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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 13, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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all right. unfortunately, that is all l the time we have left this evening. as always, thank youwe c foran't joining us . you make the show possible. we can'tt d thank you enough. >> please set your dvr so youws never, ever, ever miss an episode. and don't forget for news anyha time fox newnnity.s dot hannity and in the meantime, let your heart be troubled. . don' laura ingraham "ingraham angle" is othinn and don't think i've forgotten about the eighties hairdo thing that's comingu're.l oh don't, don't think you'rehe i getting a pass on that afterck m a little mustache.e trick youdat pulled off. >> okay, well i haveerus tt inoy my daughter was just in here and she just came in and said, can i say hi to hannity?sa mike lindell here she will . she is off so she can't marry. put her she was standing in front of the camera and like sam is like ,oh, i know. da she's mean you're being mean to your daughter. sh. e said to her adopted uncleid she has to do her homework. y. bu t she was like, can i talk to
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her? hello. he's like, oh, anything else? like, no big w deal e . if just like, come. hello, this is . yeah, well, this is what we do. say th all right. if i was a liberal, i'd say this is bordering on abuse. oh>> sea, not to talk to you. okay, fine. i got it. i got it. i get you back for that, my friend. i will. i'm laura ingram .gr this is ingramahamthis i angle e washington tonight. we got nervous swamp creaturesar and that is the focus of tonight's angle. now, joe biden has long spokensf about what income urged him tot run for office. one of the things i said him t n i ran for office, it's not democrat or republican . again,re t is you've got to rese faith in government. you've got to get people to the point where they trust government. >> so trust looking now. well, we're all prisoners. way of washington's incompetence and corruption now as the biden economy is devouring your 401k, if you look at your statements and giving you heartburn every time you go to the pump, you can rest easy.
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knowing that high rankinge prot government officials are busy protectingecbottom their own bottom lines. because just when you thoughtwae thatr, the swamp couldn't seepi get swamp into the muck starts seeping under the doorway for miles. no, no, no. now, the scandal involves the intersection of power, greed and vanity. a new report in the wall street journal reveals that thousands of senior executive branch employees own shares of companies that they regulateth and that those regulatory actions directly affecte d the financial conditions of those firms. among the most e most shockingreport findings, a top official aedt the epa reported purchases of oil and gas stocks. then the fda improperly alloweds an official to own dozens of
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food and drug stocks that were on its no buy list. and then a department of defense official bought stock in a defense company five times before it won new business from the pentagon. and more than 400 officials from the white house, state department and other agencies invested in china stocks. now, this doesn't pass any smell test in facts.s it stinks to high heaven. what's even more galling, though? sti well, many of thesll e government employees still have not returned to work in the office as the job for nothing to check the same >> oh, yeah, checks fo peor fre. and of course, these are some of the same people who are lecturing the rest of us about our sacred duty to stand up for what's right. >> there was an assault on our u democracy, though, as we talk about it. in the rest of the world and the need for us to protect
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democracy globally because it is for the people, we have to make sure we protect it at stway, say, and the swamps s offense. didn't congress just passales a stock sales ban? >> i know you have a rather stae striking statement here from abigail spambot criticizing the democraticallyme over not calling on the stock bill here on disturbing time. for new leadership. >> i'm strictly focused on winning the next election. >> i mean, i don't know what her statement is .qu bresu sationy i say failure to g it up. you have to have the votes to bring it up. >> lu well think see, we'll work together. >> we don'aut go frora: m one do the next. >> i've got to call paul . well, of course, the bill is still stuck on pelosi's desk. and i want to i coul d invite the fact that nancy and herry husband, paul pelosi, have gotten very, very, very rich e ofng her time in offic
