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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 15, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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by herschel walker and some surprise guests. you'll havanywe toay tune in an. please join on monday.r you don't want to miss it.s an and please every night dvr. so episode you never miss an ep. thank you for making this showat possible. have a great weekend. we'll see you back from georgia on monday. stayed laura ingraham, kend the ingraham angle is next. have a great weekend. i'm laura ingraham. >> is the ingraham angle from washington. thanks for being with us on a friday night. h usmen who hide. that's the focus of tonight's hygle. i am starting night with a few hypotheticals. it's back to law school daysw s so if you're thinking, let's say, of putting an additionr on your house, maybe renovating your kitchen, would you trust john fetterman to review the bids and negotiate with the builders? tiate wiand for that matter, would you trust joe biden to hireto g
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the best team toet get the job b done? done? now, if the answer t now, if the answer to thoseimagn isestions is no, and i imagine it is fo fr most of you, then neither man is really capableatr of serving as a us senator or the u.s. president . at least not without a lot of people making decisions for him. r protecting him from scrutiny and hiding the truth from the voters. from thand of course, this is t what's happening in both cases. now, nbc news reporter dasha burns dared to provide facts that actually help pennsylvania voters answe r the questionmelyi on their mind. namely, is fetterman realls y well enough to takeb on the demands of the job of us senator because of his stroke? >> becdrans campaign require closed captioning technology for this interview to essentially read our questions l as we ask them t. and lester, in small talk before the interview, without captioning, it wasn't clear heda was understanding our conversationnd. s wa >> now, mind you, this wassit-do
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the first sit down interviewwned that fetterman had agreed to since his stroke. the pretty important, don't you think, to be transparent with the viewers, the voters? >> ect?and the immediate reaction f the press, poodle's to thatat se reporter's assessment of what she saw is to attack their own r reporter, other journalisteps have also dealt with fetterman same forward and said they had a differeny t experience. our team was the first to be in the room with vardaman for anido interview rather than via remote video conference. our crew did find that smalle th talk before that captioninatg ws was difficult because of those auditory processing issues. i mentionessind savannah, savan, savannah, of course, left and websites joined in to promote the absurd on its faces claim that that reporter was bia somehow fueling bias against people with disabilities or, as it's called, ableism. et now, from the outset, the angle has expressed itans deep empath
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and sympathy for veterans medical condition. and we'v e repeatedly urged him to take the time at home to heal and recover. a stroke is serious. it's life threatening. in some cases, it's a major medical event and recovery can be long and arduous and outcomes vary. those arary.e the facts. despe yet now the left is so desperate to hold on to power, it's even enlisting wives top hi help hide the politicians. >> true physical and cognitive struggles. now, standing by your man is one thing, but propping him up when people need strong and vigorous leadership. well, that's dishonest and craven. entehonestr jazelle fetterman. >> what a disservice that shete did to not only my husband, butd to anyone facingid disability and working through it. t know how there were not consequences. right. i mean, there are consequences for folks inks positions. who are any y of the isms.
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i mean, she was ablest, like,s r where is your training? right. it was appalling to see and i haven't heard an apology. it hasn't comegy. >> it was appalling to see what exact was appalling.e repo the reporters pointing outrt th the interview was, quote, unusual. it wass unusual. that a candidate for senate s requires a giant screen in front of him at all a a to answer fairly simple questions. >> look, as many of us know firsthand, being even a part time caregiver to a sick familyv member itself is verery difficut ,very trying. giv but this doesn't give anyone, any spouse the right to trash a reporter for actually doin agb a job. they certainly were aloul about protecting the press. >> trump was president . donald trump demonizeds th the press. >> he's called the press>> h the enemy of the people and he calls the press enemy of theav people. these reckless words have consequences, kind of language
