tv Hannity FOX News October 13, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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and when you pass up on that kind of money you have to be committed to what you're doing. at the wellness company we will not be beholden to anybody. >> tucker: there's your headline right there. where health company that's not controlled by the drug companies. >> exactly. but you know these other companies? they're all owned by big pharma. there drug dealers. >> tucker: it's on fox nation. here sean hannity. >> hannity: joe biden your president appears to be caught in the massive midterm election meddling scandal with foreign countries as we now know as confirmed by the saudis sent to opec, which also includes russia, they not only denied biden's numerous requests to increase oil production, but biden also bagged, after he was
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does nine for the billing time, he told the saudis and opec to hold off on oil cuts until after the midterm election. did joe biden attempt to collude with the saudis, opec, not including russia, to act in a way that would impact the 2022 midterm elections? senator martin to mike marco rubio would be here. also major hannity announcement, i think you like it. were only 26 days away till these all-important midterm elections. that said. 26 days. i hope you feel the urgency as i am. democrats are running the most extreme, radical, destructive crop of midterm candidates ever. they're doubling down on the most destructive agenda ever. and even from the biden economy goes from bad to worse, they keep lying about it. today's data shows inflation at yet another for the year high
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with the september numbers coming in even hotter than expected. that means prices for groceries, gas, rent, every star you go to basically is costing you a lot more money. and by the way, we've been telling you all of this hardworking americans americans continued to suffer, take a look at your screen. year-over-year, gas prices up 20% since that time trump was president it has doubled. even with biden trying to artificially reduce the price by draining our reserves. electricity is up 15% by the way he's compromised on national security to do so. all of this is caused by joe biden's insanity and doesn't stop there. he liked malcolm? maybe your kids do. that's up 15%, eggs up 30%. every star you go to, up, up,
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and up further. and while biden and the democrats try to ensure that your quality of life, it goes down and down. the average couple, the average household, is paying $7,200 more for the same exact purchases they made under donald trump and his last year in office. it's one big far left failure, one after another. all preventable created by joe biden and his climate alarmist party. here's joe biden today, doubling down on his economic valve. remember as you watch this thought this is the same guy and the sin administration that told you inflation was transitory. >> americans are squeezed by the cost of living, it's been true for years and folks don't need a report to know they're being squeezed. fighting this battle every day is a key reason why i ran for president of the united states. people are hurting these days.
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today's report show progress. inflation was 2% over the last three months. that's down from 11% over the prior three months. that's progress. >> hannity: inflation is zero. it's zero. and inflation is transitory. right joy. he just lies. you know the truth because you pump your gas into your car, because you go to the store, you see the inflated prices. you know how hard it is out there. the ap had a poll saying that 46% of americans feel they are poor because of these policies. biden claimed it's not his fault that inflation it's at a 40 year high, he blames the republicans. they don't have control of the house, senate or white house but blame them. >> there to make you pay higher tech stomach taxes. every piece of legislation that have gotten past people here, we
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have not raise the tax on anybody making less than 400,000 bucks a year. not 1 penny. i was the mech wish i was making for grant. not a single penny. i mean it. republican wins, inflation will get worse. it's that simple. if you speak to dominic dominic >> hannity: people on fixed incomes, it's disproportionately impacting minority communities in this country according to polls. you're right. not 1 penny. $7200 on average per household because of inflation. that's why democrats are desperate to distract from all of this, hiding in their basement bunkers and not asking any questions from the compliant media mob. they try to make it about anything other than the democrats and the bidens
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never-ending self-inflicted disaster because yet again today more theater. the predetermined hearings are back, the sham january 6 committee, predetermined outcome. grand crescendo today, now they will subpoena donald truck to testify as part of this sham charade predetermined circus, jim jordan is not on the committee nor gym bags because they couldn't let any conservatives on the committee. cheney and can sink or both voted to impeach donald trump on hate donald trump. that's a fair committee. so i can spend a lot of time on it. because that's a distraction away from them american people, more grandstanding 26 days before the election. they know the 45th president will invoke executive privilege in doing this 26 days before the election is a disgrace. they say they will release the
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interim report before the election, there's not a single hearing on the 574 riots in summer of 2020 that killed thousands of americans, injured thousands of cops and caused billions of dollars of property damage. where's the committee on that? there is none. they sat by silently not wanting to criticize their base that was all about riots in the summer of 2020. nothing about the front valent committee has anything to do with protecting the capital from future attacks. it's about deceiving the american people, trying to destroy donald trump and all of his supporters and all of its allies. if they really cared about answers or solutions with dave brought him muriel bowser who put in writing that she didn't want the national guard? wouldn't they have brought in the chief of police for the capital because he requested the national guard?
