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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 27, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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america's best friends, all >>ght. quick programing note for al sle of you. make sure to tune in tomorrow tm night, 9:00 p.m.night, eastern. we w will be live.orida. we will be in florida. we will be hosting a town hall in west palm beachn with governor ron desanto, senator marco rubi o, senator rick scott tomorrow night, 9:00 eastern. all right. that's all the tim0 eastate we e this evening. thank you for making this showpb possible. let not your heart be troubled, laura . le.ingram from houston, next. >> see you tomorrow. we are live in houston, texas,in at the wertham theater center for our first retaking america town hall and look, with the midterms, i can't believe it'sli less than two weekevs awaye it democrats are finally beginningo to see the writing on the wallpl
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,and it spells losing. now, if the results on november 8th end up how we think they'rey trending today are, the gop coud win both houses of congressd and governorships that n into they haven't taken in decades.. and if they do, it will in partn be because more latino americans turned out for theo m than ever before.s ar and democrats are clearly in panic mode. >> left leaning latino votersann are shifting toward the gog lapp it's a group tha that's actually been trending in the republican directionending particularly in key states like those, too, like florida, like texas. >> the gope is rebuilding trust trust wi with latintho latino voters, elech is why our theme tonight is the hispanic americand electorate. soapplause why are more shiftiny from the democrats party? and toward the gop? hi why is this happening? well, we have fantastic guests
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tonight, of course, current polc and future political stars, business leaders and the governor of this great state of texas, along with an amazing crowd. look at these people. they're awesome. but first, skip, whether that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> now, obama thought democrats had the market cornered on hispanic voters, she said,. but it was just liberals think so little of latinos, that they think they can win their vote by blatant hispan during. an it's great to be back with all of you. deontae bundy, got to haveu. one thin g to say. regarding the . all right, you want me in the media just like your mom? >> my sister in law, she is a latino and her family.
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i love hanging out with them and practicing my espanol. >> say, why do we reverse this r community? and against the ridiculous o in san antonio is your is both parties have gotten a lot wrong over the years about thisvery d country's very diverse latino communitivery and remember the d 2016 consensus about whatonsenss the gop had to do to attract atspanic voters? >> nobody in the republican party knows what donald trump's immigratiotracic votern is othen hard line, which turns offs hispanic voters, hispanicsof hae been trending republican for years. what has turned them arounndrepn been this hard line immigration. >> even having this conversatione immigratio sends l signal. >> they're doing high fives inyn the clinton campaign. right now.hen th >>ey when they hear this rightts now, when they hear this, it was talking about building the wall and jeb was wrong. well, we all know all of thisn
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was false. and although biden wonth the hispanic vote by twenty one points, fifty nine to thirty eight , that was down significantly from hillary's thirty eight point advantage. simeanwhile, trump's surge's sue broadly among hispanics gaining about 10 points from 2016 to 2020. >> and all along, what republicans needed was a gop that would fight for the working people, be tough on crimeworking and unnecessary and frankly, stupid wars and stan unnecd for conservative values. and if you didn't knowfor co jut how important hispanice americans are in our life and our politics, well, just consider this in twenty , twenty two , nearly thirty five million latinos will be eligible to vote or 14o% of the nation's eligible voters in recent elections in arizona,o they represent one in four of all votersal in nevada, one inne five in florida,. one in five . and here in texas, three in
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10 . although hispanics still prefer the democrat party, let's face it, by aboute two to one margi, that margin has been slowly and steadily shrinking. and now democrat consultantsric well, they're finally worried. pew research is reporting thatoi 77% of latino registered votersg are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country.e country. 50 four percent disapprove of biden's job performance. 80 % say the economy is a very important issue for them. r top issues include health care at 71% and violent crimd e and educatin both at 70%.%. so no wonder hispanics in florida, a very large cuban-american community, there arlarge flocking to suppon the reelection of governor ronda santos. dehe has a seven point advantago among the latino groupve over charlie crist and more hispanics supported his vin martha's vineyard migrant flights than opposed hisey
