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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  October 22, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ rachel: good morning, america. we are having a fall fest on fox square because fall is in full swing here and we have farmland produce and stu leonard there.
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will: growing number texas, fall basically meant football season, but i lived up here for a good 15 years and the northeast does fall right. i mean the weather, the leaves obviously but then what we just did, the apples and apple sigh darling stone -- i don't think i ever had an apple cider doughnut before moving up here. rachel: really? will: no, the cake doughnut not so popular. it's good. rachel: it's one of the benefits of -- i grew up in arizona where you just had two seasons, hot and not so hot. here you have four seasons and the fall is a real thing and unlike in wisconsin, you're right, up here in the northeast, it lingers. it's a long season and really beautiful and it's so great to see the leaves and as we had the food and colors, it's awesome. todd: at reason fall is great in new york city, autumn in new york, you mention the word linger. what doesn't linger in the fall is horrific smells that fill the entire city scape during the summer. they go away as temperature drops and it's not as windy and
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muggy. that's one thing but two, the doughnuts are amazing and you thought i was joking about the popems. i call it the divorce maker because all the husbands are gathered around the front in stu leonard and the wives want to get going and make it happen and the husbands are filling their gut. all year round, you're coming to me with stu leonard in dan bury at the end of the show. will: we'll do that. fall also marks the end of the fiscal year for the federal government and means late last night friday night, roughly 11:30 p.m. a press release went out in a news dump when you'd see it the least likely >> gather the least attention. why because at the end of this fiscal year, the highest ever year on record for illegal immigrant encounters, 2.3 million for fiscal year 2022. rachel: that's right. these numbers are astounding and
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probably aren't even capturing the full breath of how many people have come here illegally since joe biden took office and the kind of dangers that people are facing, we have the most dangerous border crossing in the world. meanwhile an open border proponent alexandria ocasio-cortez, one of the congresswoman from this district, was at a town hall and facing a lot of questions, probably not so much about the border but definitely about ukraine, about crime in the city, and she had members of her community come to speak to her at a town hall. this is what, this is her reaction to them actually chanting aoc has got to go. look at that. look at her moves. she also by the way used a fake, really thick puerto rican accent to tell everybody to quiet down. it was very bizarre and very -- let's hear it actually. listen to this.
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>> all right, all right, listen. listen. listen. listen. okay. listen. [ chanting ]. rachel: somebody who does not mock his constituents, representative lee zeldin from new york. he's running for governor and doing quite well. what do you -- congressman, i see this and i've been to so many -- welcome by the way. been to so many town halls with my husband. and not everyone's happy with you when you go. but i can't imagine him mocking his constituent's frustrations, especially when you look at what's happening in the city, the crime rate. what does this tell you about her specifically but the democrat party in general? >> a lack of respect for constituents that might disagree with you. go back and look at tapes of
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house financial committee and i served on the committee with sean duffy and maxine waters was a ranking member before she was a chair. sean was a smart articulate guy and there's a lot of smart republicans on that committee. you have right now, maxine waters is the chair, aoc, presley green and people like sean that would have respect for people and would try to get the better argument across. it was the positions that you have that end up trying to move the needle. let's have a debate, let's have a disagreement. i don't want to turn off your special media accounts. i -- social media acts and don't believe you should be silences or censored and in this country we should celebrate being around others that don't disagree with others but if you're a member of congress, you have to respect your constituents whether they vote for you or not. todd: i'll call this the lack of
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shame in the instagram, tiktok culture. she's being rightly attacked for some of her views by her constituents and her response is filled with a lack of shame and that's how you garner influence on instagram and tiktok. i originally thought when i saw this earlier in the week that the tide was turning against aoc and the squad, but i fear, will, your point you made earlier is all too true. there's no shame. this is how she views how you should handle people that criticize you. will: i think it's a win for her. it marks a change in our politics and how you campaign and how you deal with your constituents. >> yeah, there are years where you go into a midterm and the democrats might be fired up. you go into a midterm and the republicans might be fired up. historically when you go into a mid term,s party not in the white house wins the midterm every single time but the only exception is in 2002. in this case, it's not just democrat in the white house but here in new york where we are, it's one party democrat rule in dc, albany, new york city for the first time if my entire
