tv Hannity FOX News October 25, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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is, explinflation here right nol that's what we need to fightca about inflation right now because it'sus's a tax on workig families. dr. you know, and droz can. can'tt possibly understand what thate. is like. >> oh, it gets better if that se guy is elected senator from the state of pennsylvania. >> you'll have rea we'l l concerns tomorrow. system being legitimate. we'll have the whole thing tomorrow. your shoherew. and welcome to and it is thatty.."hello, vegas hello, vegas. how we doing right now?d applause oh, thank you so much. official. it's official.ant mi we are only two weeks away from. the all important midterm prayid elections. that means two weeks from tonight, you're going tos to com be hoping and praying and waiting for those results to come in. ten weeks later, anyway, we're back out. you know, it'se ro true.adin we're back on the road.nevada. this time we are in henderson, nevada, and coming up,
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senator tim scott is here.larrye senator mike lee is here. larry, elder will join us live.l >> to point out, terrelle. is here, a great group of people. plus republican . anybody here supportplus republican senate candidateanybt republican s adam laxalt will be here. >> he'll join tonight. the latest insider advantage poll has laxalt now up by two points over his democratic incumbent that laxady even knows about, even in the state of nevada. catherine cortez masto. >> and we'll get to i love a hannity town hall crowd.l ge >> you're great. we'll get to this critical race in only a minute. we begin, though, with anrom fl. important update from florida. last night, governor rhonda santos destroyed his democratic opponent on the debate stage and is now r totally clear that professional politician charliearli crist, tt doesn't know if he's ae change republican , a democrat, an independent, he changess hiss dt views and positions every dah.y is way out of his
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take a look. , but >> listen, i know that charlieit is interested in talking about 2020 four in joe biden. but i just want to make thingsty very, very clear . warnout o the only worn out old donkeyo i'm looking to put out to pasture is charlie crist. >> i'm proud of our history. t t i don't want to teach kids to hate our country. i don't want to teach kids too c hate each other. and the way to stopo discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. i signed legislation raising the penalties for people who are trafficking fentanyl and fentanyl analogs. if you're traffickincking that garbage, that poison, you are killing people in our state and we are going to treat you like the murderer that you are. >> all right. both governor de santo you are.c and senator marco rubio, they are poised for a biged f election nightor a, but nothingv is certain. if you want to preserve freedom in the free state,state of f ofl you've got to get to the polls. and by the way, thursday night ,we will have a town hall inda florida with both those men . it, right here in
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nevada, it appears that voters dee poised to reject the radical far left policies of incumbent democrat katherineb cortez masto, who's really c liked by this crowd as aders senator . she voted with socialist berni e sanders a whopping 94% of the time.she's a she is a card carrying membecarb of the climateer alarmists cultg a big proponent of the new green deal, which is socialism. and get this, last year under cortez masto leadership, never nevada's democratic party 's party aactually partnered wie state's socialist party for a , quote, solidarit y celebration. ently >> now, more recently, senator cortez masto was more than happy to rubber stampt biden's entire agenda, including the massive unfunded government spending and ofe 87,w course, everybody happy you are going to hire eighty seven thousand new irs agents. >> yeah, you'l l be getting whattreatm i call the hannity treatment. and she's alsoenshe's al by then
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to a ban on fracking. she is against energy exploration in anwr and even voted to stop construction on the keystone xl pipeline. and if that hat d beenco finishe and completed, by now, we wouldc be importing nine hundredan thousand barrelsl of canadian oil a now, the senator also penned an begg op ed begging the federal government to reduce oil she and gas leases. and with biden, she got her wish. and now gas is more thanst five dollars a gallon right here in the state of n nevada. . and that is over a dollarou more than the national averager . so you can thankde youmocr, senc when you see her and her the democratic colleagues, when youa go to the polls, by the way, something else very importanter for nevada voters to consider. u in 2020 one , she voted for kee separate times to keepki your schools closed and keep kidse out of the classroom. celg at the very same time, she hadal d.c.roblem celebrating herself at a lavish gala in washington,h d.c., all while kids in her state were falling behind in math and reading and writinges
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because of her policies.nsible f she's also responsible fort ou the crisis at our southernd to border. as senator, she voted to end end title forty two , which allowed the federal government to quickly deportfe illegal. immigrants during the pandemic. >> she also blocked donaldcked o trump'rder ws border wall and i0 she suggested it was bigoted. >> to secure the southern t border. she even voted to give stimulus checks to illegal immigrants.w t >> you all happy with that? mirc but now to truly miraculous election conversion, election year conversion. be while cortez masto is nownt of pretending to be a stronseglies proponent of securing the border. but we can see through her lies or deception. and this election year, oops, change. let me c changhange my mind. , c in fact, so can "the washington post", of all places , which has rewarded her many, many pinocchio's along the campaign trail. so let me ask all of you here. anyone buying your senator's current senators lies? >> anybody to see you p
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supporting our policies? okay, are you better off under her leadership? under her is anyone happy? sean: a >> forty one year high offlatio inflation. are you happy with that? n? >>are you happy with paying over five bucks a gallon for gasoline? r $5anybody? >> okay, so make no mistake, there's no better way forward. >> and that all happens two weeks from tonight, november 8th.your >> you get to decide the poweres is in your hands. all let's give a warm nevada welcome .se republican senatandidate adae ce sectio adam laxalt joins us to see. there's a bottle of water if you thirsty. great to see you. how are you? we're great. in charge of the hill here.
