tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 17, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall. sleep faster, stay asleep i've longer so you can wake u lp refreshed. >> qnol the brand trust. hi, i'm angela. i've lost fifty eight pounds i've lost fifty eight pounds with golo and kept it off. i suffer from auto immune hypo thyroid and i always thought it cr would be so difficult to losenet weight. >> but with golo it simply wasn't. >> >> good evening and welcome towe tucker carlson. tonight we're going to startdo the week by doing something we rarely do, which is bombarding you with political cliches. t msnbbombc, l e tha but we're going to tell you what you already know, which is midterm elections are always everywhere. r. a referendum on the party in power. that's true. that's true. this year, too. but this year they are not just that. there are more than that. in just twenty two days, americans will have the chance
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to render judgment r on the unprecedented moral atrocities our leadership class has committed over the past twos years. the shameless lying, shamelthe arrogance, the stupid the total incompetence, the unfairness, the relentless and vicious racism toward the majority of the americans rm population, all of whichlation. together amount to, yes, attacks on democracy itself. if you believed in democracy, you would not act like this. dec no one has ever run a developed country with this degree of recklessness. puniquestion is , is anyone ever going to be punished for it? that's what's really on the ballot. this november eight . so for republicans, the election should be easy. nothing you should ever for a second underestimate their ability to screw it up anyway they may. but the template formber success is right in front of them. just run against joe biden. there may be people out thererug who feel sorry for joe biden, pl but there's absolutely nobody who thinks or can arguo feeledyn the straight face that he's doing a good job becausee e he's not. so jus is t say that you're not.
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the biden candidate running the econom they and crime, homelessness, it's everywhere. have you noticedmelessne fentant and on what joe biden has doner. to our southern border? sticto the obvk the obvious issl and you're probably going to win. how could you not? >> surveys show that votersflat, care most about inflation, jobs and immigration. jd as it turns out, those are exactly the issues. according to a recent harvarisst arrris poll, the voters also believe are the top priorities ofrities o the republican party. so this is a moment republicans rarely see. total it's a moment where there's total alignment between their priorities and the priorities of the electorate. again, that doesn't happenr vey often. that same poll, if you dig a little deeper, shows thats voters believe democrats, by contrast, are fixated above all on january six . oh, yeah, january six , the and insurrection, january six , where nancy pelosi'sth cops opened the doors and let protesters walk inside, all of whom are now nevertheless classified as dangerous felon revolutionaries. aexcept for ray epps, who for w
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some reason is still a good guy . okay, democrats, that's a story they're running on . lots of luck. january january 6th might make for a spicy cnn segment, but it is not a governing platform whose voting on that nobody, at least one candidate seems to understand that you'd be johnai fetterman. actually , fetterman may have brain damagen , but he's one of the very few democratic office seekers who has bothered to explain what he might actually do if he's elected. here's john at a recent event gi getting specific about his governing platformng. send me to washington, dc, take on and push back against work to work through. ? do you hear that if the voters of pennsylvania sen.. john fetterman to washington, fetterman promises to pushk to back against work to work, no more work to work.n you cathn hear a man in
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the audience cheering. fetterman says that that man gets it. he knows how badly we need to fight the hidden epidemic of work to work this work to work pipeline is literally, literally killing peopley kill.e john fetterman will put an end to it. th more work to work. so there's that the entire workr to work platform, whatever that might be . the other thing that democratsc are running on , the thing with the thing they believe we need a lot more of is , of course, abortion and you can see why is yahoo!see wh news dutifullyy. reported fac the other day america is facingr a deeper crisis and thethe anti-abortion movement may not be helping. helping. so really, what do you haveav here? is it classic dumaise is sideaph approach to the ongoing diapersh and formula shortages? you don't have kids, dumbo. and then you won't needouse diapers. >> you also need a house or a car. r a or a raise or extra food oro money. for college tuition is pretty
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simple when you get to this point. imple.and this point is a place the economy is so completely distorted that only democratic voter donors can still affordo t to have normal families. >> when you get there, the solution is simple. n' don't reproduct reprode. childlessness is the cure for the economy. the created. >> and that's why abortion is so very important. especially now.importan we don't havt.e enough diapers. how dare you? it's so important.e th the democrats say they want to eliminate the filibuster tooncea bring back more abortion. once again, here's, john fetterman. >> my name is john i, frontwomad . you know what i would do if i was that fifty first first rid of the filibuster, joe . right.filibust next commodify roe . >> abortion is the ballot now
