tv Hannity FOX News October 14, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> we're out of time. we'll be back monday. see you soon. have a great weekend with those you love. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." tonight with the biden economy going from bad to worse, well, the decrepit declining and weak desperate in chief is playing one blame game after the other and spewing one big lie after the other and embarrassing our entire country every day. it's humiliating. with 25 days until the all-important mid-terms,
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republicans in deep blue states are surging in the polls. we have full coverage ahead on the key races. these are the most important mid-term races possibly in our lifetime. possibly in the history of this great republic. my words cannot possibly convey the urgency i'm feeling for the country that we all love. after yesterday's dismal inflation news, another 40-year high, common sense americans are rightly concerned about their future. they are rightly losing confidence in joe biden and the new extreme socialist climate cult alarmist democrats. we have a new a.p. poll out. 46% of our fellow americans consider their financial personal financial situation to be poor, poor. remember, average family is paying $7,200 more under donald trump for the exact same items. bare necessities.
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now, it was biden and his failed administration. they lied to us. remember, inflation is transitory, transitory. then oh, inflation is now peaked. i think it's peaked. we have zero inflation on the day it came out to be a 40-year high. or that inflation would be that bad at all. it was lie after lie after lie. here's a quick trip down memory lane month after month after month of joe biden's economic hell. take a look. >> cost of the build back better bill is zero in terms of adding to the deficit. the cost of these bills is zero. zero. zero. >> it's all paid for. it's all paid for. some folks have raised worries that this could be a sign of persistent inflation. that's not our view. >> over time as the economy turns back on, we'll see transitory effects. >> increases in prices are likely to have transitory
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effects on inflation. >> transitory. >> transitory. >> transitory. >> transitory effects. >> today's inflation report confirms what america has already known. putin's price hike is hitting america hard. >> oil companies. >> shipping companies. >> we're doing everything we can. >> today we learned that last month our economy had 0% inflation. >> i want to say a number, zero. >> today's report shows progress. overall, inflation was 2% over three months. >> sean: ask yourself given all of these lie as full year, all of this democratic deceit, all of the democratic deception, how can anyone trust them with more power, more control and the ability to ruin your life in every way imaginable? look at the stock market. it is continuing to crater. 401(k)s, your retirement is
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suffering. crime is surging in small towns and big cities across the country. no bail laws, defund, dismantle the police. innocent law-abiding americans suffer more now than ever. our border is wide open and it's as bad as it has ever been. we still have 2 1/2 months left in the year. we set a record from last year. even americans nuclear fears are now surging to the highest levels since the cold war as biden's empty threats, weak diplomacy continue to fail in every way imaginable. joe biden caused all of this. he said we're in the worst position in terms of nuclear war potential since the cuban missile crisis. he went on vacation after that. in all seriousness, have you ever seen one man, one party, one police call movement fail this fast? everything democrats have touched has been made worse.
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on steroids, actually. that's why far left socialist democrats are trying to run away from their records. this is happening all over the country, all ahead of the critical mid-terms. it's why so many democrats are now avoiding that guy, joe, joe biden at all costs. they don't want him on the campaign trail. tim ryan, in ohio, he's trying to hide his failed record, his support of all things joe. his support of new green deal socialism. he's also avoiding joe biden. mark kelly, arizona, 97% of the time votes with joe biden and chuck schumer. he's a rubber stamp for everything that has gone bad. by the way, joe biden has given him the cold shoulder. we're seeing the same story in race after race, state after state. democrats are hiding from debates, they're hiding from the voters. the media is complicit. they're giving them a free pass. they're never demanding answers
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to any tough questions. they're not having to answer for their radical positions that they hold. it is the biden basement bunker strategy. they're trying to run away from their failed far left records. i can't say i blame them. probably the only defense they have. that's why with only 25 days until the mid-terms, there's more and more signs of the gop gaining momentum. mark penn, a former clinton pollster says the gop is closer to a wave election. economic issues like inflation with record gas prices, record crime, record murder, open borders continue to be at the top of voters' minds and it should be. for example, we're now seeing republicans all across the country, they're surging at just the right time. you can see it with dr. oz in pennsylvania, with j.d. vance in ohio. you can see it with adam laxalt in nevada and ron johnson in wisconsin. herschel walker is this close now to overtaking raphael
