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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  October 13, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> abby wins that does not deflect from our affection for you raymond but she wins the coveted john fetterman neck bulge. >> greg: hold on raymond ended with a negative one? better luck next time ray. that's it for us tonight. gutfeld is next. ♪ ♪ >> greg: all right. happy glorious, glorious thursday. wow. what a crowd, huh? glorious crowd. what a week for crooks, schemeers and liars, otherwise known as democrats. that was cheap and i apologize.
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not really. but part of a new segment i like to call ♪ >> these are terrible people! who suck! >> greg: thank you. that was created by my nephew allen for his art class. they like to keep the inmates busy. he'll be out in three years. so first during questioning by special counsel john durham on tuesday an fbi analyst claims the fbi offered ex british agent christopher steel a million bucks if he could corroborate the allegations against candidate trump that were made in the dossier back in 2016. now talk about creating an incentive to lie, offering seven figures for a pee tape. hell i could have made one for him for four, five hundred bucks. in the fox news men's room. or best offer. kneel ca veto owes me a favor.
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plus he looks good in a wig and can do a russian accent. but why so much money? could it be that steel would need part of that money to pay the corroborateers? he gets paid perhaps to pay off witnesses? it's entirely possible. at any rate the whole thing is seedier than a pumpkin carving contestment perhaps if the republicans had done this, the media might care. meanwhile president biden said tuesday there will be consequences for the saudis not delaying the cut in oil production until days before the midterms in order to help the dems. and they said trump was damaging relationships with our allies. remember when he told germany to get off russian energy? now he looks like a psychic while biden looks like milton burrel's corps. but the saudis told joe to stuff it and now dems are introducing legislation that would pause all arm sales to the saudis fora
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year. right now i would like to introduce my foot to all the dems asses. so the biden white house is punishing an ally because he didn't help them politically. isn't that what they impeached trump for with that perfect phone call? [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah. there's that -- i'll take it. there's that golden rule again, whatever the dems accuse you of you can bet they're already doing it. also shows biden really didn't care about americans paying for more for gas to him it's about politics because at this race his party's going to lose more seats than a patio furniture store during a category 5. but if the republicans had done this perhaps the media might care. this enthere's that chrome domed gram lin, alejandro mayorkas opposes using the term alien because he looks like one. true, are we sure he's not from outer space? i bet his wife's name is mindy.
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thank you. that's right in our audiences wheel house, sit-coms from the 70s. in a bombshell revelation, mayorkas own staff a report of agent whipping migrants was false before he went to the white house but he went ahead anyway and smeared his own agents as racist just hours before he was told the officer were innocent he said this. >> our entire nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. we know that those images painfully con injured up the worst elements of our nation's ongoing battle against systemic racism. >> greg: hey, ass wipe, we know who we are, it's not who you are, a lying back stabbing hour hungry finger pointing dirt bag that would sell out his own mom
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at the drop of a hat. he's a scum bag. i know that could be defamation. i got applause for that. i preachily shouldn't say that because i don't want scum bags to sue me but he let his agents twist in the wind for political advantage perhaps to shift the media spotlight away from his disastrous leadership to the agents fabricated racist behavior and the media bought it. even though it's pretty hard to use a whip while you're on a fast-moving horse. you'd end up whipping yourself like when hemmer and i role play. sorry. and even after it was obvious they were wrongly accused, he promised there would be an investigation, and there was. it took a year. and though it cleared the agents, they still faced punishment for other so-called violations. and what would those be, doing their job amid the border chaos
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caused by the white house, filing wash the mud off their uniforms after a hard day's work. using the wrong pronoun when addressing the horse? i think it's ney. i don't know. the worst part, mayorkas was clearly unfair on purpose and as you know that's the media's job. so what does all this corruption have in common? it's the democrats doing the dirty deeds in plain sight and you can only do that if you have help a protective big brother or big sister or a big brother who was once your big sister. have i covered all the new [bleep] categories? and that's the media who turn off their cameras and close their notebooks whenever democrats scheme. you could argue they're the real excuse me because without them the political excuse me wouldn't have cover. but in a just world the people who push the steal dossier would be occupying the very cells that would the january 6th protesters
