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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  October 26, 2022 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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something must be wrong. jesse, please stop reading texts from stowe, ohio. here in cohere in columbus, we's funny. char from wisconsin, politics aside, are you more excited about the phillies or eagles? obviously the eagles. obviously. "tucker" is next. this is my world. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." good night, everybody. two days before the democratic senate primary in pennsylvania back in may, staffers for the john fetterman campaign announced their candidate had tragically suffered a stroke. no problem. in a written statement purportedly written from the hospital, john fetterman said
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i'm feeling much better. doctors told me i didn't suffer cognitive damage. okay. so the primary continued as planned with fetterman's name on the ballot and fetterman won. he became the democratic nominee. that was the last that most voters heard about john fetterman's stroke. for months, fetterman remained in semiseclusion. as the campaign progressed, the polls tightened, he had to venture. he had no choice. videos surfaced of fetterman speaking at rallies in what seemed a bizarre and highly disjointed way. some wondered if he'd suffered, quote, no cognitive" damage. they rushed forward to bring science to bear on this question. in clifford chen's considered opinion as a respected medical professional, who works at a major research university, john fetterman was absolutely fine. fetterman was, quote, recovering
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well from his stroke. he had, quote, no work restrictions and can work full duty in public office. in other words, john fetterman was as sharp and as healthy as you or me, as anyone in america. in fact, more so, ready for the senate. fetterman's wife, who presumably would f know, seconded this assessment, and attacked anyone who disagreed. a stroke? no big deal. it's a good thing. ought to be a prerequisite for service in the senate. for their part, morris of the reporters who covered john fetterman day-to-day worked hard to calm concerns about his health. his john fetterman a silver-tongued wordsmith, no, they conceded, he never has been, but brain damage, come on. don't be a bigot. that's ableist. until last night, that's pretty much where things stood.
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some people, mostly republicans, thought john fetterman might not be mentally fit to work in the senate. others, mostly democrats, agreed with clifford chen, his doctor, that fetterman was absolutely fine. so it was a neat partisan split. then fetterman appeared on stage for his first and only debate and settled this question for all time. john fetterman it turns out is not capable of driving a car. he should not be allowed to operate a microwave oven. there's no chance under any imaginable circumstances that john fetterman could, quote, serve in the u.s. senate. it's not a close call. watch. >> you're running for a seat that could decide the balance of power in washington. what qualifies you to be a u.s. senator? you have 60 seconds. the. >> hi. good night, everybody. >> tucker: what? so that was him at the top. you know this was not a debate like the debates you've seen before.
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most debates feel pretty scripted. in fact, this debate was scripted. john fetterman had a script. he was reading it. but he was still incapable of following that script. here, for example, is how fetterman responded to maybe the most obvious question of the night, one he knew was coming, and of course would are prepared for. here's his answer. >> you're saying tonight that you support fracking, that you've always supported fracking, but there's the 2018 interview that you said, quote, i don't support fracking at all. how do you square the two? >> >> i do support fracking. i don't -- i don't -- i support fracking. i stand -- and i do support fracking. >> so a lot of conclusions here, the most obvious, why is clifford chen still practicing medicine?
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if you're a physician, are you allowed to lie for partisan reasons? should doctors do that? he's clearly lying. that's not a man who can work with no restrictions in the u.s. senate. far from it. everyone watching, every honest person, would come to that conclusion. we could play you a lot of clips like that. probably seen them already today. not everyone is an honest person. to prove it, we'll show you how msnbc covered this debate the moment it ended. here is your "new york" magazine rebecca tracer. >> clearly this was a candidate who was feeling stressed, and there was intense scrutiny, often ableist scrutiny, on how he was going to communicate, and he just did a debate in front of the nation, you know, an audience of anyone who could listen. it was so transparent. he did fumble. he did make verbal mistakes, you know, it was all on view.
