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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 11, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> sean: unfortunately that's all of the time we have left. thanks for joining us and making this show possible. we hope you will set your dvr to never miss "hannity." for news all the time. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham from the "the ingraham angle." >> laura: i told you to wear pink. >> sean: you told me to wear yellow. >> laura: i sent you an email. >> sean: i haven't had an email for 5 years. >> laura: and the bounce backs get depressing.
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>> sean: i can't just abandon it. >> laura: i love dr. phil. i loved that interview. i was mad i didn't get it. loved watching him. you guys were cute together. >> sean: we're not competitors. we are colleagues. as long as we kick everybody else's ass it's fine. >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." nowhere to hide is the focus of tonight's "angle." we were excited for an hour long interview with president biden but jake tapper only got 15 minutes. that's hardly enough time to cover hunter and the hookers and the foreign policy mess with russia and ukraine.
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last week biden warned of nuclear armageddon. tonight he gave a different assessment. >> do you think putin is a rational actor? >> a rational actor who miscalculated significantly. >> laura: biden contradicted himself. >> i think he thought he was going to be welcomed with open arms. at kyiv he would be welcome. he miscalculated. >> laura: so putin is a rational actor with irrational goals? biden's inability to provide a clear answer is not just a disaster for him politically but it's disturbing and dangerous. no wonder the interview was cut
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short. cnn does have an obligation to release the entire exchange with biden. was any part of this interview edited? any restrictions set by the white house beforehand. biden's shake exchange comeses on the heels of more terrible polling that dim chances for democrats to hold on to powers. biden's approval numbers are the lowest in his presidency. -- and a new report spells more bad news for america under democratic leadership. u.s. crith will only hit 1.6% and next years worse. -- growth. with the real gdp to be 1%.
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the biden administration ignores the truth. they were lying about how things are. >> from the perspective of the united states, i think the united states is doing very well. i remain encouraged the u.s. economy is strong. we continue to have a resilient economy. >> i don't think there will be a recession. if it is it will be slight. >> laura: they need to hit the shuffle board court. america is facing a prolonged period of economic decline. biden's wall street backers are just coming around to the idea that his policies may have spiked inflation. the pro-china globalists would biden-ommics and have that. >> they gave an enormous of debt
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and created a lurch forward and created a bubble. now they are putting on the brakes. we will create a giant lurk backwards. >> laura: is that sophisticate ed analysis? everything biden said was trouble. >> you will get a lot of simulation. >> laura: of course. it was during the 2020 campaign we heard the stunning lack of insight. he has two black eyes for pushing the the esg agenda and another for this post-election comment about biden. >> they are looking for a voice that moderates and not a voice
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that excites. i believe president-elect biden can be that voice of reason. the marketplace is encouraged by having a leader that is more enexclusive. -- inclusive. bring more global harmony. >> laura: how is the marketplace looking now, larry? or do you call this global harmony? biden's economic team were propped up big time by wall street. even the reasonable democrat like jamie diamond got in on the act. in october 2020 he took comfort in the fact that biden was from delaware. he said biden knows a lot of people. he is a uniunifier.
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what is jamie saying now? >> these are very, very serious things that will likely push thes and the world -- europe is already in a recession and will put the u.s. in a recession. >> laura: aren't diamonds supposed to be clear. in 2020 when biden spoke he gave us the platitudes of the left. wall street stick backed him. -- still backed him. they thought it was a good idea to put the economy in the hands of a goofball. >> i want to be clear in making from my getting to know the lea
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leaders. they are reasonable people. i think the longer term picture is still bright. i know the people. i know the culture and i think it's good. >> laura: they were either sucking up to china or sucking up to biden. how long before key members admit they were wrong? they deserve part of the blame. they gave biden cover. the world economy is being flushed down the tilth. -- toilet. all down, down, down. it will be years before losses are made up. many americans may not see a positive swing back in their lifetime. millions of americans could lose their job. a lot of people owe america apologies. the media and the cads on wall street funded him. it will be up to all of us toe
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take our business and our votes elsewhere. that's the "angle." joining me now is ben and monica. and charl ie author of the college scam. ben, the media did help create this biden wrecking ball. it was on full display tonight on cnn. in the wake of the recession that is looming, mid-term wipe out that is coming. the majority of the questions that biden faced were about russia. odd? >> i think one of the things that is so odd about this biden presidency he is behaving like he is a senior member of the senate foreign relations committee. he can spout off with opinions and they don't have to have
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consistency. he can speak off the cuff and he is behaving on someone not concentrating on how bad things are at home. the concerns that americans have with their own retirements, these are all real. cnn doesn't have time to talk about those things. this is like the third time in a row i have been on with you and you made me watch cnn. i need hazard pay. >> laura: i am sorry. monica, here's what biden said he's done for those struggling in the economy he helped destroy. >> there is more than one way to bring down the monthly cost for people who are struggling to
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make sure they have enough money. that's what we did with the inflation reduction act. >> laura: they it are trying to the american people about the state of things today. could from be anything worse begin what we are all facing? >> when president trump handed off the economy to joe biden in january 2021, he gave him the strongest economic recovery from any crisis on record. joe biden and the democrats with control in it washington, d.c. torpedoed this economy. this is all by design. they needed to makeup for the lost time under donald trump. trump was not supposed to be elected. they lost 4 years under donald trump which is why they worked with speed to make up time. what does that mean?