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in november. yeah, now or in november or is. whatever the election is . th be completely honest. of there's no chance that guye peny is going to win. and of course, pennsylvanis aai is a purple state.gus been and of course, he's running against a guy who's beendr. oz attacked a lot. dr. oz he course, he has the backing of every democratn up and down the chain inle washington. but let't's bes be real. that guy in the u.s. senateu.s. refused to believe. not but it's not just fetterman. every democrat is now talking like this, even onesn on who technically identify as women. they're not just w john fedder women. they're actual identified wome actua whatever that means. now, a.t the white house today, karine, john said that abortion restrictions, which apparently are not relevant to her, but she still cares a lot, are, quote, not just disturbing, but also dangerous. to whom you wonder? she didn't get specific on that. and then in arizona, katierunnin
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hobbs, who is running force thee office there against carey lake ,just went on cnn to announce it. on, shey is she pro-choice will not support anychoice restriction on abortion evern on anywhere under any circumstances. >> here she is . do you support any legal limits on abortion in arizona? >>ort an look, the fact is righ that we are under an extreme>> a 15 week ban, what do you support support? says? ? look, when you're talking about late term abortion, thattremely is incredibly, extremely rare. >> but what are you so thatt limits be that the decision be?about abortion should be between a patient and their doctor , so there shouldo be no limits in the law. it should only be decided in the medical office governmentin making these kind of mandates interferes with the care that doctors need to provide to their patients. they don't belong in these decisions. s inokay, so just to be clear, u
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you become governor , you will push for a law that has absolutely no limits in any point of the pregnancy on abortion. >> the politicians don't belong in those decisions. oliticiag in so if kenny hobbs loses, ityo looks like she's going to praise god. you hope for her sake that she'll spend a little bit ofhow time asking yourself, maybe in seclusion, how did i get here? m how did someone like me with nok ilobvious skills, unable to spek or think, how did i wind up running for the highest office in the state of arizona? s maybe i should've doneta te oarsomething in my life. met >> but in the meantime, you have to kind of marvel at how out of touch people like this are. so if you listene this are unhay aged liberals like katie hobbs, you would think that hundreds of millions of americans are lying awake at night, night after night, terrified they might not be able to get that federally subsidized, late term selective abortion they've been dreaming about. >> they want it, but they can'tm have potentially maybe inective
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mississippi, if they were to go there and get pregnant, which they won't. but whatever , it's wrong.that'c and that's clearly katie hobbs's mean fear. concern but it's definitely not the concern of most people. for >> and we know this for a fact. the latest "new york times" poll probably not slanted to the right, finds that only five percent of americans list abortion as their top priority. keep in mind, that's both pro and con, both pro-choice and pro-life, just 5%. so whatever you think of roe v. wade being overturned politically, think this is notd a powerful issue. actually , it's a boutiquet a iu issue. if democracy were functioning as a democracy is supposed toof function where the people, the broad bulk of people have i a voice in government, in fact, is supposed to control government. most people not thate aren't tht th interested. and democrats know that becausave pollsters to. but because abortion is all their donors, care about,n' they can't stop talking about t it.alking it. that tells tells you a lot. no wonder kitty hobbs is refusing to debate her
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opponent, carrie. like, imagine getting up on stage and say this is a decision and this is a medical decision between a patient and her doctor . carrie like say like p a vaccine. ntyour body, your choice. how does that work? it's not actually your body, your your choice really told poc us that.ns kitty hobbs. cho it's the politicians choice. what goeics intoe your body oror what comes out. she but we're never going to see that because she refuses to debate. so debate. this is the democrats platform, january 6th and abortions. rt but hat's what they're running on sort of. >> but actually , the real thing, they're running on their main platform is fantasynone of denial. none of the problems you may have noticed. and it's hard to ignore them or not. t see them, but none of them innoi biden's america are real. there's no recession. it's not a recession. that's racist. that stop saying that. there's a financial crisis, atis least not in ukraine where it
