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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 22, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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monday, this coming monday, we'll be doing a town hall in the great state of arizona,, carrie lake blake masters, ll special guest. you have to tune in usn and fino out who they are. we hope you'llthat's all join ug but unfortunately, that's all the time we have left thishe met evening. thank you for makingime, will t. possible. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. have a great weekend. or is next. nday we'll see you from arizonahave on monday. have a good weekend. a i'm laura ingraham.: >> thii's is ingram angle from if you're washington tonight. >> if you're a republicaa repubn and you're a candidate for office or you're already in y elected officeou have tw, you h, choices in the world. no joi one , you can join the hd left or number two, you can be attacked by the hard left. that's it.ptions those are the only options. get >> now, anyone who thinks thatnn they're going to be protect it because they get invited on cnn a lot or they're known
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anti trump, you're deluding youe diluting yourself. the radicals yourself. >> the radicals on the leftn th demand total obedience or sorrya ,alicia. and if not, they'll try to. drive you from public life. these tactics go along with the left's overriding goal, of course, which is thee dest destruction of the nuclear family and america's judeo-christian tradition. take what the left has just done. >> the never trump senator ben sasse. ed to co >> now, despitnve the fact thatt sasse vote td to convict formerd president trump in his second impeachment trial, the left mobilized to oppose hisf florid. becoming the new president of st the university of florida. he's still in contention now. he spoke a t a student forum on campus where about 300yhe protesters showed and theyst ine
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called the senator homophobic and racist i n between yellingt ab from the audience, of course,ou remember, this is not aboutnk al trump. republi they think allca republicans aro evil. when ben sasse is considered to be too conservative. ben sasse, that tells you a lot about academia.the in >> the inmates are trulyma running the asylum. then there's mike pence. even after obvious efforts, his obvious efforts to distance himself from president trump since election night and of course, remember his portraying himself as the conservative without drama. well, none of this has bought him any goodwill when he stepped into the belly of the beast this week att thweek . georgetown universityspok on wednesday night, he spoke atb an event that was hosted by them school's institute of politicser and public service and also the young america foundation. >> oh, yeah. hey, oh, hey, now, despite speaking about the need for
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a return to civility in our politics, pence's appearance drew disgusting protest and boring but predictable staged protests and boring but predictable staged walkout walk republican nice guys finish last. just ask mitt romney f last about what they did to him and would be remiss in not mentionin ng junkin . now, he wohe wn the virginia governorship last year t by focusinheg on the schools. no it was a really well-rund trum campaign and he didn't have a lot of trump like controversy. looking pretty folksy in fleeceo vest. yeah, sure. but when he rolled up his sleeves to campaign for gop gubernatorial candidates across america, the media made him a target. and when he traveled to arizona to campaign for kerry lake, he y became enemy number one . now, young embraces kerry lake and arizona despite election denialism, clinton junkin had cr moderate republicans fooled the roll where the headlines and there are a loriung and hasr
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well, there's a lesson here.ppet the time for appeasementhing is over and it's something that. kerry turned into a huge plus righ during a primary battle. n ho and right now she's offering kind of a master t classhe and w >> talk about ia back on its heels. >> let'selection talk about elen deniers. here's one hundred and fifty examples of democrat0 exas denying election results. this is from joe biden's press secretary. reminder, brian kemp toldd stacy the gubernatorial election from georgian's and stacey abrams ab hillary clinton, trump is an illegitimate president . is she an election denier? so it's okay for democrats to question electionsit, but it's'c not okay for republicans. it's a crock of bsf b.s. everyoe knows that we have our freedom of speech and we're not going to relinquish it to a bunch of fake news propagandists. >> oh, that wa>>s awesome. laur. she'll be giving the l was such a delight to watch.o ce and she's going to be giving the left heartburn for years to come. >> and we look forward to every
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minute. >> joining me now is carrie lake, republican nominee for, fs arizona governor . carrie, first of all, i known yr everyone knows that i was i wasn't, you know, on yourhe pr bandwago n during the primary for sure.on the but i'm watching you takeis on the media and the only other desa like youi've it is the santos and trump. that's it.ere, wha i mean, of everyont e i've seen' out there, what put the fight in your belly to do what you'ref doing today, given all of these headlines? >> oh,on my gosh.n. thank you for having me on . i'm so glad that you're thatf you're having me on th.for near3 i appreciate it so much, laura . i'll tell you, i worked on the inside the media for nearly 30 years. so i understand, as they say , how the sausage is made and i've turned the tables on them. every event we go to, we draw alssive media crowd and we are always reporting and recording them. and we show the people what the media is up to becausend usually they ask a nasty