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warnock. even in deep blue oregon, the republican candidate out there, christine drazen, she's opened a big league against the far left democratic candidates because democrats are vulnerable. they cannot defend their failed records. they cannot defend the record of their party. they cannot defend their president either. also developing tonight, even more ed of what appears to be a massive mid-term election meddling scandal. it surrounds joe biden. i'm sure that the mob and the media is going to ignore this. but imagine as i tell you this story, if the last name were trump, president trump that did this, we know now that saudi arabia and opec +, the plus that includes russia, they denied joe biden's request to increase oil production and not only that, they told joe biden that they would be decreasing oil
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production. instead of trying to negotiate or saying the hell with you, we're going to go back to energy independence, it turns out the saudis are telling us that joe biden and his administration then was begging the saudis to hold off on oil cuts and an announcement of oil cuts until after november. so i'll ask again, did your president, joe biden, attempt to collude with the saudis with opec nations, with russia in a way that would impact the 2022 mid-term elections? in other words, hide their failure and disastrous policies. the an is obvious. what is worse, not only did they refuse to increase production of oil, they decreased it. that's a slap in the face. after biden mentioned retaliation, they said, you know what? we're going to expose what your plan was. be quiet and collude with you and hide this fact from the
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american people and the lead up to a mid-term election in america. so collusion with hostile foreign countries. to influence the outcome of elections. this is a democratic party in complete and utter disarray. doubling down on the most destructive agenda in our nation's history. imagine if donald trump was asking the saudis, was asking opec, asking russia, yeah, don't announce that you're not going to increase production, you're going to decrease production. wait a month. what do you think the media would be saying? would they be accusing him of colluding with foreign entity, hostile nations to influence the election? i'm sure you'd hear it every second, every minute, every hour of every day. that's why prominent democrats are leaving the party altogether. former candidate and congress woman, tulsi gabbard announced her departure earlier this week. she cited censorship. denial of objective truth.
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far left wing lunacy. take a look. >> we have woke politicians in washington, a supreme court justice who are unable to -- unable and unwilling to define what a woman is. it is the height of hypocrisy for those who claim to be feminists for the democratic party who claims to be champions for women over decades, fighting for the rights of women, fighting for equality, fighting for that level and fair playing field across our society. it is the height of hypocrisy for these very same people to deny that there's such a thing as a woman. those who don't believe that there's such a thing as a woman are also denying there's such a thing as a truth. >> tulsi gabbard joins us to explain. good to see you, congress woman. i don't know if you still want to be called that, but thanks
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for being here. let's talk about the reaction of your felly democrats to your announcement. what has the reaction been? >> i got to be honest, i've heard directly from a couple that have been encouraging and gave me good feedback. i've heard a lot of expected hatred and havvitreal coming fr the democratic party elite trotting out the same old tired criticisms that have nothing to do with substance. this has been part of the problem all along that i talked about in my announcement, why i left the party. this party is now controlled by fin nat call ideologs that don't believe in freedom, sean. they don't believe we can have different opinions. they don't believe i, you or anyone should have the right to express our views if they disapprove of the views and they will seek to smear us, criticize us, work with big tech to censor us and suppress these god-given freedoms that are enshrined in
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our constitution. the danger of that is, when you have a political party that does not believe in freedom, that is in power, they have the ability to use the force of the government and law enforcement to enforce that suppression and that undermining of our freedoms. >> sean: in that speech, i paid very close attention to what you were saying. it's confirm or be cancelled. you spoke about the importance of defending what it means to be a woman. you talked about those that deny biological differences between a man and a woman are not only erasing woman as a category of people but denying the existence of objective reality and truth. you even went further. you have woke politicians and a supreme court justice that are unable and unwilling to define what a woman is or defend women's sports when female athletes object to competing against biological males.
