tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 13, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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migrant high, then they will not even worry about sleeping on the streets, they will like the tense and it will be like camping. steve from missouri says, what is the phone number of that blonde who flip you off? asking for a friend. yeah, we are going to have her on the show tomorrow night. hey, allie. [laughs] that is all for tonight. dvr the show. tucker is up next. always remember, i ♪ ♪>> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy thursday. like all sorority girl narcissists, there's nothing the 14th congressional district in new york than giving yourself nicknames. sandy cortez, we still call her that, of all her pseudonyms if it's the best.
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then she got to congress and called herself alexandria, co cortez. and you picture one of che guevara was mistresses on a motorcycle. then she started going as aoc, queen of tiktok e then she had still another name. during the 2018 democratic primary, where she beat joe crawley for being white, she went by alex. your favorite gender nonspecific bartender. alex. on her campaign website said what she believed. quote alex believes we should in the forever war by bringing our troops home and stop the bombing
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that perpetuates the cycle of terrorism. few people notice this because for a self-described is progressive it didn't seem so surprising. and when she beat carly in the primary the statement was still on her website. but then it disappeared. a journalist named samir khan noticed it. what happened to the antiwar part? but by now she had morphed into alexandria boccaccio cortez. who knows what happened to it? there might be more to the story, she asked at the time. how long will we be moaning about single payer when this bipartisan support for nuclear armageddon benchmark that ended up being a pretty good question, not even a rhetorical question anymore. deslike biden said, nuclear
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armageddon on the way! congress said nothing which is to say they backed him up. and alexandria ocasio-cortez stayed completely silent. and that's the point. maybe you don't care what's going on in the progressive movement if you're watching this show, they're mostly rastafarian clowns. that's who they are. but it's also true that over time, people like this can be useful. sometimes you want principled people taking principled positions. it keeps the system in balance, you need that. not everyone can be a mercenary. otherwise, you have what we have now come over just to insanity. an ironclad consensus in washington that we somehow have a moral obligation to destroy ourselves and our children's future and an utterly pointless
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war against russia. what mark everyone seems to think that. and we need everyone on both sides, from nancy pelosi to joni ernst and everyone in between. and that's a huge problem because it's insane. someone needs to say it's this academic insane out loud. you may despise, we do, we say so often, but at certain key moments people like that have a role. they stand up and tell the essential truth. no, we should not go to war with russia. are you kidding? it's lunacy. but that's not what cortez is doing right now and that's because she's not what she claims to be. she may hate white people but that doesn't mean she's progressive or liberal.
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she is the opposite. just another stooge like joe biden or kamala harris. a willing tool of solos corporate power who will always side with jpmorgan against the working people she claims to represent. hundo subject is this more glaringly obvious than ukraine nor, which provides no benefit to her, her ex constituents, or the normal american. that's all downside for her. last night of the sparsely attended town hall in the bronx, two of her constituents set out loud. >> congresswoman, none of this matters unless there is a nuclear war. you voted to send arms and weapons to ukraine. she has left the democratic party. okay? you ran as an outsider. but you've been voting in favor
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of this work. your voting to start world war iii! why are you playing with the lives of americans? you're playing with our lives. >> there will be no neighbors if there's a nuclear bomb. you voted to mobilize and send weapons to ukrainian. your progressive socialist. you've done nothing! tulsi gabbard has shown god's where you have shown cowardice. i believed in you and you became the very thing you sought to fight against. that's what you become. you are the establishment and you are the reason why everyone will end up in a nuclear war unless you choose to stand up right now and demand the democratic party! you continue to fund this nuclear war, that's what's going
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on. why not right now? >> because you're rude. >> you're the liar here! >> tucker: those are actual progressives. no doubt on virtually any other issue we wouldn't agree with them. but on this specific issue, which does matter, they are absolutely right. sandy cortez is not a radical, not progressive, she's a neocon red just like everybody else. she is a tool the people with power, obviously. they can see that clearly because it's true. her response? >> you're being rude! says the same sandy cortez who encouraged activists to terrorize their political opponents. she said the whole point is to make people uncomfortable. is that right?
