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tv   America Reports  FOX News  October 18, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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are absolutely dedicated day in and day out to showing that support as well. >> well, they keep us safe in new jersey, so we are ultimately very, very grateful for what they do. but really, cops across the country, when they come up and express they watch and feel the support from all of fox news, i think it makes me even extra proud to work here. >> that's right. >> we do support them. >> thank you, em. >> thanks to everyone, and now here is "america reports." >> china's military capabilities only getting stronger, and you might be helping china by footing part of the bill. a washington post investigation revealing china's research groups are buying american technology to build hypersonic missiles, technology that's getting a big boost courtesy of the american taxpayers. >> sandra: a damning new report ranks the u.s. military as weak, warning about declining naval and air power. are we prepared to take on the chinese threat?
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a spokesperson is here and ready to weigh in. >> john: first, a battle for control of congress as candidates enter the final stretch just three weeks now until the high stakes midterm elections, and brand-new fox power rankings show republicans hold the advantage in house but neither party breaking through in the senate. i'm john roberts in washington. happy tuesday to you. >> sandra: sandra smith in new york. republicans are forecast to win a 15-seat majority, that is a slight shift in favor of the gop as the party makes gains in key school districts out west. >> races in the senate up in the air, toss-ups set to decide which party takes control. >> sandra: early vote counts are passing midterm turnouts in the past. more than 2 million ballots have been cast. ro khanna will be here, he will join us in moments. but alex, how much of this early
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voting have we already seen underway? >> most voters in most states can already cast a ballot early, whether that's in the mail or it's in-person, with the inclusion of nevada tomorrow. looks like it's 48 states people are able to vote early, so three weeks out, but some have already made up their mind and let's get into the fox news power rankings. compared with last week's forecast, we have a shift here. the gop advantage has grown by one seat in the house, republicans projected to win 232 races. democrats have a small pathway to victory to reach the critical number of 218. best case scenario, democrats could get there but just barely. best case, is 248. and the story of the power rankings is taking place out west, the gop is tacking on races in florida and oregon, from left leaning to toss-up, the oregon sixth district. easy win for president biden in
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2020 but a fight for the democrat, the republican is making headways on crime and inflation. covers southwest portland, a city plagued by riots and open air drug use, so erickson said on fox news that voters on both news are simply fed up. now, on the senate side, republicans also on the offense on the issue of economy and safety, but no budge from last week's forecast. arizona, nevada, georgia, pennsylvania, all deemed toss-ups right now. so, it is anyone's game in the fight to control the senate. guys. >> sandra: alex, thank you. >> john: bring in california democratic congressman ro khanna. congressman, good to see you, we have three weeks left now until the big election day and we count the votes. this curious headline in politico, i wanted to throw at you, says democrats midterm hopes fade, we peaked a little early. democrats were closing the gap over the summer but republicans
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regaining the lead now. did you leave it all on the field a little bit too early? >> john, look, we are underdogs, but i grew up in philadelphia and we cheer for "rocky" and i think we can make a comeback if we talked about the economy. >> john: wait, wait, wait a second, you have control of both houses, how does that make you an underdog? >> we are underdogs, people are hurting and that's the reality. gas prices are up, the food prices are up, we have to acknowledge people's fear. here is the contrast we have to draw. the democrats' agenda to tackle inflation is bring manufacturing back, to tackle our supply chains. the republicans have said they want tax cuts to the rich. john, how did that work out for prime minister liz truss, almost destroyed the british economy and that's what the republicans are running on. >> sandra: so -- forgive me for asking this very basic question, but what do you blame the current inflation that everybody is suffering through right now,
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why did we get here? a lot of the democrats that we are seeing fighting for -- fighting to get in the polls, somehow are blaming vladimir putin. they are somehow saying they have inherited this in some cases. somehow they are saying that democrat policies are not to blame. so, where do you place blame? >> sandra, it's complex. let me break down a few factors. we offshored too much production, we are not making enough things in america. did not make baby formula, didn't make masks. so when the global pandemic happened we were shipping things from offshore and that increased prices and created supply chain disruptions. we need to make more things in america. second, i blame powell with the quantitative easing, buying mortgage backed securities way too long. larry summers has criticized him. third, i do think the war contributed. so, those are the factors. now the question is what are we going to do about it. democrats say make stuff in america, build manufacturing,