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this -- you thought long, hard and deeply about these positions before you did this. so what is the reaction to that? because i would imagine in this woke world probably that sparked a lot of backlash and anger also. >> it sparked a lot of backlash and anger from the expected places, the so-called woke fanatical ideologs that control the democratic party. i got a lot of messages from people i know and from people i never met that expressed hope in their reaction, who felt emboldened and inspired that they too don't have to self-censor and cower in the corner for fear of being cancelled or lose their job. we need more people to step up to believe in our freedom of speech, we have to step up and use it and go out and vote accordingly in this next
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election, which is why i invited democrats that feel as sickened as i do about today's democratic party, leave and move forward and put our country first. >> sean: let's talk about you and what led up to this decision and how do you now define yourself politically and do you have political ambitions moving forward? >> i am an independent. i am focused on two main things. it is continuing to fight for the freedoms that are under attack in this country and continuing to hold our leaders' feet to the fire. president biden and his allies in congress that are pushing up to the brink of nuclear war, placing our future, the future of the american people, humanity and the world at risk. these are the things that i'm asking voters to consider as they go towards the polls because if we do nothing, if we stand by and allow the president to continue to push us over the brink of nuclear war, we may not see a tomorrow or next month or next year. these are the most important
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things right now. >> sean: people have criticized you for your comments about what is happening in ukraine and vladimir putin, et cetera. vladimir putin now is bombing civilian targets indiscriminately. killing innocent men, women and children. it should be western europe's problem more than ours. they're not a member of nato, ukraine. and now he's threatening nuclear weapons. my question to you is what should america's role in the world be when you have a hostile actor, a thug and murderer of innocent men and children, in this case, putin. what should america's reaction be? how should -- do we stand by and say that's your problem or do we have a morale obligation to say we're not going to let anybody kill innocent men, women and children? >> first i'll say president biden has been enacting policies and actions that have further escalated this war rather than exercises the opportunity and
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responsibility he has as the president of the united states to work to bring these parties together, deescalate and come to a negotiated peaceful solution. some say tulsi, that is impossible. ly point those people back to the words that was kennedy gave -- >> sean: we can have a dialogue about it. he invaded a sovereign country. he's claiming it to be his own. if anyone said hawaii is ours, i think i know it's your home state, you would not like that and want america to defend you. >> hawaii is part of the united states. that would be a problem. >> sean: one of the nicest parts. you're separate and apart. i don't blame you. but once somebody invades a country and kills innocent men, women and children, does the world have an obligation to stop it early or do you give in to nuclear blackmail? somebody could say i'm going to nuke you if you dare support ukraine or whatever country it
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happens to be. >> the path we're on -- >> i'm not asking you that. >> let me answer here, sean. >> sean: i have a hard time -- >> in the moral obligation is to do what we can to end the suffering of the ukrainian people, it's to bring about an end to this war as quickly as possible. president biden has failed to do that. he has failed the american people, the people of ukraine and the world in doing that. >> sean: tulsi, thank you. we appreciate it. fascinating interview. we always appreciate you coming on. tommy bruce, joe concha are with us. we're 25 days away, tammy. to me, this is a tipping point election that will have long-term ramifications. if the republicans do not pick up the house or senate, i think the democrats especially in the senate are capable of the
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biggest power grab ending the legislative filibuster, they will pack the courts, d.c., puerto rico statehood will happen and try to remain in power and push their new green deal socialism. am i wrong or right? >> clearly if they maintain power, they will take that as a signal that the american people want what is happening. if you like what is happening in your town, in your state, in the country, around the world, if you love this right now, vote for the democrats. if you don't, if you want to have peace in your neighborhood, if you want the police to be able to come when they're called, if you want your children to be safe to walk to school, if you're worried about fentanyl and the deaths that are happening there, if you think we should have a border, if you think we need strong leadership that does not signal to scumbags like putin that they can walk into another country and start murdering everyone, then vote for the republicans.
