tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 12, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you forpossible joining us and making this show possible. we hope you'll set your dvr so fou never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. and don't forget for news any time, all the time, fox news, .com, hannity, .com. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham. the ingram angle is next. oh wait. i told you to meet you told me to wear yellow . you told me last night i have the tape. you switched it. i say an email. i sent you an email about an hour ago. oh wait. you're on the air. >> i have not email account in five years. what do you. i do know that for i do know that for a fact the facts get very depressing after a while. by the way, the bounce back message uses like their old aol account in the nineties, like i could just abandon it, then somebody will grab it and then some old friend will write a letter five years later, you know,
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well, next time. well, i love dr. phil, by the way. he's got some of that interview. >> i was mad that i didn't get it, but i loved watching him. you guys were cute. you guys working together are not competitors. we're colleagues. as long as we kick everybody else's, that's fine. >> all right. on that note, thank you, hannity. all right. i'm laura ingram . this is ingram angle from washington tonight. nowhere to hide. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> so we were all excited for what we assume would be an hour long sit down interview. rare for joe biden in primetime tonight. but jake tapper, a fairly friendly interviewer, was only able to get fifteen minutes out of our forty six president of the united states . fifteen minutes. this was the big exclusive. i mean, that's hardly enough time to cover hunter in the . well, not to mention the foreign policy mess we're in now. with the russia ukraine conflict. remember, it was only late last week and biden was warning of nuclear armageddon.
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he called it the worst risk since the sixty two cuban missile crisis. but tonight, biden gave a very different assessment of the situation. >> do you think putin is a rational actor? >> i think he is a rational actor who's miscalculates significantly. >> but then biden seemed to contradict himself just moments later. >> i think the speech is his objectives. we're not right. i think he thought, jake. i think he thought he's going to be welcomed with open arms, that this was this has been the home of mother kievan and he was going to be welcomed. >> and i think he just totally miscalculated. well, i'm very confused. so putin is a rational actor with a rational goals. how does that make sense? so biden's inability to provide a cogent, clear answer to an important question that involves the safety of every living american. it's not just disastrous for him politically. it's extremely disturbing, not to mention dangerous.
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no wonder the interview was cut so short. and at that point, cnn does have an obligation, does it not, if there are any questions about this, to release the entire exchange with biden ? was any part of this interview edited any questions off limits, any restrictions set by the white house beforehand? but is very shaky exchange comes on the heels of more terrible polling that was just released, numbers that point to democrats dimming chances of holding on to power . now, this was from reuters tonight. biden's approval numbers remain near the lowest of his presidency. just four weeks until november's election day. and a new imf report also just out spells more bad news for america under democrat leadership. check this out for 2020 two, the imf is projecting that us growth will only hit one point six percent. and for next year, it gets even worse with the real gdp expected to be a pathetic
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one percent, the biden administration just ignores the harsh truth. there are literally lying about how things really are from the perspective of the united states . i think the united states is doing very will i remain encourage the u.s. economy strong. we had an employment report just last friday that shows we continue to have a very resilient economy. >> i don't think there will be a recession. if it is , it will be a very slight recession. okay, they need to hit the shuffleboard court. >> i mean, i america the truth is , is facing a prolonged period of economic klein. and yet biden's wall street backers there somehow just coming around to the idea that some of his policies may have spiked inflation. the pro of globalists wanted by nomics and they got biden nomics, the fed and the government together gave an enormous amount of debt
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and credit and created a lurch forward in a giant lurch forward and created a bubble. okay, and now they're putting on the brakes. okay, so now we're going to create a giant lurch backward. >> is that the sophistic analysis lurch backward? what do you think would happen ? everything biden said on the campaign trail signal trouble, printing money, borrowing money. you're going to have this big fiscal stimulation. >> you're going to get a lot of stimulation. so you just get more than, of course, is during the twenty twenty campaign, we heard the same stunning lack of insight from billionaire larry fink as well, because the blackrock founder has two black eyes, one for pushing the idiotic and destructive esg agenda and another for this post-election comment about biden. they're looking for a voice