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so they were following your instructions were they? the protesters you just saw the use is preferred tactics against her. they seize the moral high ground and started yelling. and they got no response from sandy crist says. because she has nothing to say. there onto her and she knows it. the they were right. she funded the largest expansion of our u.s. military ever. she helped approve a $37 billion military budget. >> i don't believe our whole nation's priority is to slaughter people in other parts of the world. i think it is a priority of a powerful and concentrated class in the united states that happens to have a group of control of our government. >> tucker: so that was the
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tiktok he approved version, for the college kids on social media. but in real life, she didn't word of it were the only part she meant was that america is terrible. she does hate the country. but pulling back from a war that will hurt the country, why would she do that? she doesn't like the country. anything that's not in our interest she is completely for. so the squad voted to approve another massive $42 billion spending bill. cori bush even voted for it even after she admitted it would increase the risk of direct war and direct military confrontation between russia and the u.s. so even cori bush, the lowest iq member of congress, knew what she was doing. it's going to war with russia. she voted for it and they all did. leaders of the democratic party attempted to sell this step
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toward war as a humanitarian effort. watch. >> today were voting to provide nearly $40 billion to address the immediate and near term security, economic, and humanitarian needs of the ukrainian people. >> we are morally obligated to ensure the brave ukrainian fighters and the ukraine people have the security and economic aid that they need. >> we'll be doing is important, providing assistance. >> it's a down payment. it's a down payment on the security and success of democracy. >> gloried to ukraine. we want the victory for ukraine. and we want defeat for vladimir putin. regime change would be great. but we realize that won't happen. defeat must happen. >> tucker: oh.
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so it's humanitarian assistance. did you look at the bill? no, it was a military funding bill, not a military assistance bill. 19 billion went directly to the war effort in ukraine. so, okay, if you are out of the closet neocon, it makes sense. but if you're sandy cortez, talking about the working people fighting the man, what's his tell you about her? she has contempt for the people she represents. she talks about their midget stomach misery only to leverage it against them. they're the tools of her personal advancement. do not the members of her real constituency. nbc and "teen vogue" editors, that's her constituency. she shaking down congress for
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more cash even as our own borders or collapsing. >> at this time we have two key financial needs of the country, $38 billion to make up for the deficit of our budget for next year, and the other and $17 billion that were verified by world bank and needed to rebuild the critical infrastructure. we need also to billion dollars to rebuild the electric energy infrastructure after the destruction and to expand our export to europe. we need credit limits to purchase gas and coal for the future heating season. the scope of this year's support should be not less than $5 billion. >> tucker: what? sum up the need for order and a
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t-shirt demanding money for his critical economic needs? we have critical economic's two buddy. who you? go away. since when does this guy have a claim on our treasury? so this is the job of people like sandy cortez. we don't owe this guy anything, not one thing. good luck, pal. that's it. and as our economy degrades in our border is gone, that guy is lecturing us with some christmas list, i want to bicycle to a new better send it quick. really wish mark up yours, buddy. telling us we have to nuke russia push mark what is sandy cortez do wish mark she affirms it. she's a stealthy neocon operative, not a progressive. they're totally and utterly corrupt all of them in the movement.
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the so-called radicals? the atlantic, mpr, nbc, telling us how much they care about oppressed peoples even as they call for a radical race were every day. there cheering for the apocalypse right alongside the pentagon. >> will stay with rick ukraine for as long as it takes. >> we will not waver from our commitment to support ukraine as long as it takes. >> we will continue to support ukraine for his small stomach long as it takes. >> you're already 15 billion or more. how long does it take? >> as long as it takes. >> tucker: as long as it takes to do what? how long is that? what's the goal? and at what cost? and what's the risk wish mark should we those?
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no. as long as it takes. why push mark because they're getting more powerful. where the real progressives? he's onto this, he joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. we don't worry about the state of the progressive movement because i'm not a progressive. but it would be nice to have an actual progressive stand up and point out that this is truly nuts. where are they? >> looked darker. i'm someone who is very inspired by the squad when all of them first ran. i agree with the domestic policies, especially medical for all. but right now overall, the progressive movement, when it comes to the most important issue in the world is dead. we have a proxy war against a nuclear armed power. it's not to defend ukraine needs
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to read week in russia. people like lindsey graham of settled love that as long as were in ukraine, they will fight the last person. where are progressive's on this? every time they vote in lockstep for it, every single democrat, including bernie sanders. even as news comes out that u.s. has sabotaged pete's talks. biden says he won't negotiate with russia to end the war. there's no force in washington for sanity or diplomacy. i thought that's what being a progressive was supposed to be about. he saw an angry expression by folks who were disappointed by the actions of their progressive representatives. >> tucker: were an upside down world. this is true craziness.
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marjorie taylor greene is less supportive of war than the alexandria ocasio-cortez is. >> russia gate, for six years, democrats have been taught to believe that russia is an existential enemy that can brainwash millions of americans into not supporting hillary clinton and swinging elections. reportedly, when it comes to this proxy work, there's no point in negotiating, even though russia has been used to undermine a progressive agenda, not just funding money into the military industrial complex but sabotaging progressive candidates. bernie sanders came close to winning the democratic vote in 2016. bernie sanders, instead of calling that out, went along with it and he was awarded in 2020 when he was searching in the primaries before nevada, he was russia gated.
