tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News October 25, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> dana: royal caribbean is checking this out. the world's largest cruise ship out of miami in 2024. the 20 deck ship is 1200 feet long making the titanic look like a toy boat. it is a floating amusement park coming to new york harbor. might do that one. isolate maybe. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: fox news alert. who has the power? fox power rankings out today and it is obvious that both political parties are in play. however, democrats seem to be playing mostly a game of defense now. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". we're exactly two weeks out from mid-term elections today. we took up a whole floor to put that 14 down for you. one of the closest races in the nation right now, a republican catching up to a democratic governor of new york.
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it's tight for sure. and today some signs that the momentum is shifting toward republican voters pushing lee zeldin closer to the line. maybe even over it. the hot issue here crime. and democrat governor kathy hochul appears to be in trouble. fox power rankings show houck -- hochul's lead is shrinking mightily. as that is happening, the race projection has moved from a solid win for democrats to a likely win. you don't get any bluer than the blue state of new york. republicans and democrats across america are both paying attention to this race. and the u.s. house of representatives republicans are projected to win 233 seats. a 16-seat majority. that actually is a pickup of a seat from just a week ago with four races in the northeast moving closer to favoring
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republicans. karl rove says the president is not helping his party. >> since we created american political parties between the years of 1818 and 1824 two first mid-term elections which the white house party gained seats in the u.s. house of representatives. 1934 and 2002. this ain't fdr or george w. bush and the aftermath of 9/11 with sky high approval ratings. this is joe biden sitting there 42, 43% approval. on the big issues, economy, inflation and crime he is sitting with approval ratings in the 30s. >> harris: love karl rove. this ain't fdr. no changes in the senate to tell you about yet, which has fewer races in play, of course. races that will likely be deciding the majority are georgia, arizona, nevada, pennsylvania. alexandria hoff reporting on the implications of the new power rankings. >> good to be with you. right now democrats do still
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have a small pathway to holding onto the house but it is getting slimmer. the latest fox news power rankings show in the best case scenario for democrats they could achieve a two-seat majority. republicans a suburb night would be walking away with 32 seats on top. in terms of movement this week, the forecast is showing four northeastern shifts in favor of republicans. three of them in districts in new york. a lot of factors at play here but also potential trickle down effect for the tightening race for governor in new york. big news in a state with a densely populated democratic areas. kathy hochul was not elected to the office but bumped up to the position because of the resignation of cuomo. his resignation's policies are hard to break out of. covid-19 regulations and crime is the top voter issue in the state where lee zeldin has found his footing. the race has moved from a solid d to likely d. another interesting shift comes
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out of ruby red oklahoma where you have a democrat who used to be a republican hoff meister written off in the race for governor but made strides capitalizing on a strained relationship with the state's tribal nations. it is a likely r. outcomes depend on turnout. something that candidates are acutely aware of at this stage of the game. >> harris: a lot of people got started in early voting. millions of them. if you look at the state of georgia they are setting records down there in a place where election laws have been questioned. but they seem to be working very well for the people lining up day after day. they say it feels like a presidential election the numbers are so high down there. alex, good to see you, thank you. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor former republican congressman of utah. each week we look at the power rankings. anything surprise you this week? >> the strength of the
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republican party. you only get strong numbers like that by getting independents breaking your way. i am struck by the fact that if you look at this week, nancy pelosi is in croatian, joe biden the president of the united states two weeks out has two meetings at the white house. kamala harris, does anybody care where she is at now? there is no leadership out there that's going to help the democrats drive over the finish line. the basic policy issues that are out there just don't go -- if you asked the average person on the street what's joe biden's plan and the democrats' plan to fight inflation? nobody can come up with an answer. it's two weeks before the election. >> harris: i think it's worse than that. they can't. it's called the inflation reduction act which did nothing for anybody except for those who wanted to put more money toward climate change and other big spending projects. didn't touch inflation, cbo and other experts have said it