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question that's full of an and agenda and narrative and then outpear that part and never show the peopletables how bad they appear. so we're jusemt actually flippig they really are. >> laura: now, the tables on them and revealing who they really are now, kyra. >> carrie, i want to play your opponent, katy hobbs, latest rationale for dodging you. >> watch for ms dee thisba deba about debates is over.iso de kerry lake is so desperatesp for a debate because she is scared n to sit down and have anhlight in-depth conversatio hn because it will highlight her level of inexperience, the lack ofe gove. qualification to be governor kerry. >> it's your inexperience, lack of qualification that makes you want to debate that kind of doesn't make sense.your reactio? >> but your reaction? they said the same thing abouteg about ronald reagan and said he ronald reagan. an ac they said he's just an actor.tos he just read scripts. he used to ocra be t.a democrat. ent onto what does he know?f th and he went on to be trulye gr of cably the greateseat governor of this country ever saw when he waals governor of california and turned that doa right now. state around. and boy, do we need another ronald reagan in california
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right now.body's listenin g to herso i don't you know, nos listening to her.taat she's the one who's afraid toe o take the debate stage. and i consider laura a debate to be a job interview. >> the people of arizona, the voters of arizona area, the the hiring manager. and we're showing up ty' tho present our case for what we want to do for arizona. i'm happy to do it. i've cleared my schedule u three times now to do it. and we're going to show up sunday for the final chance for katie to grow a spine and join>l me.he >> i kind of doubt she's going to do it, though. yeah.r another empty chair, kerry.oks e it looks like hobbs is just i involved in some of registration fiasco or 6000rectd ballots that were incorrect oree mailed out. and supposedly they're correctingcrety of stateand sh but she's the secretary of state and she's talking about your experience, given what shen just oversaw. everything i'v mye done inas a my life, whether it was my first job, one of my firststd jobs as a janitor, all the wayd up into a journalist, i did. and i excelled at and i did with great work ethic and hard
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work. and she's been incompetent in everys role she's ever played, includinecg and most importantlt a secretary of state. you have 6000 ballots. oour the wrong ballots sent out ingud our primary election. she gave guidance toan to how my ballots needed to go out. and in pinal county, one of our biggest counties, one hour into election day, they ran out of republik and only ballots b she's completely incompetent. the arizoniga supreme court hasp called her that and theiret recent ruling.onlyd up and she's only showed up for work 19 days out of the last six months. state's office closed due she's had the secretary of i'ate's office closed due tovi covid. oh, god . nobody gets >> as i'm saying, get yourto back to work, katie. 19 days in six nobody gets to show up 19 days>l in six all, you told me something i didn't know. okay, first of all, you told me something i didn't know, and i loveng i that when a guest telle something i don't know, thats is that's that's that he is absolutely a disqualifier right there. of all the things i've heard about her, that'r,hat's ths onef the words, carrie.nt tru now, we hearmp wd today, oasf ce thatar president trump wasjanuat
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subpoenaed to appear before the january six committee afterp the election. you know, they're trying to hold on to relevance as long as possible. >> your reaction to that? just a i'm just amazed at how they're on the obsessed with president trump. i get asked about him evern y dn on the campaign trail. i think he's fantastic. and i'll take any question tha tht um deals with presidentp an trump.h and i always start with , don't we miss him and don't we miss ur policies? ent tr and don't we miss the economyum. n under president trump? but i'llon tell you what, i've r been on the campaign trail, laura , about five hundred . and i think eight days now.whatt nobody ever asks about whatd that commission is up to.s askig nobody ever asks about ukraine. everyone'swide asking about our wide open border drugs pouring in illegal immigration. they're asking abouted the education system that'st the brainwashing our children. crime t concerned abou the crime that's risingcan and on the streets. and that's why they're voting republ icans anwrepublican , because republicans and the new republican party have the common sense have to t ideae the problems that we're facing. we'r
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the left is pushing nonsense.on. >> we're pushing common sense.:e sett what one thing will you do >> before i ou get settled into office if you should winge? >> but even before i get settled after i take the oathclf of office in the first hour, we're going to issue we' a declaration of invasiollnd frh border and we're going to taketj back control of our border froos ceded contro the cartels that joe biden has ceded control to. and we are going tre the bo secr the border, stop the fentanyl from pouring across and the people from beig trafficked across our border. acr >> and then we're going to fentan get to work on a whole bunch ofs theother things, including th restoring honesty and faith inih our elections and turning tenth our education system around. hig we want to start offering afterc get trade skilhigh schoot tol. we want to offer kids, the opportunity to get trade, skill training, education,tionas training and career certification in high school. so our kids our kids are ready for the work to be in the workforce out there. we've got lots of jobs. >> we just need the people to fill them., n' carrt waity i can't wait to see how this all plays out. if we don't talk to you before t election night.o yo
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election night and may, yy well may talk to you before election night. i think you're going to wiouthi >> best of luck out there.nother keep fighting. rising gop and in michigan, another gubernatorial race and another rising gop star now wants to have as much as eighteens 18 points. republican toote points andr dixon has closed the gap to just two points in the latest poll.n tudo tudor dixon joins me now.e? we tooter, what's happening here? f times and th we've had you on a bunch of times and the polls have not been with you for all those appearances. apces. but now a change. what's happening? yes, thank you for having me tonight, laura . well, it's very interesting in the state of michigan, and parut are rising up and saying they want education back .r stue and gothey want their students to b have a chance. they want to go back toin the basics in education, woke reading, writing and math.a in and they're fighting back against this woke changing the race but also in our schools. and so far , that's really changing the race. t bualkingt also today, we were ji talking to the detroit economicg we just need to have support forum and we're hearing fromfrdf businesses that are saying we
