tv The Five FOX News October 25, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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republicans as well as it was for truss. >> neil: jerry baker on fox business. great show. great writing, great thinker and great day at the corner of wall and broad. dow up. s&p 500. nasdaq up now. we had numbers after the bell that might test that tomorrow. some disappointment out of google. a little less of microsoft. we shall see. it's a busy week. here's "the five." >> jeanine: hello, everyone, i'm jeanine pirro along with geraldo, jesse watters, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> jeanine: desperate democrats hoping to avert disaster are now turning to the president to bail them out in key midterm races. and deliver a powerful closing argument. oh, we're not talking about that guy.
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it's barack obama to the rescue. the dynamic duo are expected to get back together and bail out democrats in pennsylvania. obama is sure to be a welcome sight because back in d.c., joe biden has all but checked out. instead of barnstorming the country with a flood of midterm rallies, biden was getting his updated covid booster shot and yamerring on about the pandemic he said was over. he's just no use to his party who are struggling hard to deliver a coherent message. but top democrats strategist james carville thinks his party can be saved. but there's a catch. >> if we keep this kind of npr foundation strategy of left politics, we're going to lose. i'm telling the same elite coastal people, forget everything. we are going to advertise and push the fact that they want to throw people off of medicare and social security. and they want to shut the
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government down to do it. and that's how you win. >> jeanine: you know, dana, it was, i believe, in november of 2021 that james carville started talking about the wokeness and said that they -- these people who are woke need to go to a woke detox center. and nobody apparently listened to him. but it seems now that every -- you know, we get a feeling they're starting to spin a little bit. is it too late? >> dana: it is, it's very hard to turn around a campaign in two weeks when you've spent all of this money, all of these ads, all of your focus has been on one thing. let's call it abortion and election integrity and not the things that people are talking about. you can chart "the five"'s a blocks over the last year and that's what people are worried and talking about, economy and crime and the border, actually. and those three things. they didn't do that. they made strategic decisions that they're going to have to live with. so the pennsylvania senate seat is interesting to me for a couple of reasons.
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it was in 2010, obama lost that seat. and he wasn't able to save it. that was after obamacare got passed, and so now, you know, they're trying to send him back there in order to try to see if they can pull it out. i don't know if that will work this time around. the senate leadership fund has an ad out right now that has the bucks county law enforcement officials saying directly to the camera. if you want your family to be safe, don't vote for john fedderman and so they're focused on the issues and didn't waste a whole bunch of money in june and july. they have the money to spend here. i understand some of the money coming out of new hampshire in order to be able to help push oz over the top in pennsylvania. tonight the debate is important. but still, i think all the work the republicans have done to this point to narrow this gap to where it is today sends biden to pennsylvania. but i don't know how much that helps fedderman. i believe that it showcases his vulnerabilities. >> jeanine: jesse, this is the first time that he's appearing
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with biden, fundraiser they had the other day. what's interesting about pennsylvania is i was looking what is most important to pennsylvanians? they said inflation and the economy. second thing was abortion. third thing was voting rights. crime wasn't even in the top three in pennsylvania. how does that bode for oz? >> well, the economy is still number one. so that has been his main message and he has touched on crime. and he's visited philly. and you got to put the work in to get out the black vote in philly and pittsburgh and that's why barack obama is there to to turn out the black vote in those two cities. i don't think there's a lot of black passion for joe biden. i don't see a lot of black passion for john fetterman. he chases blacks with shotguns and hasn't chained for months. oz is going to these places and getting his name out there. oz has great name recognition
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within the black community. i don't think barack is there at the right time. where has obama been for the last year? he's late. you know cleaning up the kitchen after a big dinner party, after 45 minutes, barack obama says how do i help? where have you been for the last 45 minutes? that's not going to do it. barack obama for legacy reasons needs joe to keep the senate because once these investigations start into the biden crime family, it's going to come out that the biden family was taking chinese cash during his time as v.p. right under barack obama's nose. that's not going to look good for the former president. >> jeanine: you know, geraldo, you laughed when jesse talked about fetterman chasing the with a shotgun. that is true. fetterman was reported on doing that. >> geraldo: when he was mayor, he campaigned against violent crime and under his watch for five years, there was no murders
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at all in that heavily black -- fetterman worked it and he brought down crime. listen, i'm a bigger -->> jeanine: you haven't answered his question about chasing a black man with a gun! >> geraldo: i think he's explained it to the way that he can. they buy the explanation or don't buy the explanation. >> jeanine: you admit that he did it? >> geraldo: i admit that there's a gun and a black guy. >> jeanine: and he was wrong? >> geraldo: he may have been wrong. that's your assessment. let's just say broadly, climate change and transgenderism gets you elected class president, not senator or governor. so the democrats are finally seeing the light of day. government's first job and i understand this latest poll out of pennsylvania doesn't have crime up in the top. i sense it is. the best the most important job of government is to keep people safe. second most important role of government is to make people feel safe.
