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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 18, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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migrant crisis of fearing and make the president look bad. >> the white house is reportedly in talks to tap the strategic petroleum reserve yet again. >> and a push to put down as
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americans enter the pool. >> natural gas in our territory to be the whole world. >> scientists have created a new covid strain that has an 80% kill rate. >> almost 11,000 lab leaks a little past decade, all of of this research should be banned. >> that's good, the cake is good! the chargers when it in ove overtime. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brian: live from atlanta, georgia, live in a couple minutes we'll be talking to the governor brian kemp about the big debate last night, you're looking at the very distinctive mercedes-benz stadium come of course that is the home for the falcons, they will play the lid next home game, carolina panthers on oct october 30th and it is also the home of united atlanta
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professional soccer team. that makes atlanta their home. >> brian: they wanted the championship when you're out and they were selling out 50-60000 which is pretty amazing. >> sun shining down right now it's 39 degrees in atlanta, georgia, wa gat. they have a lot of traffic, 54 will be. >> rachel: will bring in the governor of georgia in just a little bit but first we are officially three weeks out from the midterm and election. >> steve: candidates in key races in georgia, ohio, and utah are squaring off on the debate stage last night. >> brian: that may be news to you but not kevin corke, his live in washington with the highlights, hey, kevin. >> great to be with you, steve and rachel, of course it's the time of year that is to say it's time to make sure you get out there and make your voices heard. now let me show you what's happening all over the country.
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early voting. it's not just one or two states it's really sweeping the nation. if you look carefully you will see the great state of ohio is among those where they are already counting ballots. which means debates like last night between j.d. vans and tim ryan kind of took an outsized bit of importance especially on issues like jobs, the economy, and motor security. >> you cannot honestly pretend to be a defender of voter security when you voted for amnesty multiple times in the congress. you cannot pretend to be a defender of border security when you voted against border wall funding multiple times. >> punches thrown politically speaking, meantime over in utah, republican turned democrat leaning independent evan mcmullen was actually booed with g incumbent mike lee. >> that was the most egregious
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trail of our nation's constitution in its history by a u.s. senator and it will be her legacy. senator lee is still casting doubt. [boos] >> boo in meantime in the great state of georgia, a very solid debate performance herschel walker seemed to suggest in his chat with our sean hannity georgians don't have to send raphael warnock back to washington because even if they do once he gets there he will just do whatever joe biden and nancy pelosi tell him to. >> he has voted with him 96% of the time. he either is a rubber stamp for joe biden or he has no clue what he is doing. everyone said joe biden is headed in the wrong direction which means he is as well. >> while that was a nice congenial conversation, not so much. what wade took a look at an
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interesting night on the debate stage between stacey abrams and the governor brian kemp of georgia. >> how many sheriffs statewide have publicly endorsed her campaign? >> mr. kemp, what you are attempting to do is continue the lie you've told so may times. i think you believe it's the truth. i support law enforcement and did so for 11 years. >> miss abrams refused to answer the question so i will let you know the answer is zero. sheriffs are endorsing or statewide because of her stances on defining the police. >> not five, not free, not one, and zero. big assigned the democrats are worried about the state of georgia, former president barack obama will begin campaigning in the state for top democrats they are on the 28th of october, pretty close to election day, but then again, the voting is already underway. we will see how it all turns out, back to you. >> steve: thank you very much. of report from d.c.
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>> brian: let's bring in brian kemp. current choked on my governor of georgia once four more years doing the job. governor, what was the difference between this debate and the ones you had four years ago? >> first of all, good morning, thank you for having me on. i have a record to run on now, georgians know me where last selection they really did not and abrams had the national media and tons of money. just like she does now, 90% of her money is coming from out of state. but we have also raised a lot of money too have a great record to run on and that's what i was doing last night. i think the biggest takeaway and i told her georgia voters this last night is stacey abrams is attacking my record because she doesn't want to talk about her own. >> rachel: absolutely. by the way, democrats keep talking about abortion. i don't think anyone, people in your state want to talk about inflation, the economy, crime, stacey abrams, someone who has
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never had a child, telling people the heartbeats we here in our ultrasounds aren't real. how much is her extremism on abortion playing into it or is it just not as big of an issue because everybody wants to talk about inflation? >> i think the big issue to me on that issue, people of no more i have been on that issue and i understand people feel very passionately one way or another. on these issues, but also i made a point that we have done an adoption reform. we have done foster care reform making costs lower for adopting children in our states, supporting birthing mothers with 12 months of medicaid extended benefits and other things to show we value life. her positions change three or four times on this issue so georgians don't really know where she stands, her latest stance as it's between the doctor and the patient, which allows for a late-term abortion certainly oppose.