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won't touch inflation. so that's their answer. it just didn't work. not even the shell game with the title. >> crime. you combine crime and immigration. democrats have no answer. you had al sharpton saying democrats actually need to start talking about the uncomfortable. they need to start talking about crime. really? it's two weeks before the election. you had the house, senate, presidency. all the governorships and the major mayors in those cities. guess what? you run the gamut and we're living with your policies and they are failing. when people don't feel safe and secure in their pockets books or with their kids going to school, they don't feel safe and secure going to work or going on a vacation to new york city guess what? they'll make a change. >> harris: major shift in a key race we're watching. the cook political report moving the race between dccc
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sean patrick maloney and mike lawlor to a toss-up. another cobalt blue state race we're watching move. this means republicans have a shot at unseating a powerful lawmaker in a district joe biden won by double digits. with signs of trouble the democrats' campaign arm came up with a $600,000 ad buy. >> law lore and other extremists fight to ban abortion not tackling crime or inflation or improving healthcare. maga extremists advance an agenda that divides america. mike lawlor is one of them. >> harris: even though a gop source saying we smell blood in the water. jason. >> there are four key races in california. you mentioned those key races in places like new york. when you are having to defend the turf there in your blue new
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york, you know you are in trouble. two weeks ago maloney was campaigning in paris with adam schiff. not a good look. they were out there raising money in paris. so look, people are paying attention particularly in october and with two weeks to go the ballots are in the mail and i don't think they can do much to turn their policies around because again they had the house, senate and presidency. they can't blame trump. they don't have an excuse. >> harris: it doesn't mean they won't try but they aren't doing it this second. >> it isn't going to work. >> harris: democrats dub themselves the party of civility. they were the ones who said when the other guys go low, we go high. but the closer we seem to get to voters choosing who they want to lead on capitol hill, things are not looking so civil. a republican volunteer was knocking on voters' doors and handing out flyers when he was attacked. brutally beaten in florida on
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sunday. you can still see it there in the hospital bed. he is wearing his marco rubio t-shirt and desantis hat is to the side. he was encouraging voters to support republicans for reelection. senator rubio condemned the attack at a campaign event last night saying political violence should not be tolerated by anyone. texas senator ted cruz sent the left into a frenzy when he went to watch his home state houston astros face the new york yankees over the weekend. here is a touch of that. [booing] >> harris: fans were booing cruz as he left the stadium. twitter sounded off. if you hear something eating your garbage tonight it might not be the rats. more than one middle finger was pointed at the senator adding these new yorkers speak for all of us and i join them in
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solidarity. cruz was at the game ahead of his appearance on the view, where he also faced some hecklers. >> inflation has one cause and one cause only] shouting] >> dollars in tax revenues. most money in history we've ever taken in. the problem is we spent nearly $7 trillion. >> we do cover climate here, guys. >> ladies, ladies, excuse us, let us do our job. let us do our job. we hear what you have to say but you've got to go. >> harris: they didn't want the hear what she had to say. cruz called the interview a bit of a circus and pointed out major hypocrisy from the left. >> a lot of viewers of the view have only seen one partisan story the whole time. a few minutes later whoopee gold berg was obsessed with january 6. only republicans engaged in violence. i said did you miss an entire
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year of antifa riots all over the country firebombing cities and she said i don't know what you are talking about. >> harris: the day after the attack. i don't know if they read the news before they go on. first of all the young man in the hospital, prayers for him and we wish him a speedy recovery. your take on all of it. >> we want good people on both sides of the aisle to participate and have this vigorous debate. we shouldn't be afraid of that on either side of the aisle. violence has no part in this. i want to hear the democrats condemn what was going on with the attack on that person who was wearing a marco rubio shirt for goodness sake. but there is no room for violence. as far as ted cruz. ted is always known for going out into the fire. i think he kind of enjoys it and does exceptionally well with it. you need to go out in front of audiences that aren't
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necessarily as friendly and ted cruz does that on a regular basis. but he makes the argument. that's the point. making the argument. margaret thatcher had this great saying. first you have to win the argument, then you go win the vote. i think that absolutely is what the republicans are doing this year. >> harris: such a great quote. thanks for bringing it to the "focus" two weeks out from the mid-term elections. jason chaffetz. thank you for being in "focus." with the mid-terms now around the corner, the battle for the governor's seat in florida is anything but sunny down in the sunshine state. we'll break down fiery debate between desantis and crist. never mind what americans are feeling and emptying wallets. the white house is painting this picture for you. >> you think about what congressional democrats and this president have done.