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course not. no wonder people are srnmeo cynh about government today. and no wonder the democrats are in freakout mode over, he's the possibility of a trump servnd ter pm. remember, he's already pledged i antop down reform of the civil service. he wants it all cleaned up and cleaned out of political bias and favoritism. >> now, imagine that a government that actually advances the president's policies knowa o the guy who was elected,ns knew not if it's conservative like trump or anyone else like him. and that cas oe, the democratss believe the role of the civil service is to torpey his or her policies resist, resist, resist, you must. a new now, this is what democrats truly believ te. n th >> well, it's time we had a new sheriff in town . my friends, we're going to drain the swamp. we're going to save our country. t we are going to drain that swamp. and i'll tell you, i did
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a hell of a job, but that sucker is deepe . he well, this time it means really draining the swamp. we pay the salaries of hav government employees, and while they have jobs, securityor and they have salary r guarantees, not the cases for the rest of america. consider what's happened toor the real median income for dur american families. now,g th in 2010, during the tea party election, real median household income was sixty one thousand three hundred sixty four dollar 201tes in 2019 after peli won the speakership and the 2018 midterms. but before her policies really kicked in real median householdr income was seventy two thousand eight hundred eight dollars. mpthat was all under trump, butt under biden by twenty twenty one , the democrats had brought real median household income back down to seventy thousand seven hundredrn eighty four dollars and it will no doubt fall furthernext o year and next. so house republicans did really
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well from 2010ha to 2018 and the house democrats have simply staggered from one disaster to the next. but the regime media, don't they don't want you to know wan these facts. instead, they want you kno to wy about imaginary issues or things that literally have zero effect on your day to day life, then have anything to run on .rm we've covered this on the angle ,only hot air from old windbags like norm ornstein, who wrote, if republicansjority capture a majority, in next month's midterm election, they will make the tea party the e milquetoast moderates. the prospect of default, along an with extended government shutdowns and disruptions and a admi,rung administration will loom large . all the fear mongeringy . that's all they have. yet the real fears of real americans about inflation, energy prices, crime, they go unaddressed and unacknowledged
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. the swamp creatures may have breathed a sigh of relief on election night but they should be getting very nervous right about now. hawley. and that's the angle. go nowod is missourinator. senator josh holly. >> senator , good tos th have yu on tonight. herwhat is the solution here?ct >>te because i have a lot ofd repunds who are chattering in my ear day in and day out, and they say, well, look, we want the republicans to win. but republicans, wher, then thee into power, they tend to punt these big issues in government k never gets cut. >> what are we'v going to see? >> well, i think what we've c whet in the last two years, we've gotten an up close lookt h at the corruption that is in our governmentj , whether we're talking about the fbi, whether we're talking about doj or whether we're talking about the kind of self dealing that you have just outlined and republicans need to get serious about rooting out this corruption. it has got t byo be priority number one . by the way, congress can start with itself. you want tabo talkou about not doing stuff, dealing. how about congress pass anwhat
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actual stock trading banproposet shouhat i propose. he if republicans want to lealddis on this issue, thisos ought to. be something that they run on .n this ought to be something that we pledged to do.e. w i've introducee bad legislationb let's get iter done. tur and once we ban stock tradingle among members of congress, let's turn to doj. t let'ops turn to the fbi. let's have a top to bottom review of what's going on at these increasinglyenciespe corrupt agencies. it is time. t not goio give this government back to the american people. . >> but, laura , it's not going to happen unless we root outke the corruption. well, and i think you raise nevr raise the dod. and this is like the subject i d about which we can never speak if we're republicans, you can never cut the department of defense. you can never cut military spending. then you're anti militar outy. well, i've called this out, senator , and i think it's time for republicans to get real on this issue because there is a norm. n wher us waste, fraud and abuset of doross government include at the pentagon, where we spend y>> most of our money in w the budget, at least. he >> do you agree? well, you know, listen, look,.