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it's the sense of feeling security as much as it is the fact of being safe. and nothing has to shift state one up, nothing has helped zeldin more than that video of the black guy pushing the kid with the knapsack on to the tracks. and it's played on a loop on the local news. we play it on -- you know, kids, city kids' nightmare is that exactly, being pushed on to the tracks of the subway. so i think that the democrats have their work cut out for them. and that -- so all that, crime and plus it's the price of the gallon of gas, i think that's very important. >> jeanine: greg, tomorrow, we'll be talking about the fetterman-oz debate. curious thing is geraldo just said something about it's important that people feel secure. you know that just reminded me of the perception thing with mayor adams. it's the perception of crime and feeling secure. the truth is people are not secure, people are not safe. >> greg: i think the senate race in pennsylvania is going to be
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close. i'd say it's neck and something that looks like a neck. but i do think joe and obama together, it's a perfect pair. they're the ying and yang. joe's poll numbers have gone to the dogs. obama eats dogs. call back 12 years, i had to do that! i get the importance. i'll never let america forget that. everybody keeps talking about the democrats. it's important they have a message. it's kind of sad that you can't naturally be something because you're so bad that you have to come up with a message. the problem with the democrats isn't their message. it's that their party has fallen apart. geraldo was right. the dems have to admit to themselves that oppression theology, non-binary gender bathrooms, indoctrination education, that stuff doesn't work, right? this is the wake-up call.
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you have only so much shelf space in your head. and in that shelf space are the adult issues. crime, economy, border. what happened is they pushed it all out. and they replaced it with this kind of attention seeking twitter hot issues, the stuff about gender. the stuff about race. changing the names of schools. these are not things that people sit around and talk about at their kitchen table. so what they're learning now is they forgot about america. and there's nothing that obama can do for them. there's nothing that joe can do for them. but they've got to do it for themselves. the fact is you have -- look, this kind of like -- this identity obsession is -- they have to clean house. no matter what they say, they're not going to listen to us. that's why they didn't listen to us on "the five." if they listened to us on "the five" for two years, there wouldn't be a crime problem. it's up to them to listen to themselves. listen to the carvilles. they're the ones.
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>> jeanine: not only that, listen to "the new york times" that says it's time to switch tacks and start talking about inflation which the dems exacerbated. >> dana: even if they talk about it, they're not willing to change policies, though. >> jeanine: you're right. >> dana: on inflation, they keep saying republicans are going to make worse and everyone else in the world has it as bad as we do. that's not talking about it. actually change the policy. >> geraldo: i think the most important person in the failure of the democratic party is george floyd. i think that once he was murdered, the country went crazy with defund the police and everything else. so the democrats led the charge. very, very unrealistic. >> greg: not the country, though. part of the country. not even half. >> jeanine: black lives matter, the organization, not the movement. anyway, coming up next, the war on cops wages in america, a top democrat candidate thinks politicians have it harder than police officers.
