tv Hannity FOX News October 24, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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rains in the forecast. it's important to have friends you trust. fox and friends, america's best friends. months ago, our producers embedded with blake masters running for senatemaster in ari >> the documentary is amazing and itis is out on fox nation i the morning. >> i hope you'll watch it. we'll see tomorrow. show. oh, erica . >> hello america right. welcome to "hannity". the midterms, they arehannity" only fifteen days away. >> and tonight we are in i beautiful scottsdale, arizona. we're inn beautiful just a mom. we'll we will be joined joine by republican senate candidatele blake masters and blake fans here. >> okay, gubernatorial candidate terry lake will join us , who is now who is now opened up a three point leadt ld against democrat gutless cowards, eddie hobbs. the latest salvo called hobbs,
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who is currently collecting a paycheck as arizona secretary of statellecting a, has only sho work a grand total of 19 days in the last six months. wish i i wish i had that job. e she didn't even enter office for the entire month of april and august. meanwhile, hobbs is not exactly out there working hardile schwae l on the campaign trail either.sha she has participated and this sr working citizeo you. the hard working citizens, taxpayers of this state ofo arizona. >> zero debates she refuses toin debate in both the primaryelectn and the general election. . hobbs would rather hide in her basement bunker just like her mentor, joe biden. y bide it's probably asleep during the show anyway. lake, meanwhile, has offered to debate any place, any time,. anywhere. >> hobbs can't seem to mustert m up the courage to take a look. th >> why have you refused tocoura. debate your opponent?deba shtee wants to go head to head,u toe to toe with you, with thenet moderator.
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like it is honestly ridiculousel that somebody who has basedd their whole campaign on these lies that are intent to democray dismantle our democracy, that somehow the problem is that i won't give her a bigger stage to do that. d why not? that. >> why not challenge her go in a public forum?orum i'm just curious, as far as i'me concerned, the debate aboutdebao debates is over. i'm running my campaign the wauy i'm my campaign. i'm going to continue to make m the case directly to voters at e worst, it could come off could as you're scared to step on that stage and at best you're not willing to confront. we're in a new era where are in sometimes when politicians arens seen as bullies and we've been taught since we were little kids, you've got to stand upee o a bully. you won't even understand how that might come across. how do you make a case? >> you want to send you to fight for us , but you won't even step aside. bur thystood up to this bull for the past two years, and that's an arizonans have seen that and i continue to do i' that. >> nowm going , the real reason is she's gutless and she knowssh that she would be unable to rad defend her radical positions. let's go through them, forsi
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example,tions. she supports no limitations on abortion whatsoever. n that would mean you can have n abortion up until the very moment of birth that would birth be called infanticide. you might recall during the pandemic, she opposed the deportation of illegal immigrants. and her only plan to address the border crisis is to providee amnesty for illegal immigrants. she does not support a border wall .t su she does not support federalppor funding for more border agents. >> but they do like irs agents, the democrats. i like them a lo t. t seem t in fact, she really doesn't th seem to care about the border crisis at all. actually ,sis telling a locall paper, quote, it's ridiculous that we're talking about this as a core issue in no, that the governor's race. no, that would b would be a prin issue. now, meanwhile, during her tim e in the arizona stated ta legislature, hobbs regularly opposed tax cuts but, but she dd support a five hundred million dollar sales tax increase and also voted to hirene more than one hundred new state e tatax
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she's also facedty a variety ofs scandals. listen, includ to this, includia allegations of racial discrimination from a stattia e senate staffer. it resulted in arizona taxpayers shelling out three hundred thousand dollars on behalf of katy hobbs. and that's not all. multiple former campaignf staffers accused of fostering what is an emotionally abusive f working environment. and last spring, nearly 80% of her initial staffers, they quit . they didn't want to work forif her. and by the way, if you now support or have ever voted forbt donald trump, katy hobbses hate you. in fact, on twitter, she called trump supporters, quote, neo and now katy hobbs is a classic far left keyboard warrior behind a computer screen.or she is an outspoken bully, but in real life, she is a cowardly, incompetent, self-absorbed, narcissist that has never been more apparent. and during this town hall,
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simple question. look. >> take a look. wha what have you learned specifically learn from the latino community? latino that's a great question. i don't necessarily we thinky in about it that way in those terms. like my sister in law, she is a latino and her family.i i love hanging out with them and practicing my espanol. ari arizona woulzod be arizonanaa wh without the what the latino c community brings. so there's no one specific listen to all of them.ought yo >> it's one third of the state . yes. yes, absolutely. i , i mean, i think there's there's many lessons now. >> the people of arizona, des they deserve better. and thankfully, there is someone who is willing and able to work hard every dayk
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and stand up for the people of this great state. every dad stanand it is definit katie hobbs. let's give a warm arizona welcome to your gubernatorial candidate, republican terry lake. let's war we thank you for comn stacey. are you very enthusiastic? you drew a crowd? no, i think they came for you. you're running for election. i did offer to buy them. >> bribe them with in and out burger, though. oh, that that'll bring a crowd . that was my favorite place. welcome to arizona. thank you for soon to be governor. gov >> right. i thinwelcomk. anything for thank you. i never take anything for granted, though. i mean i've, i've seen you up as high as five or six points in the polls, bubut i tell thato every candidate you have to runr like you're behind. yeahnd., it's two minutes left .