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the pentagon look at what in th they're spending a lot of that money on , laura . it's these woke policiesmilita, the military. terran, yo crisiu ses,e right n, they're in the midst of a major recruiting crisis. our military is , which is which is terrible and it's dangerous for the but whse ty is that the case? it's because they are forcings critical race theory, this woke ism across the militaryye and they're spending taxpayer dollars to do it.s to so do we need to review what's going on to the pentagon? you bet we do. there shouldn't be a dime spent on this critical race theory. no nonsense. there shouldn't be a dime spent on this theory.t but that is a top priority ofhee this administration unde nr joe biden's leadership. so, yeah, there needrupts toio a top to bottom review. that's the kind of corruptiod ru frankly, that i'm talking about. >> and republicans need to lead on it. now, here's one of have, i think, dc's biggest swamp creature, senator congressman jamie raskin, who was ranting on and on about the prospect oft holding these government bureaucratcountabls accountabler bias. >> watch professional civilf rea servants must be able to dod
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their jobs without fear of retaliation and discharge for political reasons. the previousn administration attempted to turn our civil service. mr. speaker, p-down into a top down50,000 political and ideological partym machine. poe fifty thousand civil servants deemed to be involvedli in formulating policy could have been swept up in his schedule. of political purge. >> senator , they are sweatings our review of the civil servicae and this is at a time where most government employees are still not back in the officethe >>se they're not even here exactly by the way, that reviews the civil service needs to happen. laura , we absolutel y need to look at what is happening in the civil service. but listen, you want t ao talket about politicizing the civil service. fbi.n. this administratio look what they've done to the fbi. look at what they've done tong the department of justice. lookraids at the fact that the? senducting raids on pro-life catholic demonstrators to what? make a point.ndrs t what they've done to boa
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parentrds sending the fbi tout their doors. if they go to school boardticizi meetings and complain. i mean, you want tng about politicizing things. this is exactly the kinde corruption that needs toy, i say be investigated, that needs to be rooted out. and finally, i just say this. cm let's not forget who told fbi whistleblowers not to come forward. it was merrick garland who sentn a memo out to all doj employeess and said, don't talk. to congress, don't blow the whistle. talk aboot to go through me.he that's not the law. ut dsoou you talk about double standards, laura . it's double standards all around oubl. ublica and that's whyns republicans hae got to make an anti-corruption agenda priorit ay number one . yeah, and you agree it should be agency by agency. ely. >> no one spared. no one spared. absolutely. we need to look at what they'rep doing with taxpayer money. we need to look atus whate se they are doing ilfn terms of the pushing this woke policies. we need to look at the self dealing in terms of the stock trading and the insider trading, all of it needs to be on the table. if americansma senjoritid repubs tock to congress in majorities
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and i think they will, this is what they'll be electing ino do, is to protect their interests, the people's interests, and to stand up for . senator , great to see you. thank you. c now, there are a fewca more cowardly actors in modernps american politics than mitt romney. now, let me explain now back to the 2012 presidentiale a republican primary. senator mike lee wenmet out on h limb and he became the first member of the tea party caucus. to support mitt romney's bid for the nomination. now to return the favo nr, romn re now the only gop senator who hasn't endorsed lee's reelection, citing his relationship with lee's opponent, independent candidate and professional grifter evan mcmullen. now, what does that hold>> outproduced? well, a flurry of puff pieces of mcmullin is asking voters from both parties to join his insurgena t campaign to win a senate seat as an independent from utah. g riour democracy is at great rish right now.e cycles, this cycle
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and th and we will decide as a nationee over the next twxto cycles this cycle in the next, whether we still are a democracy or whether we're going to head red towards authoritarianism. >> now, mcmuffin is a championhs of democracy and a maverick. t right? but wait, he's more he's thee wa plucky underdog, not the guyyw whose way we're 2016. 670,pendent bid resulted in six hundred and seventy thousand bucks in unpaid bills.l >> mcmullen saysle he understans the challenge, but urges votersi to see that hitis allegiance is to utah, not a politicalor party. >> i'm not running to be ay or p bootlicker for the leader ofrey any party or the or a president of any party.r stat i will work with anybody to get things done for our state and our country. >> i was expecting right there, jeff zeleny and mcmuffin to just go full spooning. senator lee was willing to eveni sacrifice our constitution hod n order for it i
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him and his allies, donald trump and his other political allies, to hold on to power. >> would you go as far as the saying he violated his oath ofta office, he violated h the constitution, he violated the lae violw? d i think he violated his oath, certainly. and i think he violatedin the constitution. >> if your number one issuet is defending democracy, you won't be able to builda a coalition with thoseknow who republican senators don't even know who that person is . >> that anchoron. enjoy the fruits of your cowardice, mittens. joining me now is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house fox news contributor newt, look, i supported romney in 2012.2012 i mean, i've known. romney on back to the early 2000s. i always liked him personally, r but this trump derangement syndrome has really revealedreay a lot about the establishment and what they really stood for all along, has it not? >> well, it was particularly dumb for a republican senator to not be endorsing a republican senator . there' at s no question. bu bt mcmullan is going to that' vote with the democrats. and