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rant martha's vineyard migrant flights. so we're seeing the samelights wec, by the way, play out here in texas with republicansli gainincans gg on hispanics in kt parts of the state. just take a look at these border counties and theird lien rightward rightward lane between 2016 in 2020 and an arizona republican senate masters,, blake vo making a huge push for hispanic votertes. masters is forging into democratic territory by opening. field offices in predominantly latino neighborhoods. people are sick ofla this, righ? you make energy expensive. o you everything expensive master's economic and social message polls shows him tied with incumbent mark kelly , who a few months ago democratst thought was just a lock for reelection to the senate. reeland in nevada, democrats are fearing that senator cortez masto will lose to adam laxalt as nearly every poll shows her behind. and continuing to lose latin oere ou support. t. all now all of this makes perfectse
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sense. you see, hispanics don't like getting lied to any more thanmop any other demographic group.hior and democrats have been lyinatsg a lot nonstop. frankly, during trump, they lied about russia collusion. then they lied about how schooll shutdowns are really necessary. >> then they lied about inflation. g the they just have a problemd al telling the truth and all of it affects the hispanic community as much as any other, perhaps even coms more so community in the united states , they lied about how soft. on crimecrim policies like bail reform wouldl lead to better resultsed . instead, of course, it's led toi a surge in crime that hurtsn hispanic communities. they lied about how the border was under controwal and you love that, which has led to, of course, hispanic deaths from fentanyl and overcrowded classrooms, difficult for parents and kids to deal diffi to dealthey lied about ns down businesses during covidin doing enormous damage to our growing class of hispanic
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entrepreneurs. and they lied about who's to blame for these articulately high energy prices, blaming poor gas station owners. that was joe biden democrats are so desperate to hold on to power that they'll even lie to conceal the true medical condition of their own candidates. cal condn ofjoe biden and john e now after lastrm night's sadnd e performance by fetterman in the debate tt with mehmet oz,t od the shameless fanatics at the view are still defendings fo his fitness for office. it was really strange to me buly that he chose to bully a stroke victim. he obviously was bullying him. we know the better cognitive abilities have not been compromised. it's about expression thats ab has been compromisedout by nowt it's bullying to ask people t questions. that's today's democrat party. s why would anyone choose voluntarily today with their
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track record and that kindrd o i comment to be a member of this party? now, hispanic americans theyiversee and multifaceted as they are, they want what weal all want. tha they want a government that works for us , not against us .s the fact is pa, more hispanics are beginning to see what reagan democrats saw in 1980ntra that the country that they lovee is better led by conservatives than by a party that deceives and disrespects them day in and day out. so o. on election night in 2020e when so many republicans were in distresre ins, of course, abt the results that were happening, i saw a positive. when we look at florida, the coalition that the republican ends have been able to put together in that state is really something thatm they should try to replicate as much as possible. goingoforward.g forward up and n the east coast with a strong contingent of seniors, latinos, young professionals,
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african-americans. orida a is the future for the republican party. is partythe florida model, the s model where republicans have been working overtime to engageo buspanics on the issues they care most about, but especially along the border, s the outreach is working. look at what happened inwo at virginia last. glen junkin . he made a concerted effort toef reach the hispanic communityfo, including on the school issue, scs, t hispnguage radio ad television ads. turns out that hispanics do not want their kids to focus on gender fluidity in the classroom any more than any other parents. e thanwe're seeing similar effoi all across the countryla, but we aren't yet finished. we have a lot of worwea k tolo but the old canard that somehow populism and hispanic outreachxl don't mix well, that's been proven wrong. , eeand the vicious lie that populist republicans don't wants to work with hispanic voters has been totally discredited. our populist movement was nevert
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limited to m rural americas desi because it's designed to improve life for all americans. foof all ethnic backgrounds and all fifty states. that pub amr a long time, the media refuse to believe that populistr americans who support the maga movement would have anything in common with hispanic voters. w buwrt they were wrong. so i say baumol's is with it and that's the angle. joinin all right. joining me now, congressman rick warren running forti reelection and the thirty fourtonh district against congressman vincent gonzalez and congressionacongressl candie cassidy garcia, running into the twenty eighth district against congressman henry cuellar and congressional candidate veronica de la cruz, runnincruzg the fifth district against michelle volero. congressman flores, let's startr with you. today, we learn that the congressional hispanic caucuse cong is officially rejeg your membership and thel congressional hispanic caucus thcause you're not a democrat.
