tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 20, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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scottsdale and arizona hosting a town haldale, arizl with terre and republican senate candidate blake masters. >> that's this coming monday, i 9:00 eastern. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left thisr ma evening. >> thank you for making this show possible. poin the meantime, let not your heart be troubled.not laura's next. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. wee you bai'm laura ingraham ans is the ingraham angle fromam ans washington tonight. thanks for joining us . the return of the branch davidian. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> yes, it is almost halloween . and the branch comedians are back and they're coming for your kids. just when you thought your family was safe , backed by facts and common sense, the ghouls at the cdc are at it again. with their campaign of medical terror bombing site.
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now, it doesn't matter that our medical professionals were wrong about lockdown's wrong about the vaccine stopping transmission, wrong about natural immunity and wrong about shutting down the schools. they still want to control you. these people are shameless. today, an advisory panel to the centers for disease control voted 15 to zero to add the covid-19 vaccine to the vaccines for children program. now, the vaccine, as it's called, is a federally funded program that provides free vaccines to families who can't afford them. this now paves a way for what is likely a foregone conclusion, adding a vaccine to the list of vaccines required for school admission. now, in other words,
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the covid-19 vaccine would be on the same list for most states as like measles, polio, et cetera. that vote will take place tomorrow. now, this is quite literally insane. and should be challenged in court immediately. this could mean millions of children across the country could be denied school because of a vaccine they don't need. and as we've documented in great detail, any benefits that healthy young people get from the waning immunity of this vaccine is outweighed by all the risks that are involved. dr. aseem malhotra, the renowned british cardiologist who joined us last night, issued a warning. >> i find it very difficult to believe that pfizer senior executives and pfizer scientists didn't know when it was being rolled out because they have access to the raw data, which we now show significant harm. its own investigation will reveal this eventually. it probably should never have been rolled out in the first place. but this is perhaps
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the greatest miscarriage of medical science attack, democracy, damage to population health and erosion of trust. in medicine that we will witness in our lifetime. they need to act now and stop this from continuing to cause more harm. >> the latest vaccine should be stopped altogether. he's right, and republican governors need to step up to protect their children from this insidious onslaught from big pharma, which is infected and corrupt. did our public health sector we're talking about children here. florida surgeon general is already on it. i love this. now, parents are waking up. they're waking up to a lot of the fraud that's been perpetrated on america in the past few years from what they're forcing into the minds of children and the school curricula and now and what they're threatening to force into the bodies of our children despite parental objections. >> now, remember, these people are pro-choice about abortion. and drugs, but on everything
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else, they want to make all your family's big decisions. they'll push mandates and issue emergency regs. and when you don't comply, they'll punish you, they'll shame you and they'll try to exclude you. now, speaking of big fat bullies, illinois governor j.b. pritzker should offer a master class on how to abuse executive authority. he just extended covid emergency in his state through november 12th. >> after the election. of course. now, this means that when the latest order ends, pritzker will have held emergency powers for nine hundred and seventy five of his thirteen hundred and ninety eight days in office, or 70% of his term. and while he did drop some testing requirements, he also expanded the state's marzook recommendations to include everyone. if you can't socially dist., regardless of vaccination status, well, it used to be a recommendation for only the unvaccinated, no longer.
