tv Hannity FOX News October 26, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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>> we're out of time, check out the documentary and blake master who is all of a sudden is winning in arizona on fox and sworn enemy of the group think and have a great night with the ones you love. here's shawn. >> it's critical out in arizona. >>sean: welcome to hannity. here we are just 13 days away from the midterm elections and last night we had major debates from three critical races that will likely play a very big role in november and moving forward in michigan, republican gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon absolutely annihilated gretchen whitmer on covid lockdowns, school closures and so much more. the governor tried to lie her way through it, she claims schools were only shut down three months. not exactly the truth. we will tell you the truth as the night unfolds and meanwhile in new york, a powerful performance by republican
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gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin and he confronted the current governor kathy hochul on the state's violent crime wave leaving hochul to wonder, why do you care so much about this issue of crime? governor, here's a hint, people are dying. now both tudor dixon and lee zeldin will join us straight ahead and also georgia senate candidate herschel walker will be here and we begin tonight in the great state of pennsylvania, the commonwealth and dr. oz will join news a moment with reaction to one of the most, i guess you can say unusual debates in american history. now, tonight it's official, the coverup is over, democrats, the media mob, the fetterman campaign, they were all lying to all of us and john fetterman is not mentally, physically, cognitively fit so serve. he should not be running for the senate and in a word what we saw last night was painful, hard to watch. i'll give him full analysis in just a moment but here's how
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fetterman started the entire debate. take a look at this. >> you're running for a seat that could decide the balance of power in washington. what qualifies you to be a u.s. senator? you have 60 seconds. >> hi, good night, everybody. >>sean: good night, everybody. that was the beginning of the debate and went downhill from there. take a look. >> he specifically said you've not paid your taxes and that you want to raise taxes on americans. how do you respond? >> absolutely. the oz rule, of course he was lying and it was helping two students 17 years ago to help them buy their own homes. they didn't pay the bills and it got her paid and it's never been an issue in any of the campaign before. it was all about nonprofit. >> has the biden administration overspent and if so, where do you think spending should be cut? you have 60 seconds. >> no, here's what i think we
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have to fight about inflation here right now. we have to fight about inflation because it's a tax. that's it. he got his pennsylvania house from his own inlaws from a dollar. we have to make sure that everyone that works is able to -- that's the most american bargain if you work full-time, you should be able to live in dignity as well true. the real doctors i believe, they all believe i'm ready to be serve. it's about supporting and helping, you know, youngishers -- excuse me young -- young earners -- excuse me, young, students. >> it gets worse. when confronted about the blatant flip-flop on the issue frabbing, he's called for a moratorium on fracking and his answer was i'm for fracking, i'm against fracking, i'm for it. take a look. >> i want to clarify something, you're saying tonight that you support fracking, that you've always supported fracking but
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there's a 2018 interview where you said "i don't support fracking at all". how do you square the two? >> i do support fracking and i don't -- i support fracking and i stand and i do support fracking. fracking. >>sean: i support frabbing and i don't and i do. it's sad hon lest i. that is not true john fetterman is a radical green new deal socialist democrat and he's never supported fracking. this late election year conversion till now. he even sign add pledge pictured right there to ban fracking and ban federal oil and gas leases and of course there are a lot of dishonest democratic candidates that have election year conversion sadly fetterman's problems are far, far worse. following a debilitating stroke, he's obvious limepitly impaired, serious -- obviously mentally
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impaired and serious damage has been done here and listen to the neurologist on news nation after the debate. listen to it. this. >> watching the debate, i believe he has a type of aphasia and that means there's some type of insult or damage to the part of the brain where language is produced but also language is understood. >> do you get better? >> so it depends. you know, someone mentioned therapy and therapy can be very, very helpful especially if you are doing it every day and taking a lot of time in your therapy. essentially what we know is that in the first three to six months is where you see the most improvement. there can be some improvement over the next year but i think he's about six months out now. this happened in may so i think if he was doing therapy right after his stroke, this is probably where he has improved to the most. >>sean: an important question, six months ago was john fetterman even able to fully consent to this campaign?
