tv Hannity FOX News October 26, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> well, we're out of timee docu as no, don't forget. check oumet our documentard blan blake masters, who all of a sudden is winning in arizona. it's on fox station right now. and of course, we'll be backworn tomorrow night. the show that's the swornf enemy of lying pomposity, smugness and groupthink. have a great night with the ones you love strong. >> and that race is critical. tucker, out ina. arizona, thank you. >> right. welcome to "hannity". where we are just 13 days awaya from the midterm electionss that and last night we had major a debates from three critical race vers that will likely play a very big role in november. did moving forward in michigan, republican gubernatorial candidate tooter dixon absolxour annihilated incumbent gretchen whitmer on covid lockdown, lie school closures and so much more . now, the governor tried to lie her way through it. she claims schools really shut we wil down three months. not exactly the truth. wes will tell you the truth as the night unfolds. and meanwhile, in new york ,perf a powerful performanceor
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by republican gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin. he confrontee confhed the curret governor , kathy hochul, on the stage. violent crime wave, leavinger hochul to wonder, you know, mysteriously, wh y do you care so much about this issue of crime? governor , here's a hint. people are dying now.s st both tooter dixon and leeead zeldin will join us straight. had also georgia senated candidate herschel walker will be here. but we begin tonight in the great state of pennsylvania. the commonwealthe mmonweal, whe, he will join us in a momente mot with reaction to one ofry the most well, i guess you can. say, unusual debates in tonig american history.p is >> now, tonight, it's official. the cover up is over democrats, the media mob, the fetterman campaigncampai, they were all ln to all o if us .ly john fetterman is not mentally ,physically, cognitively fit to serve. he should no st be running for the senate. and in a word, what we saw last night was painful. i'll give hil hard to watch. i'll give my full analysis intie a moment. but here's how fetterman
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started the entire debate. takeat this. a look at this. >> you're running for a seatpo that could decidwee the balance of power in washington. u what qualifies you be a goo us senator? >> you have 60 seconds. hi, good night, everybody. good night, everybody. that was the beginning of the debate. unfortunately, it went downhill from there. take ak. t pa >> he has specifically said youa have not paiisd your taxes res and that you want to raise taxes on americans. >> how do you respond? ly absolutely. the role. of course,as he's like h ielt wn helping to students 17 years ago to help them buy their own homes.he they they didn't pay the billsse and it got paid. and it has never been an issuen in in any of the campaignut before. >> it was alonprofitl about none >> has the biden administration overspent? and if so, where do you think spending should be cut? you have 60 second 60 s now. .
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here's what i think. fight we have to fight about inflation here right now. that's what we need to fightus about. inflation right now because ites it's a tax. that's a yeah, he got his o is pennsylvania house or federal, his own inlaywns s, nea a dollar. we all hav ae to make sure that- everyone that works is able to that's that's the most american bargain that if you work fulln time, you should be able to live in dignity as well. true. ite real doctors that i believe in, they all believe that i'm ready to be served. it's about supporting and helping, you know, young earner's excuse me, young, young, young student. ou >> it gets fast when confronted about his blatant flip flo ple on the issue of fracking, he's called for a moratorium on fracking. well, fed chairman's answer was, well, i'm for fracking.or i'm against fracking. c >> i'm for it. take a look. i do want to clarify somethingfg you're saying tonight that you therort fracking, that you've always supported fracking. but there is that 2018s you
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interviesaw that you said, quot. i don't support fracking at all. so how do you square the two? oh, i do. support fracking and i don't i don't i support frackingd ng and i stand and i do support fracking. >> i support fracking and i don''s s and i h i mean, saond honestly.that i obviously that is not true. new sohn fetterman is a radical green new deal socialist democrat. ac he's never supported fracking. thisking election year conversip until now. he even signed a pledge pictured right there to ban alld fracking and ban federal oil and gas leases. conv of course, there are a lot of dishonester democratic candidates who have , you know, election year conversion. g >> sadly, federation's problems are far , far worse now following a debilitatinghe's stroke. he is obviously mentally o lim impairedepit. lly serious damage has been caused m
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here. just listen toage the neurologt that was on news nation afterth the debate. >> listen to this from watching the debate. i do think that he has a type a of aphasia, specifically broca's aphasia, which essentiallphasiay means that the been some type of insult or damage to the part of the brains where language is produced, but. also languag e is understood. do you get better?e me sont it depends. very hel someone mentioned therappfy and therapy can be very, very helpful, especially if you arefi doing it every day and you're taking a lot of time inx your therapy. essentially what we knowmo t is that in the firsthe three to six months is where you see the most improvement. there can be some ovemente imprt over the next year. bu at i thinboutk he's about sin six months out now. this happened in may. he so i think iway f heri wasgh dog therap iy right after his stroka this is probably where he has improved to the most. >> here's an was important quesi .s campaign six months ago, was? john fetterman even able to fully consent to this campaign?n