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that's how the democratic party rewards even progressives who are loyal to their part, agenda. maybe nuclear war prospect will wake them up. >> tucker: you would think so. thank you for that. i appreciate it. two things voters will punish you for our high gas prices and inflation, so joe biden is selling off this country's most valuable accent stomach asset, and they're lying about inflation numbers but we have the real numbers ahead. plus a drag suit stomach show for halloween? not every mother is in favor of this. we'll be right back. >> we won't have those bidding on the school board who oversees the education of our children. you all stepped out of line.
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parents are no longer allowed to say anything and create the sexualize their children. come to my van, i've got some candy. don't say a word! one mother in california called britney mirror notice that her school board, supposed to be educating children, had instead invited them to a family friend or stomach friendly drag show. here's what she said in a recent meaning of the school board that promoted the event. >> what is it about a grown man costumed in sparkly brawl with augmentin, took tape on his front, while spreading his fish edited legs as he rides on the ground, grinding is growing next to a minor. family-friendly? would you us an answer. we have a culture that has a
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massive problem with sex trafficking and child. but you made the decision to feature an event that hyper sexualize his children. you will plead the activist card for an aligned surgical center and for a 21 plus bar. it makes you activists and we won't have those sitting on the school board. >> tucker: britney mirror was not arrested apparently because she's joining us tonight and were glad she is. thanks so much for coming on. [laughs] this is the school that is supposed to be educating your kids in there sexualizing your kids. had you find out about this? >> so the union school district took it upon themselves to send out the invitation to all families in our town.
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they have an approval process that they violated. it says in their rules of conduct that they can't send out anything that's lewd, political, controversial. and they decided to send out abu bash invitation that is sponsored by a gender reassignment clinic out in san francisco and a 21 plus nightclub in san diego. so do state. we asked the board again and again to reconsider and to issue an apology and an explanation which they didn't. that's why we decided to show up. i want to make it clear that this is not an isolated incident. this is coming to every school across the nation. and if you think it's just gonna stay in california, you're dead wrong. it's coming everywhere. it's why we stood up and said were going to nip it in the bud. when i can play by the rules that were supposed to be afraid
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were going to be punished if we don't speak up now. i hope this breeds courage for parents all over the nation who see this trend starting to change where, like he just said, our kids are not being educated in the fundamentals. they're being hypersexualized and were done with this. >> tucker: has a different from, dino? >> well, it sounds like it's one in the same. that's why i made really clear. you can slap net labels on anything, make anything family-friendly that you want. and that's the danger of this ideology is that were being told to use new terms and new language. i think we do a disservice when we play by those rules. we need to stand up and use the words that we know what they mean. but the adults are out our kids
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to 21 plus nightclubs. it's coming all over the nation and we need to now use brave words and words with meaning and call it like it is. >> tucker: yeah. i've set a nonwatched passive parents let creepy adults sexualize their children and it's so gratifying to see someone say, enough. >> enough is enough. thank you tucker. >> tucker: of the latest inflation numbers are out and of course those numbers are cooked by design. but even using the cook numbers consumer prices are up 8.2% year after year. core inflation has risen to a 40 year high. that's much worse than expected. how bad it is evident to most people know this? david as men is at fox business and he joins us tonight to assess. thanks david. i don't hear anybody talking about inflation and television.
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what's the reality of it do you think? >> the reality is that americans, working americans, are taking a 4.3% pay cut. and that's just looking at the overall. some are taking a lot more than that. that's assuming that you have been getting raises to keep up to try to keep up with inflation. even when you consider the reasons that have happened over the past year and a half, because employers have to pay more money in order to get the workers, because there's a labor shortage, still your 4.5% behind the curve your real wages of fallen. so you spending a lot more money. a full month of salary just to keep up with inflation to buy what you need, the basic needs. not going out to restaurants but about deciding between eating meat soybeans, or whether you have enough milk for your kids. it comes primarily done to spending. in 2020, during the pandemic,
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yes, we spent a lot of money because we shut down the economy. there was about $3.4 trillion that trump spent. but since then, when the pandemic began to calm down and when we should've gotten out of all of this extra spending, biden came in a double it up. he spent $4.6 trillion of extra spending -- not the total but the extra spending on top of what we normally pay to handle the bills of the government. you can't do that without an effect and the effect is inflation. it's not just biden. i have to put the finger on republicans as well because they went along with him with the infrastructure and bill, a trillion dollars, and the chips bill which was essentially a chinese production idea, following their model of industrial production that emanates from the government. republicans have a share of blame. but just say as biden does now that with republicans we get even more inflation is
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ridiculous because what they've done is criminal. >> tucker: i think it is criminal. that's not an overstatement at all. great to see david. >> great to see you. >> tucker: will bring you the real news, we call it "final exam," yes it's a quiz show but it's rooted in the news. it's straight ahead. as
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- [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. and all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application. that easy. has helped businesses like yours claim over $1 billion in payroll tax refunds.