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but, you know, i think it's also really interesting, you played a lot of clips, there were moments where he was strong, including the bernie sanders clip, including his fluid and direct response on raising the minimum wage i thought was a strong moment. >> tucker: so we just keep clips like that around just for future history janes to assess what went wrong in america. we want the hackiest possible response, the most dishonest assessment ever offered of any public event, and we just played it for you. he was facing evillist scrutiny. ha-ha-ha! because we literally can't control ourselves, you just heard her say that fetterman had a strong answer to a question. talk about patronizing, by the way. we thought we'd check what was his answer. you can assess yourself whether it was strong. here it is. >> what do you say to small business owners who have told us that if the minimum wage were
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increased to $15 an hour it would put them out of business. you have 30 seconds. >> we all have to make sure that everyone that works is able to -- that's the most american bargain, that if you work full time you should be able to live in dignity as well true. and i believe they haven't had any businesses being -- being -- you can't have businesses being subsidized by not paying individuals that just singly can't pay their own way. >> tucker: okay. again, we could fill the hour recapping john fetterman's sad response, but it's not really that surprising. anyone who's been following john fetterman for the past five months, you knew that he was profoundly cognitively impaired. turns out he is. so you learn really not that much new about him. what you learn is that everyone around him from his doctor to his wife to the media, to the
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democratic party, they're all liars, and they all just got caught lying. they went on and on and on like this. during dr. oz's closing statement, fetterman began shouting uncontrollably about social security until the moderator looked him. really. look it up. the effect is to make you feel sad for john fetterman. it's humiliating. he looks like billy bobby thornton. you wonder about his wife, as you do about joe biden's wife. it seems cruel to do this to a man, even for political power. again, it's the media who covered john fetterman who should be the most ashamed. they've known the truth for months. with only one exception, that be nbc reporter dasha burns, the media lied to voters about it. we don't know anything about dasha burns, but she at least tried to be sort of honest. here's what she said after meeting john fetterman. >> he also still has some
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problems, some challenges with speech. i'll say, katie, that just in some of the small talk prior to the interview before the closed captioning was up and running, it did seem that he had a hard time understanding our conversations. >> tucker: oh, that's not allowed. so here you have a young reporter, that clearly doesn't know the rules. no matter what you actually see, or experience, or report, you can't reveal anything that might hurt the fortunes of the democratic party. it might slow down the team. so clearly dasha burns hadn't gotten that memo. for daring to say that, for honestly reporting what she saw, liberals tried to destroy her. rebecca tracer of "new york" magazine said fetterman is not at all impaired. he understands everything. another said she spoke to
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fetterman, and, quote, he understood everything i was saying, and he was funny. podcast host kara swisher -- this is like the worst people on social media -- wrote this on twitter. quote, sorry to say, but i talked to john fetterman for over an hour without stop or any aides. this is just nonsense. maybe this reporter is bad at small talk. blame the girl. will you, kara swisher, of course. then charlotte altcher of "time" magazine, whatever that is, also interviewed fetterman recently. she decided to cover for john fetterman, because supporting the democratic party is of course her job. in the hours before the debate, she did the direct bidding of the fetterman campaign by trying to lower expectations. that was their goal. she worked on their behalf. quote, fetterman has never been a good debater, adding, quote, everyone will be watching for his stroke symptoms. i can tell you what they are.
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he sometimes says slightly the wrong word or conjugates something the wrong way. ha-ha-ha. okay. they're not embarrassed. they're caught working for a democratic senate campaign and shrug it off. they never slow down. once fetterman got on stage and there was no lying about it, he humiliated himself. the usual chorus piped up to say, yeah, he's demented, but it doesn't matter that he's totally incapable of thinking or speaking. why? because abortion. abortion is more important than anything. because it's not a child sacrifice cult at all. no, it's not. don't worry. in a response to a post stating the obvious that fetterman is totally impaired, a lawyer at the democratic party said, his ability to protect a woman's right to choose is not in doubt. this is a harmful tweet. delete it. ha-ha-ha! delete it! abortions is too important to note the obvious.
