tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 13, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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a member of congress, she adopted the august faintly exotic title, alexandria akutsu of corte sz, which sounds like the name of one of che's girlfriends in revolutionary bolivia because his picture her in the back of the motorcycle in a beret, and then once she ascended, still higher and became cardassian, this very same person began going t queen ofthús ticktock. but along the way, most peopleee dooing a not know this.k >> she had still another name during the twenty eighteen democratic primary in which she beat party stalwart joe crowleyo by attacking him for being white. >> sandy cortez went the nament alex . >> jus bt alex , your friendly neighborhood gender nonspecific bartender alex on alex campaign website. at the time, there was a section explaining what alex believed. one of alex's views read this way, quote, alex believes wes wo must end the forever war by bringing our troops home and ending the airstrikes and bombings that perpetuate the cycle of terrorism and occupation.
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throughout the world. >> and quote, now, few people notice this because forterror a self-described progressive, that didn't seem like a very surprising position. w peopleand on the day that sany cortez, alex , beat joe crowley in the primaryng., that statemee was still on her website. but then iatement disappearet w no one noticed except i a journalist called samir khant . hey, what happened to the antiwar part, alex , who by this point had morphed into alexandrea because curtiz blame the deletion of this positionor on her supporterpheds who she alaimed were running the website and had done it accidentally. who knows what happened to it? whows what hbut samir khan, sine might be more to the story, how long? th >> she asked at the time, will we be moaning on and on about single payer while there's bipartisan support for nuclear armageddon, well, that turned out to be a pretty goodaa question. >> samir khageddon benn, in faco longer a rhetorical question. there is indeey d now bipartisan support for nuclear armageddon. we're making that up. >> joe biden said it out loud
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at a fundraiser that, by the way, nuclear armageddon on the way. bid great.enaid, n and then republicans inuc congress said nothing, which m upo say they backed hi and said iniquities. she stood totally silent. and that really is the point. now, if you watching this show,t it's likely you don't really care what's going on i's n the so-called progressive movement. >> it's not one ofu don' your interests. and why would you care what'? they're mostly trust of foreign clowns. they're jokes, kid w kids with weird hair, pointless liberal arts degrees, stupid fantasy based politic. that's who they are. but it's also true that overthin time, people like this can be useful. sometimes you want principled people taking principled positions. keeps the system in balance. u need that. not everyone can be a mercenary. otherwise you wind up with what we have now, which is true insanity. an ironcla d consensus in washington that we somehow havea a moral obligation to destroy ourselves and our children's future in an utterlyours pointls
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war against russia. whatia everyone seems to think that and we mean everyone need on both sides, from liberals like nancy pelosi to conservatives like joni ernst and everyone in between them. and that's a huge problempelosi because it's insan te. someone needs to say it's's insane out loud. someand break the spell, the hypnotism. that would be the job of the so-called radical like sandy system. that's why she exists now. you may despise her. obviously we do. we say so often, but it's often certainly key moments. hav people like that have a role.le they stand up and they tell stad the essential know we should not go to war with russia. no, we shoou kidding? this is lunacy. uld nopull back and have sandy z did that. y. it might actually help. it might actually saveat's the country. n buott that's not what sandycortz cortez is doing right now because it turns out she is no t at all what she claims to be . sandy cortez may hate white people. seems like she does, but that doesn't mean she's progressive, much less liberal. in any meaningful sense.eral.
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no, she's the opposite . turns out she's just another stooge like joe biden or kamala harris. >> a willing tool of soulless corporate power who will always side with google, jpmorgan and raytheon against the working, the working peoplet she claims to represent on no subject is this more glaringly obvious than the ukraine war, that wars provides absolutely o benefit of any kind to her constituents. nor,or, by the way, to any othet normal american for the people of queens and the bronx, that war is all downside. no upside whatsoever. so last night, at a sparselyr attendedhe town hall in t the bronx, to have sandyow cortez's constituents said thatf out loud. >> watch this, congresswoman. none of this matters unless, noe there's a nuclear war which youo voted to sentters und arms and s in ukraine. oh, dear god, she's relaxium uke democratic party. okay, you originally voted. u ran as an outsider, yet
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you've been voting historicallyi for voting to start up war with russia. china. why are you playing with theg lives of american? you'rewith t my life. there will be no neighbors if there's a nuclear bomb. you voted to mobilize and send money for ukrainian. you're a coward. you're a progressive socialist. well, are you against the war mobilization? he's telling the right truth. you have done nothing. tulsi gabbard has shown what arega youbb shown how it i? i believed in you and you became the very thing yout to sought to fight against. that's what you've becomagainst. you are the establishment and you are the reason why everybody will end up in a nuc a nuclear war unless you choosle to stand up right now and denounce the democratic party. we can be in a nuclear war at any minute and you continue tos fund it.war, t what's what'has going on .
