tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 14, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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walker. senator lindsey graham will ber there. and another surprisesurpri i t tell y guest. y at 9:00n't tell you who it is , but you're going to like it anyway. that's coming up monday.e you'lu 9:00 p.m. and we hope you'llee be watching. and for some of you inou georgi. to hope to see you.r all right. sho that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for joining us . thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled because laura and the ingraham angle, a killer show tonight as always ,and you've goont the wrong: ca color on again. >> you can i reveale the surprise on the town hall becaust ite i know what it is .e i mean, let's just reveal it t. this is ridiculous.>> hi sean: oka, guys. you know what?anyway you're going to do i st anyway, >> l can't help you. i ll, from georgia, peanut is a georgia peanut costume. i saw that in the back in the makeup room. so it' room ins that big georgit costume. and i'm popping oud i't of it.g isn't that exciting? there's a big town hall that's t going to be a real surprise on top of the other surprises a that you obviously don't.
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>> oh, it's exactly because you're telling me what's on my own show. that's the price you build it t up and it's just like me coming out of a peanut. >> you want tou, go p?lease please coml e. ws >> i want to do both shows back to back alley. okay, all right. oh, we'll take it underr advisement. that sounds like a lotad. >> take it under.f doesn't know how to get out ofrb here. double troublele right handed. awesome show tonight. and i am laura ingraham. this from washingtonn tonight. and we begin with a miwid term hail mary from the democrats. we knew it was coming. right. and if there's anything we've learned, it's that joe bident loves telling tall tales. f and over the past couple ofseem months, his white house seems e caught the same fever, at least when it comes to furni burnishing that reputation. thatit will take more time and resolve to bring inflation b down, which is why, again, we in passed the inflation reduction act. we we meaning democrats, not republicans. >> what a great day. exactly.exac tly four weeks ago today, i sawn
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inflation reduction act in the law, a single mostlegislat important legislation passed in the congress to combatant laws inflation and one of the most nt significant laws inio our nation's history. l >> in my view, he still doesn'th look like tom cruise with thosem glasses on , joe biden makesen those comments. he's standing in the rose garden holding a party with james taylor on a day when inflation hit a worse than expected eight point ret. nsumern remember that. so today i, when the september consumer inflation repora latous showed a larger than expected increase, well, of course, itk c was back to hikss old tricks. >> today's report shows, though, some progress. >> overall, inflation was two percent over the last three months. >>ra: here ahere. the facts on an annual basis,ios additiion is still reading eight point two percent. additionally, cpi data showed te a 13 percent annual jump inly the cost of groceries at a staggering and nearly 20% jump in energy. - a six percent six point six percent increase in housing
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expenses. s and despite all ofdone that, bin has done to supercharge the cost of living, he added one last lie republican , which is inflation is going to g get worse. is that simple? simp >> it's actually sad. icular it's so stupid. is any republican in particular talking about, well, even though biden and the democrats stuppollters are stupid, and they're not, a new cnn poll out today shows thate the competitive districts and those are the ones that matter, republicanmatterpublicans hold . thad now. 48at to forty three . that is a big deal . and in that same poll, 67% of voters in competitive districts said the economy and inflatione. were the driving factor in all their preference. soar this is all part ofted by the desperate strategy being played in the playbook the operd by the democrats ahead of next e month's midterms and the second half of the prayer unfolded today during the january 6th hearing after tuesday's possibility throughout the liz
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cheney led show trial fired the final arrow in the quiver. i am offering this resolutionhe that the committee directed the chairman to issue a subpoena for relevant documents and testimony under oath. y undefrom donald john trump inm connection with the january 6th attack on the united states capitol. capitol.there are nine eyes ando nose. and zer >> the resolution is agreed to have your say. craven a group of more self-serving, foaven politiciansha than those people. i mean, honestly, really saying that for 20 months, ion as the democrats and the press, they've created inflatiof it wnl it was kind of a distraction not really relevant toversation. the national conversation while they pretended that there wase wa this amorphouss threat to democracy lurking in the shadows. of course, no one ever think shadowsthink of about that. well, here's at n exercise.even we the last event that wit you went to, maybe a birthday
