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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 22, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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re it's i would just i would just sayat, becaus thannd not report on it. i'm going to read that because it's a great idea. >> true! thank you. thank you. all right. thank by that book. you, ju and if you don't, you're probably a homophobe. thank you. julie banderas will chat. shadowfax if our studio audience watches and david gergen, 60%, i love you. oh, everybody. >> i'm jesse watters along jud with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., katie pavlik and jimmy failure. failure. it's five o'clock in new york city. this is th e five presidenttrying biden trying to midterm's pivot to save his part m y from a red wave wipe out. of americans ar a majority of americans are in t. n what the joe doesn't have a clue on what they care about. 63% wish you would pays
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more attention to key issues affecting their families.famili inflation, crime, an like inflation and crime in the border crisis. the biden's only interested inac appeasing his far left basea fou with the focus on abortion, , an student debt, bailout and his promise to save democractoy fin as delusional as ever. new and he has a new attack linef t that just rolls right off>> pol the tongue. >> pulls been all overbeen a wee the place. i think that we're going to seee one more shift s back to our mee you wh and let me tely i thl you why ik that we're starting to see some of the good news on the economy. the election is not it's a choice. it's a choice. and the republicans criticize economic record .k what but look at what i've inherited and what i've done and look at what they're offering. it is a, mega trickle down, mega mega trickle down.own, that have b failed the country beforefe and i'll fail it again, knowa he and while biden tests out a last ditch effort to sway at ditcvoters, she looks likeao
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she's given up. she's straight up making fun of her constituents.g fun of con the town hall watcstituents in k she has presidential material written all overs presiden. so so i don't know. megaman trickle down.ickle down they see dancing the night away. does this look liknight e a pary >> this is this is fantasyland. this is lala land. you've got a president outyo there. out there telling america that the is telling america thate the economy is strong and thatis we've got a mayor who ise is telling us the crime is all insa our heads. it's just a perception., everyti everything is is the the economy's great. he says the what did he say? poor people, middle classe ri are going to do great.cheat, its it's just a matter of time all
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before it all happens. look, the american people know ican what peo cost to buy gas, to buy food. they're very worried that worried about their heat. the i'm worried about the heating bill , okay? heat everybd here. >> and yes, i would be worried . here's the bottoi would m. the bottom line is that youk have to ask yourself. t it'she age an age old question.r are you better off under under joe biden than you were twoago. years ago? ation was inflation was one point1.6% six percent, two years ago. yea now he s the highest in forty years now coming down. when t is siskins. president prices are coming down. well, when trump was president , they were two 30. dollars and thirty cents. now they're down to four dollars from an all time high. and you think we're doing well. i mean this is , this is a time for americans to talk aboutbloc, crime in katie's spot. t time but this is a time for say enou americans to say enough.nk >> do you think this new mega mega triple down or whatever it is , do you think he came up >> i don't k with a i don't know. >> it's good to be back at two. >> i don't i don't i don'tt dise
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disagree largely with the ways, you framed that from the beginning of this. me some meat on the i i'd probably be doing thisis a lot differently. i think there are things to be bragging about and things to be touting that they were able to get accomplishey were ad ove. the last two years, this congress and sometimes the presidents there, sometimemt not. i think if i were them, you got infr message about infrastructure, astrcriptionabout prescription t keeping taxes low, to let the american people know that t the republicans have two plans or rick scott plan and a plan and one that really has some differing views and for that matter, different priorities. suggesting things that people,ou to your point, judge, no, tone u not necessarily be true. everyone knows you're paying more for eggs, you're paying more for gasoline, you're paying more for meat. meatat the at a restaurant or in the grocery store.staurant or in and we know we'r fore paying moy for gas or probably things t whh could be doing to reduce a the price of a gallon of gasoline. llon oat the white house.uld doi could probably do i do itind doi because i think if you if to your point, i'd like to show fantasy island, but take
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your idea about fantasy land i and some of the things that we can talk about. some of it's incredulous in he h some of it. some of the things he's done, ai i think has been incredibly good. he's got tblo sahe hy thosase t. if he does not, we can finddoes ourselves at a real , wedisadvantage in the house and the senate come a couple ofm weeks from now. now >> did you see. joe atbehind ht the podium with those three people behind them? >> yeah, they lookedople they ym ,they looked a little worried about what's coming in, gone the future. they've gone from ultraltra madagascar to mega, mega trickle down economics, which just brings up the contrast between the economy under president trump and the economy now unde r joe biden. and when it comes to americans not feeling like they'reto ameri focusingcans on the issues that matter to their families, they may be focusing on them soon. w given the way that the generic e ballot is going with a number of polls gene, pelicans are upy si by six points in not just one poll, but many polls this week on the generic ballot. it's not like inflation's goinge to get fixedne in the next three weeks, two and a halft weeks.two and it's going to staya the samhae same o get worse as a result.wors so things are.e going togettin