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lifetime. there are people who are not happy with what's going on in our border and inflation and foreign policy and rising gas prices and the list goes on and rising crime of course. people are showing up at town halls. it is as personal as it gets talking about not feeling safe on the streets and the subways and not being able to afraid to pay your bills and go to elected officials looking for solutions and accountability and responsibility and not showing up to get mobbed. rachel: or danced to. it's weird. it's interesting because so many of the people there voted for her. this is a very democrat area, which brings me to your race, which i think is so interesting. this is a blue area. this is a blue state and it looks like you're going to win. will: take a look at cover of new york post this morning. todd: i know that guy. will: to rachel's point, i've shown up on this set many a morning and people say does zeldin have a chance and could he win new york? this is the answer to the latest polling and the answer is yes. >> a lot of polls have come out
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over the course of a week or two and last time that nbc polled they said with survey usa said we're down 24 and now 6 and then 4. a democratic pol pollster showe6 and now everything is up slightly. the issues are on our side and talking about fighting crime and making streets and subways safer and how to combat skyrocketing costs and the other side, they want to change the subject. they don't want to talk about it. so now they've yielded the entire ground to us while we sit there and talk about what can we do to repeal cashless bail and remove das that refuse to enforce the law and reverse the ban on safe and natural gas extraction. they don't want to have a conversation. rachel: they're saying there's no crime. the mayor of new york said it's perception. >> they're telling you there's nothing to fear. you could tell them real stories of people who are losing their
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lives, just over the course of this past week, i ended up with three days in a row where i was at subway stations because someone was pushed in front of a track, someone else was killed by a subway car and the next day someone is waiting on a platform, a woman and gets attacked. it's happening every day all day aboveground and below ground, and you can't tell people they can't believe their own eyes and see the videos for themselves and see the pictures and know the stories and maybe they've been a victim, maybe other people that they know have been victims and again, they're looking for leadership, they're not looking for people in government to tell them there's flog to see here. todd: congress, you're not reaching the numbers that will pointed out without democrat support. you have to have a lot of democrats crossing over to vote for you, especially the 30% number you're hitting here in new york city, which is literally the deepest blue city save for san francisco. what are democrats on the trail telling you about why after years they are abandoning their party for you? >> on top of some issues we've discussed and another thing that's local is congestion
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pricing and in london and other places and countries, they do this and try to get traffic off of the street so they want to punitively charge the driver more. now if you're already strucking to make ends meet and you're paying for gas and the tolls and the parking and now on top of it you want to hit them with a whole nother fee, there's all sorts of other localized issues on top of number one issue here, which is crime. we've had a bunch of democratic elected officials, former democratic elected officials endorsing us. bob holding, he's a sitting new york council man and he's a democrat. every day, every single day people tell me, lee, i'm a lifelong democrat, i've always voted democrat but this year i'm voting for you. they want balance and the democrats are relying as if everyone who's a registered democrat is just a, you know, right down the line hack. no, these people care about having -- they want to save the city, they want to save the state and they realize that cathy hochul is not going to get
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the job done. she's corrupt and pandering criminal allies in the legislature and people that feel like you can't spend and tax enough. rachel: yeah. scary st. will: something is happening here in new york and things might change and thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. will: thank you, sir. rachel: we're turning to your headlines and the justice department is asking congress for an additional $34 million to continue its january 6 investigation. that would be on top of the $101 million in funding last fiscal year. the matter will likely come before the house in december. it could be the doj's last chance at getting more money if republicans retake the house in the midterms. so far, at least 928 people have been charged in connection with the riots at the capitol. unbelievable. meta ceo mark zuckerberg not practicing what he preaches when it comes to climate activism. data from flight tracking software shows he has an outsized carbon footprint from
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private jet use alone. subbinger berg's goal stream burned 168,000 worth of fuel in two months and jet spewed more than 253 metric tons of carbon. that's 15 types larger than the average american's annual carbon footprint. today we're celebrating my birthday and sadly "fox & friends" weekend cohost pete hegseth could not be here today but he sent me a message. will: he did. let's watch. pete: hey, rachel. i wish i could be there this weekend i didn't know it was your birthday or i wouldn't have missed it. big family weekend, lots of birthdays, but we miss you and love you and thinking of you on this birthday. you know what, i'm not alone. >> happy birthday, rachel. rachel: cat too. i love it. thank you, pete. oh my goodness. oh my goodness! look at those. come here ! pgh happy birthday. rachel: that's so nice.
