tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News October 12, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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on the side of the road, turned her bus around, retrieved the toddler, and returned him to the parents. imagine being those parents. nice job. tomorrow on "special report," the final meeting of the januar. we'll that that for you. thanks for inviting you into your home tonight. that's it for "special report." "jesse watters primetime" now. >> jesse: i need a salute. thank you. >> jesse: nobody wants to be last, especially the last to learn something. you really don't want to be the last one at work to find out your girlfriend is cheating. >> uh, you're not the guy. >> you cheated on me? when i specifically asked you
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not to. >> jesse: the guy that figures it out last. would you put that guy in charge? of course not. but we did. we put joe biden in charge of the country, and he continues to be the last one to know what's happening. joe did warn us he's not a mindreader, but all we're asking for, joe, just be a reader. read the newspaper. read the room. read the writing on the wall. >> should the american people prepare for a recession? >> no. look, they've been saying this now every six months. every six months they look down, the next six months, they see what's going to happen. it hadn't happened yet. there is no -- there's no guarantee that they're going to -- i don't think there will be a recession. if it is, it will be a slight recession. >> jesse: i thought this was the greatest economy of all time. isn't that what they said? how did we go from build back better to a slight recession? the economy hasn't grown in a
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year. all year. and hunter's will have to hold more than 10 for the big guy. the markets are down 25% this year. if joe biden says something is not going to happen, i guarantee you it's going to happen. the taliban won't take over afghanistan, inflation is going away, he's going to crush the virus. yeah. was he even supposed to say the word "recession"? he can't even read what's on his notecard. he can't even hold it. >> we passed legislation that significantly makes a point about -- >> jesse: yeah. biden did get a lot of legislation passed. so what. i can cook a lot of dinners. doesn't make they taste any good. traditional american energy is the key to getting us out of the recession. but jpmorgan's ceo, kind of a smart guy, says we're getting energy completely wrong. >> i think we're getting energy completely wrong. people have this bad assumption that higher oil prices and gas
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prices, reduce consumption, reduce co2. no. poor nations are turning back on coal plants as are germany, netherlands and france. the world is not producing enough oil and gas to reduce coal, make the transition. >> jesse: look at europe right now. they're fighting over fuel in europe. why do they fight? because the windmills and the solar panels aren't working there for the people. they ration fuel in europe. there's lines like carter had in the '70s. what do you think is going to happen when we depend on china to go green? lines and fights. do you want to get into a fight at the gas station? if the europeans are throwing punches over fuel, what do you think the americans will do? exactly. things are getting so bad in europe, that even greta admits
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maybe going green isn't too good of an idea. >> on the climate issue, the nuclear power plants, the better choice for the time being now? >> it depends. if we had them already running, i feel it's a mistake to close them down in order to focus on coal. >> jesse: literal children are telling us we need nuke plants. this is like the beatles. what happens in europe always comes to the u.s. gas prices are heading back up to $4 right before the midterms. since joe won't let us drill, he's begging the saudis to pump more. he fist-bumped the crown prince and expected our allies to get their pump on. what were the saudis going to do? were they going to increase production and lower the price or decrease production and raise the price? right before the big opec meeting, according to the "wall street journal," u.s. officials called their counterparts in saudi arabia and other big gulf producers with an urgent appeal, delay the decision for another
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month. why a month? why not a week or two months? what's so special about a month from now? wait a second. isn't that when people head to the polls for the midterms? it is, isn't it? doesn't it kind of sound like joe biden is demanding the saudis do him a political favor? that's what the saudis thought too. "wall street journal" says they viewed it as a political gam bet by the biden administration to avoid bad news ahead of the u.s. midterm elections, so they said no to joe. they're going to cut production and increase oil prices. wait a second. are you telling me that joe biden, a statesman, the former vice president, the former chair of the foreign relations committee, mr. diplomat, mr. i've been to every country and know every leader, wasn't he going to work his charm on the crown prince? that didn't work?
