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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  October 14, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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political hacks and slugs, and that is a scam. >> could be an election week again, just listening to that. >> let's hope not. i'm an old man. i can't take that anymore. >> bret: what a week. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for tonight "special report." fair, balanced, time i like how you put a little mustard on it. thanks, have a great weekend >> bret: thank you ♪ . >> jesse: have you ever dealt with a salesman that wasn't really cut out for the job, maybe couldn't master the sales pitch? >> our new break pads are really cool. you're not even going to believe it. let's say you're driving ago along the road with your family and you're driving along, la la, and there's a tuck driver in the middle of the road and you hit the brakes, whoa, that was
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close. >> jesse: maybe the product he was selling just wasn't that great. >> here's a treat. this here is a treat. >> that's a little skimpy in the front. >> you just put it in the corner. >> haven't you got a big tree? >> jesse: for the last five years, this is what the democrats have been doing, trying to sell us phoney products that nobody wants. they pushed crt in our schools and parents said, yeah, not happening. they wanted us to drive electric and americans said thanks, but we'll pass. they even tried to sell us on the idea that wearing a mask will save your life. but, you see, this was just the beginning. the democrats know they can't convince us, so now they're just going to try to control us, and it's happening in every aspect of our lives. listen to this. doctors in california can't even give out medical advice without government approval. a new state law makes it illegal for a physician to give their independent opinion about covid to their own patients. if that opinion is contradicted
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by contemporary scientific consensus. and what does that mean? well, it's pretty vague but the state's medical board will decide what the scientific consensus is. who's on the medical board? half the members aren't even fephysicians. they're mostly leftists appointed by gavin newsome. it doesn't matter scientific consensus has been dangerously wrong in the field of medicine for centuries. democrat political appoint tease who have never gone to medical school will be able to come between you and your doctor. liberals are always talking about my body my choice, about you now there's going to be a commission telling them they don't have a choice? and if you think this is going to stop with covid, you're wrong. i wouldn't be surprised if this medical commission started overruling doctors on a variety of issues. california basically just made it illegal to get a second opinion. and that's the strategy. you don't have a choice. and you don't have a relationship with your doctor
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anymore. you have a relationship with the government. this divide and concur strategy has been playing out for years look at the battle over race. the left wants us to believe that everyone and everything is racist. they want blacks to hate whites. they want whites to feel guilty and they want everybody to be angry. but you see the race rage is manufactured. it's just something the democrats and the media want us to think is real but in reality isn't a problem. they want to make this a problem so they can solve it. and if you know anything about democrat solutions, you know they only make problems worse. tampa bay buccaneers head coach todd bowls perfectly. he's one of the black head coaches in the nfl and the media asked him about his relationship with one of the other black coaches, mike tomlin. which is a weird question to ask anybody. >> you and mike tomlin are two
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of the black head coaches in the league. what is your relationship with him. >> i don't think it's a big deal. he has an opportunity to do a good job and hopefully he does it. we coach ball we don't look at colors. >> you understand representation matters when aspiring coaches or even football players, you know, they see someone that looks like them and grew up like them. they have to mean something. >> when you say looks like you guys and look like them and grew up like them means we're odd balls to begin with. and i think as soon as you guys stop making a big deal about it everybody else will as well. >> jesse: hear that you guys making a big deal about it? the media. did you hear the question she asked him? you also understand that representation matters to you, right? like she's tell this successful nfl head coach that he needs to see color. you're black, you must think like the liberals do. he says no, i'm just trying to win football games and i'm no different than white coaches.