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matters how many ukrainians are dying of fennel? not many. okay, no problem. and to the extent there actually are problems in this country, the united states of the una, republicans did it so robert at one point was a high government official high maybe a weird way to describe it, but. he he served in the clinton administration, was reputed to be a smart guy, rubberizedce wrote a long piece explainingg that rising crime is actuallyt f the fault of the republican party because guns re rising crime rates are due.rising crime rat the proliferation of guns. >> okay, why is it that wit the states with the lowest crime rates also have t gun ownership rates among no one believes this.singe >> not a single person believes this. if you're trying to tell voters that qanon somehow defundednded the pthe police, they're not gg to to buy it. and in fact, people are tired of being lied to at this level.s
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it's too obvious they know afraf crime is real. why ite afraid of it, and they i know exactly why it's spiked under joe bider joe biden becaue they defunded the police. they intimidated th police who are still serving in not enforcing the law. and every possible case,o no they sided with the criminal, the anti social anti human savages who are murdering people, pushing in front of someone. they have rights. really. what about the rights ofut the r the person pushed in front of the subway train? oh, shut up. racist, right. i got itn .t for th people aren't buying thisno one anymore. no one's buying it. and that's why lee zeldin, congressman from suffolk county, new york , has apparently caught up to kathy hochul, the unelectedof nw governor of new york . wisely, zeldin doing so well.g it's not just a sparklingds personality. >> it' ls because he's runningik ads like this one . there's no question of the spear of crime is real. then without warning, he turned violent. and we're looking at actualolen violent crimes caught on camera in kathy hochul, new york . and
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and it's getting much worse on kathy hochul.h worse. on november 8th vote watch on november 8th. vote like your life depends on it. it just might be lee zeldin fore governor because it's time our families feel safe again. th. what's the answer to that? what? that it's not i thosthose are crisis actors.wer no, the answer is shut up and look way racist. >> don't notice it as your society degrades. but people who do notice it and say so out loud are doing very well. jd vance in ohio is one of them. he has the fortune of running against tim ryan , again the congressman from enungstown, who in 2019 called for ending cash bail not just n in ohio but nationwide. watch. baile're seeing states and cash bail state by state would you support that nationally? >> yeah, i think the bail system is inherently unfair and what it does is it just it
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sets people down a spiral ofspio not being able to go to work, not being able to take care of the kids. then you have adverse childhood experiences. thate traumatizing experiences for kids lead to mental health issues, physical health issues, obviously behavioral issuealths >> so i would be for eliminating it. oh , just now, keep in mind, ryan wassupps supposed tedo be the new kind of democrat, which is to say the old kind of democrat,rkin the working man's democrat who understood that you have to have a functioning society orine else you can't continue. but if you actually listen to him, he's just another cringing npr liberal, the rest of them advocating for bail reform. really, we know how that ends.-l it's been the single most deadly social experiment we have seen in decades. in new york , lawmakers enactedr bail reform in 2019. and as a result of that, judgesa can no longer consider the danger posed by suspects when deciding whether to keep b y ththem in jail.ciding t
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really, you can't consider the danger they will pose tot tt the public. isn't that the whole pointhe? not anymore. so in the bail reform law took effect new york in 2020, police in new york arrested thousands more violent criminals who already had active open effect, polit, in other words, lo people who should have been locked up and would have been under the ololemd system. but they weren't because baileyr reform, they were outshow terrorizing and murdering new people. and the numbers show it. major crimes are up nearly 40% this year in new york .40% in 40% in one year. so that's a complete disaster. and it hurts, as always, the weakest among us .d but instead ofof a acknowledgin that much is addressing it, m democrats, the media are telling you if you noticed it, you're the criminal watch. less than five weeks toe the midterms and republicans are pulling oumid-terms t all t fear and loathing playbook, trying to scare voters aboute crime. >> we sarsw ads harping
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on the issue of crimeri and talking, linking it to anlngs like illegame immigration. those are the types of issues, the things that drive fear. >> the issue of crime and the issue of immigration have long been proxies for race. playing the race card. we're trying to scare voters about republicans because of the encroachment of black and brown people. ters to vote essentially the fek people coming into your community. la's the fear of immigrant peops coming into your family,d the fear of latinos coming togui your communities, me aand republicans use this the language time and time again to scare their voters into going along with their their policiesc . >> you reallies. >>y hope that is th november 8th is the beginning of the end of the hegemony of the tiny brain cringingng liber liberal, the lifestyle liberals who really wrecked this country, the people you justalcn trt sasaw on msnbc, you hope ths their reign is over, but they've done so much damage and their hypocrisy is impossible to miss. these are the ones who cheered as the beleaguered residents of martha's vineyard deported
