tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 21, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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one of the three. anyway, monday, we will be i n the great state of arizona fore a hannity town hall with senate e candidate blake masters. he's down by one gubernatorial candidate, carrie lake. , up by three. that is cominge on monday.yo ad we hope you'll join us and set n your dvr so you never, ever,f ever miss an episode of hannityd . unfortunately, that is all the time we have left. but the good news is , let not your heart be troubled. there she is , laura ingraham, ready to crush. >> as always, how are you? i'm good. you're cheery. how are you? >> you should have seen what was just happening in here. okay, like people swirling around. well, i can't. i'm trying to hear you. i think i can hear you. but now we just had a swirl of activity. it's like, you know, the tin man and the wizard of oz. you had to like, brush him up before he went out. we had to do that. it was all i'm beginning to get the impression of that. you're like me. i get in this seat maybe thirty seconds before airtime. i'm getting. >> you do that. you do the same thing.
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yeah. in radio and radio, i used to actually call into my own radio show from the elevator on the way and it was really. yeah, i have a problem with punctual. >> it's a well i don't know what it is i, i have to, i think it's an adrenaline, adrenaline thing. i wait till the last second no matter what. >> all right. well we'll try to pick it up where you left off. and i can't wait for your town hall on monday. can't wait. all right. my friend. >> i am laura ingraham. this is ingram angle from a very busy washington tonight. falling stars. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, how many times has the regime media told us that some emerging democrat is going to be the next big thing, the next big star? now, on rare occasion as two thousand four when obama spoke at the dnc, the buildup paid off. but that happens maybe once in a generation. back in 2020, they desperately wanted kamala to be the next obama. she was a former prosecutor. tough, no nonsense.
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a woman of color. >> your city council made that decision. it was this that all government must have the voting rights act and the civil right. that's why we need the equality act. that's why we need to pass the vra, because there are moments in history where states fail to preserve the civil rights of our people. >> well, we all know where that all ended up, but we need to do domestically what we need to do to bring down the cost of gas. well, right, right. i've seen a meme the other day to send me googling online how to make gas at home, okay? oh, don't do that to that was hilarious. >> now, the border may be open. ukraine might be a mess, but she still has that cackle. >> this is so sad for america. but this is what happens when firsts and diversity are given
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more weight than talent and merit. but the press doesn't care right? they think they're smarter than joe q. public. and when they say someone's a star, that someone should win, period. >> stacey abrams is a rock star. >> we already know that she is a rising star in the party, despite having lost that election. she's a very charismatic politician. >> you have stacey abrams, who i would argue is not a rising star of the party, but already established as a leader of the party. >> oh, really? well, how that all worked out. governor brian kemp is going to beat her handily. he's up almost six percent and the average in georgia and has all the momentum. and who can forget that former punk rocker turned political boy wonder from texas. >> texas democrats call it beddoe mania. and in the last days of this u.s. senate campaign, better o'rorke appearances are designed to generate rock star style pandemonium. >> better, though, has been a rock star ever since he ran
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in texas. there's so many comparisons to obama. >> he is a rock star among democratic politics. is a national figure. >> he can nationalize this race . it's such original commentary, isn't it? apparently losing to ted cruz is not a sign he'll have better luck running for governor . because gov.. greg abbott leads him by eight point five percent in the average. let's skip over to virginia, though. shall we? were abigael spane. berger was running in virginia, 7th congressional district back in 2018, and then the party sold her as a moderate democrat. a lot of conservatives, they're right. and that district well, of course, reporters, they went right along with the charade. >> the district in suburban richmond has not been held by a democrat for almost 50 years. bamberger will also be the first woman ever to represent the district. you said democrats shouldn't appear to be too partisan. it doesn't always have to be an us versus them. we need to stand up for it as opposed to a left versus right or republicans versus democrats. it should be in american values
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that we all stand up for, she says. >> nothing and means nothing. the truth is , spane burger is just another nancy pelosi liberal voting with the speaker. 100% of the time. and we know how that's all worked out for virginia families, don't we? enter. yes, leave vega and america first. conservative. now, this race is close, but the momentum is with the republican. >> no wonder politico is freaking out the reporting. democrats are sweating it. they thought they had elected a bright political future in 2018, but now their bench of potential statewide leaders could get wiped out in the midterms. one such supernova was this woman, michigan congresswoman elissa slotkin. you were very public about that. you will not support nancy pelosi. does anything in that change post tuesday? no. i mean, i've been really clear for a long time now. and never want to be disrespectful to anyone who served, especially a woman who broke glass ceilings.