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get better for democrats on the issues, on the issues of inflation and crime, the way the democrat ways and particulab the white house have ignoredle this is is really incredible, constsg how affects people. inflation and crime are issuesva of survival tol. so to a human being, if you affr can't afford to feed your family, if you can't affordtgage, to pay your mortga you feel like every time you to get on the subway or yous in th stopped, put gas in your car,n that your life is in danger as a result, whether you're in philadelphia in , or somewhere e as a result of crime, those are existential threats to your well-being, to your family. and yet they have acted like an they're not even an issue.e. and then today , the d.a. inlad philadelphia is arguing that you were racist. criti if you dare tocize criticize the majority the policies, ignoring the fact that the majority of the people are victims of thif peoples are minorities in those cities. choo and so they've chosen to ignore they're still the top issues. and lee zeldin is now aheads ahn by one point in new york asfocu a result of focusing on thessind things. and i thin ik they've really noa done a good job of thinkingha about what the american peoplege
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want, rather than just focusing on trying to get their base out for elections would help fundund as an aoc town hall.oe look, she does impressions you dances. >> oh, man.ok. but nobody wants to listenimi and see. rallies arar e twenty five to 100 get in. >> one hundred to get out. i can' i can't listen to this idiotit anymore. it's really hard to watch. but the move she's really doingo is not the bot from side to side. her dance is the hustl dancee be she is hustled that entire district. no accomplishments distri to speak to other than killing amazon jobs. >> crime has spiked in response to her defense narrative where she wanted to kill off the police budget. now everybody' nw evy s killing each other. and that's what i'm so fascinated by , is thet i amby. th democratic indifference. the people who help them win elections are the people most adversely affected by whatne to they've done ttho the country.e you're talking about minorities being plagued by what? b crime and inflation. as a former cab driver, i can n tell you nobody in my taxi garage, which is all minority, like i was literally there, they don't know my name, i was don't know my name. o as theas i'm referred to to this day fo as the white guy. they called me the whitereal fon real. they're great people.t
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but the point is ,is the nobodyg leaves the taxi and goesoe homey to the inner city where they're worried about getting mugged bei on the way to the bodega ongr to bogota, as joe biden calls it,le and cares about climate change.u ha >> you digve. so when they say, like in roo politics, you got to read them,n room. biden is not i even in the room. >> okay, to be clear, de he's getting sent home to delaware this this we because they're tired of tryingn to keep him on stage at the endn of a speech. that's wha t three people are doing. they're they're the biden wrangler. so he doesn't wander off into th the audiencen wrangl because it joe biden is the only president in history who takes more time to exert he tak speech than he does totho give one that.than he does totho poor ben, how many times b danom they have to play hail ttheyo the chief before he finds his way out? >> you did forget about the fact they do have >> district now? yeah, that's a big accomplishment. let's not see. she finally got somebody. how's it going to go ? right. coming up is this. end we end america's crime crisis. a big effort is underway toe of impeach one of the most radicalh ideas in the country. >>e most radicalhe coun this to please, please stad
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by . this to please, please stad joe biden is the most protected person in the country. you have the laptop infamous big guy email. ladies and gentlemen of the jury, i am here to defend pintubi. this is what i think of these photographs there were attempting to influence policy committee five . your honor, if you're going to try my case, try not to lose it. >> the trial of hunter biden is streaming now on fox nation. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and i want to give each and every one of you one last chance to get your very own. mypillow for kill bed sheets, go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. use your promo code and you'll get the lowest prices ever. for example, you get my
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our students, our communities and ou r country shape the future, change. >> when led by what could this
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be ? >> the way to end america's crime crisis? philadelphia's progressive d.a.r larry krasner, trying to fendo d off an effort from republican lawmakers in his state to impeach him over the city's exploding crime rate. lodingfor example, since krasnek office in 2017 murders, have jumped 78%. and the latest lunacy from his office saw a convicted killerctd who he exonerated and let outf s of prison last year, nowon wantt in connection with anotherattacn murder. but crasser says attacking his ist of straight up, the republican playbook. straight off. this is an efforth is an t to ih someone for political purposes who ha hass done nothing corrupy and nothing illegal because they want to erase erase philadelphia's votes, part philadelphia's votes. book part of the republicanas playbook, as you well knowyou w, is to point a finger at large ,v diverse citieser and say large diverse cities are lawless. whatwhat we see he we see here h