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are occupying now. biden would be impeached or the 25th amendment would put him in a nursing room hopefully one not being run by andrew cuomo. [cheers and applause] >> greg: but -- and, finally, mayorkas would be tarred and feathered which isn't too bad for him since he can still get work as an ostrich. >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. she's so evil, she just took a job on the sabbath. host of fox news sunday, shannon bream! [cheers and applause] >> greg: his comedy career is on fire when customers burn down the club. host of fox across america, jimmy failla! [cheers and applause] >> greg: she's like a squirrel. tiny and cute, but might have
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rabies. fox news contributor, kat timpf [cheers and applause] >> greg: and he's so powerful the national weather service names his sneezes. that's good. my massive side kick and the nwa world television champion, tyrus! [cheers and applause] >> greg: there it is. shannon, shannon congratulations on your new job. >> shannon: thank you. you lobbied against it didn't you? >> greg: that's why i called you evil because i wanted them to move you to sunday and turn it into the black sabbath. >> shannon: oh, no. we bring light. >> greg: yes. very good and now we have dreamy trace gallagher. >> shannon: i know. i need to talk to you about the nickname, although i will give you that. >> greg: he is dreamy. shannon there are three elements to the monologue, what bothers you the most and why? >> shannon: well, i think about the fact that initially his comments were supportive of the
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agents. we are asking them do an insane job down there at the border so for the head boss guy to initially look like he was coming to their aid and then in the interim get an e-mail that says the photographer on this thing says that didn't happen and then to play the comments he made is really difficult to justify. >> greg: do you think he might have not known? let me put it this way. do you think that biden also knew and didn't care either? >> i don't know we have the e-mail because somebody foiaed it which is how we get answers in washington so we know it got to mayorkas so why he made those comments initially defended the agents and then saw the e-mail and then >> greg: i love how you used foya as a verb. >> shannon: only in washington. >> greg: it's not a real word. beginning to think they made a mistake putting you on sunday. you're not chris wallace.
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>> shannon: that's true. >> greg: and that's a good thing. i'm kidding. or am i. jimmy, isn't it funny that what joe biden is doing with the saudis is exactly what they accused trump was doing with ukraine. >> jimmy: spot on, and to be clear he's only mad at the saudis because they gave him oil cancer back in the cities. they were the ones that screwed up the windshield wipers and everything like that. it reads like a ridiculous shakedown and the thing you read earlier about everything being a projection is true. you can make an argument that when you're calling the border agents racist, it's racist of you to do that number one, which is very frustrating. but the bigger issue there is mayorkas is the jussie smollett of homeland security people. you know, the only thing he left out is that the migrants were going to subway and the agents said it was maga country. >> greg: by the way jimmy i think they're applauding your broke back mountain casino
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church. >> jimmy: they're into that. >> greg: yeah, the devil went down to chelsea. >> jimmy: the people like the game and fishing look, i have to be honest. i think this is all systematic if you look at awe three rolled into one as a president that gets rolled a lot. he's not really in charge. they went with this narrative that hey the border's a disastrous for us politically let's make the conversation about fake racism. the saudi same thing the green energy deal biden should know better than to support he can't overcome. in a nutshell if you look at biden he should step aside for somebody younger like mosus. >> greg: that's impossible moses isn't alive. jimmy be real. kat what pisses you off the most in these stories? is it the saudis? is it christopher steel? the fbi, that's our money >> kat: yeah. plus i don't understand how anyone could have ever believed the pee tape was real. just because i think that trump
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was probably better at revenge than that. if somebody came up to me and was like, you know that hotel you stayed at that one time? a bunch of people just peed on the bed. i'd be like, okay. >> greg: yeah, so what >> kat: i'm not staying there tonight. >> greg: right. >> i will though >> kat: the saudi thing for all the obvious reasons upsets me but also part of the reason why we're so desperate for oil is biden doing all these things to decrease our supply of oil and then being like, oh, no, where's all the oil. and the prices are higher because there's less of it. that's pretty basic stuff and that's how it works but we're going to keep having problems unless they can actually look at themselves. >> greg: like i said yesterday sneaky replay of hiding the hunter biden tape the timing of something that might hurt them they bury tyrus. last word to you. >> tyrus: we have to stop giving this administration the benefit of the doubt. we have to stop doing that. he 1,000% knew what he was