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people here are concerned about 40 year high inflation i heard you were saying that president obama is coming down here, i wonder why joe biden isn't. it's because his policies are very unpopular and caused a 40 year high inflation, disaster at the gas pump and the border. these are the policies stacey abrams supports. she wanted to be his vice presidential candidate and these are the policies she would bring to georgia. we are fighting against that. >> steve: governor, i looked at right now the clear average you are leading her currently by three points, although the latest poll has to up by 12 which appears to be an outlier. one of the reasons you are on today is because early voting has now started in georgia. are you encouraging georgians to vote early or would you prefer that they vote on election day or what is your approach to get out the vote? >> we are pushing people to get out to vote and i think it was pretty funny, you know, stacey
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abrams accused me of being a voter suppressor. i pushed back really hard on that last night, but yesterday we had record turnout for early voting the first day of the midterm election in georgia so the hopes of her pressure major league baseball moving the all-star game because our laws are oppressive and joe biden vice president harris were in the mix criticizing our state. it's absolutely not true and that's why we can't trust stacey abrams but we are telling our folks go vote early. let's show early momentum. if you go and vote we will leave you alone, that will help us focus on the boats we need to get to the polls. >> brian: she is not that seem to have the same support she h had. when you are approaching this race in particular, many people think a rising star in the democratic side, stacey abrams, that you would be a front runner to run for president if you are able to hold the lead and win,
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are you considering that? >> look, guys, let me tell all republicans and all people concerned about the election of our country and georgians concerned about the direction our state will go, anyone not focused solely on november 8th, marty and the girls and i are getting up every day to make sure stacey abrams is not going to be our governor or an ex-president and i encourage all to focus on that as well. >> rachel: governor, i'll never forget that picture of stacey abrams unmasked with all of these masked little kindergartners around her. it was one of the most remarkable things i've ever seen that says everything you need to know about, i mean look at that it's unbelievable, such elitism. we wish you luck. people are voting in record numbers in this midterm and early. good luck. >> thanks, guys, have a great day. >> steve: you as well.
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one issue coast-to-coast is crime and here in new york city on the subway yesterday there was an accident. an unfortunate accident. one guy bumped into another guy, and the guy he bumped into, his phone went down on the train tracks. well, the guy who lost his phone started yelling at the guy and said you go down there and get it. there was a scuffle, and reportedly, apparently the one guy pushed the guy who accidentally knocks the phone out of his hands into the path of an oncoming train. the guy was killed. they apprehended the suspect, he has not been charged yet. this fatal shove would be the ninth homicide this year. down the subways, which some are referred to as "murder express." all the cops that swarmed that particular facility on monday in queens, we were told by this mayor if elected i will make sure you see cops in the subways. you don't see cops unless there
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is a murderer unfortunately. that is why so many people in this big apple are terrified to ride the subway. >> rachel: mayor eric adams saying don't believe what you are reading in the papers or what is being reported in the news. it's just a perception of crime, listen. >> dealing with actual crimes, those eight homicides, and we are dealing with the perception of fear that people are feeling. that is the combination. i will say that perception and the actual crime, we cannot get away from the fact we have 3.5 million people using our subway system. we have to be honest about that. of those average of six crimes a day is not giving the impression that our system is out of control. >> brian: like on 3:30 a.m., the smash-and-grab if you have a gray sedan we need to pull them over and ask if they have any jewels would like them back on the number a man chokes a woman
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pushed a baby carriage down the block and held onto the woman because he one of the cops to come up and shoot him dead. that was his goal. 12 plaque dell my prior arrests, no one goes to jail anymore, if you like the wild west but all s prudent, preventable. we have a police chief that's invisible and a mayor who tells us crime is not a problem. will someone please acknowledge the reality in which we live? >> rachel: you know, brian, if the people of new york don't vote for lee zeldin or don't somehow get rid of mayor eric adams, i will stop feeling sorry for them. honestly. they have a chance to change their city. i know some of the people that used to come on a yearly or by yearly basis to new york city who go it's dangerous. this city smells like urine and pot.