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same old playbook, which is about coded and racist messai messaging. it's about blaming the biggest,u city in pennsylvania with ther a most diverse population forvie struggle that we have with gun having the same nationalth gun struggle that we have with gun violence everywhere.violence e vethat comes after president biden offers up his most confusing comment yet on rising crime ahead of thesef big an issue midterm. ie how big of as crn issuime is crd >> i think it's a real issue and i think we have a great>> record on so jesse , seems likee krasner is more upset with , krasnerquote, the republican pa than he is about a convicted murderer who exonerated coming back and murdering someone elseu . he thinks he's a movie star.rdet so the state legislaturehinks h to come in and testify behind closed doors about his crimeturned them policies and he turned them went philly to harrisburg and went to the capitol steps and helde a a prespitol d s conference and called the republicans racist and said
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they were pursuing a southern strategy. so republicansg are upset because a white democrat d.a. ad is letting black people kill each other. and that's racist. that's larry krasn's y there. right there. >> larry krasner let outlarry e who ran over a woman and her baby daughter, killing thehter let them out on bail. and then he went up and shot upb a high school footballal practie . larry krasner hay d a guy thatto was in prison for murder and hei had an integrity unit let him out. and no w he's being chargedr with another murder and he's wanted and he's on the lam.nd ae lam. larry craster is the worst d.a. coming everything that's coming to him. >> so, judge, you know, this to isn't just about republicans. it's about real people who arevm being victims of crimes and women are beinthat areg on transportation. lawrence jones actually sat down with a numberc of voters o talk to them about crime and safety and listen to that gu and get your take. is >> how many women out here fee l here pump your gas here?
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no hands. yeah. yeah, and it's not just defund the the women. the fund, the police message hurtrt the city of philadelphie and crime all over the country. raise your hand if you believe that to fund the police mess has hurt us . >> yeah. >> lawrence also said all of those people plan on voting for republicans. f all,republican larry, krasners, all is inept. t he is a liar.a liar, he should not be d.a. he should defend be the public defender. larry krasner, to stand up there and say that this isis about racing votes. it has nothing to do with that one . crime the crimes that jesse talked about, one of the murders that larry krasner is that what is that? >> his hisit i think it'sy unit conviction integrity unit decided to release someone who had been convicted after a jury triald after and then hu out and kills again. the first murderrd, jesse , wash
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when this guy goes out and he a of his kills a man, a father in front of his five year old son ,ont of point blan hk in front of his son two days before christmaskrs ner'and crassness, conviction ta integrity unit decides that this is a man who deservesrves this i mercy. ported and this is a unit thattterma is supported by fetterman. lookn. , the democrats own this crime crisis in the unitedpeople states . they own it. people like prasada should be gone. e, george gascon, alpen, bragge, br sell c darcel clark, allal of thesel th progressive ideas do not belone those jobs.know now and every woman i know nowraid is afraid to wear jewelry. she's afraid to drive a good car .ar, afra she's afraidid she's going to be followed home and they are legitimately good reasons to afr be and it's because democrats haved decided that cassus fail is thee way to go for social justice, which no one is to find. i still don't know what socialk justice justice is , harold.ious obviously, people are beingly p killed, which is the worstar
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killed of it.led of but there's this also hasct. a negative economic impact. del, i mean, stores are closing in places like philadelphia, washington, dc, because it's d.c. it is tngerous,too dangero. and of course, the communities r who live there have less bett economic opportunity to better i am >> right. so i am as concerned as any about just the human toll and the kind of the threats that people may feel about people their safety. r i don't view this as a democratw or republican problem. i view it as a nationaltional challenge. >> we have some poor thinking and ineffective individuals who happen to be democrats. >> and some of these job s that s, this i d.a., he's right in one regard. you can't know if you canng impeach him if he didn't do anything corrupt, but they should certainlcoy do everything they possibly can to get him out of office. jesse , i thought you said itit very well.ell. politica sometimes i think you try tocoy, be a little political and coy,ou but you were absolutely right. r right, he went t you said he just went to said tha harrisburg. i didn't think about this way and said that they were racist because they wanted him to prosecute criminalprosecuts whoe who are imparting harm and feare
