tv Hannity FOX News October 24, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> months ago blake masters running for senate in arizona, the documentary is "amazing" and it's out on fox nation in the morning. see you tomorrow. here is sean. >> hello america. welcome to "hannity" the midterms are days away. we are in beautiful scottsdale, arizona where we will be joined by republican senate candidate blake masters. any fans here? candidate cary who has opened a three-point lead against democrat gutless katie hobbs,
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hobbs who is currently collecting a pay petch as arizona secretary of state has only shown up to work a grand total 19 days in six months. wish i had that job. she didn't enter office for the entire month of april and august. meanwhile schwab's not exactly working hard on the campaign trail either. she has participated and this is so unfair to you the hard working citizens taxpayers of this state of arizona, zero debates. she refuses to debate in the primary and general election. katie hobbs would rather hide in her basement bunker like her mentor joey biden probably asleep in the show. cary has offered to debate. hobbs can't seem to muster up the courage. >> why have you refused to debate your opponent? >> it is honestly ridiculous
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that somebody who has based their whole campaign on these lies that are intended to dismantle or democracy that somehow the problem is i won't give her a bigger stage to do that. >> why not challenge her in a public forum? i'm just curious. >> as far as i'm concerned the debate about debates is over. i'm running my campaign. i'm going to make my case to voters. >> at worst it could come off that you're scared to step on that stage and not willing to confront. we are in a new era. some politicians are seen as bullies. we are taught you have to stand up to bullies. >> i have stood thousand this bully for the last two years. arizonians have seen that and i'm going to continue to do that. >> the real reason is she's gutless and knows she would be unable to defend her radical
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positions. for example, she supports no limitations on abortion whatsoever. that would mean you can have an abortion up to the very moment of birth that would be called infantcide. only solution to the border crisis is amnesty for illegal immigrants she does not support a border wall or more agents but they like to hire agents as democrats. she doesn't seem to care about the border crisis telling a local paper, quote. it's ridiculous we are talking with this as a core initial the governor's race. no, that would be a primary issue. meanwhile during her time in the arizona state legislature, hobbs regularly opposed tax cuts but she did support a $500 million sales tax increase and also voted to hire more than 100 new state tax collectors.
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she's also faced a variety of scandals, including allegations of racial discrimination from a state senate staffer. it resulted in arizona taxpayers shelling out $300,000 on behalf of hobbs, multiple staffers accused her of fostering an emotionally abusive work environment and last spring 80 percent of her initial staffers quit. by the way, if you now support or have ever voted for donald trump, katie hobbs hates you. in fact on twitter she called trump supporters quote neo nazis. [boo]. >> schwab's a keyboard warrior behind the computer screen. she's an outspoken bully but in real life she's a coward lid narcissist moron.
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simple question and take a look. >> what have you learned specifically learned from the latino community? >> oh, that's a great question. i don't necessarily think about it that way in those terms. she is like you know, her family, i love coming out with them and i think arizona wouldn't be arizona without what the latino community brings. >> so there's not one specific thought you could share with us? >> yes, i mean i think there's many lessons. >> the people of arizona deserve better. thankfully there is someone
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willing and able to work hard every day and stand up for the people of this state and it's not katie hobbs. let's give a warm welcome e-to your gubernatorial candidate, cary lake. [applause] >> nice to see you. thanks for coming. ah. hello. how are you? >> you drew a crowd. >> no, i think they came for you. you're running for governor. welcome to soon to be governor. [applause] >> i never take anything for granted. i've seen you up as high as 6 points in the polls but i tell every candidates you have to run like you're behind. it's two minutes left in the
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game. no timeouts. you're on your own 20. you got march down the field 80 yards kick the field goal to win. >> you're speaking my language. my dad was a football coach. we have 15 days left in this election and acting like we are 20 points back. we knew we had to face this state and we knew from the crowds we are getting that we are way ahead. we drew 4,000 people at a rally saturday night, the great event. some of you might have been there. >> right. that's amazing. >> katie held her biggest event. i think there were 20 people there. so i'm not sure i believe all the polls. i know from what i'm feeling there's something going on in arizona and it's good. >> i hope so. now i wanting to to this quote of hers. it's ridiculous to focus on the border. this is a, well, every state now is had a border state. it's ridiculous to focus on the
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border and she supports amnesty. >> her plan is to let joe biden handle it. >> joe does not know it's monday. >> that's right we have to wake him up in the middle of an interview. did you see he fell asleep? >> yes. what does dr. biden think? [laughter] >> mr. president? >> you look at her voting record when she was a state senator and she voted against the border wall. she voted against the virtual bordered wall against the strike force that would help protect arizonaians. she voted against asking the federal government to reimburse for the costs incurred. we have a fentanyl crisis. i know she's not talking to that and people on the campaign trail but i'm talking to people sometimes thousands of people and when you see a mother come up to you and talk about losing