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lower costs, making an economy that doesn't leave anybody behind. what congressional republicans want to do is take that all away. >> harris: an economy that doesn't leave anybody behind. with a straight face she said that. economic claims by the president getting even more pushback. david asman from fox business is here with his wallet in "focus."
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very wealthy, failed the country before and will fail it again if they would. >> harris: those comments are not going over well. some of the critics pushing backlash now are economists who say all the spin in the world will not change the fact that president biden's policies are making things considerably worse. a "new york post" op-ed says democrats are scrambling to escape the political consequences of their disastrous policies because they're yolked to him like gum on your shoe. economist larry kudlow agrees. >> what joe biden is doing is spooning out malarkey. his radical progressive economics with inflationary spending, regulatory overkill. turning off oil and gas spigiots and rolling back successful tax cuts. this economy is contracting just 12 to 18 months later.
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>> harris: what i always find interesting at this point is what voters are paying attention to with millions of them already engaged in early voting. that matters especially in very close toss-up states like georgia. polling shows inflation and economy still riding at the top issues for voters. david asman, fox business anchor. we aren't shocked by that. nothing has changed. only the biden administration, that team and democrats running to save their seats, they want us to believe that whatever the heck they are doing right now is changing things. in 14 days you can't. >> the point is, it has changed things. as larry kudlow was saying, we had a booming economy with low inflation and it has got a lot worse. of course, the excuses of the finger pointing that goes on from the biden administration continues obviously on inflation they say it's russia, russia, russia, the real jump in inflation took place before
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russia invaded. we increased the inflation from 1.4% when he came into office to 7.9% when russia invaded. that's a 400% increase. we have about a 9% increase in inflation since then, since russia invaded. it is biden inflation, not russia inflation. they have a terrible track record and trying to defend it. it is impossible to defend. >> harris: to hear you say that to go from 1.4 to 7.9 in about the same time. it is well over 230 days with the war, russia invading ukraine. if you look at the timetable, that's about the same time that they have been at war. so that means we were heating up a very bad inflationary situation for this country for months before that war started. not just a little bit of time and it matters. you can't just turn it around. >> the incentives for growth disappeared and for creating energy disappeared and the fuel
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that we need -- the fuel that -- you can't cut the fuel we need for our economy. that's the bottom line. we pulled the rug out not only from under the actual fuel production, but also pulling the rug out from under the productivity of the labor force by continuing with these programs that kept people at home. we have a terrible productivity problem among workers in america right now. you want to get to that later but it is something that needs to be talked about. >> harris: it won't even be that much time. i want to talk about this. these are the people i have a heart for right now. they typically don't speak up because they've got a little nest egg that they had through their jobs and how most of us get a 401k. they tried everything for their kids making their dreams come true and now it's their golden years, right? a new survey shows 55% of americans say they are now far behind on their retirement savings. only 28% say they are on track
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or slightly ahead. and the main reasons are more than half blame inflation for reduced contributions, a quarter point to stagnant or lower income. those are the people who are still working. those people who have retired are just watching it evaporate. >> we'll have a cost of living increase for people on social security but as you know, if you know anybody that's retired, you realize that social security checks alone are not going to get you through retirement. you have to have savings. you have to have savings or nice relatives that can take you in or whatever it is. but the social security increase is going to fill a tiny gap but nowhere near the gap that has been created by inflation. so inflation is really the big problem that americans are facing right now and it is one that continues to get worse. we saw it accelerated a couple weeks ago. >> harris: how long will we cook this hot? >> as long as the spending