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that means a more collective, neo-communist model to the economy. all of this is deliberate. the american people are suffering. you asked ben why cnn is focussed on russia and the ukraine and not the american people? cnn is a propaganda press that runs cover for this administration and the democrats. the american people are clear this presidency is a catastrophe and they are living it on the ground every day. whether it's rising inflation or gas prices or crime. that bill will come due on november 8th. >> laura: charlie, i mentioned hunter and the hookers in the "angle." tapper got one question in about charges for hunter. >> prosecutors think they have
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enough to charge your son hunter for tax crimes and a false statement about a gun purchase. personally and politically how do you react? >> first i am proud of my son. this is a kid -- not a kid. he's a grown man. he got hooked on drugs. he overcame that and established a new life. i am confident wahe says and does are consistent with what happens. >> laura: squeezed a lot of money out of the chinese and is a hell of a parent. >> i love hisam reaction is auto-pilot -- jake trapper should have asked do you plan on pardoning your son. that's the question that donald trump will get every day.
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in your open, making people live through miserable circumstances is telling them they are not living through miserable circumstances. this administration turned their back on the democrat playbook of the 1990s when bill clinton said i feel your pain. now it's you are not in pain. they are telling people what you are feeling is a good thing. a green energy transition. there will be a massive price to pay in the mid-terms. not just that people are living through circumstances they have never lived before. the administration tells them the opposite and tells them everything is wonderful and live with it. i think there will be a massive political reckoning because of it. for jake tapper, this is the knew what i expected. >> laura: you are raising an excellent point. it's insulting to people. telling families gas is too
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expensive. car pool! or by an expensive electric car. don't travel. you are fine. people are not fine. ben, i want to play an exchange from tonight on the nuclear issue. watch this. >> what the redline for the united states and nato? if he uses tactical nuclear weapons or bombed the power plant in ukraine or anything along those lines? >> there have been discussions but i won't get into that. it would be irresponsible to talk about what we would or would not do. >> you have asked the pentagon to game it out? >> the pentagon didn't have to be asked. >> laura: this pentagon gaming out anything after what they did in afghanistan is terrifying. he threw down the armageddon
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gauntlet and now we can't discuss it. >> it was worse than that exchange. the biden administration has backed off of america's deterrence policy for decades when it comes to any kind of use of nuclear weapons. the prior administration had the effect of delivering the message there would be serious consequences if the nuclear line was crossed. the biden administration is enabling this behavior by increasing the prospects of a nuclear exchange. joe biden has the wrong answer to every foreign policy question he faces. >> laura: thank you.
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up next highway senate candidate wipes the floor with tim ryan and revealed why debates matter. stay there. ohio senate candidat wipes the floor with tim ryan and revealed why debates matter. stay there.
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on the new habit of democrats. it's called ducking debates and giving the performances of those who show up it's not hard to see why. last night in ohio between republican j.d. vance and democratic tim ryan. ryan claims to be a man of the people. he spent his career in public officer making their lives worse. instead of owning up to the lies. >> i have been a natural gas proponent since i was in congress. >> tim ryan just told a big fib. two years ago you supported banning fracking.
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>> laura: bingo. ryan didn't just sellout his constituents on high energy prices but sent their jobs overseas. >> tim ryan, explain why the guy had his congressional district lose tens of thousands of jobs to china. >> laura: tim ryan needed to pull off at that point. that wasn't the most effective take down. there are were more. tim ryan thought he had vance over the ropes over one issue: abortion. after claiming that vance would not support abortion in the rape of a young girl, which is a lie. he refused to explain the
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background of the tragic story. enter vance. >> why was a 10-year-old raped in our state in the first place. they never mention that poor girl was raped by an illegal allen. you voted against border wall funding and if had you had done your job she would have never been raped. do your job on border security -- >> laura: it's not enough to point out the lies. why are the democrats excusing policies that allow this evil to occur in our communities? the time for defensive candidates is over. joining me now is j.d. vance senate candidate in ohio. i didn't get to watch this live. i watched it online. it seemed like you were having fun up there. were you acting?