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on the parts of the majority of he sho the diverse population that he talked about. he shouldn't be deula. not beca he's not a probably a decent guy who wants to do well, butdo his policies are not workings wr these days, who are who are who are still employing and pursuing this platform of wanting touing thi release peopp jail who commit violent,lem ja know wha i don't know what wet are accomplishing. that seems to me there's no social o ser justice in any of that.ustice in any of the communities that they're the o asked those communities if they feelnc as if this is an act of social, we justice, it's not where you rigt are. abo right, judge, about us owningutg this. if we don't have a national message that denounces cash as well for violent offenders,er if we don't make clear every s time the president speaks ofay the next two weeks, he must say, we fully funded police, poo passed the policing bill in the house and not one republicanoted for for.n that's what he meanshe when hetr said he thought they were doing better on it. bee can't be for cashless bill .de >> democrats, if wmocre want sa
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want s communities, and especially if you want safe communities where people like meaf and people looe like me live.t lo >> jimmy , listen. and i think a kid solves this. when you were a little kid, we a used to play a game in the backyard called cops and robbers. >> remember, cops and robbers and his kids still play. they got misuzu. yeah, i scuderia. >> i am jealous of the robber. i'm jealous of the robber. kid i'm jealous of the robberr because he's a fat kid. i could never get away like i never i just never evenne bothered. >> i always get a dragnet and just close the gap. but as kids, you always a knew the cops are the good guys, the robbers, the badm th guys. we have created a system in this country. l th the criminal than the cop. and this is the residualan t ist of all of this i. blown what i'm so blown away by is this narrative being pushed on the left that republicans are evil for highlighting all this crimehighlime. . we're the ones trying to bring attention to it so we can stop it there.t the nine one one operatorsto sto they're that are letting the call go to voicemail while they play candy crush on their phone, there's crush on the no world where the people sticking up for the cops are the bad guys. and if we just accept thatth, i i think we hav e a foundation for a step forward. >> yeah. ig all well.
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it is nitely an , it's definite. coming up, talk abouint interesting timing. r he gets c the administration investigating elon musk after too buying twitter and your personal information gets exposed so often you might as well be hanging in a museum. everyday activities like online shopping, banking and even data breaches may exposure information and make it dangerously easy to have your identity stolen. no wonder there's a new victim every three seconds. >> someone stole my information and try to buy a car in my name felt really devastating. because i had no control. but protecting your identity can't be easy with lifelock. >> lifelock monitors threats to your identity, and if an issue is detected, a dedicated us based restoration specialist
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nearly 75% of the social mediate giant's workforce.r twitter trying to ease anxiousi employee employees a day by telling them no layoffs are being planned. st okay, so let's start with withe we've go the with the fact that we've got citius involved. the last time i remember h hearing aboueari t this was when hillary clinton wanted to sell our uranium to the russians. and so now we've got joe biden, saying that. and i'll start with you. joe biden is requiring a national security review ofrew elon musk's takeover of twitter. he can do it before or after afe >> buys twitter. what is that all about? it's a well, they like wel contl social m and communication. so twitter is the social media giant that burie thad hunter bi laptop story talking about national security reviews. righut national securi t. that's one of them that maybe they should review instead. but then all the mainstream media outlets didn't cover it. so twitter really saved joe biden's presidential campaign. buo t the relationship between the biden white house and the
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green left and elon muskft, el is very interesting to me. elon musk ownsis six . has tesla has 68% of the market share of electri c vehicles inamerica. america. they are doing what joe bide nansiti claims he wants to do, trancedo. big transition to electric but becaus vehicles.s he has led the way. d but because he doesn't do the exactly what the white house wants, his workers are not unionized. the white hous e is frozen out of any kind of celebrations. d a bicelebratg electric vehicle event at the white house. they did not invite elon musk,hi even though he's dominating in the electric vehicle market. so he's just too unwieldy forr them. it's like they they maybe like bu his green agenda, butt ide they don't like the idea that he's outspoken , that he wants to own one of the major communications outlets with fre ofspeech in this country. gn this and so they're using the powero of government like they always do to go after people they dee do to go after people they deem a threat politically. >> well, you know what?>> j eathe officials haven't identified what tools they're going to use for the review. te
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but one of the things they are objecting to is the fact that apparently elon musk has gotten some investment from foreign funders such as prince alwaleeda bin talal of saudi arabia.ince a , and apparently the other day e said something positive about m medvedev, who was putin's predecessor. and so they're all out of shape over that. l it, they it, they can k ilthey're mad at him for tworea reasons. he ie obama biden gave musk billions of dollars to get this green stuffn off the ground. ey he took the money and now world he's the richest man in the world. but he's not a democraott a anymore. >> so they're angry. more. but he's also to powerful for o him, because if he had been inri charge of twitter during the last election,ng the joe bi never would have gotten elected. usually billionaireselec playsy within the system, but heying t is trying to disruptback. the system. so he's put a whole target on his back . if the system, the system comes at you hard.te they came after trump. rogin. trump, they used to go after howard stern.