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nancy pelosi is in charge of security in the capital. why didn't they bring her in and subpoena her records rush mike white in the top of the five people in the oval office on january 3rd that are on record saying donald trump authorize the use of national guard troops days before january 6? all a sleight-of-hand against you the american people and inspire them to continue to focus on the issues that matter most like surging inflation, crippling gas prices, no lawn no order, rising crime, defund, dismantle, wide open southern border and so much more. ask yourself. why do democrats appear to be hell-bent on destroying your life in every way possible? that's what people will be devoting on 26 days. why did you abandon american energy independence? why you begging no stomach opec and sell stomach saudi arabia, venezuela, russia, when we have
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more domestic energy than anyone else, more than anyone could need. why are you coddling violent criminals and ending cash bail which mark that's madness. why are you letting criminals run loose and cartels run our order? even as sentinel floods into our communities, killing our national treasure, our children. why are you adopting the green new deal when you have nothing to replace fossil fuels. there is no technology or renewable energy that's cheap, available, and affordable and something we can implement it in the next 20 years. you're undermining our. you have economically, unilaterally disarm this country because it's the lifeblood of the world's economy. i ask all of you out there. can you name a single thing the democrats have done to make your life better? name one thing. because more and more as
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democrats dominic dominic. reduce energy security, all while we are in a major recession, staring us right in the face. it's an absolute of disgrace, slap in the face to every man, woman, and child working, they'd be better off if the cobb cognitive wreck of the commander in chief would stop surrendering to the far left extremists and actually put you the american people for us for a change. stop spending recklessly. stop the inflation. return to energy independence. control our borders. joe, the democrats, you said inflation was transitory. will you now admit you were dead wrong and that you lied? will you ensure the safety of every american in every town and cities so they can pursue happiness?
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will you lower taxes to give people relieve? will you allow americans to save more, give parents their choice of education? will you protect students from indoctrination and the woke agenda of your friendly teachers union? we please start protecting victims? we know the solutions. we can solve problems. were better than this. and republicans put up with their commitments to america and writing, signed their name, and then hold you accountable. this is not likely the single most critical inflection point, midterm election, and the history of our republic. so much on the ballot, so much at stake. that's when 26 days you get the final say. i'm only one vote. what kind of country, what kind of future do you want for your kids and grandkids? here's farmers trump economist steve moore along with steve miller and former white house
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chief of staff france previous. heritage foundation, credible organization, the estimate $7200 per household on the inflation tax. how about snooze today? >> it's horrible. i was surprised at how about the numbers were. this is the ninth straight month that we've had 8% inflation are more. another one of biden's lies, the one that you just played earlier shone, when he set a american tax people to make less than $4,000. sean, inflection is a tax! it's a tax on every single american in the country! it's not transitory, it's not temporary, it's not going away. the cause of this is the $4.1 trillion of spending, borrowing, and printing money by bud. he said it would cause a recovery but it hasn't done that. when i go to the grocery store or to the gas pump, people come up to me to get angry, they say,
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steve, what he see inflation's only 8%? people feel it's worse than that because the essentials that you have to buy are more than a percent higher. energy costs are up 20%. we saw a three month reduction in energy prices on that look like maybe we finally turned a corner on inflation, the going straight up again because were not producing oil and gas and coal. don't forget by the way there is one source of renewable energy that does work, sean, and that's nuclear power. but they don't want to use that either. >> hannity: it's unbelievable. let me go to the issue of energy. i don't understand, steve miller, the mysterious reluctance in resisting as it relates to domestic energy production. we learned something today. not only is opec repeatedly denied joe biden's request to increase their production. by the way, that now includes
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russia, along with opec and the saudis. now we understand from the saudis, will go into this more with marco rubio, but they are claiming biden asked them to delay the announcement that the going to reduce their production after november, in other words, after the midterms. was joe biden colluding with saudi arabia? opec nations? the russians? to manipulate an election? >> clearly, joe biden was attempting to collude with multiple form powers to interfere in america's election. it is as clear an example of corruption as you will ever see. what makes it all the more humiliating and debasing for our country is that when donald trump was in office we were energy rich, we are energy abundant, overflowing.