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apparently the meeting biden had with him was a disaster. according to the report in august, the saudis planned to push opec to raise oil production by 500,000 barrels a day in an effort to please mr. biden, but prince muhammad ordered the increase lower to a token 100,000 barrels a day after the biden visit. what did joe do during that meeting that made the saudis so angry? did joe do what he usually does, and lie and tell weird stories? did he tell the prince he was raised a muslim or that he took a pilgrimage to mecca? we thought yo was the adult in the room. the saudis don't like us anymore. our ally ukraine is a pile of rubble. the mexicans think our border is a suggestion. all biden cares about, yeah, politics.
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his white house is saying, quote, the opec decision was unhelpful. it threatens to drive up american gasoline prices ahead of the november 8 midterms. wait. is the biden white house, are they pressuring the saudis to pump more oil to help the democrats in the midterms? hmm. now, since they didn't, biden's promising to retaliate. he's threatening to withhold military aid to our allies if they don't do him a political favor. >> they're calling for a stopping of u.s. arm sales to saudi arabia. do you support that legislation? >> we're going to react to saudi arabia. we will take action. >> jesse: is biden threatening to cancel over $100 million in military sales to the saudis? he's making it clear to the
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middle eastern allies they better serve up the oil. and democrats are denouncing the political shakedown. watch. >> there need to be consequences. we agree completely. one of the consequences should be a temporary halt in arms sales. >> what galls many of us is the ingratitude. we provide saudi arabia with over 70% of their arms. one of those consequences is suspending the arms sales to the saudis. >> jesse: joe and the democrats are twisting the saudis' arms until they give him what they want? isn't there a word for that? feels like the democrats use that a lot with trump. what's that word again? maybe joe can spark our memory with this tweet from that year, 2019. president trump withheld congressionally appropriated to ukraine unless they granted him a political favor. it's the definition of quid pro quo. this is no joke. trump continues to put his own
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personal political interests ahead of the national interests. he must be impeached. quid pro quo. that's it again. remember when they impeached trump for asking doe zelenski. >> withholding aid to an ally, and then, quote, unquote, asking for a favor to essentially benefit yourself politically. >> quid pro quo? bribery. the bribery is to grant or withhold military assistance. >> the idea that somebody would withhold badly needed weaponry for political reasons at home is beyobeyond the pale.
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>> jesse: the saudis actually thought joe biden was being political. and aid was delayed. democrats now are just saying don't send it. that's it. where are all the democrats calling for impeachment? you won't hear them, because what trump did was never an impeachable offense from the start. of course not. they just spun it that way. when their guy does it, 10 times worse. are you seeing any similarities with the saudi thing and the ukraine thing, pam? >> i don't know, jesse, other than i think it's a million times worse when you attempt to leverage the power of the presidency over a foreign government to achieve an outcomr political benefit. wow. she must be thrilled right now. oops. except it's their candidate. it's their party. that's the problem.
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and, you know, they finally have their quid pro quo, but it's against joe biden. they won't be able to do. very different now, isn't it? it's so different. it failed because joe biden has no respect on the world stage, as you and i both know. the saudis called him out. now we're having to to to beg. the student loan forgiveness, let's pardon every drug user in the country to get more votes in the midterms. this is really serious, because it has to do with our national security. not only that, we're having to dip into our oil reserves that the trump administration built up. we have so much oil in reserves. we're using it by 50%. 50% to try to cover this, to artificially say to keep our gas prices low. we know that's not true. the american people are smarter than that, jesse.
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>> jesse: the biden administration told the "wall street journal" it was about the midterms. it was about gas prices before the midterm elections because they wanted to protect the democrat majority. i mean, and then there's saying not only should we delay aid, they're saying we should j risk our national ally security. >> it's frightening. >> jesse: you must have thoughts on that. >> it's frightening, especially, jesse, remember when he was talking about the possibility of nuclear armageddon with russia and ukraine. then they're playing around with our oil reserves. it's just dumb what they're doing. yeah, it's not even a veiled threat. it's a flagout threat. you know what, you think shriff would switch parties? >> jesse: it's okay. pam bondi, thank you very much. sorry for the flashback.
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i know 2019 was rough. here we are all over again. >> other side, yep. >> jesse: the media just figured out john fetterman can't understand english. don't worry. they have a plan. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows it gets in between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa! - [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. and all it takes is eight minutes to find out.