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>> geraldo: written by leonard lipton who passed away a few days ago. puff the magic dragon. democrats have a huge problem when it comes to crime and anti-police defund rhetoric. this next story is not going to help. a key senate race down in florida is pitting congresswoman and former police officer val demings police chief, i should
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say, val demings against republican senator marco rubio. demings want to rethink this tone deaf joke. >> after 27 years as a law enforcement officer, there's no doubt that's a tough job. that's a hard job. no doubt about it. but being elected office, that's a whole another animal, y'all. >> geraldo: maybe it was a lame attempt at humor. not likely to be funny to cops across the country who find themselves under attack. more than 250 cops shot so far this year in the line of duty. morale in the toilet. departments severely understaffed. many inner city departments having problems finding new cops. but judge, you can't really believe that she hates cops. she is the police. she says she's the police. she was police chief, you know, family of law enforcement. >> jeanine: you know, the last i recall, i can't think of any members of congress who have been killed in the line of duty
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and i don't believe that this is something to make a joke about. you know, i mean, i think putting on that badge and that uniform every day is the toughest job you can have especially saying good-bye to your wife, your husband, whatever it is. and so shame on her. that's not funny. but i think, also, that the fact that she votes with nancy pelosi 100% of the time, 100% of the time, tells me that she's not into the law enforcement issues that we would hope she is based upon, you know, her c.v. and based upon the fact that she was a police chief. and in the end, i think she's as clueless as everyone else is about defunding the police and wokeness and all that nonsense. and i just don't think it's anything to joke about. but, you know, nationwide, i don't know if anybody realizes this, apparently, 45% of police nationwide are retiring. 18% are resigning. that's huge. that means that they've been so
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demoralized not by the right but by the left. >> geraldo: this one congresswoman. >> jeanine: yeah, you make a joke about law enforcement and you vote with nancy pelosi 100% of the time, you're part of that gang. >> geraldo: i think she should be immune from criticism. she's done a lifetime of law enforcement. her husband jerry, sheriff of orange county, florida. i mean, my goodness. >> jesse: only job harder than being a police officer is being judge jeanine's assistant or doctor, greg, i'll leave you out of this, dana. her main competitive advantage, geraldo is she's a former cop and she goes out there and insults cops. that's really, really stupid. >> geraldo: talking about rubber chicken. >> that's going to be exploited. >> dana: what was it? 47%?
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>> i keep hearing about candidate quality on the republican side. remember how we couldn't stop hearing about all these guys that were supposed to be easily beatable wing nuts and oz and masters and all these crazy guys that would go up in flames. they're all tied or ahead right now, geraldo! and all the wingnuts are on the left. look at the guy in wisconsin. he loves jeremiah wright and loves defunding police. stacey abrams is getting smoked. val just shot herself in the foot. what's the woman in arizona like running scared of lake? lake who they tried to boost because they thought she was in election denies about to win the election. that's really stupid. >> geraldo: you've changed the topic, dana, do you believe that val demings is anti-cop? >> dana: i do not believe she is. i do say if she's right, politics is not bean bag. you look at anybody that makes a gaffe like that in the last two weeks, what happens? the other side will drive it home and that happens, it
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happened to romney in particular. that's the one that came to mind. obama when he said you didn't build that. ok, let's go! like that was the line. so she's been a very interesting candidate. one of the things about her is she was recruited because she is -- had her law enforcement background. >> geraldo: first female ever to hold the job. >> dana: exactly. that was interesting. what does she have to do as a candidate? she has to raise money from the donors and the donors that agree with the far left. remember mrs. doubtfire, one that is living two lives and hoping that they don't catch you out and the two lives can't intersect. that's what's happening here. s she got caught in this and she's going to have to deal with that. >> greg: that's a great example. mrs. doubtfire? >> geraldo: i picture robin williams. >> jesse: it's more like if you have a terrible sex life. >> dana: i didn't ask permission to make an analogy.