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we have more energy than we knew what to do with. and joe biden forced an agenda of energy poverty on our country, energy dependence on our country. now we have the spectacle of the president going around the country like a popper, begging and pleading and scraping for energy from foreign powers because he will produce energy here in all of her people suffer every day as a result. >> hannity: the media mob only cares about any story that doesn't expose the radical climate cultist agenda. so they're back to january 6 in the grand crescendo today is work in a subpoena donald trump and they all know well that donald trump is never going to appear before the committee even though he said he would like to. he's not can i appear. but we also know this, that they kicked off jim jordan and jim banks, we know this has had a predetermined outcome from the beginning, we know they're doing
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a 26 days before the election and we also know the key people that they should've been interviewing they left out. nancy pelosi, muriel bowser, the people that would testify that donald trump in fact authorized the use of national guard troops and in fact muriel bowser denied it in writing. why didn't they bring her in? why didn't they bring nancy pelosi in? why didn't they demand their records? >> sean you're exactly right. it's totally political. it's obvious that their candidates are sinking across the country. their defending thing it's like no cash bail when you got people like the guy in wisconsin who drove a car through christmas parade. their defending releasing half the prisoners out of our state prisons. their defending their positions on defunding the police.
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it is a tax increase, inflation is. and it's more than that. it's pure theft. if you make $50,000 a year, out there across america, that equals about $44,000 today. $50,000.02 years ago equals $44,000 today because each dollar today is only worth $0.88. this is compared to a couple of years ago. these people are lying every day. they're telling us that it sunshine when it's raining, telling us is no problem with the economy, the economy is transitory, we have the best inflation rate in the world when we don't. just look at canada and south korea and australia for evidence. and then telling us that what we inherited is an economic stall from president trump when in reality of the last quarter of 2020 the economy grew 15%,
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$1.5 trillion. these people are lying across the board about the economy and setting up political charades and subpoenaing the president when he is never going to testify, republicans will win the house, they can pity is going to come to an end. >> hannity: will they go as far as to try to indict the president? is that what they're setting this up to be? >> they don't have the power to indict anybody. >> hannity: i'm talking more about a referral. they can make a referral. but we already know the ag is looking into a lot of issues about mar-a-lago and documents, we know what's going on in georgia. we know they'll make their referrals in georgia. do they want to stop donald trump regardless of the cost of the country? >> they certainly want to stop donald trump, no doubt about it. i don't know what they're going
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to do sean but certainly being a person who has lived through the mueller investigation that went nowhere, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> tucker: him in the investigation with the fbi where they paid the sub source christopher steele that it was all a lie, they offered steel a million dollars if he could prove a kind of bounty on donald trump, if he could approve the dossier as being true. that fbi? >> on the second day of walking into the white house, the fbi was interviewing our national security advisors on the hallway didn't tell anybody. >> that's why we have to win in november. >> hannity: yes. agreed. and they did it because jim comey sent them to take advantage of the chaos of the early days of the
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administration. amazing days. sad. thank you all. when they come back, saudi arabia not only embarrassed biden but then they went a step further and exposed that your president wanted them to delay the announcement that they would cut production. we'll get senator marco rubio's take straight ahead. ♪ ♪ girls trip. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms. including nasal congestion. with powerful claritin-d. so you can breathe better. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin - d.
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hi, i'm karen. i lost 58 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for over a year. it was so easy that the weight just kept coming off. that's when i knew that this is real. golo works. i still can't believe that i look like this. talk to anyone in san francisco and they'll tell you now is not the time to make our city even more expensive by raising taxes. san francisco has one of the largest city budgets in america. yet when it comes to homelessness and public safety, we're not getting results. what we really need are better policies, more accountability, and safer neighborhoods. vote no on propositions m and o. the last thing we need are higher taxes, especially right now. now is not the time to raise taxes in san francisco. vote no on m and o.
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♪ ♪ >> hannity: five people sadly are dead, more injured, after a mass shooting in raleigh, north carolina. laura has the latest from new york. >> we just got an update from police and city officials, raleigh confirming that five are dead and others seriously wounded, added tonight that the subs of ex-suspect is contained, not arrested but it contained. it's been a terrifying scene unfolding over several hours after an active shooter when rampage stayed on the move. he shut his victims, hit in the woods, and then when back on the road again. residents were told to shelter
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in place during the active shooting that left a police officer and for others dead. the staff of the hospital since they have victims in level 1 trauma center with gunshot. the police officers putting themselves in harm's way right now to get the suspect. neighbors who saw the suspect have described him as a very young person, possibly between 13 and 16 years old. justin have tiptoe camouflage, carrying a long gone. residents could see them out of the back windows, in the woods and then moving around as they heard shot after shot. we're waiting to find out whether this gunman will be in custody in the next while. press conferences will be held throughout the night and will let you more as we hear more.