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350,000 manufacturing jobs back. the republicans are saying let's extend tax cuts, that's their cure for inflation. that's not going to work. >> sandra: does the spending by this administration have anything to do with the inflation problems we all have? >> i'm not saying it had 0 impact. but i don't think that was the primary cause and some of the spending was to bring chips manufacturing back, it was to bring jobs and productive investment. am i going to say it had 0 impact, no, that would not be truthful. but at the time we did it, people were hurting, unemployment almost 7%, people were being evicted from their homes and we thought that was necessary to help the working and middle class. >> john: you know, another thing i found curious, congressman, is barack obama, the former president is going to be crisscrossing the country over the next three weeks lending his support to democratic candidates. put some of the states he's going to visit up there on the screen. battle grounds in georgia, michigan and wisconsin. biden, though, not a whole lot of travel plan. only visit he's going to make in
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the next week or so is the state of pennsylvania. we should point out, he did do a western swing last week. but increasingly, democrats are saying no thanks for offer of help from joe biden and the white house. a sense from democratic candidates he's damaged goods and better to have him stay away and maybe have barack obama campaign for you? >> well, you always want president barack obama, he's one of the greatest talents in modern politics. so i understand why people want him. but i think the president should be out there. look, i was just out campaigning for mandela barnes in wisconsin, out there for john fetterman, and i was talking about bringing manufacturing back of helping working class americans. the president should be out there. i don't think you can run away from the president's agenda and better for him to be explaining the economic message. >> sandra: if you could, stand by with us, thoughts on another big topic top of everybody's mind right now, and that is skyrocketing gas prices.
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it's become a liability for the president, as well as other democrats hoping to keep control of congress. now with the election just 21 days out, president biden's reportedly going to release more oil from the american emergency reserves in an effort to bring gas prices down before election day. aishah hasnie is reporting on this for us. how much are you hearing the administration may release? >> good afternoon, reportedly between 10 to 15 million barrels from this stockpile. if it does happen, sandra, it could be the first of a series of actions that the administration takes to try to get a handle on the rising gas prices. so bloomberg has reported they are closer to making a move from the strategic petroleum reserves, and announce how it plans to refresh that stockpile. it's the lowest in nearly four decades that's a concern.
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average for unleaded, 3.87, down from two weeks ago, higher than last month's average, though. not everyone is buying that this possible release is actually going to help anything. >> 15% of one day's production, it's a drop in the gasoline bucket. won't do anything to impact prices, this is pure politics. it's really frankly kind of sick. they think that they would do this three weeks out from election, communicate to the world it's not our fault, we are going to fix it. >> u.s. refiners preparing for potential fuel export ban in the next month, and some democrats out there believe president biden could take action against saudi arabia as well for opec's decision to put oil here in the coming days to weeks. now, the left has been blaming the worsening energy crisis on the long time gulf ally that recent move as new provisions from their inflation reduction act increase taxes on natural gas, and also reinstates a
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previously lapsed tax on crude and reported petroleum products at 16.4 cents per barrel. unclear, though, right now if the blame game or any of these possible white house moves will actually help democrats in the upcoming election, according to a new fox news poll, take a look. 53% of voters right now disapprove of the president's job on energy and we are tracking this now 21 days away from election day. sandra. >> sandra: interesting stuff. thank you. bring back ro khanna, appreciate your time, thanks for joining us. put up on the screen, food inflation, double digit increases under this president. these are year over year i should say, but if you look over the two years, the prices have only gone up. double digit increases in eggs and milk and basic food items. this as the president's approval rating, the economy, a mere 35%. inflation, a mere 29%. we are about to look at some of these key house districts out