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now, pritzker power grab came up in last night's debate with republican challenger darrin bailey. right now, it's looking like your emergency orders are going to last longer than the afghan war. >> and governor, he did something embarrassing since you're making illinois look embarrassed. >> i watched this entire exchange, pritzker same kind of hangry. he had no real facts, no real argument, only wild claims and the usual fear mongering. >> it was darrin bailey when we had no vaccinations available. there were telling people in lasalle county and all across the state not to wear masks. even if your boy had been governor of a state during the worst parts of covid, tens of thousands more people would have died. >> isn't that what anthony fauci told people not to do? not don't bother with masks left. dgb really cared about saving lives. he would have urged people to get healthy, maybe take vitamin d three , maybe some zinc, maybe lower their bmi, for instance. we knew early on that obesity,
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hypertensive disorder, diabetes, diabetes, where some of the most common covid comorbidities, but the left was never happier right than when everyone was wearing masks. and you got a bonus, by the way, bonus points when you were wearing a mask and looting or ripping down a statue in public. in fact, they're already getting ready for the next pandemic. here's what the atlantic is celebrating. we've gone from bandanas. basically, they're fine. remember that to double layer cloth masks to surgical masks. and now in ninety fives, but oh no, ninety five . those are old now. we're apparently supposed to believe that ninety five are pretty good, but they're not the best. you can't make this up. well since none of this makes sense, what are these people really after. what do they really want. i'll tell you what they want. they want you to sit down, shut up, take the endless shots, mask and get used to living with a of a lot less. but as usual, they're always
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watching out for their bottom lines because none of what we just documented here shakes your faith in the medical cartel run out of washington. maybe a new bombshell report in the wall street journal tonight will change your mind as all of you were left in the dark about china's new coronavirus. officials in washington were busy dumping stock. one of the most egregious examples, even if not technically barred by federal ethics rules, comes from one of anthony fauci. his top deputies hew options us now. according to the wall street journal, on january twenty fourth, four days after the cdc publicly reported the first confirmed us covid-19 infection, he summed up the state of his agency in an email saying new coronavirus all the time. that same day, while the stock market remained lofty, dr. auchincloss reported selling fifteen thousand to fifty thousand of a stock mutual fund. days later, he sold to
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more mutual funds in a stock that, of course, that was just the beginning. now, the nih knew that things were getting more serious and so did the stock trades. on the last day of january , an email sent to dr. auchincloss and his boss, dr. fauci , signaled the severity of the threat. the good doctor disclosed sales of mutual funds that day totaling between one hundred and eleven thousand dollars and three hundred and fifteen thousand dollars in value. his january sales amounted to the largest number of transactions he had reported for a single month since 2018. so when they're not controlling you, they're getting rich off your suffering. i just don't think americans are going to vote for more of this in three weeks. and that's the angle. >> joining me now is dr. harvey riesch, epidemiology professor emeritus at yale school of public health. doctor , good to see you tonight. how damaging will this what we assume to be the passage of
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the new cdc recommendation on vaccines for schools? b , when they add the covid 19 vaccine for children? >> oh, good to be with you, laura . i think this is kind of a difficult question to answer, because what you have is a trade off between children who would be harmed from being vaccinated from covid versus children who would be harmed from the vaccines. we already know that the risk of mortality, according to cdc data from the through the end of september, 2020 one was mortality was zero point zero zero three percent, very small, three and one hundred thousand, whereas it would be approximately tenfold larger . that number of myocarditis cases that would occur in the same number of children who were vaccinated. so that's the tradeoff. it's not common. myocarditis is not that common
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,but it happens. and if you vaccinate to 20 million or 50 million children, you're going to get a lot of cases and those cases will suffer and their families will suffer. and you don't need to do that. we already know that the benefit is in the direction of not getting vaccinated. the risk is more in the direction of getting vaccinated. so the tradeoff is what's your public health policy? the public health policy is clearly that you don't mandate vaccines. and furthermore, we already know that there's no reason to mandate vaccines because the cdc has said the vaccines don't prevent transmission. so there's no government interest in mandating these of these particular vaccines at all. it's a treatment and that should be a person's choice to take or not and should never be mounded. you can't mandate it. it doesn't satisfy the jacobson case criteria for a compelling state interest. >> there's no grounds to mandate this. yeah. dr. malhotra, from the uk last night was just he was beside himself. i mean, he was a big proponent, i think, of the vaccine early
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on . and he said beyond myocarditis, there are all sorts of other concerns about how this vaccine was ultimately rolled out. the data that they knew was there was kind of ignored. and he thinks, i mean, the entire thing should be revisited. that's how serious he thinks it is . >> i agree with that. completely. i think that the whole thing needs to be revisited empirically. objectively, with real evidence, revealed evidence of what the pharma companies have as their data, what we know about them and what we've observed over the last two, two and a half years. >> dr. spinous covid response coordinator says that he knows how to prevent all covered deaths. >> now, watch. we're monitoring this very closely. these sub variants are concerning. covid is still with us. covid is not over. almost all those stats, wolf, are wholly preventable. people got the vaccine. >> we can drive those deaths down to zero. really getting a fourth or fifth booster shot is going to prevent all death.