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but we need to hear what people are telling us on the ground. and that's they want a new generation that thinks differently and works harder and just takes the caucus in a new direction. >> do you think she knows how funny she is ? >> the truth is , slotkin is the furthest thing from an independent thinker voting with pelosi. >> 98% of the time. i think what matters is how are you helping people's pocketbooks or their kids? and if you can't speak to that as a candidate, you don't deserve their vote, period. that was so nice. of course, everything she voted for has led to more pain and suffering for americans. by your own metrics, slotkin should lose her job. and speaking of the democrats, once touted as the new face of the party, congresswoman katie porter was near top of the list. >> katie porter, who is another freshman member of congress in what is already the brightest group of freshmen house members that i've ever seen. >> a rising star, the democratic party congresswoman katie porter,
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well, her profile rose. all right. but not in the way she wanted. texas exclusively obtained by fox news, showed porter berating irvine, mayor farrakhan and trashing the police for their conduct at one of her town halls last year. the man she lived with was arrested after he allegedly punched a trump protester giving a protester a bloody nose. so she was upset that he was arrested. now, the fact is , orange county made a huge mistake in 2018 by electing her . she doesn't represent their values at all. she's gavin newsom and kind of a curly black wig. no one takes her seriously, especially since when she dressed up like a superhero on the house floor. for halloween, everyone just laughed, but not with her at zero judgment. >> that girl would never have voted the way katy did. >> let's talk about what's in that package. of course, there's the climate part, which is , you know, it's been hot lately.
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>> it's life or death. it's life or death. i mean, if we don't do something, orange county is going to feel like las vegas and would be the end of the world for people in orange county. >> we're soft people, oil, soft people. maybe i'll go with that one . she's likely to lose to republican scott bo. good riddance. so the real question is , with all these falling stars, if the democrats get shellacked ,shellacked and their stars do fall to the firmament, will they learn anything from this? how about the media? was it smart for them to nominate a guy who can never seem to find his way off a stage, including today in pennsylvania? >> that's kind of a ballerina move. >> biden was too weak to resist the crazies on the left.
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and now that whole act has destroyed his presidency. and much of the united states economy. >> nice work, kids. the voters don't care about who either party anoints as their next big star. they care about whether they have enough money in the pockets to pay the bills and whether the streets are safe to walk on . the democrat have delivered on none of this. they're all shooting stars. so when you see one make a wish before it disappears, just like the democrat majority. and that's the angle. >> all right. joining me now, florida senator rick scott, chairman of the republican national republican senatorial committee, and north carolina senate candidate, congressman ted. but senator scott, let's start with you. nate silver, prognosticator of five thirty eight now says republicans have a 40 percent chance of winning. the senate has been edging up for the last two weeks or so, like a point a day, 40%, that all we're going to get fifty
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two seats plus more . we we're going to keep our 50 ron johnson going to win. all this is going to win, ted, but is going to have a big win campaign with ted today. i campaign with herschel walker this morning. we're going to win in georgia. we're in arizona. i think we're going to win in nevada. and then we have opportunities in colorado and washington and in new hampshire and connecticut. so, i mean, i think he's 40%. that's sort of crazy. he'll he'll move it up as close as he sees more polls showing our way. it's all moving in our direction right now. well, congressman, your opponent, cheri beasley, was on msnbc tonight and well, she claims that she's going to protect voters wallets and what she calls fundamental freedoms . >> she's also talking about something else. i will fight when our freedoms are on the line and i will fight to make sure that roe versus wade becomes the law of the land, whether it's protecting our wallet or protecting our fundamental freedoms. i'm the only candidate in this
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race who has solutions for both . the baby has no fundamental freedom in that equation. obviously, the congressman is that what north carolinians are really clamoring for? >> not at all. they're talking about three things, laura . and again, thanks for having us there, talking about inflation. >> and they're not talking about an academic sense. they're talking about it in very real terms, like this is a grocery cart they could afford two years ago. but this is all they can afford. now, how can they afford back to school clothes just a few weeks, a month ago? and then they're talking about crime. they don't feel safe here. they're worried about the border. the border down two thousand miles away, is affecting us right here in north carolina. seventy two hours from crossing the border, the human traffic is right here. the drug traffic is right here in north carolina. and parents, moms, dads are coming up to me and say they want to say in their kids education. so education is the other thing that folks are talking about. the democrats are way out of step. we know that cheri beasley is a complete rubber stamp for joe biden's policies. and i think north carolina has figured that out and they don't