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west that could be critical for your party, case in point house district 49 out in california where you've got a republican businessman who is trying to unseat the democrat there who has been prioritizing the economy the whole time. the democrat is an environmental lawyer who has been focusing on climate change. so to john's earlier question, are democrats just too late to the game when it comes to prioritizing the economy for the american voter? >> sandra, we should be talking about the economy first, second and third. i was talking to my mom in pennsylvania, prices are up for groceries. we can't deny obvious facts. the question is, who is going to tackle them. the democrat plan to make sure we bring supply chains back, bringing production back here, helping provide food at cheaper prices to the working class, putting money in the pockets of the working class. the republicans want tax cuts for the rich and we shouldn't
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have that economic debate about what's going to help working and middle class families. >> john: in all fairness, republicans are interested in bolstering the supply chains and bringing manufacturing back home as well, in addition to the program for tax cuts. you mentioned a moment ago everybody wants the former president out campaigning nobody better. well, he had some advice for the democratic party in an interview with pod save america saying you are too focused on being woke. listen to what he said here. >> how is it even relevant to, you know, the things that i care most deeply about. my family, my kids, you know, work that gives me satisfaction, you know, having fun, you know, not being a buzz kill. sometimes people just want to not feel as if they are walking on eggshells. they want acknowledgment but life is messy and that all of us in any given moment can, you
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know, say things the wrong way, you know, make mistakes. >> congressman, is he right, are democrats too focused on woke sensitivities and not the issues important to americans? >> i agree with every word of what president obama said on pod save america. focus on economic issues, the price of gas, a good-paying job, childcare, and aspirational vision for america. i call it a new economic patriotism. remember, president barack obama with a muslim middle name, won overwhelmingly wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio, michigan. he showed this country actually at its core is a decent country if you have an aspirational or economic vision. democrats would be wise to listen to him and remember how he was so successful. >> sandra: right now the national average for a gallon of gasoline in this country is 3.87 a gallon. as you just heard reported by
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our own aishah hasnie, it is being considered reportedly that this administration might tap the strategic petroleum reserves again to try to bring down prices. congressman, there is proof that is just not working. we have seen this administration do it multiple times, prices have only continued to go higher. do you support that move if that's the direction the white house is moving in? >> sandra, i do -- when the administration did the initial strategic petroleum reserve release, treasury department has a report saying it accounted for a significant decrease in gas prices. now, i penned an op-ed in the "new york times" in around june saying we should be buying at the dip to refill the strategic petroleum reserves. we haven't done that, i wish we had, but i support more releases as long as we are buying and refilling it at low prices. biggest thing is, we need a tougher policy on saudi arabia. how are we letting them get away with 2 million barrels cuts per day when we are one of their
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biggest allies in supplying them with weapons. >> sandra: follow up on that, you are suggesting we should be leaning on the saudis to help us bring down our domestic prices. we had the head of an indiana refinery on the program last week, when i asked him is there anything that democrats could do right now to pivot on this issue in washington, he said just to send a friendlier message to the fossil fuel industry you are not out to kill us, to end our businesses. perhaps there could be a pivot made to help ourselves out domestically, rather than turning to saudi arabia? >> of course we are not out to kill it and president biden with natural gas production at record levels and oil is higher than it was in 2020 and 2021, it's not quite where it was in 2019. but it's coming up. and the refinery executive knows it takes five years to put a refinery to build one. that's not going to solve the
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short-term problem. what's going to solve the short-term problem is not letting saudi arabia make alliance with putin, we have provided them with so much defense, president bush senior defended the country, and it should be bipartisan outrage. >> sandra: it was not me or the oil administration saying they were out to kill them, that was brian deese, economic adviser to the president said goal to go to 0 fossil fuel use in the country. >> the moon shot renieable energy, but anyone looking at the data, obviously we need oil and gas and how much we are producing and i certainly don't support anyone saying right now that they want to end oil and gas production. how would you have manufacturing if you were to do that. moon shot on renewable energy being sensible about the current needs. >> john: didn't the president go