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naturally, the fetterman campaign, they're now blaming t the debate host nexstar for not doing enough to help mitigate veterans mental disability. now, nexstar rightly, flatlyly rejected this accusation in writing that they went to extraordinary lengths to accommodate every one of veterans demands, including the us fette ince of a closed ct teleprompter and to prioress herzl's. . now, this is where it gets even more interesting. many democrats around the country, they are mad .are s they're complaining thatho d fettermaebn even dare to show up to the debate at they should have kept it hidden . according to a report in the hill, one pennsylvania democratic operative stated, quote, peterman's team never t should have agreed to this debate. s a second democratic operative concurred. >> you see what's happening hereif. if we only hit him ine the basement like we did, joe biden, 2020, we at leastoulb would still have a fighting chance. our odds would be better. they don't care that fettermangc has disqualified physical b
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unabletions here. they don't care that he will be unable to fulfill the most basic duties of a us senator .ey they don't care at all'r about the amount of dangerous stress that they're put actually puttin him under, putting himig ihtney a situation like last night. insteaupd, they're upset. they're furious that the voters found out you should kept it hidden. you should not have told. the voters. you shouldn't have allowed voters truth to see this. man now they're angry thatth the truth was revealed. in fact, and for many months, md on the left, and they're complicit colleagues in the medi ta mob. they worked hard to conceal letterman's real condition and before last night, most quote, journalists praised fetterman speedy recovery rec and few demanded to see hiovs medical records. now, feww played his disjointed remarks on the campaign trail. they hit i from all of us . no one in the democratic partyrd said a word about his menta debilitating mental impairments. they all knew about it. im all ko weeks ago, when one brave nbc reporter dared to reportre the truth, they attackd her viciously. amphetamines wiffettermae for
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the reporter to be punished and her own nbc colleagues likie savannah guthrie were attacking her. that reporter is owed anl >> i apology, but she likely will never get one veteran's wife knew better that her husbandhed is unfit. and so did the rest of letterman's family and so did the media.e be mob. and so did joe biden and so dida amy klobuchar. sor did everyone who attempted to interact or campaign fette with johrmn fetterman, they all knew and they were all part of the big lie to keep this from the people of pennsylvania. now that the truth has bee dnothers revealed, some democrats and others in the media,fi they're finally statinobvious,g the obvious, which we haveshow known for a long time, which we are the one of the few shows toi have pointed out. thhaaknge a look. voters, i think, sawnge th thins that will definitely change the state of this race. it's not his fault. titbut lieutenan governor fetterman struggled. he's struggling with the i effects of a stroke that he suffered in may. y obvi and , yoouu know, i said it's >> h obvious he is impaired.
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his ability to communicate is impaired. he had difficulty with everyit single one of his responses. >> i don't o know if it was only in communicating. it may also have been in hisd cf thought process because he seemed confused. >> i watched the debat>> i watct night. >> it was hard t fro watch,ankl frankly. let us be clear,e clear , i donh any ill will on john fetterman.t i want him t himo make a full recovery. >> i also, frankly, reallyi el l bad for him. he's been used by everybody inne his own party and all the people around him in orderf to pick up a senate seat . the democratic party is takingol advantage of a person that is obviously severely sick and seriously disabled, a low ad functioning individual. shn recoveryou. o he should be in rehab.pennsylvan and all the while, they were not telling the people ofonight pennsylvania the truth about his condition. so tonight pa vote,, pennsylvant beters, they still don't know the extent of veterans health problems because his campaigndi is still refusing to release his real medicalre records.
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but if last night is any indication, it is past time forf fetterman, frankly, to drop out. of the race for his own well being. here with more fox news contributors, dr. marc siegel ad is with us . n and dr. nicole saphiree is with. us . dr. siegel, to start with you, o what did you see last night stae on that stage? lwell, i saw john fetterman, sean, say that we should use the debate to judge his mental acuity because he was bee responding to us saying, i wantd to see your records and i've an on record from the beginning for years now saying show the records, let me see his echocardiogram. he has a balloon down hard. he has atrial fibrillation. thaw heen had a stroke because a cloy went to his brain.ut they had to it out.o se but there's clearly been damageo done. i want to se e the mri ofhe the brain. we don't see any that. sed on but he h said at the debate, judge me based on how i do.s co wellnc, i was concerned, very concerned that he wasn't doing too well. g aswhen they asked about fracku as you just showed, he had uni one word hvee stuck to the wordd universal health care. but actually , h se waocias covg up the word socialized