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>> hannity: also tonight, the saudi arabian ministry of foreign affairs issued a lengthy statement in response to biden saying he would agree ss the u.s. relationship to the kingdom. the saudis had some thoughts on joe biden. they accused him of lying about their motivations for the production cut and then they say that he wanted the saudis and opec and also that now includes russia to delay their announcement and there car by one month. they wrote, postponing the opec plus decision for a month according to what is been suggested would've had a stomach negative economic consequences. next they put biden on notice that they won't listen to any of his dictates to distort their work and setting the oil prices.
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if that's not humiliating and bad enough, the saudis had some parting words for biden. the kingdom of hers that infuse its relationship with the u.s. as a strategic one that serves the common dress of both countries. wow. here know what that dominant reaction, florida senator marco rubio, he's on the foreign services committee. my interpretation is that joe biden was told in no uncertain terms not only will they not increase the production of oil but they're gonna cut their production of oil. in joe's answer was, can you just delay the announcement a month and that leads me to conclude the strong possibility that joe biden was trying to collude with the saudis, opec plus, russia, and opec nations from presenting this information from becoming public before the midterm election. is that a conspiracy theory or
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is it accurate? >> the pieces begin to fit. they already play politics with oil. he threatened she's going to everybody out of business, the refining capacity is less than one donald trump was president. then you have them start dipping into the strategic reserves. we have them out after the opec embargo of the 70s because we never wanted to be in that spot again. that's for hurricanes and were not there for midterms. that's what he was using it for her. then we get into that situation now or at are asking their own best interests. they want to set oil prices in a way that's good for them and at the same time it's opec plus russia but the doing it to publish america on joe biden. we should be in this position redware and oil producing country if we want to be. the reason we are not is because the biden administration will now allow it to be produced on
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the radical left on the democratic party has told the fossil fuel industry, oil and others, were gonna put you out of business. and we find ourselves in a position as beggars, the most powerful country in the world has to beg these third-rate countries. >> hannity: so he's begging these countries that hate our guts. we have more natural resources as you know than all these countries combined. we can be energy independent for hundreds of years. this is a problem for me. joe biden for some reason thinks it's okay that we import oil but we can't produce it domestically because of mother earth. the saudis didn't like joe's comments about reassessing the relationship after they cut production of oil. my question is, what a joe biden then asked them to delay their decision, delay their announcement, he knew they were going to cooperate, infect there and cut production what he wanted delayed until after the
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midterms? to me the answer is obvious. i think we need a congressional investigation. you'd be a perfect candidate for. was he trying to collude with foreign countries to get influence in the upcoming midterm elections? >> i think there is no doubt timing tells you, it answers your question. don't do it until after novembee wants is what happened already, over the weekend, a spike in oil. a couple weeks later it gets priced and at the pump, when americans are going go vote. they've been going around for weeks bragging about how gas prices were coming down. he was taking credit for that. noise can have to take the blame and he deserves it. i believe they're messing around with it for political purposes. but also think it's indicative of how these radical left
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marxist misfits have put us in the position were in now as a country. they're okay with getting oil from other countries but they don't want to produce it here and that leaves us vulnerable, natural gas and all the byproducts come from that, you name it. >> hannity: it's really a shame senator. you look at the suffering of the american people, every time they fill up their gas tank, these are scary times. all of it is preventable. senator rubio, your race in florida is critical if republicans are to have any chance of holdings getting a majority. were following your election closely, we know you're up but we like to see would buy double judges if possible. >> i need everyone's help. go to my website, marco
6:34 pm i need your help. >> hannity: turn our attention to northern virginia tonight, igor deb schinkel is on trial for lying to the fbi, the same fbi that was paying a lot of money after receipt of the dirty dossier was punk, garbage. where they trying to buy his silence? the special counsel john durham is in court personally, questioning witnesses himself including yesterday when he grilled an fbi agent that he had called to the stand and revealed that the agent had been recommended for suspension, apparently for refusing to admit his role in the pfizer warrant process. although he admitted he was in crossfire hurricane from the beginning. providing false information from the dossier, also admitted in open court not only that he lied but that he has a fairly negative opinion of donald trump. george papadopoulos was caught up in the russia hoax himself,