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that creates a dangerous environment for journalists, >> ithing that we know about all too well. >> and indeed, jusous envit las, things got deadly whenmocr one democrat got amped uat gp a supposedly negative reporting. >> polic e have confirmed the search warrant is in connection with the murder of sixty nine old las vegas investigative journalist jeff gearman. it reportedly belongofs to clark county administrator robert , tell us , tell us , was the target of a recent investigation by garryowen accusing him of fuelingestiga a hostile work environment, bullying, favoritism and having an affaitir with a woman in his office? tell us .wi a democrat lost his juneth reelection primary and many blame the series of negative reports. negati it's vervey disturbing, but ofth course, this doesn't fit the democrat narrative because the democratdemocr in this case is the accused killer and such as yourself, letterman's vendetta against a reporter. that's highly disturbing here. an'sat times it seems liket
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she's the candidate again, we're victims. sofo vote for r us . >> what has it been like campaigning at a time in which there's been this sort of unprecedented wave of negativec? ads, both attacks. >> so i'm good. i mean, i cry a lot, but but everything is fine. i teach my kids to be good people. right. then a you hn awfulike person running to representrson all, i think a lot run people jt like with trump, they thought this could never happen. right. but itselves can happen. > wow. if this all seems familiar, it's because it is the template for this lifeshield husbandis routine is , of course, always playing out before our eyes at e the white house almost everyus dae y. right. spread the faith, folks.fa thank you all so very. okay., ve
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god bless america. >> thank you. again. who's really in charge here?e re do we even know? does anyonal thae really think t joe biden is capable of working 12 hour days if needed? woe media reporting on his work days seems to indicate that o he's good for maybe four or five hours. g lead >>er of course, everyone knowsee that being leader of the free world requires round a clock focus and stamina. and yet we're al l supposed to pretend that joe is reallyf capable of this, that he's really running the show call super tuesday? for nothinge the way that's my little sister, valerie, and i'm jill'ss husband. ba.oh, no, no. you switch to meth. this my wife is my sister. >> they switched on me. o year now, remember, that was two gon years ago. nothe's gone from not rememberg
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his wife or a sister to notw to remembering how to exit a stage when his wife is not there to. direct him. >> t you, will , for all you're doing. god bless you all, mr. president . thank you. >> m, at the end of such a momes event, the word thank you seemsm kind of inadequate. >> that still terrifies me. now, what do you think putin and g think? or are we all just guilty of ageism for raising the obvious questions here? now, thir ras is getting worse. it's not getting better. and should we assume that getti the firsngt lady is going to be in the room correcting the president? willsldrtant meetingy with world leaders since she has to do it on a fairly
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routine basis, then little? i change in the arrangement? the who's on the stage because of the first lady's husband? ladcontracting covid? look but look at this room and what you see on right. she's fine. r]hey, that's not the second lady. the first gentleman about that . iffu only it were funny. it's disgraceful for men in positions of power to hidethei behind their wives, to hide behind phony victim status. and it's equally disgraceful eql for the wives and the staff to stonewall and defame thosestions asking legitimate questions. if the candidate can't submit to real question s or needs a family member or a journalist to play defensa aye for him, thn he doesn't deserve your vote or even serious consideration. e youre orgiven what we're all g
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here in americawe can't and pennsylvania, we can't take any chances. . >> and that's the angle.g joining me now is jason chaffetz, former house oversight committee chair and fox news contributor. tom bevan, president and co-founder of realident clear politics, and mike davis,f president of article three project. ticle 3 prand former clerk to je neil gorsuch. mike , now you worked in the senate. your reaction to this cocoon surrounding fetterman when we know what a day in the life of w senanator was working at full tilt, what it really is alll about? of yeah. so the 13 million people of pennsylvania need to decide. they have two home state senators. they need to decide if they want one who is going tortd be smart and effective and be able to work with his colleagues to get the 60 votes necessary to necessa deliver for pennsylvania. do they want fence at all treatment grants ty wantanyl tro new york and illinois, or do they want those grants to go to.