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>> jesse: the pennsylvania senate race is crucial this cycle. democrat senate candidate john fetterman has been deteriorating ever since suffering that stroke just days before the primary, and his campaign working furiously to cover it up. last night fetterman finally sat down for his first national tv interview in person, and this happened. >> we had a monitor set up so
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that he could read my questions, because he still has lingering auditory processing issues as a result of the stroke, which means he has a hard time understanding what he's hearing. >> it's really just how things happen. sometimes i will hear things in a way that's not perfectly clear. so i use captioning. so i'm able to see what you're seeing in captioning, and i'm able to respond to the question. >> jesse: so he agrees to an interview where he's allowed to read the questions off of a teleprompter. bad optics. at least biden's team has the decency to keep the 50-foot teleprompter out of view. the reporter has been getting hammered by her colleagues all day for being ableist. do you know what that means? discriminating against disabled people. she says she's doing her job. this is how you get the liberal ready to turn against you.
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actual reporting. >> will this impact how you do your job if elected? for example, will you need accommodations like this on the senate floor? >> i don't think it's going to have an impact. i feel i'll get better and better every day. i've been able to run a successful campaign despite having the issues with auditory processing, etc. so i believe i'll be able to serve effectively. >> jesse: the man's shot. all of his enablers in the media were the same people trying to convince you that trump was mentally unfit. yet here's their candidate in his own words. >> you've got a debate coming up in a couple of weeks. there's been a lot of debate about the debate. are you commit to showing up on october 25th to debate your opponent no matter what happens? >> no. i'm not concerned. i believe that's another opportunity to be transparent. people can make their own decisions, you know, during the debate. >> sorry, to clarify, are you committed to showing up on october 25th no matter what,
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no matter what your opponent says or does? >> well, yeah, of course i'm going to show up on the 25th. >> jesse: of course. it's pretty amazing how quickly the narrative went from there's nothing wrong with fetterman to attacking him is an attack on all of the disabled. first of all, greg abbott, the texas governor, needs a wheelchair, okay, but he can still hear you and develop coherent sentences. fetterman can't do that. the man is also just a liar, with midterms a month away, he's trying to claim he loves fracking. >> you called climate change an existential threat, but you've walk back support for a fracking moratorium here in pennsylvania. >> no, i never walked back a moratorium. i want to be clear. a moratorium until they made the appropriate changes and regulations -- and this was years ago -- with the wastewater needed to be treated, because currently then, at the time,
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they were distributing into the river without having it treated. >> jesse: as usual for the democrats, the opposite is true. >> you know, the president's team is [bleep] with fracking as a wedge issue, when no one cares about it with the pandemic and everything going. i want to cheer that up. i'm not pro-fracking. you know, i signed the no fossil fuel pledge before the cool kids were doing it back in 2015. >> jesse: charlie hurts, a fox news contributor, joins us now. that interview was a train wreck. do you think he has a chance at all afterwards? >> i have a hard time imagining that he does, because as you pointed out, you know, so much in the campaign is about optics, and the optics here are absolutely terrible. i do think there's strategy here. i think that they set up that interview because they're trying to lower expectations ahead of
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this debate in hopes that people will be expecting something -- a very, very low bar for the performance, so when he shows up, and does better than people expected, it's not as bad. but it's still terrible. as you point out, you know, this is not a -- this is not a disability. this is a comprehension problem. this is a coherence problem. this is a communication problem. and i get it, you know, the only thing worse is to look at his record, especially on things like crime and economics, and his penchant for not telling the truth. all those things are really bad, but these are serious questions. there's a reason that politicians frequently release medical records. it's because voters should know the medical situation of somebody they're going to give a six-year job term to. >> jesse: most jobs would not louvre you to carry around a
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bunch of computer screens and then wire everything up as you walk around and go to meetings, listen to your boss, and communicate with clients. i mean, it's not possible. yet being a u.s. senator is okay, because all you have to do its vote with chuck schumer, right? right? that's it. >> right, exactly. >> jesse: vote with chuck. >> but -- but -- but to take that a step further, most jobs wouldn't allow you to bring all of that into your interview, because it conceals all that you don't know. >> jesse: you know, okay, i actually now i agree with the fact maybe they put this out there so when the people in pennsylvania see the debate they've seen him use this little monitor thing before. >> right, exactly. >> jesse: i think -- i think -- i think you're right. that's a very, very good point. >> and they'll change the debate rules. >> jesse: they're going for the
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sympathy play, because now everybody feels for the guy. >> but you're an enablist for asking questions. >> jesse: that's right. >> and a racist for talking about crime. >> jesse: that's right. enablist is a word i just found out about today, charlie. i didn't know i was that big of a discriminators. >> you should have already known that word, jesse. >> jesse: i know. i'm not as smart as fetterman. charlie hurt, everybody. up next, a major scandal rocks homeland security. the secretary facing impeachment.