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that moderates that a voice that incites, i truly believe, president elect biden can be that voice of reason. the marketplace is encouraged by having a leader now that is more inclusive, a leader that could probably bring a little more global harmony. >> okay, how's that marketplace looking for an allegory or do you call this global harmony? yes, biden and his economic team of nerds and dimwits were propped up by big time by wall street. even the supposed reasonable democrat like jamie dimon, the ceo of jpmorgan, he got in on the act back in october of 2020. he took great comfort in the fact that biden is from delaware, which he described as a pro-business state, adding that i'm hopeful joe biden has been around the block. he knows a lot of people. he's a compromiser, a unifier, in a good way by nature. >> well, what's jamie saying
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two years later? >> and this is serious stuff, okay? this is inflation and it's the war. and these are very, very serious things, which i think are likely to push the u.s. and the world. i mean, europe is already in recession. they're likely to put us in some recession. >> our diamonds are supposed to shine brightly. we really clear . well, in 2020, joe biden was incapable of campaigning. i'm sure jamie saw that. but when biden did speak, he mouthed the platitudes of the left, including all the anti oil and gas nonsense that we've gotten used to. and yet wall street still backed him. they thought it was a good idea to put a twenty three trillion dollar economy in the hands of a doddering goofball. they showered biden, the democrats, with huge campaign contributions. >> i want to be clear in making that from my getting to know the leaders and i don't know, but i know that those around
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that they are reasonable people. i think the longer term picture in china is still bright because i know the people and i know the culture. >> and i think it's good they were either up to china or up to biden or how long will it be before key members of the plutocracy admit they were wrong because they deserve part of the blame here because they gave biden cover. the entire world economy is now being flushed down the toilet. our 401. ks, our home values, savings, all down, down, down. it's going to be years before these losses are made. and for many americans, they may never see a positive swing back in their lifetime. millions of americans could lose their jobs. so a lot of people owe america apologies. the media created the biden wrecking ball because they didn't really ever cover them. and the craven cads on wall street funded him.
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and it'll be up to all of us to take our business and our votes elsewhere. >> and that's the angle. >> joining me now is ben domenic, editor at large for the spectator and fox news contributor monica crowley, former assistant secretary of the treasury, host of the monica crowley podcast, and charlie kurk turning point usa founder and author of the college scam. ben, the media did, of course, helped create this. biden wrecking ball was on full display tonight on cnn. so in the wake of the recession that's looming, the midterm wipeout that's coming, the majority of the questions that biden faced were about russia. khaled? you know, i think one of the things that is so odd about this biden presidency is that he's still behaving as if he's just a senior member of the senate foreign relations committee, as if he just can spout off all the time with his opinions. they can be all over the map. they don't have to have any
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kind of consistency. he can speak off the cuff about things that are of enormous importance to world affairs. and he's also behaving like someone who , frankly, is not concentrating on how bad things have gotten at home. everything that you just outlined there about the way the economy is headed, about the concerns that americans have when it comes to their own pocketbooks, their own 401k as their own retirements. >> these are all very real. and yet, apparently cnn doesn't have time to talk about those things. by the way, laura , this is like the third time in a row i've been on with you and you've made you watch cnn. i'm starting to think i'm sorry . >> this is ridiculous. sorry and i'm sorry, but it's not. but it's it's embarrassing. >> they should be more serious than that. absolutely. all right. well, monica, i preemptively apologize to you as well, because here's what biden says he's done for those struggling in the economy. that he helped destroy. >> watch. there's more than one way to bring down costs, monthly costs for for people who , in fact, are struggling to make sure
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they have. and the ends meet and they have enough money. >> and that's what we've done with inflation reduction at monaca. they continue to lie to the american people about the state of things, about the state of where things really are today. can there be anything worse with given what we're all facing? >> you know, laura , when president trump handed off the economy to joe biden in january of 2020 one , he gave him the strongest economic recovery from any crisis on record. gas was about a buck 90 a gallon. and inflation was little to nonexistent and joe biden. and the democrats with unified control in washington, d.c., deliberately tore this economy . this is not incompetence. this is not by mistake. this is all by design. they needed to make up for the lost time under donald trump for years. remember, trump was not supposed to be elected then last four years under donald trump, which is why they have worked with all deliberate speed in order to make up time.