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>> dr. reisz know it's going to lead to antibody dependent enhancement and will make people after when the vaccines fail and then the increased risk of getting covid, it will increase risk looking in the british data, the the brits actually reveal their real data . unlike us americans, the cdc and other agencies don't reveal the data, but the british do. and it shows that the mortality in triple vaccinated individuals is higher than unvaccinated people. >> it's very clear a doctor , it should've been coming on the show, i think, for more than two years. >> i think every time you come on , you get better and better. >> thank you so much. great to see you tonight. thank you. >> i have stood my whole life for women exercise their rights, especially the reproductive rights. we've got to make sure that illinois is a haven for women all across our state. so that they can exercise those rights. boy, did they get excited when they think they can kill more babies. and in case you were wondering if the democrats could get any more ghoulish over the issue of
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abortion, i present democratic georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams. >> while abortion is an issue, nowhere reaches the level of interest of voters in terms of the cost of gas, food, bread, milk, things like that. but let's be clear, having children is why you're worried about your price for gas. it's why you're concerned about how much food cost for women. this is not a reductive issue. you can't divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child. joining me now, georgia governor brian camp. governor , great to see tonight . now, now, children are just numbers. apparently dollar signs. how is that going to play in the eighth most religious state in a country? >> well, good evening, laura . thank you for having me on . it's just unreal how out of touch that stasia rooms and joe biden and a lot of other democrats around the country
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are to be saying such things as this when 60% of american people right now are living paycheck to paycheck. and this is the top issue for the president and for stacey abrams this week. it's why i continue to talk about 40 year high inflation caused by disastrous policies in washington, d.c., disastrous domestic energy policy in our country that has caused high gas prices. and we've been fighting to help georgians fight through all those bad policies in washington, d.c. and they keep saying ridiculous things like this. well, i think we now see that the democrats agenda consists of more abortion, more pot, probably more . and more discussion of january 6th. that's kind of it. i mean, they can't point to anything else that's worked and that hasn't worked either, obviously. >> well, you know, laurice,
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as those type of things, it's also attacking our records because they don't want to talk about their own record . certainly the record of this president , they don't want to talk about the things that i just mentioned, inflation, gas taxes, the disaster at the border. i mean, i've seen that with my own eyes four times. we still have dorce, georgia national guard troops down there. >> you have a president and a person like stacey abrams that supports his agenda, that wants to hire eighty seven thousand more hours but won't send more people to the border. this president promised not to do a vaccine mandate, and he did one he promised not to raise taxes on middle and working americans in this country. and he's done that after promising he would not. >> where is our agenda here has been the past and the largest state income tax cut in our state's history. last year, refunding a billion dollars of taxpayer money to help put more pocket into hard work in jordan's wallet and pocketbooks. >> so they can deal with high
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food prices when they go to the grocery store. >> governor , do you think you'll be able to give significant boost to herschel walker? obviously, his campaign has had some controversy, to say the least, as has warnock's. but it's obviously an incredibly important senate seat for the direction the country, the conservative movement, growth in america, safety. >> how confident are you about his chances? >> well, it kind of rehearsals race like a hard hitting football game. you know, he took some early licks in the first and second quarter, came out of halftime, regrouped, took a few shots in the third quarter. but it seems like the other team starting to wear out the million. >> i think ours is going to have a strong fourth quarter. i'm helping guard with our whole ticket. we've got a ground game like people really in over a decade . we're knocking doors.
