tv The Big Saturday Show FOX News October 15, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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hello, i am nicole saphier along with charlie kurt and tyrus. welcome to the big seven show. charlie. >> democrats calling and clo closure, president obama and hail mary attempts to save the midterms but with the help? >> allysia. >> shocking revelation in the trump russia collusion story nobody is talking about, 1 million offer offer couldn't get
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information that didn't exist so why did the bureau use the info as evidence? >> what is, imagine going to a duty and ending up in jail for not wearing a mask. that's what happened to a veteran and father north carolina. we'll talk about that. even though the pandemic is o over. >> president biden said it was but first, it's not 2020 anymore and president biden is out of his basement campaign for democrats ahead of the midterm elections in 24 days. the biden chow down on donuts he revealed his new tactic to lie to voters by claiming the republicans will cause inflation to go up if they win. >> the comes time to do something about inflation. >> republicans in congress who say no. >> republicans in congress said no.
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>> the prices will go up as well inflation. >> inflation will go up not down. >> biden has been spin the bad news about the economy inflation hitting 8.2% in december, he's grumbling. he won't say invasion searched since he entered the white house wage increases haven't kept up. the national republican congressional spokesperson saying every american is dealing with out-of-control price hikes like democrats reckless spending, pull after shows inflation is the number one issue heading into the midterms and the question tonight, is biden campaign for democrat candidates helping sway democrat voters? poll shows nearly a quarter of democrat voters disapprove of biden's performance as resident. tyrus, according to president biden, he says it simple. if republicans win midterm, inflation and prices will go up
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but things look pretty bad right now. families are going into the holiday season traveling less, doing less social activities because they need to pay for utilities. from the energy information administration, which are fuel outlook, they show increased for natural gas, heating oil, electricity and propane are going to increase this winter. americans are going to struggle. >> let's start from the top. after being simple, i love he said when it comes time to fix inflation. [laughter] what? so you haven't been? according to all these things you give yourself a praise so he hasn't even started get. and president is right. when the republicans take the house, inflation will be through the roof and in trouble because just because they get voted in
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23 days it will get time they get into office and debacle the mess so is 1000% telling the truth -- kind of. >> tyrus says president biden is telling the truth. but americans are not fools though inflation is six times what was two years ago. i heard you on foxbusiness the other day saying biden's policies directly resulted in the prices that have gone up yet we hear president biden saying we can't let republicans when midterms because everything i'm doing january is the magic mo month, it's all going to get fixed. >> it's so boring we win because a lot of what we've done doesn't kick in until january so people don't even know it yet. >> that's like the biggest con in the world, it's bad enough the light at every turn and they
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were completely denying this even existed but as it turns out even independent and democrats of to fill cars with gas buy groceries for the families and feed their families so the lies not working anymore and then they come up with this absurd -- they can't blame it on anybody else in terms of political system because they control every level of power in washington. there's no other corporate there but the most important thing blows my mind, the fact that these are the results, direct result of their advertised policies about spending and gas prices and they want people to not be able to afford to fill their cars with gas because they think the internal combustion will and humanity. i don't know why they are not spiking the ball, they should take credit for the fact that nobody can drive a car anymore.