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medicine. but that's all he could say. it was clear to me that he tro wasn't only having trouble expressing himself, but having troublubhx thoughtse with compl. and sean. a 23% chance he's going to have another stroke in a year with god help us . doesn't happen to him. n highbut with all his medical s even higher than that and i think that is performing. let me show on that. doctor sees a problem with executive function. an: wo put good wouldul it would a high stress event like nationally televised debate, would thatd tt possibly even be a trigger? in other words, he shouldn't have been there last night.lastn >>ig it wasn't good for him toha be there last night. he should be icentn a rehaerb cr . >>th aatm i wrong in that? that's what i think..what but let me point out that this i is what the senate would be like, right? so the rigorfs of the senate,plg he'd be under this kin ad of pressure and things like planning, making decisions, putting together complex thoughts, making ideas, detail, paying attention to detail. . you need that to be a senator . you've got to know, sean, what's in the bill there is noat
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sense whatsoever. when doctor , i said, look t what's happening. the leaky border is leading to fentanyl in our cities likelook philadelphiaed look like that, that the fetterman didn't even understand the connection was si making, which is crucial to our country. >> well said. your takdr. saphire, let's get r take on it. >> well, sean, you know, there have been many calls for fetterman to release his full, h medicaere's l documents, all ofo failed. they have, however, released thes releasedoctor'se doctors n. they've released two of the most recently within the last week. bu ely thesor'st unfortunately, the doctor's notes have been fullnce of hyperbole and without substance to g really give us a clear idea of what is going on now. i don't necessarily believe that candidates have to put forth their medical documentation for runninof butg office. but unfortunately,hi the fetterman campaign has mad e his health issues atecent -- the forefront of the discussion and mosts most this most recent doctor's note said that when he spoke to his patientt,, his speech was normal. now, anyone who watched e debat wholest nigh
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heartedly know that his speecht is not normal so that doctors know itors kn itself is falseg and deceptive and that is wrong and lying to the american people now self, admittedly, the federal government has saids that he is suffering fromsi, wh some auditory processing disorders, whichich is is why he needed the closed captioning during the debate. but to simplto simply write thaf and say that he is fit to serven without any restrictions, all li needs is a little closed captioning. that is false. we know thathe had he's he had e difficulty finding words, which is , as we heard earlier in the introduction, that thatnd rq is what we call aphasia. he has difficulty there.ions t he does require aggressive rehab. but again, there are a lot o f stestions to w be asked from these doctor notes. how well as his heart functioning, is he still in an a abnormal rhythm? i imagine so.l ne has he had a full cognitive neurocognitive evaluation? the speech, language, memory and cognitiv, anee pathways arey complex and they're all interlaced. but again,interlaced and we havm but i think the american peoplet can judge for themselves after seeing a debate last but it comes down toe transparency. and at this point, i fetterman t seemst bein
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that the federal campaign is not being honest, transparent,g when it comes to. the state of health of this candidate. >> let man: a yes or ne ask a yo question if it were members of your family, would you would you intervene and try and stop them from running a campaignhowe such as this, knowing how stressful a campaign is ? >> dr. siegel, would you if if what we saw last night is asy ye accurate and reproducible? i would say yes.s. and by the way, it is dr. saffire who said that debate is going to be revealing. she said the last time we were on here and that was proven right. if that is accurate, a's and that's where he is un, he is going tomo be unable to serve.f d t was. saffire, if i a member of your family and , you know, they were walkingld into a very stressful environment like this, fight wod you fight hard to prevent them from doing? if a member of my family justeqo recently had a stroke, i wouldco say unequivocally the most important thing to right to do w
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right now is focus on aggressive therapy and making sure to tryba and get back to the best case possiblein physically, mentally and emotionally. i would not be putting them in a high stress environment such h as a seat in the senate. >> all right, dr. saffar, thankn you, dr. siegel, thank: you.e now, tonightfe, while veteran severe health issues are a serious concern,, so are his radical policies. on his best day, fetterman is ai devout green new deal radical socialist. until a few monthsca ago, he called for that moratorium on fracking, an eighty one billion dollaa morar industry in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. he wanted to limitindustry and s production. he wanted to legalize and wants to legalize drugs. he wants taxpayers to pay forics safe injection sites for heroin addicts. doesn'ts to raise taxes on small business, doesn't pay his own taxes, but he wanted to raise them on everyone else. he n has no limits at all on abortion. could have won up to the moment of birth. fetterman wants to empty the prison population by at leas ot a third or even greaterr >> he has advocated for