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i thought it was a good comparison. the other thing i'll point out is the media has been trying to say defund the police never actually happened. it's something that fox news came up with. that the far right has come up with. but there are 20 cities that actually reduced their police budgets in response to the defund the police movement and had real life impact and that's why you see people say crime is at an all time high and connecting dots to the democrats. >> geraldo: one thing i noticed is how a majority of law enforcement particularly sheriffs are opposed to val demings. but that's because law enforcement, done a lot of work with cops in florida is so charged politically. they are politicians. they are part of the political process. >> greg: she's not -- again, it goes back to the a block. she's not the problem. the party is. as you pointed out, we're dealing with long term consequences of a george floyd effect. and it's hard to expect the democrats to fix it when they led the charge. and that's the problem. she's a cop. she was probably a good cop. she seems like a good person but
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her party sucks! and the dems are so scared of an anti-crime platform. when you point -- i think you pointed out that the voting public loves anti-crime platforms. i think you said -- so they're scared of something else. that's the activists. they're captured by the activists. they're allowing an agenda that says that like any kind of law enforcement is evidence of systemic racism. any kind of activity to tamp down crime is against the black person. and that is inherently racist because blacks want the crime out of their neighborhoods, too. >> geraldo: i agree absolutely with that. maybe this will be a shift. and maybe the democrats will become more sensitive to their constituents' fear of being pushed on to the subway. >> greg: also, that obama stops eating dogs. >> geraldo: up next, the media now attacking republicans for caring about catastrophic learning loss in our school.
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>> those big bad republicans that care about your kids' education is at it again. "the new york times" warn that republicans could seize on historical drops on math and reading scores. "the test results could be seized as political fodder before the midterms to relitigate the debate over how long schools should have stayed closed. an issue that galvanized many parents and teachers." wow, how dare conservatives talk about the damage done to our children by overzealous teachers unions. but it's not just the right that's concerned. even the biden white house had to admit this. >> this is not a wake-up call for us to double down our efforts and improve education,
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even before it was -- before the pandemic, then i don't know what will. but i'm calling on all leaders throughout the country to look at this as a call to action to invest in education so that we don't go backwards. >> jesse: his tie is matching his shirt. you can't do that? and surprise, surprise, total silence on the devastating drop in school test scores from teachers union head hauncho randy weingarten. she's back from ukraine and ready to rock. she's too busy in trying to indoctrinate students into voting for democrats. >> let's look at the students here, because at the end of the day, you all are our future. >> jesse: this isn't one of those republicans pounce stories, is it, greg? >> greg: yeah, it is. reading scores haven't been this low, their return to 1992 levels. does that mean in 1992 students were really bad before? so what was it about 1992?
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was it like boys ii men, it was boyz ii men and achy breaky heart. >> geraldo: my daytime talk show. >> dana: and mrs. doubtfire. >> greg: the media is more worried about the political implications than the practical consequences. it's no longer how do you solve this problem, how do you counter the republicans to your pouncing point? they're more curious -- they're more obsessed with the idea of how do you deal with it politically than actually fixing the education system that is hopeless? it's hopelessly politicized. on the outside, you have a systemically racist teachers union that forbids competition and hurts black students. on the inside, you have activist who's claim they're teachers and their agenda is to organize progressive fodder out of your children. this is why people need alternatives and you have to start looking elsewhere. that's what covid did for us. we got to see how bad this thing is. >> jesse: our right. have you hear, dana, from democratic governors and politicians an acknowledgment at
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least that maybe this wasn't the right idea? >> dana: no, but you have a lot of republicans talking about it. doug doocy in arizona announced they're going to take some of their efforts and resources and do a big push throughout the ymca throughout the state to make sure anybody that fell behind has opportunity. and that helps parents who might not have the resources to do a private tutor. ymca's are quite prolific around the country. and so you have somebody that's offering a solution. and then you have democrats saying, well, the republicans just want to pounce on an issue. they better pounce on it. this is really bad. this will make those children's lives much more difficult. if you aren't reading at grade level by the third grade, your chances of graduating high school go down. your chances of going to college go down. your chance of being able to make a good living for yourself and your family go way down and your chances of going to jail go way up and that's true as well. you think china has this problem? no, i can't believe the white house yesterday when asked about this, does the president have a
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plan on learning loss? they said oh, well, we actually tried to reopen schools. no, president trump did try to reopen schools. you kept the schools closed while he was out of office. so set aside the partisanship, we have a national emergency. and if i were to be president, i want a cabinet, secretary, every single of them in the cabinet room, and i want each of them to have three ideas for how they're going to do something. and they have $122 billion that they haven't spent yet that the taxpayers generously gave to them to fix the schools and their filtration systems they haven't used. all this money should be given to the governors or the local school districts or parents like in arizona to be able to do what they need to do. because this is a national emergency in my mind. >> jesse: with these test scores down, geraldo, why are teachers instead of focusing on getting them back up to proper levels pushing c.r.t. and transsexual education? >> geraldo: i'm not sure the teachers are the point people who are dragging their students through that.