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party dinner with friends, maybt e after church you went to a barbecue. have you encountered a single po normal person worried about our democracy? now the answer is nothe . they're worried about feeding their kids, filling their tanks. r the future. r so let this day be reallyy instruct i have. much like biden's celebration with james much like biden's celebration te with james taylor on the on the day last month's inflation numbers were released, s showedcrat their utter disdain for the american voters. with today's t january 6th abomination. >> joining me now is charlie i hurt, opinion editor at the washington times, and fox news contributor and harmeet dhillon,or and civil rightscivii attorney and chair ofgh the republican national lawyers association. they keep acting like americanse don't notice what their own bank statements read . every month or what their credit card bills are every month. how do you win with that?h that? >> well, oddly
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well, oddly, and you're exactly right, it is a hail mary pass. b strate a weird way, it might actually be their best strategyl to spend all their time talking about abortion and january 6th now. now, i think voters see through it. but bufoemt the alternative forl them is to talk about the economy and the open borders and crim ande and all te other issues that they're getting absolutely destroy on in terms of what voters carem about. and in terms of who those voters trust to deal with those. issues that actually matter. so weirdly, you're right, it is completely a hail mary pass ,but it's probably they'reou probably best off talking about those things because they have done you know, they have no one else to blame butr themselves. they control every lever of power in washington. ngton anand they have wrecked ts economy and they refuse to even a soowledgt e that they've wrecked it, you know, let alonel come up with a solution.o fix >> or a proposal to fix any oftt
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it. >> now, harmeet, back to thehe january 6th grade, jamie raskin couldn't point to direct of evidence of trump's crimes, so he tried something. tantial tons of circumstantial evidence, includinluding tg thel that donald trump does publicly, for example, saying to the proud boys at the firstda presidential debate of 2020. chs stand back and stand by . right. which was kind of like the the message he sent to russia about hillary's emails. listeni you know, russia, if you're listening, find her email sometimes his his unlawful orders are issued in plain sight. harmeet, your response to that ? >> well, jamie raskin shouldin l get a therapist that would be less embarrassing for him than his, you know, in public. a but but seriously, what thesek o people are doing beyond being stupid, i think politically sod of solvingstructive the country's problems, is really destructive to the fabric oic of thf the separf
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powers. and ironically, laura , it wassl actually a democratic president ,harry truman, who laid out, i think, one of the clearest justifications for why a former president should not answern am a subpoena like this. he was subpoenaed to testify ie front of the house un-american affairs committee, and he said,a no, the policyti oonf separatiov powers demands that even a former president not be called to answer to partisani games in a subsequent congress. >> and s -o i think that may hau the situation. let me read it. you referenced ialw s t that lef actually show the viewers what it is . i if the doctrine ofn th separatin of powers and the independence of the presidency is to have any validity at all, it musthi be equally applicable to a president after his term of office has expired. when is sought to be examined with respect to any acts occurring while he is president. the doctrine would be shatterea andry o ,and the president , contrarycoi be our fundamental theory of constitutional government, woul merd become a mere arm ofe the legislative branch of the government if heis would fee during his term of office. that is , every act might
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be subject to official inquiry and the possible distortion for political purposes. r heartmate, i mean, fetich. >> you basically write, that'sts a democrat, that's a democrat. and so, look, the principlee -- is there for both parties.rst of and if the first a of all, to be very clear , there is no waye that donald trump is going toin be testifying in front ofommitt the house committee, they don't have the time to compel him.eeav i don't even how they're going s to get him served and thenl how the legal process go forward. but let's tos say that a time wt they were able to get this s issue in front of the supremeure recourt and the supreme courtou were forced to rule on this the issue. are american respect forers, a the various institutions of our government is already in tatters? just doinand this is just doinr damage. i mean, if you were to look at even the members of this committee, adam kinzinger and liz cheney, they aren't even better off than they werert at the beginning ofiden's president biden's biden's term. and so the democrats reallyapte. need to close this chapter. it is apparent from the last minute hail mary aspect of this