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we did that in the primary, which is very successful for us . but also the race is moving away from the democreople that e living week will be 70% of the people across the country that feel like their paychecks, not keeping up with joe biden's inflation. they're getting more centered on those issues and not on things that the democrats are trying to distract with . >> and that's what we're talking to about. you people don't support defunding the police like stacey abrams wants to do or any cash bail. she's written down in her walk on those issues to laugh. >> yeah, well, governor , you opened your state before any of the other states that were temporarily closed. and for that, i will never forget that you did that. that was you helped lead the way on that issue. and that was so important. thank you. so much, governor . we appreciate it. and up next, we examine joe biden's destructive and self-serving move on depleting america's strategic petroleum reserves. it's not a wonky issue. it affects your future. plus, missouri attorney general
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eric schmitt is here with some breaking news. stay 25% is the most protected person in the country. money laundering, illegal foreign lobbying. you have the laptop infamous big guy email. the son of the vice president is doing deals funded by the chinese government. there are so many pieces of evidence the he has ignored because they want to joe biden elected president . ladies and gentlemen of the jury, i am here to defend joe biden who were attempting to influence policy. objection, your honor. let's look at photographs. this is what i think of these photographs. you really have no way of knowing what was said between him and these people. and he committed bribery. cyrano, where he's going to try my case, try not to lose it. but this time the prosecution
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>> right now, the strategicpetrl petroleum reserveum e is strate petroleum reserve is more thanwi half full, with about 400 million barrels of oil. that's more than enough for anyc emergency drawdowny , he mumbled through that. what he didn't mention is that h the strategic petroleum reserveo is now at its lowest point in 40 years. now, replenishing it is goinglot to take a lot of time and costca americans a boatload of money. . but he doesn't care.he doesn does he even understand where he is ? whe rethe main point is that thiss t is not what the reserve was made for now. c it was conceived to protect all americans in an emerging crisis, not the democratic joininof theg now is steve mill, former trump epa transition member, founder of junk sciencfe .com. e no o steve , sincnee no one else in the media will , we're going to take the audience through a few statements biden made today at his big energy talk and then we're going to fact check him. let's begithem.n with this. >> my administration has not
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stopped or slowed u.s. autoe thp production. quite the oppositeposite. oil a you can increase oil and gason production now while still moving full speed ahead to accelerate our transition to clean energy. >> steve , is that true? that's that's totally false. from day one , he shut down pipelines. he has shut down leasingg on f on federal lands. he's got the federal reserveng t trying to stop lending to the oil industry. he's threatening the oil threati industry with price gouging investigations, criminalvestigat investigations. democrat congress is doingl the same thing. democratic cnghe's shutting dowt terminals. he's shutting down oil storage facilities. downhe is doing everything he cn to shut the oil industry down to discourage drilling. >> well, biden also leveledcritc another criticism >> my message to the americanoms energy companies is this. you should is notth be using your profits to buy back stock or for dividends. not
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not while a war is raging. >> steve , is that happening? t >> is that what's going on ? i well, you know, he has discouraged oil drilling, so much oil productio n, so muchanies are ac that oil companies areg actually buying back their stock, which is already at record prices. so what does that say whener buy they would rather buy oil, which is also at very high? prices? i mean, he is doin oil pring to encourage oil production. >> he's doing everything toer discourage it. and byything also resorted stevo his favorite scapegoat for high prices. >> watch us . i have been doing everything inc my power to reduce gas priceses since putin's invasion of ukraine. nazcaused these price hikes, te prices to spike and rattleand rt international oil markets. >> the coughing came. so he's done everything in hishs power to reduce gas prices.. and also, what's your best co is actually contributing to these high prices?
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>> yeah, he's done nothing. e we went through earlier the list of things he's not done and the strategic petroleum gambit that's notuc reducing the price of oiing thl although he's taking credit fori it. all it's doing is going to makse americans pay more for gas, for oil later as he has tohas to replenish. we need that strategic petroleum reserve for actual emergencies. we nnot just reelecting democrae >>le and jusctint to get back ts point, there have been no offshore lease sales, right, since he he's been in office for for oil, no offshore leases at all. >> he's he he has completely shut down leasing. they've been in court aboutt abt this. t gott they have not gotten it straight yet, but they are notni encouraging any sort of drilling despite the fact that they got joe manchin to agreeret to that inflation reduction act with the promise of more oil iol drillingdrilling. >> but that's not happening now, lucy, and the football on that, steve , great to see.k.