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i think that it's much more political and i think the union plays a really large and negative role. i remember mayor lightfoot in chicago begging the teachers union to go back to school. what else can we do the filtration system as dana mentioned and so forth? they did everything they could and still, the teachers refused to go back to work. very specifically, about the $122 billion, why not use -- why did they fall behind? why did these kids fall behind? because they're pulling down the average is the fact that you have inner city kids, ghetto kids, with no wi-fi and no computers. how can they do home study when they have no instrument to participate? it's bad enough that there's dysfunction and this and that and the other thing in impoverished neighborhoods but when a kid is denied the very tools that the kid in the other neighborhood, the affluent neighborhood has, of course, it's going to be unfair and of course, the scores are going to be dragged down. let's be proactive. let's do what doocy is doing in arizona with the ymca.
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fine. but i want every kid like i want every house member to be on this camera, i want every kid in school in america to have a laptop and wi-fi. >> jesse: if you had that $100 million they're still clinging to, you could afford maybe six laptops per kid. >> jeanine: doesn't it make you wonder why they're holding on to it so long? what do they plan to do with it? the amazing part of all this is when the secretary of education comes out and says, this is a call to action! well, what's your plan? call to action? what is the action that you have in mind? and the craziest part about this when you talk about the schools and inner cities, nobody, nobody is talking about the impact of the millions that are coming through and have been coming through the southern border with kids that don't speak english or are being brought into the schools where they have to bring in teachers or where they have to slow down with the american students to make sure that the other students can catch up because they don't understand the language.
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and i'm going to put some icing on that cake. if you think things are bad now, let me tell you something, according to the pew research center, the united states is 24th in the world of industrialized nations in reading. you know who is ahead of us? estonia. south korea. poland. all right? and mathematics, we are 40th in the world, all right? and that is with everybody ahead of us including russia and it goes on and on. we have had these teachers' unions strangling our kids' next for years. this is not just from the pandemic. this was a veil that got pulled away and the american parents got to see front and center what's going on with the schools. they got to hear the teachers saying i'm not your babysitter. we got to see that randi weingarten say you know what? we got to keep the schools closed and protect the teachers. then in the fall, we don't have
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the air conditioning working. this whole thing is a scam. it's time for the money to follow the kid and for parents to be in charge. that's the end of it! >> jesse: all right, we're losing to the estonians. let me look at the list during the break. >> geraldo: can i say one thing? those immigrant kids in five years will be speaking english and cleaning the clocks of all the natives. >> greg: cleaning the clocks? really? come on, they can do more than clean. >> jesse: up next, those crazy crusaders have a new target.
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four legged friend. the media promoting a study that claims our pets and their meat heavy diet are part of the climate problem. and suggest it's time you feed your pooch food as a way to mitigate their carbon paw prints. the author of the study also wants you to ditch old yeller saying small rodents and birds are great options. snakes, turtles, reptiles can have a really low impact, too, for those that are into it. it's interesting, jesse, did you know when the idea of reducing the carbon paw print came up? do you know who volunteered to lead the effort? >> jesse: barack obama. >> greg: that's correct. >> jesse: reducing emissions one greyhound at a time. so insulting. it's only what he admitted to, geraldo. >> geraldo: the taxing of one joke is enough but four or five. >> greg: he's entered the picture! he's entered the picture. >> geraldo: now fair game.