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want anything to do with her or joe biden's policies. >> while senator scott is staying on beasley for a moment, she's cribbed the party line on the gop congressman. >> but has been in service for six years and he votes against the interests of folks here in the state. and he's far more entwined with corporate special interests and his own interests. he is aligned with the most extreme faction of his of his of his party. >> well, isn't it true that corporate america is still pouring millions and millions of dollars into the democrat coffers? isn't the isn't that a fact? unfortune? >> absolutely. but if you look at what here's what ted bud's going to do. he's going to represent north carolina. almost every one of our senators, they just represent their states. we would we wouldn't have the inflation we have today. we wouldn't have the crime we have today. we have parental involvement in schools. and so bud's going to do the right thing. sure. she's a she's about the worst here in fetterman are the worst on crime in the country. and then think the crime that's going on all across this country right now as a result
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of the democrats policies. well, congressman, but i think this is going to be exciting to watch. i think you're going to win this and you've got a good you've got a good man campaign for you there. and rick scott has done a great job for the country out there. thank you both. now, senator mitch mcconnell and a man who will likely be the next speaker, kevin mccarthy, are headed for a collision over sending more money to ukraine in the new congress. it's a huge debate. >> mcconnell has led republican support for sending generous, seemingly unending military and financial aid to ukraine while earlier this week, mccarthy was more realistic about how long we can do this. >> i think ukraine is very important. i support making sure that we move forward to defeat russia in that program. but there should be no blank check on anything. >> we are thirty one trillion dollars in debt, of course, is mccarthy's right. >> it's pretty mild comment. if you ask me. and the sooner the gop wakes up to the fact and starts focusing on the needs of american
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families, given everything that's happening here, the better off republicans and the country will be politically. >> joining me now, house republican study committee chair jim banks and mollie hemingway, editor in chief of the federalist and a fox news contributor. congressman banks, which argument do you favor that we shouldn't have a blank check on over there to ukraine or apparently is no end to the spending leader? mccarthy is exactly right. he's stating the obvious no more blank checks around the world to solve problems overseas. when america is on its knees at home, we can't be the leader around the world. when we have such big issues to solve in america. we need to secure the border, address inflation, address crime, deal with gas prices first before we can help other countries. and leader mccarthy, he said it all of washington, the mainstream left wing media, the liberals in congress, they all went bananas when he said it after we've already we've already. >> sixty five billion dollars to ukraine.
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we know where that money has really gone. there's been very little accountability for it. now democrats are screaming , saying, well, if mccarthy says that, we know he's going to be speaker of the house, we're going to pass another $50 billion in the lame duck is just absurd is insanity. molly, this is really where the republicans always screw it up. they didn't understand this after 2006 when we lost the house, the senate, the war in iraq. then we lost the presidency in twenty eight . again, in 2012. and apparently they just want to go back to that. the old establishment dinosaurs still clinging to power. >> you are seeing this divide in the republican party where there are some people who are still trying to go back to a an approach to foreign policy that has been politically toxic. as you note, everyone supports ukraine. everybody wants them to do well. everyone also understands that this can't be another situation like we've had in the past where you have an endless war without a good strategy for victory, without even a defined strategy for victory. and so you're seeing this interesting difference. i think speaker likely to
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be speaker. mccarthy understands where the party is and understands about all the other things that are very important for the republicans. to accomplish. >> we had jeb bush over on cnn tonight. he popped up. we had mike pence was asked about this issue yesterday. >> watch kevin mccarthy, who wants to become the next speaker of the house. that said, if republicans take the gavel that america will no longer be a blank check for the war in ukraine, do you take issue with that? >> you know, the united states throughout our history is understood. we need to be the leader of the free world. that includes being the arsenal of democracy. we need to continue to support the people of ukraine as they fight for their defense. congressman, i feel like i'm in a time warp. the arsenal of democracy. first of all, our munitions are horribly depleted. we can't seem to recruit enough people for our army. we're in big trouble militarily, woke, et cetera. we're funding woke programs
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and lord knows what else. >> that's right. the heritage foundation released a military report this week that showed the weaknesses of our military are the greatest in my lifetime. so to it to lead by through peace, through strength, to rebuild the military, to have a strong military that that deters our adversaries is the opposite of what we're getting at joe biden. and those who want to deplete our javelin missile reserve with other missile reserves that we keep and stockpiles that we've given up to ukraine instead. so that's the reality of this moment that we're in today. we we can't put america first by giving blank checks to those around the world are not a member of nato . >> they're not a nato member. it's also just true that our military should not be viewing itself as primarily about exporting democracy. it is very important. we do want we do want we want you countries to do well. but we actually should be laser focused on the national interest. what is in our interest? we have many problems in the world. we have to really focus on the growing threat of china,