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to saudi arabia already to put pressure on them to increase their production of gas and they thumbed their nose at him and instead cut? >> he did. i was opposed to that trip at the time. he went there, he was thinking that we could be reasonable, they have slapped their face at america. now we should hold them accountable. we provide them with so many weapons, so many arms, there should be consequences. >> john: always great to have a democratic candidate talk to us. thank you. new york subways hoping to cut down on crime by a recorded announcement saying police patrol the station, saying it should help them feel safe. but no comfort for a father of three stabbed in the neck while defending a police officers. >> sandra: and the jury is deliberating in the trial of
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danchenko. john durham has no more cases planned, but are his eyes on the fbi as a whole? katie pavlich is here on that. >> very important investigation and i think the new republican congress is going to use this as a baseline to really seriously dig into what's going wrong. that ancient roman coinage? no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh - here, i'll take that woo hoo ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and now in two new flavors (♪ ♪) this is gloria. she hasn't worked this hard to only get this far with her cholesterol. taken with a statin, leqvio can lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it low with two doses a year.
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>> john: new video coming to light showing gabby petito and brian laundrie at a grocery store, hours before he strangled her and dumped her body outside. she was found three weeks later after an extensive search. they discovered his body in a
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florida swamp, a bullet hole near in his skull. near the body, a written confession to the murder. >> sandra: a man is dead after he was shoved in front of an oncoming subway train in new york city. the latest killing in a transit system that has seen at least eight this year. a few weeks ago an innocent father of three was murdered on a brooklyn subway. police say he was stabbed in the neck by a homeless man who had been arrested for another stabbing last year. alexis mcadams live in new york city here. alexis whashgs is this victim's family saying? >> hi, sandra. they are so devastated by this, he was a father of three and his kids are wondering why their dad has not come home after he was slashed in the neck on a subway. this all happened after investigators say he was sticking up for a police officer who was being harassed by a homeless man on the platform. the person who did it was a
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homeless man with a rap sheet. an innocent dad who now has passed away. he was a hard working man, tommy bailey, stabbed in his neck on a new york city subway. he leaves behind three kids, says their dad was a hero. local 638 local steam fitter and always stuck up for what was right. he stepped in to defend a female police officer who was being harassed by the suspect. then the man attacked bailey. >> this is a democrat-run city forever, very liberal policies. the criminals are running wild. >> and that was one of his friends very upset about the loss. alvin charles was arrested for the murder, not his first time behind bars. investigators say he was arrested last year on assault charges after he reportedly stabbed another man who
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thankfully survived. new york post says a judge denied a request for a $50,000 bail so he walked free. this tragedy comes as crime on the new york city subway system is surging and crime is up more than 41%, at least eight murders just this year on the subway system. over the weekend, this man shoved a commuter under the tracks. you can see he lunges at the guy he pushes him. the new york city says it's only a perception that crime is out of control. >> we have 3.5 million people using our subway system. we have to be honest about that. and those average of six crimes a day is not giving the impression that our system is out of control. >> bailey's family says the system is out of control, and they want more to be done about it. they have not heard from new york mayor adams after this tragic attack on this innocent dad and they wro like to hear from him to find out what he's going to do to fix the system,
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people should not be afraid. more needs to be done, sandra. >> sandra: too much, and i remember a couple weeks ago interviewing a woman, don't know an update on her situation but they feared she was blinds in one eye because of an attack on the subway. it's happening too much. john. >> john: the jury in the danchenko trial is about to resume deliberations any moment after a lunch break. a key source of the new debunked steele dossier. they are trying to proof he lied to the fbi. katie pavlich, so the case has laid bare some serious concerns about the fbi. >> yeah. >> john: what's your take away from it? >> danchenko is the one on trial, but the revelations about the fbi, many people have been reporting on the way they used the dossier even though they new