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50 illegal aliens to a military base. >> get off our island. immigr now they're telling you that you're the one who's afraid ofnc migrants in your community because you're a racist. the shamelessness goes right tos the top. of course it does.snod tth e here's joe biden on saturday.o >> are you concerned about the strength of the dollar right now? i'm not concerned about the the dollar. i'm concerned about the rest of the world. resit makes sense that, yes, our economy is . >> i'm not concerned aboutr: i our economy. i'm concerned about ukraine.t ou our economy is stronr ecg as .he really. have you looked at markets? you it's not just tycoons who care . markets that's for your retirement. account is it's way down. and by the way, day to day, you notice inflation. we have record inflation. we could go on about it.. we have many times. re but you already know they're telling you, yes, we have
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inflation. it's kind of hard to deny their own fake cooked numbers reflectes wed. what they're telling you for now is that republicans are it responsible for it.. they did this. they the the inflation reduction act. so much for that.eduction joe biden is now saying a recording. >> if republicans inpubl congren get their way, prices will gol o up and inflation will getit's ta worse. >> it's that simple.t le! really? tell us how that really. works tell us how that works. well, well, it really is .. >> it's like eating the cookiest right in front of you. you eat the cookies, you eatit's the cookies. it's sick, actually . lo they're telling you that if you vote republican, you're going to get a lot more of the things that you don't like that they created. by the way, if you don't vote for democrats, border security will actually get worse, too. but for now, it's not a crisis. relax, racist. there are no drugs or criminals or terrorists coming over the border from mexico. this isn'ting some intentional
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attempt to change the population of the united states . even though democrats have said so many times on camera watchh we wave is african american. it's white. it's you know, it's asiancan-amr pacific islanderic. it is made up of those who've been told that they are not worthy of being here. it is comprised of thoseasian-pi who are documented and undocumented in a couple ofo presidential cycles. >> you'll be on election night. you'llential be announcing thal calling the thirty eight electoral votes of texas e for the democratic nominee for president . it's changing. dees going to become a purpl state and then a blue state because of the demographics, --the demographics of america ar not on the side of the republican party. d the new voters in this country a are moving away from them. and instead they're moving too e be independents or even vote . othe >> on the other side, there was. tiny dick durbin admitting that by design, america's population is changing faster a than in any country in history, and you aree required to include. rate
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that is a great thing. you you must celebrate it.u ar and if you don't, you're evil. but you also can't acknowledge t what's happening. in other words, it's not real. and it's a very good thing thato it is . >> so if it's nore tt real, whoe these people coming to the united states ? well, according to cnn, 99% of them are law abiding. watch carry lake, who's running arr governor of arizona, respond to that dhs that less than one percent of migrants encountered at the border havet a criminalto record . but i want to stick on the question of asylum. those that do meet the criteria, should they be allowed to stai y in this country? and do you think t the what the current governor , doug ducey, has done, sending some of the migrants to washington, d.c. is the right wa thing to do?t >> would you continuthe that i practice? >> dana, i'm going to have to te disagree with you on that figure you just put out. we havigure you pue four million gateways. these are people who are intentionally entering this
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country, mainly through the tucson sector. and we don't know what their background is . >> well, exactly, because thatr: was the master class right there for all republican candidates. >> never agree to the premise of a biased question. well, it just so happens that 99% of these people are totally law abiding. but on to the next , that's n. oh, wait, that's not true, actually .. the poin and the point is , we can't know if it's true because we don't know who all these people are. >>f it's that's the key point. that's what kerry said. so according to the biden administration's own estimates ,nearly a million illegalstimats migrants managed to evade into tion and sneak into the country since the beginning of fiscal year. >> twenty , twenty one . so how many of those have preexisting criminal records? >> well, we don't know.'t we have no idea. we know they're using all fakee documents here in the uniteds. states . >> the one you'll get arrested for if you dare to use. we also know that they broke federal law by definition, by sneaking into our country without permission. to avoid that problem, the cnn anchor focuseschor on the number of migrants s forces oencounter.