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>> it's interesting to watch. >> you are in the lead now in this race. it's a you have a two pointther race. >> this would be a neededhope f pickup if there'or repub take br republicans to take back control of the senate. tell us why you're confidenttte. that these polls are going to hold up and you'll probably do e better. s al >> look, the bottom line is allh your national viewers knowes. what's going on in the country. we have high inflation. we have all these things. but in nevada, it's far worse. you coul we have 16% inflation here. you could pay over six dollars a gallon for gas. 8.5 >> so the rest of the country o has eight point five . you have twice the level of inflation, twice the level of time for the highest in the country. o and again, by thevader way, terry fator is hereis was o the number one show on on the strip. mea >> thanst means that f means fer locals are going here. wow.. so, you know, this economy that
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has made ouro has voted for, all of these biden bills has made our state absolutely unaffordable. it is unsustainabl unse and cuts across working class. it cuts class hispanic voters. people are absolutely fed up. and then you add , of course, rs the rise in crime in our borderi issues i'm sure we can get to. it is a perfect cocktail of everything going wrong in las vegas. >> and that's why we're going to flip the seat. >> you know what's happening here. sting, b what's happening in nevadal acrs is interesting because it'severo happening all across the country. >> now, i know everyone wantsnee to blame joe biden. >> and by the way, he deserves this. i don't think he knows that t today is tuesday, but a different, different story. >> but it's every democrat now. they've all bought into this radicalism, which is okay., whic >> they want higher taxes. they want the new green deal, which is a shift from capitalism to socialism. >> right. t us >> they don't want us too pr produce energy domestically, oduc which is insane.gging our enemio they're begging our enemies for the lifeblood of our economy. o.
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they want open they want open borders. they have you know, they're alls supporting, defund, dismantle a no bail laws.. and they don't want to educate mar kids with reading, writing and math. they'd rather talk about gender identity and education. and i think parents would prefer we go back to math ,o bak reading, science and history. >>to mat and you know what? i think is worse about all this is that someone likeomeone senator masto, she will run on her record , you know, so all these democrats,all th they support these policiesmmeri that you listed, but thealn nevada they put commercials on foran nevada voters and they put something else in front of about the public and they lie aboutvof the record. so if you believe in thiors stuff, then you vote for thist l stuff, go sell iint to the american public. but they're not willing tond the stanolicied behind these polici. no >> and a lot of these policiesdn we never voted t on . okay, no one here voted on the green new deal. we did a notfter vote for okay,f you go after american energy independence is going to $6 gs. u a six dollar ga
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if we got to vote on that, this state, you better believe democrats would have lost the last election, but they sneak it all in.l in >> yeah, you know, it's so important he's been very gracious. >> he flew across country to. be with us tonight. warlet's give a warm nevada welcome to south carolina senator tim scott. >> senator scott, come on in.r c ott,'s better to you is . thank you, my friend. how are you? good to see you.s well well, hello, nevada.o, nevada! [cheers and applause wow.
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i like this.n on >> good to be with you. by the way, terry fator, you may have competition on the strip. >> i don't know what you know.n' is this sean hannity doesn't have competition on any show here in the lincoln. >> sean: you're great. you know well, you'r, you've bes enough to come to these town hall because it's important.y ha yes.s been and one thing that you've been saying and lindsay's been saying saying, eve and every otu republican that if if adamdam lt do laxalt does not win and i believe you will win, that will that will cancel out a the vote of of peoplnde like yod and lindsay and other senators m that have a different vision for the country. well, listen, my life stor isn'y is impossible in any other country on earth. >> eart i was born. and >> this is the person i was born and raised in, a single parent household mired in poverty. it's the american system ofs an.