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we all grew up in america and we're all trying to win games. why are you trying to make us sound so different? sports is one of the places where race matters the least, it's all about what you do on the field. again, this is all about control. if the left removes merit from the equation then everything becomes a politically correct human resource exercise, an exercise they can dominate through anger, through guilt, fear by making the races feel separate and unequal. but when you look at what's happening in this country, nothing is scarier than what's unfolding in the schools. they want to separate kids from their parents. and they're doing that through indoctrination starting as young as six. just this week a crazy democrat in virginia said she wants to charge parents with child abuse if they don't affirm their kids' gender identity. so basically if nine year old jack goes through a phase and tells his teacher, ms. dugan, i'm a girl and mrs. dugan says you can be whatever you want to be jack. if you want to be a girl, that's
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fine. and jack goes home and tells his parents says mommy daddy i'm a girl now. mrs. dugan said i can be a girl if i want to and i want to be jill. jill's my name now. and then the parent calls ms. dugan and says what the heck is going on? did you say my son jack is now jill. now ms. dugan can come back and say, you're no. affirming your own child's gender identity. jack is jill and i'm calling 911. could you imagine police showing up to the parents' house and putting them in handcuffs for child abuse for something like this? well, elizabeth guzman wants that. she's a member of the virginia house of delegates and she's drafting a bill to be voted on next session to make it a crime if parents don't acknowledge when their son orb daughter changes their gender. what's happening in schools is that teachers are encouraging boys to become girls and girls
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to become boys and teachers are calling your son or daughter by a different pronoun and hiding it from the parents. governor glenn youngkin is fighting against this kind of stuff in virginia. he introduced new school guidelines that prevents teachers from keeping this information from parents. but guzman didn't like that and her response was to silence parents. why? because she wants lgbtq kids to know that they're loved. now, i don't know about you, what's happening here doesn't sound like love. it sounds like these teachers should mind their own business. here's a father of two girls who travels country to protect the so-called love and he raises this point. >> our kids are being led to believe that they're born wrong, being taught through schools they're born in the wrong bodies. what does that mean? can any of you tell me? i know you can't, because i've asked this question thousands of times and no one can answer it. because it doesn't mean anything.
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what it is, is an abusive state. imagine telling a child that they're born in the wrong body? and calling that love and affirmation. and then telling them that the way to find their true self is to block puberty, going on the other sex's hormones and cut off their breasts. >> jesse: he's right. are these people teaching kids to love themselves or are they teaching them to change themselves? parents across the nation are fed up. and, no, it's not just the conservative white dads who are speaking out even though that's what the media wants you to think. it's all parents. >> where's the math? where's the reading? where is the history? where are the strong values? >> we want kids to have access to these books. it's nice and simple. >> vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! vote them out! >> jesse: that was video from a school board meeting in dearborn
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michigan. these parents don't want their kids reading books about trans sexual assaults. this is a muslim communities that feels the exact same way about this stuff than black white and hispanic communities feel and it's not just what's being taught in the classroom it's also what's happening in the classroom and maybe those two things are connected. a mom in california was forced to confront her daughter's school board after she was exposed to another boy being inappropriate during class. >> on may 17th my seventh grade daughter along with every other classmate watched a boy in her class masturbate. i only know this because my daughter told me in the car when i picked her up saying her friends saying they were disturbed traumatized and scared. it does not take an expert to figure out what happens to a 13 year old boy when he's staring at 13 year old girls wearing underwear to school and being exposed to concepts like oral and anal sex. >> jesse: pretty disgusting.
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how did the superintendent handle it? >> when we talk about mast bakes that could be rubbing of their jeans with their hands outside their pants. doesn't necessarily need to be inside. as someone who's been an elementary and middle school principal i would say that at least once a year this comes up for both males and females within a school setting. and so i don't think that this is anything outside the norm that would take place. >> jesse: you hear that? totally normal for students to masturbate in class. no big deal. it's also totally normal for a biological boy to spike a volleyball into a girl's face during a high school girl's volleyball game. this girl reportedly suffered head and neck injuries because this guy jumped 10 feet in the air, all muscle and spiked the ball 600 miles an hour into her