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her son or father, 17-year-old son took one pill, 19-year-old son took half a pill and they're gone. >> it is the number one killer of our children now in the country and it's coming across that border that she doesn't understand what we are focused on. >> she's an open border globalist. she wants to take what newsom has done for california, which has destroyed that state and do the same thing in california. that's why we have a movement. people know if we elect someone like katie hobbs we are going into california 2.0 and nobody wants that. >> by the way, you have a lot of californians moving in. i think there ought to be a rule. if you're governor you're allowed to come but you can't ruin the state the way you ruined the last state you came from. i don't know how you figured that out. >> i will say the californians are the ones who grab me at these events, don't let arizona
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go. we uprooted our business, our home. we don't want arizona to turn into california. so some of our california friends here, some somebody's waving in the crowd, they fled california. >> here's an amazing thing. if you take a u-haul from anywhere from california to texas or arizona where we are, in the case of texas it would cost you about $2500 from california to texas. if you take that same u-haul from texas back to california, you'll pay $300-400. you're doing u-haul a favor. if you negotiate can you probably get it for free. >> u-haul which is an arizona company will pay you to take a u-haul from arizona to california. >> let's talk about why will she not debate you? >> well, she's miss ae chance because we had a debate that aired last night. it was a great conversation. i didn't yell there. was no antics. you know, she's afraid.
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>> this is a forum. it's different. >> last night we had an interview because she wouldn't show. >> right. >> she's afraid to defend her policy because they're dead end destructive policies. how do you defend wanting an open border when you've got so and fentanyl pills pouring across they could kill every man woman and child in the country? how do you defend that? how do you defend your voting record when you voted near lit 09 percent of the times against small arizona businesses? how do you defend tax increases you were pushing for in the legislature. i think this might have been the worst billed she cosponsored. could you imagine putting your name on a bill zheechlt this. she cosponsored a bill to start sex education in kindergarten. so she knows she would get -- we would bring that up on the space and twice convicted racist past. she's got a terrible past and she can't defend it. >> she lost twice on the racial
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discrimination. >> two juries of her peers convicted her important paying women of color $30,000 less than men. it's always the left accusing conservatives an republicans of being racist and really they're the racist. >> one of the big issues the democrats have tried to make this campaign about abortion. now, i would argue inflation, 41 year high record high gas prices wide open borders a lack of law and order and woke education vs. traditional education are the big issues. in her case, a lot of democrats are trying to make abortion but she's somebody that would support abortion with no restrictions tald. when asked about it she wouldn't give any restrictions. that means she would allow abortion until the moment before birth but as that child is viable outside a mother's womb that is called where i grew up
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infanticide. >> it's truly the murder of a baby. we got pressured on the media the fake news in this town and they were pressuring every day to talk about abortion. i said i'm pro-life. i went to save as and babies as possible and though got to planned parenthood their given one choice, the worst choice. let's give women options so they can choose life them. can find a family that wants to adopt their baby and i would say to the press you should pin down katie hobbs where she stands because she's for abortion up until the moment the baby is born and after. they d. i'm proud i think my pressuring of the fake news pressured her to pin them down and we got it verified the last couple of weeks. the press asked her. >> she's like northam and supports the idea? remember the governor of the commonwealth of virginia. first the baby is born. we will make the baby comfortable. then the mother will consult with the doctor decide whether
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this independent human being gets to live or die. >> disgusting. >> sick. >> if you look at her voting record. it shows when a bill was presented to her, to vote on, to say the baby who would survive zana borrowings to give that baby treatment. >> yeah. >> she voted no. she would rather have a baby die in a cold metal tray. >> she said she's more tax cuts but 13 times she had an opportunity to cut taxes and did no how does she say that with a straight face? >> i don't know. she says a lot of uhs and ads. >> she couldn't answer a simple question how is your relation with the spanish american community? uhh. >> nobody is asking her these questions because she's running from the debate stage. she's only talking to people who
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are friendly and throwing soft questions at her. the job interview was taken on the road because she wouldn't do the debate. i think a desbait a job interview. i think it's safe to say the people are the hiring manager, i'm applying more the job katie is applying and we go talk to the hiring managers, the people of arizona. we talk with them about we want to do for the state. i want to make sure kids get a decent education. i want to make sure we have a strong economy so we have familiar list that can afford groceries gas, vacations maybe. get it to where that. >> the fundamentals i would argue every election beyond inflation an gas prices, it becomes border security, it becomes law and order. everybody wants to be safe and secure in their town and city. >> and we are not. >> we're not. >> it's a variety of problems. we've got a wide open border 5 million people coming last year