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free markets and capitalism. as ait was a mentor, a republicn conservative christian whoible i taught me that all things were possible in america. if w we lose that, nothing good happens with a world. th electing adam laxalt is one of the ways we protect, create i a firewall in the united states senate. >> elect adam laxalt to avoid a little girl like me who could grow up and be the man that thi god wants us to be . >> think about it this way.ntry i get so excited aboutrica our country. >> i love this country.s always the solution, we ar america is always the solution. >> we are never the problem. eas >>o always with the culture. >> think about this. when we were in charge from fro 2016, twenty , twenty , president trump and the republican controlled congressin created seven million jobs, two thirds going to women, african-americans and hispanics. >> the most inclusive economcony
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in the history of america party brought to you by thee republicn republican party. >> right. it was the republican party brought hbcu funding to the highest leve that brought hbc new funding toe the highest level in the history of the country. it was the republican start. >> black colleges is what. is your it was the republicante party that brought unemployment rates to the lowest level foafr hispanics under 5%, erall po african-americans under six percent, asians under three percent. >> the overall population, three and a half percent. it's the biden administration that is provided every singlea a american with a pay cut because of inflation. >> inflation is a tax on hard working americans like the single mom that raised me. >> we can't afford fourteen more days and fourteen more days of this administration. but if we elec wt him in 14 day, two years later, we'll get rid of president in to revival in
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america. you know, i go back to adamo meb laxalt. so to me, being a conservative, i can say it imin less than a minute. we believe in libertn liberty,y, capitalism, our constitution. t >> we believe inour consti less government, less bureaucracy. we believe in law and orderyou a and safety and security in every town , every city. you can't pursue happiness without it. we believe in education and the le parents should have a say inciee their kids education, reading, writing, math , science, e basics history, the basics. insecur >> we believe in secure borders. we believefree in peace through strength. we believe in free and fair bele trade. we believe in constitutionalists on the bench. we also believe as a country we should be energy independent, g int up to saudi arabia. >> those are all issues youl iss addressed on the campaign traila gr and where you stand.t part you will be a great partnener r with senator tim scott and mike lee, who will join us ina li a little bit thattlet tell us hy
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you became the conservative youm are. c vote here thatme just say that the take the hispanic vote here in las vegas and everything that you just mentioned is under assault right now. and people move to las vegas. this because they believe in the american dreamstil. u can ce >> this is still an oasis here. you can come out west, you can work hard and you can actually move into the middle class and grow raisingfamily. ay comm . what's happening toity the hispanic community in las vegas? yois why you're seeing this massive shift there, killing our schools. they shut them dowthem down durg covid. we have rising crime. we have open borders, which,rdef course, enter. maisto says there's no such thing as an open border and this is allowed fentanyl overdoses, human trafficking spike. with w all these things are combining with the high gas prices, the inflation, the job market,s the american dream is disappearing indi las vegas. that's why you're seeing people ready to raise up and telldon'te people like senator massow they don't represent therem anymore. >> you know what the strange, an
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thing is , is , as i wasu firs following a race from the earliest days that i had you first on my radio show and i'm like, who'sis senator masto? >> who is that? that?the reasons and the reason we know so little about her is she is atamp rubber stamp. de chuck schumer, joe biden voter.o she absolutely never puts a ripple in the water just as a reliable liberal>> democratic socialist vote . >> and look, as everybody here she's been running commercials that she's an independent. >> she's never she acts likeplet she's never even heard of joe biden. oi remind people that she waser on the vp short list. he arer husband and hunter bide, they're close buddies. they go way back . she's and the fact of the matter is , she's hiding from joe biden because she's voted with 100%. time with his economic she's supported the openas vegas me borders policies and law enforcement. las vegas metros here. here. thy they left her and they supported me because they know e all state law enforcement. haveo let me ask you both.. we have about a minute before, p
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you have to go to break. every >> there is a phenomenon that'sa happening around the country showing up in every poll, hispanic, americans, african-americans, they are moving in big numbers tothe the republican side. >> what's happening centerrepub we are what simple. we are o a party. pa we are the great opportunity party. our doors are open for everybody. the difference is we're walking out oft of our d our doors and e the neighborhoods. we're having a commonsenseconv erconversation with people at their kitchen table about their priorities, not america. >> americans love this country and every single time we give them a chance to vote foroe us because they know we're on their side, john .conomy they know we're on their side. whether the economy, whether it's fighting crime, the democrats say blamelet' the police. e police we say let's respect the police. let's stand with the police and love the police force. appreciate the police. fo >> he has the backing of law enforcement because we stand for the police. they want to defund the police. we say re fund the police.