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numerous first degree convicted murderers to be set free and all second degree all murder is to be set free. we can go on and on, but now let's get reaction from former arkansas governor mike huckabee, along with former seniore an counselor to president trump, kellyanne conway. kellyanne, your reaction to allw this? to me, the biggest issueay. is they they were lying to of pennsylvania.s a he's made a full he's doing great. he has a little bit of cognitive dysfunction, but otherwise everything's fine. >> everything's obviously not fine. sean is not fine. fet and may i remind everybodyte,ha john fetterman already has. a big job. the num he's a lieutenant governor of pennsylvania. and right now he's thebe number two most powerful personn lion p representing 13 million pennsylvania . questi you ought to be forced to resign and people should actually question his ability to do his current job, let t alone one in the senate. i think that's the situation o here. if you putbv aside hisus obvious health challenges, the lack ofd transparency and integrity wif
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and honesty and humility, by t and his t for him wife, by the wayhe, so craven tn hold on to that power toasha get the next b political position. she threatened burns, a journalist, . she said burns should suffer, quote, consequences and ask as people to go after herke. her and indeed they did. meanwhile, everybody waswa undersells his obvious health deficits. and there's something else going on here. otheinhere.this guythis guy wasy with three other two or three other democrats, and they lied then, too. if you're konner lambton,gu how do you feel this this guy who cast himself as a moderateae from western pennsylvania who could have taken on us? and another thing i see thatcra i see the democrats right noriw just hochul was so terrible last night against zeldin. wittmer was so terrible against nixon. ainst oz obviously, john fetterman was. the worst against us . they're not going to telliden us debates aren't even important because they need to run joe biden and bill harrist in debates next time. so watch for that, everybody.wa it's not just that this was in a good format for john fetterman, that why are we
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even doing debates are not important. yes, they are. they are essential to democracy. the and the last point i want tos re make here, ever since this race became about john fetterman, he's been losing. but i want t ito givo give mehmm his due. he was fantastic last night.l he came with a full grasp of the issues. he has solutions for thing pennsylvaniaoz, the very first thing i said to fetterman was,is we need tohi get back to civili% in washington. and fetterman was attacking us . sof s ab i know. 92% of the coverage is about fetterman. look at memhet and know that he and his wife lisa are being motivated through publica pu service. they don't need the money. they don't neeicd the fame ser.e they don't neepod the power.wet they'rupe giving so much of that up to go and serve ipen the united states senate in pennsylvania you, that shows you the stark contrast between the fetterman and the aussiefete >> well said, kellyanne, your take. governor huckabee. you sure?n, i s let me juspet say, i speak as at person who's spent the betterane part of 30 years either as a candidate or somebody holding officeg offi and something that people need to understand.
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it's one thing if yoty andu have a disability and you're impaired and you're trying t o just make it, but you choose to step into the arena of politics, it is not somethingu that is thrust upon you. deci that decision. you sign the papers to become a candidate. and when you get the arena, it is a full contact sport playedfo without pads. offi people ask me about running for office, i tell them the first thing you've got to be prepared for if you can't stand the sight of your ownon't blood , don't do this because it's brutal. there is a reasoere's a n, sean, i don't try to get out on the field with the dallas cowboy s and try out foran the team because i'm not qualifie'td and i couldn't hack. the physical endurance of an nfl game . ng what we're simply talking about and i try to sometimes bringny humor into my conversations with you. there's nothing funny aboutt whic, but politics is not a game in which everybodh y gets a trophy. jushealt hiss are not health, but the issues ofd so
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the positions that he took.meat i hearors trd some commentatorsy to accuse dr. oz of being a bully. if anything, he was unbelievably kind and gentle with fetterman on his physical impairment. l impant, bubut he cannot be gee on the issues because those are issues that affect not justania 13 million people in pennsylvania. they affect three hundredamer and thirty million people inic america. and god help us if he's the thi fifty first vote on some of the issues that we face in thisn country. >> his positions are the mostr n radica rl of any candidate i'ves ever seen run for the senate. grea of you.t analysis from botf you, kellyanne. thank you, governor . go, thank thank you as well.h in >> when we come back , dr. ozs joins us to weigh in on hisrvie debate last night, his firstsiba interview since the debatete a. >> it is exclusive. you'll see it right here next.e as we continue in a recent clinical study, patients usingwr
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week trial plus postage and a digital scale. go to, try and get started today. >> all us joining us now for his first tv interview since his debate with john fetterman last night ,republican senate candidate from the great commonwealth of pennsylvania, dr. oz is withpenn us . i think it would, be inappropriate to ask youout o i know you're a medicalhn doctor to talk aboutrman john pediments'scondit conditiou i want to ask you about that,s n but i will ask a you this. there has been a great lie here, a great deception here. ing to rand it was interesting o read the comments of so many democrats. hide why did you why why couldn't w you just hide him foeeksr twoe a more weeks?te why did you have s ttage ando lp go out on the debate stage? and it was so apparent toing everybody that it was far worsem . and what they were tellinge is the people of pennsylvania, that argument to m e is , oh, we can lie to win and lying is justified.