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>> thank you. issue and on the issue of energy, this just breaking today. >> nineteen republican led states are launching antioni investigation into six large us banks tnto examine their involvement in something called the united nations net a zero banking alliance. now, the bank served our bank of america, citigroup, goldman sachs, jp morgan, wells fargo,ag and morgan stanley. now, leading this investigation is missouri attorney general eric schmitt, who says the un's environmental social governancer policies require banks to set carbon dioxide emission reduction targets in portfolios. >> but of course, that's all very subjective. ating us now is in missouri, attorney general and missouri senate candidate eric schmitt. mr. attorney general, your state's already divestedpe your state pension funds. over these esg concerns, which is fantastic.
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explain how this move today represents the next step. >> so missouri's leading that investigation, as you said, laura , with 18 other states into the into the six of the largest financialncial in institutions in the world for this net zero bankinstn theg al, which is in partnership with the united nations, with the stated goal par of havo a carbon neutral portfolio by twentn neutray fifty .d to and that might sound good to the coastal elites. it might sound good on som. e a term paper at harvard or maybe even some white paper ate paper a liberal think tank. but for the rest of america,t this stinks to high heaven, not to scare the bejesus out of outo everybody, because here's what it really means. itf or credi means that for creditwy applicants who happen to be inol the oil and gas industry or the coal industry or autos manufacturing industry or agrichar culture where they have diesel vehicles or cows that emit, you know, the the the stench thats everybody is complaining about that pollutes the pollutes the world. i suppose they think it means that they're going to shut down lending and make everything expn
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more expensive. and that's a real and , you know, this is thiss is nefarious. we've launched thious.shave i investigation. we've now issued subpoenas because what they'resssubpoenasn do is essentially shut down lending to creditworthy applicants because they don' welct check some box on a wolke bingo card. >> these are these. and laura, this is 40 percent of of the banking assets in the united states . this is not small potatoes. l ps i mean, these are the bigl financial institutions. we've launched this investigatioinstitutionsinstitns a lot of legal issues at play, l including antitrust issuesot and unfair lending practices. when i saw this, okay, thisth is where the rubber meets the road. this is exactly what needse rubo happen. but you do have peopleyou do hav defending esg practices out there. e expo we've exposesed it on the ungrammatical, but others, including multibeam and airs on cnbc, watch. cnbc. >> anyone who says that climateh shouldn't be a factor in a how you evaluate the future of a company you know is .
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and that's not capitalism because companies that have emissions, they are going to be subject to border adjustment tariffs or taxes. if you're dealing with severeths weather events, that's got g too be factored intore your response to this argument from gates. g >> all they're doing is shifting these jobs to china. i mean, that's. the reallyth what's happening, right, is we've got all the energy we'll ever need right under our feet. the united states is they're going to shift this all thes t ale jobs to buil china is not going to stop building coal fired plants. reco record pace. >> that's not going to slow down. all we're doin ag is doingre doa long term basis what we're doing on a short term basis, on american energy and inflation. laura is not some act ofamericn. it's not a tornado. it's not a hurricane. it said there's actually a formula. ions a turns oundt if you spend trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars triloue war on american energy, the prices go up go up o
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on everything. king and what this net zero banking alliance will do in the long is more of that on hyperspeed at mr. attorney ,m i'm already hearing from folks in the oil and gas industry that money is already dried up. the big banks already are notaro lending to oil and gas companies. correct. and they're losing hundreds ofms millions of dollars in potential investments. so they're they're pullingstmen. the money out of the industry in an act of almost domestic doi warfare, economic warfare against one of the engines of our economy, one of the main drivers of our economy. n driverand great american jobsn inexpensive energy. and i'll tell you, winter is coming here in the midwest. in missouri, people star.t utility rates are going toh th be through the roof and people are starting to see it.are se you're seeing blackouts inein europe. you're going to see this winte r the idea of having rollinge idea blackouts in the united states of americollinga, the mot powerful country in the world, is totally nuts in itself. inflicted. bid it's coming from the bush.