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senate democrats tweeted effectively the message after the debate. quote, mehmet is a threat to women's right to choose. that's their response to a guy who is literally incapable of talking. it tells us that abortion is more important than anything else. abortion is what matters to the left. if you doubt that, consider the case of 89-year-old dianne feinstein, who supposedly represents the country's biggest state in the u.s. senate. at this point everyone in washington knows dianne feinstein isn't representing anyone. she's no longer capable of recognizing old friends. in an april, the "san francisco chronicle," to its credit, ran a story, in which former staffers, not political enemies, but registered democrats who voluntarily worked for dianne feinstein in which these people, her friends, described her mental decline, saying she was too senile to serve in the
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senate. so in response to that, nancy pelosi dismissed their firsthand accounts as, quote, unconscionable and ridiculous. not just wrong, but immoral. in other words, shut up. dianne feinstein is on our team, and that's all that matters. to emphasize that point, yesterday kamala harris went on a tirade, not about inflation, housing price or fentanyl deaths or the border, the looming threat with russia, but what matters most to her, which is abortion. watch this. >> laws are being proposed that would punish women who dare to exercise self-determination and make decisions about what they know to be in their best self-interest, because apparently there are some, i call them extremist so-called leaders, who have decided they're in a better position than she is to make decisions about what's in her best interest. how dare they. i think that we need to take
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back the flag on this issue. this is about freedom and liberty. >> tucker: oh, it's about freedom of liberty, says the childless middle-aged lady who forced women across the country out of their jobs because they wouldn't take the vaccine she was pushing. barack obama, his argument, of course, abortion again. watch. >> in pennsylvania, you've got some important choices to make this year, including who represents you in the u.s. senate. that's why i'm asking you to vote for john fetterman this election, n november 8th. so when the fate of our democracy, a woman's right to choose are on the line, i know john will fight for pennsylvanians. you can count on john fetterman. make sure he can count on you. >> tucker: it all goes back to that one issue. it always does. why is that?
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fetterman's candidacy, like joe biden's candidacy two years ago, tells us something dark about the democratic party. the what it tells us the democratic party has such contempt for voters and for democracy itself and so much confidence in its ownership of the media and of big tech that it no longer has to try to win your votes. democrats can run raphael warnock, an aggressively fake christian pastor, whose wife detailed abuse allegations against him on camera, and that's okay. still good enough for a senate seat in georgia, because the machine keeps working. it's not about the person. it's about the party. it's not about the individual. it's about the group. and to prove it, they can even run mentally defective candidates who can barely speak. not only expect them to win, but expect you to accept the outcome no matter how transparently absurd it is. on november 9th, they will be telling you that john fetterman
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got 81 million votes in pennsylvania, and threaten you to put you in jail if you don't believe it. why wouldn't they? it worked with joe biden. there's something about the unwillingness of people to acknowledge the obvious. there was a candidate whose views i liked who had a performance like fetterman's performance, i hope i'd be honest enough to say i agree with the guy, but he's unqualified. it's chilling. it's scary. >> yeah. i think it's a form of power. so often george orwell was so prescient in what he pricked how authoritarianism and tyranny would work. in 1984, the novel we read in high school, how authoritarianism would happen, he described a tire rannal party, most essential command that you are to ignore the evidence of your own eyes and years. if you can get a citizen to do
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that, to trust what they're told more than what they're seeing and hearing on their own, that is a population that is put into an extreme subservence. i think on level the media likes being this brazen in their lives. remember when we all witnessed joe biden, who we've seen in public life for 50 years, so obviously suffering cognitive decline. they decided to tell us it wasn't really cognitive decline, that he had a stutter, a stutter that was never there before. half the time he doesn't know where he is. half the time he falls asleep in interviews now. if you raise any of these things you're told you're a against people who stutter. they got caught lying, attacking a young reporter for doing her job, but what they see as a crime, reporting things derogatory or damaging to the democratic party. and now they are so brazen about it they're going to insist that what you're seeing is not really what you're seeing.
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>> tucker: that's exactly right. that's the hard of it. it's orwell's observation. if they can make you ignore something they know is true, then they have control over you completely. glenn greenwald, thank you very much. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: this is a bigger story than people may understand. the democratic party's monopoly on public conversation in this country is about to end. why? because elon musk is about to buy twitter. that is real. it's happening this week. after the break, we'll tell you what it means.