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naturally the fetterman campaign, they're now blaming the debate host next star for not doing enough to help mitigate fetterman's mentally disability. wright star flatly rejected this and went to extraordinary lengths to accommodate every one of fetterman's demands including the use of closed caption tell prompter and two prior rehearsals and this is where it gets even more interesting. many democrats around the country, they're mad. they're complaining that fetterman even dare to show up to the debate at all. they should have kept it hidden. according to a report in the hill, one pennsylvania democratic operative stated "fetterman's team never should have agreed to this debate". you see what's happening here. if we only hid him in the basement likes we did joe biden in 2020, we at least would still have a fighting chance. our odds would be better. they don't care that fetterman has disqualifying physical limitations here.
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they don't care that he will be unable to fulfill the most basic duties of u.s. senator. they don't care about the amount of dangerous stress they're putting him under, putting him in a situation like last night and they're upset and furious that the voters found out. you should have kept it hid and not have told the voters. they're angry that the truth was revealed and in fact for many months, many on the left and they're complies sit colleagues in the media mob, they worked hard to conceal fetterman's real condition and before last night, most "journalists" praised his speed speedy recovery and few demanded to see his medical records and they hid it from all of us while on the campaign trail and no one in the democratic party said a word about the debilitating mental impairments and they all knew and two weeks ago one brave nbc reporter dare to tell the truth, they attacked her viciously and
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fetterman's wife called for the reporter to be punished and nbc colleagues like savannah guthrie were attacking her and that reporter is owed an apoll >> i d will likely never get one and fetterman's wife knew he was unfit and the rest of fetterman's family and media mob and joe biden and amy klobuchar so did everyone that attempted to interact or campaign with john fetterman, they all knew and they'll were all part of the big lie to keep this from the people of pennsylvania. now that the truth has been revealed, some democrats and others in the media they're finally stating the obvious, which we have known for a long time, which we are one of the few shows to have pointed it out. take a look. >> voters, i think saw things that will definitely change the state of this race. it's not his fault. but lieutenant governor fetterman struggled. >> he's struggling with the effects of the stroke that he suffered in may. and i said, it's very obvious that he is impaired, his ability
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to communicate is impaired. >> he had difficulty will every single one of his responses and i don't know if it was only in communicating, it may also have been in his thought perhaps because he seemed confused. >> i watched the debate last night and it was hard to watch frankly. >>sean: let us be clear, i don'tish any ill will on john fetterman and want him to make a full recovery and i feel bad for him and ease been used by everybody in his own party and all the people around him. in order to pick up a senate seat, the democratic party is taking advantage of a person that is obviously severely sick and seriously disabled, a low functioning individual. he should be in recovery and he should be in rehab. all the while they were not telling the people of pennsylvania the truth about his condition. so tonight pennsylvania voters, they still don't know the extent of fetterman's health problems because his campaign is still refusing to release his real medical records.
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but if last night is any indication, it is past time for fetterman to frankly drop out of the race for his own well being. here with more is dr. marc siegel with us and nicole sapphire with us. dr. siegel, what did you see on that stage last night? >> i saw john fetterman, sean, say we should use the debate to judge the mental acuity because he was responding to memhet oz saying i want to see your records and i've been on record from the beginning for years saying show the records. let me see his eco cardiogram and ballooned out heart and atriofibrillation and had a clot that went to his brain and they had to suck it out. i want to see the mri to the brain and we don't see any of that. he said at the debate, judge me based on how i do. well, i was concerned, very concerned he wasn't doing too well. when asked about fracking as you just showed, he had one word. he stuck to the word universal healthcare but actually he was covering up the word socialized medicine but that's all he could
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say. it was clear he wasn't only having trouble expressing himself but having trouble with complex thoughts and, sean, 23% chance he'll have another stroke in a year. god help us doesn't happen to him, but with all his medical risks, even higher than that and i think that his performance shows -- shows -- the problem with executive function. go ahead. >>sean: would a high stress event like a national televised debate, would that probably even be a trigger in other words he shouldn't have been there last night. it wasn't good for him to be there last night. he should be in a rehab center. am i wrong in that? >> that's what i think. this is what the son and daughter would be like. the rigors of the senate and would be under this kind of pressure and things like planning and making decisions, putting together complex thousand thoughts and making ideas, detail paying attention to detail and you need that to be a senator. you've got to know, chain, what's in the bill. there was no sense whatsoever