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administration now. it's coming from these woke bankit's coms. and we need to stand up and we need to push back and say we're not going to do this towhich is why we've launched this investigation, because the left is going to do what they could never get done legislatively, which is stuff like this. >> yeah, well, we've got tot to. pull the money back from these banks. that's what we've got to do. mr. attorney ,thank yo luc genek you and good luck. on the trail now, a new documentary, joe biden's firsto. year hits hbo. but is it going to help at all? the deta >> raymond arroyo is here with all the details and our own documenter next. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep. you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep you need to stay healthy unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it. it helps you to follow your sleep, stay asleep
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some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spent time at camp lejeune before in 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing to three one zero forty two hundred. that's eight hundred three one zero forty two hundred. it's time for our seen and unseen segment where weexple explore the cultural stories of the day. and for that we turnes of th tox news contributor, author of the best selling the wise men have found christmas, raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, tellabou b us about that big nouvioniden documenter that just dropped laura . >> hbo has unveiled i a perplexing film. it's called year one ar one of political odyssey, and it
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focuses on biden's first yearthh in the white house. naturally, it starts with january 6th concerns. >> there janua is the huge secuy issues and fears after january six and a lot of steps and precautions that were being taken. couldn' we couldn't even get close enough to drive here on ourn thu first he though it's meant to help laura just before the midterms, i'm not sure reminding people the biden covid restrictions that destroyed kids educationctionsst his afghanistan withdrawal is going to end up beingan it'se positive. t >> it's time to end the war. >> biden's cabinet, not stupid people.they and they got this really wel go i think they got more than thato wrong. relaura , the problem with thist documentary is like so many ofam these things, bideany ofn is ab, he's not interviewed, and they conveniently skip over the immigration crisis as well as the colvert difficultn immigt and inflation. the two major burning issues. ou rnthis midterm election.
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>> these never do anything.>> these these documentaries aredoe always just major puff pieces, unlessnt it's about trump and then they slam them. so it doesn't it doesn't mean people are living the nightmare right now. so this glossy view of his first year in office really doesn't kind of cut to our core because people are living the inflation and the crime and everything that's going on because of it. and so they don't need to seet h yeah, they don't needbo hbo documentaries to tell them how they feel. >> and the they feel. other thing is last year, one , a political odyssey, which is what thisy, wi is calchl it misses so much tham we decided we would createuce o our own mini documentary abidance. >> year one , here i documentary t is . if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for mayor, trumyp and you a black, my whole soul is in this. bringing america together, uniting our people. of a person-to-person oh, we are in
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a battle for the soul. >> of america. we will win. where are the united states of america? and there's nothing beyond our capacity nothing. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. than k i'm sorry. i'm sorry. b that could be the ultimate signa of law. this could be calledte 2020 one .1 a political space oddity. that's wha pot i think we'rethey eve dealing with here.hey eve why would they even make a documentary though? this first year?f th just do a puff piece of the party held or something. i mean , this would be a little bit like creating a documentarya maiden voyage, the first
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sailing of the titanic. i mean, why do you do this? why would you do that? i would have him just like as the end. ave if we want to tweak the ending, you know, when we have the big v premiere party, he shoule d have him on one of his stage left and then right and then he hasir been doing that robotic thing for a while. so tryinobg to let you do this, that'll be the ingram . that'll be the t. will get on tv. okay, later. good.oble yeah.m here the big problem here and you see it in some of those clips,os you've seen it over the lastips, two years. the presiden t, it is clearlyd by t being managed and choreographed by the white house teaheitm. t y and the problem is they're not very good at what they do. for instance, the president'st digital team attempted togi produce a piece toutintal teamgo the ease of biden's studentan loan forgiveness program. well, a little piece of advice to them. if you're going to add sound to, the president typing on his phone, it helps if his his fingf are actually moving.