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>> greg: by the way, should we stop breeding large dogs, dana? >> dana: no. these are probably people who are also say you should eat natural. what do you think dogs ate before they were domesticated? they ate meat. that's what they're going to get. also, they don't want you to have a dog. but they will never give up their dog. >> greg: exactly. nobody ever -- nobody ever obeys their own orders, judge, what do you make of this? >> jeanine: you're in big trouble. no, the whole idea they would be so arrogant, so condescending to assume that they should tell us whether or not we should have a big dog, what is it to them? who are these people? where do they come from? >> greg: i think they're starved for attention. >> jeanine: why do we even talk about them? >> greg: because it's fun and i get to make jokes about obama eating a dog which i'll keep doing. >> geraldo: six times now. >> jeanine: people need to know he admited it. it's not a joke. >> greg: i did research about the insect diet. did you know that we already eat
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insects? do you know that like pills and candy and coffee beans, the waxy stuff around it is called shalac which comes from the sac bug. when you eat jelly beans and mike and ikes, the exterior is shelac comes from the sac bug. >> jeanine: where did you find that out? >> greg: it's on wilkypedia where all truth comes from. >> geraldo: my dog still eats dry food as you'll see at the end of the program, he's enormous and when i do try to sneak him a hamburger or steak, he gets the runs. so i'm clear of this. >> greg: there's nothing worse than dog runs, you know. what do you make of the whole climate activism thing now with people throwing stuff? it seems to me that they're using the climate as an excuse to act out in public. like it's really about their nacisicm, they're love starved. >> jesse: if you do something so ridiculous, nobody is going to
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cave to that demand. but they're enjoying the moment of attention and that's what it is. it's a performance. >> greg: it is. >> dana: must be like a tiktok challenge or something. >> greg: it's something to fill a hole in their soul. >> jesse: that could be true. leave them glued. >> greg: that would be funny to turn out the lights. >> geraldo: performance art. >> greg: leave them the whole time. let them chant until they can't chant anymore or set them on fire, jesse! >> jesse: only when they squat. >> greg: gotcha. that's a joke, america. eating dogs, that's no joke. we'll be on top of that. >> jeanine: he admitted it. >> greg: that's true. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh...
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here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. subway's drafting 12 new subs, for the all-new subway series menu. let's hear about this #7 pick, from a former #7 pick. juicy rotisserie-style chicken. you should've been #1. this isn't about the sandwich, is it chuck? it's not. the new subway series. what's your pick?
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what does it say? could the answers be written inside the hat? i read that earlier and forgot to read what it actually said. to judge, the teacher asked them to come up with something creative and they're all engineering students. and some of them look quite clever. >> jeanine: they are clever. in other words, it's like a shield. they shouldn't be able to look at someone else's test as they're writing it. that's ridiculous. you know, move the desk further away from each other because you could put like inside that thing, it could be a hologram where he's got all the answers. >> dana: doesn't look that technologically advanced, jesse. >> jesse: you'd think they'd have something more advanced than that. everybody here at the table has cheated on a test before. >> geraldo: never. >> jesse: uncomfortable. >> dana: chemistry, yeah. i did. >> jesse: you did, too? >> dana: chemistry class, i looked across and that's the answer? oh, gosh, i change mine and i saw mr. moose looking at me. i got caught and the shame was enough.
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>> geraldo: broke your career. >> dana: what about you? >> greg: democrats should wear that when they vote. yeah! count it! >> dana: how about this? i want you to make this joke seven times. all right, here we go. if you can pull this one up next, god forbid any of us wind up on death row. what can we choose for our last meal? majority of americans love beef so much, that 64% would request a steak. >> greg: i mean, you know what barack obama is going to request, right? yeah. there you go. >> jesse: a dog. >> greg: if you know it's your last meal, how could you enjoy it? the meal would have to take days to cook. it would be like something that you have to like steam like i want to steam a yak. >> jesse: do all you can eat buffet and keep eating forever. >> geraldo: one story, a guy on death row who kept having steak as his last meal and then they commute the sentence. then they'd go back again and commute the sentence again.
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i think the guy ordered like seven, eight times and then finally the sheriff said no more. our governor says no more steak. >> jeanine: you know what my last meal would be? it wouldn't be steak, lobster. it would be macaroni and cheese with a lot of cheese, sharp cheese. >> dana: pepperoni pizza, something i don't eat anymore. >> greg: you would enjoy it. eat something that puts a smile on your face. >> jeanine: that does! >> dana: one more here. and finally a family having a not so grand time at the grand canyon. check this out. broken elevator left five people trapped way underground nearly 200 feet at grand canyon caverns for over a day. thankfully they got rescued and doing ok now. jesse, would you freak? >> jesse: no, because i knew a rescue dog would come and save me. >> dana: greg? >> greg: people still die in the grand canyon. my advice to spouses, you know, don't go there for a second honeymoon. perfect place! >> jesse: let's go hiking.