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the game. no time out. you're on your own. twenty . n 2 you got to march down the fieldn 80 yards. >> you got to cross the plain kick the field goal to win. rdsk >> is that how you're running? a you're speaking my language. my dad was a football coach . and we are we are with seconds my left on the clock right now. we have fifteen days left in this election and we are acting like a twenty points back .e ar but we've been doing that sincet day one because we knew that we have to save this state and we know from the crowds that we'reh getting that we are way ahead. we w de drovrew e four thousand people at a rally.t some of night was a great event. >> some of you might have been there. all right. that's amazing. and katie, held het held her biggest 2 event, and i think there weree. 20 people there. right. soso not, i mean, i'm not sure i believe all the polls. there' i'm feelingd it's that there's something goingd. on in arizona and it's good. >> i hope soe .now now, i want to go to this quotes of hers. it's ridiculous to focus state on the border. is had ais a well, every n state it'sis a border state. >> it's ridiculous to focus
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on the border. shn the actually said that and e supports amnesty. >> her plan is to let joe biden handle it. joe biden is the reason we've gotten into this mess. joe does not know todays no is monday. >> that's right. t s we have to wake him up in the middle of an interview. did you see he fell asleep i ninteep the middle of an interview? >> yeah. what does dr. bidewhatn think? ? so, mr. president . >> mr. president? and you look at her voting record when she was a state senator and she vote andd again the border wall , she voted she against the virtual border wall against the border strike force, which would help protect arizonans and she voted against this is the shocker. she even voted against askinoteg the federal government to reimburse us for the costs that federal goveing. rnment ti don't know how she cak herself in the mirror. we have a fentanyl. crisi s. t and i know that she's not talking to that many people on the campaign trail, but i'm talking to people every day, hundreds, sometimes thousandm talking tos of people. up twhen you see a mother come he to you and talk about losing
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her son or father or 17 year old son took one pill, a 19 pil, year old son took a half a pill and they're gone. umber on >> we have to do it is theldreno number one killer of our children now , the country. borde >> that's right. is coming across that border that she doesn't understand. >> we're focused on it and she's an open borders globalist. let' she'ss face that.e wants to she's she wants to take what newsom has done for california w ,which is destroy that stated and do the same thing here in arizona. and that's why i think we have f a movement, because people know ifec we elect someone like katy hobbs, we're going to turn into california 2.0. >> and nobody wants that. i'm pretty sure to say, oh, i the way, you have a lot of californians moving in. i think they ought to be at to b rule, maybe if you become you'rr governor , you can get the legislature to pass a rule. >> you're allowed to com yallow you can't run the state the way you run the last state you came from. that would be how you figureigu that out, though. i will say this, though. out. the californians are the onesar who grabbed me at these events ago. g don't let arizonraa. , don'
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we uprooted our children.t we uprooted our business. we moved our home.home we are here.we d we don't wanont arizona to't tun into california or some of our california friends that moved here. they gave up a lot. somebodyiforni waving in the cr they don't want this to turny fd it. they flee. they fled california. >> so here's an amazing thing.e if you take a u-haul from to anywhere in california to texas or arizona, where we are we in the case of texas, it will cost0 you about twenty five hundred dollars fromrnia california to texas. >> if yoe thu takeat that same , from texas back to california, you'll pay three or four hundred. l >> you're doing you a favor.if u if you negotiate, you could you probably get it for free. r probably u-haul, which is an u- arizona company. they pay a you to get a u-haul from arizona. >> california, people are moving so fast. let'u-haul froa tos talk about e >> well,te you? well, she's now missed her chance because we had the debate last nigh becat and it great aired last night.versatio itn. was a great i didn't yell. there.e wa s no antics. you know, she's afraid. there's several reasons.