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and what does that mean? that means a more collectivist neo communist kind of model to the economy. central planning. all of this is deliberate and the american people are suffering the consequences of this. us , then, about why cnn is focused on russia and ukraine and not the subjects that matter to the american people. it's obviously that cnn and the propaganda press continue to run cover for this administration and the democrats. but you know what, laura ? the american people are crystal clear that this presidency is an historic trophy. they are living this catastrophe on the ground every day, whether it's rising inflation, gas prices or whether it's catastrophic crime. and that bill is going to come due on november eight . well, charlie, i mentioned hunter and the in angle. well, tapper did get one question in about potential charges for hunter watch. >> prosecutors saying
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they could they have enough to charge your son, hunter, for tax crimes and a false statement about a gun purchase. >> personally, and politically . >> how do you react to that? well, first of all, i'm proud of my son. this is a kid who got not a kid. he's a grown man. he got hooked on like many families that had happened, who hooked on drugs. he's overcome that. he's established a new life. he is . i'm confident that he is . what says and does are consistent with what happens. >> charlie, he squeezed a lot of money out of the chinese and as a hell of a painter. your reaction? yeah, i just love how his automatic reaction is autopilot reaction. well, you know, i'm proud of him. you know, if if jake tapper really wanted to get an honest question and you should ask joe biden, do you plan on pardoning your son, that would have been a real honest question of like, hey, that's the question that donald trump get . i don't know, every single day the last couple of years of his presidency. one of the thing about your open and terrific job,
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laura , that made me think is the only thing about making people lives through miserable circumstances is telling people they're not living through miserable circumstances. i can't believe that this administration is they've totally turned their back on the democrat playbook. of the 1990s when bill clinton would say, i feel your pain now, it's like actually you're not in pain. doesn't matter that you're paying higher for more for gas ,for gas or for groceries or for everyday goods. now, they're intentionally telling people that what you're feeling is actually a really good thing, a green energy transition. and i have to believe, laura , there's going to be a massive price to pay this midterm election, that it's not just that people are living through circumstances they've never lived before, but the administration tells them the exact opposite and tells them everything is wonderful and just live with it. and i think there's going to be a massive political reckoning because of it. and for jake tapper, i thought this interview was exactly what i would have expected him to do. >> now, i think i think you're raising an excellent point. it's just insulting to people that it's basically telling
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people, families, well, the gas is too expensive. >> car pool, that's all. or go buy an expensive electric car , carpool or drive or don't have as much fun or don't travel. i mean, you're fine. people aren't fine. ben, i want to play an exchange from tonight on the nuclear issue. >> watch this. what is the red line for the united states and nato ? and have you directed the pentagon and other agencies to game out what a response would be if we did use a tactical nuclear weapon or if he bombed the zapara nuclear power plant in ukraine or anything along those lines? >> there's been discussions on that, but i'm not going to argue that it irresponsible made us talk about what we would or wouldn't do. >> have you asked the pentagon, is it to game it out, though? >> i mean, just in case the pentagon didn't have to be asked? >> okay, ben, first of all, this pentagon gaming out anything after what they did in afghanistan is terrifying. in and of itself. but second of all, he's the one who threw down the armageddon gantlet last week. and now it's like, well, we
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can't discuss this. >> so which is it? well, i think i think it's even worse than what was led on by that exchange, because what we know from a lot of other reporting is that the biden administration has basically backed off of america's deterrence policy that it's had for decades now when it comes to any kind of use of nuclear weapons. and one thing that i think that we should understand about the value of the kind of you purportedly irresponsible fire and fury talk that came from the prior administration is that it did have its effect of delivering the message that there would be serious consequences if the nuclear line was crossed. i think instead this biden administration is enabling this type of behavior by behaving weak and by behaving in a way that i frankly think is inviting and increasing the prospects of a nuclear exchange. it's totally irresponsible, but it's totally consistent with the joe biden approach, as bob gates said, of having the wrong answer to every single foreign policy question that he faced throughout his entire career. >> never gets it right.
