extremist. you are not. you have your fellow utah republican senator working against you. how did this happen? >> he's explained that he's got two friends in this race. when he first told me that, my reaction was who is the other friend? wants to remain neutral. i understand it and i respected. here's what's going on, my opponent is a democrat running in disguise. i understand the commitment made by my colleague and i work with him, i like him. here's the deal. i don't think mitt romney wants chuck schumer to continue to be the senate majority leader. if i am right on that, he needs to get on board because that's
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exactly what he'll be producing. that's exactly what it will lead to. if utah gets tricked into electing evan on, a closeted democrat into the united states senate, as soon as mitt romney is ready, i will eagerly accept his endorsement. go to and make donations to my campaign. based on this idea that he is going to defeat me and help perpetuate the democratic majority. >> tucker: maybe you don't want to say this or you're not aware of it. i believe it's true that members of mitt romney's immediate family, his nuclear family are actively helping mcmullen against you. is it possible to call mitt romney who i know you've known probably your whole life and say please, like, there's a lot at stake here. >> i have asked him. i am asking him here again tonight right now. if you would like to protect the
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republican majority, give us any chance of seizing the republican majority once again, getting it away from the democrats who are facilitating this massive spending spree, massive inflationary binge, please get on board, help me win reelection. help us do that. you can get your entire family to donate to me through i would invite your viewers to do the same. it's a race getting closer and closer. evan mcmullin continues to raise millions of dollars from progressive donors nationwide hell-bent on placing me with evan mcmullin. >> tucker: do you think the voters of utah understand how fervently evan mcmullin's donors hate the values of the state of utah? for real. not about tax raises. do you think your voters get back? >> i don't. the local media in utah is complicit. they want evan mcmullin to win for that reason.
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they are refusing to ask policy questions. they allow him to engage in ad hominem attacks on me notwithstanding that he claims to be campaigning on this platform of civility which is laughable. they never make him answer any actual policy questions. i think a lot of utah ones are beating -- are being duped and fooled. the tacit assistance of my republican colleague from utah. all 48 of my other republican colleagues are on board with me, have supported me in my campaign and of interest me. it's not too late, mitt. you can join the party. i welcome you to do though because otherwise you'll be stuck with two more years of chuck schumer being the leader and two more years of joe biden having unfettered rule over the united states senate. without any republican backstop. >> tucker: this is a guy who marched with black lives matter which hates nuclear family and endorse riots.
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like, i think he's gone insane. my view, not yours. senator mike lee, i appreciate you coming on. amazing story we were not aware of. thank you. the first thing y you here if yu complain about illegal immigration, shut up, illegal aliens have a lower crime rates than you do. that's not true. like a lot of things they say it's a flat out lying we have the numbers to prove it. straight ahead.
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best music of his life in the last part of his life. you can hear the frailty. you can hear the fact that he knew he was broken. he wasn't going to be able to get back up in many ways. you can hear that in his voice. there is something else there. you can hear the tenacity. you can hear the endurance. you can hear the almost preternatural strength it was rising in him to continue his creativity. he lost his eyesight in the last part of his life. yes, a lot of it was brought on by his own nature. but the way he lived while he was dying was a testament to the human spirit. and so i carry that with me. it's really -- it all comes back around to his faith. he had that sense of peace. for one thing, it's like, he was
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never angry with god. one of his favorite books from the bible was the book of job. like unto job, dan was surrounded by loss. loss of his brother when he was a child, loss of his life towards the end of his life. something that devastated him that he never got over. he never cursed god for that. he always -- i think he had a sense of peace and understanding that this was grace. this was life. he didn't mean that we didn't go without struggles. that we didn't go without pain. we live on a fallen plane. he had a way of showing that kindness and that love and that connection with the spirit to everyone in his life. >> tucker: how he lived while he was dying revealed how he lives. you can see the hole interview.