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doing. but let's remember during this time what was the plan. it was to bring down law enforcement across the board. so this man had the audacity to go on there knowing full well that calling these agents what he called them didn't just affect the agents, their families, their neighborhoods, their friends, how they're looked at. they put their lives in danger. for what? because it was part -- it's the progressive agenda, tear down law enforcement. this was a carrot. they had a picture that looked bad and how many times have we seen this with law enforcement? how many times have we seen the last eight seconds of a video where they're taking down a suspect who's been resisting arrest for five hours? we see the last second of it and what, they're racist cops that were basically fighting for their lives. well, bad things -- i'm not talking about them. i'm talking about good cops that can't go to work anymore don't work anymore because of [bleep]
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like this. the fact that he didn't step down immediately, the fact that the president, not only -- i mean why should he step down, the president literally backed him up and said there would be consequences. where's the consequences for you guys? and they still have the balls right now right now to administratively pending? he doesn't have the ability to step down. we've got what, 23 days? >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: i would ask if republicans take the house or the senate the first order of business is getting that man out of his job [cheers and applause] >> greg: there you go. rousing, rousing applause. all right, all right. you want him to take my job? never applaud more for him than you do for me. >> tyrus: didn't you sign a waiver at the beginning of the show? >> greg: yeah. [laughter] >> greg: up next a woke pledge was a strange plays to start for learning how to fix a heart. ♪ th was much better. my mind was in a good place. but my body was telling a different story.
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>> greg: they require a white guilt admission to become a physician. a medical school turns a doctor's education into a woke indoctrination. during a recent ceremony at the university of minnesota medical school incoming students were forced to recite an oath that including critical race theater and climate advocacy. they left out bungee jumping in mexico. this happened back in august which is a month, shannon. but, like a kennedy date, it took a while to surface. [groans]. >> tyrus: boom. >> greg: sorry. i'm not. why am i apologizing. now the oath starts by noting that the school was built on dakota land, but i wonder was acknowledgment not enough? >> we also recognize this
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acknowledgment is not enough. we commit to uprooting the legacy and perfect pet weighings of structural violence deeply embedded within the healthcare system. we recognize inequities built by past and present traumas rooted in white supremacy colonialism the gender binary ablism and all forms of oppression. >> greg: oh, my god. that's so not creepy. that's not exactly the kind of oath i'd want my doctor taking. hey, doc, my chest hurts, am i having a heart attack? well you should have thought about that before your and tours col knifed africa, you white devil. but, surely any good medical school would give props to western medicine and everything it's done for humanity, right? >> we pledge to honor all indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by western medicine. knowing that health is intimately connected to our
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environment, we commit to healing our plant and communities and social political and additional systems to advance health equity. >> that's frightening stuff. but finally a counter argument against living longer. follow their advice. so where's this all come from? well the guy leading the oaths a well credentialed doctor named robert englander, not to be confused with robert england aka freddy kruger although your health might be in better hands with freddy but it was written by a committee of 15 students and a spokeswoman says it's common practice for them to work with faculty to write an oath that reflects values and ethics the class as spires to uphold. meaning they should only practice medicine in soap operas. worst the teachers and institutions seem to endorse this nonsense t good news is if you ever swallowed poison these grads will be great in making
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you throw it up. imagine being one of these kids' future patients. >> sir what seems to be the problem pfrjts doc i think i broke my hand i think i need an extra. >> when was the last time you apologized to a person of color for being white. >> what's that have to do with a broken hand. >> pump the brakes, let me do my job. >> what kind of car do you drive. >> an suv. >> you son of a bitch. i should break your other hand. >> is there anything you can do to help me? >> let me try something i learned in school. >> great, thank you. >> feel the power of the healing sphere. it's changing. >> i'm good, i'm. it's awakening. >> it's coming from within. >> see you later. we're all set. here you go. >> we are medicine.