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>> steve: it's a little graphic but you are absolutely right. we are seeing on the streets of these cities as we dial in carly in a minute, this crime is a reaction to the fact and brian kemp was referring to it, the defund of the police movement two years ago. here we are. you like the way it's going question mike stacey abrams trying to distance herself from her previous stance and we heard her say she is has always supported law enforcement although the governor very aptly said and how many sheriffs have endorsed you? she would not answer and he answered and zero. >> brian: so far lee zeldin is saying taxes are so high people are leaving more than any other state people are living new york. high taxes, high crime, not a good combination. by the way, the urine,pot worst cologne ever. >> steve: if you are having breakfast right now we are so
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sorry. >> one serious point, one funny one, this is exactly why it lee zeldin cut the deficit down from 24 points-5 points kathy hochul. the other point is i went to ireland over the summer and i heard one guy sitting at a restaurant with a bunch of irish people and he said i was in new york city a couple weeks ago and it was angry and smelly. and mean! and i was like well, it's still a good city. >> rachel: i went to spain, same thing people said. i used to go to new york, i don't go anymore to visit. >> angry, smelly, and mean. >> steve: if you have a hose, sprayed on the sidewalk, start with that, spray it down. >> rachel: have some more news to get cute, don't act tomei to hear, fox news has footage about what was likely gabby pitino's
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final hours before she got murdered from in a whole foods store, they roam the store aisles the day they say she was likely killed, gabby potato was just 22 years old. public schools in bristol, connecticut, will close friday to observe the funerals of fallen police officers sergeant dustin to monty and officer alex hamm z. they were shot and killed last week in an ambush attack, to go bristol residents put up a special tribute to those heroes, they joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to explain why. >> we knew one very well but all three of them are very great in the community. they've done so much for every kid and adult, it's the least we could do to try to bring a place that we could get out there and get through this tragedy. >> rachel: over $235,000 has been raised for the families of sergeant the m demonte and hando
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far. they will scale back staff as a regular adjustment by less than 1% but on monday the company revealed it was making cuts across multiple divisions affecting over 100,000 employees on microsoft. microsoft is the latest big tech company to cut jobs in face of the economic downturn. take a bite out of this, a cookie war is heating up in utah. crumble cookies is suing a pair of smaller competitors for trademarking infringement, they claim dirty dough stole its logo designs packaging and even recipes. dirty dale has for his stomach fiercely denied biting back with ads like this showing big cookie executives trying to shut down a children run cookie stand, they also billboard that those cookies so good we are being sued.
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political back and forth right now, now there is cookie controversy as well. >> steve: we have been in business 26 years, this is the first full-blown cookie war we have seen in the united states. >> rachel: it's happening right now and a big cookie out there, who knew? and pharma? >> steve: all those cookies look delicious. >> brian: what is the technology that makes old cookies bent like fresh cookies? that appear fresh baked that you can bend them but they don't break? who came up with that? >> steve: you take them out of the oven a little early. >> brian: is that it? happy birthday alaska. we bought it october 18th 1887, carl you did not cover this. $7.2 million. or russia would be in our backyard expect go party, lacks alaska. and one pill kills the warning
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from texas governor greg abbott as more fentanyl crosses the border than ever before. a member of the team joins us to outline the plan of attack for the state. ooh, the chewy app. clumping litter. salmon paté? we have enough to splurge on catnip toys! i feel so accomplished. pet me please! great prices. happy pets. chewy.
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this sucks. well if you just switch maybe you don't have to be vampires. whoa... -okay, yikes. oh sorry, i wasn't thinking. we, uh, don't really use the v word. that's kind of insensitive. we prefer pro-lunar. yes, much better. this fall, xfinity rewards is thanking you with spooky perks and surprises. enter for your chance to win a trip to universal's halloween horror nights for a terrifyingly good time you'll never forget. or bring the scares home with movies that will frighten up your night on us, and a host of other chilling halloween activities all on the xfinity app. explore your rewards today. xfinity rewards. our thanks, your rewards.