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checkpoints for migrants, more mexico-u.s. cooperation on human smuggling ops and more law enforcement personnel. and he's going to require certain migrants, in this case from venezuela, to stay in mexico, remain there, while their asylum claims are processed. that's the exact same thing that trump did. and it happens to be happening right before the midterms. you know why? our borders is a war zone, the cartels from total control, shootouts between the rogue mexican army and cartels are all too common. [gunfire]
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>> jesse: innocent civilians are often caught in the crossfire. [gunfire] >> jesse: today "primetime" obtained exclusive video of the gulf cartel and northeast cartel in the middle of a gunfight just miles from the texas-mexico border. they're battling over territory to use for human and drug trafficking. the cartels make billions off their trafficking, and with money comes sophisticated equipment. drones with military grade weaponry and thermal imaging. the president of the united states has the power to put an end to this, to choke out their funding, lock down their bank accounts, and make them lose a lot of access to fast cash to keep operations up and running. all he has to do its designate the cartel as terrorists. do these look like terrorists to you? yeah. but time and time again the biden administration lengths us down. case in point. we just found out the man that's supposed to be working on our
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border crisis, secretary may, mayorkas' staff emailed him this, saying they saw no whipping whatsoever. no one was whipped. in 2.5 hours after mayorkas said that this happened. >> this is not who we aspire to be. those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation's ongoing battle against
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systemic racism. >> jesse: to this day the agents involved are facing unpaid suspensions because of this hoax that the biden team and the media perpetrated. and while they lie, we still suffer. the former deputy dhs secretary joins us. before we get to the cartels, ken, this would never have happened at a normal functioning workplace, if someone on the staff sends the boss something that totally contradicts something that's happening, he doesn't go out there and continue to lie. he tells the truth and he tells his boss the truth. that didn't happen. what went wrong here? >> no, it didn't happen. jesse, let me anticipate the excuse. he's going to say, "well, i didn't see that email." i guarantee you, if the secretary is headed to a white house press conference and gets an email from their communications team 2.5 hours before, that email is read by
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secretary mayorkas himself. they don't let him out very often. i can tell you how this process works. i anticipate that lie is coming, but i would be shocked -- shocked -- if he had not read that before he went up and said everything you just showed the american people again. he lied through his teeth. he threw the people he's responsible for, not just the american people, but the people who work for him, put their lives on the line, under the bus. and knowingly. it wasn't -- you know, it wasn't casual. he knew what he was doing when he did it. in my view, this is impeachable. it isn't the only impeachable act by him. >> jesse: this is one of many. forget about the email. just look the at the border. talk about the border. the video we just showed, this is heavy artillery.
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these guys are taxed up, strapped up. >> military weaponry. >> jesse: right. this is a hop, skip and jump from texas, the united. what do we need to do here? >> we need to take control of the border and not -- not alhan alejandro mayorkas secure border, but really secure it. i have put out a entire list of proposals about how to go after this problem, specifically with the request to the cartels. the video footage you were showing, very real. that looks like a war zone, not street crime. >> jesse: right. >> we believe america needs to have the strategy of taking back those parts of mexico from the cartels, handing them over to the mexican government. a lot of americans don't know this. the mexican government does not control about a third of mexico. it's never controlled all of its territory.