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i mean, all this nonsense abouto being independent, that's just baloney. the way the senate and thers i house work, you ultimately end up with a party. bernie sanders is technically an independent. however, h 's ae meets with thetechni democrats. that's a fact. ifgus kingy anhe of maine is technically an independent. however, he meets with the m democrats if mcmullan wins is a vote for schumer and a vote for biden. it's tha ft simple, that straightforward. and why romney would vote or fail to pursue helping hiswhichs colleague keep a republican majority, which is whether suey're drifting now towardsmajy a majority in utah to be one of those great surprises. ife lost he lost it. furthermore, senator lee is aara anmarkable constitutional scholar, a solid conservative,s and somebody who , by any reasonable standard has earnede the support of every republican in the country. so i'm puzzled by romney's confusion about his own future. >> well, speaking of failures fr
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that the democrats and republicans that don't seem to understan d how important they are for the country and tor recognize newt, we just learned late today that the act test scores are tests that kids takeh to get into college. they droe lowep to the lowest ll in 30 years. that is a total and the pandemic slide that is a total indictment is a notr' of democrat governors, mayors, teachers unions, all across the country who kept these at tt this point tantamount to child abuse. yet we still have republicansron likeey romney trying to keephe the status quo going. ameri >>ca look, the fact is the greatest threat to americanf long term national securitouy is the collapse of. our education. the system. the department of educatio an under biden is looking at very radical positions tr wisdom,don' on imposing on kids all sorts of things that don't relate to
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learning. they don't teach you how to do weird they don't teach you how tidoea read or write. but they have all of theseto i strangmpe, weird ideas that they're trying to impose. and the fact is , this is really a deep national security crisis. prs all the way issue back to president reagan, who issued a report in 1983 called a nation at risk, that said if a foreign powedor did to our children what the schools are doing, we would consider it an act of war. and i think we have to recognize the teachers unions have told our totally their results are disastrous. >> it'strouss excuse me, they'ry expensive. >> and yett producing. they're t producing. and nobody wants tf o go outre and have the kind of reforms we need in some states. florida, arizona, you're begin to see real change, putting parent s back in charge. and i think that's franklydevosa going to be the future to have what betsy device called chucation, freedom more than
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just school choice, butan a freedom to find out how your child learns and whether it's an apprenticeship or it's an online or a charter school or under whatever circumstance. and that, i think, going to be one of the biggest fightsou for our survival as a country. >> fantastic. wer great to see you. thank you.about, t and speaking of control ofo the senate that we were talking about, the left's response to wp john vitamines, very disturbing interview with nbcre wasn't a question whether he cano actually really serve, but rather to attack the reporterfet who just asked some basiermac questions. letterman's opponent, dr.l mehmet oz, is here he'll respond. that plus the newest allegations made against him. stay. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's
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helping our loved one visit. >> aarp dogged caregiving for a free military veterans guide to navigate your caregiving journey. >> now, if you want to watch the teamwork between the democrats and the big watchdogs in our media, we'll look at the reaction atjon nbc's interview with johnr fetterman. remarkably, a reporter, dasha conductean she actually conductd an interview.s she admitted that fetterman is using closed captions to help guide him through the actual interview, have closed captioning technologynino help with those auditory processing issues. pr will this impactocessi how you o your job? if elected, for example, h
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will you neeyourd potentially accommodations like thisac on the senate floor? >> i don't think it's going tocf have an impact.nd bette i feel like i'm going toy. get better and better every day. bettoy january i'm going t be , you know, much better. >> and dr. oz is still going to be a fraud. so congrats to letterman'st consultants for coming up with that. we havline. n but we have a lot of serious questions here. how caprocesn a man who's strug to process conversations in real time actually meaningfully participate in the u.s. senate, even if we assume he can walkto to the floor and read a speech? how do you engage in how do you engage in that are often heated and very complex now? aeveryone knows that a lot ofsi the senate business takes place behind closed doors when senatorswhen t actually make des and a lot of horse trading thata goes on to pass legislation. sn how do you make a deal if you can't understand what the other to is saying? lk or does everyone have to carry around a closed captioned screent sure to talk to him?