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that's their goal so it's this weird think they're playing trying to pretend like it's somebody else's fault and he wasn't there goal all along but it was. in their own words. >> is a deceptive or blatantly lying to the american people? >> totally lying and as that is the polls look going to be even worse, i do because independent and democrats have to buy groceries, to. they don't want this. >> going into the midterms, inflation and living is the number one thing on the ballot. you can talk about policies all day long but end of the day you are going to vote to see it in their everyday life. >> you don't need policies to open up your bills. every time i open up my bills i see all these new hire charges
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so i don't need a stack to see what's going on in my household or see what's going on in my neighborhood to see how expensive everything is. >> how many times have you heard somebody being at the grocery store and it was $100 in there looking down like what did i buy? i've heard that so many times. >> or even able to buy it in general because before even walking in there like we want to apologize ahead of time if we don't have what you want because of supply chain issues but i want to bring up that charlie said this administration is flat out lying to the american pe people. biden has a way with words, he repeats himself over and over but even the new york times is pointing out maybe some of the things he's saying or
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half-truths or flat out lies but gently handling his mistruths. >> they treated almost as if it's charming because there headline was biden's storyteller spends yarns that often unravel. every president and we all know it's not a surprise, find the truth to be somewhat flexible. that's the way they work, i'm not giving a pass but what's striking is the way it's treated depending on the president. i went back to december 14, 2017, new york times, an opinion piece and he was the headline -- trumps lies. they don't call president biden a liar, they don't say is untruth or non- truths are lies, they make them sound cute and adorable and away he spends his stories like an old grandfatherly figure but when it came to president trump they call him a liar and that he's in particular they laid out date
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for date january all the way through december, every fact checked they had. the other thing when someone came forward with president trump and said that trump be trump, that's the way he does it and that's the way it works, they were destroyed. here is not what happens with this president's of the way it is treated is interesting and frustrating. >> the first day in office he started this, cancel the pipeline. he caused the oil problem, he did it and bright because it would force americans to buy electronic cars just no one told him didn't have enough, they were overpriced and they explode in floods and infrastructure is not built for it and everyone left that out while high-fiving talking about saving the world. >> we are feeling a repeat
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because you heard conversations around opec based on midterm dates. we saw that with covid and said let's not change reopening policies until after elections like somehow politics have always invaded everyday life they become so pervasive people can do anything without circulating around midterm elections or elections in general. >> and going back to electric vehicles, it's part of the policy to get people into electric vehicles and when you look at the prices that will go up this winter weather home heating oil, gas prices whateve, double digit increases. also double digit increase for electricity so if everybody had an electric car, you wouldn't be able to, electricity prices will go through the roof and probably wouldn't be able to charge it anyway but this is where you have people who are ideologues and live fantasy worlds and
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don't talk to normal people, normal democrat voters, they are not in favor of this. they don't want this and tha that's -- these guys will get torched in the selection. >> we will see. a shocking twist in the russian collusion hoax, the fbi had one million-dollar reason not to pursue persecution of trump but they did anyway. coming up next. ♪
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surfaced from the durham probe. fbi led by james comey of the time offered $1 million to christopher steele for information on. the steel dossier paid for by the hillary clinton campaign used to spy on a former trump campaign aide to dig up information about trump but a supervisor analyst testified even though fbi made the one million-dollar offer he can produce information and still the bureau went ahead with the application. an fbi whistleblower is reacting to the revelations in an interview on "unfiltered" with dan bongino. >> i'm happy this has come to the public's awareness similar to my complaint if it bears out to be accurate think it indicates a pattern of fbi
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behavior to operate outside its rules for caring proper investigations which is what i expressed in my whistleblower complaint. >> the fbi whistleblower details what he winces at the fbi, he says amounts to abuse of power tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern on "unfiltered" with dan bongino. we had this million dollars and then we know danchenko on trial right now paid $200,000 by the fbi as well. the locus that the fbi is willing to make it worth it for anyone who will help them out. >> the last couple of years with covid we seen political intrusion with the cdc and fda
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teachers unions for all it took was the presence of donald trump to be a presidential candidate to expose corruption within the fbi and d.o.j. a british spy put forth for several steel before the dossier and fbi said will give you seven figures to prove it's true. that's how bad we want it. how to get the job for you are offered $7 million? i can't believe -- shouldn't the conversation have been you need to prove it's factual or you will be held on criminal charges for defamation of conspiracy or whatever the terms are? it seems wrong. i cannot wrap my hands around it. >> i think we need to look at it not from abuse of power, it's a coup. a group of individuals who got together and decided president trump is bad for the country so they would find something to be corrupt because they felt whatever their reasons were they said he was crooked and can
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prove it so we'll worry about the truth later so you are basically saying on to get charlie in jail and will give you 1 million to get dirt on him or take that million dollars and pay me a little bit in her a little bit and we'll get a situation where we can get him to break the law and that's what that was, trying to get information whether true or not, they just didn't count on a guy who can't be embarrassed, you can't go at him. he's built that way but they didn't have anything but they brcha signal and the decision was already made in the individuals who signed the paper basically said they would agree to a coup to take out the president because they knew what was better than the american voters. >> even when he could not come up with proof, they were still using information from his dossier to get more. >> it doesn't mean you give up. >> can you imagine being offered a million dollars to find dirt on biden?