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>> but a lot of those migrants are criminals, too. they are again breaking federal law with fraudulent asylum claims. this iw t you're not allowed to notice that. the good news is a lot ol a f as people are noticing that this is all a lie. the a tissue of lies and it's coming apart. i now, the republican party in washington, we hate to tells as you, is as lame as it's evers been controlled opposition, bee obviously. but the good new s is voters are genuinely sick of it. lake iat's why kerry, like in arizona and blake masters also in arizona, will likely win wil and why adam laxalt will likelyw win in nevada. and that's why you're seeing conservatives surge in places that biden won easily just twoti years ago. that would include the fifthn wo congressional connecticut. . we're going talk to include republican running there in a minute and include the stateur of michigan to dixon is running for governor of that state. p >> she has closed the gap with perhaps the worst governor in the unitederno stath gretchen whitmer. >> here is tooter dixon's message. families a lot of people want to havehave families in this state. families we don't have support from
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the governor for families unless they look exactly wha the way she wants. thesyou know what that looks like these days? >> looks like single moms. no, not single moms. single women's that's like perjury for women, single women working. >> last time i checked, that was a pretty lonely life. so to predict, since we just told you, is running for governor in michigan inou a normal year, you'd have told say, well, michigan is a unionci dominated democratic state, elected gretchen whitmer to nixon has no chance this year,ce not only just to nixon. have a chance. looks like she's going to win. l and we're happy to have her join us tonight. and thank you so much fowirn. tn coming on . >> you're one of the candidatesg . failed not just running against the failed governor of michigan.overnor of michigan, bt boy, has she failed. but you're also running as someone who's going tochigan improve michigan. giu justve give us a quick preview of what you're telling audiences when you speak to them? viewfirst and foremost, we are
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going to bring back education in the state of michigan. it has been decimated by this governor . 38th in the thirty eighth in the nation and then she kept our kids out of school. but then w e heard the department of ed is trying to keep secrets from parents t and teach and gender . parents across the state of michigan are mad . you've been talking about crime . that's a top issue for people in michigan, too, under gretchen whitmer, we started as 14 violent, most violent crime. now we're ninth mosto hide violt crime in the country and the economy. to oe got to reduce regulations and bring businesses back to our state. businesses are leaving. . >> you've seen ford leave the state of michigan. so that politicizing the schools, is that something you think voters in michigan are aware of? >> absolutely. you are even seeing the votersg in dearborn, michigan, you're seeing families across the state that are saying, whoae saying w, whoa, wait a mie do not want this and gender in our schools. we've put it on our website, twitter, dixon .com..
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we are going to fight againstgei this and gender in schools. we is similar to what you saw we in florida talking about we're going to go back to the basics for kindergarten to third grade and none of this. we have parents across the state that are reading things out loud that you wouldn't be able to air on your show. s aradinyeah, keep that stuff at my little kids, creep. i think that's a totally o fair thing to say.from m and i'm glad that you'recreep. running on it. looks like you're going to win. and i'll be grateful when youn. do to nixon. thank you, dixon. thank you. thank you so much. >> so when you think of like professional pro lifers, you don't imagine them scaling skyscrapers to speak out about t the issue they care so much about. but there is one man who waso climbing buildings in order to u bring attention to the unborn. bring attention to the unborn. we him live to talk to next. >> what if there was a community of like minded a community of like minded people ready to suppor when you need it? >> most christian healthcare
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the lot influence, big guy. email. the son of the vice president is doing deals funded by the chinese government. there are so many pieces of evidence. to me it was ignored it because they wanted joe biden elected president . ladies and gentlemen of the jury, i am here to defend joe biden, who were attempting to influence policy. objection, your honor. let's look at photographs. this is what i think of these photographs. you really have no way of knowing what was said between him and these people. he committed bribery, cyrano, where he's going to try my case, try not to lose it at this time. the prosecution rests the trial of hunter by streaming all this week exclusively on fox station, sinabung, fox nation, .com attention, medicare recipients, the energy in one portable oxygen concentrator may now be available at little or no cost to you. call 807 five nine four
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for financial compensation. it costs you nothing. if you don't win 800 at three four one onema eighty four in may, someone wewe still don't know who , despite the investigation linked to supreme court's draft opinion overturning roe v. wade, so there was varied response to this. >> but heres one the responses. a day after that happened, a college student, pro-life, are called maysam. they shop apparently real name decided to protest abortion in a pretty unusual, pretty w remarkable way. he climbeday
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the outside of the tallest building in sanhe francisco, the salesforce tower .wi sixty one stories highusin.rope he climbed without using a rope. here's wordage tucker: . pretty amazing. he's climbed several other skyscrapers after the salesforce tower. that would include the devon tower in oklahoma. skyscity and the "new york timem building in manhattan.anha some calling the pro-life man spider-man musonda champ joins us tonight. i i'm embarrassed if i'm note pronouncing your name correctly.