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why not right now, if you like your the liar here? >> okay, so those are actual progressives. now, there's n eso doubt thatbt o on virtually any other issue, we wouldn't agree with them, don't know what their beliefs are, probably don't intersect with ours. but on this specific issue, which does matter, they're absolutely right. sandy cortez is not a radical. she's not a progressive. she's a neocon, just like everybody else. l shike is a tool of the people with power. obviously, they can see that e it's true.e. her response, you are being rude. we're being rude now, says the very same . sandy cortez, who instructed activists to terrorize their political opponents, quote, the whole point ofists t protesting is to make people uncomfortabloliticae. is to oh, is that right?
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so they were kind of following your instructions, weren't they ? werethe protesters you just sawu sandy cortez's preferred tactics against her. they immediately seized the moral high groun tactid andy started yelling and they got no response froanm sandy cortez. say is that? because she has nothing to say. they're onto they know who she really is and she knows that they were right. shortly after she took office, sandy cortez, one of the largest expansion of our nation's military ever. in 2019, she argest approved an unprecedented seven hundred thirty eight billion dollar military budget. a $ now, publicly, sandy cortez never justified this vote . instead, she kept demonizing the military she was funding. >> right. of course, i don't believe our whole nation's priority is to slaughte r our people in other parts of the world. i think it is a priority of a powerful and concentrated class in the united states thats happens to have a grip o tf control over our government. oh, okay. >> so that was the tick tock
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approved version. that was for all the college kids on social media.l life but in real life, she didn'te dn mean a wor'td of it. the only part she meant was america is terrible. she does believe that wat she ds hate the country. but pulling back fro m a war why that will hurt the country, why? would she do that? she doesn't like the country anything. it'ssh not in our interest. cout she's completely for.ry and that's why this year, sandy cortez, along with every member of the squad, the progressives s ,voted to approve another t massive 40 billion dollar military spendinproveg. bush even voted for it even after she admitted it would directly contribute to, quote, the increased risks of directt war and the potential for direct military confrontation and een russia and the us . >> so even corey bush, probably the lowest iq member of the united states th, congress, it was pretty obvious where this was going. it was going toweso wat iqr wita ,but she voted for it anyway. >> they all did. meanwhile, the leaders of the democratic party tried to sell this, which is , again,
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a step toward war, which does not help us in any way. only hurts us as a humanitarian effort. >> watch w. today today, we are voting to provide nearly 40 billion dollars toadds address the immediate and near-term security, economicmediat and humanitarians of the ukrainian people. >> w humae are morally obligated toea ensure the brave ukrainianfighte fighters and the ukrainian people have the securityrs and economic the aid that they need. >> what we're doing here is very important, espina weaponry and security assistance, government and economic assistance, humanitarian assistance. >> the supplemental appropriation bill is a down payment on the security the and success of democracy. >> glory to ukraine.nd wef want a victory for ukraine and we want defeat for vladimir putin. want deregime change would be l but we realize that thatd will not happen. .but defeat must happen.t wo >> oh, so it's humanitarian assistance, really. >> did you look at the bill? isc
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no, ite. was a military funding bill . the real point of it was buyinga arms more than half of it. bienty four billion went to military equipment, weapons. nineteen billion went directly to the war effort in ukraine. e so, okay, if you're an out of the closet neocoson, this makes sense. but if you're sending cortez, who's all over, ticktock, talking about the working people fighting the man, whatats does this tell you about her? doesn't care about the people she claims t youo represent. ft shhee has contempt for them. she talks about their misery only to leverage it for her ownt benefit. she hoards power st in their name . >> they are merely the tools of her personal advancement. it agathey're not her real constituency. how could they be? persdo. 't benefit from this her real constituency is nbctuen news. the editors at "teen voguecy" and voltmeter zelenskyy, the celebrity endorsed dictator of the mosnbd "tt corrupt natios europe. so lindsay is now shakin hg down our cowardly congress fore shak