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the not sure what he expects. the commonwealth of pennsylvania only gets two senators.uest so my question tonightio is , shouldn't they both be capable of fully representingot the voters, especially in thesef troubling times? but, of course, our pres thesesr not interested in any of these issues. instead, they're interested in so ting chuck schumer remain as the leader in the senate. so they just circle the wagons. msnbc columnist eric michael garcia tweets, how is this different from tammy duckworth, duckworth or madison cawthorn needing a wheelchair? how is it different from many elderly senators who need hearing aids? irwell, it's obviously differen. we're not talking aboutaids a candidate who needs mechanical help to do the job.o we're talking about someoneeall who appears unable to dohere. the job. let's be really clear here. if you can't go behind closed doors with some of the toughesth negotiators in washington and hold your ow n with no stafn to help you, then you can't do
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the job of representing jus pennsylvania and the united states senate. you're just another rubbernnsyln stamp for biden and chuma, pennsylvania. ves deserves a lot better, but the press isn't going to give up. cnn's kirsten powers added the ableism being directed at john fetterman is a problem.g a having auditory issues and or needing a device to understand people is not and should not be a disqualifying factor. again, this is just completeethe nonsense. it's embarrassing for kerson. the questione isn't whether he can or see or hear or even stand. the questionether he is whethers a medical condition that will prevent him from being anta effective senator . ifs he had a real press that was actually interested in looking out for the best interests of the americane best o people ins just interested in circling the wagons for the democrats, then they'd be asking thattion o question. instead, they'rether just essentially another wing of the dnc. abou
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thw, the outcry reached such a fever pitch about all this"the that the reporter, miss burns, s had to go on the today show to defend her interview. tonly to find herself under attack from old savannah guthrie. >> otherother journalists who ho dealt with fetterman camewas th forward and said they had a different experience. our teamt to was the first to bn the room with butterman for an interview, rather than via remote video conference. c our crew did find that small talk before that captioning was was difficult because of thosesn auditory processing issues i mentioned. >> sissues. o here's the bottom line. savannah guthrie and thedi rest of the regime media literally do not care if fetterman can do the job ora not. they just don't care that tht. about thademo they care that he's a democrat and that he's going to do whatha he's told. that's what they care about.lesn and poor miss vernons has beendo taught a lesson. thing do not try to do the thing
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called practicing journalism around democrats.emocrats so it's up to you, pennsylvanians. so it's up to you a pennsylvanians. >> do you want to give new york a third senate seat by letting chuck schumer have one oor woulf your votes? or would you rather send dr. oz the a self-made man who has the capacity to fightargu eloquently, argue eloquently for your interests? here now is fetterman, his dr republican challenger, dr. mehmet oz. dryou hear. look, you heard fete in one of those clips saying he'll be fine by january. i know you're not a neurologist. you haven't treated d him, lookd at him, looked at hi ms files. but has there been in your mind and what you've seen, market improvement in that interview in the intervening period after his stroke? theto the moment where he was sitting with that nbc reportert ? >> well, first off, i do havert some experience what he's going through. he has heart failure and irregular heartbeats thestrw and the stroke, whichs he's acknowledged. and i have tremendous
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compassion for wha h thost it's like to cope with those conditions that stated this is really about the voters, then the transparency they deserve to make a decision fori've b the united states senate and for this entire campaignyinl >> i've been trying to find out, as has the voters, who he really is .is and he seems to be hiding's a radical agenda. and he definitely is radical. but that's a separate issue ore he's hiding his health. now, he has refused his medical records to be released. in-perso he refused probably a dozen times in this interview, which do the first in-personat he' interview that he has done. so what i'm asked, is henows improving or not? i don't knowwe weren because noy knows because we weren't given any kinds of insights into whad really happened to him iitn his initial illness. that can truly guideaw us anarel i think it's important tothe be aware that a lot of what's t going on in this race righhet nw is people hiding the truth.u wat and that's the opposite of what we wanatt ines a democracy.t th you want your candidates outto there asking and answering question s. you want the voters to be able to quiz us . you want to take questions from reporters and gaggles in ideally
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groups, you know, unrehearsed in person, ideally, you want to be able to debate each he's still debating me twhong i the very end of this campaign.oc and what's happening is money is pouring in to protect john fetterman. and that's why, by the way, ifav you're upset about this, pleased go to dray. .com.chin we only have twenty seven daysn ou go . i've got to keep matching him at so that we can each tell our versions of what's going on . but the concern i have about john fetterman is about transparency. and that's something that democratt de repubs, independenl republicans, we can all agreeliy on . we should have the ability to judge exactly who we vote are voting for. what do you stanyod for?u stan what's going on in case you've got an illness that we shouldf t know about and then we can decide if it's important's i to us . >> well, fetterman l todayaura e >>fairly serious charge against you, dr. >> watch with dr. as a doctor has chosen to mock thatt or to make light of it or to say things that i just don'tknow understand how a doctor would, siu know, want somebody that was sick to remain to be sicksig
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and celebrating missing words and having that made fun of dr. oz. he's clearly playing the victim and essentially saying you're being meanmean. is preposterou >> i've been saying what i just said to you, that i do have compassion for the challenges he's facing. you haver fi to applaud john fetterman for fighting through all this. the reasonfetterma that they'reu panicking and the fetterman camp is that we're closing the polls because we'r e talking about kitchen table issues. i talk aboutsecu safe streetsre and secure borders. avmaking sure we don't havex. fentanyl pouring across those borders and lowering taxes pai.n he hasn't paid his sixty seven times, by the way, reducing inflation. ings john fetterman has been a no mar show. he was a no show as a mayor. we missed most of the meetings g . he only went l tieutenano one tf the senate meetings. his lieutenant governor not showed up on the campaign trail and he takes positions that are very difficult to defend when pennsylvania is suffering from a high crime rate. fentanyl overdoses : and inflation running. well, didn't you have sorry to t talk about the issues.