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remember, back in the day, they go after the ta party. so they will go after himo afte with everything they already hitried to me to him.l look int they will try to go look intos his taxes.s, the fbi look into him., justic the justice department will sniff around. they'll find department w some environmental thing to get them.environmental matter. it doesn't matter. they'll have banks cthey'ld platforming. they will use anything they can to get them downdeplat and thats their m.o. they'll abuse power to crush you if you threaten that's their power. and the right has to make.o. a decision when the right gets back in charge ofen the right the government in 2020 four,ba are they going to fighckt fi fire with fire ?i kn because i know the republican philosophy is you don't usow th the government against your political enemies. >> it's small government, butict you're getting abused like this. >> they have to make a choice. >> what's interesting, harold, is that apparently musk tweeted that he threatened to stop providing free starlink inukra the ukraine and access toin he the not making a profit there.scinde he then rescinded thatd that the
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a week later, saying h we would uphold the offer despite all the money that the country is receiving from the united states .country receiving what was that all about? that al >> i don't know.>> i don't know. i do know this. i thin. k elon musk and steved stev jo i'm fifty two years oldme and steve jobs is older. me, obviously, but they are twoa great. you look a bill gates is part of this.epre but you look atthe the entrepreneur, the visione or and ability to execute on theire visiony're, their unbelievable. >> now, that doesn't make him god doesn't make him perfect. k if the white house believes there i think if the white house cfius believes that there should be a n to like, relatio you know, sterling has enormouso relationship with the department of defense. they df defenso a lot of work fs taxpayers and us as american citizens. citizens. if they allow him to do if if they are allowing him to do that work. and he didn't have seriouse >> what is i don't understand what what what the issue is , what the issue is now. >> jeanine: what does that tell what does that tell you? >> well, either they've dis discovered something i don't cothink i don't think cynically or nor do i think i try not to think critically about these things that they're going toe t have to share those things. and i assume muskox lawyers
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would ask those question musk's the other side of this is what one twitter, one person on twitter knorsonw how to talk about a twitter or twitter, buta the person on twitter said that wouldn't it be amazing ore bi hysterical if the if the bidende no white house stepped in and allowed him not to buy twitter when people thought so ? thing. it's right. it's an interesting but i'm interested to se e it because normally serious is when and foreign companies trying to bu tryin buyy to or ts company here. so if there's something they have,have, they should sht and at least allow us tocate understand what the predicate is forr this kind ofadmit investigation. >> you admit that you're curious, if not skeptical,u're judge, whether or not it getsme mike lindell. yes, i'm curious. going ramp it up. take it home.ompany i mean, if you wer ande going to go after a social media companyg and you were serious about protecting us , you'd go after tiktok, the stealing all of your information. my simple theory is obviously they're threatened my they're by the lack of censorship ability heading into elections. but my bigger theory is biden's just upset because they'll hi personally to run his ownm account.on t account.
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typed out the words? he said it would look like you if someb walked acrosods the keyboard. >> give me a break. and as far as the layoffs br go with twitter, don't feel baed . >> is half of those people aree bots. it's not bad.bots thank you, jimmy .. up next, a fired professor hitting back at whiny wolk'sd students who got him fired for being too tough. m you you love is what i love is my face.♪ when my love is i love, discover the number one selling brand in america. real steel. find yours. >> i can't take my eyes off my eyes. my go to islam if i dropped dramatically, reduces brightness in one and look at the different. my eyes look brighter
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and whiter for up to eight hours. >> it was love at first sight with looma by see for yourself . what we don't account for are the monsters. we don't expect them. there's nobody until three of the girls were missing. i heard somebody walking. three girls were killed. but you know, there's not one counselor who had to give up their life if they knew what was going on . it was just as soon he was guilty. he was a shape shifter. he had the help of charity magic. there were three caves discovered has been a hideout. one hundred years. i began to see that multiple people had been involved in the murders. i said, i think you've got a fourth man. they've never gone on the record in forty five years. the implications of this are[cr]
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umbanda. la la la la la. oh my my, my . steak got me some students lesson. learning an important life lesson. >> whining we'll get you etnowhere. nyu organic chemistry professorr who was fired after studentss complained that his class was, quote unquote, too hard is calling them out.iversities e he says universities are caving to to spoiled kids by loweringstand
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their standards while adding students need toe addi develop the ability to takeresponsibiliy responsibility for failure if they continue to deflect for bl they will never grow. blame, they deans must learn to nowillt code students for the sake of a tuition and apply a little tough love. >> but look what happened in washington, d.c.. georgetown universit ay students walked out during former vice president pence's speech chanting hatspeeche has no homey >> you know, you can say to somebody they got bad ideas without saying they're bad le person leaders in this countryas this nation's capital never been more out of touch or more intent on imposing our agenda or walking out on people that might have a different point of view. >> she adds. who i i think the vice president , who i don't agree with on n a la of things, i think he has anwe s excellent point that you should i think that that lostf this i f this in politics. >> how do weis get this back ? d i mean, how do we reinject