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pennsylvania? whenwhen they're picking when t home state senators are picking federal judges? do you h want a home statebe senator who's going to be independent and provide anmea independent check on president biden? or do you wantte a home state senator who's going to be bidens and schumer's puppet? this this is a critical decisiona for pennsylvania, pennsylvania voters to make. do youthat want someone they're going to wheel in and votesr and vote for biden and vote for schumer. do you wano you want at independ senator who's actually going to represent pennsylvaniawill rep?t >> i think the problem here,on guys and jason, i'll direct this at you. >> no one knows who's making the decisions. i think people every day, at least once a day, i should say, come up to me and say, who's ath really in charge at the white house? and this will be the case inbe the senator's office as well. >> igof this goeess letterman'so ,correct?rr >> yeah. y you needou to know who these puppeteers are. i mean, look, the american people hired these these people work fore the american people. and if you don't knoamericanw we
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puppeteers are, you really don't know what's going on there. i meanther, i served in congresa that's a 14 hour a day job. j you goobt to think on your feet. and think quickly. and fetterman is obviously not up to that since his he's had one interview. he broug could barely get throuh a debate. we haven't even had the debate. it w was a debate as to whethere or not he could even debate.ppod and the senate t is supposed to be the most deliberative placepc on the face of the planet. and for joe biden, i mean, you got to look behind the scenes. joe biden, they are doing a total disservice to this country by not exposing what's p really going on .l >> and , tom , the polls inm, te pennsylvania hav pe tightened significantly. they really tightened up. do you think thignifics defensaf letterman that they attacks on him or the scrutiny is able or it's bias against people with disabilities? is that going to work? >> i don't think so. i yod i think his health is becoming an issue in this race. you know, as w, ase get closer o election day, and it's not just a partisan republican talking
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point. i mean, the pittsburgh poste gazette, "the washington post" and otherspitt have called for b to be transparent about his his health issues. e arent abhe was asked in that msc interview whether he has been transparent and why he hasn'the released his medical records. and he said, you will myd hi doctors tell me i'm fine. and burns, a reporter said, well, you know, we're taking weo have to take your word for it. why not just put your doctors out so we can talk to them? they have not done i think that transparency issue is coming to bear here inar i the final weeks of this campaign. >>n mike , here's letterman's wife, gisele, again. this is back in may.s on the kind of campaign thate ki watc expected and that they would run. >> watch.nk his i think his argument has always been about our experience,accomp right? what has accomplished, whalish,e cares about and what he views. he's never been about attackin gr other opponents. n abou it's really been aboutt his record and his vision for the state. and i think that's whatn we'll continue to see. we believe in running kindki, clean campaigns that really focus on the issues and not
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on who o are our opponents are. >> now, mike , looking back onn that, that was seems like a preemptive comment to preempt any scrutiny of his condition after this stroke, perhaps. one but it seems like she's theth one who is the proxy candidateot here, at least in comments like that. >> it's amazing that the samedeo democrats who are feigning indignatiocrn about legitimateou questions about a senate candidate, mental fitness, when he wants to represent 13 million pennsylvanians, were the first people to throw dianne feinstein overboard whene she was set to become the senate judiciary committee. e judicifirst female chairman of the senate judiciary committee, dianne feinstein, chuck schumer and durbin's glass ceiling.and and now they're turning, turning around and pretending like mental fitness for the job. is not important. >> i want to talk about, jason , this generic ballot that has been shifting in recent days as well. ans we
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i think republicans were urep four percent, but now a new has rasmussen poll has that lead upp to seven percent. and again, you can balance outs all these various polls, but ati least in one one account, it a doubles in a week. what is this portending? issues well, people aredemo actually focused on the on the issues. theycrats really don'tcrreally e a core issue to run on .nate they've had the house and senate and the presidency. they've implemented all their other their projects. joe bide n brags about all the legislation he passed, and that's why we haveve record high inflation, the economy souring immigration is out of control. crime is ie s getting worse thee by the day. alngl of these things are going the wrong direction. they don't have any policy that they can point to that they've been successful and they've had every lever of power now. >> tom , i want to move to the white house, spin on the economyth. speaking of what jason just said now, earlier today, ron klain, the chief of staff, t tweeted, i trust that media coverage of jamie diamond's view of the u.s. economy todayt"
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will be extensive. then he quotes thiths consumeres continue to spend with solid b balance sheets. job openings are plentifulal shs and businesses remain healthy. but tom leftn off of what dimon said right afterward was the following from jamieid was e hewever, therer, are significant headwinds immediately in frontdt of a stubbornly high inflation, leading to higher global interest rates. interestes.he saihe said simila. now, clearly, this is miss leading americans abouttr the true state of this economy. whuetate y do they think that'sg to work when it's just a simple fact check top ? >> well, because they kind of have to i mean, they're tryingss to putpi the best spinhave on the economy that they have. they can't acknowledge. and biden din did this earlier . week in an interview, you know, acknowledged a little bit of reality, but also said he doesn't believe that we're in a recession. if w i go into one , ition is might be just a little bit. i mean, look, the economy, inflation is the numberthe va one issue across the board forst the vast majority of voters all around the country. >> and we just had, you know,
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the final inflation reading before peopl e go vote.n four it was eight point two percent,a the highest it's been ing 40 years. so it is clearlyrats all a drag on the democrats all across the country. and so the administration is is tryingadministon i to deflect and putca the best spin on this. they can. t there justpeople really is no good spin becausehi the american people are seeing this in their daily lives. ir go fill up their tank and go tog the grocery store. >> well, and mike, i think the phrase inflation is transitory. the sentence inflation is transitory is really going y go comese e that back to bite these democrat candidates, maybe not just in this election. s.but maybe going forwardin as well. do you agree, given what w tom saidel, eight point two percent, just devastating for american families? >> yeah,vastatinamerican this ig the budgets of american families. this is a bidefamiliesn tax hike with this inflation and the american people get to decide in three weeks to two weekshi whether they want to continue this destructiveructiv, these destructive policies from president biden or put in repu congress to put it
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in a critical check on this on this radicalism by president biden panel. >> good to seey pr allesid of ya have a great weekend. now, from blm to abortion and voting laws, corporateorate america has been lining upam leftist pet issues for years. up next, we explain why it might finally be time for the gop to cut ties with big. business. >> you bet it is . stay there. anage related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. vision loss. and if you'r a multivitamin loan, you maythei be missing a critical piece. preservation, preservation, a redds, to contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national institute to helprts ab reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amte progression. preservation is backed by 20 years of clinical studies, and it's from the experts at bausch lomb. so ask your doctor about adding preservation and fill in a missing piece of your plan like i did with preservation. >> a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance.