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just need to have support from government instead of having government attack us . m job creators want to expanichign the state of michigan. they're hearing gretchen whitmer say she she is help them. she hasn't helped them.han we've lost more small businesses than any other statra . we also lostr whatsayi eighty two thousand jobs. they hear whatng a know she's e they know she's gaslighting them and they're ready to this horrib ichange. history turn the page on this horrible dark time in michigan's histormy and see michigan thrive again. >> now, here's what wittmerwhatr thinks will , i guess, help stop state's declining t population. i don't know whaelthe slate't wd to lure people to make their lives here in michigan. we need immigration reform on the federal level. we enshrine reproductive rights into law here in michigan. i want to go into indiana cult and ohio and start steel bring headquarters and cultivatingn au talent and bring them tollts t michigan, where you can haveo full rights to make your ownyou. decisions about your health and your body. >> tutor is making michigan an michigan an abortion sanctuary state at?
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the top of the voter's concerns. absolutely not. whatwhat kind of economic the development plan is that? when you have a bunch of businesses in the audience right there saying, what are that hel'sp us ?lopment. that's what she's offeringt th is abortion for economic development. e i know what the businesses need. they want to have reduced regulationd inflt. we have they want a state government that comes around them as a partner. they want to make sure we have a solid infrastructure, anmething that she promised in d ised2018. d sh and today when she said thatboue exact comment, she laughedmichis concerned about th about the roads in michiganr nur and said, i know, i know everybody's concerned about the roads. yes. pro in 2018 and you haven't delivered on that. because that was your numbere oe one promise in 2018 and you haven't delivere d on that. deliact, none of the promises that she made in 2018,ve she's delivered on . this is th fe kind orof silly e rhetoric we're hearing from here on economic development. we have a real chance to take w this race back . we are two point s apart. we need folks to go to twitter dixon .com and support because we are going to get michigan back and we're going to thrive. we'll be the leaders inrive and the midwest again. we have great education. he grea
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yeah.t the thing that i wouldeducationi the people out there watching r from michigaean is , is it or is this really the best yothu cn be ?like i mean, why why are you losingad all this population to states like georgia and florida and tennessee? why? i mean, is that is thathe tpeope doing and none the people of michigan? a campaign? we know what the crime rate can is doing. if non bethink it's ae of this n be acceptable. so i think it's an easy calculation to or i have a very good feeling about where thisr,i race is going. have f no more lockdown'seeling o in m. tooter dixon, we'll be watching. thanno morlockdownk you so much, >> and it isn't just michigan. real clear politics is now: theo projecting that the governor's races in wisconsin and in pre nevada as well will be gopsi pickups. butoday wat president biden tods offering a different take back to force us to head themea, head back and forth. and the polls have been all over the place. i think we're going to see one more i think that we're going to see one more shift back to our side. >> the closing days.
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>> joining me now is tom bevan, president and co-founder of real clear politics. tom , have you been seeing any data suggesting a swing back to biden in the last two and a half weeks or so? weeks oo >> no, not yet.. >> certainly possible but we're seeing all the movement towa it's certainly possible. but bue ret right nopublw we'rig all the movement is toward the republican party and we're seeing that not just we're seeing it in the genericional bd congressionainl out, which is really a leading indicator for a lot of these state races.n and that has shifted and that are going on .icans gainedu and that has shifted. republicans have gained almost in the generic ballot and in the four points in the genericth, de ballot just in the past month. democrats have lost aboutint an seven tenths of a percentage point. so republicansd have the biggestc ballot lead they've had in the generic ballot in the real clear politics average since and it's a late middle of june. so it looks like it's a late breaking wave for the gop. intoh and we'll have to see if there's any data that comes in to the contrary in the next 18 days. >> is there a senate race that we should be looking at perha more seriously? psthan perhaps we have in the past month or so? >> well, i mean, new hampshire
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certainly on the radar screen, but it is one where we do not have a lot of polling. there was a round of polls tha t were taken right afternded the contentious gop primary that took place on september d 13th.a po but we haven't had a poll in new hampshire in over two weeks. d thment and if the movement we've seenna in some of these other senate nn races is occurring in not new hampshire as well, and there's no reason to believe that it's no, thistowar. toward the gop, that race couldl be very, verlsy close, much closer than the polls are showing, because, again, the polls are a couple of weeks old. they're they have maggie has up about five points. but and by the way,p abou t fivenew hampshire's another pe that over the last three cycles has underestimated a republican support in the polls. so that's another reason to p ae think that the new hampshiree cr than people are expectin raceg might be a lot closer thn people are are expecting it to be right now. >> and does the national kind of momentum, which you kind nata feel building when you justrabiu travel, you're out and about, you feelp ding and that also mie some effect in places like new hampshire, correct?