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that they got nothing. g and this is thase dying gasp of pathetic committee. >> charlie and nicole wallac doesn't just want trump in chains for january six . watch. >> why not subpoena mike pencei ? >> haven't closedter mike the door on anything. therly there is information to be gained by the former vicere. president and we continue tochar want to seek the truth here. not >> charlie, they're not closing the door on anything here. i mean, this is whatd they spei their nights, their days and their afternoons thinking abouhinking t. again, i think it's because they're talking about the actual issues that affect, the american people and the issues, their record in termss o of how they've run government for the past two years is so appalling. jussttuf no choice but to talk about this stuff.u knowand , of course, you know, , and let's also not forget, don' they don't care about separation of power.t, y they they don't careou aboutn th the different branches, even when they have total controlntrm
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the two most important branches paf passing legislation, they still wreck everything that they touch. so, you know, they've got they've got nothing to workoing on . tso they are going to talk aboe this and try to smear people the way they care about norms and the preservation of democracy and the systemervatio. they don't care about any of it. it's a wrecking ball to who the whole constitution. co.. charlie, great to see both of you. all right. well, it turns out of yo that q pro joe, that moniker might refer to more than just biden cashing in on his son hunter's business deals last week. opec plus that plus announced ouat they were cutting their oil outputtp by two milliy barrels. we covered it on the angle. s apparently, the supposeduppo mar of diplomacy, joe biden, couldn't stave off tha empt disaster. into reainstead of attempting th a deal, biden threw a temper tantrum with tapper. d >> do you think it's time forr the u.s. to rethink itsdi ara relationship with saudi arabia? it's going to be somebi t consequences for what they've
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done with russia. what kind of consequences? menendez says suspend all arms sales. >> is that something you'd consider? i'm not going to saysuspend l at i'd consider and what i have in mind, but there will be the will be consequences. er >> well, it didn't take long for saudi arabia to respond,abiy saying today the kingdomea released a letter accusing the biden administrationsed a lf demanding that they wait a month before cutting production until after after the midterm elections. well, saudi arabia now, we're not doing that. that would dividenistra administration attempted to pressureti a foreign governmentf to influence the outcome t oft a the u.s. election. do youig think that might be aie big story? joining me now, mollie hemingway, editor in chief of the federalist fox news as wr, as well as hoganetar direey, former white house press secretary and director of election integrity at the america first policy institute. moll y, now, what is the last guy impeached for something likemeddli that? not a >> meddling, colluding, o something. what? i was nof thatt a fan of that lt impeachment, but by the standards set by democrats
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and the media, the argument was that donald trump, by asking for an investigation intoine th the notorious corruption in ukraine, thaatt deals with some of our most powerful families,p and that because we have a relationship with ukraine, that this constituted a quid pro qu ano and a meddling in ane upcoming election. well, here we havea a letteletr released that shows that president biden explicitly asked folpr a for help in thisom election by delaying this outcome of of cutting back on oil production. he has publicly announced thate he wants to persecute saudipunih arabia or punish them through some means, whether it's legislative orle limiting arms sales. and we havl e this all publicly and so by the standards set b by democrats in the media, he obviously should be impeachednvicte and he obviously shouldd y be immediately convicted . if you're going toou'r, on be consistent. >> yeah, first oe of tf all,he f the reasons that joe bidenno is angry that saudi arabia is now talking to russia, well,
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it's because joe biden is cozying up to iran. work >> and so it's forcing them toro not work with us anymore. first end. second of all, it' on the first and second of all,e it's obvious from this thatpain joe biden doesn't care about the american people's pain. he caresbout about the democrats political pain in the midterms that they're about to facehey'r and when you have the problems facing the american people, it's obvious his domestic policy has hurt americanhi families all across this country. >> his foreign policy is sof cor problematisec. at of course, we have an energy th. crisis. we could make all of our energyi at home.r >> everyone knows this. and if this really was vladimir putin's fault, wouldn't that be reason number one tod go ahead and produce our own energy so we wouldn't have tol r rely on dictators and despotswo all overrld? the world? n >> it's so insane the american people see through it and he's going to pay forhe's pay in nov no >> bute maliki was the foreign policy genius . all >> i mean, during the campaign,n i know we were all sitting around talking about this. , this guy look at his resume and met with world leaders, thes