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thisis has to be something from one of the committee or sar sarcastic websites out there. yes. or is it true?caes out t it's true. i was born in burgos,t is tamaulipas, mexico a t, on june 14 . i became the first mexican borns congresswoman eversw elected in congress. and that's not good enough forgd them. themand this just shows thatic u they're not for the hispanic community. they're just they're for their political party. >> laure you informed that you arrae not welcome in their club over the phone? who was it over the phone? the congressman's office. it was their office.phon e?>> it watheir office. . his office. the hispanic caucus. yeahoffice?, yeah. >> so, no, bienvenidos to, you know, just knock, knock. but, you know, i don't need them. the hispanicbienveni community t need them. >> we are the real voice. we are a voice of the community and we stand for the values that we were raised with .t we r god , family and hard work.s whw
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that is what we are all about. is your familia barbaria fantastic s.a.c. recently said that not all latinos are leaving the democrats. mocrats, just one specific group of you are leaving the democrat party . >> check this out.. there's a conversation we had about men and male identity. it's not like, oh, we're we'reah sheddingut latino voters or we'e shedding we're shedding men . >> yeah. young men to men . your experience, it's all it'svg just men living the academic democrat party. >> what? i know who she is . she's part of the hispanic hi community. but i'll tell you hispanic voteric coms, we are cn sense voters. we believe the american drea m. ed of and we areth tired of the biden pelosi choir agenda. we are hard working. we want a strong and secure border. re see and that's why wine are seeingn that shift in hispanic voters, because the democrat party has
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left the hispanic community. she's trying to make us out to be a gender thing that hispanic men th, i guess they're the new white nationalists, hispanic men , according to this kind of analysis. it's like dr. biden coming over here and telling us that we're unique as a breakfast taco we're calling is latin. i don't even know what doeson'te anyone even recognizven e. it's just that was just totallyl modot, right?ly mad monicahat's hispana classic monica, former obama hud secretary julian castro was on msnbc last night claimingimin that the shift of hispanic voters gradually over to the republican party is justy. temporary. >> watch. i've been pulling my hair out for the last couple of months as i've seen story after story of acting as though the latino vote is somehow firmly republican vote. now, my worry is tha.t this becomes a self-fulfilling
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prophecy. ophecy they start to think, hey., oh,ay okay. oh, folks, are going republican . now, there is w.a bandwago nffect effect that i fear canat happen or can happen. h >> does he think hispanic voters can't think forselves, themselves? i mean, they're just bandwagon no matter whatre just . and t lookhe, at the end of the day, the biden in policy, economic hs agenda has just destroyed the american dream. for hispanics, but it's also for all to all texans. and what we're seeing as ae single mom like myself, we'r e seeing that hispanics areting voting with their wallets, single wit moms like myself are taking two, sometimes three jobs juses threet to put d on the table. they're concerned. wh novemberehy i think t ,we're going to see a huge shift of democrats continue to leave the democrat party and permanently toty and the republican party. >> i want all of can react to i this new narrative that's being
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on the left is trying to seton on this whole topic. >> what the reality is .y is the there is a lotre of anti black racism that exists in allinclud aspects of our society, including within the hispanic community. ing withinthere is blatant discrimin and racism, but there's alsote this casual racism, the existence ofe existe anti bn bias is been a recurring trend a fame dynamic within latino communities, latino communities. >> ss.o this is actually their argument that because latinoiss are beginning to,adil again, slowly but steadily shift to the right on some ofmut these common sense issues, that it must be because of racism. ey how does this how how dopeal they think they're going to appeal to people with the racism charge? yo?u see, the democrat party has walked away from the hispanic community. how so? becausnity e my father was a democrat all his life and he o said they walked away from our values. longer s they are no longer standing