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>> absolutely. listen it's notsten, just new hampshire. i mean, we're seeingf ne we're seeing tight polls coming out zi of new york state with lee zeldin. juste seeing tight polls coming out. you mentioned michigan.s we jusrat had a poll come outo s that showed the governor's race in minnesota tied. so this is occurring all acrossu the country, i think ippnt in the upper midwest, maybe in particular, but in racesfrom fr house races toag senate races a across the countryth, again, the is the time when when people who are late decideropres, peopg who have been sort of who are true independents ors an who have been sort of on the fence are making their decisions and they seem to be siding with the partyan that's out of power. and that's that goes along with the sort of fundamentalhos in the history of how these elections go . >> tom , great to see. thank you. and speaking of unexpected pickups, up next, we speak to g two gop contenders and big time biden districts with a chance to win. plus, raymond arroyo with a reality check for meghan markle. >> that's ahead. and friday folley. so stay there.
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i can never go back to regular compression socks again. covid feel the fear. now, the so-called mainstream media, they're finally coming to grips with hoacoming h w bade midterms might be for their preferred party. now, politico's warning that future democratic stars are at risk of getting wiped out int tt the midterms. and it's not. just that and a number of districts biden won handily. democrats are increasingly atn
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risk in pennsylvania's 12th, which bidewon handn won by 20 pl the center for politiceas and real clear politics have a s moved the race away from out w safe for the democrats. valle it's a similar story out west california's central valley,m gd where democrat adam grayin and republican john doherty are locked in a tight race and, even though biden won there in a newly drawn seat by eleven oro points and an oregon sixth district, which biden won by act whopping 14 points.g 14 point democratic andrea salinass and republican businessman mike erickson are considered a tossup now . >> joining me now are the two candidates reference john dwyere ,california congressional candidate, and mike erickson, oregon congressional candidate. mike , i want to start mike, i with you.l start with you the democrats have really owned oregon in large part for decades. >> so why is twenty, twenty two so different? differn >> well, for 40 years, >> there's no re the democrats have pretty much run the state.
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there hasn't been a governor, a republican governor in 40 years. and we gotne a brand, a congressional seat , which is just outside portland all the way down to the stateou capital .tsidestate a very rural area. but the voters of thiscapitol an oregonians are just tired ofim the lawlessness and the rampant rising crime in our cities that cis. ee every day in the new hear over and over from from. everybody. this district. enough's enoug voters weir stath. voters want their state back and they're fed up with the democratic policies, a liberal antipolice policies. the people of the state haveg just had. in t >> and that's what you're seeing in the polls and all that. what's going on in this stat: jt and , john , here's how your opponent, adam gray, speaking of democratic policies, responded when he was askede ban about newsom's future ban on gas powered cars.ut. >> check this out.t to be what we ought to be a lotrm more focused on are what are steps to the near-term steps we can take to make addie that we have addii renewable energy, more electric cars in the marketplace, or how do we get more electric vehicles into the marketplace every year with tax credits and other decisions? i think that's the better way to do it. do it. >> laura: john, your john , your response to that,
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by the way, that was a nice backdrop for that debate. looks like you guys were i backndrops that? that was wild. a bathroom. that'sas that? how was lyle? not imp but that's not what important.ut what about what about adam's ads point? that's a career politician.>> t he's just thinking about what the government can dhaiticiao. this is a person who's never or worke worked in a company, never owned a company, never private r in the private sector, for that matter. he doesn't know how to deliverho a product. he doesn't know how difficult in theto scale up the production of electric impoi vehicles in a short time frame. he doesn't knowof the impossibility of some no a ti nothing politician imposing potime frame for america t amero convert itself from gas powered vehicles to electric powered vehicles.ctric vehicles. that 's a difficult tthat's a diffic. come down it's unknowable and it's going to come down on the backs of working families in our district. thisa workin is a working famils district where people are already being crushed by the being prhighcost cost of livingd we're trying to shift from oil to electricity and we don'ts to even know where the electricity is going to come from. now, they want us to provide t -- shift to
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shift to electric cars the and nobody knows how they're even going to be manufactured in the volumes we neerice. >> we need them at a price. working families in this district can afford. mean >> they're just i mean, they're inconsiderate. i mean, more rolling blackoutsem . comfort that's what they want. they love the blackouts. that gives them comfort. mike all right, mike , crime. sadly, that's what we think of when we think of oregon today, especially in portland. now, your opponent has. a verypi interesting goal or priority when it comes toty policing. p. >> now, how do we hold our laww enforcement accountable to have transparent, effective law enforcement? because all oregonians deserve to feelrve tol safe ?e i would like to see demilitarization of our law enforcement. okay, so, mike , the problem are the cops obviously, once again, it's the cops that are the problem. >> well, we used>> the city of n as the city of roses, great restaurants. and with with my opponent in the legislature for four years here, brener, california, sancai francisco values to oregon