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more cash. at the very moment, our own economy and our own borders are collapsing. >> watch at this time, we have v two key financial needs offinana the country that's thirty eight billion dollars to make up for the deficit of our budget for next year and other seventeen billionn tht dollars that were verified by the world bank and needed to rebuild the critical infrastructure. we need also targeted credits in the amount of two billion dollars to rebuild the electric energy infrastructure after the destruction and to expand our exports to europe. we need credit limits to purchase gas and coal for the future heating season. the scope of this year's support should be not less than five billion dollars. >> what some of money foreigner t-sh t shirt demanding money
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for his criticalir economic needs. we have critical economic needs to buddy. who are you? trolcriticall go way.conomi what?c'o since when does that guy have a claim on our treasury?is >> so this is the job of people like sandy cortez to remindlike us again to break the spell of hypnosis. the u.s. congress is under. we don't owe this guy anything . now, one thing. , good luck, that's and as our economy degrades and our border is gone, that guy's lecturing us with some christmas list like i want this, that and is want a bicycle, too. you better send it quick. really up yours, buddy. and at the same time dragging us the entire west toward nuclear war, telling us we have to nuke russia. cortwhat is sandy cortez is she affirms it. she's not a progressive. she's a stealthy neocon operative. affirmsthe entire leadership of the so-called progressive movementlthy neo is that they'r totally and utterly corrupt. t all ofis the one the left putg
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us out has . you grew weaker, said a word about the so-called radicals. atropos trap house, the atlantic magazine, npr, msnbc, these left wing media? organizations always telling you how deeply they care about oppressed peoples. >> all i'm calling for radical race war every day.out but when actual civilization ending war looms on the horizon, they're cheering for it right alongsidyr the pentagon. >> we're going te ring fo stayor efforts to support ukraine for as long as it takes. >> wl ainee will not waver from our commitment to support ukraine as long as it takes.t un >> we will continue to support ukraine for as long as itrt takes. you're already north ofhi 15 billion dollars in terms of those commitments. >> how far do you go ? as long as it takes. billi as long as iont takes to do wha? has anyone even ask that question? is sandy cortez ask that question of your progressive pals.? ask that question as long as it? takes to do what? how long is that? is what'sthat a goal and at what c? and what's the risk? >> should we weigh those now?
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as long as it takes? why? because they're getting more powerful even as our country is getting lesark becas powerful by the day. whero are the real liberals who are the real progressives. why? >> motto seems like one of them yorke's the gray zone. he's on to this. he joi >>ns he joins us tonight. hiromichi, thanks so much fortonight. coming on . so we don't spend a to timery worrying about the state of the progressive movement because i'm not a progressive, w but it would be nice touo have n actual progressive stand up and point out this is trulyt ou nuts. where art thate they ?e th looks likeey i'm someone who was very inspired by the squad when all of them first ran. vby the i think al squl of them have shn courage. and i agree with the domestic policies that they supported, i especially medicare for all. and also, i'm ala bilyg fa mn od chapo trap house. i'm seeing their live show tomorrow. but right now, overall, the progressive movementall. whn it comes to the most important e issue in the world w is dead. we have a proxy war against a nuclear armed power. the active us policy is lloyd austin. make clear it's not to
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defend ukraine, it's to weaken russia. people likd week ie lindsey graf said out loud that as long lon as we arm ukraine, they will fighwere it to the last person.a and where arste progressivesers. on this every single time the ukraine proxy wars come up for a vote, they voted in lockstep for it. every single democrat, including bernie san even as newsde has come out that the u.s. has sabotaged peaced ps talks, even as joe biden, as you just played openly , says he won't negotiaten says with russia to end this war.gott there was no force iennd washington right now for sanity, calling for diplomacy, h which i thought is what beining progressive is supposed to be about. prog as you saw iressn that clip, a y angry expression from those protesters feeling let down by their progressive elected representatives. >> yeah, i mean, if marjorie taylor greene is more anti-war than alexandrea cosio cortez comma, and she is then an woside down world like this is true craziness. will thirl ths change or is she in for as long as it takes to.