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head: the guy looks like he should be on the u.s. men's olympic volleyball team but he's spiking balls into your poor little girl's face. what do they call this? they call that inclusion. the rest of the country calls that insanity. this is what happens when boys become girls and they play in girls sports. little jack becomes jill goes out for your daughter's softball team and crushes a line drive into her school. it's hurting kids mentally emotionally academically and now physically. and if a part says anything they're a bigot. the government has allowed this. in fact the government is pushing this. the government has a strong hold on our kids and it's time for us to take this power back. we need more parents to speak up like my next guest. here's her response when she found out what kind of book was in her seventh grader's classroom. watch. >> i'm going to read from chapter nine, the ins and outs
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of gay sex starting at page 201 page one boy on boy sex. perhaps the most important skill you will master as a gay or buy man is a timeless classic. [bleep]. good news is you can practice it on yourself. any teacher that puts material like this on his or her bookshelf is either a pedophile or a bad teacher. >> your two minutes are up, thank you. >> we will vote you out november 8th. you are not leaders. >> jesse: christie wade and book wise are parents for the group moms for liberty. what did the school board say when you read that graphic material from a book that was in the class? >> well, they actually didn't say anything. in fact, the chair chimed in saying that she wasn't even on the ballot for this election. which is essentially shirking all accountability for their actions. and they just don't care quite honestly and that was evident by the facts this they didn't even give me my full two minutes to speak because i had the common courtesy to allow the parents
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who had children in the room to remove them. but they didn't care because they let the two minutes run and i was short changed. >> jesse: brooke, what's your experience with this school board and these school boards in general? is this -- we're seeing the video footage prove that no matter how angry and upset the parents are, they just sit back like this, and they say, next, and they gavel the meeting over. >> i've been speaking at charlotte school board meetings since april of 2021. basically only two of the nine current school board members have ever really engaged with me. occasionally i get an e-mail from another one that there's virtually no response from seven out of the nine school board members, ever, about anything. >> jesse: is there any movement in the right direction here? do they change any sort of
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policies? do they acknowledge that what's going on is inappropriate and against what the rest of the school and parent body agree with? >> no. there's been no change in policy. when we brought the book that kristy read the xerpts from they removed it from the classroom and said it was not approved curriculum but as soon as that happened, we found out that it was actually on a recommended reading list at a different middle school for the same grade, seventh graders. so it may not be part of --. >> jesse: yeah. and kristy we played more of a tame version from what you recited from that book. we can't even play it on television, it's that graphic. go ahead. >> exactly. and my whole point, too, that i didn't actually get to say, because i was short changed on my time, is that i can't say
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that stuff in a workplace. as an adult, i'm not allowed to bring in porn into my job. so why is it appropriate for that to be in schools and discussing it with children? it's just counter intuitive and it's ridiculous. >> jesse: totally is. and we have a lot of respect for both of you guys for standing up to this madness because it is, and it looks like a lot of people are have your back. thank you so much for coming on the show. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: the waukesha christmas parade killer's trial has gone completely off the rails. and, why the joe biden coverup is about to come to an end. ♪ [school bells] when pain says, “i'm here,” i say, “so are they.”
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>> the whacko who killed six people when he mowed down a christmas parade in wisconsin is representing himself in his own trial and he's making a mockery of our judicial system causing additional pain and suffering to the victims' families. fox news national correspondent matt finance has the story. matt. >> tucker: jessie this trial is really rather stunning with ongoing tension and fireworks between the accused killer, darrell brooks, and judge jennifer darrow. darrell brooks is representing himself and it's causing all kinds of chaos as he is not an attorney. >> i am not taking it up. all right? it is irrelevant. >> it needs to be noted for the record. >> it doesn't need to be noted. the jury is coming back out and i'm going to warn you if you bring this up again, i will pause and i will remove you to
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the next room for being disrespectful, for being interrupt i have, for being disruptive and for bringing up irrelevant matters. >> throughout this trial brooks is telling that judge and witnesses that he doesn't go by his own name. instead, he says he is a third party representing a client, which is himself. >> ford escape came through the parade route and you drove past me and wouldn't stop, and you continued driving into the parade route. >> who is you? >> darryl brooks, the defendant, seated at the table. >> let the record reflect that i do not identify by that name, nor do i know anybody by that name. >> there's been a series of jaw dropping moments in this trial beginning on day one, when brooks took off his shirt in the courtroom. later brooks claimed one of the jurors gave him the middle