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here. have and by the way, she was le appointed to represent downtownd for all kinds of portland, the oregon legislature. she's voted for all kinds oficwr anti police measures. now we're known as the city of riots, no longer the city ofs a. people are upset a roses. nd m and it's just terrible. i mean, people are upset.e re my opponent also really supported measure 110. she was out there.s that's legalizing all heroin, cocaine and th crack cocaine, meth. we're the only statetate in in the country, the only one that allows legal drugsreets of on the streets of oregon. here, that's got to change.r th and it's been a complete mess for the law enforcement. and it's been a terrible, the terrible thing that they passed. and my opponent was a leader that people are just fed upss with all this and they want change. and i can see it every day as i talk to people. they're afraid to go out of their homes. and that's just got to change. i hope this november we're going to make a sweeping change throughout oregon. >> have a lot more republicans in : i'm so excited about you gu i'm so excited about you guys. i i'm giddy about what could happen with new leadership ininn john , california. c and i had the great pleasure ofexpe living in california. i took the californictifornia ba ana bar.
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i thought i'd live out there.n z it is such an amazing state. we can't, like, write it republicans write it off forever, yet wree can't write it off. no state left behind. got to win it back . o the south anwn to the centrasoutl valley to the southl all the way down to the that's to win. . >> have to win it. we can't we can't leave itjo behind. californiar ro plays a major rod in american food security.y we feed the worland the central valley is irreplaceable. the sierra nevada snowpack is an abundant source of irrigation water and water for cities. we california could play a major role in american energy security. we've got energy reserves being tapped a underground here in california that aren't being tapped. all this drive drivea highs a hr living for working families.we' it limits their employmentignorg that nee opportunities. we're just ignoringn us and cal the resources that need to that we need to sustainif in california has a major role to play and we're utterly failingtn . all right. we're not going to call it the left coast when folks likefd you guys win and start making is a real difference. john ando happy both mike , i'my
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both of you are running. >> and best of luck oueah, tt tl auno, thank you. >> john edwards for .com. : go ahead all right. go ahead.t thank you, laura . mike. >> we're being outspent 4-1 except for the one we're beingno outspent four to one by nancy ad pelosi and overpeck. iden right now. they're throwing the kitchen sink at us . hetre, adow, joe biden was jus adam schiff wa ss here.e d nancy pelosi was her he this lav weekend. it's terrible.ery reto try they're putting every resource to try to turn this blue stateid into a red state o a br reversl but, you know, things have got to change. and my website is mike ericsonis for congress. doug , i appreciate all your support. all right, you guys both good luck on the trail. kson forsee you there, mike .er >> you.ise with thank you. there might be a little issuees with those electric buses that come to love so much. r oil nightmare involving meghan markle. raymond arroyo has it all in friday. follies 25% is the most protected person in the country . money laundering, illegal
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foreign lobbying. you have the laptop influence, big guy. email. the son of the vice president is doing deals funded by the chinese government. there are so many pieces of evidence the me has ignored because they want to. joe biden, like elected president . ladies and gentlemen of the jury, i am here to defend joe biden, who were attempting to influence policy. objection, your honor. let's look at photographs. this is what i think of these photographs. you really have no way of knowing what was said between him and these people. that he committed bribery. cyrano, where you going to try my case, try not to lose it at this time. the prosecution rests the trial of hunter by streaming. >> now exclusively on fox station, sinabung, fox nation .com. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep
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fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found john . five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month. and his wife and of five hundred thousand dollars was he for only twenty one dollars. go to select cocom now and get the insurance. your family needs at a price you can afford selectquote we shop you same store saturday strong with ohio's five bucks. this week we're on the road in columbus. the show america's willing game has been decided. a touchdown, the heisman trophy winner case drop the second ranked buckeyes into a clash with the hawkeyes. the best three get the best in the biggest game. big new saturday, ohio, ohio state on fox. welcome to fox news live. i'm lauren blanchard in washington. the future of president biden's
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student loan forgiveness program is up in the air at this hour. the eighth district court of appeals issuing a temporary stay friday while it considers a motion from six gop led states to block it. the plan would erase some or all of a student's federal debt depending on their income. and if they received grants, the plan went online earlier this week. since then, nearly twenty two million people have filed applications for relief online and thousands of police officers from around the country gathering in connecticut friday, paying final respects to two of their own killed in the line of duty, funeral services were held in the forty thousand seat stadium at the university of connecticut. the two officers were killed earlier this month in an apparent ambush. both received posthumous promotions. a third officer was wounded. i'm lauren blancher. now back to the >> laura: it's friday and that mean "ingraham angle". time it's friday and that means it's time for friday. for that we tu rnfollies. and for that, we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo.