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allows marines to recover damages for health issues also applies to their sons and daughters, husbands and wives. if you or any other family member was at camp lejeune during that time period. please call stanly law. stanley law is at the tip of the spear fighting for financial compensation for those family members who became sick or died because these life threatening chemicals, stanley law, fighting for the families of those who fought for us , start saturday straight with michigan state law books. this week on the road in ann arbor from the big apple, america's number one is big this saturday touchdown michigan court and the fifth ranked viguerie's battle the to drink and like the best drinking, the best announcers, the biggest game. big news saturday penn state, michigan on fox. nearly the only person who can make you feel like a hero is your cleaning lady. one day i need you to set up
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research again.
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our best shot to learn more about vaccines and how they work. >> the gop could be headed forgr a long overdue divorcedu with corporate america , . and it's really not hard to seeb why. now, the real trouble begaegan n after george floyd's death in. 2020 while riders were burnedot downers we, the city's bigationw corporations were swearing their allegiance t o the movement responsible for it. >> must to thlike ours speak up as allies to the black lives matter >> so i ended up joininglwauke the team and about 5000 people in milwaukee where we ended up marching to supporo t black liv matter. >> we were on record back in 2016 and supporting black lives matter. >> thethn there wa thes the chaf voter integrity for, you know,ay reasonable revisions to that actually led to increased turnout. but those weret deemed racista by stacey abrams and her friends and big corporate americfriends.g coa. her. >> oh, yeah. they were quick to follow her. this legislation
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is unacceptable. >> it is a step backwards voterster'estrict access to the to the t and it disproportionately hurting black and brownna communities. >> thitely hurting bs is about g the voices of our people. >> after florida gov. rhonda santos signed that parental rights la thaw. was well, disney ceo bob shafak,make well, he was happy to make common cause with liberal activists who lied aboutti the billvists th. orning i called governor dishonest this morning to expres ts our disappoint and concern thatb if legislation becomes law, it coulec d be used to unfairly target ,, nonbinarynd and transgender kids and families. >> now, after roe is overturned, setting the abortion issue back to the states , companiesn to t marvelt the federalism at work thatrali peoplesm a can figure it out fos themselves, but rather they sought ways tther, tho help employees kill more babies. >> o told us times and again that access to
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reproductive health care is important to them, it's important to their families. it's importantr to them that speak out on this issue and take a stand on this issue. thiand finally, when they arere coopting every social to the left, they're looking to advance the green new deal. ob our job is to educate, inform, help understand. more and more people realize that climate risk is investment risk. the long and the over the long term, through stakeholder capitalism, we're going to seeta more or more money move more rapidly. >> what a bunch of. dly. now there's a glimmer of hope. now, gop treasurers around the country have begun to pullta now total, i think now around $1 billion of asset managing giant blackrock over the fauci cancern. that's his big cause.ress celeiob and gonap congressional leaders. my next guest are pushing for an independent party free ofrpot corporate america stranglehold. joining me now is one ofe those congressmen, republican study s committee chair jim banks, along with one of those stattude
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treasurers who pulled money from blakroc curtis loftis of south carolina. statecurtis, great to see you.h now, youat were way ahead of this. you were divesting from blakroys for the last five years. what didwhat did you see that os took a while to catch up on a member of the general assembly gave me a homework project and asked you to. do the research there. so says sure.t well, it was a rabbit hole from. i couldn't escape from. we started and i think it's twenty 16 or 17 . we bid out the investment justl. for our largest portfolio. >> that portfolio last night was about forty one billion dollars. so you can seef it'mos a loneyr money at blackrock. you know, our foreignthe to investment firm, they were the top two utilizeilized my exemption privileges not to m choose blackrock. i could see then where they were, where they were headed, and it just wasn't tenable for us .e th since then, the few remaining funds we had in blackrock, we, e removed them and we're down to the last two hundred dollars dollars and those will be out by february excuse me,be by december.r.