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2.3 million not including the got aways the people who want to come in undetected because they have a criminal background. >> 98 apprehended people on our terror watch list. those are only the people we caught. >> yes. imagine that. who is getting through that we don't know about? that's what's scary. that's why we've got to secure the border and fully fund our police, get all of our police departments fully funded. right? [applause] >> other things that you can have a very big role in is on tissue of education. now, maybe i'm old-fashioned. i don't think that kindergarten through even sixth grade should be learning about gender identity or crt. >> garage. >> i'm old-fashioned i believed in reading writing math history science computers and the golden rule. you can teach the kids love god and neighbor as yourself. public school you can't mention
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god. >> we do need to bring god back. [applause] >> our state motto is god enriches. katie hobbs doesn't want our state motto in the classroom probably because the word god is in there. when we push god out of our society culled tour homes hearts look what's happened to america. we need to bring god back. we really do. [applause] >> we got to take a break. arizona, are you having fun? we are getting things started. when we come back, we will be joined by republican senatorial candidate blake masters. straight ahead.
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we desperately need more affordable housing, but san francisco takes longer than anywhere to issue new housing permits. proposition d is the only measure that speeds up construction of affordable new homes by removing bureaucratic roadblocks. while prop e makes it nearly impossible to build more housing. and the supervisors who sponsored e know it. join me, habitat for humanity and the carpenters union in rejecting prop e and supporting prop d to build more affordable housing
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of rain. a former student opening fire at a st. louis high school killing a teenage girl and teacher. seven others were wounded before police killed the gunman. the shooting forced students to barricade doors, even jumping to safety from windows. the 19-year-old suspect graduated from the school last year. i'm matt finn. for headlines log on to >> welcome back to "hannity." we continue our town hall from scottsdale, arizona. great to see you everybody. [cheers and applause] >> in 15 days voters in arizona will not only decide the future of the stays house an governorship but also the balance of power in the u.s. senate. republican candidate blake masters is in a statistical dead
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heat neck and neck running against democratic incumbent mark kelly. this is a critical state critical election. tonight in order to trick voters senator kelsey pretending to be a moderate. but as the saying goes, politicians lie, numbers do not. as a senator kelly voted with the socialists 90 percent of the time. with chuck schumerer 96 percent of the time. i'll trade you kelly for chuck schumer. he supported every spending bill from the biden administration including the effort to raise taxes driving up inflation with 87,000 new irs agents, also playing a big role in the chaos at the southern border. he's barely lifted a finger to
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do anything about i. this year the u.s. has set a record for illegal immigration that we know about and as i mentioned the last segment including 98 on if terror watch list these are only the people we call. this is a quote from limb rat -- liberal. this is after mark kelly by the way voted for biden planned to grant asylum to illegal immigrants. he also voted to send open border activists to courts and repeatedly voted against the construction of a southern border wall. now he says he's been focused on the border since day one. since day one of the campaign
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starting. mark kelly also supports zero limits on abortion up to the moment of birth. he also wants to get rid of the legislative filibuster so radical socialist democrats can pretty much do anything they want to secure power in perpetuity and make no mistake in the senate mark kelly does not have independent thoughts or opinions. instead he does whatever chucky schumer want him to do. so arizona, do you really want to be governed by a proxy chuck schumer from new york? that was a rhetorical question. very good. do you enjoy open borders in arizona? are you happy with record breaking 41 year high inflation? are you happy with double the price of gasoline? no? here's a question. are any of you here, are you better off than you were two years ago? are you happy with the status quo? if you're happy mark kelly is
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your guy, but if want the right right now for america to get back on track, 15 days, you will have an important decision to make. let's give a warm arizona welcome to republican senate candidate blake masters. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. how are you? >> good to see you. >> thank you. thank you. thank all. thank you. great to see you. you know what's funny, i've offered all these democrats time on my nose. rafael warnock, mandela barnes, the guy in the hoodie from
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pennsylvania, the trust fund brat that never worked a day in his life. democrats won't come on my show. why do you think that is? i'm offering a full hour. good to see. >> you as well, thank. >> so we have pretty much in arizona have a senator that's just like chuck schumer or just like dianne feinstein. so, does represent the values of arizona? i think i know arizona well. i've been down to the board former rio grande to san diego tucson. i've been down here 15 times. it's out of control. >> it is out of control. what do you think, does mark kelly represent us? he does not. and the frustrating thing is he promised he would. he promised he was going to be independent. he promised two years ago when he was campaigning he's going to be some kind of moderate. that's campaign kelly. he got to d.c. and completely surrendered his voting card to chuck schumer and is just a rubber stamp for this failed biden agenda. i don't understand why this guy wants to be a senator.