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reinvigorate in our politics and the way you beat someone's not to cance reinjics nol, calle if they're not or for that matter, walk out, you debatete v him or try to give them a better message. a b >> got to debate eventually they'll realize you you can't walk o a situation that's not going situu enter the real world.d th pense certified, the election on january 6th.t on tha yeah.t guy? and they're walking out on thatt guy. ican t i'd likehe to see some republicn that they wouldn't walk out on in georgetown. a couple of years ago,a ahmadinejad came to speacok atac columbia university,am the iranian leader, and not a single libpeak walked out of t speech. now he has hung. he's he's killed american guys. kill in iraq. he's got missiles pointed at no o our ships. no one walked oune walket. out. >> but ann colter goes to speak at columbia and they threw a pie face the and walk out now and hasn't hung a 10% hung a . >> not that i know. doing so i don't know why they're doing that. now, this professo that. r who ist kicked grading tough and gotd kicked out, youtu want to gradeu
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tough because if you pass that class, you get into medicainlto school and this a couple of weeks ago, you don't want dumb, lazy people in medical school. what happens if that dumb lazy person gets through medical school and operates on me, what my beautiful body? >> what if they give i a change operation because they didn't read the chartrase they properl of a sudden it come out? i'm jessica waters. i'm sitting in that seat . >> i don't address. no, you have your jessica waters. you go from a tv host to a white house cabinet member. tit's true. i did become a democrat. there are some upsides, judge.ia you know, the whole idea of college is to learn deductiveexn reasoning. it's about the exchange ofgef th ideas. they don'tey don't w anyone's oo other than their own. that' to me, that's fascism. p they are teaching fascism.thfas. and you know what? this teacher who got fired because he's teaching organic chemistry and theyrganic think s too hard. >> well, first of all, they'rea, a bunch of babies. okayl , to say it, they're a bunch of babies, you know, to
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find three .s a i think last time was a friday to a bunch of babies to cornere to go cry.go c and the bottom line is , is they're not learning anything in college.'re doin all they're doing is partying college is making money. there are fewer students who are going to college and i think the guy should sue.. the professor should sue. dinkie is for age >> iis. discrimination, among otha things. >> i mean, w se did a segment to maybe a week or so ago to maybei two weeks ago. i'd been here a week about how more and more people have i certain ideas, want to live comy together. they want to live in, a community. they wangoe samet to go to the n restaurants. i mean, is it happening everywhere? society? d i mean, this is terrible ine, our schools. but if we do it here, we're going to continue. there's >> i think it is terrible. and on the left, because there's a misconception about the right. weeption abo don't hate liberale >> we think they're hilarious like we do they not hate them. >> okay,e and this idea that we've characterized hate is anything i disagree with is what's so counterproductive tos political >> mike pence doesn't hate anything except banning. have youe. seen him?
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>>e is the palest human being i've ever seen. s but the problem with college now is they really are.ycares they'r, e overpriced daycaress and they're just teaching kids to seek out grievance in life. they're protesting every and the only time we protestedf my school as if we were out of h beer, you know, this is why you should go to community college like i did, you know, because you don't get saddled with all of that. debt to they don't teach you to hatee america. i didn't need a fancyam recommendationer't nee to go to community college. commo give a guy namedunity col spider a bag of weed, you knowga what i mean? but i got it. bag >> jeani >> and we had a great time. and that's what everyone should be protesting. nassau community college.u commt no way.y college. if somebody didn't clean the somebody didn't clean the beer,e tap a nickel beer night. maybe that was as far as it was going to add on to that if you can't. >> yeah, they will try to. >> i did not know. i always appreciated the toughsh teachers, the tough professors, the tough coachetougs, even toui parenting, because it prepared me for life. fou whining wasn't an option.l o and i thought it was respectfulo to me and it's respectful to
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students to have high expectations for what they can achieve. the problem now is that this kind of behavior used tohieve. be relegated to the boundaries of the universit d to by, tod in the campus. it has spilled out into all f aspects of society, whether it's newsrooms or jobs. and so that's a problem. you and so when the professor says you can't act like that in the real worldl ,a actually disagree with them, i think that it's a probleprm o that peoplple put up with that they're doing it in some of these news organizations. >> they're refusing to come back to th orge office, stay at home and write. ane, okay, you got me.e >> you know, i just want toie, o add one thing, katie. somet you said somethinghing interesting. mind. do you know the professor i hated the most the mostmost difficult professor for me inn law school, my criminal law he tweak professor, but he tweak my interest so much. i wanted to criminal law, was my life for thirty years. y>> je >> good point.: he twe you tweaked your interest.aked >> jeanine yeah, that's it. coming up, tomorrow is my, i ha toughest thing. >> i do this got tve to o coachc daughter's soccer team, coach is daughter's soccer team. town. >> that's the coach is out of
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town undefeated. but when the game coming up, th james corden walking back , his in the restaurant. >> one a this tim re she's done. wonder if she's gonna stay in. >> ever wonder how much your neighbor's house is worth? go to to search home value estimates and compare your home. could be worth more than you think. visit ownerly .com today. i just wanted to welcome you all to my first big party as president. okay, time to get this party started. and we've seen i
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mentors and support public defenders is fueled me to continue on in this fight.