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covered more evidence, everybody would be a millionaire, maybe that would solve inflation people got $1 million for evidence of crimes committed by the biden family but that's our money. and obviously convicting somebody of lying has its challenges but what we already know is the fbi is on trial and fbi is guilty of a lot of bad things because they are not supposed to believe everything comes in and they're not supposed to be politicized but the others i would argue on trial is the media. the fact that you have so many people in the media, they are co-conspirators and supposed to question. the first time i heard soviet dossier i was like it doesn't make sense. no reporter in washington had any concern or thought like this doesn't add up. they all believed it because they wanted to believe it and
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pedal stories on behalf of democrats but also because they hate donald trump. >> they turned their noses down at fox news, those of us reporting on it. >> and they smear us as being right wing. we are not right wing, just telling the truth and saying what happened. you always accuse somebody else of the thing you're doing and that's what they are doing, they want scrutiny they accuse you of being right wing, it's insane. >> it's still going on, we have a subpoena, nonstop until they get him, they just need to get him on one thing and then they'll be all right. it's the individuals disrespecting the badge and honor and oath they took to be in the fbi. >> they won pulitzers, it all turned out to not be true. >> pulls like an emmy now.
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[laughter] number one comedy show in america. >> didn't andrew cuomo get an emmy? [laughter] >> enough said, thank you. >> coming up, unlimited pandemic power just like star wars. >> after a juror was thrown in jail for not wearing a mask we examined the power trip still happening even the president biden and others agree that the pandemic is over. ♪
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play the music? [laughter] >> welcome back to the big saturday show. despite president biden himself declaring the pandemic over, some people are still trying to keep the taste of power they've got forcing mandates. a veteran and dad would thrown in jail after refusing to wear a mask enjoy doing but the wasn't even a mask mandate. >> doors open, washington, 50 to 75 people in their numb told to stand before the judge. the judge says i understand you don't want to wear a mask and i said that's correct and he says why don't you want to wear a mask? i said the same thing i mentioned, there's no state mandate in the governor lifted it may 4, no signs in the court house to wear a mask, nothing. >> what crazy to me, it seems to me we talk about defund the
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police and stuff, what are we going to do about progressive judges and das who power trip to do things like this? it's an outrage. >> most important about this, power corrupts and when you have people in the judiciary who think it's their playground to express the legal opinions, you have bad things happen and i hate to rain on your parade but in jury, honey most important civic duties you can perform because -- a lot of cases some of his life is on the line. >> apparently his life. >> exactly in the idea you have terrible judges getting on the bench is a real problem and underscores the fact that problems with our judicial system are not confined to the fbi and department of justice, it's a bigger problem and until people taken seriously and get serious people in these
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positions, justice is doomed. >> we did hear the president say the pandemic was over but shortly after there was a correction from the white house, progressive's. >> as that tends to be. >> i feel his leadership is ignored, when he says something, it goes back to the article on spinning yarn, grandpa telling us the pandemic is over. clearly progressive agenda is set to go how confusing is that for the american people? >> president biden march 2022 lifting the mask mandate and federal buildings saying they no longer have to, he said the pandemic emergency is over yet they reinstated state of emergency last week extending the state of emergency until january. it's back-and-forth and people are confused. title 42 on, it's off, depending on how they feel a day but it's