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or could not prove it was true, they used it for some candidates running for office. when it comes to what the fbi is accused of here, danchenko is claiming in this trial that he was just told that christopher steele, the dossier they had on candidate donald trump at the time, was just, you know, he was just relaying information and therefore he can't be held accountable for lying to the fbi. from the fbi perspective, not a single fbi agent who has testified in this trial has been able to corroborate a single thing in the dossier yet they used danchenko as a source for years for the fbi. continued to use the information that could not be corroborated in fisa applications, and lied to the court doing that, and john durham was supposed to be a special counsel that was put in place to try and bring some accountability to the bureau for having the politics that have
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infected the agency taken out of it respect what he's doing, very thorough, or a conviction or people held accountable, the fbi is really the one that needs to be looked at and cleaned out. although peter struck is no longer there, sent text messages to lisa page about not allowing donald trump to be president, they are no longer there but a lot of people are still working in the bureau in the washington d.c. headquarters who are still there, they can't be trusted not to allow politics to influence their decisions in the future. >> in his closing argument durham said the fbi was always the elephant in the room, said for whatever reason there is a certain mindset agents did not do what they should have done. the fbi mishandled the investigation at issue. the fbi did not do what they should have done. fbi failed here on a number of occasions. that's a refrain we have heard many times in different forms in the past several years. >> he's being generous with his language when he says the fbi
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failed or did not handle it properly. in fact, as we know through text messages and through the inspector general report about two years ago, fbi agents were intent on making sure that president donald trump did not become president. there was political bias that was being injected into crossfire hurricane, by the way then snowballed into a special counsel investigation against president trump and his administration for years into, based on these allegations that he was somehow part of a russian collaboration to steal the election based on the steele dossier, disproven in court but we have known was not true for years. >> john: do you think the durham investigation ends here? >> we'll see. seems like it may, seems just given what they are trying to prove in court, very high bar does not mean there was not a lot of bad information or things that were done that could be potentially corrupt, but it's difficult to prove beyond a
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reasonable doubt to a jury. >> sandra: thank you john and katie. three weeks out from election day, republicans appear to be inching their way toward a sizeable majority in the house. to do that, they will have to turn some key democratic districts red. we will be speaking to one republican candidate who is trying to do just that. illinois republican esther joy king tried to take the seat two years ago but came up short. coming up, her closing pitch to voters she hopes will make sure they come out to vote for her come election day. >> john: new whistleblower documents revealing president biden was aware of his son hunter's business dealings and may have even been involved in some of them. so does he face any legal liability as the investigation into hunter biden heats up? we'll tackle that. >> this is likely just the tip of the iceberg with regards to more shady information about hunter biden's shady business dealings. krer clerxpenses are rising fast
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>> sandra: top story, three weeks to go to election day, our brand-new fox power rankings show republicans solidifying their chances of taking back the house. the race for control of the senate remains neck and neck. our next guest is locked in a tight house race and is focusing her campaign on fighting inflation. esther joy king, republican candidate for illinois 17th congressional district. as a fellow person from illinois, happy to have you on the show and about inflation we are seeing in the state. people are dealing with high gas prices, high food prices everywhere. so, why do you believe that you have been able to make these recent gains with your messaging, and welcome to you. >> thank you so much. you are exactly right. people here across western central and northern illinois are hurting right now. the policies that the biden/pel
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si administration are putting in place are costing families, i just toured an energy supply company discussing heating for homes. costs are up over 20% since the biden administration came into office. i talked with a grandmother last night who supports her son and they have six kids, including three foster children. their food bill has gone up over $600 month over month. families here are hurting and they are ready for change. and what it's creating, creating a grassroots movement in our favor. we are out meeting people every single day and winning this race one vote at a time while my opponent, derek sorenson, employing the biden basement strategy but that's the only thing that gives him a shot. when people find out how radical his policies are, he's a climate change advocate, they don't want