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travel the world in decades in washington. he knew these leaders and trumpe was supposedly the autocrat who was going to cause world a gor three . we heard throughout the trump administration and before he brinelectenistratid that we woun the brink of nuclear war if he i were elected. instead, wf he we had peace bred out throughout the world. we had these peace agreements with saudi arabia and other countries. we had a really good foreign policy situation.n joe then whebin joe biden runs inn 2020, the corporate media, e they they deny a foreign policy debate. couldn't heuld ge couldn't hav highlighting of this.t and then but respe they promiset us joe biden would get usthe respecteworld on the world stag. instead, we're having trouble putting together a coalition to combat russia after itthset invasion of ukraine. we've got the saudis upset with us as we're helping out iran. we've cut off our own energy supply and our own energy production. we're begging we're on hands and knees begging for oil from o dictators in saudi arabia.. and it's not going very well. i mean, it's a complete and utter disaster. and we're not even talkingn about what's happening with china's continued rise,s
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north korea's aggression. >> there's no question of going to venezuela now. i'm going hat in hand toa in venezuela and that prisoner swap, which the timing of that is interesting, but they had a prisoner swap. so that's that's another issue.h i got to ask you a questionli about the press. so molly and i have chewed this over before you were white house press secretary. how much damage hasican the american media complex done to itself givea compn what's han to the country in under two yeas years without really pushingaccn back and demanding accountability irreparable? >> i mean, the amount of of damage that the media has done to this countrirreparay and notv dividing us , but not doing their job and asking the questions the american tho is sot.rve answers t it's so egregious at this point. >>e's a reason there's a reasont the media's popularity sits somewhere betweevid.n congress t and covid. it's becausey re they refuse tfo their jobs and ask simple questions that anyone can ask. by the way, if you push back on
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their narrative, i mean, look,ic democrats control all the levers of power, influence. it's colleges, universities, big techbig , , hollywood and ta mainstream media. >> they've got i t all and any threat to that, you see someone like elon musk trying to take over twitter that threat causes consternation. >> i mean, it's insane.cons terninhow about that poor reporr for nbc? as fetterman some questionsfettr as basically i'm paraphrasing now, this guy can't answer thamt . savannah guthrie comes down on that. the reporter looks likeime. she's just committed some hate crime. >> well, i mean, is vet was very weird to see a reporter report honestly about problems with aov democrat. yeah, right. so everyoneryonee was unnerved . but it just shows why corporate media are soso unable to be trusted and there's no accountability for everything fot wrong, whetherether it it's the russia collusion hoax. and we've seen this week that ta yet again is more unravelingeld and no one's been held accountable for all of these horrible. things. t prob >> that's the biggest problem. being a member oa mef the regim. media means never having to saye you're sorry. exactly right. great to see you both. all right. lef the left is so freaked out thatn
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they're losing hispanic votersth . they're now tryinge to use the racist tirade by some liberals in the l.a. city city council and then turn it against conservative latinos. t againsthis neat trick, isn't ? >> the angle exposes it in moments. do not move on to now. your hands. did you know that she pulled over in front of the church? now they you'll break me out of jail. you see what you did to my door? i don't like watching. >> what am i doing when i get arrested? i've got to go . i want to go next door.
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>> the left turns on latinos.fou that's the focus of tonight's angoff i . we predicted this that the left would really turn on hispanics b . how can the democrats be ssoonot ignorant and so smug? a a t that the same time? they literally cannot fathom that latino voters actually think for themselves. the truth is the liberals don't really like you.k they just use you and they talkr down to you every single you'r campaign season.stupid they think you're stupid. art. we think you're smart and like klok, it all transpired. the recent sagger between begann when tapes leaked on hispanicni democrats in the l.a. citycs council using racist language, including spanish word forg monkey . >> by the way, when speaking of african-americans, the onlyans. thing that black and brownk an on this floor is a white guy with the little black