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and look in americans, 80% plus want the same level of policings in their neighborhoods or more .edia the mass media has sold minorities a lie.g you'reup f standing up for all . us . >> god bless you. >> sean: senator, the last 30 seconds, is th the last thirty seconds is thisc hangchange for real?ad. >> it's in almost every pollg to i read. look, i think it's going to be lasting as long as we are and the party of the american dream. orderopportunity, law and ordeb safety, secure borders, school choice.n hi >> all these things are going to turn hispanicspanicunities po our i think just gettingn. started will continue. more with senator tim scottm scn and candidate soon to be senator adam laxalt. >> and later today, senator mike lee of utah, larry elder 1.0 lotoro 2.0 on stage. we are in vegas. thanks for being with us.
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and greetings to you. thrill seekers, conversationalists and music lovers all across the i'll be full and optimistic fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence in broadcasting on i mean, the flag. >> no matter what side of the political aisle you're on , it stands for unity and freedom. liberty, perseverance. we want every one to prosper. we want a great country. we want a name of people pursuing excellence. we want a nation of people fulfilling their dreams and desires. >> some people call here now brush. you always told us . you told us we're going to be time to panic. well, is time to panic. well, let me just tell you, folks, it's never going to be time to panic because we're never going to give we're notcrt going to give up? on american
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tony here from credit repair .com, helping people see the trueabsolutely, cost of bad. what are you doing to improveaig yyour credit? lower intere absolutely. unlessst rates you like paying thousands of extra and high interest rates. and high interest rates. did yoof coursu repairing your t ca dollars in lower interest rates. >>n make i wait, i can repair mt ? >> of course you can. even if you have a good score, repairing your credit can make it better. start working to improve your credit, get started at credit repair, .com. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage blake masters. this may be the most significant midterm elections of our lifetime. four months our team was able to embed with the masters campaign, a republican candidate who is not a politician but who may be an actual reformer. i'm trying to show people what a new breed of politician looks like. we're going to send a fighter to d.c. that's our job, is to
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see what it takes for a different kind of candidate to win in one of the most competitive states in the country. i know it's going to be hard, but, this is important. and so i feel called to do it, even if i'm just a kid from tucson, arizona. we're going to turn this country around. >> let's go . tucker carlson, originals. the candidate, blake masters streaming now exclusively on fox station, the drag queen story. >> our controversy inside the message the lus postage anda
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digital scale. go to, try and get started today. >> welcome to fox news live by marianne rafferty in los angeles. an alarming new report about the deadly threat climate change in fossil fuels posed to people around the globe. doctors and health experts find the addiction to fossil fuels is making our world sicker. extreme weather from climate change has triggered triggered global hunger and heat related deaths are up 68% among vulnerable groups, while pollution from coal, oil and natural gas kills more than a million people worldwide each year. this is according to a study that was published in the medical journal lancet, the house's january 6th committee is reportedly interviewing hope hicks, longtime aide to former president trump. hicks did not play a major role in the administration's response to the capitol hill insurrection, but she worked at the white house at the time.
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the house panel is winding down its investigation of the riot and a subpoena. trump for an interview in the coming weeks. i'm marianne rafferty. for alnow back to "hannity" han we continue with adam laxalt and senato utah senator mike in a moment, we'll be joined by utah senator mike lee. let's will joigon. k abou >> all right. let's go over these issues. when you talk about the hight. crime, i think senator scott nailed.we >> we refund the police rightd when we talk about higthh gas and energy prices, we go back to energy independence, noght nt that hard, right? >> when we talk about open borders, we go back to the trump policies on the border. >> it's not thate harborder >>d. >> and in mexico, men in mexicoa finish the wall, finishy. boutthe wall. n we when we talk about law and order and when we talk about our school system, i don't think it's that complicated. >> why demy ar why did democraty are they so against allowing o send choose where to sendelit
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their kids to school? th well, this is part of this whole mentality. they think they know betterorld than we do. view and so they think they have a worldview that they're supposed to impose on our children.ll to fight back against that tooth and it's up to all of us to fight back against that tooth and nail. what is why do why do peoplee on the left think they can they have a specifica role to circumvent values that parents want to instill ino their kidsir and teach them? a i would argue in many cases aa inappropriate material. >> and that's gender identity. that's gende sexist, whatever .ee >> screate drag. yeah, i waeas going to bring tht up. >> we are in vegas.m line you know, the bottom line is that it is pure radical indoctrination and they know exactlndoctriny what they're doo they have a worldview.n they want to impose it on outhro kids and they know that parents don't support this and they're going that next step. foyio criminalize parents for trying to protect wl their kids for a set of values
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that we all believe in.>> sean:i it's it's really getting out ofh controere l. >> is there anybody you speak to that's against america being energy independent? >> because i don't mean a single person. if they had to run on the green new deal and the ramifications, they'd get no votes. we all know they just shove it to the back end and the very ti first election in modern time where peoplewh actually get togo vote on this with the gas prices, they're going to lose wt on this issue dramatically. this is my problem with theleft. go sell it. go tell america that democrats to let go sell it, go tell america that the green ' new deal will equal. a it's going to be much higher than six dollars a gallon. we all kno know that if he wasnt tapping the strategic reserve,g it'd be higher thareserve,n sixh in this state right >> california now is well over six fifty a gallon. >> you know, by the way, you get a lot of people moving from california here we are. i have a i have a message to, y themha if they're going to move here, leave their politics leavnd, don't you don't need to hear. we have your politice we have br
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stickers.. don't california or nevada? no, california "don'tni paternalism that the democrats are paternalistic. >> they think that they that wed all need parents. parents >> think about that in education. that70% of african-americans. o 74% hispanics, 80% of dual household income households all agree with school choice. commo school choice is commosense.n sy every single zip code in america deserves quality education. tion. theythey have sold, been bought and sold by big labor unions in. education. >> sthe parent'ss. >> it's big labor that controls the democrats, but they control them. so this unholy alliance right between teachers unions and thek democratic party and the teachers unions take money from rank and file mone from re teachers. mpaigns, the >> they funnel it into political campaigns. they help democratsy th get elected, and then they get to write covid polic y thatp of the is not beneficial for kids and not putting kids at the top of the list.