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panel, thank you. and up next, ohio republican senate candidate j.d. vance absolutely wiped the floor with the faux populist democrat tim ryan last night. but more importantly, he revealed why debates do matter and why america first mindset matters and why it works. he's here next. >> he'll explain. stay there. what we don't account for are the monsters who expect that there's nobody until so many of the girls were missing. i heard somebody walking. three girls were killed. but, you know, there's not one councilor who wouldn't give up their life if they knew what was going on . it was just assumed he was guilty. he was a shape shifter. he had the help of charity magic. there were three caves
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to five seven five five three five one . >> over the past few months, we've been reporting on the new habit of democrats. it's called ducking debatesbaten and given the performance of those who do show up, it's not hard to see why take last b night's debate in ohio between republican j.d. vance and democrat foe congressman populist tim ryan .d democratic tim ryan. ryan claims to be a ryan claims to be , of course,. a man of the people, but her in spent an entire career in public office making their lives worse instead of owning uinsteaing upp to it, he. >> i've been a natural gas proponent since i've been in congress. >> tim ryan just told a big fib. he said he supported ohio's natural gas industry and he's always done so. and yet tim ryan , whengress.n e president , was it two years ago you supported banning fracking? both on public lands and generally speaking, bengoa ,ryan might like gas, but that's only because he usually sounds like a gas bag and he
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hasn't just sold out his constituents over high energy prices. he sat idly by while their jobs have been shipped overseas. >> tim ryan represents a congressional district that has lost 50 thousand jobs justhh in his time in office. i'nergd like tim ryan to lecture on my business background a little bit less and maybe explai n why the guy who's the biggest fighter of china had his own congressional district lose tens of thousands of good manufacturing jobs todi chinstria. >> just in your time. and i can i can i can. tim ryan needed to pull outpull another pull up at that point. t i mean, that's how you do it,e t though. but that wasn't just the most effective takedown of the night . y more .tim an at one point, tim ryan thought they had over the ropes over one issue that the democrats put above all othersopes. tion >> of course, i'm talking about abortion now after claiming that vance wouldn'r clt supportr of ation in the case otif the f a young girl, which is a lie, he refused to explain the background behind the tragic story he used.n th
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>> enter vance. why was a 10 year old girl in our community, in our state in e the first place? the thing the media and congressman ryan talk about. this all the time. >> the thing they nevertion t mentioned is that poor girl wasn by an illegal alien . >> you voted so many timeslen. against border wall funding, so many times for amnesty. tim, if you had done your job, b she would have never been in the first place. >> do your job on border security. r >> don't lecture me about opinions i don't actually have. do. t temizlik i buy a vowel. it's not just enough, though,oto to point out the lies. all republicans need to explains why it is the democrats who ares excusing policies that allow all this evil to occur in our communities. the time for defensive candidates. it's over. joining me now, jd vance, gop se senate candidate in ohio. chadi, i didn't get to watch this live. i had to watch it onlinei wa.tce it seemed like you wer but it seemed like you are actually having fun up there. upwere you just acting or were you actually , you seem to be enjoying it and i certainlyio
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enjoy it. >> it was awesome.efin yeah, i waitels definitely havie fun. i laura , thank you for havingnths me. i mean, i was in f foror four months this tell lies about my own record , tell lies about his record and i just reallyd tl thought it was a greatut opportunity to actually correct that record and tell the truth about what a complete fraud this guy is . i mean, again, 100% voting j with joe biden and nancy pelosic pretends he's a sensible moderatey .. t it just doesn't hold up to r scrutiny. so i definitely relish the opportunity to get in the ringing wi with a little bit and actually shake things up. >> yeah, he seemed several points during the during the debate, like he had to pass a kidney stone or something. you look very uncomfortable. and he had an interesting takeaway, though, from away. the debate. >> watch this. by all accounts,>> b he won the debate. and , you know, we'vbatee got a of people wanting to help and support the campaign. now, mitch mcconnell in him forty million bucks. peter thiel gave him fifteen. we're out here and it's 15. david versus goliath. but i think we got a really, really good shot to win thiso