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i'm sorry to in here, but isn't it the case that you hads three police officers shot in philly yesterday? and he's he's buddies with theg? and now the state attorney . right. the d.a., who's just been terrible on the crime issue. and as far as we know, fetterman agrees with all ofh hi his positions very permissive toward crime and criminals. he's been doubling down on the prosecutor in philadelphia . it's led to a murder rate that is the highest in our history. we had our thousandtharja carjacking this weekend.ckin john fetterman opposes cash bail, which that prioritizes criminals over victims. in fact, he's tries d to get dozens of convicted murderers serving life sentences out of jail. le out oe upso, again, if you'rt about it, go to dr. oz. that comics i've goters. the answers, but we can fixma the problems. but john fetterman has to be honest and transparent about what's going on , what he: stands for. >> dr. oz, good toth see. thank you. . now, the president spends a new tall tale, as thes ol "new york times" calls out his old ones. raymond arroyo is here with all
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the details seen and unseen is next. >> what? we don't account for all the monsters. we don't expect that there's nobody in town . seven three of the girls were missing. i heard somebody walking. three girls are killed at your camp. there's not one counselor who wouldn't give it their life if we knew what was going on . it was just assumed he was guilty. he was a shape shifter. he had the help of cherokee magic. there were three caves discovered. espin, a hideout. one hundred years. i began to see that multiple people had been involved in the murders. i said, i think you've got a fourth man. they've never gone on the record in forty five years. forty five years. the implications of this are huge. if you
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do to learn more in order this free gift bundle. unse visit free trump .com. >> that's free trump guide .comr seen and unseen segment. when we explor e the storiesat behind the headlines. for that, weur turn to the autht of the wise mahon who foundwisee christmas out now and fox newsnd contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond biden is spinning, spinning the blarney again. >> laura , nearly every biden event or interview could really be billed story timemen' with grandpa joe at a firemen's event yesterday. >> this was the tale spun literally, literally lightning struck a little pond behind my house, came up through the ground into the air conditioning system, ended upblac generating thick black smoke,k literally, literally that ofoore those proportions. and from the basement to a the thirtt, d floor, the attic, e wrything was ruined and th kitchen floor, we almost lost a couple of firefighters. whe they wholaur who told you?a,t was the truth is , it was a small kitchen fire . laura , that was out in
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20 minutes. e i wa>> lausave rticl my granddad told me, joey, when you got a fire extinguisher handy, don't forget to pull the pin. as you said, anything toin already say, but the stories and shifts in identity. he has been a coal miner's grandson, arrested civil rights, activist, none of which is true. none of this is new, by th e way, a few weeks ago, biden tried to pass himself offg rais as being raised in the poredt tn rican community of delaware when he was taking time off h. m being jewis i probably went to shul more than many of you did saturday and on sunday you'll think i'm kidding.kidding. >> anyone who constantly has to add i'm not kidding.y no no joke. a god's honest truth is probably not tellingce i the god's honest truth. and it erodes confidence in sa everythingys he says. >> that's the problem. well, raymont, they'rehey're th his verbal crutches, like if he forgets where he is in a sentence, hedo always says, i don't time.