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we suffer in the united states for that, because these quasi governmental entities, these cartels that run parts of mexico, and use terrorist tactics, use that control of territory to arm themselves, train themselves, their bases of operations. they run industries of making fentanyl, heroin, and so forth, and ship all of it into the united states where they're killing over a hundred thousand americans a year. a year. from our doorstep. >> jesse: we got to step it up, designate them terrorist organizations and then make sure alejandro never sets foot in the department of homeland security ever again. thank you so much, ken. >> good to be with you, jesse. >> jesse: joe biden went on national tv last night and called his son a junkie who makes bad decisions. new information proves that the biden family is completely compromised by china.
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>> jesse: for years joe has spoken very highly of his son hunter. >> and i had my son hunter as the smartest guy i know. >> jesse: doi nothing in ukraine and china, and he's also a gifted artist. now that he's facing a possible indictment, joe has to put distance between them, changing his story. hunter is a junksy who makes bad decisions. >> i'm proud of my son. this is a kid who got -- not a kid. he's a grown man. he got hooked on -- like many families have had happen -- hooked on drugs. he's overcome that. >> jesse: oh, so proud. hunter has been the breadwinner for the biden crime family for years. the whole thing about lying to buy a gun, no big deal. nbainin fact, joe admitted it ws true. >> when he made application to
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get a gun, it was asked are you on drugs, he said no. he wrote about saying no in his book. he's been on the straight and narrow, has been for a couple years now. >> jesse: so hunter is an angel. we don't have to talk about the other stuff, you know, like opening the white house doors to chinese spies or making sure the big guy gets his 10%, or taking bribes from the chinese. jake tapper didn't ask anything about that last night. he knows the rules. we have an election coming up. hunter biden is joe biden's biggest liability right now. if hunter goes down, joe can't run in 2024, so he tries to sell it as a success story, where hunter as a the underdog, who overcame adversity and came out on top. you know, like rudy.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joining me now is the author of "spice and lies: how china's greatest covert operations fooled the world." let's take a look at this billionaire ahead of the belton road initiative in china, pouring millions into the biden family. he met with hunter biden and aligned with the pla, the peoples liberation army. how suspicious is that? >> i think it's a really, really concerning piece of information, this chinese businessman disappeared mysteriously several years ago, but before building his empire of oil and petroleum industries in china he worked at as an organization controlled by chinese military intelligence that specialized in political influence operations, and he
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appeared to maintain this connection as a businessman after he apparently left the chinese military. >> jesse: so the guy that was in charge, or was involved with chinese intelligence operations, and foreign influence, was in business with the biden family? >> that's what it would appear to suggest, that hunter biden had a financial relationship with this chinese businessman with a shady, murky, military background. >> jesse: okay. and we also know about, what's her name, jackie bao, involved with chinese intelligence, and she slept with hunter biden, she worked with hunter biden, she encouraged hunter to encourage her father to run for president, did opposition research for the biden campaign. how sinister does that appear?
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>> i've not run across that story, but they go after families of important physician, trying to compromise themes, try to build influence to the people who matter, and it's a cynical and terrible way of running influence operations. >> jesse: knowing what you know, how they operate, how successful were they? i guess it's hard to tell. if you look at current events, you might point to that. how successful were they in compromising the biden family? >> it's too early to say, but i think it's a really concerning piece of information that we should be watching. there should be more investigations into this. i think it's great to see more mainstream media actually picking up on this story after years of not really following it through. we're seeing more and more information come out, in particular about hunter biden's connection to this businessman.