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under those circumstances.lying that bothers mtoe becaus te the. lying to the voters. and i' well, i'll tell you, their game plan was to run the clock out.n and i have been chasing down john fetterman since the general election started to date. r aned ahe has never answered a a question from a voter on the campaign trail, hasn't answered a press gaggle,and neve a group of reporterso me on the campaign trail. he never obviously b talked to e before. i met him for the first time nia last night and all i wanted to do was have him defend what i think are these eccentric and extremist ideas that wouldte hurt pennsylvanians. d they're certainly out of touch with pennsylvania values, and he has noterou been able tot defend his dangerous policies. so last night, i just put themet out there. you know, why is it that you seem to care more aboutst the criminals than the innocent you? yes, for at least twenty five times to three murders over the objections of other parole board members and the families, he couldn't answer the day i did a big event for the fraternal order of police, just asking, let us do our job. they've all endorsed me, by thee
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way, because fetterman has undermined them so terribly in his current job. i ask questions abouthem st whyu wants to decriminalize drugs when we know that effort has led led to a 50 percent increase in homicides. couldn't answer it. why does he want to increaset to taxes so much at every job he's ever had? yet he hasn't paid his own. sixty seven times won't answere it. qufesti hhowed the example o fracking where he literally flip flopped backwards. lazy and i have to say his answer thk seemed almost lazy, like he didn't think he had the answerew for things that he's tweeted out in the but here's the part,te . it's john is going to shock you. it is upsetting that that is destined to be a duplicitousn effort to hide his inability to defend his extreme positions. but he raised two million dollars yesterday after a debate from democratic donors who just want to support him, becoming the fiftyt senato firsd senator . they know he can't perform because he can't answer these questions. qu about his eccentric positions,th but they want to get him the money to get him the wingo anyway. so please go to dr. oz .com,eteh get me enough money to competens with this. s it makes no sense that ife you're unable to defend yourtuff positions and i'm talking about
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the physical stuff, i'm talking about literally telling us why todad things in the past,dg that today you now a disowning but don't acknowledge it. thawhy would you reward that with paying two million dollars of donations to somebody? go dr. oz .com and even the kiddies. so at least i can get the truth out about john fetterman more than he lies about me. >> he's the single most lie pro convicted murderer candidate that i've ever seemene and i started ind radio in nineteen eighty seven . i mean, i've never, ever heardf of a candidate that advocatedide for the release ofmurder more convicted murderers in my lifetime. y and other serious crimes. >> anyone wants to open upd a third of the release. state >> a third of prisoners in the state of pennsylvania and he has no restrictions a on abortion. and yes, many times he said he wants a moratorium on fracking, no oil leases. heroin yes, he wants taxpayers to pay for heroin injection sites. yes, he does want pennsylvaniatt to be a sanctuary state. none of that came out i literally. voting has gone on inh
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pennsylvania for almost a month now. and we'vnever d e never had a se tough interview with john fetterman. h dash we got close with dasha barnes,e i believe her name, and she wasg excoriated for observingn john the truth and telling the truth about what she saw in o john fetterman. my question to you is , do youla think the people of pennsylvaniaw understand now unw forgetting the health issues aside, how radical he is ?ly tie they're getting the message, which is why we are tied. i mean, completely tied now as we head into the last 13 days, which is why i pleasedz again go to a doctor and jump in so we can continue to fight this war. but we'rl win the going to win a election because of what you just asked. as voters learn more , more about vitamins, radical positions. and last night he saw that ho de was unable to defend them. they begin to throw their handsc up and say, this guy is noti' like he's out of touch with us.g listen, i'm a heart surgeon., as you know, we fix big problems, the heart, and we do it by working together,man do
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esby uniting people, not dividig them. what john fetterman does m and to thingis washington, he can't work. with people. he won't get things done. i want balance becauseemocrats with balance, you bring people together. they wan yeah. you get democrats, republicans talking instead of bickering, which is what pennsylvaniaup on they want us to fixe hu the problems that are plaguing them, the people ithn problems, chicago that are hurting them,ws the media is complicit. the media now has allowed this race to come down to 14 days stt before the election. early voting had already started. e radi and they allca these issues,on we've been scrolling hisis radical positionpos. they've never, ever dug int ther quesdemanded answers. and you've been out there every day and you've had to answer every question, every day on the campaign trail.n' and he hasn't answered a singled question. that's and the media is complicit.n tol that is their big donation to all things democratic party. i think this is about integrity. you should be able to at leastee own the decisions and comments
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you made in the past and defend them to the voters. if you're not willing to do it.w and john fetterman was notdo willing to do it last night. yot nighu don't deserve their v. and i heard that sean over and over again today fromrs independent voters who actually were trying to decide and they are now leaninnd lway in ag ourr a big way., thanks for we're going to win this us. election. all right. talk to us .mingy 13 thanks for being with us. all right.ew coming up, only 13 days to election day. a new pollgeorgi out of georgias the race between herschel walker. raphael warnock is incrediblyd a tight. herschel walker will joinrnocwas us next, along with senator lindsey graham as we continue. >> and greetings to you. thrill seekers, conversationalists and music lovers all across the bountiful and optimistic fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence broadcasting on i mean, the flag. no matter what side of the political aisle you're on ,
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a new breed of politician looks like. we're going to send a fighter to dc that's our job, is to see what it takes for a different kind of candidate to win in one of the most competitive states in the country. i know it's going to be hard, but, this is important. and so i feel called to do it, even if i'm just a kid from tucson, arizona. we're going to turn this country around. >> let's go . tucker carlson, originals. the candidate, blake masters streaming now exclusively on fox station. >> when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time, anywhere . fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. thirteen is that is all that is left until you, the american people, the voters head to the polls. two weeks from tonight, we will be analyzing the results in most states . kind of pathetic that we won't
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be analyzing every state in all likelihood. and in the important state of georgia, a brand new poll from trafalgar. it shows that the race between herschel walker and raphael warnock is dead, even as youht can see their slight lead to two and a half point lead for herschel walker. lthe left is clearly panicking that throwing everything they can at hershel's race tos try and stop him from winning. joining us now is republicanm th senate candidate from the great state of georgia, herschel walker, along with senatorwaindr lindsey graham from south carolina. you know, i was watchingt ea a special report earlier and i d noticed that another woman hasg come forward and made an allegation and not one bit of pe evidence was presentedse that yu were involved in any way in an abortion. the only evidence presented is you might have dated some girl. gloria allred is representingat and you deny completely. >> well, it's the last. and and i hope everyone now see that they would do and say anything for power.