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finger. -is charged with six counts of first degree intentional homicide. prosecutors say he deliberately drove through the back shaw christmas parade last november killing six people ranging from eight to 81 years old, and mowing down dozens more. brooks initially pleaded not guilty, arguing a mental defect, but then before this trial he fired his public defenders and chose to represent himself. jesse. >> jesse: unbelievable. thank you, matt. >> there's a lot on the ballot next month, economy, crime, your child's education. but something else is going on. the investigation into the biden crime family. republicans are ready to go full fledge with their investigations, they just need the majority, and the democrats will do anything, and i mean anything, to make sure that doesn't happen. there's a lot at steak. the fate of the investigations entirely depends on three senate races, georgia, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. now, that's why the democrats are rallying behind radicals, like rafael warnock, whose
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church evicted poor people during the pandemic but covered the rent for warnock's mansion. that's why they're backing john fetterman, who dresses like a goon and chases down black guys with shotguns, and is medically unfit to serve in the senate. and anyone who dares point that out is discriminating against disabled people. fetterman's wife gisele blasted the nbc reporter who did her job and interviewed her husband last week. >> what is the service that she did to not only my husband but anyone facing a disability and working through it. i don't know how there were not consequences. it was appalling to the entire disability community and i think to journalism. it's brought a lot of conversations around accommodations, around rights, around ableism, right? ableism was trending on twitter. >> jesse: ableism, a new one. also why they're backing mandela
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barnes who loves jeremiah wright almost as much as he loves defunding the police. he was grilled by our own hillary vaughn about it this week. >> you talked in the past about reallocating money away from police departments. you said funding for police is a mismatch. so what changed if you're saying now that you support more funding for police? >> i said i have supported state budgets that increase more funding for law enforcement. >> do you still stand by comments you made about reallocating money away from the police. >> lieutenant governor. >> thank you so much hillary. >> jesse: bye-bye. joe biden doesn't care that these candidates are weirdos and radicals he just cares about the numbers. the senate's split 50/50, kamala's the tiebreaker. republicans can't investigate the biden crime family unless they pick up a seat there. and sure the fbi says they think they can charge hunter with tax and gun crimes but given their history i don't think you can trust them to do the right thing. we can trust ron johnson to do the right thing. he'll be in charge of the investigation sub committee if republicans retake the senate
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and he's locked and loaded. >> when you're vice-president of the united states and you see your son grifting and profiting off of your family name, you shut that down and you don't lie to the american public by saying that you had no -- you never talked to your son about overseas business deals. so unfortunately we have a grifter in the white house right now. >> jesse: senator ron johnson joins us now. senator, the president name checked you last week. he said, of all the people running, he named you because he knows you're hot on his tail and he does not want you to win that seat. you understand the stakes here? >> well, jesse, yeah. i'm not president biden's favorite u.s. senator, that's for sure because i have exposed his corruption, the corruption of the biden family. my concern is that, if they do a plea deal with hunter biden and see all the records, the american public will never know the truth and i think the american public deserves the
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truth on this. i don't know to what extent joe biden is compromised, to what extent our foreign policy's been impacted by the level he is compromised, but i think it certainly has impacted decisions, i think it's impacted their foreign policy. >> jesse: i think we reported at least three or four chinese intelligence officials were sleeping with people in the biden family, were doing business deals with the biden family. it's very, very concerning. how concerned are you with the level of radicalism that your opponent espouses. >> you're right, he's a radical leftist trying to hide in sheep's clothing. our problem jesse, as your earlier segment pointed out the radical left has infiltrated almost every institution in this country. they're trying to normalize things that normal people just look at as totally crazy and we have a real problem with the media. they are radical leftists themselves. it's not a level playing field
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or a fair fight. certainly what i'm dealing with here in wisconsin. so what we need to do is we need to get the truth out. i mean, that's our advantage is all we have to do is tell the truth. the problem is, we have to pay to get the truth out. ron johnson for, my opponent raised $20 million last quarter. that beat us. and we need to get the truth out so i can save the senate seat and we can get to the bottom of these things to get the truth out to the american public. >> jesse: it's critical you have to find out if the commander in chief is compromised. this is a very, very important question. senator ron johnson, thank you so much for joining us. >> have a great night. >> jesse: coming up, people are losing their minds. and primetime's making a citizen's arrest. >> i'm making a citizen's arrest. >> for what? >> for parking too close to my car. >> i'll move it. >> oh, no, you don't, princess.