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>> absolutely. when i when i had a piece of legislation to put kids back in the school, his opponent voted down. >> the bidenre administration is responsible for the largest drop in math scores in the history of this country. while not saying a lot terrible ,our kids deserve >> they deserve better. their parents are standing up. u and when the parentsp, it's the biden administration's doj say that their domesticc terrorist, what? out to >> thi -s is an alternate universe. so we're about to i can''tt bel. believe there are all, according to chuck grassley, ron johnson, jim jordan, there are 20 to 30 , maybe more fbi doj whistleblowers, that are telling the story that whistleblowers, doj whistleblowers that are telling the story that the fbi has been politicized, the doj has been weaponized. forfor example,t contempt of congress? janet reno was held in contempt of congrescontempts. sted ch she never got arrested.
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she never she never goartder, sm charged.e thing with you can go to eric holder. in >> same thing with him. lois lerner, same thing f with her. steve bannon not only arrested, chargeoud four months in jail. whether you like it, thisl appl shouldn't be political. icis that equal application?t ea >> and is that equal justice?l t ladyic justice is not blind.hat th yeah, that'ses what we're seeing under this administration. buis administration.t we see its >> and i would just say, is the former top cop of this state, we work with line fbi.iagents. >> there's plenty of great fbi agents. the t the media tries to do this big gotcha. when i say that the top of the fbi, the political class, have politicized this agencythi, and it's dangerous. they have so much powewe're goic to're going to give them this much power, we darn well betteru expect them to use it properly. and the fact of the matter is , it's become hyper politicizeitd everybody knows it exceptzed, the media, the mainstream media. everybody knows g. re in n >> people are very nervousne y about this out here in nevada. i can tell you tha>>t. bout >> how do you feel about voter integrity issues in nevada? n
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and i ask you that question hary through this prism. you might remember harry reid, pretty famous interview, said we won, didn't when asked i'm whether or not it was an honest election. >> i think talkin, you know, the quote i'm talking about. >> my question is , do you worry about it? do you feel that what they didel in 2020 90 days beforeav the election, the democrats went in with no republican votes? us the they gave us the first evert bal universal mail outot balloting. election ballot harvesting was, a felony day. voting day 9 ninety one became the legal method of voting day 90 . >> and so it's a system that weu thought on our side we were nota ready fon'r. now and , you know, we can'tmore p relitigate 2020. it is betterol now. we have more poll workers. we have more poll td bu of the t the end of the day,. nevadans have to turn out.d to we need a new governor . r weid need to get rid of ballot harvesting, job losses and universal mailxe. n: maybe m maybe i'm old fashioned. what if we made voting a national holiday now for the sick, the infirm,firm
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the elderly? >> we can have they can have c mail in ballots that say request or if you're going to be out of the country or out oft the state, we still would likerl otto vote or participate. >> but why not paper ballots in every state have partisane coun observers. >> all sides watch the vote count start to finish. >> yo fill out your paper ballot, you put it in a box ate the end of the night. they dump them out. the they start counting everybody watches it up close and in person., it's wat and we get the result atchedlt the end of the >> what's that hard is everyat single thing we do to make sure that every single american has confidence in voting is very imp important. ortantthe laws that we've seen e on the state level, like in georgia, has actually produced stronger voter jim crow to stronger - point. that's why i went to the floor of the senate and said those people must be smoking crack because they've lostust be their minds. literally, i should say that smi i on tv it's too late now, so, n
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don't think about it this way.k think i think about this in sai georgia, they said asking forrts water from a nonpartizan was. jim crow to point out i'm a man from the south, a black man from the south.i remember that is offensive. jim crow. i remember i remember jim crow. my i remember the stories granr told me. when i look at my grandfather told me.a, >> when i look at the laws in georgia, they are so far away from jim crow. and as a matter of fact,e puddin the proof is in the pudding. cye this cycle. >> this cycle, the largest african-american turnout in the history of georgia. i republicans care about votingti and we wanngt fairness in votine we'll take a break.when we're in vegas and we'll w continue when we come back ,he senator mike lee of utah w is here. he will join us and to point out to larry elder, they will out totherry elder, they will check in as well.. >> thanks foe'r being. a >> there's nothing like volunteering at the firend itchy
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business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. "hannit welcome back to hannity as weidh continue outside the vegas strip in henderson, nevada. and we're going to haverst let' more with adam laxalt, senator scott, in a moment. race i, let's turn to an important race that is in utah, a neighboring state where,ehack dishonest political hacks, they'v te attempted to trick voters into supporting a guy by the name of evan mcmullen. mike lt republican incumbent mike lee. now, evan mcmullen, or as myr eg friend rod arquette calls him, egg mcmuffin, he's runningnal lt a traditional left wingca political campaign. >>mpaign, tr he's taking money,e amounts of money from democrats all across the country. suphe's being supported by a super liberal pac with donations pouring in from liberal california, including substantial funding from atw least one big tech billionaire.