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doesn't matter what party you're in at this point. then once the republicans are in, it also means that republican leadership and the grass roots that have elected them have got to stay on their heels because the democrats didn't create this on their own. this is about a reformation, not just of the country and of the democrats, they have to deal with that, but also the republican party. they have to admit that trump was here for a reason. that he's still here for a reason. what do they do instead? go after him. they try to destroy him. that tells you why this country is in such desperate conditions right now, because that's been their priority. not the american people. so i think this election clearly for everyone, i don't care what your party is, for everyone watching, this is about if you want more of what you're seeing, violence, chaos, crime, drugs, the border chaos, not knowing
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who is in this nation, the chaos around the world, vote for the democrats, you will get more. the american people have been through too much in a very short amount of time. we're still a little baby country. we know it can be better, because trump showed us that, but the founders knew that as well and this is our chance to prove that we understand. i believe we'll do it. it will be a very exciting election. >> sean: the question is simple, joe concha, are you better off than you were two years ago. that question that reagan made famous in 1980. >> yeah, the most effective slogan in the history of presidential politics. it made it a very clear contrast and question. most people obviously judging by the result of that election, a landslide, said no, i'm not better off. if you look at poll after poll, people would say the same thing. i'm not better than i was two years ago. it was so telling today.
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i had three tvs on in the mid morning. i look at msnbc and talking about donald trump at length. cnbc is talking about donald trump at length. this network, the lead was the shooting in raleigh, the victims included a teenage boy, a police officer on his way to work. the next story was on inflation. wages not keeping up with it. home heating costs set to sky rocket this winter and families falling behind as a result. what do you think resonates with viewers? what impacts them directly. i ask that democratic lawmakers take their cues by cnn and msnbc deem to be big stories and what blue checks are screaming about on twitter. they couldn't be more disconnected from voters. we saw the post poll this week. top four issues, economy, education, inflation, crime, abortion, a distant fifth. january 6th, nonexistent. so republicans should be headed to a very big night 25 nights
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from now. easily taking back the house, the real clear politics for the senate, the advantage nor the red team. just like 2016, many of the media will look foolish considering what they prioritize in terms of coverage by focusing on the previous president instead of focusing on the current president and his party and what they have done to this country. >> sean: all right. fabulous comments. when we come back, we told you the russia hoax was the biggest abuse of power corruption in history. what we're learning in this trail from danchenko from durham. you won't believe. we have the latest revelations. we'll check in with devin nunes and carter page straight ahead. n in just two days. new crepe corrector lotion only from gold bond. champion your skin.
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>> welcome to fox news live. a north carolina da says she intends to charge the 15-year-old suspect in yesterday's mass shooting in raleigh as an adult. the teen killed five. the victims were going about their daily lives ranged in age from 16 to the late 50s. the suspect is hospitalized in critical condition. the motive for the shooting remains unclear. abbott is issuing a new recall. the company says there's an issue with the seal of some ready-to-feed bottles. according to abbott, this recall affects a small fraction of u.s. supply. earlier this year, the biden administration launched operation fly formula to help ease the nationwide shortage. i'm matt finn. now back to "hannity" with more. log on to for more.
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>> sean: all right. special counsel john durham continues to expose the deep state cabal as igor danchenko who was charged with five counts of making false statements to the fbi in connection with the russia collusion hoax. we're learning one of the charges was dismissed by the presiding judge but the remaining four will proceed to the jury. at this trial, a number of disturbing revelations have come to light including fact that the fbi surveilled former trump adviser carter page for more than a year based on christopher steele's dirty dossier that hillary paid for and danchenko's lies, russian lies. the fbi then offered before they ever filed and used for the first fisa warrant, they used the dirty dossier and never verified it. we know that because the fbi met with christopher steele before the application was put in and
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offered steele $1 million to corroborate his phony dossier. mccabe said without the dossier, we never would have gotten the fisa warrant approved. this is all nothing but a bounty on president trump's head. this is all a ploy from the deep state, all designed to take down donald trump and prevent him from winning. with reaction, devin nunes, former change-up campaign adviser carter page is with us. carter, you worked for your country, you worked for the cia. you were an asset to your country a patriot to your country. i still don't understand why they targeted you in the first place. and then we learned in testimony this week that in october, early
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october of 2021 the fbi went overseas to talk to christopher steele about the steele dossier. they said they would give him a million dollars to corroborate it. here's the problem. they were not able to corroborate ate. at the top of a fisa application verified. if you offer a guy a million bucks and he can't verify it, it's unverifiable. but use that use that very dossier that they couldn't verify and they swore to the fisa court that it was all verified all to ruin your life. it also gave them a back door to spy on candidate and later president trump. the entire time that they knew it was false, and they took a year of your life spying on you, do you have any resource? >> sean, it's not just a year of my life and even the hard work that you and then chairman nunes have been doing to try to get to the bottom of this, this has been a six-year plus battle.