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>> jesse: the fact that the chinese intelligence operatives were in bed with the biden family, and the biden family was profiting from it, under the nose of barack obama, and under the nose of the cia and under the nose of the fbi, for about a decade and a half, i think they're all culpable, if you want to know the truth. thank you very much, alex. "spies and lies" is the book. very well researched. thanks for coming on. a bombshell revelation today in the durham investigation. remember durham? ha-ha. we learned the fbi tried to pay disgraced spy christopher steel a million dollars. the fbi tried to pay him a million dollars to prove the steel dossier was true. a million dollars straight cash. you know what? he didn't take the money, because he couldn't prove it, because it was a lie. of course. everybody knew it was a lie. so steel never took the money, never got the million, but the
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fbi knew that it was fake, and still ran with the fake news. still used it to get a warrant to wiretap trump. and still used it to brief trump so they could leak it to cnn. so another black eye for america's intelligence agencies. remember when dozens of former u.s. intelligence officials signed this letter, calling hunter's laptop russian disinformation? after "the new york times" verified it, the intel officials had explaining to do, but instead they doubled down. >> it has all the classic earmarks of a russian campaign in the way it was disseminated and propagated through media. >> do you regret signing on to the letter? >> absolutely not. the words are still true. it has the classic earmarks. >> it had the classic earmarks, bush it wasn't true. >> what is not true? >> jesse: "what is not true?" joe just added a new job to his
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>> jesse: wednesday watercooler time. shannon bream is the new anchor of ""fox news sunday"." congratulations again. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: joe biden wants you to know he's more than a black puerto rican professor. he's also an avid climber. listen to this. >> then head up to the grand canyon. it's a cathedral. i mean, it takes your breath away. i've climbed it from the river up. i've looked at it from the top down. >> jesse: so did you know that? i mean i think he walked through the great wall of china. you know, he's been shot at in afghanistan. i didn't know he was such an avid hiker. >> it would take my breath away
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too. he got appointed to the naval academy. he was near the top of his class in law school. he says so many things, you know. mr. president, no, that didn't happen. i want to give him the benefit of the doubt. >> jesse: maybe he did, but he also said his house caught on fire and burned to the crisp. >> and the lightning struck the pond, went underneath, and got into the house. i don't know how that works. >> jesse: that's the point. the l.a. mayoral debate -- i love that word -- got awkward last night when the moderators called out by race. rick caruso, she said was white. >> this question goes for the both of you. the next mayor will be an african american woman or white man. >> i'm italian. >> italian american. >> thank you. >> jesse: i'm going to put you
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on the spot, bream. i want a yes or no. are italians white? >> there's a big internet argument over this. >> jesse: that's not a yes or no. >> i go down a rabbit hole, because there's a big fight whether italians are latin, and the difference between latin and latino. so much nuance here, i'll get into trouble. the way that you frame the question i don't think was fair. >> jesse: yeah. that's a setup. >> jesse: that wasn't a fair and balanced moderator there. >> i agree. >> jesse: first up, a lot of places to find love. the gym, the bar. what about the grocery store? apparently there's symbol i can messages for single people to use if they're looking for a partner while grocery shopping. like, bananas facing up in the
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cart means you're single. what about a pineapple? >> if it's an upside down, you're a swinger. i come with props. i didn't know i'm sending dangerous signals all over the place when i i'm big produce. if up like this, this means you're interesting and looking. who puts their bananas in the cart like this. >> jesse: they don't balance. >> you can't do that. anytime you put them in the cart like this you're scandalous. >> jesse: you want the bananas pointed up. >> you're looking for activity. >> jesse: i'm glad you didn't bring the pineapple. >> think about the effort it takes to turn it upside down, on the leaf part? somebody has made an effort to put it that way. >> jesse: you're still on live television, turn the bananas upside down. you don't want to be harassed by
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single guys. i know where you're going to dinner tonight. should i tell them? >> no. but you should come. >> jesse: i'm not bringing the pineapple, though. "watters' window." when i go shopping, i have a whole system. first i go to the produce section. i don't think about what's upside down or not upside down. i go right for the avocados. i don't shop organic anymore. guys, i'm over organic. i read an article the other day that says that to create and make organic produce, you're using more pesticides and more water. it's a waste of water. don't ask me to explain why, but regular stuff is less expensive and, you know, with inflation going the way it is, even jesse watters needs to pinch pennies. time for text messages. shane from ohio, jesse, if they can change the definition of recession they can change the
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definition of quid pro quo. sure can. they can do whatever they want to. leslie from brandon, mississippi. why a navy suit every night? you look much better in black. a black suit? i don't think so. i mean, i'm not gutfeld, in more ways than one. "tucker" is up next. always remember, i'm watters. this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." john fetterman is a trust fund kid, took money from his parents deep into middle age, when he decided what to do with the rest of his life, be the u.s. senator from pennsylvania. the problem is fate intervened, and he can no longer speak. we feel bad about that. everyone does. because of that stroke, he needs electronic assistance in order
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