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and they don't realize that they messed with the wrong georgia right here. this s importathis seat is too v me to stand by , to step down. so now they're going to have to come to me to get to anyone else, because if they can do it, to me, they're going to come out the unit where i'm going to be in a way. so i'm going to go out and wins to see they ask. the senator will not show thatie he was a terrible debater. now they want to come out to me with something else. >> but it's a lie. and i want everyone to knowente it's a lie. d there was no evidence presenty at all that corroborated the story that they said the only evidence they presented, as you might have datedman, i'me wh some womc i'm not sure who it is . backknow, lindsey , i think back to the kavanaugh hearings. i think back to the bork hearings. d i think back to the clarence and thomas hearings. the late, great herman cain,ne a dear friend of mine, hermant r cainiend of , one woman after an it was like on a daily basis.he heother person came forward and another and all of a suddenn he said, i don't have the money to fight this. he got out of the race and noe l more women came out any more .
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there's no more allegation against justice cavanough any more . no more allegations. legationagainst clarence thomasr he was confirmed. it seemsthis like this pattern happens over and over again, whic ih is why i believe in due process and the presumption of innocencn ofe. >> well, i mean, i've seen this movie before up closeconser and personal. if you're a conservativevative, they don't give a damn abouttru the truth that you're trying ton destroy his life.roy his life 13 days before the election and did th 13 days before the election, they did the same thing to t kavanaugh. there's another one and another one in another one .one and go it got to be six three peopled out and out lied.noened nothing happened to them. to how did that movie kavanaughshas is on the supreme court. herschel's go into the senatthel and what is this all about?'re e why herschel? they're beating alatl of our bos . he this guy?e narrativ he changes the entire narrative of the left. we're a party of racist shonen man, you're a racist. the republican party's racist. well, what happensat when
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the republican party elects and nominates herschel walker? s hean african-american blackck heisman trophy winner? oy >> right.ol olympian. it destroys the whole narrative .scott, h john james, tim scott, herschela walker, everybodndy in sanan francisco is going to jump offk they'rge if we let this man, a black conservative base, a black liberal in georgia,am hr they're trying to ruin hissc life. team herschel .com, he's going to win this race. they both spending three to one . it's no accident this comes out right before we vote . cavanough. it's no accident. it comes out thirteen days right before the election by a liberal lawyer in l.a. who is the democratic delegate inn, the twenty sixteen convention. again, anonymous, unverified. they're scared to death. a partial walker, because ife herschel walker becomes a republican, maybe every othera young child in america of colonr
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t want to be a republican . get that's what they're trying to do. don't let him get awayy wi with. team herschel .com.e hers i want the biggest nightch for herschel walker campaign toteame be tonight. team we've n ad from . we just need the money behind it. you need to help this guy. on h. they've dump every pile of on him. he's worth fighting for. i've bee day comn with it for tg i've come to respect him, admire him. and whatthroug is going through is despicable. and we're going to end this. every conservative needs to get behind this man because they're tryingy all to destroyl of our people. >> team hersholt .com, w e dou can. need something about raphael warnock. we have a tape of hi s own wife talking about a domestic in 202e in 2020. and she says he tried to run her over with the car and rann over a foot. wecofo know he was taken to cout for not paying child support. we also know a that he ran a camp. there were credible allegations
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of child abuse. it tot arrested for impeding an investigatiourn and it turned ot that five kids were abused tod o varying degrees in that camp.e t herschel, i don't see that allhe over the airwaves in the statein of georgia, nor do i see. the media in georgia talking>> w about it.el g >> double standard. it and well, they're not going to talkt about it. and i don't look for them tolk talk about it because i don't want to talk aboutbout what i wt s terribleout his hi record , his terrible record of voting joe biden 96% ofn the time, his terriblee record about having cash bail is terrible record about letting prisoners out of jail. a terrible t record about disinflation. you know, he's the cause o wf in all. and the reason why he the deciding vote , he could have said no way. he didn''s the rer it know. that's the reason the border is wide open. now, there's a reason me is inu- women's sports where i'm going to put a stop to and i know that they are afraidt . and as i sai.d during the debate, you saw who should be a senator in a saucer walker. he couldn't answer a question. he got nervous. he got scared. bee after the whole time i've beenr here and how great he was, he d
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just incredible speaker. e ma but all of a sudden during a the debate, you couldn't say a word because hndy'ree knew i'm the man for this job. and right now they're scared to death.ut ai sa they would dido say anything. e but as i said earlier, they messed with their own. jordan. can i say?w, what bemething about hunter laptop, hunter biden laptop. it was supposeand to dis be rusn disinformation. election,right before the elec. it was true. it got suppressed right.sed. before the electio amfore the election. lave an anonymouons allegation from a lawyewyr in l.a. to try o affect the outcome in a georgia race. they triedto destr to destroy cn because they warned the supreme court seat they're afraid of this man. bcome in to the senate becauset he would transform the republican party. we're not goinin g awag to let m get away with it. e htired of it. i'm tired of seeinavg peoplelive i know have their livesth destroyed because they're trying to conserveey'r their sed ,their country as a conservative. the biggest fear of the lefte ti is african americans join the conservative cause, the biggest fear of the left itn this election is herschel walker win in this campaign. i want every liberal to