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>> tucker: this is a fox news alert. how are things going in america's biggest state, california? fox's matt finn has new video that tells the story. matt? >> shocking video shows a 65-year-old woman terrorizing a family and smashing the windows of their new home with a pickax. >> you could hear that chilling sound. fox 11 reports the owner of the home said the woman had no emotion and was just swinging away at their house that they have not finished building. she can be heard saying, "i'll
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be back, get out." the owner says his 6-week-old baby 54 was sleeping in a bassinet beneath the window, but luckily his mother-in-law grabbed the baby about five seconds away from the window before it was smashed in. the shards falling were double-team baby's size. pasadena police arrested 65-year-old beverly bacon. many she faces charges of vandalism. the owner of the home says he's never seen the woman before and worries he was targeted because he's armenian. he got a temporary restraining order against that woman. tucker? >> tucker: matt, thank you. >> sure. >> tucker: why was it so important to every power center in the united states to prevent elon musk from taking over twitter. lots of billionaires own media organizations. in fact, most media organizations are owned by
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billionaires. why was elon musk threatening? because he promised to bring free speech back to social media. that's one thing they can't tolerate, period, because their entire rule is predicated on censorship. bloomberg says biden officials are considering investigating eblown musk on national secured grounds, but musk was not intimidated, walking into twitter headquarters carrying a sink. he shot a video with the caption, "entering twitter hq. let that sink in." ha-ha-ha. apparently by tomorrow night elon musk will own twitter. this is a big story, bigger than we can even fully understand probably at this moment. darren beady of revolver news has been thinking and writing about this for months now. he joins us to give us perspective on it. darren, thank you so much for coming on. so why is this a bigger story than your average billionaire buying your average media
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outlet. >> well, elon musk has a potential to be a great man of history, and he's stepped outside of his designated role as glorified i.t. support for the regime, and stepped into-very dangerous high stakes arena for a cause of civilizational importance. the question of whether we have free speech on what he calls a global public square is indeed of civilizational importance, an existential threat to the crooks that control our regime. in fact, it's such a threat that i predict, if he goes through with this, and it does implement free speech on twitter, elon musk and twitter will be designated in effect the number one national security threat to the crooks in control of our regime. >> tucker: twitter is more than
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raa venue a place to spout off, but it's used in the information wars. this .is that correct? >> yes. absolutely a lot of talks about bots, promoting the latest cryptic scam. even bots of foreign intelligence agencies. the truths is our intelligence agency operates through cut-outs and ngos have played a huge role in influencing politics on every level precisely by gaming the system and social media platforms like twitter. and elon musk i think really needs someone who understands the architecture of that censorship. there's an example, probably the greatest national security leak since snowden how the regime works. on revolver news there's a piece
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piece. the social media app, replete with these operations. one woman who threatened elon musk for threatening to restore free speech on twitter was involved in an operation setting up fake russian accounts so they could blame an american politician for enjoying support by the russians. so you really need to understand how deep this goes, how dark this is. >> tucker: bringing transparency to twitter, how it works, what is the algorithm, will change everything. i agree. i think this is civilizational. darren beady, thank you. the question is, can you whip out your genitals on live television? it depends. are you doing it for transrights? yeah. no problem. we'll tell you why it's important for some people next.
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. i was 424 pounds and my doctor was recommending weight loss surgery. to avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life.
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>> tucker: no committed you are to the live and let live ethose, you probably didn't expect to see full frontal nudity on american television live, but now you are for political reasons. trace? >> this appeared on channel 4 in the uk inn show called "friday night live." it was a transgender comedian, jordan gray, born a male, identifies as a m female now. on friday night, gray wearing a bright pink suit decided to end her performance saying that on live tv she gets to do stupid stuff like this. watch. ♪ ♪
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>> so the show got 1400 complaints. there were people offended and irate. a uk watchdog is deciding whether the performance should be investigated. in all of the newspaper coverage of the naked dance we read, there was not one negative comment printed, dis recriticism. metro news uk raved about the naked dance, calling it hilarious. groundbreaking. really? playing the piano with your penis groundbreaking? at least ukrainian president vlavolodymyr zelensky pretendedo play with his. watch. ♪ ♪
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>> that skit was recently dug up and put on twitter, with a quote saying, who among us has played the piano with their genitals and gone on to lead a country in a foreign evacuation. brack to you, tucker. >> tucker: you've left me speechless, trace gallagher, now the full-time host of "fox news at night." thank you. a few days ago, 30 house democrats did something democrats used to do, they sent a letter to joe biden, urging him to consider negotiating a peace between russia and ukraine before more ukrainians and russians for that matter die and before there's a nuclear war that destroys civilization. seems reasonable. it made the democratic party's donors furious, including the defense contractor, so the progressives retracted their letter, blamed it on staff, and
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said it was a mistake. what is this really about? what is this support for ukraine really about? it's not about democracy, because ukraine is not a democracy. of course not even close to a democracy. banned opposition parties. jamie raskin, a member of congress from maryland, one of the signatory, let the game out, praising the status of ukraine's army and russia's antigay, an anti-transhatred, adding we must support ukraine against russia, because russia is the homeland of replacement theory for hopefulland. whatever that is. a california congressman just got back of kissing the ring of
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zelensky, saying we need to give everything ukraine wants or russia will invade the would und states. >> if kevin mccarthy is beholding to this america first mindset, that we're not going to send a penny to ukraine, it will collapse. our fight for ukraine is a fight for democracy. russia will keep pushing west, and we will be drawn into this conflict. beating them now saves us from fighting here or closer later. >> tucker: there are only two borders that matter. the border of ukraine and the border of the u.s. capitol. the border of your country? you don't have a country. chelsea gabbard ran as a presidential candidate and joins us tonight to assess. congresswoman, thanks for coming on.