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it's all exactly as you're correctly alluding to, all based on a mountain of lies. the fact that we are, you know, years literally four years after the nunes memo came out, famously, it -- we're literally learning more and more. it's infinitely worse than even then chairman nunes was able to find out about. so it's truly extraordinary. the power of lies and the power of cash in washington -- >> sean: by the way, your work caused you to travel to hostile countries like russia. you would come back and sit down with intelligence officials. they would debrief you. you would tell them everything because you love your country. you did it for free. they paid danchenko and offered steele $1 million. devin, let me go to you. i call at this time biggest abuse of power scandal in history. they knew before the first application was filed that christopher steele could not
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back up his claims in the dossier. they used it anyway. they lied to a fisa court. what would happen if i did that? why then when the sub source, danchenko, when they talked to him, he said it was all bar talk. why then did the fbi put him on the payroll and again, after they had offered steele a million dollars. throwing money around left and right. you call it a bounty on trump's head. >> sean, it's more than that. having a million dollars on trump's head that type of money is only reserved for terrorists. the highest amount in history was osama bin laden at $25 million. anything over a million dollar was reserved for terrorists. so that's how they treated president trump. i think what you're seeing this week in this trial and i think it relates to carter page's six-year odyssey where he can't get his life back, there's something else going on with durham. he put systematically the fbi on
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trial here. he has showed us there were so many people that were not just working for the clinton campaign and the dnc, they were working for the fbi. later after the fact they worked for the fbi when they knew that they were liars and not credible. so i think what is happening here, durham is being blocked. i don't say this lightly. he's being blocked by somebody within the department of justice where he cannot bring the charges that should be brought right now. those are charges of conspiracy of lying to congress, misleading congress, defrauding the government -- >> sean: how can he be blocked? if he has probable cause, how can he be blocked? >> i just don't see how he hasn't been able to bring very basic charges. there are so many people that simply lied to congress and misled congress. he's not been able to bring those. >> sean: what about lying to a fisa court? if i lied to a judge, what would happen to me?
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>> you would be out at fox. i can guarantee you that. >> sean: i don't look good in orange. >> laura: can tell you that. so james comey knew this. he signed three of the four warrants. other people signed their names on it as well. they lied to the court. >> i think what durham has been able to show here, they went after carter page long before they got the fisa warrant. so simply this was a cooked up plan by the clinton campaign and the dnc targeting innocent people like carter page. they involve the fbi. the fbi played along with it and cover it up. what donald trump -- >> sean: they covered it up with the money. isn't that why they paid danchenko? danchenko had told them that none of this is true in this dossier? look, by the time they got back, this was early october, 2016. christopher steele could not get his million dollars because he didn't have any evidence. yet they used it action andrew
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mccabe said as the bulk of information to get the fisa warrants improved. so they submitted a fisa application with knowingly false information is it. is that true, devin? >> yeah, absolutely. what i'm saying to you, i think bigger than that, i think what durham has exposed is there was no one within the fbi that had any evidence whatsoever to target donald trump or carter page or anyone else for that matter. >> sean: and they did it because they wanted an outcome in an election and used and abused their power to influence the election. is that a fair statement? >> that is absolutely correct. later the whole mueller investigation, which we said at the time was a total scam, it was used by the fbi and the department of justice to cover up for malfeasance that the fbi and the doj and the clinton campaign did for years before that. >> sean: and they all got away with it, didn't they, congressman? nothing will happen, is it? >> look, i think that's where
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this is headed. it just seems like that durham hands are tied somehow, some way. someone is not letting him bring the charges that he should be bringing right now. maybe i'm wrong. i hope i'm wrong. this is a very interesting trial. >> sean: this should never have happened. if this happens again, we'll lose our country. thank you both. straight ahead, mike rowe will join us. we'll get his take on the economy. later is michigan's far left governor, gretchen whitmire in trouble? i think she is. her opponent, tudor dixon is next.