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i love this money talks last and congressmen last monthmo, blackrock ceo larry fink, we've covered extensivelye talk on the angle. he talked about how highs enerp pricesri were actually a goodths thing. check this out. out >>because of the rising energy prices, we are certainly seeing the green premium shrink quitete considerably. and so the amount of investment dollars that are going into new decarbonization technology is accelerating and accelerating very rapidly. >> congressman, this is why you've called on the gop to end this uncomfortable decades long union with big business. >> that's right, laura .r and the republican party is better off for it as we divorce ourselves fromterest the corporate interests of wall street . and put main street first, put regular, ordinary working americans interest ahead of those wall street companies. wall and hedge funds that willa
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chinese interests ahead of american interests. interestthe american people areg to vote for us , give usjorities the majorities, give us back the white house and america. we're better off for it.. esg is a scam. it hurts americans. it's anti-american, it's a d pro-china. to and the more the republicans g s can do to to go after scam where we get the majority back , the better off we allr will be. by the wayof, congressmen, even soap isn't safe from the leftist attacks. >> a lot t i sustainability backcloth. >> this anti backlash is incredibly dangerous for the world and the first thing that unilever will dthing o is will not back down on thisespite agenda despite these populists accusations. , doay, so congress and banks now, they don't want us to drive regular cars that we can drive anywhere we want to fill up and keep they don't want that. they don't want us to have gasis appliances. is right because we can't do that. they're going to ban those. and no w, apparently, soap is anti sustainable.
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>> what stinky it keeps getting it keeps getting crazier and crazier at the at the at the bottom line of all this is that these hedge fundsar and corporations that are embracing esg are in cahootse with the biden administration. e to advance their social and climate agenda. we hav ande to go after him forg house republicans have bills ready to go . we get the majority back that simply states that these hedge funds can only investze their money to maximize profits. if you pass a bill that says i that that will kill est gill and that's exactly the republicans are prepared to do. i'm going to be leadinto bge le the fight when we get there. laura , hold us accountable to do just that.s >> and curtis, finally hope. and there might be some little glimmer of hope here, because this week larry fink, again, the big guy who's pushing esg and thd e ceo of citigroup both announced that they will notmate be attending next month's big climate summit in egypt. .so what does that mean?
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is that a sign that they're worried about the publicnd pressure campaign that you and congress and banks and a? lot of us are helping to launch? >> well, sadly sadly, i don't t. they're too worried. i wish thas t they were the lefy 10 years ahead o'rf us . they're moving past. we nee d to worry about fauci. the es need to try to fix the problem of the faucig . but they're moving past that. he or she has been such a bign hit for them. it's beeng then successful in changing the way governments and corporations at state governments, local governments all source. >> now they're looking how they push even further down whendeve states try to become active inth economic development, they're using those wealthy countrieost companies to come to the states and say, well, we need you to put in a green energy grid for us . we need green infrastructure. we need guaranteesinfrastruc atf that you're going to send us is racially a minority appropriate ? i mean, they're now getting to a that level when they come to the states.
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and so we're eff effectively as the middle class who pays the tax bills to fundt peop the richest peoplele in the word . and yet a different way the congress was 1%. right? it'sit's a a scam. it's all about defeating the principles that this undingo country was founded on . and we can't accept it.. we've got to stop funding thoses who despise us and despise our way of life. >> congressmen and curtis, n an thank you both. this has to be priority number one , two and three fo fr the republicans when they take control. >> thank you s .e uch why didn't nancy pelosi have? a film crew with her on january six and who just a big birthday wishes from joe and jill? raymond arroyo has answers friday follies is next. >> but we don't account for all the monsters. we don't expect that there's nobody in town seven three of the girls were missing.