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>> well, where does. >> welcome back.>> time time to the fastest. the tiny >> first up, the tiny kryten ban is back and he's not sorry. e james corden walking back that profuse apology he gav hee toden' a restaurant owner who had enough accordion's and briefly,r bannediefl him for alleged abuse behavior to staff. corden now saying, quote,ayin i haven't done anything wrong on any level.i ha i feel so zen about the whole level. i think it is silly. i think it i because i think it's so silly. i just think it's beneath all of us . it's beneath you.l your your publication. tion. i mean, come on , judge,ju if yg were running james corden pr team, wouldn't you tell them tou shut up because he's making m the story bigger by talking about it? it? >> any time you make a commenteo on something that is a very flattering, you make this storyi bigger. >> yeah, the guy apologized,t gu let alone. >> thank you. thank you. why you why revisiting it? >> it's just stupid and it'sng . not funny. he is an idiot, harold. ittujames corden claimed that t
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was about eggs. he say its it's always the eggs. a gua people don't know how to cookve eggs. as a guy who's traveled the country representative in congress, i'm going to go oucote on a limd b and sacongy people e cook. >> i think it's the one thinopl thing anybody ca everybody do.coa you buoky the spin.. buy the that big egg is the reasonon fot the crisis here was a hair. >> jeanine: >> we're in itit. it. i agree with the judge and ijud. like scrambled eggs. >> oh, thank you. >>issue, but the egg issue was that she ,his wife or whoever he was a with wanted an egg yolk omelete .yoke. oh, goodness gracious. just the that well, i was going to say thisel omelet. you exactly. but you set up my question tog x you you are fine dining expert. rt theon the show.henever >> you are.e yo whenever i see you in ann elevator, there's always some some good downtown. but i was going to ask yousk is where do you rank baltasar? like, if you are kicked out, would you fight to get back in, as gordon did? >> there's so many otheresse restaurants. no offense, baltasar. >> i'll see you guys aret elevel tonight. all right, katie, really quicks as monsters go . >> james corde, n considered 1 t a nine on a scale of one to ellen degeneres. yo would you rather wait on jameso corden or ellen at least
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james has a nice accent that makes him seem polite.m seem >> okay, so ellen, take the ellen this and move on .g to okay, up next, look, if you get a steal something, don't be so obvious. check out this struggling tost t ya from someone's front yard in broad daylight. and by the wayrd. , nobody noticedoticed this. this.ticedoticed the person could barely stuff it into the car. the person c made off with themt spooky decoration.erinwith themt and the community is now offering a fifty dollar reward for information. jesse , i'll start with you.o i think that's too low. ound fifty dollar reward for anything. sounds like you don't really care. yeah, they need to putesse: theo a little more effort into the reward.i wa and i want to sent te the restof the video. i want to see him crack the femur and snap the wrist to stuff it back into the back oftu the car. well, would never buy use laptop of this guy. a lot of weird video watchings e is i because they stole the skeleton. is it true that liberals are lib upset that the thief wasn't wearing covierald mass ? >> i mean, i don't.u do why do you do this? >> i mean, why would somebody i jurong tell you this?>> day it's a dangerous, creepy. hat.