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all right, raymond, i understand that this edition of the follies is all foe. comeuppanc >> that is correct, laura , starting with vice president kamala harris. every time she appears in public, she professes her loveer for something i love and diagrams. >> okay,n that's a little i really do.n i love diagram diagrams.. i just love the idea of exploring the unknown to think about so much that's out there that we still have to learn. >> i love that. i love to cook. known i love >> i love to cook.come from and i come from a family of good cooks. >> and i loved this week when l she celebrated a new love,ovy laura , one of the things thatte i'm very excited about is what we have been doing in terms of electric vehicles. and i have a particularl buses. fondness, i must tell you, for electric school buses. i love electric school bus.
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>> i really do it. there's only one problem, laura . those much beloved buses are going up in flames. this is from hamden, connecticut. the fire department, the bus, i the electric bus just combustefm into flame sitting inevery elecb the depot. flee have removed everyus fro electrict. bus from their fleet.buse the city had hoped to orderharrs twenty two more ev buses, sincet harris is giving them five billion dollars to get rid of the gas versions. from se this is the shi we're going to seening sea is fa to shining sea. so if she loves them so much,e e i hope carmela t will ride themo leave the children at home or let them carpool. >> this is spontaneous combustion. i mean, this is just i mean,n it's like the whole democrat agenda is goinflt not?g up in f, though, is it not? >> and so that's a fittingll image for al gore. >> exactly. well, it's it's like it'>>s mucn like this administration. it's very difficult to rechargeo and it's seriously expensive and probably isn't working very well forusd meghan markle, onea
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your favorite i know your favorite royal, s of the duchess of sussex is at itaa again using the queen'ins passig to get herself a variety coverat story. en and shring the interview, she suddenly waxed warm aboue's t es passing and taken a page f the queen, how she's mourningmaa elizabeth's passing. >> and she's taking a page from the kamala playbook. >> hi, i'm megan and i play a mean game of scrabble, timecially time scrabble. >> it's something that i've lived for a long time. i'm very good inco jeopardoky ao love to cook. >> i don't know if a lot of people know that maybe they they all love to cook forso this. rm lik thise smacks of a pr firm like; a very wily publicist in l.a.. right, right.o's like, ok who is like, okay,ay you got to soften your image a little bit. people think that you're the royal homet an royal royal destroyer. po you're going to soften it up and laura, is the latest poll i of popularity of the royals. it has she and harry atthis is r nine percent. and this right is you're right.
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this is to soften the blow from that forthcoming netflix doculi series on their life. and harry's tell all thatyals will probably trash a few soften royals. so she's trying to soften the blow the blow and capture her meggant moment. pingn't harry always look like. he's peeping behind her likehado he's always he always appears like he's in her shadow literaw literally in pictures and say it's always like the demure e. now that raymond, she really is kind of regal because i read where she said she had to leave deal or no deal where she wasd o the briefcase girl because shero felt objectified. t fioed. >> really, really. meghan markle's come up and came this week via social media where clips of a role she> played on nine t mo two years after she left, deal or nohe deal resurfaced. ole. this is a family show. so i can't tell you what she's doing in that car there. but it's good that she's no longer being objectified. >> i'm glad she's found a moreet delicate and royal road to. >> never has more ink been pursue.