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i heard somebody walking. three girls are killed at your camp. there's not one counselor who wouldn't give it their life if we knew what was going on . it was just assumed he was guilty. he was a shape shifter. he had the help of cherokee magic. there were three caves discovered. espin, a hideout. one hundred years. i began to see that multiple people had been involved in the murders. i said, i think you've got a fourth man. they've never gone on the record in forty five years. the implications of this are huge. the girl scout murders streaming now only on fox nation. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain
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discuss your case. now, leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals up to 280 times acceptable levels in some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spent time at camp lejeune before in 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay li nine three three one five . that's eight hundred foufer zer nine three three one five . >> i'm jonathan lawson.nsuran cehere to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. pen program. looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's, the three what? d the three p's., what are the three p's? what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurance
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security benefits. the eight point seven percent increase for 2020 three is the biggest social security payment boost in four decades. the cdc is warning a new covid variant already makes up 10% of new nationwide infections. bq one variant arrives just as federal health authorities brace for a widely expected resurgence of covid-19 this fall and winter. new york and new jersey that have the largest proportions of a new strain, also have an uptick in koven 19 hospitalizations and nursing home infections. i'm actually strohmeyer now back to the anger angle. >> for all of your headlines, log on to fox it's friday. for that means it's time for friday follies and that we turn to foxn news contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, another weekd arher , another artistic e defiled by climate activistra
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laura . th this time, th it'iss the natl gallery in london, the target van gogh's sunflowers. all i can say is , look, snoop might be good food, but it'ssune always bad protest. >> oh, security. >> what is worth more art or life? is it worth more than foo's worth more than justice? are you more concerned aboutoncd the protection of a painting orc the protection of our planet? and people? >> laura , how do you claim to protect and value nature whenvau one of the most beautiful depictions of nature van gogh's sunflowers you throw soup on ?, i mean, these people, they should have to tape themselves, affix themselves toe the dumpster outside the national gallery as an emblem of what not to do.a
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this is a disgrace. protester you want you're notinn allowed to defile international treasures. >> i'm sorry. well, that's just that's just be very blunt, raymond. these ar>> le criminals.auralet' they should be treated as suchbe . they're also spoiled brats who think that this is their moment. if there weren't cameras arounie ,i wouldn't have done this. okay, this is tick tock. know, meets the crime syndicate family. this time it's going after art.m they if we follow their advice, that soup they threw at the painting, they won't be able to warm it pretty soon because everything's going to drp y up on them.y there's an energy crisis inlastt europe. the last thing they shouldhi the be doing is saying no exploration and no further drilling. this this is is absurd. you're going to be warming yourself. i don't know where by the sun , maybe the sunflower and its inflation spikes. laura and oil dries up here at home and cops are being gunned down in our k the president, i want you to know he is hard at work. >> he's doing the important stuff, laura . he's celebrating joy baker's
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birthday, a whole biden family. >> happy birthday, joy. no one is better name than youou . you speak your mind, you speak from the heart. you stand up for what you believe you do with warmth, humor and authentic warmth and humor. >> heart. maybe he was watching another host, laura said,se. please, i want to talk about't honoring, but i'm note interested in your one issue. i'm .e i don't care. we'll be right back . you missed me so much. missed fighting with me. i in this fight, i did not miss you. you.okay, somebody let somebody answer the question. >> eve laura , you know, ever since barbara walters left that show, the chemistry has been off because no one could range it. e they are in. she was once kind of a funnynow' little pat on the side. atw she's turned into a partisan attack dog. that's all she does every. but to call that for joe biden to call that warm and humorous ,i don't know what about. he's talking about.
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raymon>> laurad. the funny thing is that was in a teleprompter, he couldn't just come up with that that really sophisticated birthday message. a hect actually had to have that t prompter. it begs the question, laura , a though, why is the president doing these little i mean, is he on cameo? little - where you can order him up and send a little video message to a friend? e ha how does he have time to doa a two camera shoot with the first lady? mera shootto be sent to joy bejn the world is explodingis and inflation is through the roof? >>st week or t the week before, toatever it was, he ha ld time o take a two hour tour of tou the university of pennsylvania . i believe it was with his greatl granddaughter. yeah, nothing else to dose. >> nothing else to do. now, when you have the biden center there, laura , for international and diplomatic outreach, i think they teach what notk th fio do on the international scene there. finally, the jan janua 6th comm, which remember, it's abouthe roo catting to the roots of the violence that swamped