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with misbehave, the kids bouncing offkids the walls on the road, practically kicking it over. there's nothing you can do to control him. by the time he got your starting lineup, you looked like a and now the regime media, rather than focusing on the individual liberals who use the offensive languagelang rather thanell, highlighting their shameless hypocrisy, well, insteadea, they're jumping tontiment is the conclusion that anti black sentiment is systemic. c among alamong all latinos.a the reality is there is a lot at of anti black racism that exists in all aspects of our society, including within the hispanic community. >> remember, the people usine g a racist language that we miayed earlier are democrats a fact totally glossed overedia by most regime media types, includin g cnn. >> and there is blatant and r i corimination and racism. but there's also this casual racism. i mean, i comelatino com from to
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community and i hear, you know,p people being referred tole as tegretol or morito. the little guys argue these are things that we as communityw, a don't address enough. >> now b, a buncunchh of angryg liberals running city government in l.a. using racisa language and now the entire latino community needs educaterr . and this is completely bizarre. it, of course, totallye predictable. democrats are incapable, after all, oinca f looking themselves in pro the mirror and admitting that they have a proble m. icies, now, beyond issues of bigotry, wo's the policies, stupid, the policies that have causedfa real pain and real suffering for working families. miincluding our fastest growingr demographic group voting bloc, owhispanics, all because of biden, all because of, alling the democrat s that voted forl his radical agenda. and while the media are doin ge doin their best to form thisnd protective cocoon around him, things are so bad they can'to se help but do some real reporting. once ir all,thingste facts are stubborn things,? aren't they ? so, according to acordn analysik
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by wells fargo and the federal reserve bank of new york ,re hispanic and latino americans experienced the highest inflation rate of an highy group of americans. and back in may, reuters spoke tosshirty five hispanic voters in two toss up races in arizona and colorado. 20 of them said that soaring inflation is causing them to seriously consider voting republican . >> there's a lot of talk about the electorate swing to the republican party. why are we seeing this time ofla year? is this a trend that you expect will continue? g we continit will continue at times like these.e it >> it's really economic and thns that that that take priority. and that's what you're seein's is the hispanic community is dealing with , you knowwi,th a high interest rates, energyan costs, record high inflation, and historically, it's been the republican party that focuses on those economic issues.d de >> you and democratcrats , i think thet
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they're in deep doo doo here.ay a new poll out today shows that latino support for the gop is surging over the past four u years alone, up a whopping 10 points. and s, this makingd at liberals angry. >> charles blow hard at the new york times writing, i have a theory about the future of america that i don't want to o come true, that with thef browning of america, white supremacy could simply be replaced by a form of light supremacy in which fair skinned people perpetuate a modified anti blackness, modifiedi anti blackness really? is this the best argument they have now? ? entrmagine you're a hispanic entrepreneur. you know your entireepreneur. family hasr worked double shifts to make a better life for themselves. restarmaybe started a constructn company, run a chain oauf restaurants and you wake up one day and you see that ally your people are being smeared,
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as they were, by charles blow. their just because of who you yu are by democrats, no this is craven and it'sy, cynical. and frankly, sick. every democrat candidate oute ae there should be asked if he or she agrees with the charge that hispananic are culturally racis. i think this is a hugescalculati political miscalculation because rather in figuring outc how to really turn aroundoc our economic decline, democratrs are just turning. on their ownon constituents. and if they continue off to turs off the latino vote and if republicans do what is necessary now, this is a big if, but if republicans do whatec is necessary to make america prosperous and safe again, manr ,this could lead to gop come. dominance for decades to come. >>oh, an oh, and i'm going to me another prediction tonight. hispan aren't the last group that the democrats will target out of their own n political frustration. muslims may be next. .
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>> we're not against anybody. we're not against homosexuality. we all have our beliefs. that. yes, but this has nothing to do with that. we're here to talk about the books and the, the rightde e side of children obviously child challenging what's happening in our schools. y challengin michigan. if muslim americans continue to challenge the trans agendaspeak and their states , if they darew to speak out t on camera, no th less, show up at school board meetings, show the courage of their own convictions, they will be the nex thet group smeared. you see what alle al this is gog . >> democrats cannibalizing their own voter base. . years from now, the democratow party may find itself only made up of, i don't know, maybe i dot women like them. >> trump is president of the united states , but and that's the angle. gang >> joining me now is former gang member jesse holguin.