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thing. >> did i am trying to figure this out. he's trying to paint t himself as an outsider in the race. >> is that what he just said? >> yeah, that's his whole shtick.[laughing]? >> yes, he of course, he just tells whopper after whopper. he doesn't tell, of course, of the national democratic party has poured tens of millions of aldollars into this race that they've consistently tried to define. this guylion dollars in a way ws away from his record and again pretends that he's a moderate, even imagin conservative media.a watch this guy's tv commercials. laura , you would think that he was a right wing republican because he knows his record of achievement is nonexistent. and this is one of the argumentights they try to hammer home yesterday, laura , at the debate, the substantive disagreements between meex and tim are less significant than the fact thatistentn in hen congress for twenty years sid he's got nothing significant for his congressional district. he is the poster boy of a failed establishment elite that tries to fail upward, get promotions for having
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failed at their basic job.ling. i don't think those of us in ohio are going to fall or no,ra i don't either. >> and again, itdoeither reall? republicans how to do this jadi and invaluable service. >> thank you. now to illinois, whereank you.oo governor j.b. pritzker, the human dirigible, spent most of much of las ot friday'ss gubernatorial debate defending his controversial safety act. >> the republicans have put out a lot of misinformation. n there's no such thing under the safety act is not an detainable fence's willing to>>e answer the question. >> one specific change youcifiot would c , i think there are clarifications that can be made in the law to make sure that>> w everyone understands what this law is and to move on .: this this was w on thursday. but maybe let's go through what. paage is really all about.rm first, it's going to abolish cash bail in illinois starting january 1st. meaning criminals will be outasa on the street as soon as they're caught. police s can now be investigated by someone lobbing an anonymous
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complaint against a police officer. i'm sure that's never going to be abused. right. and if someone commits a felony like a robbery, burglary, sexual assault and the crime results in someone's death, they may not have to face firstf degree murder charges. isn't that lovely? according tourde a new poll, nee 48 percent of illinois residents expect the bill will increase crime. and even though the police ve support republican dan bailey is running against pritzker because he would appeal it,pr pritzker is expected to lumber to victory. o victory. so in places where the gop probably won't win, there could always win, but probably won't.d onw can they continue on with this fight? well, one of the leadersght? showing how to do this is keitho peacock. dis the mayor of overland park, illinois, and a congressional candidate. mayor, great to see you tonight. your reaction to pritzkeurr is casual dismissal of the concerns about this law? >> well, thank you for havingab me, laura .is
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and governor pritzker casually dismiss covid. he casually dismisses thisd because that's his reaction to everything. he doesn't th actually tacklethei serious problems. and there's no question abour t the fact that there are there te are offenses here that are thatdetainable unless very specific criteria are met. so they are going to be required to be released for things non-detai like second del murder, for arson, ford fo aggravated assault, for aggravated discharge of a weapon. they're going be required to be released. and that to keep someone in jail, you're basically going to have two two options. hem or >> you're going to be able to either hold them or release them. now, when people are already farag for offenses, that fallreo in that category, are being released on bail, that they have to put two hundredut and fifty cash up to get out. do you think a judge let someone leave for two hundred $50 cash is going to keep them t or release them? >> i think it suspends disbelief to believe that they'll keep them in jail. >> oh, i have to say, what i don't understand about this pritzker bailey race in illinois is seeing company after company leave rightjail