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lidon't want to i don't want to get into that right now because he forgets where he is . about. today biden told on the list of things he's talking about. all right. well, today, biden told this whopper in colorado. >> oh, i say this is a father of a man who won the bronze star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in in s iraq. >> thao t is so sad. i mean, beau biden did not die e in iraq. he died in 2015 ofof brain canc. at home. so, again, the conflation and the expansion of these stories or even the new york times finally getting wise. they acknowledgeedge that bidenn spins yarns that often unravel . >> w lying.e might call that panderio and lying, butin we're not suree he was talking about his son there. >> they're talking aboutabou someone else he was talking about, bowie said, as the father of a son who who who died in iraq. wh when did that happen? well, the kickeren, though, is actually is called out by the "new york times". he thees."n goes on with jake tapper to talk climate change and then he just start s throwing out numbers. >> you forget about the facts.
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we pass three hundred and sixty eight billion dollars worth of help, which as the same bankers talk about, it's going to bringf billions, trillions of a million dollars billion dollars off the sidelines and investment billion, trillion, quadrillion, zillion. every time he talks about, numbers or he sounds like an cuo auctioneer, you know, give meus a billion, give me two billion. but what i found curious was jake tapper. he books the presidentof. e the united states gives themearl 15 minutes. then he givey s the rock nearly the same amount of time.ore but maybe it makesth sense. to explore the deep political message of the rock's new blac superk adam superhero e is also this theme about how westerners have no right to impose their views or decisions on kandak. there isn't an anti imperialism anticolonialism theme that i'vet never seen before in i h a superhero movie. well, thank you for pointingi fe that out thematically. elwe trii feel like we tried tos
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many layers as possible. why do we care about? the back story of the superhero who goes to a superhero movie to get a political message? anti imperialist, anti colonialist. this was about pushing the rocks to run for i president , laura and he took a pass for now at least, raymond looks like jake. >> is he trying to do likeo the larry king thingdo or.y ki i'm not quite sure thangt no tie thing.en covered in legs. look. yeah, yeah. it's kind of yon endearingu th thing. e jowas i guess. and th but do you think he gave joe 15i or was he supposed tt'o give joe an hour and then they had toy cut it because joe was gettinga your likellittley very lost. >> all right. well, before i let you go , raymond, your picture book, the wise men have found christmas is just just came out this week. tell us a little bit about the book. the talk is about to hit the road. this is the true story of the wise men . they were not king s. hree they were not from the far east. that's all a legend. and there mae hiy havestor been more thar n three . and the historic reality ofia, u their journey where it started
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inrn arabia turns out to be atua high stakes adventure. and kind of assembled whatearnef i learned for the whole family and when you bring the magi into focus, the one they sought, the chil d suddenly becomes more real as well. i'm going to be at wel the reaga library nextve week in l.a. atlh the grove. i've got a virtual signing tomorrow. all the details are at raymond arroyo .com. raympe you'll get a copy and i hope you'll come see mere joi and laura.nie i think you're joining me on aon couple of thes ae clandestine visits as we go on the yousits. never know. that's an interesting book. laura: tour when it's clandest. all right, raymond, i'll show c up. you know i'll s, i will wear your vestcoa and not the . yeahtu, exactly. i congratulate. rgets do awesome. all right. tel as the state olif californiah ab targets docs forou telling abo the truth about covid, what dide you hear? what we just learned about one of the medical cartel's favorite new drugs? well, that's next. to you. after selling out for two years
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save your life. talk to your doctor and learn more at saved by the scan dog. s >> this is a new viral platform we'r mrsa vaccine platform, and we're not even sure it'singo going to wor k, especially sincn it's not geared to go aftere innate immunity. >> it's simply an antibody response. it's not medically indicatedy banks may have some effectiveness to prevent other people from you. ththey have less to prevent are protect you from other people. >> schools is actually act not n
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a controversial issue, in my view. it's erit futebol that children have extremely low risk from this disease, much lesthans than seasonal flu. there are serious harms to children from closm closing sch correct?re w >> correct. correct. well, the showat that you're watching now, the angle never blindly followed unelectedy medical bureaucrats. we ask questions and wbureaue pt on really, really smart people. and we didn't care about whatbe was beinfog forced on us.w but a new law in california seeks to target doctors forng raising these types of legitimate questions. theseit reads, if a doctor disseminates misinformation or disinformation about covid its prevention, its treatment or about the development, safety,f and effectiveness of vaccines, that doctor could face disciplineines, thd face from tr or even lose his or her license to practice in california. joining me now is dr. houmancali hamady, california board certified m.d. and phd research scientist. dr hamad dr. y, who decides what