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he is the founder of leks it jesse , are you called now a white nationalist latino or is it light anti black racism, modified racism? >> wha is t is it? they called me that all of thatt whites are brown , a supremacist. they even called me a christia n it's just totally hilarious say how you were saying iningu your monologue that it's democrats being democrats blaming caughtg caught, as usuag racist, and yet they're trying to make a blaming on alljoke latinos. it's just a total joke, like. bee because there's been a lot of attacks against latino vanders and stuff over herovere by blacl and never once did i blame all blacks or think all blacks are racist against latinos because of the actions of a few people.i it's just totally ridiculous.ngl and it seems like the mediapropr is trying to blotiw this way ou of proportion. former congressman carlos
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curbelo, jesse is still repeating debunked talking points about latin o voters. y want >> watch this. if they really want to win the latino vote , you know, going the trump lane just isn't going to work there, kind ofy maxed out there. >> and it f they actually want o win the latino vote , they do have to take this step.nd they do have to embrace broad, fair immigration reform.e and they're actually going to have to start deliveringtodelive policies that are important to a lot of latino families. >>f latino jesse .o so i guess mass immigration,s ma amnestssy, that's his that's his recommendation for >>e republicanalready party ths already growing in its latino support. >> yeah.e thre and then you notice how he that' threw trump in there, because that's what they use thed for am those years. they were trying to paint trump. he hates all latinos in these races. he wants t on tport them to them. also, just once again,o they just try to use the same rhetoric always to manipulate minorities. and i feel that's why they'reg l doing all of this, becausebeca
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they see the momentum going for they're going to the republicanthe , you the conservatives. so now, like now you said, nowg they're attacking latinos. now they're coming outking up with this because they see that we're waking ue leavinp and are the democrat party. and thenlk youed notic aboe that because that she talked about other races, too, even abouttino latinos, others al latinos also. and you notice how they're not saying nothing about none of o becaother races, but yet they're focusing on the blacks because it looks like they're bk trying to manipulate the black vote . >> now , and l.a. times columnist and as anyone evens read the l.a. times, i guess wes do, they blasted latinos as aosa whole, writing that among casual racism and classism among latinos is something tha t our community has never really confronted. it's a pathology exam rated in v the united states as we move into new neighborhoods and fighrhoods at for politicald with communities that have held it longer than us . andand aren't quite ready to give it up. jesse , your response to that,
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huh? >> it just shows that there's racism in all races and racist racism should always be condemned. and that's good that she goo resigned in like that. but i think more democrats should resign, too, from the further racist comments. even biden forwife calli his wia calling tacos and saying that minorities weren't smartt minorh to use the internet. t so i feel that they should all coso resign for that for being the racist comments. >> jesse , do you thin.k this the is going to work? i mean, the attacks on latinos,o ,you've got to you've got toe basically reeducate the way you think. is that going to pull more latino voters intowhat t the democrat party? that's that seems like wha t their strategy. >> yeah. mai and then there was even a maint latino leader that was at the town hall wheng it they yesterday. and he walked off when b they were saying it because sayingad ballot and a bunch of races out there and they were saying, brown nationis and all that. so he just walked off and it'sro like dickless with that.
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they're trying to put already la what they're doing.: e you.esse , great to see you think. and no thw, up next, it's week two of the ingraham angle. big board with less than fou wer weeks to go , which races is chris bedford going to highlight for us ? tws totonight? >> stay tuned to find out. by now, you are all familiar with the campaign. you lawsuits where marines who lived at the base were exposed to dangerous life threatening chemicals in the water. but what about their sons and daughters? what about their spouses? one huge topic that is being overlooked is that they were all potentially exposed to the tainted water from drinking, cooking and even swimming in. yes, the families of those marines living at camp one between 1953 and 1987 were exposed to benzene, vinyl chloride and other toxic chemicals. many those family members also suffered from cancer and even death. the same legislation that allows marines to recover damages for health issues also
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fall over on . on. her opponent refuses to debate or she says she's a conspiracy a theorist. >> and this is starting to play really, really badly. for hub's.badl >> and iy t looks likehobb she's going to she possibly might lose to republican just so there'se migh t a better canw who's more liked and who's willing to engage on these debates. >> well, she said shholiked anet be part of a spectacleon't with kerry like that. b was her big response.gel >>wi is that goingth to gel no, with the voters? no, becaus becausee the voters l seeing her responses going viral, carrie lakes and saying this woman seems extremely accomplished, extremely intelligent. we want to hear morer more for . so pbs try to set up in a debate with the citizens clean election committee forithe arizona. and they ended ud p flubbing at the hobs, refused to debate, pulled out. t then pbs tried to give her ant o interview where she just got the talk on her own and the whole thing's been a disaster. >> all right. let's move on to oregon. where the real clear politicsar polling average has republican christine drasin leading democrat tina kotedraze by three percent forre governor and now three percent doesn't seem like a lot. whe perce y is this important? >> it's wild because no