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with god and family and hard workard work. they stand against everything. i raised you with everything i was raised with . s and that's the reason why soe ar many people are walking, walking away. not in reality, it'sthe part a . now w they're calling us racist. racist for what? two yenting our lives back . the life that we had two years ago. two years ago, we had our more money in our pockets. we were able to provide fors. our kids. now, although our families are e struggling to pay their rent, peoceries, gasir, these are the issues that are impactingop the american people. these are the issues the that ae impacting my district. and i'm 100% focused on my constant. and i want to put the american people first visit the gonzalez wants to put the government first. that's what the democrat party w wantants to puvernments. and it is time that we put all t americans first and noted be treated like second class, like we've been treated in south texas. when we think about what's happened with middle class es, middle class prosperity, people have lost about seven percent of their netrth it
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worth just in the past year under this regime, biden's how has that impacted the hispanic community, given the small businesses that were created, given all the twocr families ares working to put food on the table is as the congresswoman. yeah, look, as a lifelong south texan and the wife of a border patrol agent, people are hurting in south texas with the biden pelosi agenda, highda. prices. we tal hik to record inflation, unsecure border people are hur hurting every singleti i talk to moms, they're having to makeeher difficult decisions whether to put ga car os in their car or foodt on the table. i met a mother who lost hemother seven year old daughter to fentanyl two days ago because they don't. she took a sleeping pill.ll was she thought it would crosshwes the border, all coming across our southwest border. and my the income that requires an office. i've been in kindergarten and he's under a criminal investigation for r corruption.m and right now people are fed up with this administration and they'readye ready for changr
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his district. and we're meeting voters every single day. kathy , i've been a democrat my whole entire life, and i'm votingn republican for youa be because of the values of faith, family and freedom. ca faiall right.t. monica, we have a question from michelle myers from a group known as lexy's michelle. hi, so we have found that manyuh hispanicats don't even know abot the just radical policies from the democrats. how do we better let hispanics know what their policies are be because they're so extreme ican many hispanics that we've spoken to said that they would thve never voted a democrat if they had known. well, what i think is that this is a pivotal year where whe the republican party haspu investedblican dollars into souc texas specifically. and these dollars have gone
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towards educating and sharing the values of the republican party, which at the end ofe day the day align with hispanic. we love faith. dream e our family and we believe in the american dream and hard work. and that's whyd th i think that hispanics are walking away, because people like my mymy opponent, who is a socialist, she believes in big government. meanwhile, we the republican party, we believe in god . >> look. all right, ladies, thank all of you. behere tfor being here tonight.r best oaif luck on the trail. h we can'tav wait to have you back on our . thank you so much.quee and from drag queen story hours to reverse lesson plans. plans well, the left's attac,ks atta on children and their innocencce happening right here inocence the state of texas. now, in moments, we're goingpp w showill what we found out and wy hispanic voters, more than any other voting bloc are rejecting this. that's next from our retaking america.
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nine three seven . >> that's one nine four nine zero nine three seven no. >> what's subjected: what our children to is also t something that repelleds hispanic voters. now, whether it's thesprope sic lesson plans or the burgeoning drag queen story, our show's ort the push to just normalize gender transitions, the mutilation of children, they've said enough. hav poll found that 73% of hispanics believe that underaget
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minors should be required to unl wait until they're t adults to use puberty blockers or undergo permanent sex change.r undergo permanen procedures. despite its conservative thistation, though, texas has not been immune to this push and it's infected schools right here in houston at carnegie vanguard high schoolnegie va, ss were recently shown in classroom holding a trans women are women sign and the independent school district in the city features a pride and diversity scholarship connected to the organization that helps children transitionae . and then there is th's tehealiz normalization, of course, of these perniciousatious and sicke queen story hours which haveurs exploded the state. , ther now, back in 2019, there were two instances of queens readingh to children at the houstone n pu public library who were later found out to be offenders.x of. one of who one of whom wasm was convicted of assaulting anconv n eight year old boy. now here is a houston father speaking out about this issuear