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♪ >> jesse: there's no question we live in a violent society, and i'm not talking about the crime wave, already a given. but people are losing their tempers. people are forgetting how to act, having crazy confrontations, screaming, freaking out. you've seen it. these are grown adults acting totally out of control. it's a new phenomenon that primetime's tracking very closely. fox and friends cohost carley shimkus is here to break everything down. carley first up we have something you're going to like. nancy pelosi, not a fan of trump, but newly released video from january 6th obtained by cnn shows just how deep her hate goes. >> if he comes i'm going to punch him out. i've been waiting for this, fortress passing on the capitol grounds. i'm going to punch him out and i'm going to go to jail and i'm going to be happy. >> jesse: she's going to go to
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jail. not her husband for insider trading she's going to jail. >> a lot of rage that day jesse. and she's not the first democrat who threatened to pump trump. >> jesse: everybody has. >> do you remember when president biden said he wanted to take trump behind the bleachers. >> jesse: behind the bleachers. >> i think that's more a them problem than a him problem. >> jesse: i think so, too. >> yeah. >> jesse: did you assume that this was a female thing? >> what was -- what do you mean? >> jesse: men and women want to punch trump. >> oh, yeah, no. this is an equal gender thing. we have biden and pelosi. this is not just a woman thing jesse. >> jesse: i think they want to punch trump. next up don't get in the way of a woman and her dog. on a flight to new york wednesday this woman had a massive freakout when a flight attendant asked her to take her dog off her lap. >> because my dog was on my lap. >> we'll have a conversation. >> why? >> grab your stuff and come with me, ma'am. i'm not going to ask you again. ma'am. get your stuff. >> oh, no, no, no.
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[bleep] anything to you guys because you couldn't let my dog sit on my [bleep] lap? >> ma'am, let's go. >> [bleep] you. all of you. >> okay. >> i am. shut the [bleep] up. >> whoa. >> whoa! >> turn your phone off. >> okay, [bleep] you. >> okay. >> get out of my way. >> jesse: you would never do that. >> uh-oh. i would like to take the side of the woman in this one? >> jesse: why? >> trying something new tonight, why not. think back to your last flight experience. you're sitting in a metal tube you're in the middle seat your phone's about to die. what i wouldn't give in that moment to watch some action go down. light action, no one got hurt here. >> light action, just a bottle to the head. >> yeah, you know, but providing a service of spectacle, jesse. and then also think about monday. what's the worst thing about the work environment?
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small talk. you pull out this video you're set for a couple weeks. >> jesse: i feel like this may have delayed the flight a little bit. >> oh, with the way flights are these days, it's going to be delayed no matter what. >> jesse: you'll let anything go on a flight. i don't know. >> just pointing out, you know, this woman did a service. >> jesse: okay. if she had boarded my plane with heir like that i would have called the air marshall. >> that's unique, a sign. >> jesse: climate activists have a problem with van gogh. two ladies from a group called just stop oil threw tomato soup all over van gogh's sunflower painting worth nearly $82 million at the national gallery in london then glued themselves to the wall all because of the fossil fuels. >> whoa. >> what is worth more? art our life? are you more concerned about the
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protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people? >> jesse: who's the guy, the artist that does the soup can? >> i don't know. could that be --. >> jesse: warhol, they should have thrown it at the warhol painting. >> they're protesting the oil and that's an oil painting. that's the connection there. >> jesse: that's it. >> that's it. she's also talking about how people care more about oil than food and then throws a can of soup. somebody hungry may have wanted that. >> jesse: i think there was a she. did they just lose $82 million? >> the paintings are covered with glass. and also what's this trend of gluing yourself to stuff? so then the police have to come. they have to take the adhesive off the lady's hand and then arrest her. >> jesse: that doesn't work by the way. have you ever gotten glue on your hands. does it actually stick to something? >> no. >> jesse: no. >> but i wish it did. >> jesse: you wish it did. >> and then the punishment would be you're going to have to stay on this wall and just peel yourself off.
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>> jesse: okay. you're going to get glued to something if you're not careful. >> if it's gorilla glue. with gorilla glue nails you never know. bad situation. >> jesse: everybody be wear there's a karen on the loose and don't get close to her car. >> i'm putting you under citizen's arrest. >> for what. >> for parking too close to my car. >> i'll move it. >> oh, no you don't princess. to filming. >> jesse: i love this woman. >> i don't know why but i love her too. we're on the side of the woman. >> jesse: did you notice it was all women freaking out. >> but we have biden taking trump out back behind the bleachers. >> jesse: control yourselves or i'll glue you to something. sink or swim, the patriot edition is next. ♪ dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat.