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yes, i actually do believe it's a woman, a woman. but, you know, it's so that'sn. a woman. >> we had porche pirates. we'd steal we like an amazonpak package. like, i don't get this.age. at least i don't agree with it.s but at least there's a surprise like what's in here. in this case, you've reallyin ruined it.ed judge you think halloween decorator.think halloween >> yeah. now that i have a grandsonr kn know what it means anyway, butog my three dogs, i'm dolling them up for halloween.up f okay, my only advice torollowee n.the decorators lay off the blw ups blow up. in the morning >> so traumatic to kids because in the morning when they deflate it looks lit looks there was a drive by and everybody killed. >> sam, katie is it true that b in texas where this happened,o' beto o'rourke is polling behind pulling behi? 're bein i being too tough?toug i think this persoh.n was justfs helping one patos voters get whacked by the only guy: vey they had. the people vote very good ind. the polls down again. promp and finally, did you get rid of my prompter? where to go ?to i had something to say s. ne >> it's every airplane travel arch nemesis, some trump's loosely secured backpack lying right in your face. >> a new article calling out the bruising trend can we
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please stop smacking peoplebacka with our backpacks on planes? >> one frequent flieck to get struck by a backpack.time 80% to 90% of the time when he flies. bad and it's she io bad that he's r to be a window seat guy. now, jesse , you obviously carry don't carry your own bags, but does johnny ever hit anyone with your luggage? >> it's noyone with luggaget a sophisticatedow look to be a grown man and wear a backpack. i agree with that. aack. >> i agree. that's the i think that's the bigger offense than hitting somebody with a square. right. can you hi bt hiigr m back ?>> t okay, you can you hit that back ? i mean, i'm into that, but haro >> harold, really quick, my biggest pet peeve is that peoplepeeve, bring too many bags on them.ov >> if yoerheadu go to the overh, by the time the third ro tw ofh the plane is boarded and like we got a bag, checwe havk everyn because the bins are filled,g, e is the bigger fence too many bags? >> i'm still trying to remember if i get hit, le >> i a, ift about 5%50 the time, which is why i can't you >> well, if you like me, if you like getting hit when youe th travel, allow me to introduce the subway. pretty last one .y th >> i was only going to say this to you. you know, you're talent. >> you fly first class, i flyly
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stowaway. stow away. is this the problem is? >> i is this the problem that c they say it is ? well, i carry a backpack and i t have noticed that the only time someone gets hit is wheny m they're running into me because they're shoving to rush onto the plane. that's not going to take off. that'ske rushing onto the plane. everybody is shoving shoving the backpack. they're shoving in into me. just wait a second. yeah, that's just town. on get everybody calm down. >> one more thing. next. is up next. >> you i deal with you through the first plane. people take a flying. >> do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? cunard's support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer so d. qnol, the brand trust shiplf station saves us so much time,
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water, a drop of souenp and blad recharge quickly with any usb port ready to fall in love or to yours. >> now on plunger .com. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly currently affecting nearly every
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and at first i was kind of like, eh,
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i don't know if i qualify. but having been a part of it kind of taught me that it's not just the wounds that you can see, but it's those that you can't. when you do something like a peer support group with wounded warrior project and come together from different walks of life, man, the growth is incredible. so having king join the group, that was the beginning, a really good friendship. if not for wounded warrior project, i really don't think that i'd be here today. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's time for "one more thing." we have jesse's bear news. we have a bear eating a fruit at a picnic table like a human.
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impeccable manners. we're ensure the fruit. >> it's a mango. >> mango? i was going to go dragon fruit. >> looks like a watermelon. >> i don't eat fruit clearly. >> looks like a squash. >> it's very orange. >> squash is in season. >> maybe a pumpkin or something like that. tonight on "jesse waters prime time" the real house wives of the campaign trail. judge, you're up. >> it's time for another edition of -- okay. today we're trying some speaky treats from salt and -- they're laughing. we have great candy copia, black cat licorice and lavender. look at this. i'm going to finish it before i go home. this is not on the air. that's black licorice.
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we have jack-o-lantern pumpkin bread and we have double bubble trouble. >> very sweet. >> all available at salt and straws store online. >> love it. >> harold, you're next. >> this toddler here, a new jersey toddler simples cake to the contrary. listen to this. >> you didn't have no blue cake? >> no. >> you didn't have blue cake all? >> no. >> okay. >> he likes blue cake. would you pardon him, judge? >> absolutely. this is -- >> we have an obesity epidemic. this kid needs to be prosecuted. >> you heard about a scaredy cat. look at this lap door --
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labrador retrievers. they were fake cats. poor maverick. >> cute. >> terrified. >> i don't like black cats either. >> and finally come see your buddy at the spokane comedy college. come for the comedy, stay in washington for the contact high. you'll get one. >> that's it ♪ ♪ o say can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed♪ ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪


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