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>> one , she has terrible was df a forum, though. there's a little difference. yeah. >> last niwe had a we just had w because she wouldn't show up, but she's afraid tht. o defend her dea policies because they're dead end destructive policies. destru defend wanting an open border when you've got so v many fentanyl pills pouringy col across that they could kill every man, woman and child in this country? everyanin thehow do you defend how do you defend your votingdou record ? d yourwhen you voted nearly 90%f the time against small arizona businesses? peryou had a chance to help th. you wereou defend tax increases that you were pushing for when you were in the legislature? and how do youe defend ? i think this might have been the worst bill that sheored. co-sponsored name on can you imagine putting zheec your name on a bill ? and she did this. she co-sponsoredt a bill to start sex education in kindergarten. kindergar >> this is the last year that we're dealing with . and so she knowsws she would get we would bring that up on the stage and we'd bring her. twice convicted in a racist past. she's got pastrible
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and she can't defend it. >> and it tw thinkic we just lot twice on the racial discrimination to juries of her peers. yes.rimination. juries of her a unanimously conv convicted of racism and sexism for paying women of color imporn thirty thousand dollars less than men . men. and it's always the left e left accusing accusing conservatives and republicans of being racist. being racist ande a racist. g iu >> so one of the big issuesried that democrats have tried to. make this campaign about abortion w, i would argue inflation. forty one year high, record high gas prices41, wide open borders, a lack of law and order and woke education versus traditional education. are the big issues in her case.a and a lot of democrats are trying to make abortion, but she is somebody that wouldd t aborti support abortion with no i restrictions at all. and when asked about it, she wouldn'tt she wo give any restr so that means she would allow an abortion up until the momenta of her birth because that child is viable outside a mother's that is called where i grew up, infanticide. >> it's trul
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yet it is it is truly the murder of a baby. you're right. we got pressured on this by the t media. the fake news inwn this town isw horrible.ere pressuring every dy and they were pressuring me every day on the trail to talk and i said, look, i'm pro-life. i want to save as many babieso a as possible. i want to help a as many women as possible. they go into plannedned pare parenthood. they're given one choice and thatnthood t is the worst c. let's give women options so opts that they can choose life. they can find a family thatts t wants to adopt their baby shoul and then i would say to the press, and you should pin down katie hobbs on where shee h stands because she's for abortion up until the moment the baby is born. and then after and they finally did. i'm really proud. theyg the fakem down news pressured them to pin herat down. and we got i verified the last couple of weeks. >> the press finally asked herha what she's northam and supports the idea of the governor of the commonwealth of virginia. well, first the baby is born. we w we'll make the baby comfortable then the mot . then the mother will have a consultation with the doctor and decidher wi e whethen
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independent human being gets to live or die. >> it's disgusting. yeah o live o, that's sick.>> and her voting record proves it. if you don't believe me, look a presentee voting record and her voting record shows when it bill was presented to her to vote on to save a baby who who would survive abortion, to give them life, to get thative baby treatment. >> baby treatment. >> svoted no. she'd rather the baby die in a cold metal tray. and this is what we're dealing with here. >> she says she's for tax cuts in as more ,but 13 times she had ans opportunity to cut taxes and and she did not. how does she say that? with a straight face? >> i don't know.'t know. i don't know how she says. well, she says a lot of us is. that's how she does. she does have a that's how she answers questions, john . >> she couldn't even answer a simple question. how is your relationship with the hispanic american community? question hows your relation with the ame >> the thingri is , nobody's asking her these questions. because she's running froms bec the media. she's running from the debate stage. she' from thee is only talking to pee who are friendly and throwing softball questions at healking
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meantime, we've taken are we qu the it the job interview we've taken on the roajod. road becaue and because she wouldn't do the debate, i think of a debate as a job interview.a jo >> i think everyone's safe to say the people are the hiring manager and i'm applying form ag the job, is applying foro talk the job. to the hi >> and we go and talk to the hiring manager, the people of arizona. we talk about what we want to do for the state.we they know because they'v tale ho me that i want to secure the border. i want to make sure our kids i wae kids are getting a decent education ,not a brainwashing. . they want to make sure that we have a strong economy so that we can have families who canlia afford groceries and gasthat vas and vacations, even maybe get into words that coul maybed be the big issues that are the n fundamental, i would argue, ins every election beyond inflation and gas prices. and we'll talk about that.t then it becomes borderd security, then it becomes lawwab and order. >> everybody wants to be safe e and secure in their town and city. and we're not right and we're not right.e not.. it's a variety of problems.t >> it's we've got a wide openbor border, five million people comt coming in the last year, twor
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point three million have come in. 2.3 the god ofopleg ways, the god of ways of the people who come in. havehey want to be they want to come in undetected because they have a criminal nabackground, 90 eightd apprehended people on our terror watch lisour t. imag >> those are only the people weg caught. yes. imagine that. t whathrough that we do who's getting through thatsc. we don't know about? that's what's scary.that's and that's why we'veo gotsecu y secure the border and fully fund our policr e, get all ofy our police departments fully funded. >> right. things th think the other thing that you could have a very big role in is on the issue of education. -d now, maybe i'm old fashioned. i don't think that kindergarten through even sixth grade should be learning about gender identity or crt. >> it's garbage. i'm old fashioned. >> i believe in reading, writing, math , history, science and computers. h rule.he golden rule. anu can teach the kids you love god and your neighbor as yourself. if you're a public school, you can't mention the god part.