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but it's only available for a limited time. go to powered by innovation refunds. hello, i'm franklin graham. it's hurricane season. we've already seen some incredible devastation. many people find themselves in different kinds of storms in life. and we need an anchor to hang onto in these storms. the anchor that we need is jesus christ. he said, "i'll never leave you, or forsake you, and if we put our faith and trust in him, we know that he will take us through the storms of this life all the way to heaven one day where we'll spend eternity with him. god sent jesus christ to this earth to save us from our sins. he took our sins to a cross where he shed his blood and died and was buried, and on the third day, god raised him to life. would you like to invite him to come into your life and be the anchor of your soul? you can do that by praying this prayer with me right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe that jesus christ is your son.
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>>♪ ♪ >> tucker: time now for "final exam," where we diabolically pit the news experts again each other like feral monkeys in a cage. joining abby as her friend raymond arroyo, founder of the book the wise men who found christmas. i'm not going to express any preference at all -- obviously i'm voting for abby.
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[laughs] let me see what the rules are. hands on buzzers, ask the questions, all of their multiple choice. the first person who buzzes gets to answer. you have to wait until i'm finished asking the question and all the possible answers before buzzing in. correct answer is one point or we punish you for a wrong answer by subtracting. first to ten wins. >> can i hit the buzzer out of his hand? >> tucker: physical violence is, i think, judges are saying that's against the rules. but we'll find out. here's the first question. in an interview this week, kamala harris complained about the security measures that go along with being as famous as she is as vice president. what's the one thing she says she misses most? , late-night visits to
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taco bell. p, sending and receiving emojis. see, driving a mercedes. which is it? >> my button is broken. >> you got a that dumb action. i think it's the late-night trips to taco bell. >> tucker: isn't? that sounds like a pretty good guess. is it late-night visits to taco bell >> is it true that you can no longer send emojis? >> i have not received directly in emoji in a year and a half. >> tucker: she is not received in emoji in a year and a half. she is not going to to the taco bell weed visits. question two.
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which sitting united states senator just videoed him or herself chugging a beer after receiving the coveted endorsement from a group of tavern owners in the midwest. eight, amy klobuchar. b, ron johnson. see, famed beer drinker elizabeth warren. >> i'm in a go with b because beer starts with b and i think it's a good option. ron johnson also looks like he could throw a few back. >> tucker: i like the way you guess, abby. are you correct or not? >> cheers. >> nothing says beer like a suit and tie. >> i'm kind of upset it wasn't elizabeth warren. >> tucker: good guess. because he is from wisconsin where they do drink a few beers. question three, in a new interview a woman called karen a lane johnson, known to some as
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whoopi goldberg, said that when she finally retires from the tv program she's disgraced for so many years she would like to become a u.s. ambassador to egypt or which other country? this is for two points. a, spain. b, italy. see, greece. >> it must be italy. she was seen sister act and there are a lot of nuns there in italy. so maybe she's trying to do some research. she's doing a new sister act movies so this could be a professional visit. >> tucker: raymond! i like how both of you explain the thought processes that lead to your guesses. let's see if you are correct. >> one day if i make some money i want to be an ambassador. i'm serious. i think i'd like to be an ambassador to either egypt or italy.
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>> oh! >> tucker: so now were at 1-1. so removing this along, accelerating fast. question four, unsolved stomach small town has erected a 17-foot statue to celebrate cheetahs. is it in cannata, to our north. b, the small mountainous nation of switzerland, or a place called intercourse pennsylvania, that c. >> i have to go with intercourse, pennsylvania. >> if it had cheese dust on it it would work. biko intercourse, pennsylvania. >> tucker: what you're saying is, when in doubt, go for
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intercourse. >> holy smokes. not tucker, what happens? i lose. >> tucker: abby is at one, you are at zero. tiebreaker if you win this, raymond. >> i think we need a recount. >> you got one for ron johnson, that was early on. >> tucker: i'm not a math guy. so i'm just going to move us into the final question. billings, montana, mandatory l alabama dog breeder was shocked when his french bulldog gave birth to a puppy that was an extremely unusual color. hey, green. b, purple, sikh, blue.