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now, mcmullen is also sending noney to democratic firms to help with his campaign. now, meanwhile, utah's democratic voters, they're backing evan mcmullin, butbecaus he's not running as a democrat because the state is so n overwhelmingly conservative. >> democrats know they have nohn shot, so they are secretlystin funding and helpingn in and assisting and aiding and abetting mcmullen in the scam, pretending to be an independent. it is deceptive. pretty repulsives dish pretty repulsive and disgusting. >> and meanwhile,meanwhil mike lee, on mike lee, ve one of the most honest, thoughtful, productive, intelligent, a reale constitutionalist, a member of the u.s. senate that has has an impeccable conservative track record . and by the way, this race could also decide the balance ofople power in the u.s. senate. >> so the people in utah, dorubs they want to give biden and thee democratxts a rubber stamp for the next two years when he is now with more uttara republican senator? let's give a warm and warm warm nevada nevadawelc welcome ,
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senator mike lee, a utah, i thin senator .ha if things don't work out ive an utah, i think he had a home here. the outr >> you know, what i don't like is the outright dishonesty you have. forty nine republican colleagues. 48 of your colleagues have endorsed you. and if i'm not mistaken, i'm giving you money.>> that's h >> they've donated tot.eful your campaign. that's right. right. that's right. for endorsement. des with people wh i'm grateful for their endorsement. that includes people who agreeo with me a lot of the time. you know time,, rand paul and tedz, and cruz and people who don'ttim always agree, tim scotscott andm scott and people who don't always agree with me like susant collins and lisa murkowski. f >> i'm grateful for their support. who's the one that does notd endorse you?u? >> well, there's one who>> the hasn't. has and he's made a decision basedtw
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on the fact that he's got two am.ends in this race to stay out. >> and he's from the same state i think is sado this .. but i also think there'se sa a level of dishonesty to this. and that is he says he's anis cm independent. >> i've looked aing frt wherome the money is coming from, >>ere where's where is evan mcms money coming from? >> it's coming from actblue.e pe the people who are democrats toe who want democrats tot get elected and rubber stamp joe biden's agenda in the congress. they go into this donor networkk called actblue and they donate to him on actblue and they'vee s raised two and aed half million dollars for him in the last quarter alone. >> predictably, evan mcmullin then spendpredictas then throug, democratic consultants, people who represent other candidates who were far left just like he is and who work democrats only who admit that they'retheyn does. look, democrats. >> evan doesn't look. paourted courted t the democratc party's endorsement in thiste. race, convinced the democratic
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party not to run a candidatehe , and he explained to them very specifically, look, i can get elected in utah becausel they'll have an i after my name instead of a d, but i support so what you supportrt. he supports nuking the filibuster to pass s1, s1, a bill that would get rid of the state's ability to require voter get rid of the state's ability to determine legislative boundaries.legislat. he would nuke the filibuster to he would nuke the filibuster toa get that passed and that wouldns lead to the automatic registration of millions of fillegal aliens onto our voter r registration files. >> so that's wrong. so if it became a fifty one forty nine senate and or he' fifty one forty eight , and if tot he's going to wel vote for somebody for senate majority leader. >> h't. he claims he would maint well, he claims that he wouldn't. he claims that he would maintain his independencindepen not really a thing. you can't get committeeas assignments. the last guy who triedsignmentss a senator from oregon back in 1953.n >> i t didn't work because hegnments. couldn't get committee assignments. >> so he ended up affiliating with democrats he affiliate, like allbecame a