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>> okay, treat others the way you want to, but we do need to d bring god back into our society to say that our state motto moto enriod enriches, god enriches. >> and we need katie. does he want our state motto in the classroom? probably because the word god's in the classro and this is what will we push got out of there. when we push god out of ou our society, out ofr our culture, out of our homes, u out of our hearts. lookts what's happened to bringd america. we need to bring god back. w >> really to and so we've got to take a break. okay, arizona, have fun,fun? everybody. all right. good . e co we're getting things started. we'll come back . and when we come back ,ack, w e we'll be joined by republican senatorial candidate blake masters. he is in a dead heat now with mark kelly . as we continue tonight, our town in scottsdale, arizona. straight ahead. and greetings to you. thrill seekers, conversationalists and music lovers all across the board.
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i'll be full and optimistic. fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence in broadcasting. >> i mean, the flag, no matter what side of the political aisle you're on , it stands for unity and freedom, liberty, perseverance. we want everyone to prosper. we want a great country. we want a nation of people pursuing excellence. we want a nation of people fulfilling their dreams and desires. >> know people call here now, rush, you always told us . you told us we're going to be time to panic. well, is it time to panic? well, let me just tell you, folks, it's never going to be time to panic because we're never going to give up. we're not going to give up on america. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis
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week trial plus postage and a digital scam. go to, try and get started today. >> welcome to fox. >> is live. i'm jack ivana's in new york . alarming news about the flunking state of our nation's school system. a report just released by the us education department reveals classroom scores approaching an all time low. >> the so-called nation's report card shows declined in math and reading grades. and among elementary and junior high school kids, educators blame the devastating effect of
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a pandemic. education secretary miguel cardona is urging schools to use covid relief funds to boost student scores where she soon travels to buckingham palace tuesday morning for an audience with king charles , after which he will become the uk's new prime minister. soon once served as finance minister, he now faces the task of fixing britain's ailing economy. following liz truss's disastrous six week tenure as prime minister. he is the first person of color to ever hold that post in england. i'm jackie bonifaz. now back to "hannity". all right.r town welcome back to hannity. we continue our town hal homl f. scottsdale, arizona.verybo great to see everybody.dyers anp fifteen daysplause, voters righl in arizona will not only decide the future of the state house and the governorship, but couldh also decide the balance of power in the u.s. senate. bw, republican candidate blake lakem.c. is now in a statistical
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dead heat, neck and neck is running against democratic incumbent mark kelly . >> thid neckng s is a critical state,tate cr a critical election tonight in order to trick election. votersc senator kelly is now pretending to be a moderate, somethinnatoge is not.. >> but as th bue saying goes, politicians lie in numbers do not. as a senator , kelly votedo with the socialist bernie sanders a whopping 91% of the time voted with chuck schumer, a whopping 96% of the time. i'll trade chuck s you mark kelr chuck schumer. >>e. i hate them both equally. >> anyway, he supported every c single spending bill from the biden administration, including the latest effort to rais e taxes, drive uping th inflation, a bill thate is hiring nots dr eighty seven thousand new border patrol agents, but no eighty seven thousandin infls agents. kelly also playing a very bi 87g,0 rolepl in the chaos atn our southern border, is barely lifted a finger to dbohe'so anyg
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about it this year.s >> the u.s. has now set set a record for illegal immigration that we know about. >> and as i mentioned in mentio the las, including ninety eight people on the terror watch list, these segment incluare only the peope caught. >> and by the way, here'e ars w a quote from the very liberal lm npr quote, us customs and border protection reported two point three million migrant- apprehensions at the southern border in the last 12 months. the annual total, which includes people who are stopped at the border more than once, jumped by a whopping 37%. the record one pointis is seven million the year before. >> nowaf, this is after r. kelly , by the way, voted forgrn biden's plan to grant asylum to illegal immigrants. d open. voted to sen borders activists to federal courts.o >> and he has repeatedly votedca against the constructionnd re ofborder a southern border wall . but now he says he's been focused on the border since day one .ay >> since day one of the campaign starting.
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all right. starmark kelly also supports zee limits on abortion up to o the moment of he also wants to get rid of the legislative filibuster. l ss so radical socialist democrats, they can pretty much do anything that they want torpetua secure power in perpetuity. and make no mistake, indn the senate, mark kelly does nott have independent thoughts or opinions. instead, he does whatever chuckk schumer tells them to do. schuso arizona. arizona do you really want to be governed by proxy? >> chuck schumer fromr from new york . that was a rhetorical question. very good. new do youou enjoy open borders in arizona? >> enjoy ope are you happy withd breaking? >> forty one year high oy fwithg inflation? ation? >> are you happy with double dou the price of a gallon? blof gasoline? >> no. no? here's a questio n for any of you here >> are you better off than you year were two years ago? are you happy with the status quo? snow? kelly
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if you are happy is your guy, gy righif you want the right right now, for america to get back on track 15 days, you will have an important decision to make. >> let'smake give a warm. arizoa welcome to republican arizona senate candidate blake mublican thank you all for coming. our thank. great to s thank you. thank you all. >> great to see. you know, it's funny, i've offered all these democrats time on my show, notnose one raphael warnock, mandela, barnes, the guy in the hoodie from pennsylvanimandela, the tr
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fund brad that never workede tru a day in hisnd democrats won'tmy come on my show.w. >> what do you think that is ? k i'm offering him an hour.ul >> a full hour. good t.o see you as well. thank you.>> as so we have pretty much here inhn arizona have a senator. jus it's just like chuck schumer or just like dianne feinstein. es >> so does that represent the values of arizona? s ofbecause i think i know ariza well. i've been down to the border toh from the rio grande to san diego in tucson. i've been down here fifteenrol times. is >> and it's ou ot of controlut.o it is out of control. d what doeo you think is mark kelly representa? he doet. es no >> and you know what the frustrating thing is ? he promised he would write. goi he promised that he wangs going to be independent. he promised two year s go whens go he was campaigning that he wasin going to be some kind of moderate. well, that's campaign, kelly . derate.kelly.and then he got tol he completely surrendereetd his voting card to chuck schumer.rur and he is just a rubber stampild for this faile d biden agenda. y i don't even understand why this guy wants to be aa senator .