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no one never has more ink been h spilled on someone less worthy. >> what else? right. well, it's things are going down for sure. on monday, we reported on the serial killer shiek law with netflix. dahmer, the second most watched series on the streaming service ever will . now jeffrey dahmer, halloween costumes of the rage. >> the jeffrey dahmer costume had eight billion views on tick tock. >> laura , this is now serving. i like seven vieaux tweet.. put the jeffrey dahmer costumes back in the closet. it in th >> ain't having it like that. she's no she's right because, you know, when children wear a costume, they're aspiring to be that particular individual. how we went from batman to a serial killer, i don't know. but this is a disturbing trend and tells us something about the future. speaking halloween costumes, my favorite comeuppance of the week were five day care workers in mississippi. they filmed themselves correcting and terrorizing little children in their daycare. i have to warn parents, this is really hard to watch. these women are just beside
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i'm happy to reporh t all five f these women have been chargeds with child abusethei. he thrhaps their cellmates can terrorize them the way they terrorized these little babies. zed these littleor i mean, i gen misbehave. you don't abuse them. you don' an adult. s this is disgraceful. i thought it was just sickeningo watching those poose poor babiet it. hideous. but how is that a folly to stopren, you ? get folly is the folly is when you terrorize little children,g. it's horrible. they were in panic and froze you get what's coming down.with. it's horrible. they were in , i' panic and frozen with fear. by the way, i'm atsu t the villagers sunday signing the wise man w who foundis christmas. sunday.e erybody will come out this time that i wilapproachingl actually be approaching you on the rascal scooter at the villages. so i look forward to es and l seeing youn th there, raymond. good luck on the trail. all right.wh up next, why is mitch mcconnell meddling in the atlanta and the alaska senate race? well, trump and alaska gop her endorsed candidate kelly ibaka
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is here to react.the and we're just nine days from's the ingram angle's fifth made th anniversary. so thank you all for watching. you all have made the show a huge success having from five , five years, kind of five , five years, kind of one , two, three , fou, r, five. >> congratulations. now we neeyo rd five morick, he? hey, i just got a text from hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick , her ? -wow. >> sure. -wow. >> sure. -wow. he's the seventy six year old . >> sadly, not anymore. what you mean just like that?? what you mean just like that?? >> wow. so sudden we're not about to'rel have the we need life insurance conversation again. >>h plan are we know we're havig though we are getting coverage though we are getting coverage so we don't have to worr it. conversation. is the nine ninety five a month life insuran i am.ny. we put it off long enough. we are getting that ninety five plan today. ninety five plan today. >> is it time for you to call
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new nine and one. >> the cleaning lady. i have a distributor, biggest drug broker in vegas. we've set up a sting. take both down. you could kill us both. go get the product. she stays to get a real problem on nine one one for the by the cleaning lady. monday on fox, the president pulling out all the stops from selling off oil reserves to student loan forgiveness.
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one three three eight three one. that's 1-800- for one three three eight three one no. >> eight affiliates of
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the alaska republican party have now spoken out against the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, for hisspoke oh mcconnell for his interference in the alaskan senate contest that's against party endorsed candidateen carly ibaka. fox is kevin corke has all >> this details crazy the details. under what in crazy stuff. the i mean this you have to file under the what in the world is going on now. contine having a hotly contested intra party race in your state, only to haves away leaders from the national party about four thousand miles away putting their thumbs on the scales. and that's exactlyt alaska's whr alaska's gop party says is happening. they're accusing kentuckych senator mitch mcconnell, the minority leader, of pulling strings to hel p fund lisacamp murkowski campaign attack ads against heainsr challenger, kelly abarca, mcconnell's super pac. that's kel senate leadership fu, reportedly has poured more thane alaska contest. now, for her seven million dollars into the alaska contest. >> now, for her part, chewbacca is well within the margin ofllsn error and most major polls,
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she's picked up the endorsement of former president trump b and is endorsed by the alaska republican party. and tonight they're demanding the minority leader. but out calling outg on the kentucky senator and calling on the kentucky goe keno censor mcconnell, quote, we. request we request it is ack republican party of kentucky leadership act against actr hi senator mitch mcconnell for his inappropriate behavior against alaska republicans. s inapprate and republican endod candidate kelly . , now alaska, believe ari it or not, laura is nozot the first state to call out mcconnell. arizona'gop did its gop did it,a accusing washington are basically playinrt g partythat the favorites. >> and they shouldn't do that. they say censuring the senate minority leader this this campaign season is so wild. to . i can't see where this wheres this goes. can't wait to see it. e >> let's do this again.>> laura so i would love to.: great to please. great to see you as always, kevin . all right, kelly chewbacca, the trump backed republican running for senate in alaska,,kell e joins me now. this kelly , it is so great to see ha you tonight.