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he speaking out on the trial, calling fox news digital that is can reveal the onion of corruption inside the fbi. the author of the best seller deep state target, papadopoulos joins us along with congressman jim jordan. i think this is interesting. this guide testifies that he and a group of that's behind agents went overseas in 2021 to dr. christopher steele about the reports in his steele dossier. it's a group of documents that together are called the dossier. under cross-examination, it was interesting, we learned that during those meetings the fbi offered christopher steele $1 million so if he could corroborate the allegations in the dossier. but still cannot do so. i want to remind our audience. andrew mccabe, deputy fbi director, he said that without the dossier they never would've gotten the pfizer warrant
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approved. that means from the very beginning, from the very first application leaves the dossier, it says in the top of the pfizer application verified, know they didn't verify it because they were offering a million dollars to get it verified and they could get the verification yet they used it anyway. that means that jim comey himself signed three of the applications, willingly lied to the pfizer court judges in all of them did. are any of them ever going to be held accountable? if i lied to a judge or go to jail. >> these the document they knew was false false to get the duct right to spy on papadopoulos. they're trying to pay the guy a million dollars to prove it's not false. go figure. steele's primary sources indicated john was the guy on trial in northern virginia, with
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the fbi was paying to lie to them. such a deal for the taxpayer. but the guy who testified all of that also happens to be the name that popped pops up from the whistle-blower that went to senator grassley, said two years ago this month that there was a group at the fbi that suppress the hunter biden story. the same witness was the guy involved in suppressing that information that was critical for the nation to have just weeks before the most important election we do which is the presidential election. that's our fbi. i'm at the point where you don't know who you believe that the fbi. i think they can factor that into the election just 26 days from now. >> hannity: between senator grassley, senator johnson and yourself, there could be 20 to 30 whistle-blowers that have come to congress about the fbi's been politicizing a variety of ways. our attorney general merrick garland sent out a memo
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reminding that if you work for the department of justice you're not allowed to talk to jordan, grassley, erik johnson. was that an intimidation effort against the russell bloor laws in the country? >> of course it was an intimidation effort designed to chill speech. it happened the day after i talked about this on your program. go figure. that's why so many people of come forward. >> hannity: may be the attorney general can stop weaponizing the doj. maybe it could be returned to where it should be as the world's premier law enforcement agency. i have an fbi pin right there and that's for the good agents who put themselves on the line every day. good to see you jordan, welcome
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back. apparently the fbi was considering submitting a pfizer application against you. did you know that? >> thanks for having me sean. i had various suspicions that there was an intensive examination of my personal life, my work history, my involvement with the ben carson campaign, the trump campaign. and there were rumors that there are five seller warrants. there were rumors about recordings involving myself and people at fox news, fbi informants recording me. but the big picture here is this, one month president trump's greatest achievements in my opinion was to expose the rot and corruption that pervaded his predecessor's attempt to block a smooth transition of power. it was president trump who declassified us these various russia gate documents that allowed john durham to have this information, and to levy these
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various charges, and to present evidence in federal court. what is the description the john durham is actually presenting to the american public? you first have, in 2016, confidential sources spying on me, recording me, where i was denying involvement with the russia campaign. the fbi withheld this from the fisa court. they then went, based on this new information from john durham, the next month come up to rome, to offer christopher steele a million dollars to verify this bogus dossier which they continued to base the fisa warrants off of. steele said he can't. the fbi ran a monk under the comey leadership, they utilize both myself and the steele dossier to continue to get warrants with absolutely no foundation, no basis. they turn this country upside down.
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that's what john durham is presenting to the american public. if people like brian auden are not held accountable, they're going to do what he did. so try to cover up the hunter biden story. people need to be held accountable. >> hannity: were you a high-ranking official, an advisor to donald trump? >> i was honored to work on trump campaign. i have no idea what high-level, low-level. >> hannity: talk to the candidate every day multiple times a day. did that happen? >> it did not happen. >> hannity: jim, i want to ask one question. if republicans get controlled vote of the house, will they hold people who lied to the pfizer judges accountable? it seems like everybody gets away with doing something that
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any american if they didn't they be thrown in jail. >> oversight is one of our constitutional duties. we'll add to the american people to get them the facts and the truth. >> hannity: did jim comey break the law based on what we now know that the fbi knew before they applied for the first warrant they couldn't prove the dossier was true? did they violate the law? >> all the facts point to that. in 2016, the fbi spied on trump campaign, then it was the mueller investigation and the hunter biden story suppression and now they rated president from psalm. when is the fbi going to stop getting involved in the election process and let we the people decide is going to represent us? >> hannity: biden just attempted to get opec to delay the announcement that they were going to reduce production.