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we'll look. a major problem inr gree the democratic party has been the propaganda campaign known as russia for six years. yeahcasio-co, democrats have bea taught to believe that russiave is a existential b enemy that cn brainwash millions of americans into notthat supporting hillary clinton and swinging elections. and the now accordingly, whenlyh it comes to this proxy war,encoe that there's no point in pnegotiating with them, eveno though, by the way, russia, it has been used to undermine progressive agenda, not justenda being used to funnel billions of dollars into the militaryst n industrial complex, but also has been used to sabotage progressive candidatesdimilitar remember bernie sanders? bernie sanders in 2016 came very close to winning the democratic party nomination. hillary clinton lost that race to donald trume nninp. hillary clinton responded by blaming russia for everything and concocting a conspiracy theory that trump was a russian asset. bernie sanders, instead ofrnie n calling that out, went along with it and he was rewarded in 2020 when he was, you know, surging in the primaries before nevada. he was rushing gaiteevada, he d g some weeks were made thaatt we'e
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accusing russia of supporting him. so that's how the democratic that's h party rewards even progressivesa who are loyal to their agenda. rds evare loand if that doesn'tm up, then maybe the increasing prospect of nuclear war, should you would you would think and might take. >> thank wou you for that.u fo appreciate it. so every poll shows the two things voters will punish youuns for. ah, high gas pricehsu fo inflinflation for consumer goods. den is so joe biden is selling off this country's most valuable critical asset. g ofour strategic petroleum reserve, to lower gas prices by about 50 . and they're lying abouvaent stot inflation numbers. but we have the real numberse ln straight ahead. plusg abt, a major school distrt is trying to recruit kids to a drag show for halloween. >> not every mother is for this. we'll speak to one whofoer is in is calling a halt on that plan. we'll be right back .avor it makes you brewers bac and activist kids, and we won't have them sitting on a schoolng board who oversees the education of our children. you alurl stepped out the line.
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>> you should be ashamed. what we don't account for are the monsters we don't expect. there's nobody so free of the girls. we're missing. i heard somebody walking. three girls were killed at your camp. there's not one counselor who to give up their life if they knew what was going on . it was just a assumed he was guilty. he was a shape shifter. he had the help of cherokee magic. there were three caves discovered, been a hideout. one hundred years. i began to see that multiple people had been involved in the murders. i said, i think you've got a fourth man. they've never gone on the record in forty five years. the implications of this are
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longer allowed to say anything when creepy adults sexualizesexz their children. come to my van, the little girl got some candy. don't say a word, but that has not kept some parents quiet in san diego county, california,ia one mother called brittany mayer noticed that her school board is supposeitney mid to be educating her children had instead invited them to a , quote, family friendly drag show sponsored by a san francisco general reassignment surgery center and a nightclub. here's what she said at a recent meeting of the encinitas union school board, which promoted the event .ow >> what is it about a grown mann costumed in a sparkly with augmented, busting out a leather miniskirt, barely coveringenti his talking duct t on his front while spreading his vishna legs as he ridess as on the ground, grinding groin next to a minor family friendly? ? you almost an answer. an we have a culture that has a massive problem with child, with trafficking.
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>> you a little school district board of adults made the decision to feature event to hyper sexualized young children. do you want to knoanw thaten the word that defines that it's groomer you all played the activist kim for ignalina surgical center and for a twenty one plus bar. >> it makes rumors and activists and we won't have them sitting g on a stool board who oversees the education of our children. >> britney mayor was not arrested, apparently becauseighd she's joining us tonight and we're glad that she is pretty. thanks so much for coming on . >> so this is the school that's supposed to be educating your kid s and they're sexualizing your kids. how did you find out about this? >> so the union school districts took it uponel themselves to sed out the invitation to all families in encinitas, and theyh
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actually have it's interesting. they have an approvaavl process that they violated. it say they viols in their rulef conduct that they can't send out anything that is lewd, that is political, that is controversial. and they decided to send outo sd a boobage invitation that is sponsoredut abu by a gender reassignment clinic out in san francisco. onsored reassignand a twenty ons nightclub in san diego. so to say we were confused would be an understatement. >> what does this have to do with the educating our children ? >> well, that's a really good question, tucker. and we asked the board againe. and again to reconsider and toee issue an apology and an explanation, which they didn't, which is why we decided to show up and i want to make it reallyo clear that this is not a an isolated incident ant. >> this is coming to every school across the nation. stay and if you think that it's juste going to stay in california, you're dead wrong. this dea is coming everywhere.'w and it's why we stood up and we said, we're going to nip this in the bud. we're not going to play by theeu