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republican has won the governor since nineteen eight 1y two in oregon. this is a very spit democratic state, despite the being kind of republican .rh but it's also somewhat of a perfect storm for the gop. we've got kate have ka brown . the current governor is the least popular governor in america. covid policiesamer c, insane cr is insane. and then you've got betsey syt, on, who's a democra running as an independent. she's got big pockets. she's backed by the founder of nike. she's coming in at 16%. t the democrats are upset yoth all this work stuff comes together. >> youu mightt see actually sh the first republican victory in ose to40 years. boy. now, some democrats are racing i away from biden, but it appears that kotek is embracing him because he's heading there tomorrow to stump for her. bec >> he' and the question is , what's he's going toxactly be there for two days. the idea that he might be able to bring some of those moderate democrats who have gone to betsey johnson back into the fold to tr moderbacky and ss is this is the nominee, this i' is the person democrats want. >> buts it's a tough sell. >> now, rhode island people don't think of rhode island that much. land b it'sut not fair for brown , but the second district there where
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republican allen fong is leading the democrat state treasureding ther, seth magazine now, whyal. is this a big deal? so in d.c., it's really common for us to just always look at northern virginia, the things that are closeikd sometimes almoet races like in new jersey. in the last cycle, there wasstoe almost are h another the republ. and we're seeing the same thing right now in rhode island wheren the republican is actually eleco leading. >> snigho ift on election nigho see rhode island starting to f go for the republican party, then you can be pretty sure for it's going to be a bad night for the democrats. >>de same thing with it. back to oregon. goe if a state like oregon goess gon red for a republican, that'se au huge. >> it's going to be absolutely huge, though.r oregon will be a longer the wait up for oregon is goingu to be a longer a longer night. >> oh, yeah,res forroun now, let's round it out n with the senate, because pennsylvania, of course, has been nasty. i thine mo k the most money has beeneen fe spent in pennsylvania between fetterman and drtt . oz. >>at is the latest there? it seems to shift back and forth a little bit. wello ca, right now, the issues that they seem to care about, which i think it's difficult to buy, is whether or c not justacl a carpetbagger and whether or not fetterman can actually doly the johethere tob, whether he'sr do the job. >> the nbc interview that hee t gave because they were forcede
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to kind ofan go out there and actually put a candidate out there and not just talk about crew today ut went disastrously for him. the new yorker and everyone e else in new york magazinveryes y trying to run as much coverthey as they can for fetterman. they're saying we weren't ineren the room, but he has't greatth they just wrote thousands and thousands of words and a piece out today thatof ipiece o maybe a sentence on the issues and retiling about how coulis is . budown to e ent are getting dowd of the election. who actually has to distinguish himself as a candidateate and b the issues? >> and right now, with his difficulties even speaking, that's going to be tough for him. cpi numbers that>> cam laui nuet tonight, terrible. now we actually have time foonir one more remain. okay, the maniacs are wildcs people. the incumbent democrat, people. congressman jared golden, is facing off against former gop rep. bruce pawlak. quinn, now, interesting to notec here is that the two faced off before8 back in 2018 where golden won by just a reallyrgin thin margin and took pocank agai seat . so could this flip back again? it absolutely could. remember rea . man >> twenty 18 was a bad year toat be a republican congressman. i think they lost overs in 40 ss so the house of representatives. so to come back would t
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be something else. now the democrat golden has really tried to distinguish himself from national democrathh . he went against the american rescue plan. he had criticized the student loan pla wenn. e stud buent then joe manchin, the supposed moderate, brought him in to vote "yes" pbut on the inflationma bro reductio. so now he's got that hanginges around his neck. it's proven unpopular. manchin got sold a bill ofl of goods. he's up there trying to stump for him. bit that's anotherds that' toug. >> hdee got too close to bad.ate chris , great to see you at nex the big board again next week. all right. democrats are desperately trying to charge trumpcharge t the crime. we know that, but they're ignoring real crimes that are terrorizing americans across the country. in fact, a fox country businessl almost stolen while a reportera wares covering wisconsin's can governor's race today, if youit can believe it. so candidatenatorial ,they were covering, tim action n michaels, he joins me with his reaction next. >>so, you' so you're forty five. that's the perfect age to see some old friends explore
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we all felt the connection. you like that brother and sisterhood in tonight'seric retaking america segment, weis go to wisconsin, whereng republican senator ron johnson is runningfor for reelection against mandella, barnes and republican tim michaels. micis trying to unseat democran governor tony evers. now remarkableoron, the realhe clear politics polling average puts michaels and evers at an exact tie, forty seven point eight percen mt each. one of
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now, one of the top issues in wisconsin is crime. rimearguably even more so than n other states . johnson and michaels caave both made it a touchstone of m their campaigns and it kind of makes sense because in milwaukee, carjackings are up 29% year to date since 202023 homicides. 23%.% d and on fatal shootings, 22%., >> the most striking number was motor vehicle thefts, spikinveg one hundred nineteen percent. >> and you wouldn't momentss that before michael's event in milwaukee today. this happened just acrosss th the street right here is as on car where my producer was parked. you can se te the glass on the ground. ca someone threw a brick throughthr the window. you can see the brick there,e id trattered the glass. another person got inside wir and tried to hotwire the vehicle and drive away with it. >>h joining me now is tim michaels, republican candidate for wisconsi, n governor .