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america works" hosted by mike rowe. just like last season, he's going to be taking you behind the scenes for an in depth look at the people that keep this country running, the people that make the country great. here's a sneak peek of the first episode of the new season, which focuses on the men and women that keep america's cargo moving. think about life without them. not pretty. >> instead of me being down here picking up little by little, half buckets or quarter budgets, he rolls it down here in the big piles where i can get full buckets each time. saves us time in the end. everything is going good right now. going smooth. >> as johnny is about to find out -- his troubles with the hopper are not over yet. >> go ahead. >> the chute is not open. >> you're kidding, right? >> sean: here with more, our friend and the host of "how
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america works" airing monday night on our sister network, the fox business network. mike rowe is with us. going back to your days of -- i love how you -- he doesn't have to talk. very cool. i told you, you have the only other job i would want in tv with the two shows that you have, now the third show you have with us with fox business. that is "dirty jobs" and "deadliest catch." i love all of it. i don't think americans truly appreciate what it takes to get the big crab legs that americans like to eat. i don't know what it takes to manufacture something. i don't think they fully understand the impact of what farmers do for us every day and ranchers do for us every day and in this particular case, you know, getting everything packed and moved and off of ships and out to stores.
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i don't think we really realize. you think americans appreciate it? >> well, two different things. realization and appreciation. most of us have never really realized it. but we've always intuitively appreciated it. we know that when we flick the switch and the light comes on, that is the result of a miracle. that miracle is made possible by men and women doing things out of sight and out of mind. what i worry about is the overall lack of appreciation that has infected in my view our society over the last 30 or 40 years. my tv shows, the two that you mentioned are just an attempt to tap the country on the shoulder and say hey, look, if we don't hang on to this fundamental appreciation for the kinds of jobs that make civilized life possible for the rest of us, we'll have a list of unintended consequences longer than your arm.
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>> sean: did covid change that? get a greater appreciation for people that work in the medical field? everybody from doctors and nurses and orderlies and everybody in between? did we get a greater appreciation for truck drivers, if they weren't trucking and packers weren't packing and farmers not farming, we wouldn't have survived. you think people have an increased appreciation? >> i hate to paint with two broad a brush, i know i do. i know that the whole zoom world, the conversation we're having right now, three years ago, that didn't happen. i came to new york. i sat in the studio with you. this is made possible by fiber optics and men driving around in all hours making sure that everything is connected. so i think in a lot of ways, covid gave us a wake-up call. i'm afraid it did something else too, sean. i'm a broken record on this. i was listening to joe concha a couple segments back. go down the list of things that are important to voters. i'll tell you what nobody is
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talking about. nobody is talking about the seven million able-bodied men that are not only unemployed today but they have affir affirmatively left the work force. i spent 1 1/2 hours interviewing a brilliant economist that believes that that statistic far more so than unemployment numbers and any other metric is the thing that should scare the hell out of us. that number of able-bodied men combined with the 11 million jobs that are open, that has never happened in our country before. if we don't fix that, we're on that part of the map where it says here by dragons. we don't know what is coming next. >> sean: mike rowe, love having you. love all of your shows. thanks for being with us. tune in to mike rowe's "how america works" on fox business monday night. you don't want to miss it.
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when we come backed, tudor dixon and gretchen whitmire sparred in last night's debate. guess what? this race is dead even. 44-44. tudor dixon next. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪ hello, i'm franklin graham. it's hurricane season. we've already seen some incredible devastation. many people find themselves in different kinds of storms in life. and we need an anchor to hang onto in these storms. the anchor that we need is jesus christ. he said, "i'll never leave you, or forsake you, and if we put our faith and trust in him, we know that he will take us through the storms of this life
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all the way to heaven one day where we'll spend eternity with him. god sent jesus christ to this earth to save us from our sins. he took our sins to a cross where he shed his blood and died and was buried, and on the third day, god raised him to life. would you like to invite him to come into your life and be the anchor of your soul? you can do that by praying this prayer with me right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe that jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you.