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rules that we're supposed tod be afraid that we're going todo be punished if we don't speak up now. and i hopesp that this breeds courage for parents all over the nation who see this this t trend starting to change where, like you just said, our kids aren't being educated in the fundamentals. they're being hyper sexualized. eingand we are done with >> how is this different from? do you know? say that again? how is this different from? well, it sounds like it's one in the same. and , you know, that's why i made it really clear that yout can slap labels on anything you can make anything familyfamily friendly that you want. and that's the danger of this w ideology, is that we're beinbegd told to use new terms, a newk we language, which is i think we wn do a disservice when we play by those rules.we need to we need to s standtand u up p ae the words as the words, the words that we know what meey mean and what those adults are doing is they're out. our kids to gender reassignment clinics and they're them out
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to twenty one plus nightclubs. usand like i said, it's coming all over the nation and we needn to now use brave words and words with meaning and call it like it is .r: >> yeah. i mean i just have sat in on watched passive parents let creepy adults sexualizesexual their children and it's just so gratifying to see someone say enough. so thank you for doing that and for telling. >> enough is enough. enough is enough. thank you, tucker. so the latest inflation numbers are out and of course, those arc numbers are cooked by design cpi. >> but even using the cooked r prices are upe eight point two percent year over year compared to last year. 8yearcore inflation has risen o a forty year high. so that's much worseyear high. n expected. how bad is it?ho and do mosw t people know this, david ? asman knows a lot about this.? >> he's at fox business. is at of course, he joins us tonight u to assess. >> david , thanks so much forss coming on .an soks dav i don't hear anybody tg about inflation on television. what is the reality of it, do
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you think? >> well, the reality is that amer americans, our working americans are are taking a four point three percent pay cut. and that's just looking atlooki the overall i mean, some peoplet are taking a lot more thanssumih that. that's assuming thatat you have been getting raises to keep up to try to keep uto keep p with inflation, even even when re you consider the raises that have been that have happened over th the past year and a halfve t because employers have to pay more money in order to get the workers because there's this labor shortage still, you'reabor four and a half percent behind the curve. your real wages have fallen. so you're spending a lot more money. you're spending a full month of what y jusmoney.t to keep up with inflation, to buy what you need. the very basic needs.tauran >>ts we're not talking about going out the restaurants. we're talking about deciding b between eating meat and eatinget soybeans or whether you have enough milinwhether k for your k your kids. >> i mean, it's very basicomes i stuff and it comes prima's rolling down the spending. the fact is during in 2020in during the pandemic, yes.down
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we spent a lot of money because we shut down the economy. there wa s about three point four trillion dollars that trump spent. >> but since then that when the pandemic began to to calm down and when we should have of gotten out of all this extra spending instead, bidea spendinp and doubled it up. he spent four point six trillion of extra spending. that's not the total. that's the extra spendingof on top of what we normally pay o to pay the bills ofnd the government. >>le and that's just you just t can't do that without an effect. effe is inflation. inflat >>io and it's just and by the way, it's not just biden. i got to put the fingeras on republicans as well because they went along with him with theuse theywent infrastruc, which was a trillion dollars with this crazy chipps bill ., that was essentially a chinese production idea. kind of following their modelin of industrial production that that emanates fromanates fro the government. so, i mean, you knowth,re bupublicans have a share of blame. but to say a says , as biden do, that with republicans wean get even more inflation
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is ridiculous becauss we g moret they have done is justinal is criminal. >> i think. this criminal i don't think it's an overstatement at all. and i appreciate your singing. . >> david asman, great to see you. great to see you. t so and just morning, we're going to bring you the real news. >> we call it finag you thl exae . >> yes, it's a quiz show, butt it's rooted in the news. d. that's straight ahead. this important message is for all marines and their family members who spent time at camp lejeune, north carolina, before 1988. if you were stationed at camp lejeune and suffered from cancer or any of these serious health conditions, you may be eligible for financial compensation. legal guardian legal network. now, to discuss your case for over 30 years, leaking underground storage tanks containing benzene and other highly toxic chemicals contaminated the drinking water. numerous cases have been reported of exposed personnel
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feel like a hero is your cleaning lady. one day i need you to set up a message. they're running out of options. boxes of narcotics and lines will get crossed. i'm a doctor , not a drug dealer. we tried things when i was doing the my will . everything come crashing down on your head? tony? don't say anything. the cleaning lady all new monday at 90%. or on fox. >> time now for final exam where we diabolically pit the news experts againstal one another, like barrel monkeyly pits in a cage. >> our first contestant tonight, fox nation host evie poorna, sick, happy to have her joining her as our old friend raymond arroyo. raymon >> he's the author of the newdef book the wise men who found t christmas. >> and we're really glad that you're both are here. i'm not going to express any preference at all. >> obviously, i'm voting fort al abby . yeah, bul -- obvt i'm totally, y ,totally game doctor .