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>> in the past year just texas llaw enforcement alone seized enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman, and child in the united states of america. fentanyl truly is a clandestine killer caused by mexican drug cartels. cartels are terrorists, and it is time we started treating them that way. >> brian: what can we do about it? powerful words from greg abbott,
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texas governor who lives and breeds every day who tries to stop the flow across the border, lone star state with a series of roundtables including our next guest dps director steve mccraw. hey, steve from what was accomplished yesterday? speak of the most important thing obviously is enforcement of education, they are not just focused on enforcement portion but yesterday was about education. listing all state agencies and listing communities across to texas the media to be able to educate parents and adults in terms of the dangers and literally, literally one pill does kill. we are talking about what the mexican cartels have done with fentanyl. >> brian: why don't we click consider them a terrorist group? with the mexican government i don't we tell them? they're access to drugs? >> certainly the sovereign responsibility of securing the international border of mexico belongs to the federal government but the governor has
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leaned very forward on this regard spending billions of dollars, texas military in terms of said taking national guard on the border and thousands of true present texas rangers to conduct operations around the clock able to detect fentanyl as you noted earlier, just a department of public safety alone has seized enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman, and child in united states. >> brian: look at these numbers, the people at home need to understand how bad it is. in 2019 demonstration was trying i think the best they could to stop the fentanyl crossing, once they got here rounding up before he got here. in 2019 there was 12,633 pounds wrinkled, and 2022, 12,304. what does that tell you about the profitability in this and the access? >> we saw the same thing which is where the governor was
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concerned, 1200% increase in hours alone and very worried about the increase and fatalities related to overdoses where it's more like poisons. what the cartels have done is they have taken fentanyl, they are produced, mass-produced pills that look like oxycontin, oxycodone, percocet, other pills and people don't know what they are taking. literally, they think they are taking adderall, xanax, yet they are taking a lethal dose of fentanyl. >> brian: lastly on deaths in 2019 there were 21,863 deaths outrageous, now ten months and we are at 73,000. let me ask you something, steve, i always thought the goal of drug dealers was to get you hooked and have a customer forever. is the goal here different or to kill as many people as possible? >> as far as cartels go they are the most ruthless depraved criminal organizations in the
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world. they care about nothing but making money. people or commodity across the border but certainly drugs, and they could care less about how close they get to overdose or deaths in texas. they only care about profit. >> brian: obviously they are making a profit. who supplies the fentanyl, china? >> well, china certainly is being a provider but also precursor chemicals in india around the world from other sources. the bottom line is the mexican cartels have been able to -- and what's really concerning and where the governor is concerned as now they are targeting children. whether it's rainbow fentanyl or other means. the affordability, fentanyl costs next to nothing. the proper margins are very high and certainly children are susceptible, that is why this campaign is important.
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>> brian: thank you for joining us, steve mccraw director. >> thank you for educating the public on this, thank you. >> brian: you are doing hard work, thank you. coming up ahead as we face a recession in 40 year high inflation the biden administration feels confident the work they have done. >> the president understands and we have talked about this many times, that inflation is an issue, high cost, cost is an issue for the american people and he has done the work. >> brian: what is that mean? larry kudlow will try to explain it . from our heirloom inspired sheets to our super absorbent bath towels, to our 100% cotton quilts. every single piece is made right here in america. we believe in keeping our heritage 100% american made. enjoy our farm to home products and receive
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>> steve: the biden administration expecting to release another ten to 15 million barrels of oil from the nation's stockpile. white house attempts to defend its work in america's 40 year high inflation you are all feeling. >> if presidents biden top priority is inflation, why doesn't he have more to show for it? >> cost is an issue for the american people so he has been very clear making that is number one economic priority and he has done the work. he has done the work with congressional democrats -- >> brian: he has done the
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work. here larry kudlow the host of kudlow on fox business and former economic council director good morning to you, larry. >> good morning, steve, how are you? >> steve: real pleasure. the president has done the work we hear from the podium, but he is relying on experts in the administration to show him out of this hole we are all in. to think the president is happy with his economic team and if not, do you think it's time for them to see a change in the team because the way it is working right now, it ain't! >> kudlow: that's an interesting point because the cavalry i think this will be eight to house sweep for the g.o.p., that's what the latest polls show. we will wait and see if mr. biden pulls a bill clinton and resets his own white house staff. that staff has served him very poorly.