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>> greg: jimmy, i mean, we used to just kind of comfort ourself saying that woke stuff would only be like in arts and entertainment. it's now going into the hard stuff, the hard sciences. >> jimmy: this is horrifying it has to stop immediately. if i want to go to a doctor pretending to be an indigenous person i would call up elizabeth warren first of all. it was just there. >> greg: she could be the indian to your cowboy. >> jimmy: hey girl. think about that. >> greg: you're cultural a prop praying just like she is. >> jimmy: i know, it's ryan stone calvay. get rid of it. this is past the point like -- we always make fun of it, like the words and everything else but they said they're pushing back against ablism and the gender binary which means we're now going into the operating room without acknowledging biology. that should bother you. you know what i'm saying? you don't want to get into an
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uber with a blind driver, you know what i'm saying? and we're kind of doing that now in the medical profession. this isn't a political moment. this is a what the [bleep] moment. sorry, i didn't mean to get you. sorry. >> greg: i'm blushing right now. the guy in the ugly shirt has a point tyrus. they're like doing surgery on kids based on like this gender ideology like gender confusion. where does the gender confusion -- how can they make a diagnosis? >> tyrus: yeah, i don't believe any of this and on my emergency contact card if i'm ever in minnesota it will say ship to wisconsin. so i'm trying to feel for the brothers on this one. they're going to give up colonialism, the white man did. so shouldn't he have resigned and left after the speech? because unless my eyes betray me, that was about the whitest person ever that was giving that
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speech. so based off his speech he would be like, i got to go. >> greg: yes. he's taking up one spot. >> tyrus: yeah. >> greg: he's taking up a spot. >> tyrus: yeah. it's ridiculous. people, countries, get concord. that's what happens. it's not pretty. it's not fun. trust me if our side could have done it, we would have. i don't think anyone would have been against it. like, no, no, we want to be conquered. it's like you guys fighting the snow at night. congratulations. >> greg: you should teach history class. >> tyrus: i did. i did. >> greg: you know, kat, would you ever like i'm going to use instead of you because you care more about their health >> kat: absolutely. >> greg: would you care if they were caring for them >> kat: no i would ask about the prescription medication.
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they're not doing the oath. because if you want to fight against the oppression of western medicine the last thing you should do is spend hundreds of thousands of dollars studying it so you can spend your life practicing it. it's all pretend. they're obviously all going to go to be real doctors which was a very offensive thing for me to say, sorry. no, i don't want -- yeah. absolutely not. only the best for jean. >> greg: what do you make of this are you alarmed bike this attack on western medicine. >> shannon: i feel they'll be really busy because as you heard they're only responsible for healing the planet. it's not just the patients that come in their office they have to heal the planet as well so they're going to be busy with this. and part of the vow said they vowed to restore trust in the medical system. i don't know this is going to be the number one way to get people on board with that, especially after the last couple of years. we'd all like to have some renewed trust in the medical system. but i don't know that this is going to help. i just am thinking about, if
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you're the student sitting here thinking like i did not contribute to this group that put this thing together, like what happens if you don't say it. do you not get your diploma? >> greg: it's the ultimate peer pressure virtue signal. everyone has to be a robot and go, i agree, white bad, everybody else good. >> tyrus: they all know who did it. it's the same person who wrote the speech when you graduated high school. like this is nelson's bleep bleep. >> but that's what's going on to be clear. a lot of white people on the left that are cultural arsonists. what i mean is they find problems where there isn't one, they set a fire this they themselves extinguish but doesn't help anyone but they claim valor. western medicine has saved hundreds of millions of lives so what are you telling we're supposed to do you know what i mean? go back to dream catchers, a lot of people are going to die. that's the point. >> greg: yeah. good point guy in ugly shirt. i wish they would set fire to
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>> greg: it's the golden ager versus the college rager. residents of a senior citizen dormitory on the arizona state university campus, who knew? are suing a neighboring bar saying it's too dam loud at night. they argue the bar across the street gets so noisy it keeps them from dozing off. i hate that. i used to wake up every night before i switched to flomax. back in spring, a judge had ordered the shady park bar to limit the volume of outdoor concerts and impose an 11:00 p.m. curfew on fridays and saturdays but the venue appealed arguing it would be bad for business and the city of tempe agreed saying it's good for a vibrant neighborhood. so now the senior citizens, some of whom spent a million dollars to live at axu are suing.