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sorry, that's gets thrown in the trash. let me let me say what the rules are, though. s are.i know you're familiar. >> hands on buzzers. i ask the questions. all of them are multiplele choice. the first person to buzz in. yots to answer the question critically. you must wait unti tl yoo waituh asking the question and all the possible answers toall th the question before buzzing it. if you don't, it goewerss to ben the other person to be correct. .worth one point. if you get it wrong, we punish you by subtracting a point. best of five is. does that make sense? we gotta look at that. i have to budget first before it you talk ab. >> can t i .r out of we did this out of his hand . we got that's no you physical violence is . i think the judges are sayingtha that's against the rules. but good luck. but we >>'l i don't think you need it. but we'll find out. fir all here's the first question. in an interview this week, kamala harris complained about the security measures that go along with being as famouons as she is as vice president . what is the one thing that the kamala harris that she misses most? is it a late night visits toshe taco bell?
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is it be sending and receiving, imo? tacojeez, is it c driving her mercedes? >> i think my button's broken. >> your button is already a tha broken. you got to watch that thumb action. i think it's the late night. i think it's the late night trips. to taco bell. that was going to be my answer is that late night trips? that sounds like a pretty good guess. i can't comment on anything. , do they want to talk about it? good boy. is it late night visits to taco bell? >> is it true that you are youj? can no longer send emojis? >> oh, no. no, i have not received directly and emoji in a year and a half. >> oh, maji, he is not i receiving a monkey in a year and a half. >> tha emojit is . >> so it's she's not going to to cop to the taco bell. we'd visit n to. you know, she went to taco bell. of course she had a question to which sitting united states senator just videoed him or a
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receivf chugging a beer after receiving the coveted endorsemend t from a group ofrn tavern owners in the midwest. was it a amy klobuchar? amy k walos it be ron johnson? was it see famed beer drinker liz warren? >> oh, this is a guess. >> it's going to go with b because beer starts with b, and i feel like a good option. >> ronja, i feel like he could throw a few back on jones. i like the way you guess. i want to say we're going to see if you're correct or not. to the tape, please. not oh, gosh. >> schwartzmann again, cheers. an i mean, nothing says beer like a suit and tie. yeah, well, i kind of said it wasn't elizabeth .en >> there you go .. are more interesting. good guess. tucker:because he's from wiscon where they do drink a few is frm beers, right? >> yes. w iscons question three . >> okay, in a new interview, a woman called karen elaine johnson, known to some as
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whoopi goldberg, said that whenw she finally retires from the tvy program, she's disgraced for so many years, she'd like toto become a us ambassador to egypt or which other countries will be two points. is that country a ?. spain is italy, is it c,taly greece? >> italy? >> it must be italy. well, she was in sister act and there are a lot of nuns there, tucker. sos in maybe she's trying to do some research. she's doing the new nonsense movie sister act >> this could be a professional visit. she's already in transmission. i love that both of you have revealed the thought process that led tkeo your guesses. ougr >> and let's see if your reasoning was correct. your guhere we go .f >> one day i make some money.y i want to be an ambassador here. somewhere. i think i'd like to be anpt ambassador to either egypt or italy. >> thank you,
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karine jean-pierre. yes, she did. >> she did. so now we're at one one because that was a two point question. so we were moving. along this is accelerating really fast, just like life itself. question forast. a small town jt directed a seventeen foot statue in honor of something called cheatle. that's the cheese dust that sticks to your fingers. it's under your fingernails. when you eat a bag of cheetos, where could this town possiblye. be ? is it in is which is a country your north?ur is it be this small but proud sl mountain nation, switzerland, m or is it c a place called intercourse, pennsylvania? >> go . i think my body's broken. oh no, you're i have to go with intercourse, pennsylvania. withyour fingers are fine.ylvan. >> it's just slow. abby , if it had cheese dust wou on it, i think it does. yes. your thumb is like that. that statue stuck in this position. go ahead. so what you're saying is when in doubt, go with intercourse, always go with it. >>t's see. let's se te ifuc that life rule