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the hills acting like liberals have acted for a hundred years. we should try to get a peace forged before we all die. then they have to retract it. why? >> you're exactly right, tucker. the so-called progressives did a simple thing that apparently can appear to be brave in washington these days. in that letter to president biden they told the truth about how the ongoing proxy war with russia is increasings in consequences and costs both on the ukrainian people, but the american people here at home, increasing gas prices, inflation, and so on. tease progressives in the letter they didn't say stop sending aid to ukraine. they said, president biden, engage in diplomacy. the response they got from the warmongers, who control the democratic party in washington, was to immediately be smashed to pieces, so much so that these democrat members of congress
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cowered in the corner with fear, and now have gone so far out of their way apologizing profile for having the audacity to call for d diplomacy. no, don't engage in diplomacy. we don't want you to do. this is why i left the democratic party. they're controlled by warmongers in washington. they don't care with the ukrainian people. otherwise they would have engaged in diplomacy months ago. they don't care about americans, struggling with increasing costs of just with everything. they're subjenniferrent to the military industrial complex and the warhawks in the democratic party and mainstream media. >> tucker: it's why they basically kicked you out of the party, because you said, well,
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maybe we shouldn't bomb all the christians in syria. maybe there's another way. this is their red line. it's war. why is that? did you know that when you went into congress? >> no. the democrats that i saw, the democrats, leaders that i saw were people who took a stand for peace, people like my former ', the senator from hawaii. he served during world war ii. he understood the cost of war. the so-called progressives, they claimed in the past, at least, to be the champions for peace, to be people who understood in order to be prosperous and free we must be at peace. that's still true. we still cannot achieve prosperity and freedom unless we have peace, but now everyone in the democratic party, in the leadership in washington, is walking in lockstep as warhawks. no one daring to even step outside the line and say, hey, diplomacy, let's exercise diplomacy.
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>> tucker: what cowards. what cowards they are. tulsi gabbard, appreciate you coming on as always. >> tongue, tucker. >> tucker: so you're seeing a movement, not just in this country, but across the western world on of being called assisted suicide. is it the state-sanctioned murder of the most vulnerable people in our society? totally possible. new evidence on that straight ahead.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. we're in election season and many politicians are promising that they're telling the truth. i can tell you there is one who always tells the truth. that is the lord jesus christ. he said, "i'm the way, the truth and the life, "and no man comes to the father except through me." there aren't many ways to god. there is only one, and that's through jesus christ. god sent jesus to earth to save us from our sins. he took our sins to the cross. he shed his blood and died, was buried, and god raised him to life on the third day.
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if you have never trusted him, if you have never put your faith in the embodiment of truth, the lord jesus christ, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, "god i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. "i want to turn from my sins, "i believe that jesus christ is your son. "i want to trust him as my savior, "and follow him as my lord. "from this day forward. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now. god bless you! california, mountains, oceans, natural wonders, diverse and creative people. but when the out-of-state corporations behind prop 27 look at california, they see nothing but suckers.
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they wrote prop 27 to give themselves 90% of the profits from online sports betting in california. other states get much more. why is prop 27 such a suckers deal for california? because the corporations didn't write it for us. they wrote it for themselves.
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>> tucker: six months ago people laughed at blake masters, he won't win in arizona. arizona? everybody dislikes in blake masters in washington, because blake masters dislikes washington. now it looks like blake masters is going to win. he's running against an incumbent, an astronaut called mmark kelly. a new poll shows the race is tied. ho-ho-ho. the trend is the friend of blake masters. so again just a few months ago nobody could have predicted this. how did it happen?