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will: happy birthday. rachel: another cake. there's another cake downstairs. [ counting candles ]. rachel: she's already making herself comfortable. will: get close to mom. rachel: oh my goodness. look at this. thank you, guys. todd: everybody got up early to come into the city. >> way too early. >> you get mad when i say duffy, i need you in the 5:15 block. this is what birthdays are about here. rachel: thank you for joining us. just going to hang out here. will: you do it. will: jam packed show coming up. don't go anywhere. rachel will hang out for awhile and our fall fest was in full swing thanks to farmland produce and stu leonard and more fun and fall crafts coming up. ♪
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♪ wish i had you all alone ♪ ♪ just the two of us ♪ happy halloween, michael. [ screaming ] [ eerie music playing ] come and get me. [ heavy breathing ] [ grunting ]
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todd: as rushing supra aural rue rages on, there's a warning claiming i iranen troops ons ground are idling in russia's
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air strikes. russian born former u.s. defense intel officer and author of putin's play book. rebecca kafler and rebeka, i'm going to ask you the same question i do every time you're on. how worried should the u.s. be about the very latest development coming out of ukraine? >> absolutely, extremely worried, todd. this is the schizophrenia of the biden administration's foreign policy. what's happening right now, biden has pushed russia supra russia and irantogether and irat the nuclear capability with the sole intent to be able to target the united states. what could possibly go wrong with this incredibly dangerous alliance for our country? todd: yeah, ellie, to that
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point, i'm trying to understand iran's thinking in all this. why are they doing it? is it because they really think it's in their best interest to cozy up to russia, which is by all estimates losing this war? is it to throw salt in our face, throw sand if n our face and think it's going to help with the biden administration that's laid down for them when it comes to the iran nuclear deal? >> todd, joe biden create add moment of danger and global disarray for us right now. he seems incapable of distinguishing between allies and enemies, and it's well over time for joe biden to walk away from the jcp oea failed iran venothat talks and we speak and there's five weeks of protesters demanding basic human rights and joe biden gives lip service to the iranen people and says he stands with the iranian people
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and with ukraine and we know that iran is responsible and this regime is responsible for civilian deaths both in iran and in ukraine. it's time for joe biden to take action and we really need him to take action in order to put greater global security for people all around the world. todd: rebekah, when we spoke the topic was will russia use nuclear explosion in some way shape or form but the question is will they? i can't imagine getting to the end of this week involving iran, which we're all fearful is a nuclear terror organization to begin with. i can't imagine that you're thinking on that has -- your thinking on that has improve that had we can all relax. am i right? >> absolutely, todd. joe biden himself admitted he brought us on the brink of a nuclear armageddon but there's several steps before on the escalation ladder that russia developed and in fact russia has
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an escalation dominance doctrine so when you bring iran into the mix, and iran is becoming an active combatant in this war and russia can benefit from iran's ballistic missile capability, which is the most robust in the region. only israeli missile capabilities are better than irans so this is escalating right now. we are pretty much in a spiral, you know, nuclear is not necessarily imminent. there are other capabilities such as cyber warfare, space warfare, and iran is giving them not only drones, not only, you know, training their forces but additional capabilities in the arsenal can definitely boost
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russia's posture in ukraine and will have global -- like ellie said, i 100% agree with her and can have global ramifications and joe biden has tunnel vision right now and needs to be thinking globally and america first. todd: that's a jumping off point. i want to get to ellie because we're running out of time. rebekah just mentioned globally and joe biden isn't going to solve this problem 6789 what do we need from our allies around the world to solve the potentially deadly and disastrous issue? >> iran is the number one sponsored state of terrorism in the world and europeans thought it was a middle east problem. right now by iran giving russia drone technology and having own troops on the ground in crimea, they've proven to the europeans it's not a local problem and so there's two steps europeans can take. number one recall their own diplomats based in iran in the islamic republic of iran and number two, expel iran's so
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called diplomats from europe. the time is now. todd: hopefully they're listening. rebekah and ellie, thank you very much much on the very, very sober topics. we appreciate it. coming up, double standard@department of justice and crack down on antiabortion protesters and what about pro-life centers? andy mccarthy has the tips to fix the fbi. he's next but first, you guys know, the fun doesn't stop with the fall festival. we have face painters, art, and in addition to art, i'm told sources tell me we have crafts. that's all coming up ♪
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joe's bar where she sang karaoke every night, she said if you work hard to get where you are ♪ todd: kenny chesney loves fall. "fox & friends" and stu leonard brought the fall festival to the square. good morning. >> this is what i've been working on and i don't see -- >> can you see this table and maybe step it up for us. rachel: just a little bit. >> that's a real pumpkin but the first is a kinetic sand pumpkin and mix the yellow and red to make an orange kinetic sand and in order to make it look like a pumpkin, you're going to wrap it -- ---todd: what is kinetic sand? will: yeah, what is it? >> it's the biggest phenomena on social media and to make it look like a pumpkin, wrap in seran