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for instance, and americans do not mind supporting ukraine, but they have also shown statistically that they would like europe to do more . this is a european war and we haven't seen a lot coming from europe. and so it is important, you know, going forward to really understand where the people are and well where the threat is . >> we've been told by our national security agencies, by the cia and by the pentagon that china is our biggest threat and we are completely focused on eastern europe. >> and that costs a lot money and it takes a lot of resources. >> congressman, speaking of the woke agenda in the military ,the pentagon is going to provide travel funds and support for troops and their dependents who seek abortions. but are based in states where they are now illegal, according to a new department policy released on thursday. what are republicans going to turn the spigot off on this stuff, congressman? i mean, i am so tired of the republicans coming on this show. and saying, well, we can't do anything until we have the presidency bull. you could shut this down tomorrow if you wanted to. >> yeah, this is something that
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is entirely solvable by a republican majority. i serve on the armed services committee. we have to stop this garbage and the focus of the biden administration on combating climate issues in the new national defense strategy versus tackling china and russia and our greater threats is is what you get with them on on their watch. >> it's the opposite of what you're going to get . what are you running for? i'm looking at where i can fit in to be a part of the republican majority leadership and do my part to make sure that we keep the commitments that we're making on the we're going to be following those races and committee chairmanships. right. molly, because that's where all the dirty deeds get done. all right, congressman o'malley, great to see you both. thank you. now, get your kid jabbed with what still an experimental vaccine or lose the right to an education. harmeet dhillon is here next on how parents can fight back . plus, san francisco has entered potentially irreversible, irreversible downward spiral. victor davis hanson is here on the disturbing new details coming out of that city. >> stay there.
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schedule and the recommended adult immunization schedule. nizationfor 2020 three . >> i don't see any hands raisede at the moment. e ed at we will proceed with the vote in the motion passed passed,fifteen unanimously in . >> these are sick people. i mean, that literally here is what we know to be true. these vaccines do not preventen transam. trable they provide no demonstrablet to benefit to children who are the lowest risk profile and even the people who want tod force this on kids found that the highest risk of myocarditis the comales aged 12 to 17 . now, millions of parents across the country are going too be forced into a decision between jabbing their kids with an experimental vaccine or providing them with an education. now, think education. of how twisted thatws is . so the question becomes, what's what can? what can they do?government t what is the legal recourseri here? the government tries to say, oh, this is just
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a recommendation. it's not binding bin. states. oh, really? lucky wait till we get to the blue states . we're lucky tonight. be joined by attorneytorney harmeet dhillon to walk h us through this. >> harmeet , w tell us what posture of this is tonight and. and what this means. >> well, thank you, laura .immui so the advisory committee fora immunization practices is a handpicked group of experts that include phds, doctors and public health professionals who make these recommendations on an annual basis. and since they're handpicked,ng you aren't going to see a lot of sunlight between cdccdc lead leadership and these recommendations. and so naturallyer these, i dons anyone was too surprised to see them rubber stamp thisee vaccia ,which has gotten so much of wh' a boost from our federal government. now, what's interesting is thets hue and cry about this anticipated decision. i've actually seen the cdcnd and the health and human service try to walk ba servicesck really try to walk back the impact of this recommendation. they'r're saying it's just ae s a recommendation, it's no big deal , and this actually belongs in the handsn
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of the states.y to we've also seen the cdc try to force vaccine mandatess so on employers. so they're kind of talking out s of both sides of their mouths. talking out of bot the problem is law thatle a recommendation at the cdc level becomes an automatic mandate in certain states that have adopted a lockstep approach towards automatic whatever the cdc requires. however, states do havewhat whatever the cdc requi the discretion. in every in every case. they can absolutely depart from that law. they can mak case, te exemptione in tennessee. the tennessee governor today announced that his work with thennesse they' legislatur sure that while they normally are in lock step, they're not going to o ad adopt this particularr recommendation. even california state larecommwr provides that. they're going to makeen their assessment of what doesn'es are required in consideration of the cdc. but it doesn't mean that it's an automatic mandate. so let me jump in here, becausth what we fount,d in covid, rightn is that this is there's alwayssn an incrementalism. >> l so if the democrats get full power, do you have any doubt in your mind that they will try to mandate this? at the very least? i mean, it applies to all