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the independents do. >> and he became a democrat. i mean, coul democ>> sead be . i mean, we see with a 50 50 senate, for example, a power that joe manchin and krysten sinema have had. >> is this a situation where mitt in romney wants to partner with evan mcmullin and the hopes that they can control nothing? no bill will get passed unless s it goes through them, whichi that would make the case, i would argue, for for republics to have an overwhelming majority, a mitt romney proof majority, if you will . >> yes., yes. for the u.s. senate. and i think that's a great point. >> and my opponent is oddl.y using this as a selling point. i look, i will be putting utah first. the i'll put utah first. decision-maker in everything by being the decision maker in everything. it's not putting utah first.h f. that's putting evan mcmullin first. there is a difference. we have a saying where i come from.a di if iffert walkences like a duc.k and quacks like a duck, if it l has webbed feet like a duck. >> in this case, it's a democrat. that's a pretty good saying. du,
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it wouldn't work in new york . ? >> what do how do you interpret that? questions we shoulse, i endorse and as a matter of fact, one oft the questions that we should answer right now is if you want to support mike lee, how do we do that? >> you go to leave for senate .com. that's lee for senate e and unlike evad,n mcmullin, lear for senate, .com is associatedwa with wind. reidy, we ar, which is forward,e way, we we are here for adam.e . >> you know, i'm sure he has a website that's going too 2020to that had john think about this at two thousande seai twenty , losing a single seat in georgia, costing s $4 tri american taxpayers four trillion dollars, one point nine trillion in the covid relief package. >> that only missed one thing, covid relief. >> the democrats spentir one point eight trillion dollars on their priorities and they had a one point two $1l trillion dollar infrastructure package. >> and then they followed up this yeainfrastructure packageld
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and thirty nine billion dollar spending plan that raisen that d taxes. >> you want to eliminate that kind of spending three? >> there are three alternatives on the stage. both of these two guys, me do literally easy. let me give we're going toi want bring out larry and leo. in >> i want to give you a last word here. this race, you are now leading by two points as of today.s of >> voting has started as ofurda. what day? saturday as of saturday.ple in thi >> so the people now your final pitch to the people in this great state of nevada. look, we have one shot to turn we k nevada back to the right direction. we know what it's like to havek blue control over this state, blue control over america. and it's not just us taking back it's a disaster. this state and it's not just us takingme wi back this state. u.s me winning. this race gives us 5, wh1 votein the u.s. senate, which allows us to block radical appointees, ap to block more trillionus dollar spending bills, and it allowsve us to actually have
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the gavel so we can investigate people like dr. fauci , get to the bottom of the fbi, all i kno these things where i know every- voter and put in a request.ter how about hunter and joe biden?. there's no one . part >> hey, look, our voters wantof, our party to get on offense. party to be able to get to the they want our party to be able to get to the bottom of what you call this two tiered systemh . it's going on all over government. if we get the majorit i. i mean, mike lindell is ann aman amazing center. he's got an amazing understandinderstandg of the constitution right. senator tim scott has been, if a leader for our party and a champion. i meanget us the, if we get us u we can finally start takingcounr our country. v >> senator relaxium, i'm going to vote for these guys. i thank you.e guys all right. e come back , larry elder, leo 2.0 as we continue from vegas. these bills are crazy. know that if she owns a life insuranc she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine.