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inflation has gone up in august and september ever since the inflation reduction act we've had more inflation, not lust inflation. heads will roll i suppose because the g.o.p. is going to come after him. i mean look, all of the spending come all of the regulating, turning off the oil and gas spigots, all of these things chickens coming home to roost. i don't know if you've got a second but since biden, i mean going back to march of 2021, with that big spending bill, $2 trillion? cpi is up 13%? 13% and an annual rate? groceries 17%? energy, gasoline 48%? even though it has come down? they will try to use this for more election-year price fixing? utility is 51%, new cars 17,
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used cars and trucks 36%, i mean, come on! he has done the work? which work exactly has he done? >> steve: great point. we heard yesterday karine jean-pierre said we will probably start to feel the impact of the inflation reduction act maybe next year. but that is another topic another day. you know what this president needs is a good idea. you know who had a good idea, henry ford and that is your topic on american dynasty, watch larry in action next mark >> kudlow: henry ford did invent the automobile but he invented mass production and law costs and good-quality. that changed america. >> steve: i love the series "american dynasty" especially with har henry ford changed howe do everything. >> kudlow: do you know it is so great? this is a fabulous series and i
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hope everyone watches "american dynasty" henry ford instead of making cars for rich people, here is what he did. he gave his assembly line workers a $5 raise so that they could go out and buy model t fords. and you know what? they did. all across the country. he literally changed the face of america. i want to say regarding all of these fabulous people, the liberal historians call them robber barons, okay? the reality is this is the period in american history where rockefeller on oil, carnegie on steel, andrew mellon the banker, the wright brothers and the airplanes, thomas edison on light sent to telephone and telegraph, this group of fabulous entrepreneurs made
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america the greatest economy in the world. by the way, their philanthropy started dozens and dozens of colleges, universities, libraries, hospitals, they literally built america after the civil war. it is one of the most fabulous periods of american history. i'm sorry the liberal historians don't like it, but i am here to tell you, middle-class america benefited enormously from what these entrepreneurial geniuses did. >> steve: i can't wait to watch it tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on fox, thank you very much, larry, we'll watch one "fox business" with kudlow this afternoon. he says thank you. tim allen takes on woke twitter, the message costing social media meltdown as a dean reacts next.
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>> rachel: comedian on hollywood icon tim allen says notsocial media in a spiral whee says who is the fake of the miked face of wall? do they have a clubhouse in a backyard or a playpen somewhere? joining us with reaction's actor dean cain, so great to see you this morning. >> good morning, how are you, rachel? i miss you i haven't been there in a while. >> rachel: we miss you on the te week and! we debbie back. here is what i think. he is successful just like you, established, successful, you guys can kind of see i worry the message this sends to struggling actors who may be just have a different point of view. >> that message is shut your mouth and stay in line or you will be canceled. that is what it is. i would hate to be a comedian these days. everyone is looking to be offended by everything. complete victim culture that is
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your badge of courage. comedy is supposed to make fun of those in power. that is the whole idea. end of the woke are certainly in power on social media, big tax, in the white house, and the weird/ironic thing to me is those screaming about inclusivity and acceptance want dissenting voices silenced. they don't want free speech. that is the definition of fascism. 100% and tim allen is incredibly funny, uncancelable and that makes people on twitter go bananas. he has achieved huge famine can say what he wants to. >> rachel: you always say what you want to know you are promoting an amazing movie called "paul's promise" and it tells the story of a pastor who starred instarted one of the fit integrated churches of the so
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south. >> it's in antiracism will be at its core. i would love to be involved in i think important films and messages, films with important messages. paul was a guy who grew up his best friend, he was a white guy his best friend, jimmy, was black. racism, no one was ever born racist. it has to be taught. it is learned so it can be unlearned. unfortunately this character, paul, that is not the character i play, i play the fire captain as he gets older. he learns to not be racist in a sense. he realizes it's the culture, his people around him, his father who stopped him from being best friends with his friend jimmy. at the end he turns his life around completely. the idea behind it is it's never too late to change your heart. >> rachel: i love that, story of redemption and change. let's look at a trailer. >> yes. >> closer than two peas in a pod
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when you were kids. >> jimmy, who are all these k kids? i can't think of one who commands these kids to eat. i can think of the one that commands me to feed them. >> rachel: dean whether it was the abolition movement or desegregation, christians were often at the forefront of these movements. important story. last thought. >> very much so. the change that happened for paul holder field continues to serve people today. it has been going on 30 plus years, it's an amazing group and organization, it's a great story. it's a true story. >> i watch everything that dean cain is in, that is my endorsement right there. >> thank you, i will take it. >> rachel: find showtimes near you at paul'" paul'" . >> starting in minneapolis they're looking for social workers to higher in each