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he has zero independence in mind. >> by the way, you slaughtered him in that debate. [cheers and applause] >> you know, it's interesting when we get to this point in an election year, usually, if you're even with the incumbent, any last minute breaking votes go toward the challenger. that would be you. you're not in a statistical dead heat with mark kelly. we have a libertarian in this race and i'm telling everybody in arizona and all my libertarian friends don't take offense but if you do i don't care, you're wasting your vote. it's a half a vote for mark kelly. everyone agree with me? you had to go up against that challenge. have you spoken with him? >> i have spoken with him although i think we are going to drive that libertarian vote down to about 1 percent maybe even less because feel know freedom is on the ballot. if you don't want a left wing
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totalitarian dystoipia you've got to vote for me. >> [applause] >> the stuff i was asking this great crowd, 41 year high inflation record high gas prices wide open borders, we set a record last year of illegal immigrants coming into the country, set a new record this year and still have two and a half months of the year left. then you deal with law and order safety and security so people can pursue happiness and the last thing is i think parents are sick and told of the indoctrineation of children in school. am i missing something? >> it's hard to know where to start. in arizona we bear the brunt of the twin crises. to pick than on inflation i'm tired of people talking about
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this as if it's an act of god. two years ago inflation was 1.5 percent. it came from the white house. policies that mark kelly supports in lock step. they surrendered our energy independence. we were energy independent. how nice was that. they took gas from $2 to $6 by declaring war on oil and gas in a country that's powered by oil and gas. you think you might shoot the cost of energy up to the room? >> listen, i lived paycheck to paycheck and years in my adult life. it's not fun. i get paid more than i deserve. hope my boss isn't watching. [laughter]. >> but honestly i department ticked off. i got angry when i fill up a gas tank that is $120 you'd to be $60 and it's killing the poor the middle class people on fixed
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next. one thing i like about the two of you is you have developed a rapport already where i can tell you'll work in tandem at the federal and the state level and you have a shared philosophy that will serve the people of arizona. that is rare. am i saying that the right way? lake and blake, it's good, right? >> well, we need our federal delegation. we have got issues we need the fed's help with. we really do when it comes to award and things like that and with debbie who is here. [applause] >> burgess who enis here from utah. >> so we need a federal delegation. we need to get as and republicans in as possible so we can get something done for arizona in d.c. >> you have that dynamic it works out wednesday for the people. people get to run for office
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they're exposed to be public servants. >> these people are our boss. the people of arizona are our boss [applause] >> i like your analogy about a job interview. >> yes. >> and katie hobbs is run from the interviewer. >> katie hobbs refuses to debate. >> all right. stay with us. so all of you here in arizona you know too well the dangers of biden's open borders and that agenda and to help deal with the crisis the state has placed shipping containers along the border with mexico to help deter illegal immigrants from crossing the biden administration and they're now mad. these shipping containers it's like building your own little wall. so they're now biden and company are demanding the containers be removed. we sent our very own investigative reporter and friend sarah carter fox news contributor to the bordered to the shipping containers and
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governor deucey is saying i'm not going to remove them. >> right now the state of arizona is actually in a battle with the federal government. governor deucey is actually trying to sue the federal government because the federal government is trying to force the state of arizona to actually take down the train cars these cargo containers. >> right. >> to create a border in the gap. >> correct. that's why it makes a big difference if people don't understand it is so we have the immigration problem obviously where anybody can come across claim asylum get release. then you got the got way. >> right. >> which this area leads the entire area in got aways. nowhere more than this part of arizona. then you've got the far costs exso it's three stages of a war. so if you just take those down, then obviously that's where people are going to control across. that's where they're going to turn themselves in.