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be miserable come election night. team herschel .com, 13 days from today, two weeks from this very night, will be analyzing. his hopefully hershel's went down i in georgia. we'll be watching closely. whenw thank you both. back, when we come back , michigan's tudor, dickson and new york's lee zeldin had amazing debates last night. we'll show you some of the highlights. we'll show you how they dominated those debates. e hiand much howy domina more s. hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. >> did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy unless you use relaxium sleep. relaxium sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it, it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your body
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hundred. that's a 800 to five seven six thirty two hundred. and tonight, we have some big news from the state of new york , of all places. c for the first time now, many makes, there is a competitive statewide election. gube no mistake, republican gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin can win thisoria race. y kathy hochul is so outho of tou
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touch. last night during the debate, she couldn'tch and lasring the d why lee zeldin thinks crime is such a big deal . pey doought cr you think it's sh a big deal ? because people are dying. cathy , take a looopk. look the first day that i'm in office, i'm going to declare a crime emergency in suspend castle's bail and these other criminal laws, because therees is a crime emergency.a ur my opponent thinks that righy.t now there's a polio emergencydir fring on , buten there's not a crime emergency. different prioritieseopl that ti i'm hearing from people right now. they're not being represented from this this governor whoway o still to thiugs moment when we halfway through the debate, she's still hasn't talked about locking up anyone, committing any crimes, anyone who commitsrs a crime. one of our laws, especiallecialy the changes he made to bail, has consequences. i don't know why s so>>sean: important to you. >> all i know is that we coulda. do more . dot know why that's so important. does she watch the local news ever now? here is more from his big debate. new york republican gubernatorial candidate leegubee zeldin. i heard that and that was mind zeldin. i heard that that was mind numbing to me. mbing to
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does she not watch the news? does she not see people being thrown off the subway platforms in front of trains? andshe not look at, you know,yg the murders taking place ilen hp the streetpes of new york city every single day. what happened to you out in shirley in your hometown of mis a predictably safe hometown? siis she missing all of it? does she not care? is she not in touch with new yorkers? i mean, we had this rally heree in liverpool at home team pupubl and we had a great crowd,ud hundreds of people here tonight. our guests included the familyco of connie torydy. ninety three year old who was b. murdered by somebody, was released on castle's bail. so when kathy hochul says that there's no data to support this call to overhaul castle's bail, when she sayr to fins you have y her to find out what herou position on castle's bail might be in january t of, you haveandy a whole lot of new yorkers from across the state who are actually looking for leadership. they kno y how they're not getting it.yesterda kathy hochul actually said it out loud yesterday. y that twondering why it is thas is so important to me.
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wellt , it's really important tt new york . and she's out of touch with the people o whef new york who are s hitting their breaking point, deciding to flee, whether it's soaring crime, it's divat crimis violent criminals run free. it's crushing. taxes arkyhe sky high prices. it's people who are strugglingr to be able to feede their families or heat their homes. these are real life issues.l waf life and for new yorkers of all walks of life. yoftkathy hochul is out of touch to thinker. to you asked question afterka question after question to kathy hochul last night. nand nowhere in it can she talk about locking up the bad guys. if we want to talk about crime, she can't talk about all of tar the other peoplege who are targeted with more than justs an illegal guns. afah, we should be going after the criminal who's committing crime after crime after crime with illegal firearm. te fwhat about the person being pushed in front of an oncomingsy subway car ?the pers how could the personon who is getting stabbed right now, s the person who's getting beaten to deathma owner w on the stree. small business owner who's getting robbed all day, every day? i was in q glendale in queenss r this morning, and wees had a press conference at a gas station where they just hadsues
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one of their employees a attackt and they had these issues all day long. stu wantre to secure our streets, you want to take back our streets, you have tolac get rid of these pro criminal governors and have balance returned to state legislators like ours.r we neeeed to suspend cassiliss n bail and these other criminalsp laws. and the first thing thatend will do the first day toca diamond office is telling the manhattan district attorney , alvin bragg, that he is being removed t because iteig is not just the constitutional authority is a constitutiona yo duty to keeprk the people oft wt new york city. anyone out there who wants toto help, please go to zeldin forh i new york .com. it's crunch time, thirteen dayo s ago, if you want to save our country, if you're t in states like ours and you want to save your state, take nothing for granted, all in losing is not an option. all right, lee zeldin, tell everybody there that they're going to have a beer on you. great debar it if i was their . >> but please send my bestte regards. thank you for being with us. great debate. lasto anothe night.e great all right. now let's turn to anothere of critical governor's race, this b