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he has zero independence of zer mind.o >> by the way, how many agree with me? you slaughteremi >>d him in that debate? >> you it's interesting when we get to this this point ipon an election year, usually if you're even with the incumbent, any last minut any last minute breaking votes go towards the challenger. that would be towards you. challenger.e you're now in a stl dead heat with mark kelly . >> now, wen have a libertariand in this race. i'm i'm telling everybody in arizona and to allrtaria my libertarian friends, don't take offensen ke . >> well, you probably will . i don't care. you're wasting your vote. it'salf a vo half a vote for mak kelly . everyone agree with me. witand you've had to go up agah that challenge. >> have you spoken him with . wr i have spoken with him, although i think we're going tol drive that libertarianto about 1 vote down to about one percent, maybe even less, because people know freedom is on the ballot right now. is oou care about freedom, if you don't want some left wing totalitarian dystopia, you've got to vote republican up w
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inand down the ticket. and that means in the senate race, you've got to vote for me when i look at what is at stake this election, i break it down. >> the real simple stuff, the stuff i was asking this great crowd, and that is forty h one year high of inflation, record high gas prices, wide open borders. we setbo a record last year of n illegal immigrants coming into the country was set a new yearrd already this year. and we still hav ae two and ae w half months. and in the yea r left, then youl with deal with law and order safety and security so people cane pursue happiness. ca, then the last one is i think parents are sick i and tired of the indoctrination of their children in school and and they want to go back to e basics. we were talking to corey about it. am i missing something? hool. >> there's so many problems mis that democrats have caused. it's kind of hard to knosi some to start. right. e bearin arizonaarona, w the brunt of these twin crises that they caused the border crisis and this crazy economic inflation crisis. and to pick on inflation, for instance, i'm tired of peoplen tired of talking about this as if it'st
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some act of god as some mystery . where did inflation come from? well, two years ago, inflation was one and a half percent. n w he didn't even have to worry about it. it came from the white house. pee fromrcent. joe biden's bad 1% when policies mark kelly supports in lockstep. right. what are the two things ene they did? they surrendered our energy we wer independence. right? they just we were energy independent. how nicee energy indepw nice wa >> right.k ga they took gas from two dollars $ to six dollars by declaring war on fossil fuels. >> sean, what have these oil and geniuses think was going to happen when yo iu declare wary h on oil and gas and a countryl that's powered by oil and gas, o you think yof u might shoot the cost of energy up to the moon? >> listen, i live paycheck >> toeck to paycheck for many years inpaychd my early adult life. it's not fun. i life. it's i can afford it now. fun i get paid more than i deserve h . i >> i hope my bosses watch. but honestly, i get i getr]. ticked off. onestli'm angry when i fill up s tank and it's twice you know, it's one hundred and twenty . $2 >> it used to be sixty bucks. i'm like, this is annoying. kilg and it's, it's it's killingth
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the poor, the middle class people on fixed incomes.e on fid >> one thing that i like about the two of you is you have deved developed a rapport already where i could tell youe i ca will work in tandem, you'll work at the federal level,fe you'll work at the state level,t that wu have a shared philosophy that will serve the people of arizoniloplea. >> that is rare in my saying that the right way right there in the last name, blake and blake. >>t? 's too good, righ well, we need our federal delegation and we've got issues that we need the feds help with . fed's helpo when ity d awar comes to water and things likedd that. so we're going to work well together and with debbie lesko,s who's here, and congressman danzig's burgess are with usss i here from utah. >> utah, yeah.s he sorem we need a federal delegation. we need to get a gmany etrepublicans as possible so we can get something done for arizona. >> back in d.c. thatmething donc have that dynamic, i've watched it before, it really workse out well for the people. you know, people forget to runot
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for office. they're supposed to o be public servants. that's right. they lose track of these people are our bossts. , the people of arizona, our boss. >> a great way to do it. i like your analogy about a job jo interview. >> yes. and katie hobbs is running froie the interviewer. >> katie hobbs refuses toe debate. i think mark kelly wisheintervie refused to debate. >> what do you think? t stay with 's for the . all right. corey and blake will stayu he with so i all of you here in arizona, you know all too well the dangers of biden's open borders and that agenda and to t help deal with the crisis, plae the state is now placed shipping containers alongs the borderalong th with mexico p deter illegal immigrants fromm s crossing the biden administration. and they'rsing the mad , theseiner shipping containers, it's like building your own little wall . wall. governor , do say i started this and put this up anyway.ided so they're now c biden and co. are demanding the containerse removed. we sent our very own investigative reporter be removed. a fr we sent our very own car investigative reporter and friend, sarah carterr , fox news contributor to the border,n