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that's where agents will be pre-occupied. when they remove themselves from that area having to do transport and times hospital watches now the drug smugglers take advantage of that gap. that's where they come through. so they're still going to be bringing the drugs in, right? but now it's easier to direct to different areas. you got to make it harder for them. >> we continues with republican candidate blake masters and gubernatorial candidate blake. good to see you again. how are you? [applause] >> so we went over katie hobbs record. the record of mark kelly voted against title 42 three times voted against hiring 18,000 border agents but voted for the 87,000 irs agents an voted to defund the border wall construction three times in 2021 alone. you're down there every day. i've interviewed you how many times? >> more than i can remember.
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>> i've been on horseback helicopter all terrain vehicle out on both. i've been everybody from rio grande to san diego. i've been in the drug warehouses. i've never seen anything like in it my life. >> one of the few. you're one of the feud in the actual media that go down there to try to understand exactly what's going. >> i'm an old tank so i send my reporters >> keep going down there. >> i will but sarah has done a greats job. now the feint natural crisis, 90 percent of it crosses the southern board near the state of texas, correct? >> it is and it's not just saying arizona and texas. it's going throughout the entire united states. when we see this drug epidemic it's in ames, iowa, lincoln nebraska in maine in florida it's going through the united states. >> then we have the cartels running it, then human trafficking, under age sex trafficking. you've seen it ought. >> sean, i live this nightmare every single day. i would have never dreamed it
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would get this bad. i would have never dreamed that we would have governors that wouldn't do what's best for their citizens? i would have never dreamed we have a president of the united states that doesn't care enough about his own citizens to actually secure the border. [applause] >> and go after the criminal cartels. this is easy. we had were able to do it under president trump. he recreated the wheel. it's not like he completely did something new and we were able to secure the border. with proper governors with proper senators we can get right back to the support we need to do what is necessary to secure the american people. [applause] >> let's talk about this team. we have seen, it was amazing 52 volunteers went to martha's vineyard. they couldn't get them off the island fast enough. 24 hours, gone. >> a taste of what we deal with 50 people who are here illegally, illegal aliens going
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to martha's vineyard and we deal with hundreds of thousands across our border. i'm not a big fan of shipping them around the country. i think i told you that before but i think it illustrated what we are dealing with and it showed that they immediately wanted to deported the people. yet they don't want us taking control of our border on our own but we are. we are going to with my plan. >> you don't care what joe biden says. >> i've talked to gadzuric abbott a lot. as governor you don't have the authority to say you're out of here and send them back. >> well what we are going to do is go to the u.s. constitution article i secretary 10. we have an invasion on the border in the first hour of my administration, we are going to issue a declaration of
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emergency. our people are in danger. there's no time for delay when all three criteria. we are going to take control away from the cartels. >> you will be on the federal level to support her efforts. >> absolutely i'll do everything at the federal level to help her get that done at a state level. it's going to be frustrating. here's why. 2022 this is the save country election, so is 20246789 we need the white house back n. january 2025 when god willing we inaugurate a strong republican president again it gets easy. we will pass a great piece of border security legislation, the president will sign it we will pass that out of the house an senate when we take back the house an senate but biden won't sign it my pledge for 23-24 i will grind biden e agenda to a halt unless we get border security. >> it's got to be great for you and all the people you work with
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every i day. you put your life on the line. you're dealing with dangerous cartels. you're dealing with human and drug traffickers, dangerous work. >> we have to have the support of the government. we have to have the support of senators. we have to have the support of congressman. we have biggs, owens, lesco these people can step up and impeach sect -- secretary mayorkas. governor lake can give the supported that's necessary so we can go after the criminal cartels f. we can go after the criminal cartels we can save the lives of our children grandchildren neighbors and friends. that's what governor blake can do for news is the hour goes by quick. we have six minutes left. >> let's do two hours. >> you have to negotiate with laura ingram.
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listen. this race is critical. we wish you the best of luck in the governor's race, senatorial race. arizona, it may come down to you right here in this state. thank you for being with us. when we come back, larry elder, we continue from scottsdale.he . i can tell you there is one who always tells the truth. that is the lord jesus christ. he said, "i'm the way, the truth and the life, "and no man comes to the father except through me." there aren't many ways to god. there is only one, and that's through jesus christ. god sent jesus to earth to save us from our sins. he took our sins to the cross. he shed his blood and died, was buried, and god raised him to life on the third day. if you have never trusted him, if you have never put your faith in the embodiment of truth,
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the lord jesus christ, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, "god i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. "i want to turn from my sins, "i believe that jesus christ is your son. "i want to trust him as my savior, "and follow him as my lord. "from this day forward. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now. god bless you!