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in the after math of hurricane ian, governor ron desantis arrested looters. >> four lueders arrested a couple days ago. they need to be brought to justice and we're not going to tolerate it. three of the four are illegal aliens. these are people that are foreigners. there legally in our country and not only that they tried to loot and ransack in the aftermath of a natural disaster. >> tucker: you come to the country illegally, then you start stealing when you get here? it's too much. how common is this? it's insulting in addition to everything else. we don't really know because most states do not identify illegal aliens they are arr arrested. so you don't know how often they commit crimes. there is a point, a political
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point. new analysis looked more deeply into it we can tell you the results. illegal immigrants in texas for example "appeared to be convicted of crimes such as homicide, sexual assault and kidnapping at higher rates than the state average." in one recent year the homicide conviction rate for illegals in texas was 3.3 from 100,000. it was much higher than the state's overall rate, 2.9. these are meaningful numbers and their demolish the talking point it's often thrown at you. we have the lead researcher on this. thanks for coming on. how did you find these numbers which have been hidden? >> a number of studies have been done by the cato institute and then repeated by "the washington post." a "new york times" debunking the notion illegal immigrants commit any crime for that matter. i was curious, my lead authors were curious as well estimate the actual data said. we found out that the data was
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being absolutely misrepresented. they claimed native born americans can be compared apples to apples to illegal immigrants. texas doesn't collect data on native-born americans. that's in some other category which includes unidentified illegal immigrants. every year especially in serious crime categories, texas keeps finding more illegals in its prisons that weren't identified initially upon arrest. more and more illegals amongst the victor collinson texas when texas goes back and checks on people's immigration status. >> tucker: the cato study was a lie and yet as you said it was weaponized immediately by the usual wires to shout down anyone who said maybe we shouldn't have open borders. >> absolutely. it was a mischaracterization. it used to be a -- used to be entitled to your own opinions but now you're entitled to your own facts and not your own opinions.
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one of these lies gets halfway around the rail before we get our pants on with the truth and that's where we stand on illegal immigration and crime. a study by the university of wisconsin agreed with the analysis except it mischaracterized more data about illegal immigrants and what texas collects. we spoke to the texas department of public safety at length and got the original date of the used and it just doesn't say what they said it says. it doesn't include that categories they represent in their papers. >> tucker: that make sense the people were willing to immigration law would break other laws. most normal people would not break immigration laws. why don't we sneak into japan. you would say we cannot because it's against the law, right? it takes a certain sort of person to sneak into a country, does it not? >> absolutely. it also takes a certain kind of country to allow people to come in with impunity and not hold them to account. at the end of the day we don't
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know how many people in our prisons, some estimates by the bureau of justice statistics they wanted five prisoners in california is illegal. one in ten in oregon. 9% in massachusetts. we know that they are noncitizens in our prisons. how they got there, why they are still here are questions we need to answer but the only way we can answer those is if we have the truth out there. unfortunately the media and some supposed to research institutions are hell-bent on misleading us because they want to push forward their policy, facts be damned. >> tucker: yeah. it's at pandemic of the unvaccinated. a lot of lying about numbers. i appreciate you getting to the truth. thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: do you remember this guy, the hatchet and mcdonald sky threatening ladies with a hatchet? he's out of jail. he never went to jail. he's back in trouble. we'll tell you how next.
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kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. and all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application. that easy. has helped businesses like yours claim over $1 billion in payroll tax refunds. but it's only available for a limited time. go to powered by innovation refunds. >> tucker: if you were trying to have dinner in mcdonald's in manhattan you may remember the guy that came with a hatchet. nothing happened to him. prosecutorslet him out of jail. but that doesn't mean he stopped being the man he is. matt finn has an update.
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>> this man smashed up a manhunt mcdonald's with an ax. this man was arrested again in brooklyn. 31-year-old michael was arrested sunday. he was allegedly busted spray painting graffiti and stealing a $3500 bike to escape from police. police took him in custody. he was released without bail again yesterday according to sources. last month he was seen on this video terrorizing a mcdonald's with an ax after getting into an altercation. he pointed that ax at an innocent horrified woman inside the mcdonald's. he claims he was defending himself and didn't chop up people because he didn't want
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to. we will keep you updated on the second arrest. >> tucker: he doesn't chop up the people in mcdonald's. he's got that going for him. we have to get in touch with that man and book him on ou show. thank you. we will be back. 8 p.m. tomorrow night. here's sean hannity. >> sean: didn't chop them up because he didn't want to. this is a scare world. thanks, tucker. welcome to "hannity." former congresswoman tulsi gabbard is not the only person leaving the democratic party with a less month until the mid-terms. democrats are memorraging support from the african-american and hispanic community. and indian
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