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it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry.
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talk to anyone in san francisco and they'll tell you now is not the time to make our city even more expensive by raising taxes. san francisco has one of the largest city budgets in america. yet when it comes to homelessness and public safety, we're not getting results. what we really need are better policies, more accountability, and safer neighborhoods. vote no on propositions m and o. the last thing we need are higher taxes, especially right now. now is not the time to raise taxes in san francisco. vote no on m and o.
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♪ >> jesse: a little friendly competition in a game we call sink or swim. let's look at the leader board, doocy and gutfeld still swimming
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all the way to the top. rachel campos duffy joining kilmeade and. this week we have pete hegseth and joey jones. i was going to say there was some trash talk but pete just made it on set about 30 seconds ago. >> i've been trying all day to get the questions from your staff. they will not give it to me. >> jesse: good, we trained them well. >> the good thing about the green room being there on time is i get to see the faces i just don't know the questions. >> jesse: it's not like it's going to help. >> no. >> jesse: category is who's hungry doesn't mean you're angry doesn't mean you can't find time to have a snack. which top democrat was caught snapping into a slim jim while talking to mike pence over the phone on january 6th. is it nancy pelosi or jerry nadler. who was snapping into a slim jim. >> i know the answer but i don't want to tip off joey. i do know the answer. >> tucker: joey's got to go first. >> right here. >> jesse: joey has to go first.
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both going with nancy. >> who is it? >> okay, then pause that. >> i did guess but i guessed because apparently that was take your documentary crew to workday. >> the last part of the question gave it away. >> jesse: that's like the only thing that nancy's done that makes me like her so good for you nancy. category stay in your lane. which rich democrats driver was arrested this week for criminal harassment and witness intimidation? was it michelle obama's driver or paul pelosi's driver? >> i know what i got. >> you got me with paul pelosi, your boy, of course. but i'm going to go michelle. >> michelle? two michelles. >> if paul pelosi had a driver we wouldn't even know his name right now. >> jesse: primetime would know his name. >> you would know his name. >> anybody would. >> who is isn't it. >> when they go low we go high.
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>> there it is. >> jesse: she only hires the best. was it feinstein's driver that also was a chinese spy? can democrats maybe just hire some better drivers? >> yes. jesus. >> jesse: category holy guacamole. who had tacos for lunch yesterday, was it joe biden or was it jill biden? >> i know this one. >> oh, he knows it. >> i know it, i know it. >> i'm going with this. >> jesse: throw it up. this is a tiebreaker. >> joe. >> jesse: it's the big guy. >> yes, sir! i think technically he had a quesadilla which is not necessarily -- it was 4.50 and he left i think a $40 tip. >> but we don't know that jill didn't eat tacos. i feel like there's an appeal process. >> i'm up by one. >> jesse: okay. very good, very good. this is a big one for you jones. >> i know. >> jesse: here it is. you ain't black. joe biden upset black americans this week with his empathetic comments about his son's crack
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addiction. one outspoken host even blamed biden for destroying black america with the '86 drug bill. who was it, was it candice owens or was it sha la many tha god, spelled t h a. >> either would have made that comment. >> jesse: you don't know this. >> i don't. >> jesse: you knew the others. >> i know this one. >> jesse: okay so pete has to go first. >> i want to look at your paddle but i'm not going to. i feel like candice has been in the news so i'm going with candice. >> jesse: he's going charlemagne. >> joe was responsible for all the black people in jail for smoking rock like his son. >> jesse: we're going with the tiebreaker. >> what do we do? >> jesse: this might be our first tiebreaker, maybe our second. we have the tiebreaker. in our last segment, i don't know if you guys watch the show. >> i'm out of panels. >> jesse: in the green room or your office pete. we showed two radical climate protesters throwing soup on one of van gogh's famous paintings. they grewed themselves.