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i enjoyed it. >> i was definitely having fun. thanks for having me. i listened to 4 months for this guy to tell lies about my record and lies about his record. it was a great opportunity to correct that record and tell the truth about what a complete fraud this guy is. 100% voting with joe biden and nancy pelosi. pretends to be a moderate. i relished the opportunity to get in the ring with him and shake things up. >> laura: he seemed at several points during the debate like hehad to pass a kidney stone. he had an interesting take away. >> by all accounts we won the debate. got a lot of people wanting to support the campaign now. mitch mcconnell gave him $4 million and peter teal 15. it's david versus goliath but we have a good shot to win.
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>> laura: i am trying to figure this out. he is trying to paint himself as an outdoor. -- outsider? [laughing]? >> yes, he tells whopper after whopper. the national democratic party poured tens of million dollars into this race. he runs away from his record and pretends he is a moderate. on his tv commercials you would think he was a right wing conservative because his record is nonexistent. he's been in congress for 20 years and got nothing significant accomplished for his district. he is the porter boy -- poster
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boy of failing. i don't think ohio will fall for it. >> laura: i don't either? >> you showed republicans how to do this. thank you. to illness where their governor spent much of last friday's gubernatorial debate defending his safety act. >> the republicans put out a lot of disinformation. there is no such thing under the safety act. >> one specific change you would make? >> there are clarifications that be can made in the law to make sure that everyone understands -- >> we will move on. >> laura: this was on thursday. let's go through this criminal justice reform package. it abolishes cash bail so criminals are out on the street
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as soon as they are caught. if someone commits a felony and the crime results in someone's death they may not face first degree murder charges. 48% of illness residents expect the bill will increase crime want even though the police support republican bail runs against pritzker, pritzker is expected to lumber to victory. in places where the gop probably won't win, how do they continue on with the fight? one showing how to do this is the mayor of orlandmark, illness and a congressman candidate. your reaction to pritzker casual dismessal of the concerns about this law --
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>> he casually dismissed covid and this. that's his reaction to everything. their is no question about the fact there are offenses here that are non-detainable. they will be released for second degree murder and arson. to keep someone in jail you will have two options. hold them or release them. when people are already being released on basil to put $250 up to get out.ils to put $250 up to get out. it suspends disbelief to believe
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they will keep in jail. >> laura: illness is seeing company after company leaving. boeing and mcdonald's. how is pritzker considered at all for reelection at this point? given what they did during covid. kept the students locked down. the increase in crime and the fact that all of these people are abandoning the state? >> well, you see it nationwide. it's the urban areas that do this. i am running for congress. i have a piece of chicago. we will flip this seat. think you will see several seats in illness flip. my opponent supports all of these policies. the people in my district don't support it. bailey has an outside shot. but he has a chance to win. you will see a lot of state senates and congressional seats
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flip. >> laura: we want you to win, keith. thank you very much. everyone get out there and vote. why did bill gates give 200 million dollars for digital i.d.'s? and a former climate realist will tell us what led to his transformation.
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>> how do you deal with it when people have these ideas? >> i don't know how to get rid of it. simple explanations are fun to click on and they spread. what about tracking people? i don't know why they think i am interested in knowing people's locations. that one i laugh at. >> laura: laugh away. the bill and linda gates foundation are investing 200 million dollars to expand global
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digital public infrastructure? what does that mean? digital i.d.'s. this is concerning. an author says: joining me now is michael author of google, and the simulation of freedom. michael, has there been a greater threat to individual liberty than the promotion of global digital i.d.'s? >> this is one of the most pernicious developments. it represents the greatest fleet to individual liberty.hreat to .
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it keeps a complete record on individuals from the cradle to the grave. it include their vaccine status. it could include their personal carbon foot print and a score for individuals. they could keep adding elements to digital i.d. it's a database about all of your behavior from online and off line behavior, basically everything. >> laura: fortune news supports ga ga gates' donation. they say this is a human right. they will do what they did with covid and masks and stay at home
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and social distancing that was to help you stay safe and this was a new normal. isn't this is a new normal? with safety of the community to justify this? >> yes, there is no worse tyranny than that under taken for our own good. that's what they are trying to position this as. talking about it in terms of inclusion. 1.1 billion people in the world with no identification. this is a means of bringing them into the system. inclusion. we should remember when they speak about inclusion, if you don't have a digital i.d. you can't participate in life. if yours doesn't have the right record like the right vaccine
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status you can't participate in life as well. they always use the term inclusion and shared destiny and all of this. the inverse what have they are saying. >> laura: on this inclusion deal, gates tried to defend his actions back in it 2020. >> our foundation is about reducing death and bringing equity to help. i think we just need to get the truth out there. we need to explain our values so people understand why we are involved in this work. >> laura: michael, this is how he sells? who elected him the mayor of global city? because he is rich he claims he is an expert on everything
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because of mi co -- microsoft. >> he funded projects in india that went badly. they ended up in human rights abuses and exclusions. new york university law school said the digital identity, they rode a digital rode to hell. >> laura: we don't have time tonight but we will get into what china is doing with vaccine passports and they can turn them on and off. michael, great to have you on.