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fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises. what's the real math behind prop 27, their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. vote no on prop 27.
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after my car accident, vote no on prop 27. i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you u mit bebe sprisised ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> we continue our town hall from beautiful scottsdale, arizona. let's give a warm arizona welcome to two of our favorite guests, larry elder of the epic times and leo 2.0 terrell. [applause] >> what's up bro? thank you. >> grab a seat. wow. now, there's a story called 2.0. >> no there's not. >> larry has been steady eddie. >> i came up with. went from dark side to right side and i'm loving this leo
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2.0. >> that's correct. >> very happy because the democrats are crazy. totally nuts! i'm happy now. much happier now with sean andlar. >> i i have a question. where's the my 10 percent? >> i can't win. glad to seed you. >> so, 15 taste from now america goes to the ballot box. all indications are and i'm irish. i always think the worst is going to happen. i was born that way. can't help it. i really get the sense that things are so bad that america, you can see record numbers of people voting in georgia after criminal crow 2.0 but putting that aside i think people have had it. i've had it. i know both of you have had it. everybody here has happened. the american people deserve better. >> i'm feeling what you're feeling. all they've got is abortion and election integrity. i want to say something about
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that. cary lake talked about it on her campaign. al gore believes the supreme court with george w. bush in offense. vinnie thomas joined 30 our democrats house members an barbara boxer to overturn the election in ohio. john lewis, respected late john lewis refused to go to donald trump's inauguration because he thought the election was stolen. >> raskin. >> and hillary 4 her words not mine. nobody calls them election deniers. hillary's platform never shut down. >> and stacy abrams. >> she's an election denier-denier. [laughter]. >> leo, i'm looking at the race. i'll really worried. i know what it's like to live
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paycheck to paycheck. it's not good. 70 percent of the country is living paycheck to paycheck. it's kill the poor, middle class, people on fixed next and i don't see an end in sight. i don't see these radicals changing. the only way to change the country to change this people that are in the leadership in this country and change direction. it's not going to happen with the people. >> absolutely right. we need a massive red weight now and a massive red weight in 2024. the democrats are doubling down on lies. very three fundamental issues. to me the number one issue is crime. but for those people who are struggling to put food on the table it's the inflation it's the economy and the open borders destroy the quality of life for every american in this country [applause] >> the problem with open border is invitation of bringing the drug cartels into this country.
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this is something that we if we are going to take back this country if we are going to believe in what liberty and freedom represent we have got to get these scumbags out. i'm talking about the democrats in the blue cities as well as the democrats in purple cities. >> sean. [applause] >> i had a two step plan to save california. >> by the way, how much better off would california have been? seriously. >> my two step plan, keep the illegal aliens, support the democrats. [laughter]. >> i'm not in favor of term limits suptd for voters and maybe if you vote democrat 3 times in a row, you're not allowed to vote anymore. term limits for voters. >> you both agree it's simple. inflation, gas prices, open boarders >> crime. >> law and order. >> right. >> and woke education. >> and let me just focus on education. education is the key to break
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the poverty cycle. we got to have choice. i was a school teacher before i became a lawyer. i'll tell you right now it's the reason why you larry and i are on this stage because our family believed in quality education. right now the school system is controlled by the teachers union and just has destroyed public education. that's why our school scores are so below. >> how do you feel like the republicans are messaging this year? i think cary and blake are bringing a strong powerful agenda they're running on and pointing out comparing contrasting what their opponents are standing on. >> absolutely. leo is right. it's about inflation gas prices crime borders and our district is focusing on those things. regarding education, 75 percent of third graders in california cannot read or to math at grade level. 80 percent of the kids in california are black and brown but they're opposed to school choice. it's outrageous. >> we can do better.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: we had to say goodbye however before we go to put programming notes tomorrow. another town hall in henderson, nevada. with adam laxalt center tim scott will be there to senator mike lee will be there. and these two wonderful guys are coming with us. which is great. on thursday [applause] we will be in sunny, free, palm beach, florida, hosting a
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town hall with governor ron desantis et cetera marco rubio. center rick scott is on thursday night. 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel hopefully you will tune in. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening, thank you for being with us and thank you for making the show possible. in the meantime delight your your heart be troubled, laura ingraham, "the ingraham angle" is next. we will see you from vegas tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham with the midterm fever. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the client, despair, deceit. that is the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ ♪ now this is what the liberal utopia looks like. a city of progressives run by progressives. and for several decades. and once a gleaming american treasure, san francisco is now the crown jewel of modern-day liberalism. now th
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