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wrap and rubber bands and make it look like a stem and get creative and i made it colorful with the kinetic sand swirl surprise play set and all different colors and mess free and kids have been playing with it. will: it's like play-doh. >> a bit but it's seasoned so it has that sensory firm. todd: my toddler's literal job is to break crayons. >> mine too. if you have all the broken crayons make them into big c crayons making silicone mold and put them in water and remove the wrapper and add into a silicone mold and then bake it at 230 degrees for ten minutes and let it harden and you have a beautiful crayon. then just get really creative. over here we'll do some -- will: todd is super excited for
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the bedazzled pumpkin. todd: i have four in my office. >> take white tame and rock if back and forth vertically and with a paint pen or marker draw coast guys and fun -- ghost eyes and get creative and fun and we'll get to the bedazzled. you like them. >> looks like jeans he wears. >> get gems that are or stickers at craft stores and put them right on top and if you want to get even more creative, spray paint this metallic, which is what, you know, i ended up doing yesterday morning. but you guys will love this. >> this is incredible. >> three really quick hacks. when you carve pumpkins, do from the bottom and not the top. will: really? >> then take a cookie cutter and a mallet and just -- todd: my shapes look so bad and this is smart. >> push it in and take a shape and sew it in. then when you're done there's
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all the different shapes here and then take like vaseline and do it on the inside so it doesn't look like all gunky. will: cut the bottom instead of top for a handle. >> then clean it up. will: i hate carving pumpkins for my kids. >> doing from the bottom is easier. todd: this is amazing. great to see you my friend. we'll toss this back to rachel while i toss to a yankee fan. rachel: oh, wow, that was an awesome pumpkin hack, i'll use that one and start from the bottom. all right. moving on the department of justice indicted 26 people this year in the face act that make it is a federal crime to interfere with people speaking abortion systems and meanwhile there's been more than 100 attacks on pro life pregnancy acceptabilitiers this year.
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year -- centers this year. we're joined by andy mccarthy. so great to have you on today. what do you make of this? this seems so blatantly unjust. you have a domestic terrorist group called jane's revenge and throw molotov cocktails and destroyed centers and nothing happens to them but going after pro-lifers peacefully protesting and exercising their right to do so? >> rachel, it's really just a continuation of the logic or ill logic that we've seen from the biden justice department from the beginning of the biden administration. i think what people -- what has people on fire in the country more than anything else is the idea, which is a reality that we have a two-tiered system of justice. rachel: yes. >> so if you're doing left wing activism, you're virtually immune from prosecution whereas
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if a cause is of particular importance to progressives, they aggressively prosecute and that's really not the way our law enforcement is supposed to work. it is completely impervious to what people's ideologies are. it shouldn't matter what theism is behind crime, you're supposed to go after all of it even handedly and that hasn't happened. rachel: such a great point and this is a continuation of what we saw, blm rioters and nothing happened to most of them, light sentences and then the january 6 rioters had the books th thrownt them and many languishing in prison. let's move on because a lot of people were talking about the fbi and a lot of people saying what do we do? the republicans may take a majority in the midterms. is there anything that can happen if they win? i had you on my podcast. by the way, if anyone gets a chance, download it. it's one of our best ones. andy is such a smart guy. >> oh, thank you. rachel: a lot of americans are
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saying we need to defund the fbi, get rid of the leadership, maybe get rid of the entire thing. you say reform and what i liked about what you talked about in more detail in the podcast was you actually laid out four or five things that need to happen. explain what they are. >> yeah, i think the main thing, rachel, that's happened particularly over the last 30 years or so in the post-terrorism, post-9/11 era is that the bureau became more of an intelligence agency than a police agency. you know, both tasks are very important but they're very, very different disciplines. if you're going to do intelligence, the idea is to prevent things from happening, which is fine when you're in a national security mode, but it's not the way you approach crime, which is something you manage in a society where people are presumed innocent. so i would take the fbi's foreign counter intelligence mission away and return the bureau to being a police agency
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that where its compass is the bill of rights and u.s. constitution. intelligence agencies really have to prioritize secrecy and trying to prevent things from happening. it's very, very different discipline and i think by dedicating so much attention to it over the last 30 years, for the bureau it's undermined the way they do the police mission and they're not a particularly good intelligence agency so they end up not being good either. rachel: it's being weaponnized against american citizens, which was never the intention and talk about using the power of the purse. if they don't agree to transparency and hearings and handing over documents and being part of that actability process that congress does need to withhold money from them. really quickly on that point. >> yeah, the only thing that the administrative state understands, rachel, is budgets. you take their money away from them, you'll get their attention. so i'm not saying -- i'm not one
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of these people saying defund everything, but if they're doing things that you don't like, don't fund it. you know, if there are programs that they are -- that they're administering in a poor fashion, then remove their ability to administer them. rachel: that's right. listen, i'm doing a deep tease because we're running out of time, andy, if you want to hear the rest of the reforms that andy mccarthy thinks the fbi should undertake, watch the from the kitchen table podcast with my husband, we had andy on and it was an excellent podcast. thank you, andy, always great hearing from you. >> thanks, rachel. rachel: you got it. coming up, dancing queen aoc watch as she brushes off protesters at a town hall. take a look. [ chanting ]. rachel: she's a good dancer. i don't know if that's what her constituents wanted at that moment.