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schools and places like new york , but mandate thisoast coast to coast t. ld if they could, they would. well, if they could, they would supr have, you know, if they hadn't been slapped back by the supreme court in the case, s the employer mandate. yes, we'd ald l be doing it at that level. but they didt at t fail at thatk level. and so i think, yes, i think to p what they're going to be doingso is pressuring blue states to do this. and so there are successful thamples of parents fighting back . so, for example, the human papillomavirus, which wasn papi recommended by the cdc in 2006 recommended by the cdc in 2006ec on this very same schedule, it. states have not adopted that. california doesn't require it. and so that's becaus parents log looked at the data and said that i don't want to give mycin. teenage daughter this this do it vaccine. thr and so it is imperativeough thuntrents to do it throughout the country to say, no, we don't want this and there should be a political pricl prio pay for politicians who do not protect taxpayers and students against this vaccine, which, as you say, has dangers for children and is unproven. liere's also a potential
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litigation angle that could be taken. i have researched this and found that there aren't examples of prior legal challenges toin the recommendations to put on this vaccine list. e list a there's aa and there's the law as to whether thismmit is something that's committed to the agencted to ty y discret not. so i don't think that'tos a really i think the best way to go is politically to fightwe hav this politically. and we have a lot ofe a lo powes as taxpayers and parents. well, let me tell everybody, laa laura , tonight, everyone everyone needs to hear this. if thi: s is important to you, what you put in your children's bodies at this point, you've got to get involved and vote, okay, vote for the candidates who are actually going tondidat your child protect your child and your family's right to make these decisions. me? thank you. ndrightso make thenow, san frano have descended into total chaos that was the warning fromos the ceo of a popular clothing brand, kotaku.know h i don't even know how to say that cotopaxi, who justty announced the companies leaving. the city, david smith, no hard core republican , says the closure is due to organize theft rings, saying the location faces regular attacks by thieves rtuallwho virtually have
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with virtually no response from law enforcement. well, of course, he's rightnewsr about that. a new fox news report notest no that san francisco residents the are arming themselves with batst because the city's drug worse. initiatives are making crime worse. and it isn't jus just crime. th the failure of san franciscow everywhere to get this a new toilet that's planned forr th the city's no valley in the town square there is going to cost one poin goingt seven mb dollars and it won't be completed until 2020 five . a meanwhile, the causeway to sanabel, florida, destroyedian a by hurricane ivan earlier this month has alreadrl y been fixed. >> joining us now, victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institution, longtime california resident. victor, the realitrnia residenys americas here is becoming more obvious by the day. arsoe armee some of these cities lost for our lifetime, at leaste at least for a generation?mean i mean, we're here in
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california. we have a post-modern and a a premoder n society all at, so we have people, , on the streets, carjackings,. smash and grab. nobody can do anything about al it. we have these biblical fires fis every summer where we have third brownouts. we're in year of our third yearw and going to be really bad if we don't get snow very quickly. and then when we look for answers, we get hyper regulation , hyper taxation, talk about late term abortion, transgender. anything but the elemental transgendered, anything but the elemental problems. >> there's no there' probs noe solutions. >> high speed rail is a boondoggle. and e people, the middle or the middle class, and they're paying these exorbitant taxes and they're getting lousyre infrastructure. no law, no lawn enforcement. r h >> and they either have tohe carry bats or they have to sta leave the stattee of florida,i n texas or nevada. and i think they're doing both. plac boy, you can you can be in one place in california. d th
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you can be in lord ofu driv the flies. and the next moment yoe overu drive over to menlo park you see valley isee silicon valley and there in la la land there. right next to each other. >> it's really strange that there's there's just a dissonance, right?s ju i mean, there's no there's no venn diagram where they connecth as far as an understandingey ori failcognition that that theseci policies areing failinge the people, victor. i mean, all thes tece big high h . >> yes. they have no sense that the policies aren't working really >>. e only i think the only connection is that the elite are so wealt wealthy, given silicon valley, that they're never subject tor w the consequences of their own ideology.n ideology so they have all these theories t so they have all these theories that they project on us and theny're are immune from it and they're protected from allto the chaos s on the street or the chaos and the state governance o r the infrastructure. and that's why the middle class has no protectioy th nn and no a
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from the government or the elite. and they the real p have to deal withheyr the real problems on the street. >> that's why they carry a bath or they're increasingly armed'r and they can't they're schizophrenic. and they don't know what to make of it. it's really scary. i mean, it's likit'se19th the nineteenth, twenty firstnext century next to each other. >> yeah, they they haveprotec their protection. they always have. and nancy can head up to napatin valley any time she wants. victor, great to see youe as always. now we're back at the angle big board tonight with a host ofac races that the gop never wouldh have dreamed that they would have been able to compete inve growins on the growing red wave in moments.wa plus, i have a majorve a announcement coming up. >> you do not want to miss it, so do not go anywhere. hundreds. hunter biden is the most protected person in the country. money laundering, illegal foreign lobbying, you have the laptop infamous big guy email. the son of the vice president is doing deals funded by the chinese government.