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when dr. oz said, look, what's happening at the leaky border is leading to fentanyl in our cities like philadelphia, looked like fetterman didn't understand the connection he was making, which is crucial to our country. >>sean: well said. dr. sapphire, get your take on it. >> chain, there's been many caly calls for fetterman to release the doctor's notes and released two in the last week and unfortunately these doctor's notes have been full of hyperbole and without substance to give us a clear idea of what's going on and i don't believe that all candidate haves to put forth their medical documentation for running for office but unfortunately the fetterman campaign has made his health issues at the forefront of the discussion. and most recent -- this most recent doctor's note said when he spoke to his patient, his speech was normal and min that watched the -- anyone that watched the debate last night whole heartedly know his speech
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was not normal and doctors know it's false and deceptive and wrong and lying to the american people. immediately mr. fetterman said he's suffering from auditory processing disorders, which is why he needed the closed captioning during the debate but to simply write that off saying he's fit to serve without any restrictions and needs just a little closed captioning. that is false. he had severe difficulty finding words, which as we heard earlier in the introduction that's what we call aphasia and he has difficulty there and requires aggressive rehab but there's a lot of questions to be asked from the doctor notes, how well is his heart functioning, is he still in an abnormal rhythm? i mog so and a full neural cognitive evaluation and speech, language, memory, and cognitive pathways are very complex and interlaced and we have no idea but the american people can judge for themselves after seeing the debate and comes down to transparency and seems the fetterman campaign is not being
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honest and transparent when it comes to the state of health of this candidate. >>sean: a yes or no question, if it were members of your family, would you intervene and try and stop them from running a campaign such as this knowing how stressful a campaign is? dr. siegel, would you? >> if what we saw last night is accurate and reproducible, i would say yes. it was dr. sapphire that said this debate will be revealing. she said it the last time we were on here and that was proven right. if that is accurate and that's where he is, he is going to be unable to serve. >>sean: dr. sapphire, if it was a member of your family and you know they were walking into a very stressful environment like this, would you fight hard to prevent them from doing that? >> if a member of my family just recently had a stroke, i would say unequivocally the most important thing to do right now
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is focus on aggressive therapy and making sure to try and get back to the best case possible physically, mentally, and emotionally. i would not be putting them in a high stress environment such adds a a seat in the senate. >>sean: thank you. while fetterman's severe health issues are a serious concern, so are his radical policies. on his best day, fetterman is a devote green new deal radical socialist till a few months ago, he called for a moratorium on fracking, an $81 billion industry and wanted to limit oil and gas production and legalize and wants to legalize hard drugs, he wants taxpayers to pay for safe injection sites for heroin addicts. he wants to raise taxes on small business. doesn't pay his own f taxes but wanted to raise them on everyone else and no limits on abortion and can have one up to the moment of birth. fetterman wants to empty the prison population by a third or even greater. he's advocated for numerous
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first degree convicted murders to be set free and all second degree murders to be set free. we can go on and on and more from governor mike huckabee and former senior counselor to president trump, kelly anne conway. they were lying to people of pennsylvania. he's made a full recovery, he's doing great. has a bit of cognitive dysfunction but otherwise everything is fine. everything is obviously not fine. >> sean, it's not fine and may i remind everybody, john fetterman has a big job. he's lieutenant governor of pennsylvania. he's the number two most powerful person representing 13 million pennsylvaniaens. he ought to be forced to resign and people should actually question his ability to do his current job let alone one in the senate. i think that's the situation here. if you put aside his obvious health challenges, the lack of transparency, and integrity and honesty and humility, the
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motivators for him and his wife by the way, so craven to hold onto that power to get the next political position. she threatened dasha burns, a journalist and said dasha burns should suffer "consequences" and asked people to go after her and they d. everybody was underselling his health deficits and something else is going on here. this guy was in a primary with three other -- two or three other democrats and they lied then do. if you're conner lamb tonight, how do you feel, this guy that cast himself as a moderate from western pennsylvania that could have taken on oz. another thing, i see the democrats right now because hochul was terrible against zeldin and whitmer against tudor dixon and john fetterman was the worst against oz. they're not going to tell us debates aren't important because they need to run joe biden and kamala harris in debates next time. watch that, everybody. this wasn't just not a good format for john fetterman, the