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and you don't want to mess with them. they've got time on their hands and liver spots. but like nancy pelosi's swim suit -- [groan]. >> greg: what? i'm not even finished. the situation is very revealing. it tells you even the elderly are willing to shell out big bucks to literally live on campus. and i get it. what's not to love. you get all the fun of dorm style living but as an older wiser adult. and hopefully like college you'll be hooking up. you know. but remember fellows, if there's a sock on the door, that means your roommate is getting an enma. all right. this is a really weird story, tyrus. >> tyrus: and you made it so much weirder than it needed to be. >> greg: but, no, think about this. so we have problems with housing. we have a housing crisis. we also have an alone crisis. we hear about rises in depression, older people living
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alone, there's not enough kids taking care of them. isn't this the idea that like, would people remember when i lived in the dorm it was fun? didn't you have a good time? you could be a college student --. >> tyrus: when i look back at it now? no i was horrible. to my ra out there, i hope you healed up bra. you lived in the dorms went through class, figure out who was buying a beer and what mildly attractive girl had a car. i was broke you lower your subjects for a car. here's the deal. if you're going to go back, because everybody thinks it's like rodney dangerfield going back to school and it's great and the old guy's great. you realize you're older now so now you're back on the campus where everybody wants to be fun and party and apparently you want to go to bed at 8:00. it's not going to work in a college town. i don't feel bad for them. i really don't. you chose to live on campus.
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try staying in new york for the weekend. the worst problem i would have would be hearing music as opposed to, this is my spot, i'll kill you, wi woo woo, boom boom boom. you know, so, be careful what you wish for, i'll take some music. >> greg: do you hear things at my night in new york that are unexplainable. like some guy just shrieking. >> shannon: i know. i'm like is that a cat in heat or a person. >> greg: just a male shrieking and you go out and you're like he's not there. i feel like they're demons. >> shannon: it could be rats, they're very big. >> greg: did you ever hear of senior citizen dorms on campus. >> shannon: here's the problem. this opened during covid and the clubs were all closed so people didn't know when they put their seven figures down on this thing that there was going to be a party next door and so now that everything's reopened from covid they're like oh, there's other people in this neighborhood and this is a problem. i say this is kind of like the
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villages, have you been will? amazing. the villages would celebrate this and welcome these clubs in. >> greg: i know, kat, i know what side you're going to go on >> kat: of course. >> greg: think about the partiers >> kat: there's only one side. they moved, they move into a place that's right next to like a techno club at arizona state and they're like, it's loud. no [bleep], gayle. >> tyrus: you know there's a gayle, you know there's a gayle >> kat: gayle fish p, she said it doesn't mean boom boom boom all night. yes it does brother. what are you doing? we just want it to be quiet on fridays and saturdays at 11:00 p.m. we're not being unreasonable. that is the definition of unreasonable. you want arizona state kids to be snuggled up in bed at 11:00 p.m. i want to go there and stand outside the window and scream. >> tyrus: hey, can't they -- can't -- >> kat: go anywhere else.
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>> tyrus: can't they take their fruit and veggie pills and get their va va vim back? >> greg: i love -- those fruit and veggie pills have changed my life! all right, jimmy i'm going to keep har pinning on this. this could be the solution, though, dorm living for people who are retired because, again, if you're alone -- the great thing about college dorm life or fraternities is that there was always somebody to do something with >> jimmy: thank you and they're always lonely. the most tragic thing about this is it's at arizona state which is like the biggest party school ever. like when a kid there gets a 4.0 they're talking blood alcohol content, not grades. but you understand like shannon made the point, kat kind of made the point, ty made the point, you're supposed to lean in. if you're moving into a college dorm it's because you cultivated that environment and in the field good version it's going to end with them leaning in and becoming the villages in florida. by the time this is over there
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will be a porn sight called hit granny in the they'll have like a million dollars everyone can pay their student loans problem solved. >> greg: you're talking like a revenge of the in other words style movie where it's the senior citizen dorm that ends up outpartying everybody else. >> jimmy: it's going to happen. it's inevitable. >> greg: then they build like a float on home coming and kill everybody. that's my dream. no, that was animal house. anyway, coming up, finding him wasn't a synch, even though tats covered every inch. sure, after homework. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. what's the wifi password again? here you go. cool. thanks. no problem. voya helps me feel like i've got it all under control. because i do. oh she is good. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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at progressive, if you want to protect the homes and autos of those who bundle, you must become a true master. [ glass shatters ] when you can take the ball from my hand you will be ready. does this mean i'm ready? i mean, technically, i guess, yeah, if you want to do it that way. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs.