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leaving. and we have boeing, mcdonald's, all these companie seeins thinking about leaving are leaving. priz >>ke how is j.b. pritzker even a seriously considered at all fore reelection at this point, given what they did during covid? >> they kept the studentsease locked down, the increase inn crime and thcrime and the fact t all these people are abandoning the state, how does he evenabani how is even even thought tong be reelected? >> well, i think you see it nationwide. >> it's the urban areas that do this. but as you know, i'm running c e for congress and i have a piece of chicago and we're going to flip this seat . i think you're going to see inveral seats in illinois in congress flip and you learn fli. more about it at cape cod that . bu at my opponent supportsll alf these policies. and i can tell you the constituents in my district don't support it. distr and i think there probably hast a real shot. supp an outside shot becauset hs he's been climbing an uphill battle with the city of chicagoa ,but he has a chance to win. and i think you're going to see a lot of state senate state repo and congressional seats flip well, and we want yonau to win,
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keith mayor, thank you very much. and everyone get out thereut and vote there. >> and in moments, why don't bill gates just give two hundred million dollars toward the production of international digital ids? >> gat plus, a former climate alarmist turned climate realist is here to tell us what led to his transformation. >> stay there. what is progress? >> progress is investing in the future. it is connecting the world. it is feeling at home in a global community. progress is creating the environment to make opportunities possible. guitar exciting opportunities await. >> hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick , her
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what exactly does that mean? well, the expansion of international digital i.d., among other things, a recent piece from wired explains why this is so concerning. author brad solomon says digital ids pose one of the gravest risk to human rights of any technology we've encountered. there's the capacity for geolocation of identifiers. >> that is the tracking of digital you in real time. >> joining me now is michael mcdonald, author of google archipelago the digital gulag and the simulated freedom. michael, there has really been a greater threat to individual liberty than the in modern times and the promotion of global digital ids. >> i mean, it is one of the most and thanks for having me. this is one of the most pernicious developments technologically. it represents the greatest threat to individual liberty. i think that i been conceived because what is what it
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promises to do is to keep a complete record on individuals from from from the cradle to the grave, really from and it includes their vaccine statuses. we could include such things as their personal carbon footprint allowance. it could include an esg score for individuals in an environmental, social and governance for and if they could keep adding elements to this digital, i'd be it's not merely a means of identification. it is a total database about all of your behavior from online behavior inclusive of all so-called offline behavior. basically everything. >> now, fortune news supports gates's donation, michael saying that a digital identity isn't just a good idea. it's a human right. well, and i think what they're going to do is what they did with covid masks and stay at home and social distancing.
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that was all to help you to help children stay safe . you got to stay safe . and that was the new normal. but isn't this ushering ushering in a new type of new normal? again, with safety and concern about community being put the forefront here to justify this? yes. i mean, c.s. lewis put it there's no worse tyranny than that, which is supposedly being undertaken for our own good. and that's exactly what they're trying to position this as they're talking about it in terms of inclusion. you know, there's one point one billion people in the world that have no id. so this is a means of bringing them into the system. inclusion. but we should remember when they speak about inclusion, that means that if you're not, you don't have a digital identity, you can't participate in life. and if you do have one and it doesn't have the right records, for example, the right vaccine status, et cetera, you won't
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be able to participate in various aspects of life as well. so this is this. they always use the euphemistic terms, inclusion and shared destiny and equity and all this and every one to almost the inverse of what they're saying now. so on this inclusion deal that you're talking about, gates tried to defend his actions in this arena back in 2020 watch. >> our foundation is about reducing death and , you know, bringing equity to health. i think we just need to get the truth out there. we need to explain our values so that people understand why we're involved in in this work. >> michael, this is how he sells it to make sure that people are involved who elected him. you know, the mayor of global city. i mean, he's just taken it upon himself because he's rich to proclaim that he's an expert on everything because of microsoft, that i don't get that connection at all. >> right.