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everyone knows in minnesota, we have an attorney general's race where incumbent democrat keith ellisoent keitn is tied with re challenger jim schultz atwild forty seven . >> what is going on ? that's pretty wild. mi lib c state,liberal. to say the least.nald reaga in minnesota is the only state that voted against ronaldreelecm and washington, dc reagan. eith his reelection, for example, them in washington, d.c.n is a r and keith ellison is a liberal icon, former national figure, someone who ran, someone who but someone else au someonet the same time attacked the police over the violence. after george floyd, when i did reporting in minnesota for g the last election, bartenders, store owners, regular peoplegule are upset with the level of crime. the capital city become a ghost and he town and he's not prosecuted. o he's aware of this now, though. his first campaign ad wasre how tough he is on crime. is on >> but the people who are suffering, they don't they don't believe tha t it's a mess there. now, chris , let's take a look at what's happening int minneapolis. proper now compared to 2019 homicides are up one hundred and 66%. carjackings up five hundred nineteen percent. 519%,gunshot victims, th one hundred and one percent. this is the biggest issu is thew
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firsthand when i was there inth. the summer and the summer before that. it's big. it'sit's big. >> it'd i have see that i've set firsthand to walk into a great dinner place. i felt like walkindinner placeg a marilyn manson music it wasso creepy.n video. the streets were dark. , the people were afraid. the waiter sais d their businese was basically dried up b and people responding by rioting all the time.y all the time. the police couldn't get anythi the police couldn'tne. get anything done.ev even if someone was a murderer, someone someone needed tother e was a mube taken by the polica >> there'd be a riotd they and they've lost control of the city. chris , let's turn to the housls . let's go to new york , 17thistrc district, where republican mikte lawlor is trying to upsetn sean congressman sean pat cipollone. who's the d triple c chair.y ale now, mccarthy aligned super pac is dumping four million dollars on broadcast tv ads there to way. help lawler, who is fantastic. n >> the way, what can you tell us about that race?ich you se >> well, this is a this is another race that's in trouble. the new york, you see, which is another liberal state,an the republican governor candidate is only a few points govern candidate i behinddemocrats the democrats. that means that four republican democrats are in h closerdemocrat's got to run, districts that are much closer,t that democrats got to run.roub they've gosot to r be inep trou.
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so republican are getting there ahead. they're probably going to take that. it looks like they're probably going to take althat it looks lg very island. it's going to be a veryifferent different map for new yorkers. and it's againyorkers ano , a rs the crime, the inflation and all the issues that democrats don't want to talk about. and new york deserves better than maloney tur. i want to turn to virginia's 10th district, where democrat jennifer dixon is neck and neck with republican hung cao. even cao's own internal even polling. >> chris , what cainn yo intnau us ? so this is used to be a republican district. this is barbara comstock distd 201 but it switchestrict,a and an election one in 2018. she is onesh of those wave blue candidates that doesn't and she's got a firm hold now.g' hung cao came on the scene.l fo this guyrces is a special force lifetime veteran. whs got a big family who' sense of extremely proud of he's gote qu a great sense of humor. he's answered all the questionsl correctly. y. even though nortg candidate. even though northern virginia keeps on getting more blue in a wave yeagets ms r. y >> this is one of those wobblyrl districts that could go republican. fairfax is having trouble in >> laura: fairfath the schoolsso and also in crime. so that's big.ig. chris , here's a jenniferto
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wexton had to say about governor glenn junkins school transgender plan. boutone of the concerns i have about the plan is that it wouldt not require that teachers use the proper pronouns for kids.ouo i don't thinr thk he's aboutn'tn k hethe kids himself. is is twigson trying to lose this race? thishi doesn't fly in fairfax. it's the kind of thing that's ti actually gotten parents of all all all political persuasions, obama supporters, biden supporters, trumperfecp supports out together and people who'vee never been political and go out there to fairfax or other areas, interviewed parents, people who have never been involved are really electricinte 's what go about this. it's what got got glenn junkin elected when he ran in the grocery tax. no one cared when he rancared, on the woke agenda and schools will . then voters camehe r for him.hol all right. out well, we have a crazy electionaz cycle coming up. we have new england in play.glan we have pacific northwest in play. and we also have interesting things happening in states like oklahoma with the oklahomaoklah. the oklahoma governor's race. incumbent governor kevin stitt is now down foovernor'r points p democrat challenger joy hofmeister.