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>> greg: the search has finally ceased for the tattooed beast. yes, it's time for... ♪ >> ladies, he's single! ♪ >> greg: yum yum. control yourself shannon. oh, evil shannon bream, that's
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your man. i know you're happily married, anyway give it some thought. an australian man able to evade arrest for two weeks despite his giant face tattoo which looks like one of those creepy drawings i accidentally saw dana perino's diary. he was wanted for skipping his court date for domestic violence and property damage charges which shocks me because he looks like a perfect host for fox and friends after dark. that's an idea of mine. i know they say don't judge a book by its cover but there's still a reason that books have those. it's so you know what's in the book, kat. >> kat: oh. >> greg: anyway he was finally arrested on wednesday. it would have been sooner but australian cops were busy rescuing babies from dingos. >> tyrus: that was a real thing you're crossing a serious line. >> greg: i don't know what that is. it's a seinfeld thing.
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>> tyrus: that's a real thing. >> greg: dingo ate my baby. >> tyrus: a dingo did eat her baby, crossing serious lines dude. >> greg: the word beast on his forehead might make it harder for him to convince the judge that he's just a nice guy that caught up in a misunderstanding. but then again this is australia where the judges are kangaroos. and the koalas can keep a secret. i don't know what that means. kat, i've lost control of my own mind. you've got to give this guy credit for evading the cops for two weeks, or ten days, offer or whatever with that face. yeah, you do, i guess. i don't understand. we talk about this all the time. it's called the life of crime because you have to live your life according to all the crime. you can't be walking around like that if you want to skip out on your court date and expect to get away with it. the two weeks thing is
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impressive but that was a choice. it wasn't like oh, quick tattoo. that must have taken days. >> greg: yes, think about it shannon. how long -- if he wanted it removed, i don't think you can have that removed. >> shannon: i don't think so. now you would be priced to find that i once dated someone with a little face tattoo. >> greg: who was it? somebody i know? >> shannon: no. true. that's the surprise. that would take some serious undoing and i've got to think it would be really, really painful but i think this guy's probably familiar with pain and i don't know what other options he's going to have. he's not teaching sunday school with that face. >> greg: yes. or he's teaching the greatest sunday school ever. >> shannon: no. >> greg: yes. yes, yes, yes. >> shannon: no. >> greg: tyrus, i bet he's got some really good qualities that we don't know about. >> tyrus: sure. a couple things. one, this helps me out a lot because the next time someone said a tattooed beast put hands on them i'll be like, yeah, that
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guy. the next thing is, you know, this is what happens when bullying goes wrong. because i get it, he looks exactly like mccully culkin, i get it, tired of people -- >> kat: there's nothing wrong that by the way. >> tyrus: apparently so. but if you're going to get beast on your head, you have to emulate it in some way. like workout, be a cage fighter, something. but everything about him says the opposite of beast. so i feel like he -- it was supposed to say something else. i think like he fell asleep. because when he looks in the mirror it says teasb. i don't think this was the plan. >> greg: maybe he thought he could write beasty boys on his forehead and then just wrap out of room. and do you notice it's completely blank? >> jimmy: can i just say that in. >> greg: yeah. >> jimmy: my favorite part of the story is he's clean shaven as if he thought losing the
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mustache would allow him to blend in. >> tyrus: you can't be picking on his decision making. he also decided to hide the bottom part of his face. you'll never see me now when you have beast. cover the word at least. >> greg: yeah, that was funny. >> jimmy: so if he has an attorney, whenever he says i have an idea, tell him no. >> jimmy: what i think the most shocking part of the story is it didn't happen in florida. >> shannon: hey, hey, hey. >> jimmy: this is a florida man story. i'm embracing it i like florida it's like the world's fun house. >> greg: i could pause at the theory that this guy is such an awesome dude that he deliberately handicaps himself with a hideous tattoo. it's like the peacock thing, i'm going to deliberately. >> jimmy: it's reverse -- >> kat: yeah, this was an altruistic act. >> jimmy: he's hoping to avoid jail time and get in their head start program. >> greg: i asked in the 5:00 how do you do a lineup with this
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guy? you have to get five guys that have a similar face tattoo or else he's going to be unfairly accused. >> shannon: exactly. good makeup artists. >> greg: are you doing this on sunday? >> shannon: we have him booked on fox news sunday. yeah. he literally has the mark of the beast beast. probably not. he literally has the mark of the beast. >> greg: that's true. that is the mark of the beast. >> shannon: i know, ii'm pretty sure the beast is going to call in the show and say that is not -- [laughter] >> greg: that is not the anti christ. up next america is crude if you think thumb's up is rude. tter hh i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right.