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this report fromd is having, i think, everyone's heade go spinning around. what has the senate, the senatp leadershipe going on? gop leadership so worried about you? what's going on ? well, thank you for having me, laura . and you're absolutely right, mitch.l dumped an entire mcconnell has dumped an entire campaign worth of money intoe an alaska in a smear ad blitz of lies against me because i thinkh he's terrified that he will lose. lisa murkowski is dependable.r a vote for the dc establishment, s a senator who will be bought and bullied by washington, dhiso as she has been the lastr of twenty one years. peaskans are looking for a senator who is of the people,a by the people, for the people. i think that terrifies mitch mcconnell. their viewers want to help or amery for acom, this grassroots election has beenro powered by americans like you countr the country. just and i appreciate that. well, i want to play this just d so people understand how gross this is .connel i want to play this mcconnell funded ad against you, killing chewbacca was investigated fortu fraud. turns out she was alsorns out sn
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investigated for illegally obtaining a fishing license and cited fod commr commercial fishing illegally to make this campaign video. there's always something fishy abou about kelly chewbacca. >> okay, that is such a bad ad u . i only played itse kelly , because it's so stupid. so now alaskans are going to reject a candidate because ofa fishing license dispute? we got trillions o a fishing license dispute. peopu we got trillions on the line red here and people are about to lose their jobs in a recession. and this is whatat mccon mcconns people are pushing out really well. the trut>> the truth ih in alas. so we're inundated with these te smear ads, but alaskans aren't r stupid, despite what a washington, dc thinks. i have an exoneration letter from the investigation they're have an exoneration letter and the commercial fishing i commercial fishing story is so old in alaska, yous nee d a license for commercial t fishing. if you get paid to go fishing, and if you get paid for your fish. in that particular instance, i paid tnce io go fishing and io for the fish.os and so it's one of thosee gov
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instances that we're aller upsen about and lasco of government pn ever including people with me that day have ever bee overreach. and no other person ever,n tickt including the people, were with me that they've ever been ticketed for td running ag thati so i got ticketed for running against lisa murkowski. this is exactlat alay what alasu are tired of. we don't want politicians. pu we want public servants.d this . and this is one of the reasonsyd why i'm starting to lead in the polls. it's looking really good al have we're going to have a victoryin in november. if youg sensean the wave formi. and it's a populist wave and i n don't know what's going tos happen in your race, but this is this is the time to run.pos ifthis you're going to run as a populist conservative, it's this election cycle now, murkowski has boasted that shesp has no problem betrayingk this the republican agenda. o. >> check this out. when the party is is is isapproh taking an approach or saying things that i think are just absolutely wrong. i think it's my myy as responsibility as as an alaskan senator speaking out for alaskaens to jus alaskans to to just speak laura
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the truth. i'm feeling some liz cheney vibes here. has she really chey represented alaskans interests and thee give us senate, given whan what shet she's actually stood for and so many votes?? well, i think you identified it correctly when you said murkowski has no problemhas nous training. as the exac she says one thing to us and she does the exact opposite . so in dc, she was running paid ads up here saying joe biden wasns a coming to grab our guns when she was working with biden to vote for and mcconnelexl to vote for extreme gun control and red flag laws. evens an democrats carry guns ie alaska, but this is the kind of double talk we've been getting from murkowski for a long time. she says she supports energyon industry and resources, but she's the person who cast the ti reakine breaking vote to advance the nomination of the radical environmentaliste b' deb holland to be biden's interior secretary. this affects all of americ isa. our it's deb holland who has shutcot down the oil and gas industryd and driven up our cost of gasenn
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at the pump and caused us to go from being energy dominantdva to being reliantri on our forein adversaries for gas. and that killed all kinds of jobs in alaska, including they e the kind my mom had when i wasro a little girl.mend mom got a jot the slope and th they were onceat homeless, but l mom got a job. but the and that oil industryoy job changed everything for my family. j that's what got me iobn the rac those kind oput fof jobs put fod on the table and roofs over our head about what we're fighting for. >> kelle y i'm very, very excited about this race.t to i cannot wai st to see whatiffee happens on election it's going to be a late nigha, t t because of the time difference in alaska. p doingwhat you'rbue doint you u we're wi keep doing what you're doing. i think you're going t wayo in h and we're with you all the way.s thanks so much, kelly .outout fe oh, wow. another surprise shout out for the ingram angle's fifth ingrahe fifth an anniversary is up next. >> oh, i can't wait to find out. who it is . stay . i can't wait to mess with these people. crank it up and hold on tight. it's lego masters biggest breaking season. oh, my god. we're doing horrible. good luck.
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well, my teahem has more surprih shout outs from friends ofec the show. another. >> laura, it's hard to believe so let's check out another fif laura . >> it's hard to believthe thatna this is the fifth anniversary of your show, but i can tell you that day in and day out, every chance i get, i'm amazed at how you combine humor and anger and revelations about news in a way that nobody else. on television can match.akes y yoouu picked up something somewhere that makes you truly unique. and i think it's a great tribute to you that your audience loves you, sticksy ouwith you, looks forward to i hearing from you.ay and i can tell you as one of your occasional guests, i always find it fascinating tos be with you. and i look forward t oo another five years of your show. >> newt gingrich, what a manaveo and what a dear friend. wto tha. and i have no words to respondpe to. that is just beyond
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this is a showy thateamt is poh only because of our team. so those words are directed at e the larger ingrams single team and you know who you are. for all right. don't forget, set your dvr fore next wednesday night, october twenty six , when the angle hits the road and heads to, houston, texas, for our first t retaking america town hall. you're not going to want to i miss it. and greg gutfeld takes it alll m from here. >>here happy friday, everybody.! i'm wearing glasses because i have a stye. out o >> i thought i'd get that out r of the way. all right. ightso here's a stupid, infuriating, idiotic story,oticy which only means it bubbled up from which can only mean it bubbled


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