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programs increase. the student loan bail-out which will be from half a trillion to a trillion dollars. it's more fuel for the inflation. >> harris: did you hear the secretary? even with the threat of lawsuits to try to keep the student loan programs from happening, right, she said well, we'll see how things shake out. we'll press on forward. look, senator bernie sanders said they're worried about the youth vote. giving away money isn't even working for them. let's get to the workers. host of how american works mike rowe points to what he calls the most chilling metric of our economy right now. >> 7 million able-bodied men between the ages of 25 and 54 are not only not working, they are affirmatively not looking for work. they have punched out, they're done. the vast majority of them spend over 2,000 hours a year on
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screens. today you have 11 million open jobs. we have never had so much unrealized opportunity and so little enthusiasm for it. >> harris: and what you ask are these men doing? one noted economist with this. most of these drop-out men are being supported by women in their lives or their families. and if you include uncle sam as part of the family, there you go. they are just not engaged. >> by the way, i wish i had a voice like mike rowe. how do you get a voice like that without smoking a pack of cigarettes a day? he doesn't smoke but a naturally beautiful voice. he makes a very important point. one amplified by managers i'm talking to. we were talking to the guy who founded fedex last week about the workforce he has. we have disengaged a whole segment of our workforce, prime able-bodied men, 7 million are sitting at home between the
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ages of 25 and 50 >> harris: what happened? >> we paid them not to work and we continued that after joe biden came into office. we extended that period long enough so they get hooked on it. they are spending 2,000 hours a year. that's as much time as 40 hours a week working, they are spending that same amount of time sitting at home in front of their computer playing games and a lot of them, by the way, are abusing drugs as well. productivity is down 4%. the largest loss in productivity. that means the amount of stuff that we make, that individuals make when they are working is down 4%. when productivity goes down, inflation goes up because we have fewer things to buy. and that's what is happening. our productivity in the nation is a terrible problem for all managers and anybody manufacturing everything and it increases inflation and it's on this administration because they extended the paying people to stay home far longer than they should have.
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>> harris: what happened to the infrastructure and that would -- they were willing to take away the pipeline helping us now, the keystone pipeline. one of the places we could be pushing toward our own independence. >> higher crime rates as well. a lot of people who stay at home want the easy way out. that's what happens. >> harris: david asman. a story the white house would rather not talk about so close to an election day. the growing evidence of just how badly school shutdowns hurt our children. the press secretary actually tried to blame republicans. power panel next. d a better fut so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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democrats voted for. no congressional republicans voted for that piece of legislation which was critical to getting our economy back up, including opening up schools. >> if we get our students to where they should be in america, leading the world, we really need to take this issue seriously. past the pandemic we think about how to invest in our schools and investing in our education system. prioritizing education with the same level of urgency our president is doing. >> harris: the head of the second largest teachers union, randi weingarten retweeted an opinion piece from the "washington post" argued that school learning loss is not a red state versus blue state issue. but a new analysis finds that blue states did, in fact, lose more than a point more than red states on math scores. a "washington examiner" op-ed points out catholic schools avoided public schools learning loss maybe because they were
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actually open for in-person. power panel now, matt schlapp chairman of the american conservative union. desirae times. i want to come to you first. this affects everybody. the weingarten gets everything right it affects everybody. where she perhaps gets it wrong in some states that remained open kids had a fighting chance. we were going to have a gap but it wasn't as bad. what do you say? >> i do think randi is absolutely correct in that "washington post" article that this is not a red states versus blue states matter. however, that being said we were in a global pandemic and parents rightfully as well as different educators and different policies kept their children home from covid which at the time we didn't know about this virus. we know bodies were dropping left and right. >> harris: you make it sound like we had a choice. >> we absolutely did not have a choice but to keep our children