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we did a documentary on it actually. we embedded for months with blake masters' campaign. our producers basically lived with blake masters, got to meet his closest advisors and consultants, people who have known blake masters for a long time. here's a preview from that documentary. >> i don't have a formal title, but volunteered for the campaign. blake and i have been, like, best friends for 15 years. [gunfire] >> i help a lot with the videos, the ads, design the logo, all the creative direction. and i think that most of the candidates are just used to hiring pretty conventional consultants. >> very cool. [gunfire y. >> that give them rick averse, canned responses, tell them what to say. based on polling. we work on intuition and work backwards. on that gun ad -- i like guns
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obviously. i'm not very big on a lot of republicans that just kind of do gun porn. a lot of republicans have hidden behind the idea that they're for sporting, duck hunting, that's why we want them. these are for self-defense. the second amendment was not about duck hunting, as blake says in the video. >> that's unreal. >> once you start trying to take a conventional, you know, consultant approach, or you try to represent something that you're not, i think that people can deeply feel that. you know, he's one of the best guys i've ever met. i think he's really the cool cowboy. i think that he's an insanely intelligent, but a high emotional intelligence, and got real values, like there's no dirt on this guy. i mean, he's just one of the best people, will be one of the best senators. >> always remember one thing. >> rac yeah, what's that? >> take this to the bank. the west wasn't won with a
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registered gun. ha-ha-ha. >> i'll use that. [gunfire] >> welcome to open arizona. >> tucker: that's a great documentary. tells you why blake masters is winning. it's called "the candidate: blake masters," out right now on fox nation. a mother lives outside toronto, canada, with a 23-year-old son who suffers from depression and diabetes. also he doesn't have a girlfriend. on that basis alone, doctors have just approved her son's assisted suicide. a doctor called joshua tepper signed off on it to kill the boy because he's sad, doesn't have a girlfriend. we know this, because it's common sense, you can read the details, and you should, they're
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shocking. this about to become more common in canada as a way of cutting down on healthcare costs. by march, a new law in canada is expected to allow children to be killed by doctors, by state doctors, without the approval of their parents. seems like a very big change in western civilization. the professor at creighton school of medicine is the author of "losing our dignity," and joins us tonight. i appreciate you coming on to assess this. we've had conversation multiple times. each time we do we reach a new and more terrifying low, doctors killing kids without telling parents because kids are depressed? >> let's see if i have the laundry list right, tucker, at this point. we've got kids, what they call mature minors. we've got the homeless. we talked about that last time. the poor. the disabled. those with chronic pain. and then right before coming on, i researched the physicians group in quebec that wants to kill newborn infants. that's coming next.
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the toronto star, tucker, a very liberal paper in canada called this hunger games social darwinism. this is what happens when autonomy goes nuts. >> tucker: i try never to invoke the nazis, because, you know, for many reasons, but they're famous for doing this exact thing. use doctors to murder the weakest in your society. i thought that doctors kind of agreed after the second world war not to do things like this. >> yeah, you would think. i'm the say way. i think we should be very, very hesitant to use those arguments. at a certain point, tucker, if the shoe fits t, canada has to wear it. can we stop this coming to the united states? i think we can. new york, connecticut, even deep blue states like that have not even legalized assisted suicide yet. what we need to do, support
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healthcare that is about caring, not killing. >> tucker: yes. >> in fact, there's a coalition of people coming upping with a brand-new medical school in 2026 that's going to do this very clearly, very ably. if others would like to join a coalition of people who are doing this, i urge them to send me a message through my website or on twitter because we have to do something about this. >> tucker: shouldn't the american medical association weigh in and say unequivocally doctors in the united states don't get to kill children because a child is depressed. a doctor's job is to make them better, not give up on them when they're kids. >> as i wrote at length in "losing our dignity," we have a different healthcare system than we had even 20-30 years ago. it is hypersecularrized, often based on cost/benefit analysis, quality adjusted life years, which is basically ableism. we had talk about ableism over
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the last couple days. this is ableism right here. it's no accident that the disability rights groups are our biggest allies in this. we should continue to employ them as we get off the couch and fight. >> tucker: professor, thank you as always. more news straight ahead.
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>> we're out of time, check out the documentary and blake master who is all of a sudden is winning in arizona on fox and sworn enemy of the group think and have a great night with the ones you love. here's shawn. >> it's critical out in arizona. >>sean: welcome to hannity. here we are just 13 days away from the midterm elections and last night we had major debates from three critical races that will likely play a very big role in november and moving forward in michigan, republican gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon absolutely annihilated gretchen whitmer on covid lockdowns, school closures and so much more. the governor tried to lie her way through it, she claims schools were only shut down three months. not exactly the truth. we will tell you the truth as the night unfolds and meanwhile in new york, a powerful
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performance by republican


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