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why are we doing debates, they're not important. yes, they are. they're central to democracy. ever since this race became about john fetterman, he's been losing but i want to give memhet oz his due. he was fantastic last night. he came with a full grasp of the issues, he had solutions for pennsylvania, the very first thing oz said to fetterman was we need to get back to civility in washington and fetterman was attacking oz so i know 92% of the coverage is about fetterman. look at memhet oz and know that he and his wife lisa are be mote voted through a public service and don't need money or fame or power and giving it up to serve in the united states senate and pennsylvania, that shows you the stark contrast between the fettermans and ozs. >>sean: well said, kellyanne. your take huckabee. >> sean, i speak as a person that spent the better part of 30 years as a candidate or somebody holding office and something that people need to understand,
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it's one thing if you have a disability and you're impaired and trying to just make it. but you choose to step into the arena of politics and it's thrust upon you and make that decision and sign the papers to become a candidate and when you get in the arena, it is a full contact support play without pads. people ask me about running for office and first thing to be prepared if you can't stand the sight of your own blood, don't do it. it's brutal. there's a reason i don't try to get out on the field with the dallas cowboys and try out for the team. i'm not qualified and i couldn't hack the physical endurance of an nfl game. what we're simply talking about, and i try to sometimes bring humor into my conversations with you, there's nothing funny about this. but politics is not a game in which everybody gets a trophy. the issues are not just his health, but the issues are the
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positions that he took. i heard some commentators try to accuse dr. oz of being a bully. if anything, he was unbelievably kind and gentle with fetterman on his physical impairment, but he cannot be gentled on the issues because those are issues that affect not just 13 million people in pennsylvania, they affect 330 million people in america and gold help us if he's the 51st vote on some of the issues that we face in this country. >>sean: his positions are the most radical of any candidate i've ever seen run for the u.s. senate. great analysis from both of you. kellyanne, thank you. governor, thank you as well. when we come back, dr. oz joins us to weigh in on his debate last night. his first interview since the debate and it's exclusive and you'll see it here next as we continue.
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i love san francisco, but i'm working overtime to stay here. now is not the time to raise taxes. i'm voting no on propositions m and o, because the cost of everything is going up. san francisco collects more tax revenue than nearly any city in america. but our streets are dirty and public safety is not getting better. i'm working hard to live within my budget. the city should too. join me in voting no on m and o.
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>>sean: joining us now for his first tv interview since his debate with john fetterman last night. republican candidate from the commonwealth of pennsylvania, dr. oz is with us. you're a medical doctor and talking about john fetterman's condition, i won't ask you about that, but i will ask you this, there's been a great lie here, a great deception here and it was interesting to read the excepts of so many democrats. why couldn't you just hide him for two more weeks and let him go out on the debate stage and it was so apparent to everybody that it was far worse than what they were telling the people of pennsylvania. that argument to me is oh, we can lie to win and lying is justified under those
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circumstances. that bothers me because they're lying to the voters. >> well, i tell you their game plan was to run the clock out and i've been chasing down john fetterman since the general election started. to date, he's never answered a question from a voter on the campaign trail, hasn't answered a press gaggle or group of reporters on the campaign trail and never talked to me before. i met him for the first time last night and i just wanted him to defend what i think are the excentric and extremist ideas that would hurt pennsylvaniaens, they're out of touch with pennsylvania values, and he's not been able to defend his dangerous policies so last night i just put them out there. why is it that you seem to care more about the criminals than the innocent? you asked for at least 25 times to free murders over the objections of other parole board members and families. i the police say let us do our
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job and they've endorsed me because fetterman has undermined them so terribly in his job. why did he want to de-criminalize drugs when it led to 50% increase in homicide, couldn't answer it. why did he want to increase taxes so much and every job he's had and hasn't paid his own taxes. won't answer it and the question of fracking and he flip-flopped backwards and his answers seemed lazy like he didn't think he had to answer for things he tweeted in the past. it's upsetting this to be a duplicitous effort to hide his inability to defend his extreme positions but he raised $2 million yesterday after the debate from democratic donors that just want to support him becoming the 51st senator. they know he can't perform because he can't answered questions about his excentric positions, but they want to give him the money to give him the win anyway. go to dr. and get me enough money to compete with this guy. it makes no sense if you're unable to defend your positions and not talking about the physical stuff, i'm talking
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literally telling us why you said things in the past that today you are dishoning but don't acknowledge it. why row ward that with paying $2 million to donations to somebody. go to and get the truth out about john fetterman more than he lies about me. >>sean: he's the most pro murder candidate i've seen and i started in radio in 1987. i've never heard of a candidate that advocated for the release of more convicted murders in my lifetime and other serious crimes. and he wants to open up a third of the -- release a third of prisoners in the state of pennsylvania and no restrictions on abortion and, yes, many times he's said he wants a moratorium on fracking and no oil leases and wants taxpayers to pay for heroin injection sites. yes, he does want pennsylvania to be a sanctuary state. none of that came out. literally voting has gone on in