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ectly.tell us . but i'm just amazed by this whole thing.te tell us whll uy you're doing th. >> yeah.e ar you know, so we are in proje a cultural battle right now. and so i started this project because i wanted to inspire young people to speak out against abortion. regardless of the backlash inm t the criticism that comes with being pro-life. can beiand i also wanted to ra money for let them live to helpe these moms who are in a crisis pregnancy. i mean, you're seein sg abo states like california pay fore abortions and there'nes never been a better time than now for us as pro lifers to puty our money where our mouths are and support let them live dog ae in these women who are in crisis. >> well, of course. and it's hard to see why it'sf e controversial to help pregnant women who want to have their babies.. >> that's obviously a good thing. so hel the what's it like? is it i have to ask, being sixty one stories above san francisco with no rope. >> you know,o with no it diffen
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to person. for me, it's not that bad. but i wouldn't recommend anyone else go try it. >> how did you wind up climbinge office building? i mean, it jusingst looks likeks a guaranteed death from was my perspective. >> well, you know, i wasnspire inspired by a guy named alan ruber and i had no money, e no influence, i mean, in college. c and i thought to myself, whaant can i do to help this pro-life movement? and , you know, all i had was the gifts god gave meucker: incredible. how do you learn to free climb a building? do you just do i? t? o come >> well, you know, tucker, if you want to come with me on the next one , i could show you how i'm fifty three now, but i got very impressed. >> but how do you i mean, how do you train for this and how hard is it. yeah. i train o you know i train on rockutside outside out here in las vegas at red rock canyon and yosemitet national park and it transfers over pretty easily surprisingly. that's that's incredible. i and i have to ashave tk becausen
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irresistible, which is scarier. climbing61 a sixty one storey building with no ropes oru ar admitting that you're pro-life in a group full of nprf np listeners. >> you know, i think it's g scarier to go on, tucker carlson, than it is to to climbr up my scraper personally. son tonighleast hostile environt you'll ever find. and last question, is this illegal? i mean, like whatot happen thesn you get to the top? yeah.t you know, surprisingly, inth detroit, there's a law thatw says you can't leave your pet alligator to a fire hydrant, but there's no law that says you can't climb the renaissance center and usually i'm arrested . but it's just to make an example out of me. so there's no copycat and it's not that bad. >> i don't climnow anyone who would be brave enough to copy it. incredible. and pardon my my bad english. tell us how to pronounce your name. so i can not forget it. name? it is mason teashop mason dashon, great to see mason. thanks very much.>> tucke
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thanks for having me on this. show in california. >> a lot of people c misaliforso story. the governor, gavin newsom, just made it illegal for doctors to be autonomous. right? aren't they running on that? no.s to in california, it's illegal for doctors to disagree with gavince newsom on covid since he's such an expert. that's next. there's an uneasiness growing within today's parents. questions arise around what our kids are being taught, exposed to and influenced by . thankfully, a fully engaged, well informed parent is a powerful thing. >> that's why i support answers in genesis. >> i would recommend that you do as well, because it's important to remember that the battle for our kids minds isn't won in the courts or the classroom is one from the safety and comfort of our own home. >> so be the influence our kids need and support answers in genesis today. angie, you are not going to believe what i am going to show you right now. >> when a group of women put beyond flawless second skin
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n thi no longer spread, quote, false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks n of the virus that could be coronavirus. it's prevention and treatment and the development, safety and effectiveness of covid-19 vaccines. the what? you're not allowed to criticize pfizer . it's now a crime in california.. oh sh, shareholders of pfizer , anyone? probably. dr. marc siegel is aareholdersnl doctor , joins us tonight to assess this. dr. siegel, thanks so much. for coming on . so when you graduated medical school, wasn't the presumption that you get to determine what do the best practices in medicine aryoe? yes, not the governor of pra california, tucker, good evening. this is very dangerous. make no mistake abou yt ityes,. using the word misinformation and deciding, you know, from the governor's pulpit or maybe the french laundry restaurant, you know what your doctors should do is the latest egregious move. and doctors need to revolt on this. you know, first of all, the word misinformation and tucker is against science. science is not about consensus. it's about challenging.