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>> sean: all right. a big moment in michigan where both gubernatorial candidates went head to head. tudor dixon holding gretchen whitmire accountable for her disastrous term so far tackling everything from her covid response, crime, education and love of high taxes. take a look. >> the governor wants you to believe that she listened to the experts. we have the letter from the nursing home association that said whatever you do, don't send covid positive patients in to
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nursing homes. yet the governor did. she can't be honest because she knows that her response was so completely horrendous. in fact, she closed restaurants down longer than any other state. we lost 3,000 restaurants. michigan is having a slower comeback than any of our surrounding states. not only did she make bad choices when she closed us down but has not figured out how to recover. right now in michigan schools, parents are concerned acted what their kids are being taught with this sex and gender theory. not teaching them to read, write and do math. we know the governor said she supports the spirit of defund the police. we know when we were all locked down, she went out an marched with folks that said defund the police. the governor was offered two different reductions in the personal income tax to get money back in your pockets. but she vetoed both of those:
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it's not surprising. she had the opportunity to give you a gas tax holiday. guess what? she vetoed that as well. >> sean: by the way, i hope other republican candidates take it to their opponents as well as tudor dixon did. you can see the fight. it's 44-44. and they're tied. here with reaction coming off of a great debate performance last night, republican michigan gubernatorial candidate, tudor dixon. i really love the fact that you knew her record inside and out and you challenged her on every point. you did it calmly and you did it in a very conversational way. i think very effective. i would expect in the next week that you'll be leading in michigan. i assume you feel good about last night. >> i am feeling good about last night. there's a lot of momentum.
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we've had a lot of support. we can use more support. go to we have a lot of folks saying look, this is winnable. we can make sure that gretchen whitmire doesn't move further. we want to stop her now. we see the momentum across the state. we've had multiple events today and they've been packed houses. it's very exciting here in michigan. >> sean: let's talk about the issues that you brought up. you brought up the nursing home scandal. you brought up covid hypocrisy. don't go to florida. she goes to florida. you can't go to a restaurant. she's maskless in a restaurant. her husband is looking for a special privileges because he's the governor's husband. all of which seem to be resonating. what else is resonating on the campaign trail? >> absolutely parents rights. that's a really big deal. people are wanting the governor to come out and say what she's going to do to make sure that parents have rights in their child's education. she said nothing. she won't respond to that.
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she won't respond to what she's going to do about our pipeline that she's said she wants to shut down. now obviously we're in an energy crisis. inflation is going higher. people in the state of michigan are seeing it's cost more to heat their homes. they're asking are you serious about shutting down line 5 in the state of michigan? she said nothing about this. we asked her a couple of different times. she wouldn't respond on line 5. when it comes to supporting police, she says she's supporting police now because she signed a budget this month. but she said she supports the spirit of defund the place. she's on video saying that. over and over again last night, when i hit her on her record, on things that she's vetoed, times when she's taken money, critical funding away from people that needed it, she had nothing to say but that's ridiculous. that's nonsense. i don't know how to answer that. those are not responses from someone who has been doing this as long as she has.
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she certainly know what's she's doing in the political world, but she seemed to be totally off guard last night. >> sean: all right. tudor dixon, great debate last night. do you have any more debates? >> we do. we have one on the 25th. we're anxious to get there and talk about more of the issues. talk more about the economy. she's given out some strange incentives lately to companies outside of the united states. we want to talk about that. >> sean: i hope republican candidates study what you did in this debate. it was perfection. just stay on her record. don't let her off the mat basically is the answer. thank you. we'll have more "hannity" after the break. more details about our town hall with herschel walker on monday straight ahead. ♪ ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. ♪ heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. icy hot pro with 2 max-strength pain relievers.
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walker and some surprise guests. you'll have to tune in. anyway, please join us on monday. don't miss it. please every night set your dvr so you never miss an episode. thanks for making the show possible. have a great weekend. see you back from georgia on monday. stay tuned. laura ingraham, "the ingraham angle" is next. have a great weekend. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. thanks for being with us on a friday night. men who hide, that's the focus of tonight's angle. all right. i'm starting tonight with a few hypotheticals. back to law school days. so if you're thinking of putting an addition on your house, maybe renovating your kitchen, would you trust john fetterman to review the bids and negotiate with the builders? for that matter, would you trust joe bideir
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