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♪ >> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: here's a story in five words. th thumb's up emoji thumbs down. shannon gen-zers are calling out the thumb's up emoji for being rude and hostile. that's kind of your expertise. >> shannon: being rude and hostile? >> greg: yes. >> shannon: here's the thing, like we're all in trouble all the time and we don't even know it. all of these emojis, the heart, the poop one some won't feel good about that. >> greg: that's my favorite one. >> shannon: i figured it would be. not surprising. >> greg: have you ever seen my cartoon character super poo?
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>> shannon: no. >> greg: you're going to love it. >> shannon: it will be great. but we don't even know how we're offending other generations and they're like that's aggressive and if i send you more of a message and i expect more than a thumb's up back. when you're the employer and running the company you can explain these pitfalls. i don't even know i'm offending people >> greg: i don't know that it's offensive to >> kat: i'm one of those people. i wrote you a whole message and you give me a thumb's up? just tell me you want me to die. just write out you're dead to me. >> greg: you do these long long tests >> kat: you're dam right i do because i care >> greg: sometimes sometimes you do three or four long ones in a row >> kat: because sometimes i care a lot. and there's nothing wrong with that. vulnerability's a sign of strength. >> greg: i like when i respond to one of your texts like very shortly short
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>> kat: yeah and then i don't talk to you for three days. >> greg: you're like, okay, i can see i'm bothering you, i will not talk to you anymore. . >> tyrus: having said that. listen, i think it's funny when idiots make demands. so we'll get rid of the thumb's up and replace it with this. >> kat: i agree [cheers and applause] >> greg: for the people at home, he just went like --. >> tyrus: it was the bird, bird is the word >> greg: bird is the word. [laughter] >> greg: well, jimmy i think i use emojis when i communicate with you because it's the best way to end the communication. >> jimmy: just to wrap it up. >> greg: yeah, to wrap -- no, this, it might be a deevolution that we're communicating with sim bots but symbols can make people feel better like a happy face. if i have no way to communicate with you, a little happy face or thumb's up, that's fine >> kat: uh-uh, not with me.
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>> jimmy: but here's the thing, you're already texting, there is no dignity in a text. if you care you call and talk to the person. that's why i'm anti -- like i don't get mad at policingness because i think it's -- already think it's very first world problemy. people are getting bombed on the other side of the world and eating a zoo animal for dinner and they're like what do you mean thumb's up? you know what i mean. >> greg: it would be great to have these problems. >> jimmy: that's what i mean. >> greg: but then there's a low bar about getting upset about everything >> kat: i don't think so. if someone says hey how you doing and they send up a thumb's up you think they're being a [bleep]. >> tyrus: maybe they're busy >> kat: then don't answer. >> jimmy: if they send a thumb's down it would be bad. >> greg: what if they only have one thumb >> kat: it's like sending one k. >> tyrus: we are all dumber for this conversation. >> jimmy: we ran this into the ground chaws us that >> greg: the audience, this is a new thing, the audience is applauding the end of a segment.
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and not for the reason we want. >> tyrus: we made it. we made it >> greg: be right back.
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>> we are out of time. thank you shannon bream! our studio audience! "fox news @ night" with dreamy trace gallagher is next! i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america! >> trace: thank you, greg, hello, everyone and welcome to "fox news @ night," i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. ♪ ♪ and breaking tonight, a juvenile suspect now in custody at riley north carolina after allegedly shooting and killing five people including an off-duty police officer. it appears the shooting happened in the neighborhood near a park. the shooting comes on the same day a florida jury


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