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the capital on january 6th. 6they are so excited about violence that they've spent millions investing in investigating this riot. well, the other dariot.y they ad this footage from documentary , her, al alexandra pelosi forthcoming documentary, which seems to cut against their narrative. it showed peaceful speaker pelosi on january six . >> but the moment he has are coming. but that could change the has wn become pretty masterful.n i have i would pay to see them waiting for this foritol trespassing on the capitol grounds, on parchment. ti'm going to jail. >> i'm going to be happy punching the president. i want to punch him out. imagine if any other high ranked dignitary or officer. s the government said this aboutpi another. pelosi is always talking aboutg the constitutional balance. >> well, you can't threaten t with violence and go right to violence. o violyou can every time peoples
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disagree with you, lord , yes, n they can. >> and then they can say. whenf-hand trump makes them offhand remar t at a rally about someoneg pu getting punched by someone else. >> and thi someone els is this is actually the speaker of the house saying she wants to physically punch someone right. y punc soas she claims violence is atve a fever pitch because of republicans. oh, really, sweetheart? well, and this is pelosi alsot on january 6th. and it couldst almost be a commentary. laura , on her.m go >> i'm going to punch him out. routine watch. it shows that weakness of thoset vio had to show through violence what their message was. >> you cane s. say that again, s is a narrative, laura . look, everybody's trying to blam she's trying to blame shift and claim that the president is the fomenter of violence. but the firs ovit instinct inm private is i want to punch himt out. thwant thim.o get him. >> i'll go to jail for it. that's a pretty outrageous admission, i thought.o >>se all right, raymond, great o see we'll see you on the book tour. thall right.t earlier this year, we brought you the story of a d.c. bar
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that was shut down by all the covid tyrants. r hi now, this happened for monthss and months and months. it cost the owner his lifeno savings and his reputation. well, now he's fighting back and he's here and he's next with an exclusive. >> so stay there. inside your eye, there's an everyday battle against life's daily stressors like smartphones, sunlight and screens. >> just one occupied by vitamin a day replenishes key nutrients that help protect the health o f your eyes. >> take white, take care of your eyes. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. they have no idea they're sitting on a goldmine. they don't realize that if youc have a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more , you can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a ter out ifm policy. sitti >>ng we're going to tell them, o you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. >> find out if you're sitting on a gold mine. call coventry direct today at eight hundred nine seven eight thirty eight hundred.
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call gardian legal network to determine your eligibility for potential financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing called eight hundred forty three three nine zero eight seven. >> that's eight hundred forty three three nine zero eight seven. >> the fifa world cup has moved to the holidays like sperry's. this is going to make everything wonderful. we've got work to do. we're going to need a ton of stars and sweaters. this is getting kind of old. >> you do you have any idea how busy i am this time of year? >> okay, maybe not a song, but stick to the likes of us when they call spirit monday, my house is being robbed. >> ten other burglaries in the last month with a similar amount. they are down 911. >> it was our common denominator. me and all new nine one one that the cleaning lady boxes of narcotics with lines
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get crossed. i'm a doctor , not a drug dealer with everything come crashing down. i miss your hands. don't say anything on the nine one one followed by the cleaning lady monday on fox inflation on the ballot. >> as americans continue to >> as americans continue to struggle w when a truck hit my car, >> as americans continue to strugthe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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in the fight against cancer at the dog. earlier this year, we broughtr h you the story of a veteran owned bae r and restaurant in
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washington, d.c.. now petty tyrant mayor muriel bowser. shut him down over. yo t covid violations costi costing the owner his lifeowneri savings. >> well, now the bar is hitting back fox that ben is here with all the details. >> matt . hi, laura . dc burger bar. the big board became a nationwide symbol of resistance, openly defying controversial mask and vaccinede mandates earlier this year, leading to the health department shutting downfining t the big board in february,an finding the owner and stripping the liquor lions license for rer violations. the burger bar garnered supporte from republican congress members and a go fund me raised thirty four thousand. well, now the burger bar owner.' is suing dc department of health and its former r homtor , arguing d.c. mayo muriel bowser violated the home rule act by enacting act emergey executive public health orders without congressional review. publicthe lawsuit reads in partt there are exceptions toth
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the requirement for emergencyceo legislation, but those exceptions are limited tnsmerge. 90 days. the complaint argues mayor the mr publicth order health orders for more than two years. the big board ownen two r, d "te eric flanary, previously told the ingraham angle that he is ta political and explained why hef was not forcing his staff toto wear masks or it doesn't really make any sense. and what i mea mn is o witn wite mask mandate. if you're sitting right where t ha i am, you don't have tveo weargn your mask. you can be eating and drinking. but if you're sitting right over here, just on the other side of this bar, you're the bartender serving them. themo wear your mask at all times. and these bartenders have servers. they're not second classitizens. citizens. >> and we reached out to mayor browser's office for comment. >>d we we'll keep you updated.' laura , matt , thank you. now joining me now is eric flanary. owner of the big board in washington, dc, and his attorney , robert alt. all right, eric r of, what the u decide to finally file this e yo lawsuit?