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tim, i guess this doesn't surprise you, but it kind of lil surprised a little bit because we were just there to do a job . >> yeah, it's shocking what happened. i was endorsed by th happenee mr firefighters association. we were standing in frone t offo a firehouse. firefighters behind me.e, every tv station in milwaukee was there, print media eno and cameramen. >> and these guys wereh to emboldened enough to drive up wo right across the street and they smashedthey tri the wiw and they tried to hotwire the car. >> and what's shocking is that they were undeterred by all this presence of medias and cameramen and they just went ahead with it.nt a headthey're so skilled at whatma they do. i don't mean that int a complimentary way. cry wi mean in a concerning wat they don't they don't care if they'r e going to get caught. we and that's the problem that's happening here in milwaukee. we havr thefe one car theft evey hour of every day. >> three hundred and sixty five days a year. o fo >> and they typically go for kids because i can hotwiree them. and a journalist tracked these guys down and said, why you doh
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it? >> and they said, because we'll get away with it. and that's the problem that we i have with our governor here in wisconsin. he's coddling criminals. we need ton, he' stand firm on . it's the cornerstone of sa campaign is resonating because people want saferfethei communities. they want their familiesmilies o be safe and they want their property to be safe. >> now, governor davis: now, g,s asked about this rampant crime issue in wisconsin this week. walwatch what he said. jus >> if we just grab one thing and say, okay, if we do thisdifr differently, suddenly it's not an issue. itan will be an issue. so i think it's i think it's an opportunity for us to have all hands on that conversation about what criminal justice looks like, what is an all crims on deck conversation about what criminal justice tim looks like. >> what does that mean? i tim? you yeah, i'd love to be able to interpret that for you, laura , but it's it's nonsensical.weak >> we have a weak leader in governor ivor's and people are ready for a change. they know that crime is u., they
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inflation is up. they know that their 401. ks are down. 401 the test scores in schools aredn down. >> governor davis has been evers a weak leader for look past four years from coast to kenosha. i've been a strong leade.r my entire life, 12 years on active duty in the u.s. army as an airborne ranger and forhen the past 25 years helping lead our company where we grew it g from. w ita few hundred to over 8000te today. that's the type of success tha t people want for their state.e an and they want to know that the the governor is going to stand strong with with law enforcemenw enfot and bring crie down. governor , even if he wants tool coddle criminals. this might be the most shocking thing. >> he made a campaign pledgeye four years agoars aghalf to cuts the prison population here in wisconsi hisn. >> he's well on his way to doing it. he's released over 100000 convicted felons. about 300 of them are murderers, attempted murderers, a cop killers and very shockingly, is forty fouisr of them are child. i they're on the streets today inn go vernor evers wgovernor ruiz wane
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thousands more . it's not good for the state. it'se or not good fory our communities or our neighborhoods. quy,, very quickly, how important is it to have people who are running states , even in federal office, to know what it's like to make a payroll and in a challenging time, how importantimet is that >> you know, i think this entire election cycle is going to be about the biggest picture of all. >> do we want to have more people with real life experience, businessmen who who know how to make payrollo make and have created jobs, not just talk about it?o >> or do we want to have do weri want to have career politicians running all aspects ofone of t government now? i think that's one of the reasons that we got togo whe wherree we are today at tam taml >> we got to hear all that. it is absolutely right. reall worl world experience, not lifetime politicians. >> tim michaels, thank you and good luck. >> stay with us. there's uneasiness growing within today's parents. questions arise around
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for the final exam. let's watch how it happens. >> the track of the deep perfection, raymond arroyo. when's the fable and coveted john fetterman neck mug. >> just what i wanted. >> laura: raymond ended with a negative one? better luck next time. that is it for us tonight. gutfeld's next. >> todd: a fox news alert, five people are dead and an off-duty police officer following a shooting in rahway north carolina. >> carley: this came as the two police officers fatally shot in another seriously wounded in an apparent ambush in bristol, connecticut. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this friday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: todd piro. while the latest attacks on those who risk their lives to protect us a and a sea of blue n bristol to mourn the tragic loss of two of their own and they a
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