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in june of this year when sentenced to sam houston and miss d.c., his teacher, patrick bechler, he was his chemistry teacher, took move to address you when he wase and underageit and was really bad. it was a really bad experience . he also put him next to this sex offender or he was he was out there with my son .s and here is one of the mostg vie disturbing videos of the genre ,recently captured just 250 miles north of here and plano, a texas, to happen to us . i mean, what has happened toon us that was performed in front of kid s as young as three years of age? >> sarah gonzalez shot thae.tsaa video in response launchedefendu
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defend our kids texas, anshow effort to get drag shows fords the kids shut down. she joins me now along with julie picken, who is a houston parent and a schoolju, board candidate. who is agreat to see you both. now, sarah , was it the dragow i show in plano? anothat concerned you to start r the group or was it building for some time? it's some tim been building for a rea long time. eti i caid, i can't believ l that this is happening in texas. an'tis iof all places. and especially the video that you just saw was not just happei happening in texas. you might think austin, texas, right. somewhere that they builngn tet this was taken where i grew upur in suburbia. right.s in - i mean, this is an affluentt neighborhood you would considern to be very conservative leaning. i think the left to b taking thesetheir shows. they're taking their debauchery to conservativdebauche thee plat they know if they can get ite through in these conservative places, they can places th get . anywhere in the country. and julie, the response from the left to parents like you and others who say, no, we're not doing this, i'm againstor sh
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is going to run for schooloo board like you are. you're a hater, you'reu ar intolerant. you're just not letting people be who they are, et cetera. your response. so we're be our children belong tolo us .ext our children do not belong. men. the government, our children and so we've seen this radicalil agenda from the national schoolt board association writing the letter to the biden administrationio, which, by thee way, the president ofsi the national school boardsc association wrote that lettehooe r is right here from the houston area. so kind of originated here in texas. c oriand then, you know, we'vea it also with our state associations pushing this agenda. so, you know, this radicalith ts agenda with this transgenderlizn radicalization of our children and keeping parents out ofseen the discussion. we've seen it in teacher i professionalprofession developmd the state of texas on teachingnc our teachers on how to transgender children, how to refer them for counselinregan and without informingit i the parent. and it's it's wrong. >> lchildren belong to us .
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>> well, sarah , the texassociao association of school board recently hosted a presentation led by the aclu encouraging educators to consider the role. and studentsto gender decisionsi including pronoun usone and access to public facilities. so i got to remind our viewers that the texas association ofn s school boards is a taxpayer funded groupch. p. so why are texans sending their tax to indoctrinate our children in radicalil gender theory? dren ical gendand to propagandie little kids? why is that?nt tle kidshaloud here in texas?t a it's a big problem.i think i think that it's not showingss up in texas, but in places across the country that conservatives for so long have said we're going to just we want to livewe w and letant bem to take care oinf our family. attewe want to mind our own the time act and get off to acti the sidelines was to five years ago, rightnears. the because we've seen the leftacet and how they have infiltrated in every facet of americ of a, in our culture, in our schools.
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what you'rright e talkinhereg ae with the school, i mean, they have infiltrated because they have been active and they have createdactivist activists t have done this for a very long t time. they knew exactly what they were doing. it it was was completely intention. and conservatives have just or they're not right. afraiand if they if they queste this, whether it's shaking inino fronntt of a kid or the explict language in front of children, then you're called the bully,--h right? the language is you're bullyin g ,correct? correct. lanyo that's correct.u and you know, laura ar, honestld we just do a not have time for this right now. your network today put out putnl the national report card on literacy. we now hav have 32% of eightha graders in america areil illiterate among hispanics.. around hispanics, it is 30% -- 37%. we do not have time for this inb education. we have to get bacack tok to the the basics and keep the social agenda out of the classroom.. >> we have a question. serrefine, andrea gomez, andrea hodda, wake up.