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>> now, this democra is a statet won by 12 points in 2018. statet so thiy won bys is a bit of an r compared to what we're seeing across the country for re republicans, what's happening, it is still one .pened. and then he delivered on a >> conservativet wo agenda. he's been tough on he's been tough on hospitals, being tough on the jokesters.e o he's basically followed inlln the mold of maybe abitur to send us .santis his problem seems to be more local.prob he's been accused repeatedly of corruption and particularllebee around restaurant licenses. he had some resignations from his government and at the samer time, hofmeister is someone wel who is well liked, who's a good campaigner, who's won a coupleoc of statewide races. now, this one , just likee the oregon race, maybey something where people get into the ballot box and say, you know what, i'm going to go with my partisan feelings. vote agai i just simply can't vote against my party. bu t right now, it's lookingow. terrible for him and is bucking the national trends. wow. that always has to be one. you chris , great to see it.thanks . thanks so much. : now annow, an impending republican majority in the house means that nancyancy s ga pelosi will have to relinquish relinquish her speaker's gavel t
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.y >> she sleeps with that every night. but don't worry, nancy, bre angry man has been busy. brainstormain stormi some futuro employment opportunities for you and we're going to share those next. introducing the first dayn working in the yellow tech yellowwood projector. stephen seiver, powerful protection for your available at premix ravinder bindy life insurance >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. program. >> if you're age 50 looking to buy life insurancere on a fixed budget, remember the three ps three whate, p the three p'rice, ans, what are the three p's? the three p's? >> the three pillars of life a price that can't increase, insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price a price you can afford a price that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. fits your budget. >> i'm 54 and was a smoker but quit. quit. >> what's my price
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proof helmet. >> and you won't believe it, right? >> it worked. i think it's a step forward from his pitch for birth control. go to grandpa. please don't call me the first one . a digital fan has. >> grandpa up is coming to fox, a democrat in independents holding what is the challenger holding what is the challenger to
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on the democrats as we inch closer to november. do you feeitl it? peaker are >> nancy pelosi knows her days a as speaker are numbered. what do you say to your own caucus to these young members?kn tough fights but they want t they're, you know, obviously in tough fights, but they want to see the change. . i sa y just win, baby . say just win, if that's what you win have to say to win. >> fine with the ingraham angle., fine. >> laura: we feel for all san fran grandison. so being the magnanimous team that we are, we've taken it upon ourselves to compileso we s a list of posts.t sp speaker careers for her. charlie hurt, fox news opi nioncontributor and opinion edir for the washington times, who joins me on set with his owwith hisn contributions. okay, charlie, the first option is inspired by this recent documentary to my house. >> my mom. i would pave the way for this for trespassing on the capitol grounds. artomating on the capic, go to o >> laura: ng to be happy. well, given her gusto in thats clip, we thought she might want th intonel that aggression
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the ring. there's got to be some seniorrig boxing tou.r somewhere incan set california. shmean, you can see it, right? i mean, she's looking good there. goodshe's almost looks likeerma fetterman there. >> yeah, i can seen her, like m like in my ring. maybe she and patty murray can g go toe to toe because murray is going to be out today. >> yeah. so no, i can say >> she i she's and you know, she is a fi. street fighter. >> she's a she's a smart allets of i wog all the way back to the streets of baltimore. >> i wouldn't i wouldn't count around. >> l >> i wouldn't miss out.ter she she plays dirty. fia shts wit e fights for what she believes in. she was ready to go with all re that legislation. i don't agree with here with her on anything, but you've got to admire her for her fight. now, charlie, you have sor is iggestion of your own for nancy. and i hear inst is inspireds mo by this moment. >> god bless you and god bless s america. thank you very much.u very >>m trying to i'm trying to rip my folder, but i can you get ae job at kinko's and becomer shrer a paper shredder? and she could do right theree e