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this is so fraudulent. when i saw his typing once and he took it. but we have to we obtained a little bit of behind the scene footage from that clip from another anglom anothe >> watch this. here he is typing what it all makes sense, i guess. >> you know, candy crush is cane be challenged. there is no way he can do candy crush. okay, it's not cold.cand that's not cold. candy that gamuse is called economy crush. h. is call economyor you just keee the oil barrels off and the economy collapse. >> is a fun game.we wil we're going tol try out and we all get to suffer a result. th had a little trouble at the big speech on energy today. he seemed to lack the energy needed for the energy speech. so that was all he did say i'm sorry. he did say i'm sorry at the ende of that other so apology accepted. america being a liberal bidenerl member of the biden family means never having to sayy
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you're really sorry for what you're doing. but, raymonde, great to see and congrats again on the book. all right. book. file this under hilarious irony . a new pollnew findspoll that no one cares about january six .ve and further, many believe threatdemocr to democracy. obviously, they're watchingac congressman jim jordan, charlie cook, react to these delicious findings next. >> hi, folks. it's the medicare annual enrollment period. >> and this year it's simple one before the deadline. call the number below to check your zip code for a medicare advantage plan with prescribed dental care and the benefit that adds money. back to your social security check every month. three , you'll find what you're eligible for. aep has a deadline call. now, i called to find a plan that covers more of my dental expenses. i call every year to make sure my doctor is still in my plan. i call it to find a plan with lower co-pays. i called to see if my zip code
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spent all this lady. thanks together coveringc the public phase of the januarye 6th committee hearings, democracy shot to the top of the list and not just democratic voters, but independent voters as a top tier issue. we haven't seen that it voten a generation. >> donald trump and republicans who follow him aregenerati, in , a threat to democracy. oh, well, sorry to dash your hopes there, but tobut new poll findings show americanngs finds totally tunedt these loans. washington post reporter aaron blake seemed very sad to tweet the following. despite the january 6t h hearing, the many gop election deniers running, et cetera, just 52% of voters, 23% of independents view the gop as ass major threat to democracy. in fact, more independents actually view the democratew ths as a threat to democracy,ad though they said, wow, it surprises them that the party wants to expand the supremert court. . theythey want to get rid of
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the filibuster.o get rid of they want the electoral college goneectoral co. and he's surprised that they'reo the true threat to democracy. dbut there's another poll that will upset aaron and all his friends. friends.the same "new york timea poll found that more voters view the media as a threat to democracy than any politician or any political party. >> a whopping 84% didn't trumpen call him the enemy of the people. joining me now is ohio congressman jim jordan, rankingh member of house judiciary,e as well as charlie kirk, er o founder of turning point usa,f author of the college scam. congressman, i thinkcong the american peoplree were justd treated by the democrats th be led along by the nose, regardless of how bad the economy got, that everyone would hang liz cheney's every word. but it seems like people wereler just bored by her in the end. >> yeah, i think you're right. i think the american people have common sense and the american people understand e as polling as these recent polls point out, that it'sout is the democrats who are a threat
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to democracy. you did the list democra, laura. they've kicked republicans off. committee won't let us serve on select committees and active proxy voting, trying to in t the electoral college, trying to end the filibuster, trying to pack the court. most importantly, they've weaponized the justice departmentwe to go afterl their political opposition. that is a huge threat toe threat democracy, a huge threat to the first amendment. and never forget, two years ago this month, the fbi wass invo involved in suppressinglv the number one story that would have made a difference in the presidential election. our most importantn th electionn when they had than whent and they went and talked tota facebook and facebooo k and theo on one trusts suppressed the hunter biden storyts suppr t days before a presidential contest. so the american peopletest alwas get it right. they know that's the real threat to democracy, not republicans who are fighting for the bill of rights.s fi the constitution, the first amendment. >> now, charlie, we played som something from this reallysnbc weird cat on msnbc yesterday, but we actually missed something else.this. >> he said this scary thing right now is that the people as