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well, he's able to do that simply because he's funding all these projects and funding the un's project to create a universal digital. the he's funding various other projects in india, which have gone awry very badly. in fact, contrary to what he claimed, they didn't promise to exclude inclusion and equity, but they actually ended up in human rights abuses and exclusion. this was from the new york law, new york university law school, saying that basically the digital identity is a road, a digital road to . so this is hardly the panacea that they're making it out to be . well, and we don't have time tonight, but we are going to get into what china is doing with its vaccine passports and how they can turn them on and turn them off for geo fencing. and ultimately, that's what a lot of people are worried about. michael, brilliant. it's great to have you on and thank you for quoting c.s.
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lewis on the show. all right. speaking of gates, one of his cause labs is the injection of billions into green energy boondoggles. we that it's just warped. it's combined with a short sighted geopolitical maneuvering. it's crippling global energy supplies. we know that. we see it, we feel it, and we're seeing this happen. across the eu. and shockingly, the complete destruction of global supplies of energy didn't stop the un today from urging a complete transformation of the global energy system. the most maddening part of all of that, though, is that these policies, they're not just destroying lives, they're rooted in lies. all of them. our next guest was once a climate alarmists, but now says the entire movement is , quote, a scam. tom harris is the executive director of the international climate science coalition. he joins me now. tom , good to see you tonight. now, you actually say the only way to get rid of this is to go after the science of climate change. >> explain. yeah, exactly. a lot people will say, well,
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you know, canada, for example, puts so little greenhouse gas emissions that we shouldn't we shouldn't actually try to reduce it because china is double the united states . well, the trouble is , people argue that. well, yes, but we have to set an example to the world and we have to be good citizens and all that sort of thing. so they're using these arguments quite often that china's double the emissions of the u.s., et cetera, but but the real underlying thing is that there is no climate crisis. i was originally an aerospace engineer and i would give speeches and i wrote articles. i wrote one in the ottawa citizen about comparative climatology, how studying the planets helps us understand the earth better. and i use the example of the runaway greenhouse effect on venus. i said this could happen on the earth if we don't reduce carbon dioxide. well, a local professor of kalita at carleton university, professor of geology, he liked my article so much, he used it in his course on climate change and but he said to
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the students, but that part about venus is wrong. what happened on venus cannot physically happen on the earth. and he explained why now i thought, who is this climate change denier? well, he invited me into his lab and he showed me the geologic history that he and others are finding. and they found no consistent correlation between carbon dioxide and earth's temperature. at times, co2 was 13% of today, and we were stuck in very cold conditions. >> so it was all over the board. so i started wondering, well, maybe he's right. he exposed me to a lot of people who actually showed me that there are thousands of scientists. and here's a book actually that illustrates that it's called climate change reconsidered. and this is on climate change reconsidered. there are thousands of references here which talk about the fact that there is no foundation into the climate scare. it's all based on models that don't work. but, tom , when you hear politicos, especially not just political celebrities, it's it's settled science.