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pennsylvania for almost a month now. we've never had a single tough interview with john fetterman. we got close with dasha barnes, i believe her name is, and she was excoriated for observing the truth and telling the truth about what she saw in john fetterman. my question to you is, do you think the people of pennsylvania now understand they're getting the health issues aside, how radical he is? >> they're getting the message, which is why we're tied and completely tied now as we head into the last 13 days and please go to and chip in to fight the war. we'll win this election and that's what she just asked. they were unable to defend them and maybe throwing their hands up and say this guy's not like us and out of touch with us and i'm a heart surgeon as you know, we fix big problems, the heart, and by working together and
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uniting people, not dividing them. what john fetterman does is take extremism to washington and can't work with people and wasn't get things down. i want balance because with balance you bring people together and get democrats and republicans and instead of bickering and they want to fix up problems and they're hurting them. the media is complies sit. >>sean: the media now has allowed this race to come down to 14 days before the election early voting had already started and all these issues have been scrolling these radical posipositions and they've neverr dug in and demanded answers and you've been out there every day and you've had to answer every question, every day on the campaign trail. he han anted a single -- hasn't answered a single question and the media is complies sit and that's their big donation to all things the democratic party. >> this is about integrity and you should be able to at least own these decisions in the past
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and if you're not willing to do it, john was not willing to do that last night and they don't deserve your votes and i heard that from independent voters trying to decide and leaning our way in a big way. we're going to win this election. >>sean: dr. oz, thanks for being with us. coming up, only 13 days till election day and new poll out of georgia shows the race between herschel walker and warnock was tight and herschel walker will join us next along with senatori lindsay graham when we continue.
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>>sean: in georgia, a poll shows that rafael warnock is dead even there and slight lead 2.5 point lead for herschel walker and clear panicking and try to stop him from winning and joining us now is republican senate candidate from the great state of georgia, herschel walker and lindsay graham from south carolina you know, i was watching special report earlier and i noticed that another woman has come forward and made an allegation, and not one bit of evidence was presented that you were involved in any way in an abortion. the only evidence presented is you might have dated some girl that gloria allred is representing and you deny it completely. >> it's a lie, sean, and i hope everyone see they would do and say anything for power and they
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don't realize they're messing with the wrong georgia here. this seat is too important for me to step down so now they're going to have to come through me to get to anyone else because if they can do it to me, they'll come after you next. i'm going to be in the way so i'll go out and win this seat and i think after senator warnock showed he was a terrible debater, now they want to come after he with something else. it's a lie, and i want everyone to know it's a lie. >>sean: there was no evidence presented at all that corroborated the story that they said. the only evidence they presented is you might have dated some woman, i'm not sure who it is. lindsey, i think back to the cavanaugh hearings and i think back to the bork hearings and clarence thomas hearings and late great hermann kaine, a great friend of mine and daily basis and another person came forward and another and he said i don't have the money to fight it. he got out of the race and no more women came out anymore. there's no more allegations
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against justice cavanaugh anymore. no more allegations against clarence thomas after he was confirmed. it seems like this pattern, it happens over and over again which is why i believe in due process and the presumption of innocence. >> well, i've seen this movie up close and personal. if you're a conservative, they don't give a damn about the truth and trying to destroy his life 13 days before the election and did the same thing to cavanaugh and there's another one and another one and another one and got to be six and three people out lied and nothing happened to them and cavanaugh is on the supreme court, her shall is going to the senate and what is this all about? why herschel? they're beating all the guys and you happen what is it about this guy? he changes the entire narrative of the left. we're a party of racist, sean, me and you are racist and the party is racist and what happens when the republican party elects
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and nominates herschel walker, an african american, black heisman trophy winner, olympian? it destroys the whole narrative. john james, tim scott, herschel walker and everybody in san francisco will jump off a bridge if we elect this man, a black conservative beats a black liberal in georgia. they're trying to ruin his life, team and he'll win this race and they've outspent him 3-1 and no accident this crap comes out right before we vote on cavanaugh. it's no accident it comes out 13 days right before the election by a liberal lawyer in la who is the democratic delegate in the 2016 convention. again, anonymous, unverified. they're scared to death of herschel walker because if herschel walker becomes a republican, maybe every other young child in america of color