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it's saying existing dogma doesn't work. look back at galileo and the 17th century. who said the world was round and the world was flat? people said he's a heretic. or einstein in the early 20th century who said the theory of relativity, space and time and gravity. and they called him a heretic. and then someone you you know, elon musk is busy saying that his electric car can be to push off the line. ri ended up being right. called a heretic. all of this jeopardies is just saying science is not aboutas tony fauci or biden or somebody saying lockdown, lockdown closures. we're seeing it now. we're seeing the great damage to our children because of the school closures.g th and it's a disgrace. grea those are the misinforms. e of e that's the and they're not being called out and that's what gavin newsom, he should be called outa for, his misinformatiovin newsnr his mask mandates, for his vaccine mandates. here's what i want you to know, tucker. man in the doctor's officedates an,
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the doctor's office, none oftorf this takes place. if i'm in the exam roo m. y sa and by the way, a recent globalf survey says that.ople 73% of people around the world still trust their doctors and nursesdoctor to provide medl information. i don't know if that's stillf true, buthat's st i'll tell you lido in the exam room. i listen. i sasty to a patient, what's on your mind?t tell what's bothering you? and i don't tell them dogma. i don't say take that vaccine, take that treatment. ke thawear that mask.t i don't do any of that.we i listenar and when i stop n listening, tucker, then i'm no longer a physician. so my message to gavin newsom is shut up and listen, tucker, it's such a smart point. he's not promoting science ofe s witchcraft effectively. we know the spells. don't deny the nm. dr. marc siegel, appreciate your coming on tonight. thank you. thank you. >> so is it going to be ar? red wave in november? well, we know that congressional seats that joe biden won comfortably are
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now becoming vulnerable. happenin g all over the country.publican we're going to talk tofor a a republican running for one of thosn a goats in connecticut, of all places, and has a good shotw of winning that straight ahead. hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to announce the original my slippers are back in all sizes and styles, so go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. now use your promo code and you'll get your very own. my slippers for only forty nine . ninety eight . that's ninety dollars off in the biggest savings ever. what makes my slippers different is my exclusive four layer design that you won't find in any other slippers. my slippers pattenden layers make them ultra comfortable, extremely durable and they help reduce stress on your feet. not only that, my slippers make the best gifts ever. get them for your friends, your family, your neighbors. everyone you know, and now you can get them for the lowest prices ever.
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be hing health issues and it's 99% dust free. go to pretty little .com to try the world's smartest cat litter. >> today, welcome back. time one of the things we try to do in our spare time is to identify smart young people doi who are doing good journalism, goothinking clear thoughts and acting bravely and talking to the bravem, assessing what they have to say, holding them up for public scrutiny, frangible boost. nate hochman is one of those. he's a young reporter who covers washington. we spoke to him for brand new episode of tucker carlson today. and we were really impressed.. >> here's part o f itnate i. i think there's a belief in every revolution that the people who support ie tht cn control it. yes, they always think yes that. they always think robespierre thought that. and i think they marched him out to the giant razor. he was saying, you know,>> i'm going to, you know.e lost >>t yeah, actually , you've lost control. yeah. yeah. the uncorruptible rosevear, it's totally, you know, it'se bu a cliche, but revolutions
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always eat their own. yes, they do. ret and these the leaders of its a top down revolution that's happening in america right now in the cultural sphere. but the top has a very sort of sanitized understanding of what's actually happening because it's more comfortable that way. e and they think that it's the civil rights movement to point ou.t and it's a faally destroying the country . that was a fair assessment. hockman product of portland, oregon. worth listening to the full con conversations. tucker carlson today, starting tomorrow, 7:00versation pm on x nation. so one of the most interesting races now underway.cong and of course, thereress are a t of them important. thirty five is taking place in connecticut, of all places. >> a deealp blue state in the fifth district of connecticut. george logan is a stat be senator and he's challenging a famous member of congress, john a. hayes. sh challengie won her seat by 1s in 2020. but this time he seems to be winning, even though hisse
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democratic opponent has raised a lot of money. squad members like sandy cortez have brought in for her. but george logan looks like he her.oing to win anyway. kind of an amazing story. logan joine s us tonightlo. g and thank you so much for coming on . i mean, this seat has not been held by a republican in decades, i think.decade is that right? thathat's right, tucker. it's good to see it's been a while. >> see, you know, they're spending tons of money coming after me right. but we've got the betterfter me. message and folks are tired of the status quo. we're doing great. they have over twice the amount of money that we have, but we're surging at the polls because people are tired of their false promises, their failed policies. rgin and i've got a message of being a strong conservative right, free enterprise, truly equalthei opportunity. and i tell folks i'm going toion washington to support the u.s. constitution, not to tear ittear apart. t and resonating with folks in my district, i think. >> well, it certainly seems tor. be kind of out of nowhere,re i should say, in the interest of full disclosure. >> we are in the same college class that we haven't seen each other since, i think. >> 1991.