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>> a it's a lawsuit for me and for everybody who's out there has ha whod their rightsle violated and stripped by government overreach. and over over this time.govern and it's really time thamet we hold our government officials to account. l when this first kind o f really came down on you and your bar just as a as an entrepreneur? entas a small business owner,et given everything you've done to get this going on ,crushi on the ground, it's crushing.nge i mean, you you are therey so and every day somebodyme is coming in and harassing you u and telling that you have to do this. and ou i was labeled this a huge threat to the public health and safety of washington, d.c., when i absolutely never poseda such a risk. >> what do you think aboutk. the posture of this case? at do yogoing after the d.c. got itself? >> well, i think there's some really unique features of this case. d.c. has very special all the constitution designates that congress has the authoritio to regulate in the district of columbia and mayor bowser
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and the d.c. council over two years did everything they could thenvade that th congressional . and then they did something even more . g eventhey locked the courthouse doors. n thatey putrovision i people like eric , who ares we injured by the rules, were notre permitted to go to court to challenge these provisions for the pendency of the emergencyuta for over twogeou years. >> it's outrageous. it's a violation. b the constitution and i'm ever so pleased to be representing in court. well, on january 27th of this year , mayor bowser was asked about this case in particular. and this vax mandate.tch. >> watch. i like the business to comply, and we don't want to shut anybody down. we want to give people support ,advice, supplies, help, whatever they did. lik you feel like you were getting lots of love, help from mayor bowser. she wants to be very emotional, empathetic to your plight. to but absolutely not worried.. there was no way the dc wassa
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reasonable. they , like robert said,, they essentiallytheyf my strip f my due process rights. i wasn't even allowed to appeal the decision to anybody. you can't do that in the unitedl states . the law makers need to be held accountable foe for whr what tha back in august, robert , a judge struck down browser's j mandat e for all d.c. government workers to be vaccinated against covid. id. >> so does that help you here? oh, sure. and you take a look, you talk about getting lost on this. of course, you did, becauseer they passed over 16 different emergency orders.over they passed over fifteenparate separate d.c. is it still in effect, the emergency order in d.c.? there is som d.c.?e provisions h i think are still a never ending emergency, by the way. yeah, noy the , it and that, of course, is part of the problem. i mean, that goes to the fact if it's a never ending emergency, take for instance,ven the vaccine mandate. they announced it three weeks before they actually implementedi.d. as how much of an emergency was liv it? we live under the rule of law. they needed to comply with theof basic rules of law even during
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a pandemic, perhaps especiallybe during a pandemic, we should the be adhering the rules and to wee the constitution. >> and they didn't. how's businessns o? er we're showing signs of life. it was a really long summer, li. but we're showing signs of s life. g tothe people are starting to . back out and having more fun. football season is here. hockeyball sea season is here.>a >> basketball comes gegra mango crew. we're comingt . >> get ready.eric it's a rowdy bunch.od eric , robert , good to see. well, i think they're smoking something a little funkier than usual over at msnbc. with mthink rethe last bite wt fine. fine. with my hectic life.. you think retirement would i' be the last thinve gg on my min we comprehensive solutions and shows me how to get th comprehensive solutions most out of my workplace benefits. valere helps me feel like i got it all under control. for well plan. >> well invested, well protected. super beta is the number one selling brand for men's and health. and for the third year in a row, it's the number one urologist recommended brand in time, you'll notice less urges to, improve emptying,
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free and is not habit forming. >> call 800 for one 730 773 800 for one 730 773 trust. >> you got to relaxium save the spotlight is on a midterm election. every race is critical. >> the results could change the course of this country and we've got it all covered right here. democracy 2020 two. >> rachel maddow is little brother popped up on msnbc last night with a pretty interesting story. if republicans win >> l control of one or both houses of congress, they will do everything in their power to sabotage the economy, to best set them up to retake the white house in twenty , twenty four . >> wha rt will as if biden needd any help on the sabotaging the econom y front? well, the desperation come on . just so bad. it's so obvious, but it's alsows ultimately good news for america. amthat means the right guys, we
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hope, and gals will win.r now,us that's it for us tonight. be sure to tune in next week.k o we're going to talk to a worldk. renowned cardiologist from the uk who has an importanhats n and disturbing message about the covid vaccine program. sod havvae a great weekend. remember, fly your flag,eekend be with your family and friends, count itur blessingscount and rememb, it's america now and forever. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. happy friday, everybody. oh, you look wonderful. i think how's life how? i know you've got inflation.e on you've got crime.ri we're on the brink.nk of nuclear war. but thank god these bozos have


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