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curious timing. straight ahead tonight, los angeles is starting its radical universal income program. why should every american be concerned about this? will explain. will check in with leo terrel and straight ahead. ♪ ♪ - [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. and all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms
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what's the real math behind prop 27, their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. vote no on prop 27.
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>> hannity: we have this fox news alert, the suspect and they're really shooting his police custody. first tonight we have disturbing reports out of valet, where biden spent the day telling his failed agenda and fund-raising from hollywood and liberal democrats all over the state. the city announced the given thousand dollars to select residents every month for the next three years. it's like winning the lotto. let me be clear, that socialism. not a single one of these recipients did anything for the money. this should worry every ame american. so goes california, so goes the nation. will other far left states follow that lead, implementing their own socialist agendas?
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joining us are jessica and leo. were $32 trillion in debt right now. the average family suffering hunter biden in place policies is costing them $7200 a year. we have the highest gas prices we have ever as a country. as i predicted, the going back up. can you tell me who's going to play for all it's free money there can be distribute in? >> of the state of is going to pay for it. they have a $97.5 billion surplus at about half that governor gavin newsom can use as that his discretion. >> hannity: but they don't get the money, they get the money from the people, right? >> they're choosing to live in california and they pay those taxes. they haven't left l.a. and they
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continue to pay taxes. >> hannity: why is it fair to take money to empower government to confiscate money from one group of people and give it to a favored group of people. could that be viewed as an attempt at buying people's favor at the ballot box? >> people put folks in office who agree with their policies. newsom thinks people should be taxed as a high rate. i live in new york and we have a high tax rate. do i support rich people paying higher taxes? yes absolutely i do. >> hannity: so the government can take money from one group of people and give it to a favored group. you support that? jessica, you're too smart for this.
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do you support empowering your government to take money from one group of people and adding it to another group of people? do you support that? >> yes i do. >> hannity: leo, let's get your reaction. >> can have a chance please? the state of california first of all does not generate income. who pay for it says? i paid for this i didn't vote for this type of free money distribution. look at the standards. i read the policy. educationally disadvantaged, trouble neighborhoods. this is a program based on what you look like and who you are. it's free money we just gave away $4 trillion and it's a disincentive. this is a backdoor reparation plan. it's a plan to get certain people money at expense of others. it's unconstitutional.
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it's a violation of equal protection. daunte wright now, and serve an alternative, instead of getting free money, go get a job go get a job! don't rely on the government to feed you read this thousand dollars they could do whatever they want with this money. they could blow it on anything. use your imagination. this is a dependency program which the state of california, a socialist state, not approve by taxpayers, to keep people dependent on the democratic socialist agenda. if you and jessica, you get the final 20 seconds. >> there are no socialist states in america. this targets 18 to 20 years old... it is not socialism. socialism is what happens in
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lincoln's been exploring new ways to deliver sanctuary in its vehicles. comfort for body and mind. that's ambitious. but the future of sanctuary, well that's downright audacious. ♪ hello, i'm franklin graham. it's hurricane season. we've already seen some incredible devastation. many people find themselves in different kinds of storms in life. and we need an anchor to hang onto in these storms. the anchor that we need is jesus christ. he said, "i'll never leave you, or forsake you, and if we put our faith and trust in him, we know that he will take us through the storms of this life all the way to heaven one day where we'll spend eternity with him. god sent jesus christ to this earth to save us from our sins. he took our sins to a cross where he shed his blood and died and was buried,
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and on the third day, god raised him to life. would you like to invite him to come into your life and be the anchor of your soul? you can do that by praying this prayer with me right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe that jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you.
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there and another surprise guest. i don't tell you who it is but you're going to like it. that's coming up monday at 9:00 p.m. and we hope you'll be watching and for some of you in georgia, hope to see you. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for joining us. thank you for making the show possible. please set your dvrs so you never ever miss a episode of hannity. in the meantime let not your hearts be troubled because laura and the ingraham angle is next and they have a killer show tonight as always and you have the wrong color on again. >> laura: can i reveal the surprise on the town hall? because i know what it is. let's just reveal it, this is ridiculous to hide the surprise. >> sean: okay, go ahead. you're going to do it anyway so i can't stop you. >> laura: from a georgia peanut there's a georgia peanut costume i saw that in the makeup room in the back so it's that costume and i'm popping out of it. isn't that exciting for the big town hall? that's going to be a real thrill. >> sea
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