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>> i think the puppy would have to be blue. you don't have green or purple puppies, tucker. >> tucker: q could have clifford the big red puppy. let's roll tape. >> when i first saw the dog, i was like, i thought it was or something. >> she's so adorable. >> are we sure she didn't spray paint them? >> she's a french bulldog. >> that's not real. it looks like shrek's puppy. >> tucker: it is green. that means abby wins! that's not to detract from her deep affection for you raymond. abby wins the fabled and coveted john fetterman neck bulge mug. may it brighten your mornings. i dare you to drink coffee out
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: here's a story that hasn't gotten much attention, not to be paranoid or anything but the biden administration seems to be building its own private domestic army, separate from the one maintained by the department of defense. in fact this army is rivaling parts of the pentagons forest. the pentagon in place hundred and 80,000 marines and they have job to shoot our foreign enemies. by contrast, the biden administration employs 200,000 federal bureaucrats were also armed but for a different purpose.
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not to fight foreign adversaries but to shoot americans if called upon. what? they have no reason to be carrying a gun, they were good desks all the day. so why do we now have more armed federal bureaucrats than we have united states marines? what's the point of this? what's the role they're going to play. someone should take a look at those questions and were going to. a lot is happening that's getting no attention no doll, including the total evaporation of the first amendment, free speech. does it exist anymore? not really. the reason is that the federal government is trying to silence people. the violent domestic biden no ow
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that people only suspected up but now we know for certain because baron did something, berenson did something, he sued anyone. he found out the identity of the person who got them silenced and it turns out that person was not a white house staffer, bigger than that. alex berenson explains what happened. thanks for coming on. i love the fact that you got to the bottom of this. who's the person got you censored? >> this is a long story. i know we don't have a lot of time so i'm going to say right now that i dropped the entire story on my sub stack, unreported truths, so after this bit they can go read the whole story out there. there's a guy named andy slavin who is in the white house as a senior advisor to the biden lustration's covert response team and as early as april 2021,
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he was talking to twitter about who i was in that i was a problem for the white house and i was discouraging people from getting the white stomach vaccines. we know that. we know that in july, as vaccine efficacy was fading, the administration very publicly and privately got upset and wanted the social media platforms including twitter, facebook, to start banning people. and president biden set on july 16th of 2021, than facebook and other platforms were quote unquote killing people under platforms, because of people at me. then twitter struck out at me in july, they gave me three strikes. i already had one previous strike that i didn't know about, so i was one strike away from being suspended by the end of july. and by the way, andy slavik who's no longer in the
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white house but was at the center of the controversy talking to people inside pfizer and the administration on a daily basis practically, was very upset. he was continuing to push twitter secretly to ban me still, when i came back on the platform last year, in august, i was asking even harder questions about the vaccines, at a time when the biden administration knew they were going to be pushing for mandates and boosters, they still wouldn't ban me. and then, scott gottlieb, director of pfizer on the executive committee of pfizer, which is made tens of billions of dollars from selling these vaccines, went to twitter and said this guy is a problem and then they banned me. >> tucker: so you criticize his product in which he had a financial in trust and he got you censored. this is scott gottlieb.
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we'd love to have him on the show anytime. meantime, thank you alex berenson for explaining. >> thinks twitter. [laughs] i mean thanks tucker. >> tucker: what a slur. how can you trust the advice that's coming from people with a financial stake in that advice. one entrepreneur has created an independent health care company that's not tied to big pharma, we will speak to him next. ♪ ♪
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- [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. and all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application. that easy. has helped businesses like yours claim over $1 billion in payroll tax refunds. but it's only available for a limited time. go to powered by innovation refunds. >> tucker: businessmen called foster colson has created a health care company that's totally independent of big pharma. >> we need to take that next step now and focusing on emerging out of covid grade we've had consortiums that represent some of these bigger companies. they've already offered us money to advertise on our platform. shortest conversation i ever had. i said there's no where to our
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money. and when you pass up on that kind of money you have to be committed to what you're doing. at the wellness company we will not be beholden to anybody. >> tucker: there's your headline right there. where health company that's not controlled by the drug companies. >> exactly. but you know these other companies? they're all owned by big pharma. there drug dealers. >> tucker: it's on fox nation. here sean hannity. >> hannity: joe biden your president appears to be caught in the massive midterm election meddling scandal with foreign countries as we now know as confirmed by the saudis sent to opec, which also includes russia, they not only denied biden's numerous requests to increase oil production, but biden also bagged, after he wa
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