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how much was this van gogh painting worth. i know you were art history majors in college. this is who is closer, why it's a tiebreaker. >> i have mine. >> i have mine too. >> i'm going 60 million. >> 35 million. >> jesse: 60? 35 million? pete hegseth wins it was 82 million. >> i protest. >> jesse: what are you protesting? both of you didn't watch the show before. >> i'm going off what it's worth now with tomato soup all over it. >> jesse: i don't have a slim jim, i have a hat for pete. sink or swim hat. if you can swim you might find yourself down there down low. >> if i ever win this, i don't want a hat i want a pair of socks okay? >> jesse: we'll get you socks. thanks guys. >> get me on that leader board. >> jesse: yeah, pete's going on the board. >> yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jesse: for years on the five i used to always say i only read the hobbit but that's not true. i love reading and have read a lot in the last few months but one of my favorites was the may i see by nelson today mill. fascinating read and i recommend it to everybody out there and we're joined now by the author to tell us more about it. this book, you've got police corruption, political corruption. you have a web of blackmail and brothels and people get hurt. where did you find inspiration for this book? >> in church? and morale corruption, of course. but this book is based on the real go go beach murders locally famous but also they made national news, been a couple documentaries made, non-fiction
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books. i kind of fictional iced it here. it's been ten years now, ten prostitutes found in go go beach and the branble's dead and the police are stymied. had a big headline about a year ago, ten bodies ten years. so it's captured people's imagination. >> jesse: do you find yourself jaded when it comes to politics, the military, international intrigue? you've written about that for a very long time, the russians. >> no. >> jesse: do you look back and say, you know what? this is just too much. >> yeah, i mean, some themes, you know, in one way i wish the cold war had gone on a little longer. >> jesse: good for you. >> a lot of people thrown out of work when the cold war ended. some stuff is perennial. i wish the war on terrorism would end peacefully. i wrote about that but i don't want to write about that anymore. some of my books have a military background. i spent three years in the army,
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a year in vietnam and i have two books that were based on that experience., we have 23 books, i have different genesis. i don't write a lot of series, this is a series, john corey series the rest are stand alone. >> jesse: gold coast was my first entree into your writing and that's a fan favorite for sure. we've had james paterson on the show a few times. when he sees this interview he's not going to like demille. you're a competitor. how do you get along? >> jim and i have been friends for years. we're different writers. he does three books a year i do one every year and a half so not really competitive. but he's a good guy. >> jesse: i feel like there's something else thinned scenes going on. i won't dig too deem. everybody read the maze, a slow burn very suspenseful and a lot of juicy stuff and the end is phenomenal. nelson demille, thank you for
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joining jesse watters prime time i have enjoyed your writing for years and hopefully more years to come. >> thank you seven. >> jesse: thank you. ♪ >> jesse: i have a confession to make. i'm addicted to something, a pretty hardcore addiction, i want to get it off my chest. i'm eating pink berry every single night. frozen yogurt for those of you unfamiliar with pink berry. almost like it's been maybe a month i've been having pink berry every single month after dinner. now. it's costing a fortune because when you get pink berry only one thing pink berry delivered to your apartment it's like $14 or something like that. so $14 plus 14 -- i mean, it's bankrupting the family. and i just want to speak to pink berry executives right now if i can, if you can just give me this moment. you need to sell a larger container, like a vat, that i
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can order wholesale. because the cost is not effective with the way i'm ordering it delivery. please listen. it might save our family. let's do some text messages. harry from oklahoma pelosi said she wanted to punch trump and go to jail in that clip. she meant the napa valley jail. they have a wing for the pelosis in napa valley >> countries from boston hillary vaughn really grilled mandela barnes there. i wonder what biden's nickname is for her. yes. stupid son of a hillary >> tony from glenside, pennsylvania, how did fetterman's wife pronounce ableism? ableyism. i'm not going to mention the man's wife. i'm not that kind of guy. you think i am but i'm not. greg from florida jesse, did the twins jesse jr. or rookie have halloween costumes yet. >> i know what the twins are being but i don't want to ruin
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it. jesse's costume is still in process. he did not like what emma got him at first. it was some sort of duckling thing that had a head device. he whaled. that's all for tonight, dvr the show if you can figure out how. i surely can't. tucker's up next, and always remember i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. happy friday. in your head you always imagine the revolution when it starts will start with tanks and gunfire, with chaos and soldiers in the street. you'll know when it comes. but it never does. instead, the really big changes to american life, the profound ones that affect all of us forever, those changes almost always begin quietly with gentle pleas for tolerance.


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