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who want to end liberal democracy as we know it inica an america and who don't want to include who would rather break t the republicher and share it, they are offering a vision that reads to many americans as morea welcoming and more inviting and morend fun, frankly. and the people who areho are o on the pro-democracy side trying to build a better m >> cha charlie, this is all they have. if you can make heads or tails o of that logic. yeah, i actually agree with part of it. i mean, our side is more fun. i mean, we smile. as we don't take ourselves as seriously. we don't scold our political opponents. but he's right in the sense that, you know, our ranks are increasing. you look aidatt the candidates e kerry, lake blake masters, jadei vance. huge crowds and there's this young energizing movement that dem the democrats are not able to match and including thist of massive shift of hispanics to th the conservative republican movement. and you could already seese they're kind of beginningeginni the groundworkng, a foundation a
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what their excuse is going toit be . and i can't wait to hear it on election night or the days that follow. th is they hate democracy. wait a second. you mean the people that hatehao democracy got more votes thanve the people love democracy? how does that one work exactly?p i think the whole poinoit ofy to >> i .> i cong when the wrong people vote .he but, congressman, they really they don't want people tohe really vote , do they ? matter. not on the issues that matter. because when the issue of abortion went back to the states , they're like, you can'theyt do that. that's anti woman. that's anti democracy. woman how is that anti democracy? o ka kansas decided to keep abortion. other states will choose differentlchoosey. they don't want that choice.ies. yeah, not when it comes to baby . and they don't know a great point, laura . in the end, they don't trustt ts the people who get in electivetn office. they want the experts making the scientists want fauci running our lives. they don't want the folks wan who get elected by wet th the people who under our constitutional system are supposed to make the laws and supposed to enact things.
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that's that's th our constitutional system. and those are the individuals directly accountable to we the people, to the american people. they don'tn people want that.e el they want the , quote, elitesn c in dc who think they're so muchy better a than us to drink their twelve dollar cups of coffee, want to run our lives.o. they want them on in things,not not the folks whose names goes on the ballot and get elected to office. that's going to change, i think, on november eight . i think in twenty daysmerican the american people are going to put in office. people are going to fight for the values and principles they care about. and that make our countryplace t the special place that it is . and charlie, really quickly, ele native american senator elizabeth warren, she thinks democrats are doing just fine. doin fine.i think that we have y strong message as democratsave y on the economy, particularly upe against republicans who can do nothing but shout and have no ideas on abortion. on the ballot in twenty , twenty two . democracy is also on the ballot in 2020 two. they are the ones who arey at r putting our democracy at >> that's their bumper sticker., democracy at risk. d charlie, is it going to work
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real quick? yeahwi, yeah.n bost good luck. maybe in boston, if you'ref you making an academic argument, it's not goinge to work the muscularly class inle our country. it's not going to work with day people that are getting crushed by inflation, crime and an open, border. and i'll just sa y one thing in closing here. thing in elizabeth warren, she is a perfect examplcl e. ack of the lack of honesty ofemocratic the democrat party, they are going to lose becausel they can'tlose bec admit they'vd things up and voters hates being told thinghingss are goodn they are awful. >> well, they're inauthentic, right from the dna on our. and charlie, good to see you to vote . all right. fs the trutinalh it i kid you not. happe it happened. the last bite we'll tell you about it sounds like fun. >> hi. j.j. is back because this is important. do you know of your medicare advantage plan? benefits are changing this year. are your cost and co-pays going up? is your doctor still covered during the annual enrollment? you can call to find out all
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that is it for us tonight. we have a big announcement tomorrow night on the ingram angle. it stay with s. set your dvr so you always stay connected as well. thank you for watching. remember, it is america now and forever. this is all on the line in november >> todd: president biden hoping to move the needle for senate candidate john fetterman 19 days out from election day. you are watching "fox & friends first." i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. this tenant raises one of the most important with the upper house on the line. dr. mehmet oz now pulling within the margin o
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