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gates, one of his cause celebs with the injection of green energy. it's warped. it's crippling global energy supplies. we see it and feel it. we are seeing this happen across the eu. the complete destruction of global supplies of energy did not stop the u.n. from urgeing a complete transformation of the global energy system. the policy are not just destroying lives, they are road trip in lies all of them. our next guest was a climate alarmist but now says the movement is a scam. he is the executive direct of the international science climate coalition. you say the only way to get rid of this is to go after the science of climate change. explain. >> exactly. a lot of people will say well,
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canada puts out so little greenhouse gas emissions. the trouble is people argue we have to set an example to the world and be good citizens. they using arguments that the china doubles the emissions of the u.s. but there is no climate crisis. i was an aerospace engineer. i wrote articles about studying the planet helps us understand the earth better. i used the example the run away greenhouse effect on convenience. i -- venus. this could happen on the earth. a local professor liked my article so much he used it in his course on climate change. but he said to the students, that part about venus is wrong.
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what happened on venus can't happen on the earth and explained why. i thought who is this climate change denier? he invited me into the lab and showed me the history they are finding and there was no correlation between carbon dioxide and earth's temperatures. i started wondering, maybe me is right. he exposed me to people who showed me there are thousands of scientists and this book illustrates this. climate change reconsidered. there are thousands of references which talk about the fact there is no foundation to the climate scare. it's based on models that don't work. >> laura: when you hear politico and celebrities, science is
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settled. if science ever settled? >> no. >> laura: we know what h2-0 is. >> this is an immature science. we don't know whether it will warm or cool. people studying the sun so he are headed into a grand solar minimum in '60 and will cool down. the only approach is get ready for it and make our infrastructure hardened and use dependable energy like coal. not to turn off reliable energy for flimsy wind and energy power. i am in based in ottawa.
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they are running an application. it's -- election. they are trying to bring in a climate alarmist as mayor. they have climate activists running the debate. >> laura: it doesn't surprise me it's happening in canada and in the united states. we need fax. -- facts. thanks for this work you are doing. planned parenthood revealed itself to be no better than a creepy guy using candy to lure kids into his fan. we will show you the video. stay there.
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is targeting. puberty can start at age 8 for
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girls. doctor, your response to the planned parenthood push for puberty blockers? >> this morally corrupt video is medically unsafe. it's lureing in vulnerable children pushing puberty blockers on them bypassing their parents. their parents who have the right to be informed of the health and well being of their child. if a patient is struggling with gender, i take a history and physical and recommend therapy. we don't jump to hormones and drugs to lead to surgery. first we recommend psychotherapy with the involvement of the parents. your pre-frontal cortex helps you make rational decisions.
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organizations like planned parenthood want children and even the american academy of pediatrics want children to make decisions on their own. this is not fully developed until you are 21. this is why we don't let children pilot airplanes or drive. they're not mature enough to make these decision that are life altering, but we want to allow them to make decisions on gender decisions at an early age. >> laura: and it can lead toster ility. -- to sterility. a 582% increaz in reported
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gender conforming students. this is absurd? >> this is not a peer review. this is why good doctors recommend first step therapy and counselling. a lot could be anxiety and depression. >> laura: doctor, thank you. great to see you tonight. one moment from biden's interview that we had to save for t"the last bite." you will understand when we come back.
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>> joe has dropped the ball on the economy and he has dropped something else too. >> better position than the other major country the world economically and politically. we passed so much legislation that significantly makes a point
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about, you know, for example, the american rescue plan. legislation to deal with inflation. the inflation act. we've moved along. so much has been accomplished. >> laura: so much has been accomplished. but i need the cards to remember at all. that's it for us tonight. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. we watched so you didn't have to. ♪ ♪ >> greg: here we go. a real treat. you are in for a treat. happy tuesday, yeah. it's october 11, 2022. which means it's time for... if it happens up there, we report down here. >> you are watchin


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