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is going to pay off tonight. >> probably everyone in town in canada just erected a cheeto. check it out. wrong. oh, oh, oh. that's like a little box down here. now, tucker, what happens?, wh i lose two or no one . >> you lose one points to now abbe's it one year zero. >> this is the final question. why the tiebreaker if you win this this contest? it's a tie breaker, am i not it? no, you're you're johnson. i think we need to recheck the school. you got one from ron johnson. >> that was early on .at was don't confuse puerto. i'm >> you know, i'm not a math mat guy. so we're just going to movh egu. into the final question. t gog tonow by order. >> the national game show final commission in billings, montana. this is mandatory animal question. and is this an alabama dogtory breeder was shocked, was stunned when his french bulldog gave birth to a pupprth toy. it was an extremely unusualr. color. what color was that puppy? was that puppyhe green ? was it purple? >> was it blue a, b or c, i'll
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let you answer. >> no, it's not. are you sure gains again. puppw all right. yotou can i think i think the puppy would have to be blue, tucker. i mean, you dou don'n't have gr, purple puppies. you just don't write.>> tuc well, yokeu could have clifford the big red puppy. >> wlet's find out what's next tape. was li first saw the dog, i was like i was like i thought it >> she'sty or something. >> look at chloe. she's doing well. and she's on the french border. >> she's a french bulldog. >> she's can't knock. ks like that's not real. they rolled that tucker. that's on it. that's easter egg dye. but whatever it is , green . all right. well, all right. well, that means abby hornacek wins and it does not detract from our deep affection forou you. raymond. abby , right. wins the fabled and coveted. it was john fetterman neck. k bu oh my god.e mu no. have wanted. thank you, mayor brian or you t mourning's.
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i dare you tdro drink coffee ou. of that. thank yo u both. >> was great to see youe yo and happy green puppies to you to be green to you. thank you.en pup that's the final exapiesm. >> we have other news for professor and greetings to you. thrillseekers conversationalists and music lovers all across the i'll be full and optimistic fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence in broadcasting network. well, let me tell you, folks, it's never going to be time to panic. because we're never going to give up. we're i'm going to give up on america. great feats deserve great beat hope. get them with you.
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>> this is going to make everything wonderful. we've got work to do. we're going to need a ton of stars and sweaters to dress. this is getting kind of old. three thousand. >> do you have any idea how busy i am this time of year? >> okay, maybe not a song in the likes of us when we call christmas spirit by now, you are all familiar with the camp lizzio lawsuits where marines who lived the base were exposed to dangerous, life threatening chemicals in the water. but what about their sons and daughters? what about their spouses? one huge topic that is being overlooked is that they were all potentially exposed to the tainted water from drinking, cooking and even swimming in. yes, the families of those marines living at camp lejeune between 1953 and 1987 were exposed to benzene, vinyl chloride and other toxic chemicals. many of those family members also suffered from cancer
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and even death. the same legislation that allows marines to recover damages for health issues also applies to their sons and daughters. husbands and wives. if you or any other family member was at camp lejeune during that time period, please call stanly law. stanly law is the tip of the spear fighting for financial compensation for those family members. who became sick or died because of these life threatening chemicals. stanley, fighting for the families of those who fought for us . >> when you can't watch, listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening to the state of america's economy. get a big pictur fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises. what's the real math behind prop 27, their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay
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i know who you can call. well, here's a story that hasn't gotten much attention. at probably should be not tonot to be paranoid or anything, but the british administration seems to be building veryon quietly its own domestic army, separate from the one maintain traditionally by the department of defense army,. in fact, joe biden's armyd by t is rivaling parthes of the pentagon's force. for example, the pentagon parts one hundred and eighty thousand marines and they're armed, every one a thn place huy, they have one job to shoot or foreign adversaries or enemies from other countries. by contrast, the bush administration now employs more than twt,o hundred thousand federal bureaucrats who are also armed, but for a very different purpose. their job is not to fightrp foreign adversarieose.s.