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might want to be a republican. that's what they're trying to do. don't let them get away with it. and i want the biggest night for the herschel walker campaign to be tonight. we've got an ad from hell. we just need the money behind it and help this guy. they've dumped every pile of crap on him. he's worth fighting for. i've been with him for two days and i've come to respect him, admire him and what he's going through is despicable and we're going to end this. every conservative needs to get behind this man because they're trying to destroy all of our team., please give if you can. >>sean: rafael warnock, we have a type of his own wife talking about a domestic dispute in 2020 and she says he tried to run her over with the car and ran over her foot. he was take ton court for not paying child support. we also know that he ran a camp, there were credible allegations of child abuse and he got
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arrested for impeding an investigation. it turned out that five kids were abused to varying degrees in that camp. the aerowaves in the state of georgia. nor do i see the media in georgia talking about it. double standard? >> well, they're not going to talk about it and i don't look for them to talk about it because i don't want to talk about it. i want to talk about his terrible record. his terrible record of voting joe biden 96% of the time and no cash bail and letting prisoners out of jail, terrible record about this inflation. he's the causes of it all. and the reason why is he was that deciding vote. he could have said no and he didn't say no. that's the reason the border is wide open now and the reason me and young -- men in young women sports and i'm going to put a stop to it. during the debate, it was herschel walker in the debate and i've been hearing how great he was and incredible speaker
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but all the sudden during the debate, couldn't say a word because he knew i'm the man for this job and right now they're scared to death, they will do, say anything but as i said earlier, they messed with the wrong georgian right now. >> can i say something. the hunt -- >>sean: the hunter biden laptop, it was supposed to be russian disinformation right before the election, it was true. it got suppressed. before the election an amono-mouse allegation from a lawyer in la to affect the outcome in a georgia race and tried to destroy cavanaugh and wanted the supreme court seat and afraid of this man coming to the senate because he'll transform the republican party. we're not letting them get away with it. i'm tired of it and tired of seeing people i know have their lives de-troyed because they're trying to serve their country as a conservative and the biggest fear of the left in this election is herschel walker winning this campaign. i want every liberal to be
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is so out of touch and last night during the debate she couldn't understand why zeldin thought crime was such a big deal. why do you think so in because people are dying, kathy, take a look. >> i'll declare a crime emergency and suspend the no bail laws and there's a crime perjury. my opponent thinks there's a polio emergency but not a crime emergency. different priorities i'm hearing from people right now not being represented from this governor who still to this moment, we're out one and halfway through the debate and hasn't talked about locking up anyone committing any crimes. >> anyone who commits a crime under our laws especially with the change they made to bail has consequences. i don't know why that's so important to you but we can do more. >>sean: i don't know why that's so important. does she watch the local news ever? here with more is big debate gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin. i heard that and that was mind numbing to me. does she not watch the news?
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does she not see people being thrown off the subway platforms in front of trains and not look at the murders taking place in the streets of new york city every single day? what happened to you out in shirley in your hometown predictably safe hometown. is she missing all of it? >> does she not care? is she not in touch with new yorkers? i mean, we had this rally here in liverpool at home team pub and a great crowd, hundreds of people here tonight and our guest included the family of connie tory, a 93-year-old murdered by somebody released on cashless bail. when kathy hochul says that there's no data to support this call to overhaul cashless bail. when she says that you have to elect her to find out what her position on cashless bail might be in january, you have a whole lot of new yorkers from across the state looking for leadership and they're not getting it. kathy hochul said it out loud yesterday wondering why it is that this is so important to me. well, it's really important to
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new york and she's out of touch with the people of new york who are hitting their breaking point deciding to flee when it's soaring crime, das letting violent criminals run free. it's crushing taxes or sky high prices. it's people who are struggling to be able to feed their families or heat their holmes. homes. these are real life issues for new yorkers for all walks of life and kathy hochul is out of touch. you ask question after question after question to kathy hochul last night and nowhere can she talk about locking up the bad guys and talk about crime, she can't talk about all the other people who are targeted with more than just illegal guns and yeah, go after the criminal committing crime after crime after crime with illegal firearm but what about the person being pushed in front of oncoming subway car or the person getting stabbed or beaten to death on the street or that small business owner who is getting robbed all day every day. i was in glendale in genes this morning and e -- queens this morning and there was a press conference at a gas station