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no the shipping containers. and governor deucy is saying, i'm not going to remove them his away right now. the state of arizonahe is actually in a battle with the federal government. at i mean, governor deucyua is actually trying to sutryieng the federal government because federal government is trying too th to the state of arizona actually take down the train cars that they're using tocontae basically these cargo containers to basically creater border in the gap. >> correct. that's why it makes differen in the gaps. correct.ce so that's see, that's what hef p makes a big difference that le donrstandpeople sometimes dot understand it. so we have the immigration problem, obviously, where anybod imy can come across, claim asylum and then they're getting released. that's a big issue. release. gotthen you've got thr which which this areiga leads the entire country and gateways. there's nowhere else more than here iways. parn this part of arizona.fa and then you've got ex the narcotics. so it'so it's three stages of a so if you just take those down t ,then obviously that's where people are going to come across. that's where they're going to turn themselves inat's where the
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that's where agents will be preoccupied. and then when they moveng themselves from that area, having to do processing transpot and transport many times hospital is now the drug smugglers take advantage of tad that gap. and thenvantage t that's wherel through. so there's still g goingoing t u be bringing the drugs in, obviously. right. but now it's easiegsr to direct it in different areas. e you've got to make iasiet harder for them. >> i we continue with republican senate candidate blake masters and gubernatorial candidate corey lake joining us nowan on the stage is the president of the national border patrol council,gubernato. our friend, brandon judd. >> good to see you again, sir.n. how are you? so we went over katy hobbs record the record of mark kelly . againsvoted against title forty two , three times. he voted against hiring 18000 border agents. bu 1t he did vote for the eighth seven thousand irs agents and he voted87 to defund borde the border wall construction three timer walls in 2020 one ar times?'re down there every day . i've interviewed you.
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>> how many times? more than i can remember. i've i've been on horseback, helicopter, all terrain vehicle out on boats. diego. i've been everywhere from bee the rio grande to san diegn inok >> i've e been in the druglife. warehouses. i've never seen anything like it in my life. >> o one of the few you've beengo one of the few in the into try the actual media that goes down there to tryo to understand>> m exactly what's going on . >> an old tanker.d >> i will buo d my reporter. i keep going down there.done a i will. but sarah ha s done a great job. yes. job. and now the financial crisis 90% affecting all 90cr% opioids cross that southern borderr th right into the state in texas. >> correct? nd >> it is . and it's not just staying in arizona, in texas. and that'snd the problem. s it's going throughout the entire united states when we see this drug epidemi wc that's taking place is in ames, iowa. it's in lincoln, nebraska.wa , lincolit's up in maine. obviously in florida. it's going throughoutoing throu the entire yea r. g and then we've got the cartels running it. then we got human trafficking. we underage sex trafficking. >> you've seen it all, correct? yeah. sean, i lived this nightmareay. every single day and i woulder
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have never dreamed that itd have could possibly get this bad. i would have never dreamed that we would have governors thatt fo wouldn't do what's best for their citizens. i would have neverr dreamed th we would have a president of the united states . that doesn't care enough about about e th his own citizens to. actually secure the border this is easy. and go after the criminal cartels. this is easy. we were able to do w iert under president trump. he recreated the will.ecreat it's not like heed wheel compled something new and we were able to secure the bordere . and with proper governors,ator with proper senators, we cans we rightget right back to the sy that we need to do what's necessarthy to secure the american people. >> let's talk about this. this team, corey, is governor t blake, the senator. >> now, wealt this have seen its amazing. >> fifty what two volunteers went to martha's vineyard. >> they were off that island.thc they couldn't get them off the island. the island fast enough. fast enough. >> yeah. hgone. twenty four hours gone. t 50 people ittle tastastee. but we deal with with fifty people who are here illegally,e illegally, illeg illegal aliensal going to
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to martha's vineyard and we deal with hundreds of thousandse have come across our border.a bi >> yeah.n of and no, i'm not. i shipping them aroundi told the country. i think i've told you that before, but i do think i y t illustrates what we're dealinghn with and it show that they immediately wanted to yet they d deport the people, yet they don't want us takinong control of our border on our own. >> but we will we're. going to with my border plan, takey control of the border. >> you are not going to take you don't care what joe biden. >> you are going to do everything within your power. and we listen, i've talked to greg abbott a lot. >> he has tried every single thing within his powernor yo as governor. you don't have the authority to say you're out of here and sendo them back . >> well, what we're going to do is go to the u.s. constitution,i article one , section ten .tuti right. we have an invasio10. n on our border within the first hour of my administration. we're going to issue a declaration of invasion if people want the people demanded and we are going to take control of the border. article one , section ten of
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the u.s. constitution allows us to do that.. we have an invasion. our people are in danger.lay and there's no timwhene for del. we meet all three criteria and we're going to take control of the border away from the cartels. and blake, you will be ablm the on the federal level as anto elected senator to support and help our efforts. level t absolutely. i'll do heo everything alp ht the federal level to help kerry get that done at the state level. don a stait's going to be frust it's going tratio be frustratin. because here's why's. y twenty , twenty two . the countryelection, election shows 2020 foure . . ja they go together. 20 we need the white house back in january . 2020 five wheng we god willing,l inaugurate a strongpres republican president again. it gets easy rightident agaiit we'll pass a great piece of border security legislation. the president will siglen, butha we'll pass that out of an the house and senate when wen we take back the house in t the senatehe. but biden's not going to sign it. right. so here's my pledge fot r 2020 t three and 2020my four, i will grind biden's agenda to a haltin unless e and until we get bordee full stop. >>et it's got to it's got to be great. for you and all the people you