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to support that and that's why the momentum is ours in this race. >> john: when you fought the race against the incumbent democratic congressman who is retiring this year, you lost by four points. so a marginal swing in support could put you over the top. and what we have noticed in just the past little while is a huge swing in sentiment among independent women voters. put it on the screen, women voters in september favored democrats by 14 points. now that has swung to 18 points to the good for republican candidates. that is in anybody's books a huge swing. it seemed as though the dobbs decision at the end of june, beginning of july, brought a lot of independent women to the democratic side but now swinging back to bread and butter issues. >> you are exactly right. when i'm talking with even
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democratic voters, democrat, independents and republicans, we know we deserve better than we are getting out of washington, d.c. i am working hard, out on the trail every single day meeting people, knocking on doors, we are talking to thousands of voters every single day in our campaign and people are suffering with the cost of living going up and they know we deserve better than what we are getting. and my opponent will be a rubber stamp for those very policies that are costing them money and when we meet them and talk to them, they are coming our way ten times out of ten. so it's pretty exciting to be a part of this red wave and to not just -- not just be a part of it but to help create it. if anyone wants to be a part with our campaign, they can go to esther for, volunteer, donate, and help us flip this district to republican. >> sandra: and want the viewers to know, we have invited your opponent, eric sorenson also on
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the program, have not heard back from his campaign or team but he's welcome to join us as well. i want to point this out, politico makes this point as well, your district, the 17th in illinois, includes the populus rockford and quad cities areas in the northwestern region of illinois. notable as one of the few areas that elected a democrat to congress while also backing donald trump in 2016 and 2020. obviously that is notable. but i highlight the region for our viewers there. what i want to point out is that knowing illinois very, very well as i grew up there, a lot of these folks are raised in these areas to then go off to work in the big city, in chicago, and right now chicago is experiencing unbelievable crime rates and the mayor there is having a hard time getting control of that crime. how big of an issue is that for you in your race?
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>> it is very critical. so top of mind because here in the state of illinois, the state legislature passed a law called the safety act, which i am -- implements no bail, crime is about to spike because of laws at the state level. top of mind for people i talk to. i went to a ymca family day a couple weekends ago. every single mom, i talked to about 40 moms at the event. when i asked what matters to you, the first word out of their mouth was crime. so my campaign, what we are running on is a strong economy and safe communities. i'm proud to be endorsed by the illinois fraternal order of police, 34,000 law enforcement officers said we support esther, my opponent has made disparaging remarks on facebook just lambasting the police and so they know the only chance we have at safe communities is supporting my campaign.
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so i'm proud to have that support. >> john: miss king, the democrats have been critical of you on the abortion issue. they claim that you support a national abortion ban with no exceptions. but that's not true. >> even cnn fact checked that is not true. when i have cnn on my side telling the democrats they are lying you know you are doing something right. so we are proud to be running a strong campaign across northern, central, western illinois, and when i get to congress i look forward to being a champion of voice for people of our part of the state, whether it's rockford, the quad cities, peoria, bloomington normal and everywhere in between, and they know i'm the person to do it and the momentum is all ours in this campaign and if anyone wants to join, >> sandra: thanks for talking with us. we'll be watching. >> john: president biden has repeatedly denied he talked to
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his son hunter about his dealings overseas. a whistleblower says that may not be true. >> sandra: president biden says the pandemic is over. seems not all democrats got the message. gavin newsom not letting up on restrictions just yet. if not now, when? and why the wait? >> we have plenty of staff in the hospitals, plenty of beds. it's completely backwards. like crying wolf when it's unnecessary and you know, again i feel bad there are so many restrictions when it's harmful to everyone.ds wasn't good. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt. so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate.