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work for the federal government, shrel d. the federal government produces lots of documents. i'm sure they need t boe shre be shredded and she could just t spend her entire retirement. >> my , my m y shredder always jams. i oh, yeah. well, if youn it. leave the stat in it or the staples or put i a lots of credit cards in because i always lose mine, then i find them.mi so i havne a se lots of credit . >> wha you know, what i think she'd be really good at tary be is white house press secretaryc' because she's the only one the onlys to think that joe biden has had a really great two years. s really she's really psyched psyched a t that. >> and she's ready. she thinks that this is this is just fauci. they're turning a corner right corn now. all right. now it'serig my turnht now. the next suggestion is a practical one . n. the whole pelosi family. prac now, you might recall that hert husband, paul , has gotten himself a little trouble for driving issues. >> well, thaa lit could be easiy remedied if all nance took up her uber driving her spare timee so she can just be the driver for paul . whuld be the dy she could do tho how many stars would. >> oh, i don't know. t charlie how many stars? >> i how many start. dma
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>> i think sheny would be i donl think she'd be a very pleasant driver. abut think about all of it,in because i think uber drivers get an up charge a like a hundr bucks if you in the back seat and if he's drunk all the time, you're driving around drunk passengers. >> she could make a lo he's untk more money doing that. probably not as much p money f mone as she makes on the stock market. now, wy one have to not forget pelosi's true purpose in being a career politician. >> laurawatch my whole mission congress is about the children,n where the children have to. be prepared to take a punch, b have to be prepared toe throw a punch for the children, for the children, charlie, the natural progression here is obviously a career teachingsl . she could be a great kindergarten teacher, teach them early trten teao hate amert and to question their genderhate and profiles and pronouns when other pros are talking about talking ab yoouu have to you have to be aao good puncher to be a good momte. or a good teacher. >> so i think that's probably fr a pretty good but pretty good,y,
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really, for it, nancy. would it would be something inbe the like an ice cream scooper: i with this with only the forty dollars a gallon ice cream that gallon she stuck in the refrigerator. i'd love to see her scooping for the afternoon. scooping for. charlie ette all right, charlie, we gave them some good suggestions. nancy, it's going to be okay.on. nay. with us. >> we have two big announcements next. attention, marines and family members who spend time at camp lejeune. if you spent time on base at camp lejeune prior to 1988, and developed any of these cancers or suffered any of these injuries, you may be eligible for significant financial compensation. call camp lejeune victims to discuss your case. now leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals up to 280 times acceptable
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the number on your screen, or visit ♪ ♪ >> laura: i will get to the big announcement about the show and just a moment for next weekh but ten days "the ingraham ang" will be celebrating our five yearmy t anniversary. can you believe it? myy're team tells me over the nt few days, they will surprise me with shout outs from their friends, what? i have no idea what they have in store so let's check out the first one together. >> hello, laura, drove eiseman hear, hear let me be one of many to congratulate you on your fifth anniversary and what a spectacular job yowhatu do and g
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everybody in the world what is going on. you are absolutely incredible, fabulous interviewers, terrific person and an honor to be on your show. thank you so much for letting me be your first mystery guest whey you had that series. but i know it will be anothere n ten, 15 years because you are so good. s i'm honored to wish you a happy, happy fifth anniversary. many, many more, laura, take care. >> laura: the legend joe and sta that means so much to me and i haven't seen any of these. i'm going to compose myself in time for the big announcement, the entire season we have focused on retaking america. keyinstead of one particular re canor candidates, we will hight one of the biggest shifts iny. modern history. that means hispanic voters who are fleeing the democratic party for the g.o.p. so next wednesday, i'm hitting the road and going to
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houston texans where i will hosa "the ingraham ang" first "retaking the town hall" and we will bring you first guests and wide this shift is taking place. set your dvr now, can wednesday october 6th ano ted we are comio texas. we cannot wait. that is it for us tonight, greg gutfeld and all the guys will take it from here. >> carley: two bristol, connecticut, officers killed in an apparent ambush attack will be laid to rest. the bristol police department possibly promoting sergeant justin to mont who served ten years and officer alex who was with the department ten years to sergeant, you are watching "fox & friends first" on friday morning. >> todd: todd piro and that service to begin 11:00 a.m. eastern time and that stadium can hold up to 40,000 people. that is wher
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