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that's a hundred and five, seven , six thirty two hundredlh and . >> all right, we'll continue lo our town hall. we are in henderson, nevada,t ts look at this crowd just outside the strip. all right. joininus nowg us now, give a wam nevada welcome to our friends, larry elder 1.0 from the epican times.leo 2. and leo 2.0 tero.give a >> let's give a warm nevada welcome . oh, this. . all right.ld w should we tell the story?- >> oh, please. oh, please. >> not want to talk about it. not. talk about the >> i want to talk about no, let's talk about the red wave
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that's going to happen in november.mber in 2022 and 2024. in 2020 two.let' anthony tony fauci go hit him. 0 he doesn't want to talk aboutok. ways to point out. let's move it up.n earlier, >> uh, i asked this questionou earlier. ry singl both of you minorities are now. in every single poll. hi this is this is a phenomenon going around the whole country.a hispanic americans, african-americans, they are americ they've had it with the democratic party. party. numbers thise real?s >> is this happening? will this manifest itself? on election day 14 days from today? >> it will .n and sean, this has been a slow, gradual thing.ks and then suddenly a burst four percent of blacks voted for the the republican party when obama ran in 2008. six percent voted for him when he ran in 2012. voted for 80 trump% voted for trump in 20 twelve percent voted for trumpno in 2020. 20% of black men did.g even higher because of issues of sc and right now the number is going even higher because of issues of schoolice,f crim, chof
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crime, because of the breakdown, the nuclear familying numb and a growing nuf people are realizing. we've incentivized government, we've incentivizedized women to marry the government, incentivize men to abandon their financial and more ncia. sibility >> and it's hurt blacks t more than anybody else. the democratic party is a party of racism, okay? they try to divide people to try to destroy people.roy people >> they pit people against each other for identity politics. and i'll tell you right now, blacks and browns and all americans, regardless of colorp, border, lowefe streets. they want a secure border. they want lower r inflation. disconne so there's a mythro the democratic party is has disconnectedt from not only fron minorities, but from americans. they're talking about things that are not relevant to americans. >> but haven't they ? i think i think donald trump, te if you remember, back in 2016, s it was about the forgottenas tim men and women in this country r and it was tim scott that brought up he had prior to covid record after record low unemployment for every demographic group, african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans,
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women in the workplace, youth unemployment, african-american youth unemployment.his w >> his policies are workingnow e 'vright. a disa >> and now we've gotything i a disaster. everything is turned upsids turs down. thi >> did either of you ever thinks things could get this bad? quickly? >> you should add that trump did the first step as quickly? you should also add that trumph did the first step act, whichh allowed people who had very forn long sentences for nonviolent offenses to have their sentences reduced. an averaget of seven months. e e a large number of those were black men . he als he also o supported school choice. he also supported the borders. why is that important? becatson hasbecause the civil re commission has ruled, has determined that the people arel unschooled illllegal aliens, unskilled illegal aliens or black and browegs,n people livig in the inner city with high school education or less. donaonald trump did all those things too black people. if things for black people, yet het was called a racist. if he's a racist, he neegod to go back to racism. school ba. >> one more one more quickmore k thing, john . bernie sanders has chastisedrtyf his party and told him to focus on the economy. al sharpton has chastised his party and told them to focuss c hid tole tnon crime when a selfd democrat, socialis a self-t
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and america's preeminent racerai card hustlers are the voice of reason for the democratic party, that party is in deep, deep voodoo. >> i think you'r.e right. i mean, the human 2016. in 2016, trump went into the detroit in in minority communities. what do you have to lose? whve me a chance and let me say right now that remarkable. >> i think about that. yeah. what have you got to lose? becausthey haven't fe they haves big for 50 years, the democrats have sold the minorities a bagua of coal. that, it's just that they do noty, understand that, again, liberty ,individualism, freedom is what almp hasl people want. and donald trump has beenan the most successful s who hapresident in four yearsn presidents who have served for eight years. >> all right. [applause] only the restraints of time. rel what areic the top five issues that every republican candidate should be focused on in the next four to?g >> one is evenho talkingur abou, secure borders, scho the whole our crime, inflation, gas prices, secure borders, school choice. >> really?e issues the
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i think you're right. oh, absolutely. there are. those ary neede the issues theyd to ham to hammer evermey daday an y is wh and resonates with the people. u this is why people are upsets pa with the democrats. those issues that you've at larryarticulated on this prom and what larry just articulated, i can't say anything else other than thosete .n: can you tel >> can you now tell a story y how you became clear to pointbe out how everybody how are yocam. all right.. i lose all. t. to have youte come out on the road with us. st we really appreciate it. stay right. more " we are. we've got to take a quick break., nevada we'll come back more hannity as we continue. they're we're in henderson, nevada, and right near the strip. they're going gambling. >> i'm not i'm i'm dr. king. >> and this is a heating pad for pain. relief. except this bad boy will keep you at least up here like the thermostat care heat wraps, won't there? hot green and ready to go anywhere. >> and like someone else. i know over a million people were poisoned by the water
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12:00 am
beach, florida. governor rhonda santosnor ron ,e senator marco rubio, senator rick scott, they will. join us . that's thursday, 9:00 p.m. right here on "hannity". that i time we have left this unfortunately, that is allnk you the time we have left this evening. as always, thank youwith us. fo. in the with us. mea >> thank you for making this show possible. ingrah meantime,ntime, in troubr ingram . ingram goes bagus. have a great night. thank you. being i'm laura ingrahama ingrah and this is ingram angle live from houston tonight.king ameri ahead of tomorrow's retaking america town hall. us going toe going to get to my angle in a little bit. plus we're going t to speak togt new york gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin, who absolul candidate who thum, tonight. we wa >> but firstnt t, we want to br you highlights from the most anticipated debateca of the midterm calendar. of course, i'm talking aboutingh mehmet oz versusn fett john fetn in pennsylvania. now, let me just say
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