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science is settled. is science ever settled? really? i mean, except over time where you really. you know what what is h2o? we know what h2o. we understand that this science settled really quickly. no, in fact, it's a very immature science. in fact, we don't even know whether it's going to warm or cool in the future. various people who study the sun, for example, dr patterson, they show that we're headed into a grand solar minimum around 2060 and that we'll see gradual cooling over the next few decades. so the bottom line is we have no clue what's going to really happen. so the only sensible approach is to get ready for it, to make our infrastructure hardened, to use solid, dependable sources of energy like coal. this is a piece of coal from eastern kentucky. and not to turn off our solid, reliable energy sources for flimsy wind and solar power, you'd laugh. it's appropriate that i'm based here in ottawa because right now, here in ottawa, canada,
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they're running a municipal election and it is the most corrupt election i have ever seen. they are trying their best to bring in a climate alarmist as mayor. so guess who they put in charge of the four debates they've had climate activists. they have climate activists running mayors debate. professor. and it doesn't surprise me that this is happening in canada is happening in the united states . and we need real facts to to discern what the real truth is here. professor, thank you for this invaluable work that you're doing. and planned parenthood has just revealed itself to be no better than a creepy guy using candy to lure kids into his van . we're going to show you the video that explains what we're talking about. >> so stay parents and grandparents as we wait to see what's next for president trump. mike huckabee's education company wants to help your kids learn all about president trump's greatest achievements. during his first term. that's why we're giving away the kids guide to president trump. for free. this fun kid's guide will help your kids to understand
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ildren. call liberty legal. >> now to see if you're eligible to add five seven five five three five one their medicines you can take to delay puberty for a while. >> they're called puberty blockers and they work like a stop sign by halting hormones ,testosterone and estrogen that caused puberty changes like facial hair growth and periods. puberty blockers are safe and can give you more time to figure out what feels right for you, your body and your gender identity. oh, my god. just to get a sense of who planned parenthood really is targeting, puberty can start as early as age eight for some girls, nine for boys. joining me now is dr. jeanettepe nashwa, boarrtd certified family
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and emergency medicine physician. she's also a fox new 8s contributor. doctor , what your response to this planned parenthood push? it's a push for puberty blockers. hey, laura . so this morally corrupt video, it's deceptive and it's medically unsafe. and what it's doing is it's luring in these vulnerable children, pushinableg puberty blockers on them all the while r bypassing their parents, their parents who have the right to be informed ofe he the health and well-being of their child. you know, when i t comes to o gender dysphoria, if i have a patiencht struggling with it,t the first thing i do is i take a a history. h i takeistory a physical. i then recommend therapy and counseling. we don't jump to medications and hormones and drugs, which ultimatelyp to the goal is to ld to surgery. the first thing we do is we recommend psychotherapy with the involvement of the parents. s. lower your prefrontal cortex. this is a part of your brain that helps you make rational decisions. and yet organizations, plannedth
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parenthood want children and even the american academy even want children to make decisions on their own. well, this part of your brain that helps you make decisionsy isn't fully developed until you're about twenty one . and this is why we don't let dot children pilot airplanes and we don't let kids drive because, eo you know, they're just nott mate mature enough to make decisions that could be life changing and life altering. yet we want to allow them to alt make decisions, decisions on gender transition at such an early age. it's ludicrous, it's immoral and it's unethical. in some cases, it can lead to permanent sterility. we've had guests on the show that have documented that dr. nash, what montgomery county, maryland . it's the state's largest school district, is reporting a drastic increase among gender . >> nunk informing students a five hundred and eighty two percent increase between 2019 and twenty twenty one . now, the idea that we're underestimating acute gender dysphoria by six hundred
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percent in two years is absurd. >> on its face, is it not? yeah, this is not a peer not reviewed study. no. a one , and this is the exact pee reason why doctors recommend good doctors who understand the oath to do harm, recommendpy first step therapy and counseling because a lot of it could be underlying anxiety and depression and ptsd. >> that is the core that must be acknowledged first. and it's suggestive selling in some in some cases as well. doctor , thank you.moment great to see you tonight. now, there was one moment fromw biden's interview tonight that we've had to save. we had to save it to the last bite. >> you'll understand when we come back . you think the kids are having this much fun time? >> i think they're having a blast. the back stiffness is gone.
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about, you know, for example, the american rescue plan. legislation to deal with inflation. the inflation act. we've moved along. so much has been accomplished. >> laura: so much has been accomplished. but i need the cards to remember at all. that's >> todd: a fox news alert. president biden was sitting down for an interview weeks before the midterms as the economy takes a nosedive. >> carley: the president going on the defense admitting the possibility of only a very slight recession in the near future, even though the dictionary says we are already in one. you are watching fox and friends first on this wednesday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: comes as the economy ranks as they gear up across the country on november 8th. fox news power rankings predic
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