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>> dana: especially after you've seen the insurance adjustor earlier in the week. judge, what do you think? >> jeanine: i would hope. hope springs eternal. i would hope i didn't have a breakdown. it has to be dark down there. >> dana: not like a visitors center or something and the elevator is broke. >> geraldo: my son is in the union in new york that repairs elevators. he's the ace, texas a&m engineer, he's the ace elevator repair. they should have called my son. >> dana: that's a good thing to know. next time i get stuck in the elevator. one more thing up next. ♪ hit it!♪ ♪it takes two to make a thing go right♪ ♪it takes two to make it outta sight♪ ♪one, two, get loose now! it takes two to make a-♪
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so, our friends at fox weather are celebrating their one year anniversary and today they debuted their mascot sonny. >> jesse: is that the car fax thing? does sonny talk or is that it. >> judge jeanine: it's a fox. >> judge jeanine: appear from time to time fox weather app. or on the stream. also read his story on fox we can tell you sonny has a lot of personality. check him out. perfect sonny. sweaty sonny. rainy sonny. windy sonny. cool sonny and frozen sonny. of course, my favorite is cool sonny with his shades on. what's your favorite, greg? gut. [laughter] >> greg: i just want to go home
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now. >> judge jeanine: anybody have a favorite. >> jesse: cat 5 sonny. >> dana: perfect sonny. >> geraldo: beautiful day lake erie. >> the 2022 revealed finalist images. check this out. make some captions if you want. you can check them out. top winning photo is going to win a one week safari in kenya. >> judge jeanine: what? >> dana: look at that. look, it's sonny. [laughter] >> jesse: sexy sonny. >> dana: flirty sonny. tonight on fox business air american dynasty. this is a series that goes through all sorts of different families. the bushes hated to be called a dins they got put in there anyway. that airs tonight and on fox business. >> judge jeanine: greg? >> greg: tonight more like a
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dynasty emily compagno, rob smith, tyrus: greg's how many blueberries. take a look. don't play it yet. got the squirrel. he is in position. arched the table, dana, how many blueberries? >> 14. >> greg: jesse in. >> jesse: 11. >> greg: geraldo? >> geraldo: 11. >> greg: judge? >> judge: 13. >> dana: if it's 14 it's going to be long. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: is there only what's there? there were four there. >> greg: the answer is three because he knocked one off. >> geraldo: never change your answer. >> judge jeanine: i would have won. >> greg: would have won a car. >> dana: and trip to kenya. >> greg: where barack obama eats dogs. >> jesse: that was indonesia. u.s. 2022 mullet champion has
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been crowned. the lord of the drapes. that's not it. there it is. >> geraldo: how about mine? >> jesse: feather lethal locks five years. looking to grow a multi-yourself. remember the wise words from the champ yourself. you don't choose the mullet, the mullet chooses you. hillary clinton claims the republicans are stealing the 2024 election. >> greg: amazing. >> geraldo: well, well, well. >> judge jeanine: geraldo? >> geraldo: my puppy everyone saw as a puppy here has grown. 8 months old now. he thinks he is a lap dog. >> dana: beautiful. has a beautiful face. >> geraldo: 80 pounds last week. >> jesse: keep him away from barack obama. [laughter] >> geraldo: my lap dog. >> jesse: last meal. >> judge jeanine: got a shiny coat. >> geraldo: he does, doesn't he?
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he use it wrecking everything. >> judge jeanine: oh boy. >> geraldo: is he very happy. >> judge jeanine: i bet he is happy. >> he does have the life. all right, so greg, do you have anything you want to announce about dogs? >> no. not yet. i would like to keep that a secret for later. >> i prevent you giving me the time to contemplate that. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us. "special report" suspect next. hey, bret. >> bret: sonny the fox is joining me on set in a little bit. what's that? oh, yeah, he really didn't like that whole segment. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we're following two major stories. president biden is warning russian leader vladimir putin that it would be a serious mistake for him to use the tactical nuclear weapon and talks about a false flag operation we will bring you that yes, we are two weeks from midterm election voting day. we have new fox power rankings, fresh polling analysis, fair and balanced in just a few minutes.
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