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home. better yet the story is not how many children died during covid because we shoved them into classrooms. in public schools across this country. >> harris: no one said that was the story. >> some of the private prep schools maybe have 10 students per classroom. the covid spread is very, very real so it's something we have to fix but it was a pandemic, a once in a lifetime experience. >> harris: i get what you are saying. >> i have faith in our children's ability to climb back to the top. >> harris: it will take more than faith and hope and all that. the prayers have to be backed up by what the bible says. god helps those who help themselves. we have to do some work for those kids. we have to help them, matt. >> that's right. as the father of five daughters who went through this intimately as parents did across the country, our schools were shut and my kids go to catholic schools. the state told them they also had to shut but started to push
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back when they realized kids weren't dying from the virus as was feared in the beginning. and let's just be very clear. in order to open up schools and take masks off our kids and to bring things back to normal we all had to go to court and fight. we had to fight democrats. why did we have to fight democrats? because they saw the virtue of the politics of blaming republicans and donald trump for this virus. somehow he had done something that caused this problem. it worked out for them well in the 2020 campaign but like everything with the democrats on these serious questions they went too far. they advocated for keeping schools closed for two guys. randi weingarten was the most irresponsible voice. there will be a wake-up call in november to the democratic party. you went too far in woke and socialism, you went too far on hurting our kids and it was not acceptable and no one
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apologizes. who has apologized for this? >> i just want to come back to covid-19 disinformation that he just said. children can absolutely get covid-19 and can die just as well as >> i never said they couldn't. my kids have had it. >> harris: i think you came to this with your talking point and you didn't listen to what he said. >> please vaccinate your children and have their wear masks. >> harris: are you a doctor? >> my children -- my children will not be vaccinated. hold on. that's disinformation. that's disinformation. even the cdc says they are not saying it should be a mandate for kids to be vaccinated. those vaccines aren't approved for kids and wrong for you to say that. >> misinformation. >> harris: the cdc doesn't mandate and didn't mandate. it recommends. public schools in general will follow the cdc recommendation where i think you are going
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with this. we're making the decisions for our children. let's move forward. >> that's right. >> harris: okay. president biden -- >> misinformation. >> harris: desirae, i'm moving forward. president biden with a few more blunders yesterday in case you didn't see it days after he said it was completely legitimate for people to be concerned about his age. here it is. >> president biden: it was also kamala's birthday. [cheering and applause] she turned 30. [laughter] happy birthday to our great president. >> this way, sir. >> where do i want to go? >> you can go that way. >> president biden: what we provided for if you qualify for a pell grant, you qualify for 2,000 -- excuse me, you qualify for $20,000 in debt forgiveness. secondly if you don't have one of those loans you get $10,000
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written off. i got it passed by a vote or two and it's in effect. >> harris: the president appeared to be confused about an executive order with getting legislation passed. critics pounced. one writing really bizarre. this is embarrassing. all right. reverse order this time. matt, coming to you first. >> i'll be quick. the fact is joe biden signed an executive order to have this amnesty on paying for your school loans. the judge came out the other day and stayed that executive order. nothing has happened. it is a cruel to these people who thought they would get forgiveness. let's face it, joe biden is just not either not the man he was or doesn't have his fastball. whatever you want to use it is sad to see our president acting this way when the world is such a dangerous place. >> harris: we have to get the
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facts right. he remembered it passed through congress. i put memory in course by two votes. none of that happened. now it is in jeopardy because it's an executive order. either he didn't remember signing it or doesn't know how the process works. desirae. >> to all of the viewers republican judges are blocking tens of millions of americans from having 10,000 or 20,000 in student loan debt wiped away. you have to vote in this election and happy birthday to vice president kamala harris. >> harris: i wonder how those people who did it the right way, worked so hard, got their dreams for their children, they don't get a cut of this. they don't get a break. that seems unfair. >> what about the 2/3 of americans that didn't go to college that now have to pay. >> harris: thank you. two weeks out and more than just the weather is hot in florida.