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one in the great state of michigan, where republican tooter dixon look at thisn . it is a dead heat in a very tight race, dead even race. it is likely to continue after what was a stellar debatet gret performance against gretchen whitmer. >> take a lookchen . keep >> mrs dixon-- says that i kept students out longer than anyn sa otheid i kr state. ate. th that's just not true. i worked closely with my republican and democratic governors and kids were out for three months. yeah, i'm pretty sure i just heard an audible gasp around town when gretchen whitmer said that kids are out of school for three months. perhaps she wasn't paying attention to what was actually happening. even we even had schools that were closed this year. this is shocking.s ocking tto me that she thinks tt schools were only closed for three months. or maybe she thinks she canse convince you that schools weredt only closed for three months. but you know, betteryou know bee your students are the ones that are desperately behind and the test scores show that she's being dishonest about this. she's being dishonest abougdishb even trying toac get into thesee schools to get these schools back on track. >>? three months. mon detroit hathd closures for at least twenty two months. er
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ann arbor, twenty two months. flint, michigan.closed twenty two months. for momost schools were closed r more than twelve months. the state's obsessive lockdownsh were some of the worst iignr coi the country. and for what michigan hash more a higher covid death rate thansu florida. grea here with morbernatoriae gubernatorial candidate tutor dickson is with us . great debate performance. i watched ititart t start to fi. i thought you'd demolished her. shshe oue just outright lied abt that. and i noticed she didn't want h to talk abouypocrisyt the hypoco her going to florida and hernd r going out to restaurants and her husband trying to take his boat out when nobody else >>d. look, this was a huge moment for gretchen wittmer. she had the opportunity toy lood answer to parents to try to she appease parents whends o they looked at her cruel covid t policieshe and saw that she locked our kids out. now we see b these tes t scores that have michigan inabout it the bottom ten in the nation. y,d she decided to, instead of talking about it, try to gaslight parents and say, no,te i didn't actually have opportuni your kids out of win
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across the state today, parents are appalled. this parents is her opportunityi to win parents back .and and she decided to saydeci nothn about it. she decided to lie about it.tacd aboueven worse m, sean, she came out and she attacked me fort talking about parentin ss conces about books in school. shote actually mocked parents and said books are notrogram l dangerous. can you imagine whenweek i was on your program just last week, we talked about the fact that dt democrat parents are rising up x and saying they don't like the and in schools. they don't likre the and gendeh theory in their schools. and she madeemt funon of them t night on the debate stage. itmocr is absolutely shocking. her performancatstoe today. democrats are rushing to her uso rescue. that's why we need folks outgo there to support us so that we can continue these next 13 days. go to twitter, dixon .com, makes sure you help us out, because this is someone who cannot moves on to higher office. she has her eyes on michiganvi rur just a short moment. her plan is to go up againstd te gavin newsom to run for higher. office and take these radical policies to washington. e got we have got to stop her n.
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she also didn't want to addressd the fentanyl crisis last night. we had more overdoses in i michigan in twenty , twenty one than we've ever had. they asked about they asked prom about the drug a problem. they asked about what she could do to address this crisis.o to ashe started talking about health care and going off on how people need healtut howhe ,never addressing the facte's that we have an open border, that we have p a centralroblem l in the state of michigan, thatie we have got to supportd th our police officers. o in fact, she even had the opportunity to sit downded with our sheriffs over the weekend and she denied them. she said, no, shitthe didn't hae time to sit down with the the sheriffs. she is not looking a stetd no the critical problems ins the state of michigan and now she's mocking parents. not a good look for this : remi election. enreminiscent of terry mcauliffe running against glenn young. and it didn't work out for terry in the end. i don't think it'll work out for gretchen either.e greadebate at job. last night i watched the wholeu debate. i thought you did phenomenal. and i think yoexposed heu were o radicalism. thank you, tutor dixon. all right. quick break.k. tud .righht bact back . >> more "hannity" right afterke this. voeeringthere's nothing like ha'
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america's best friends, all >>ght. quick programing note for al sle of you. make sure to tune in tomorrow tm night, 9:00 p.m.night, eastern. we w will be live.orida. we will be in florida. we will be hosting a town hall in west palm beachn with governor ron desanto, senator marco rubi o, senator rick scott tomorrow night, 9:00 eastern. all right. that's all the tim0 eastate we e this evening. thank you for making this showpb possible. let not your heart be troubled, laura . le.ingram from houston, next. >> see you tomorrow. we are live in houston, texas,in at the wertham theater center for our first retaking america town hall and look, with the midterms, i can't believe it'sli less than two weekevs awaye it democrats are finally beginningo to see the writing on the wall
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