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honstitutes disinformation given how much has changed from 2020 to today, just as itvid? ablates to covid? >> well, according to this law,t ap to 098 gavin newsom signed into law recently, he does the state medical board, which is run by a trial lawyer, does. it's not a panel of physicians . it's not a panel of peerexperts. reviewed journal experts. it'sit's not not a panel of peo who were elected by the citizens for this purpose. and it's certainly not fac a pre-defined list of medical facts that's been vetted agains hasn t the literature. it's whatever they want it toimt be and it can change. it's like having speed limit that changes every dayou hav >> disn't posted and you just have to guess what it is . >> it's impossible to follow on . dr. hamady, earlieovr today,ed the fda approved covid booster's targeting omicron fors kids as young as five years of age. now, here's how biden's covidr czar reacted to that. hav >> here's what we know. a we know that vaccines have madey
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a tremendous impact on keeping kids healthy. what i'm going to do get is i'm going to get my 10 year oldd va the new updated covid vaccines and i'm going to encourage every parent i know to do the same. >> dr. monitorship kindergartner's, be getting this booster. great question, laura . i'm not the physician to the kindergartners of the nation, and i havee no plae to be judging and making that decision for them. but the decision t needs to be made for each individual kid is what is the risk, what'ss the potential benefit and what's the need right now, many argue because covid case numbers and deaths are practically zero, the need is low or zero. many argue that because kids of that age tend not to die or get sick unless they already have somebody know that i'm not justu he i'm not trying to put here, dr. hamady already know this. t came out i and an, we knew this with the lombardi data that came out in february and march of 2020,uall that the risk factors weretw usually two and three comorbidities, the average age of death, and that early taliono
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data was about seventy , why i think seventy nine point five years of age. wso why are we doing this toino the kids? and if you question that you'r e going to lose your state license potentially. pothat? the heck is that? that it's correct. >> this is how it is . and this is a way of censoring people. and it's a way of forcingontrol compliance and it's a way of control. t juand i think this is really . just about covid because corbett is almost gonet sounds.e this almost sounds like a trial selloon to see how far they can get with restricting first amendment speech and thought to see whetheey gr they can get awc with it. and once they do that, they can do it to the media, then they can do it. the private individuals.indivi >> now, dr. martin, here's another one of the one that california might come after fori you for talking about a scientific review article now warns that pex lovin, which wasp used to treat biden and fouche after they got covid and they got reboun d, but after they used it can cause deadlye d blood clots when coupled with heart disease meds. doctor hamadeart dy packs lawit
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>> your reaction? look, we know that any drug hasw side effects. we know especially that any o drug, especially a combo of twor different drugs, which makes iut exponentially more likely tol he have interactions with other drugs, is going to have these sorts of issues. the problem is that absolutely didn't have these lengthy phaseh one , two and three trials was rushed to market under an emergency. usa rosacea, never an approval o . and as a result, they'veat we'rt skipped a lot of these studies.f and so what we're learning about that drug and its safety. is largely based on posts marketinthatg data.ttin what does that mean? it's people who are actually getting it in the real life the, in real usage. >> and then we find out throughc them adverse reactions. dr. hamady, great to see you tonight. thank you. thank you. liberal sports reporters don't get the soundbite they want. usin when we come back g .nes. >> in a recent clinical study, patients using the long pass patch reported reductions in pain severity using less or
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a lot less oral pain medicines and improved quality of life. that's why we recommend salon pass. >> it's good medicine. do you have too much body fat? it tends to accumulate on your stomach, hips and thighs. are you struggling to lose weight? does it seem like no matter what you do, you just can't get rid of excess body fat,
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>> laura: awoke a sports reporter face plants. >> you and, and, what your relationship is like with them.
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>> oh, we don't look at what color we are when we coach against each other. we just have a lot of good white friends that coach in this league as well. and i think that the men into you guys stop making a big deal about everybody else, you will notice as well. >> you love to see that. it's about marriage, it's about >> carley: a fox news alert. california battered by crime and an energy crisis and a flat out unaffordable cost of living but do not expect president biden to address any of that as he visits los angeles per day. >> todd: the price of a gallon of gas more than six bucks a gallon. the medium income in the golden state, about $33,000 per year. those numbers for most of the people, that is tough. here on a thursday morning


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