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of the cities precincts to help cops combat crime. it's a spike in crime across the board, motor vehicle theft up 38% from last year, and active vandalism raised nearly 15%. elon musk response to criticism over the amount of spam accounts on twitter's planned takeover of the social media giant one barstool founder dave horton raised concerns over the impact of bots, musk offering a simple reply tweeting "i have a plan." twitter says spam accounts make up less than 5% of the platform. and we go from twitter to tequila, country singer george strait sold a majority stake in his premium tequila brand called "codigo" he sold it to a french beverage company. ♪ ♪
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it's 5:00 somewhere, the singer and his business partners produced the beverage in mexico which typically costs around $800 for a case. the brand raked in nearly $30 million in sales last year. janice, that's a lot of tequila. >> oh, my goodness when we have a taste test? can we do that, producers? $800 a case better be good tequila. let's take a look at the maps, shall we? these temperatures could drive us to drink! it's 12 in fargo, 24 in minneapolis, 33 in st. louis, and with wind chills it feels like it's in the teens and 2 20s. is early for this, too early! here is the temperature departure through the next 24-48 hours we will see those temperatures warmer creep in but today and tomorrow into thursday cooler than average for 90 million folks, potential record high for folks in
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west virginia, north carolina, and florida. that's a big headline. by the way we have some snow across the great lakes and interior northeast that we will be tracking over the next couple of days. all right rachel, my friend come over to you. >> rachel: thank you, janice, we can't have tequila at work and make speckled clothes fall off. coming up, october is breast cancer awareness month. my friend gerri willis has an all-important letter checked in with bill hemmer for the top of the hour. >> good morning to you. 6:00, 21 days rachel we have a brand-new power rankings on where we stand in congress, kevin mccarthy wants to be speaker of the house who leads us off this morning coming up here. also movement toward republicans in a few races you don't expect so we will talk to the candidates and ask why. is trying to making plans for
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taiwan sooner than we expected? good question for mike pompeo. the whale that almost ate the boat, we have the caption to tell us all about the fish story, and we have the video. more than just a claim. dana i will see when 12 minutes top of the hour see you then. yr favorite sweater can forget about all about those hairy situations. shop maytag and more exclusive out of the blue innovations at lowe'
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>> october is breast cancer awareness month and as the covid pandemic rage in 2020 the number of women who were screened dropped dramatically. >> why was that? he was diagnosed with stage iii cancer in 2015. >> one and joins us with an important message. >> hello, i'm so excited i'm that fox today is for the first time bring a mammogram screening unit to fox to help fox woman. this is amazing. lauren howell over here from hr has worked on this for a year. >> rachel: you are the one who suggested it, what a great idea! >> don't we need it? i was diagnosed six years ago, right? i'd stage iii lobular breast cancer, six months before my diagnosis i have a clear mammogram, he had to get tested. some of these cancers are currently fastest spreading. >> rachel: it you have to talk about your experience because
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it's amazing. >> she is for real. we were stuck in an elevator together and she asked if i had had a exam and i said i never had one and i never thought about having one. >> and i tell you my job was on the floor of the elevator and i was like how is that possible? >> rachel: after you enter your experience. >> yes. >> it kind of stuck in my head, i made my appointment and she called me and said hey i'm bringing the truck and i'm like i artie have it! >> thank god, you did the right thing. >> rachel: mower companies need to follow this lead. >> look. the number of screenings going on after covid are still down 15%. >> steve: that is the key, during covid a lot of people were particularly afraid, particularly people at risk were afraid to go into a hospital citing afraid to get into the machine and whatnot. so now what you are doing is a full court press literally trying to get more people to get a mammogram, particularly if they stopped during covid. >> absolutely, right? fox women rallied to talk about
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this on camera, i hope we don't we havethat. >> if the doctor tells you to go for a mammogram you should go. >> choose a day you get your mammograms, other screenings, do the same for your mothers, sisters. >> is the difference between life and death. >> oh, my goodness. so good. one in eight women, right? >> that's right. six years ago it was my turn and i hope nobody else has to go through it. >> thank you so much for the awareness. >> steve: just a few months difference can make it a big difference. >> absolutely right. it did for me that's for sure. >> rachel: we are so glad you are here with us. >> steve: so you just go up? >> the women in the building got invitations they responded to by email so they are all ready to go. we will see them all day and be out here all day.
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>> rachel: jerry sent a personal infor invitation to me. you are a hero. >> steve: october is breast cancer awareness month. if you have a concern, talk to your doctor, get a screening. jerry, thank you very much. >> thank you, i will cry all day. >> rachel: we are criers it's okay. or "fox & friends" moments ago. away.
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♪ >> during october, breast cancer awareness month, if people have more information they want, where do they go? >> go to what you need to know if you're concerned and worried. i know it's a lot. get help. >> thank you. >> good device. >> thanks jerry. >> good morning. 9:00 in new york. you got 21 days until election day and brand new fox news power ranking is out. there in lies the drama. it's tuesday i'm bill hemmer. >> you love the drama. >> bill: now, that depends. >> i'm dana perino. the republican chances retaking the house is


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