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the dichotomy we are living in so you have the cdc saying everyone has to wear a mask so everyone follows suit, schools and hospitals, everyone has to wear a mask. then the cdc says you don't have to anymore what happens? some places are keeping them why? the put the mask mandate in place because the cdc said to and it would keep us safe and now they are off and cdc says it's time to remove them and people don't. hospitals are still requiring masks saying its covid and flu season so we mask up but we never have the flu season in the past and a lot of hospitals say people feel more comfortable seen people wear masks and people not wearing a mask is dangerous and that's the problem with the messaging throughout the pandemic, people have irrational fear and think virtue signaling wearing a mask means you are saving the country is
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the fact they have yet to provide any data proving that. >> one of the things the judge said, my courtroom. it's the people's courtroom, s sir. when we see progressive's and bad judges are bad judges, it doesn't matter republican or democrat and this is a bad ju judge. this is the same judge somebody will assault somebody and they won't even see an hour in jail, they are released so it's frustrating. one of the things when he was talking about it, he wasn't even able at one time, he had a minor at home and didn't even want to call them to tell his child he was in jail because it would scare him and he didn't know when he would get out. when you see these things and we are just talking about it, no one else is. >> unbelievable. >> it's a horrible thing, you go
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to do your duty. >> he wasn't breaking an actual law. >> get sick or go in and say everyone is guilty so they kick you out, he was doing his duty. >> i cannot believe -- it sounds naïve, i can't believe this is getting more attention but i can't believe it's not getting more attention. as a parent it's heartbreaking to know he didn't want to call home to explain, someone who reportedly is a navy veteran and a member of the president honor guard at arlington national cemetery. it's frightening because it wasn't an actual rule, it's like "game of thrones", the king decides is the way to go and you didn't follow it, off with your head. >> think about california right now governor newsom pass a law if a doctor or healthcare worker so-called spreads misinformation as deemed by governor newsom
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what is and is not truth, they can suffer fines and penalties and lose their medical license so when we take back the power and say people in leadership can no longer hang things over us especially based on their own beliefs, not necessarily by f fact. >> it's great when the government tells science what to do democrats are scrambling ahead of the midterms so calling on left hand bull pen obama for help obama is calling them out. twist. that's next. ♪
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welcome back to the big saturday show. his assignments democrats are worried about the midterm elections calling on former president obama to campaign for them. he will campaign in wisconsin, michigan and georgia and in georgia republican senate candidate herschel walker could make gains on democrat rafael warnock after being -- what's being called strong showing at the only make it here's one of the memorable moments. >> you said he would not have voted for station reduction act and i think you should tell the people of georgia why he thinks they should have expensive insulin and why the pharmaceutical companies should charges whatever they like. >> i believe in reducing to in but at the same time you got to eat right, i know many people on insulin and unless you have your eating right, insulin does you no good to be have to get food prices down and gas down so they can get insulin.