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huh? governor desantis, democratic challenger charlie crist pulled no punches last night. it was spicy hot. the debate. >> i don't know why you are so compelled to be disen fran iced from the truth as much as you are. maybe you don't want to talk about your record. >> the only worn out old donkey i look to put out to pasture is charlie crist. >> harris: ooh, another tense topic desantis 2024. i don't know, crist kept going back to it over and over and over. is he worried? florida congressman byron donald in "focus" next. he might wave. there he is. for appraisal or termite inspections. no upfront costs at all to get the cash you need. veterans get more at newday. one prilosec otc each morning blocks heartburn all day and all night. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts.
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i love san francisco, but i'm working overtime to stay here. now is not the time to raise taxes. i'm voting no on propositions m and o, because the cost of everything is going up. san francisco collects more tax revenue than nearly any city in america. but our streets are dirty and public safety is not getting better. i'm working hard to live within my budget. the city should too. join me in voting no on m and o. now is not the time to raise taxes in san francisco. vote no on m and o.
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>> harris: outrage in philadelphia over larry krasner. new report details his dismal failure to keep crime under control. he has been under pressure before. now it's really on. david lee miller is live with more. >> there have been 1,960 shootings this year in philadelphia and 20% of them have resulted in someone being killed. the new report puts the d.a.'s office under increased scrutiny. a member of the committee of pennsylvania lawmakers say their report is an interim run and running out of time to present their findings before the end of the current legislative session. it paints what it calls a scathing picture of
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philadelphia's controversial progressive district attorney larry krasner but does not call for his impeachment. so far this year 65% of all violent offenses have been dismissed or withdrawn without prosecution. a state representative points the finger directly at the d.a.'s office. >> the mismanaged practices and the liberal progressive policies in the district attorney's office are having a direct impact on the increased crime in philadelphia. >> in anticipation of the report's release krasner claimed a high conviction rate for cases that do go to trial. while following the guidelines to prevent wrongful convictions. there is increased chris sis many. a convicted murderer was set free earlier this year. last week he was taken into
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custody with the connection of another murder. they blame krasner's office for his death. the spike in crime is a central issue between senate candidates dr. oz and democrat john fetterman. oz has accused fetterman, who has endorsed larry krasner's unit of being soft on crime. >> harris: thank you. that's quite a tee-up for tonight's debate. you did it all. >> we need to secure the border. i agree with all of that. it doesn't mean you use florida taxpayer dollars to charter two jeets. >> you say you are for a secure border but it is all happening under the biden administration and the policies that charl' crist supports. >> crime is up under governor desantis. crime was down when i was your governor. >> charlie crist has endorsed the idea of reallocating funding away from the police. >> it is all about culture wars. it is all about dividing us. i'm a uniter.
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>> the day after charlie crist won his primary he said anyone who supports the governor have hate in your heart and i don't want your vote. >> harris: florida governor ron desantis and his democratic rival charlie crist. it was fiery. they attacked each other in the border security and other things and this exchange about 2024. >> you talk about joe biden a lot. i understand you think you will be running against him. look in the eyes of the people of the state of florida and say to them if you are reelected will you serve a full four-year term as governor, yes or no. yes or no, ron. >> i know charlie is interested in talking about 2024 and joe biden and i want to make things very clear. the only worn out old donkey i look to put out to pasture is charlie crist. >> harris: the latest average polling shows desantis is up by double digits, 10 points. congressman byron donalds, republican of florida now,
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member of the oversight and budget committees, welcome in "focus." good to see you. your take on how things are going in the race down there? >> this race will be over quick, fast, in a hurry. governor desantis is going to win big. i agree with the sentiments we'll put another donkey out to pasture in the name of charlie crist. >> harris: in terms of the implications of races across the country. 36 governorships that are up republicans are looking good in power rankings. what is working for them? >> it's the same formula across the country. it is that people are tired of what has happened to kids in schools. they are sick of the crime in their cities. the inflation brought by joe biden and congressional democrats has been horrific and the economy has to get back on track not to mention border security. the same message across the country and why republicans are looking so strong when it comes to taking back governor's mansions across the country.