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where a employee was attacked and had issues all day long. so if you want to secure our streets, if you want to take back our streets, you have to get rid of these pro criminal governors and balance return to state legislatures like o o ourd suspend cashless bail and i'm going to tell district attorney alvin bragg he's being removed because it's a constitutional duty to keep the people of new york city. anyone out there that wants to help go to zeldinfornew and it's crunch time. 13 days to go to save our country and if you're in states like ours and want to save your state, take nothing for granted, all in, losing is not an option. >>sean: lee zeldin, tell everybody there they're going to have a beer on you. i'd pay for it if i was there. but please send my best regards and thank you for being with us. great debate last night. now let's turn to another critical governor's race. this one in the great state of
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michigan where republican tudor dixon, it is a dead heat in a very tight race. dead even race. it is likely to continue after what was a stellar debate performance against gretchen whitmer. take a look. >> mrs. dickson said i keep -- dixso n said i kept state of the unions out longer than any other state. that's not true. i worked closely with republican and democratic governor and kids were out three months. >> i heard an audible gasp around town when gretchen whitmer said kids were out of school for three months. perhaps she wasn't paying attention and we had schools closed this year, this is shocking that she thinks schools were only closed for three months or maybe she thinks she can convince you schools were only closed for three months but you know beater because your students are the ones desp desperately behind and test scores show she's being dishonest about this and trying to get into the schools to get them back on track. >>sean: three months? detroit had closures for at least 22 months, ann arbor, 22
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months, flint, michigan, 22 months, most schools were closed for more than 12 months. the state's obsessive lockdowns were some of the worst in the country and for what? michigan has a higher covid death rate than florida. here with more is gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon is with us. great debate performance, i watched it start to finish. i thought you demolished her and she outright lied about that and i noticed she didn't want to talk about the hypocrisy of her going to florida and her going out to restaurants and her husband trying to take his boat out when nobody else could. >> look, this was a huge moment for gretchen whitmer, she had the opportunity to answer to parents, to try to appease parents when they looked at her cruel covid policies and saw that she locked our kids out and now we see the test scores that have michigan in the bottom 10 in the nation, and she decided to instead of talking about it try to gaslight parents and say, no, i didn't actually have your kids out of school. across the state today parents are appalled. this was her opportunity to try
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to win parents back, and she decided to say nothing about it and decided to lie about it. but even worse, sean, she came out and attacked me for talking about pans concerns about books in school. she actually mocked parents and said books are not dangerous. can you imagine -- when i was on your program last week, we talked about the fact that democrat parents are rising up and saying, they don't like this sex and smut in schools and don't like the sex and gender theory in their schools, and she made fun of them last night on the debate stage. it is absolutely shocking her performance but today democrats are rushing to her rescue. that's why we need folks out there to support us so we can continue these next 13 days. go to and help us out and this is someone that cannot move onto higher office and has eyes on michigan for a short moment and her plan is to go up against gavin newsom and run for higher office and take these radical policies to washington. we have got to stop her now. she also didn't want to address
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the fentanyl crisis last night. we had more overdoses in michigan in 2021 than we've will had and they asked about the drug problem and what do do to address the -- do to address the crisis and she talked about healthcare and about how people need healthcare and never talking about the open boarder and there's a fentanyl problem in the state of michigan and we've got to support our police officers. in fact, she even had the opportunity to sit down with our sheriffs over the weekend and she denied them. she said she didn't have time to sit down with the sheriffs. she's not looking at the critical problems in the state of michigan and now she's mocking parents. not a good look for this election. >>sean: reminiscent of terry against gary. i watched the whole debate and thought you did phenomenal and think you exposed her radicalism. thank you, tu tudor dixon. we'll be right back and more hannity right after this.
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>> sean: quick programming note. to the tomorrow night, 9:00 p.m. eastern. we will be in florida. will be hosting a town hall. with governor ron desantis. senator marco rubio, tomorrow night, 9:00 eastern. that is all the time we have. thank you for making that show possible. laura ingraham from houston n next. see you tomorrow. [ music ] [cheers and applause] >> laura: hey, everyone. welcome to "the ingraham angle." we are live in houston texas for our first retaking america town hall at with the midterms, i can't believe it is less than two weeks away, democrats are finally beginning to see that writing on the wall.
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