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>> obviously herschel walker is talking about the larger picture cost of insulin and prescription medication however he made the connection between insulin and diet, is that true? >> 37 million americans suffer from diabetes type one or type two, 90 to 95% or type two diabetes which usually occurs later in life and the most common risk factors for type two happens to be obesity and active lifestyle and poor diet. it doesn't mean people eating better and exercising more will erase the need for insulin but he's right in the sense that they can't just rely on medication to make them healthier especially when it comes to type two in prevention is key and the true this ame america, we have an obesity epidemic, so high diabetes and cardiovascular disease and other comorbidities potentially could have been prevented costing
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trillions because of it so he's right in the sense that we need to promote healthier living and wrong that not -- it's not going to fix everyone's diabetes and getting the price of insulin down is crucial because we have the highest insulin price and the entire world because of the huge monopoly but i can tell you came to how they brought down the cost of insulin from just taking away coverage for an all summer medicine, that's how medicare cut the price so it's taking away one to get the ot other. >> why didn't they just do a standalone bill to do that? why did they stick it into the non- inflation increase bill? they do everything like that. >> the cost of everything showing up in the midterms and that's what matters to voters. hitting the campaign trail as former president obama but he has a message for fellow democrats. >> i think we get into trouble sometimes is when we try to suggest that some groups are
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more -- because they historically have been victimized more, that somehow they have a status that's different than other people and we are going around scolding folks. throughout my presidency there was never a time in which we shied away from making them on behalf of groups historically subjugated. >> tyrus. >> basically what that was, that was i told you about this guy. there's a reason why when his term was up he didn't give biden the nod for run for president. typically the vp would then run for the president but he'd
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rather have hillary clinton run who spent her campaign trying to destroy him. and have biden run so now you have him show up and he's a smooth talker, whatever makes that many causes, his brain was trying to find something positive to say and he couldn't, all he could say is basically, you complain too much and nobody will vote for you, i'm out, thank you but this drives me crazy. what drives me crazy about -- the insulin thing because i have a type one diabetic at home, insulin doesn't kick in and 2026 number one and number two, was originally sold to the government for 1 dollar to help people, there was no profit and ridiculous the price. i'm fortunate i have like 17 jobs and can afford the rising cost because my insurance only covers much and then i have to pay out-of-pocket. >> in the inflation reduction act, it just decreased for medicare recipients, the
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government insurance, not everyone else. >> a picture politically, i don't think -- obama won't be able to help democrats anyway. >> he's saying it's a different party and when he was in office. >> i guess it is a little bit although the crazy side but his popularity was never transferable it was his policies for eight years that caused the democrat party to lose over 1000 seats in the idea he come riding up to save the party is hopeless. not only did they lose 1000 seats and i would argue obama is out of touch, so much potential was so out of touch and the way he governed which is why they lost 1000 seats but it led to donald trump as president. >> okay. we'll be watching. midterms are the focus of the big midterms show tomorrow 10:00 p.m. eastern. this week the show is hosted by
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propel it to more popularity. the seven-time nfc champ sharing excitement for his new team. >> i've been trying to find a way for a professional sports career now in my 40s, the ball. i'm excited to announce unofficially joining the nlp family but i'm going to win. i'm coming to dominate the sport. pickle ball. let's -- go. >> for everybody who doesn't know, i did research, it's a fake sport that involves it will football ping-pong paddle and you take over a tennis court, perfectly good tennis court and nobody watches. so, the way i look at this, is it a plot to take over the world? >> for people who love tennis it's terrible. pickle ball is a no no in our household. my husband and i are tennis players, we did four hours of tennis and coerced to play five minutes applicable within five minutes he blew out his ankle.