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it's great to see you you you took the engineering route. >> i did not been very successful. so are you having didport the national party support you? >> have you hayod troublu?e raig money? absolutely. no, we we're surging at the polls. we're doing much better with our fundraising.t they the triple c and my opponent, tr you know, they're throwinghing a everything at us , right? they're lying with their false attack ads. but, you know, we've got s the message. we're surgeon. i am just soo excited. i'm gaining more and more supporters every day on my website. website. we will take this seat george logan for congress, .com. we're goinacg tok. take the seae back . it's been almost 20 years sinced a republican has represented connecticut downdown in wa in w. and folks are excited. you know, we've got momentum going. you know, they keep trying to distract us , you know, on different issues. but i keep focusin us. grdabilit on affordability. crime is up the southerny d crim border, believe it or not.e is the southern border is relevant in connecticut because ofreleva the fentanyl issue. so we just got tnt in o stick t. those topics. it's working. it's paying off, and we'rewerein making history, connecticut. and we're going to turn this
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country around. we're going to flip the houses of representativescountr and ged of nancy pelosi once and for all. and connecticut's going to be a part of this in this race. >> that would justri be absolutely incredible. if that happened.t woul and let me just ask, when you incredat you just said, i mean ,they try to define you as an extremist, but that doesn't sound extreme at all. it sounds very common sense. oriented. >> what kind of response do you get ? well, no, i get a great response because here's the issue, right? what's extreme >> a great are the bad policies, the failed policies and the biden harris administration that has plungedh us to high inflation. people ha i've got families that areime pt having a hard time putting food on the table, high gas prices. look, you know, the democrat leadership, they're throwing everything at us . prices.s arthey're even using re tactics. tucker, would you believe that t they even compared me toin the a monkey. they don't care about representing the people in eyt wantthe district. it's a they just want to maintain power. i'm telling you, it's alfil backfiring on them because they can't hide from their record. and i'
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m just taking it right to sea them. we're going to win this seat back, tucker. and i'm looking forward to helping our party, our country move in the right direction. i'm getting supporters,e independent voters, moderate righdemocrats, unaffiliated vot they're almodel comingra our was because my opponent hasg ou supported the pelosi agenda. 100% voting record like nancy pelosi, that doesn't represent my district. and so we are we are providing a the alternative, an alternative for a differen famili a way that's going to help their families make our communities safer. righ solve out. o really solve our problems.ucat and don't get me startedion.e be on education. parents are feeling boxed out. of their kids education, and my opponent has done nothinoneng t help george . >> look,acy in we'll be watching democracy in action, november 8th in connecticut. thanks for joining us good to see you.n mo thanks to more news straight ahead. >> hi. j.j. is back because this is important. do you know if you have medicare advantage plan benefits changing this year? are your cost and co-pays going
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country. what's wrong with our food? is that not food? and reliant on industrial processes? there's clear evidence of these chemicals causes problems with reproduction. no hand . washington seems interested at all. if men can't reproduce the world over. we have four seconds left. >> thank you for watching, sea hershon, and welcome to hannity. >> and tonight we are broadcasting a beautiful acworth, georgia. >> welcome , georgia. .hank you for being here out. in mere moments,e wi we'll be joined by republican senate candidate herschel walker, along with senator lindsey graham and senator tim scott for an exclusive hannity town hal
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