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republican congresswoman mayra flores shows how the hispanic community prefers mayra flores over aoc, that's next. ♪
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rachel: okay, listen, listen, okay. [ chanting ].
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todd: you just can't not dance to that muse ibram, especially if you're -- music especially if you're congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez dancing at a town hall dancing off her constituents concerns. rachel: mayra flores has higher variability than alexandria ocasio-cortez. will: congresswoman, great to have you with us. i want to put this to you and her reaction and her mocking of the protesters and also the existence of the protesters themselves who are displeased with aoc. what stands out to you? >> honestly, i find it very disrespectful she doesn't take the time to hear their concerns. at the end of the day, they are her const constituents and theyd for her and she wouldn't be in the position if it wasn't for the people and it's heart breaking to see how she puts her political party first versus the
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american people but doesn't surprise me and that's why her -- she has no favorability among hispanics because she doesn't represent us, our conservative values of god, family and country and also all about hard work. that is who we are in the hispanic community and she doesn't stand for none of that. rachel: yeah, it's funny, congresswoman, people can smell authenticity and when they see you, they know you represent those hispanic values and that's resinating with them. so aoc, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez was in your state of texas four years ago and she saw tent city and it made her cry. i want you to hear what she had to say about migrants being housed in the tent city in randall's island, take a listen. >> the united states is running concentration camps on our southern border. and that is exactly what they are. they are concentration camps.
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rachel: so, congresswoman, she cried in front of the tent city in texas, she's actually helping find the federal funding for the one that's up here in randall's island that she kicked out of her own district. what do you make of that? >> hypocrite, that's what she is. [ speaking spanish ]. that's exactly what she is. she says nothing now. she doesn't care about immigrants, why is she not talking about the hundreds of immigrants that have died because of the biden administration's policies that continue to encourage immigrants to come here to the united states knowing the dangers, knowing that they're going to get abused and raped and having to pay thousands of dollars to criminal organizations. she never cared about immigrants and doesn't care about immigrants now. she only cares about her political party and she's a hypocrite. that's exactly what she is. rachel: [ speak spanish ].
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todd: i'm not going to try for spanish because i'll embarrass myself and both of you. looking at numbers leading up to today, we've been talking about if administer awhile the migration of the spanish community away from the democrats and a lot of people felt that was a conservative talking point. when you're on the ground talking to people, trying to convconvince democrats and independents to vote for you, aren't they telling you this democratic party especially under joe biden no longer comes close to representing me and my values? >> that's right. those are the exact words and, you know, the democrat party doesn't see them as americans. i -- we are americans. we have the same struggles. right now they're struggling to pay their rent, mortgage, medicine, groceries, their gas. these are the things we're concerned every single day. you know, you have single moms having to get two jobs. i met a single mom that told me for the first time she had to
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get a loan for her -- to buy her kid school splice and clothes for -- supplies and clothes for schools and doesn't know if she can pay the loan back. i met seniors that thought they could retire and no longer can retire because they can't afford to because of the cost of living. these are real issues and i'm focused 100% on the kitchen table issues and not the nonsense that washington wants us to focus on. i believe that we need to focus on the american people, on our constituents and people that elected us to be in this position and south texas cares right now about the economy and cares about the border. we want secure boarders. we don't want to see this humanitarian crisis continue. it's heart breaking to see, you know, that hundreds of immigrants that are dying because of the dangers that they're going through, and we also don't want to see fentanyl continue to come into our country and land in the hands of our children. rachel: yeah. >> if you haven't taken the time to talk to your child about
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fentanyl, do so. this is a very dangerous drug killing hundreds of americans every single day. todd: another issue the left seems to be ignoring especially when you talk about it in halloween candy, it's been ridiculous to watch them backtrack on that. >> thank you. todd: the teen that carried out a deadly shooting at his michigan high school is expected to plead guilty to all 24 charges against him, including terrorism and murder. ethan crumbly accused of killinl classmates and parents failed to address red flags and bought him the gun used in the attack and his mom and dad are charging with involuntary manslaughter. the ceo of hobby lobby giving up his ownership in the company and wrote on op ed explaining why. "it's god who gives us the power to make wealth if leaders pray and seek truth from the bible, their businesses will be