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let's not make americans fatter, okay? i think people should continue to play tennis, run around the whole court and like tom brady said, the only people should play the couple are chronic injuries and people over 55. if you're under 55 without injuries, play tennis. >> we have video of jordan playing pickle ball, do we have that? you got megastars playing, does it make you want to play? >> i had to get up and say this is the one with the racket, right? i'd love to be able to defend. >> less than half the size of the court, you don't move. >> you don't get exercise doing that. if you co-opt pro wrestling and made it part of pickle, i'd watch. >> that would be good. >> i don't know how that would
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work. first of all, you hate going home, i understand it's rough. [laughter] so i get it, i'd invest in stuff, to the we've seen this with corn hole anything that gets people outside and with it, i want to know how much the franchises are, they are expensive, maybe bring the jersey shore and pickle ball, get some personalities out th there. you can do darts in england and stuff with the whole thing, cautions and addressing at the entrance and everyone cuts promos what they are going to do when pickle ball who comes for you and all that in the game starts and everyone get something to eat. it's fact tennis, that's what it is but if it gets you off the couch and your phone, i'm for it. even if you are moving a cha-cha hit and wait for the other guy and the other guy, that's better
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than sitting on the couch eating chinos watching 24 hours of reality tv show. >> i think they ought to bring back hopscotch. as a good game. >> there's another game called badminton and volleyball. >> what about tetherball? >> i was taller than everybody else and i would napoleon dynamite it. >> if you smash tom brady over the head going pickle -- >> i would give flag. >> big saturday flops next. ♪
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welcome back to the big saturday show, time for big set of fl flocks. our picks for the biggest veils of the week, i'll go first. after a report from the heritage foundation revealed an e-mail showing secretary of homeland security alejandro mayorkas, photos of border patrol with thing, supposedly whipping migrants were misconstrued, the liberal media ignored it and piled on. i have a bit it's gone on for about two years now mayorkas will be the first person impeached in the biden administration and am still holding to that, i think it will because of things like this
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politicizing everything. >> he flat out lied and knew it so that's not sugarcoated. he should be fired. >> methods set to debut and add soup streaming plan next month, $2 a month cheaper than netflix current cheapest offer but you will stop watching advertisements. it will offer what he calls basic with ads, $6.99 a month, subscribers can expect four or five ads in our that run 15 to 30 seconds. netflix beloved by fans for being commercial free says it was forced to take the step after losing 1 million subscribers earlier this year if you hate commercials, you can pay more for an ad free experience and if you think about dump them because of this, disney+ is launching something similar in december. >> stop making woke movies and people won't leave.
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>> the biden documentary showing how amazing he is the last year. >> was playing him? >> it's a documentary, it's him. valencia new $1800 person purse looks like a lays potato chip, it's a bag. apparently you can get this leather bag and it looks like a bag of potato chips but they pay the kardashian, kanye west thousands if not millions to wear their product so i'm sure it will be a trend. i will not be picking up a real bag of laser or $1800 big. >> we can get potato chips and on the street corner and sell them as the person. >> just for some string on it. >> what is it called? >> you just ran out of ideas. just say we gave up. [laughter] this was on the ground and we ran with it. speaking of on the ground, gen z giving a thumbs down to popular emoji. younger generation calling the
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cancel thumbs up claiming it's rude, hostile comes off dismissive. if you wait another two minutes after the show i will show you what's hostile, dismissive and rude so i give to thumbs down and also to thumbs up, come see me next week october 21 at the carolina theater in north carolina, live standup show. we're just about sold out. >> can i give a thumbs up to that? if i -- i like that emoji and use it. >> i don't understand this. >> it's comedy, i tell some jokes -- >> no, the emoji, what's offensive? >> nothing, they are just sensitive. >> how are you even sensitive about it? >> it's like the end of a sentence and attacks, my kids flip out like what's up, mom? >> i'm just thrilled to be texting them. >> here are some others, not just the thumbs up, there are others in danger of being
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canceled and mike children's favorite, the poop emoji, i get that one all the time. the checkmark, i like it, how is that possibly offensive? >> why does it have to be a white thumbs up though? >> it's yellow. >> get to change it. >> i'm white skinned online but we are all dumber for this conversation. i'm canceling nothing. >> i think it just says we are old. >> i think they just love that world. >> people would do jobs and no influence telling us they want to cancel something. make a phone call or here, get a job, go outside and play applicable. >> or 17 jobs and you never have to go home. >> or get those chip purses. >> will be back tomorrow. we'll see you back here tomorrow 5:00 p.m. eastern for the big sunday show fox report jon scott
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darts right now. ♪ ♪ >> budget busting inflation pressures and america's crime crisis, to talk issues with three weeks to go until midterm elections. president biden campaign trail to push his plan for massive spending with democrats in tough races as americans continue to struggle to make ends meet. i'm jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ the president is important promoting with democrats call inflation reduction ac
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