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>> john: eye opening whistleblower documents reportedly claiming president biden was aware of hunter biden's dealings in china and ukraine and may have been involved in some of them. >> an official at the fbi confirms they have received a
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letter from senator chuck grassley who has this new information but is declining further comment. the top republican on senate judiciary credits whistleblowers for coming forward with this new information. grassley says whistleblower documents says president biden was aware of hunter biden's business dealings and may have been involved in some of them. grassley sent a letter to the attorney general, fbi director and the u.s. attorney for delaware, and asking what the dog, fbi and others have done to investigate. the president has denied involvement in or knowledge of his son's business dealings but a former business partner says joe biden in business terms was acting like a chairman. >> the facts matter and the american people deserve to know them, and verify them, and ask their senators and congressmen to verify them and hold the biden family and the current
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administration accountable for them. to this day, two years, joe biden has yet to be asked, did he ever meet with me. >> gop lawmakers are promising oversight if the republicans win back majority. the white house is declining comment and referred us to the justice department. >> john: interesting to see what happens if republicans take control of the house. >> all kinds of hearings, investigations, if it happens. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: deadly violence targeting police as the crime crisis spirals out of control. the next guest says one law passed by democrats that explains a lot of what we are seeing. hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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>> sandra: murder of two police officers in connecticut underscoring the rising danger law enforcement faces all over this country. more than 50 officers have been shot and killed this year alone. our next guest says one of the reasons for this is a law passed by democrats that has not gotten a lot of attention but claims is putting more illegal guns on our streets. john capinski is president of the connecticut fraternal order of police and joins us now. wish it was on a better note. the crime is all too common right now. >> dustin and alex were
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exemplary officers. they are the type of officers that every department would like to have. they donated their time, their own time away from their families to the police explorers. these are gentlemen taken away in the prime of their life and it's just terrible. >> sandra: so sad. >> some of the reasons on why this happened, you have to go back to the george floyd era when that was going on. legislatures were like high school kids on tiktok, everybody else is doing it so we have to do it. they passed an anti-police bill in a five-day period at 5:30 in the morning they voted on it. but this is what happens when you pass a bill like this. some of the things in this bill, it took away consent searches from police officers. which is given to you by the supreme court. we can no longer conduct a consent search in connecticut. one of the reasons when i asked why are we doing this, they advised me that well, that's how you are arresting everybody, so we stopped that practice.
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it is illegal for me to ask you do you have any drugs or weapons in your car? do you mind if i search? before i had the ability if you said ok, now that's gone. >> sandra: seems senseless. if it's a consent search, they have taken away the ability to do even that. >> and again, it's with our new body cameras they also made us have on, so there's no question people consented to that search. >> sandra: i just want to put on the screen so people know the absolutely horrific numbers we are dealing with here each and every one of them, police officers killed by intentional gunfire in this year alone, 53 so far. 2021, for the entire year, 62. we have almost reached number now. 2016, 64. police officers are talking about this, as you can imagine. the morale is way down. >> there is no morale at this
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point. >> if you know the conflict police are encountering, folks are not obeying the police. we need to revamp the criminal justice system. >> heartbreaking every day you hear an officer either shot and injured or shot and killed in the line of duty. it has to stop. the defund the police movement is the worst thing that ever created. endangering the community and the officers lives. >> you got cut off saying there is no morale. >> there is no morale at this point, demonized by politicians back to obama and it has continued on. and you cannot do that to the police and expect nothing to happen. >> sandra: john, we hope things can improve, we know you are fighting for the officers. >> thank you for having me. >> john: new at 2:00, a bleak prediction from bloomberg's economic's model, now says a recession is a foregone conclusion.
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many americans forced to balance their budgets and cut costs like we are already in one. andy pudzer argues a gop victory will help get the economy back on track. and bret baier, morgan ortagus on threats from china and a former levi executive fighting back against corporate wokeness. all that and more as "america reports" rolls on. like #6 the boss. pepperoni kicks it off. with meatballs smothered in rich marinara. don't forget the fresh mozzarella. don't you forget who the real boss is around here. it's subway's biggest refresh yet. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health.
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