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work with every day. >> youy puti your life l on the line. you're dealing with dangerous cartels. you're dealing with humaine.dann traffickers, drug traffickers,it dangerous workh huma and then te the support. >> and that's and that's what we need. we have to support g have the sf governor . we have to have the support of senators. we also have to have we have the support of the congressmen. >> we've got andy biggs, we'veb, got bridget owens. we've got debbie lesko. these individuals can step up to the plate and immediately impeach secretary mayorkas and then blame ste go for that. and then blake can vote to convict. >> and then, of course, governor lake can then give the ca support that's necessary so aft that we can go afterer the criminal cartels the, we ca go after the criminal cartels, we can save the lives of our children. inal wour grandchildren, our neighbors and our friends. and that's what that's what governor can do for us areiends. the hour goes by quick. he >> we got like six minutes left in the sb over. quicow. can you believe it? let's dowe have six minute two . all right. you have to negotiate negotiate with laura. .
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>> i get mad at me. listen, this race is critical, wishing you the best of luck.e t thank you. inf the governor's race for beu of luck in senatorial race, arizona, everything may be inrih your hands. >> ire in tht maisy come down to right here in the state. thanr bek. me when we come back , larry eldere leo 2.ld0 when we continue from scottsdale, it's going to be cranky when you find out that my granny killer over his rage is crazy. big time block, crazy. absolutely crazy. oh, crazy mavericks, pelicans, warriors, coverage begins tonight at seven presented by state farm on tnt. come bye bye, baby . >> three hundred empire to
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>> 1-800- nine four nine zero nine three seven . that's what, eight hundred nine four nine zero nine three seven no. >> all right. >> we continue our town hall from beautiful scottsdale, arizona. guestsutifullet's give a warm aa welcome to two of our favorite guests, larry elder of the time to point out altero come from. thank you. have a seat.a seat. wow. >> now there's a storywise called to point out it's not. ee larry has been steady. eddie, who came updy with it after after leo did his 180 went being on the dark side to the right side, right. this
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>> i said on your show, sean, i'm loving this leo to point out. that's correct. 2.0. that'after that, that was s de and let me go right now. very happy because the democrats are crazy, totally nuts. ts! happy now, much happier now with sean. but i have a question. can't here's my 10%. oh, my . i can't i can't. so, >> i can't with gladstone.e fr so fifteen days from nowom, box america goes to the ballot box.i right.ti all indications arons are i don goin i'm irish. i always think the worstto is going to happen. tha that was born that way. can't help it.i re buallyt i really get the sense i things are so bad that americaf can see record numbers of people voting in georgia afteri jim crow 2.0. but putting that aside, i think people have had i've had it. you i know both of you have had it. everybody here has had and the h american people deserve better. what do you sepee happeninned.g. well, i'm feeling what you're feeling. all they've got is abortion. all and election integrity, i whatever that means. i want t.o say something realson
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quickly about that. and kerry talked about ittalked on our campaign. these people have been delaying utt onelections since two thous. al gore to this day believe gor the supreme court put george w. courbush in office. george w. bennie thompson, the chair of the january six committee in the first week of january two vi thousand five , he joined three other democrats, house members and barbara boxer, to overturn the election in ohio.xe nobody overtur calls them electn deniers. lewis john lewis respected mans re john lewis marched with mlk. he refusedo ttoo go to donaldsn trump's inauguration because he thought the election was stolen. 25% of democrats didn't sto go because they thought they were asking. and we and hillary for >> the entirety of president trumpy presidency refer to him as illegitimate and said the election was stolen. her word wor, not mine.m elec and nobody calls them election deniers. and hillary's platform has never been shut down.t and stacey abrams, stacey abrams, stacey abrams abram is denying that she she denied the election. >> so she had an election, deny >> leon elecy. >> leo, i'm looking atworr the race. i'm really worried. i know what it's like to wha live
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paycheck to paycheck. it's not it's not good. and 70 percent od.f the countryo itw is living paycheck to paycheck. >> right. you know, it's killing the poo'd middle class people on fixed income. and i don't see an endt iand nh t because i don't see these radicals changing. the only way to changepl the country is to change a the people that arree in chang the leadership in this country and change direction. >> it's not going to happen with the people that are there now. >> you're absolutely right. we need a massive rentpeople. . >> wait a massive rent.ight wait. now we do a massive great rent.. >> wait, it's twenty , twenty four . i think the democrats are doe ve doubling down on why they're ignoring three fundamental missues. to me, the number one issue w is crime. but fo ar those people who were struggling to put food on the table is the inflation is the economy and the opend th border destroys the quality of life for everyop american in thi country. >> and for the democrats gotn t [applause] >> the p like the the open border is an invitation to bring this drug cartel into this country.