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their job, if called to, is to shoot americans. ns if >> what now?ca a lot of these people have no obvious reason to be carrying a gun. be they work at desks all day and this is happening exactly t you're told you can't have a gun. soe now have a more armed federal bureaucrats than we have the unitel d states marines? >> what's the point of this? what's the role they're goingg to platoy? so should take a look at thosed questions and we're going to show, as you said, a lots is happening. >> who's getting no attention at all, includin attentig the tl evaporation of the first amendment free speech. does does it exist anymore? not really. and there's a reason for that.. because the federal government is trying to silence people who disagree with it. s tryingby the administration. here's one example. the bush administratione silencedviol author alex berens, former "new york times" reporter, novelist, serious person. >> why they do that? because he asked unauthorized questions about the covid shot. so twitter turns out acting on orders from the british administration banned his
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account. >> now, no one really knew that. people only suspected it. but now we knot w fonober certas because baron did something, nsd berentson did something that twitter was not expecting. he sued and heid won. and he found out the identity of the person who got him silenced. it that personut was not a white house staffer.e bickertostafn houseparents and e author pandemic joins us now to explain exactly what happened. now experience. and thanks so much for coming on . so i just love the fact that you got to the bottom of this. who is the person who got you censored? well, so so i this is a long story. i know w i e don'knowt have a lot ofo i' time, so i'm going to say righte now, i dropped the entire storye on my stack, which is unreported truths. so so after people heasur this bit, they can go read the wholee story. ste know is thatmed andy there's a guy named andy slavitt who who was ino is i the white house as a senior adviser to the biden administration's covid response teame bide. and as early as april, 2020 one slavet was talking to t
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twitter about why, who io was and that i was a problem. for the white house. and i was discouraging peoples c from getting the vaccines, which the whitoura e house wantede and asking them why they hadn'th banned me. so we know ccines that and we know we knon july, as vaccine efficacy was fading, the administration very publiclyhe and privately gott ue upset and wanted the social media platforms, including twitter, including facebook, to start banning people . and and president biden said on july 16 , of 2020 one that facebook and other platformsre o were, quote unquote, killingte people by allowing people like me who were asking reasonable questions about the vaccines on their platforms. okay under, then then twitter sk out at me in july. they gave me three strikes, okay? std one about, strike, which i didn't even know about. so i was one strike away from being suspended at the end of july. and by the way, andy slavitt,d e who is no longer in the white house but was still sortwh of at
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the center of this conspiracy and talking to albert bourla,f h who was the head of pfizer and talking to people inside the inside the administration, yo u on a practically dailyy basi basis, was very upset that he tws he was continuing to push twitter secretlyitte to ban me. still, when i came back onform the platform last year ins aski august and was asking even harder questions about the vaccines at a time whenhe bd the biden administration knew they were going toen mandates, for knew they were going tor be pushing for boosters, they still wouldn't ban me. and then scott gottlieb, who iso a director of pfizer onn the executive committee of pfizer ,thecutive which is madf billions of dollars from selling these vaccines, went tod twitter and said, this guy is a problem. and then they banned me. so you criticized his products fio much. >> he had a financial interest and he got you censored. scot at, consumer products. >>yo looksu like the documents that we have. on the
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>> yes. well, we would love to have scott gottlieb on the show any time, bunytimet in the meantime alex berenson, thank you fornsor explaining that. appreciate it. thanks. twitter star. what a slur. t wellha, as you can see, the problem with american health care is in part the fact it's controlled by the big drug companies. right. so how can you trustth your advice? it's coming from people adviceea financial stake in that advice.t soha one entrepreneur has creatd in independent healtt advice.h e company that is not tied to bigy pharma. we'r e going to speak to him next. angie, you are not going to believe what i am going to show you right now when a group of women would be on flawless second skin, the latest biotech cosmetic breakthrough under one . i watch what happened. i only did one eye and i see huge difference so far . they have put the product under my right eye and i see a dramatic difference. i just found the golden ticket. i'm telling you, this
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we're going to take your money. pass and when you pass up on that type of money, you have toyou're be committed to what you're doing. and at the wellness company, we will not be beholden to anybody. >> okay, well, here'n to anyshee your headline right there. it's really simple. we're a health company that'whse not controlledpany by the drug companies. >> exactly. but but, you know, these other companies. i'm already on your side. but you know all these other companies. yeahcompanie, they are all owner pharma, these other virtual health care companies. >> they're drug dealers. so on fox nation, here's sean hannity. >> thank you as always, tuckeren ,and welcome to hannity. and tonight, joe biden, your president appears to be caught in a massive midterm election meddling scandal electo with foreign countries, as we conf scandw know, as confirmed e saudis and opec, which also, whc includes russia. they not only deniedh biden's numerous requests to increase oil productionrous req and thatn also then begged after he was denied whatever millionth time. >> he then begged the saudis
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