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>> harris: i hear kevin mccarthy saying keep your powder dry. this is 14, 15 more days. everybody has to keep battling away. here is where one of the battles will happen. pennsylvania. senate hopefuls john fetterman and mehmet oz will face off for the first time and now we think the only time. people have been voting since september 19th there, by the way. a lot of people have gone. polls show the lead fetterman had over the summer shrinking to just over 1 point in a race that could determine which party controls the senate. now democrats reportedly plan to deploy the big guns, vice president kamala harris, former president obama and president biden. and will that help? >> no, it won't help at all because the fact of the matter is that it clearly seems to me john fetterman is not prepared to represent the people of pennsylvania in the united states senate. he has been dodging these debates for about a month.
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the only reason he is doing it now is because he has no choice because his lead is evaporated and people are questioning his ability to do the job. that's his own personal health issues. then you get to his actual policy issues which the people of pennsylvania are rejecting. that's why he is doing this debate. i think mehmet oz will put it out in strong fashion tonight. >> harris: one more. a growing number of minority republican candidates this mid-term election cycle giving the republicans a path to diversity. 67 black, latino, asian or native american candidates on the ballot in november. many are considered long shots in democrat districts it is giving republicans a chance to change the makeup of the house g.o.p. con greens. what is your reaction? >> the people running under the republican banner are committed to reversing course from this terrible biden administration and democrat policy overall. number two, they believe in limited government and our
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constitution and getting our fiscal house in order and number three, the diversity component breeds well for republicans long term. conservatism isn't about race or gender, it is about the viewpoint of america that keeps us strong going forward and you will see more candidates from minority races joining the republican party, not less as we continue to diversify and evolve over time. >> harris: one thing that i've observed and you see it with flores in texas and others, when you give people another choice, you can't predict what they will do. she flipped a 100 plus year old blue seat red last year. so anything is possible. so the diversity lane you are talking about opens up opportunities that you don't know are coming yet. all right. another recent poll shows republicans retain advantage over democrats on key mid-term issues like the economy, gas prices, crime. how do you capitalize off this
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knowing these issues will probably persist even after you potentially have the majority in the house? >> i think the first thing is -- where leader mccarthy is taking the republican conference, you have to get down to the business what our agenda will be, number one. you have to try to tackle the border issues, the overspending issues, and the budget fights that are going to happen in the next congress. the last part is joe biden will be in the white house. you have to draw clear contrast with him. you have to bring him into this debate. you can't let him hide behind a democrat senate. why the senate races are so critical this cycle or hide behind the media that wants to protect him. you have to draw the contrasts. if republicans do that it gives the voters a choice about where they want the country to go in 2024 while we do the small things we can get done in 2023 leading into the next presidential cycle. >> harris: it is so fascinating. when i have kevin mccarthy here
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he said something that echoes what you are saying. get the conversation started in the house. the senate can pick it up too and picked up by volunteers on the campaign trail and carry it out. that commitment to america with ideas. that's where democrats want to hit you. they want to say you don't have ideas and now you do. good to see you. please come back in "focus." thank you. >> any time. >> harris: "outnumbered" is next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, i am kaylee mack and we are 14 days from the election as i sit with my cohosts emily compagno and harris faulkner also leslie marshall and brian kilmeade. as we begin where you think we began with a high-stakes midterm election 14 days from today, candidates and some of the most closel
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