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th >> this is something that weis f we're going to take back this country, if we're going to believe in what libertbelieve iv get thesrepresent, we got to get these scoundrels out. and i'm talkine scg abouts the democrats in these blue cities as well as these democrats in these purple cities like john . i had a plan to save californiab when i was running, keep the illegal alien by the way. >> how much better off would california but seriously, keeph my two step plan, keepl the illegal aliens, deport the democrats? i'm not in favor of term limits except for voters. maybe if you vote democrat two ma or three times in a row,ybe if a ought to not vote anymore.ow >> term limits for voters. e. >> i think you both agreevo with me that simple inflation,as gas prices, open borders, crime, law and order. >> right. and woke order>> right educatios traditional education. and let me just focu focs on education, education, is the
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key to break the poverty cycle. wet is . g c we got to have school choice. i was a school teacher beforeyo i became a lawyer. and i'll tell you right now,w t is the reason why you, larrye ou and i are right here on thisfamy stage because our familythe scho believe in quality education. co and right now the school system is controlled by the teachers union, is just had to destroyubi public education. our s >> that's why our school scores are so low. b how do youel feeow. l the repubh are messaging so far this year? like i thought, i think carrie? and i think blake, they're bringing a strong, powerful pointinginging a s that they'reg on and then they're pointing out and comparing and contrastinrasting what tg wt le their opponents are standing. absolutely. leo's right. it's about right. about inflation, gas prices, crime borders, and ourdu candidates are focusing on those kinds of things regarding education, 75% ofcalia third graders in california cannot not read or do math at 80 grade level. 80% of the kids in california are black and brown. lack and these are the ones that the left claimed that they care about, but they're opposed to school choice. but thool it's outrageous. >> it's outrageous.
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we can d wo better.e ca we will agree. >> we can do better. fifteen days america decides. t all right. we've got to take a break.e come and when we come back ,s we a special announcement you don't want to miss as we continue froe fr m the beautiful state of arizona. >> straigh t ahead, your samarium. sabo news a moment this pureor e gold, pure ch moisture lotion, 24 hour hydration, no parabens or fragrances. >> goldbart champions your skin. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to
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and that's eight hundred three one zero forty two hundred. >> america is waking up to fox and friends overeasy, right, steve ? yep. my usual same thing. it's important to have friends you trust fox friends, america's best friends. when you can't watch. listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. ♪ >> all right. welcome back. we're in beautiful arizona. we have to say goodbye.o put however, before we go to quick programing note tomorrow, another town hall in hendersonle ,nevada, with adam laxalt, senator tim scott will be there. >> senator mike lee will beand there. and these two wonderfuthese twls are coming with us, which is great. on thursday, we will be in i sunny free palm beach, florida,
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hosting a town hall with governor ron desantis, rnon senator marco rubio, senator rick scott. et ceto. on thursday night, 9:00nnel hop p.m. eastern, right here on the fox news channel. i hope you tune in, but eveni unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. >> thankng s and you for being with us.w >> thank you for making this show possible. in the meantime,in the mea let t your heart be trouble. laura ingraham, the angry man, goes next from arizona.ingraham. we will see you from vegas tomorrow thank you for joining us from vegas. >> tomorrow night, i'm laura ingraham with midterm fever. >> this is ingram angle from washington tonight. decline despai r, deceit.♪ >> that is the focus of tonight's angle. >> now, this is what the liberal utopia looks like. i a city otyf progressives rund f by progressives. and for several decades now,seva treasure gleaming american treasure, san francisco is now the crown jewel of modern day liberalism. now the golden gate bridge
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