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revolutionized". he says he and his wife worked hard and god gave them results. will got to read this earlier and i'm excited to read it now. this story is utterly bizarre. new zealand parkers are rolling their tractors through the streets to fight their government's new tax plan that targets methane from cow farts. >> it's a short lived gas that breaks down and if you have a certain number of animals and nine to eleven years time, those animals are left and it's not adding to warming. it's ridiculous and stock numbers of new zealand are dropping anyway. todd: the prime minister calling the plan an important step forward to low emissions future. to be clear, producers did just explain to me the reason will got the segment and i didn't is because i don't have the level
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of maturity required to take it that far. will: i was just concerned we were not fully reporting the news. todd: you care about journalism will: it's not exclusive to burps from cows. rachel: that's a great story to show just how crazy all this climate stuff is. it's inn sane. insane. will: crazy but c calculated. it's not a pun. todd: the crew loves this. will: it's not a pun. they'll have crickets before you know it. rachel: that are. will: elon musk twitter takeover may be in jeopardy and the new report that the u.s. government can conduct national security reviews on his purchase of twitter and his star link stat light service so they're going to look into it. rachel: the "fox & friends" fall festival is here and we have a whole nother hour of
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festivities. stay with us. ♪
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will: a new report says the u.s. government could be weighing a
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national security review of elon musk's business ventures including the star link stat lite and the ongoing twitter review. i'm interested in talking to you vivek. this looks like targeting of a individual and the predicate was why and perhaps tweets on ukraine and russia and they're going into everything, not just twitter but star link and asking if elon is a national security threat. >> there's a couple of things going on here, will. i will note the hypocrisy they'll look after elon musk and turning a behind eye to say blackrock despite the conflicts in china and among the top shareholder of every u.s. major public company. but it's also interesting they're only going to look at this after elon looks at buying twitter even if looking at elon, conflicts of interest to tesla
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in china from a national security perspective as well. if you ask what about goes on here, this is interesting. neither elon nor president biden wants elon musk to own twitter for different reasons admittedly. elon's businesses, be very frank with it were built on the back of money from the u.s. government. subcitys in the case of tesla and -- subsidies of tesla and elon doesn't want to buy twitter and he's been expert at lobbying the u.s. government to accomplish the goals and at the end of the day, it's interesting that the biden administration is stepping in to stop elon from doing a deal that even elon doesn't want to do. it's important that we look at this from a fresh perspective to say that if elon d doesn't buy e deal because the government gave him the out, there's something interesting going on here. will: elon has shown he doesn't want to buy twit e despite the
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bid on the table and elon has a relationship with the government through the other business ventures showing it's cozy and you're saying elon could be currying or asking or using the national review to get himself out of buying twitter? >> i think it's not out of the question. i think it could work in reverse as well where the government even more than elon notmenting to own twitter, the government in power, the party in power does not want elon to own twitter because elon will not reliably take direction from the government on who to sensor sore not. two different parties don't want elon to own twitter and counter parties on other businesses, that creates a deal. that should surprise no one and take a look at elon's tweets recently about taiwan and i respect him for his accomplishments but he was dead wrong in the tweet that taiwan should somehow become a special administrative region of china. look at what shy t -- china did, he got a favorable tax break from china from the manufacturing plant in shanghai.
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you do something for the government and they scratch your back in return. when you have a party like the one in power here, crony capitalism is the new norm and it's important to say that as much as i admire elon and doing for free speech, there's other businesses interests here. will: i have a hard break and that's fascinating perspective, thank you so much, vivek. final "fox & friends" hour in h coming up.
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♪ ♪ it's in our hearts, it's in our homes -- ♪ up city street is the and down country roads -- will: a haze out there -- a maize out -- maze out there. good morning, welcome to "fox & friends,"s the fourth and final hour on this saturday morning. we we got -- oh, dave. king of puns behin


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