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i woke this country to preventmd the new movement, destroy our society, our values and the, future of this country, which is our kids, 17 year old twins. they are about to graduate their senior, go to college and even then, they are sod ab worried about what is going in this country. i came fro. m my country and from colombi colombia, south america, i left my country because ofi le the corruption. fti left my country because ofnn everything that is going on in latin america. icthey just elect a president tc from the left. ou i came to this country because this is the land of opportunitye ,because thists is the best country in the world. if thie worls country fall apar, and i came to this country, not only because he's a better opportunity, because i want to raise my kids in the best in country in the world and seenwo. what is going on , make me sad,n
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made me angry, and i cry soy kis many times, not only because of my kids, i'm fifty years, but i don't know what is going to happen to my kids or the kids or my kids.ight >> we have to we have to fight like this is this is the these areof the words of a mother who isis r hurting for the country that she loves her country, that she she willingly came tocame t us because she loves she loves america. but thisves is where julie and others like her acrosscount the country said, now i'm running for school board. i'm going to be brave and courageous, and we need to encourage people from sea to shining sea to say no more . i am doing absolutely agree. we've got to show up inree. overwhelming numbers at the polls. i i also think i want to give you a little bit of good giv okay, there e is good news. the awakening is happening in the latino community. all right. we see it. toe left is attempting to destroy all of these thingsh hih that latinos hold in such high priority. they'riority. thlooking to destroy religion. they're looking to destroy
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the family unit. and latinoey are loos are hard g americans, just like anyone else. they want to send their kids toi they wan ae else. to leart thein reading, writing, arithmetic. they don't want their kids to t learn what their teachers pronoun is or what sexual orientation they want to experiment on , becauspronoue o gender is fluid. so they say. right. so latinos are fighting back and specifically you, the mothers in the community are fighting back and they'reot saying no more . sex you will not indoctrinate my children. this is my hill to die. i ladies, thank you both. great to see you. great work. rooti keep it upng. we're rooting for you.more of yu i need more . juli's and sarah's out there. so nowt ther we.e know what reps hispanic voters. but what issues dowhat they care about? while daily caller field reporter whorey ventura went to mccowan'a wents texas to help ud out, do you think thato think th the message that the democrats are trying to send te deo latint voters, is it resonating any more ? i think the message about>> we'll we're going to i thicat we to fight for you has expired tom some degree because we havet ony
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given not only the benefit of te the doubt to a particular party ,but we've also it's almost seems like our trust has been taken for granted because nothing has changed for america. d. first. so trump really opened our eyes to, hey, you know, enough is enough. we have to protect america. protectto protect the land of the free. we want to keep our freedom of speech, our freedom ofeep ou religion. we want to keep our guns, of course, and we want to protects. america at the borders. >> things have to to u you know , it's been our democrat leadership at all levels of government in this county that have just kind of stifled the growth for jobs, don't allow people to to prosper. a lot of people vote based on custom that my my grandmandma voted democrat. i'm going to vote democrat. bu t i think as our community starts to become more educated, on the issues, they start realizing that the valuets thats
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align with the hispanic community are more in line, likear with congresswoman miraflores. >> i've been hernge seventeenres years and it's always beenwo democratic run all the south texas. and i thinthk now people are getting tired. some of these democrats are changing. go tdemocrats o republican becae they want change. they want to sees changi somethn more than just what's been going on . >> ventura joins me now. whorey, thank you for that it incredibly insightful report. it seems to be the key takeaway is that hispanics, especially alons that hg the border hawk, e just exhausted from throwing their support behind democrats and looking at the ruan and the destruction of almost everything that the democrats have touched in this country,ug, especially revved up i inew yea the pastrs few years. >> is that what you found? the key word that i get from speaking to latino voters l is abandoned. so when i was down there,is they say the democratic partyr has abandoned us .on they haven't been here in 40 years. one voter even mentioned to meta spea he goes to the congressional offices just to speak to a candidate about
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their issues tha, no one's thern anymore. and the reason that ford congresswoman miraflores, her th mayrmessage has been resonatehit with these voters is becausehe she speaks god and country, are h they could connecty ca all hispanics around america, overwhelmingly middle class, workin wiclass folks. so they begin to hit hard with inflation. they feel that the democrats are not serving their economic needs and as well, the border crisis as an issue that really impacts all those border townslf . it's really been fascinating because all these border towns are overwhelminglyordee democrae we're seeing these huge swingsse that we've never seen beforeugd and we havwee three congressionl races right now that the gop is investing millions of dollars, that they feel that the latinot lati vote could be e key to victory there. now, remember, we were told after that, 20 to 20 , 12 lossrs by mitt romney that there wase the autopsaty, the gop, and than they had to be more pro immigration amnesty or open borders, more globalized. that was totallyobalists. wrong, is wasn't it? >> yeah, it wasn't even close. you go down and talk to workingt class latinos down there. they want a strong border. and the reason a stron they supt the strong border legal immigration is because they want to protect their wages.
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illegal immigration actually hurts hispanic workers all over the country in those wages are not seeing that growth there. so it's a true humanitarian crisis. packwhat they're seeing, i meani they're completely overwhelmed law enforcement. governor , who had to call in the national guard, you have texas law enforcement helping our border patrord.l, everyone i down there trying to assist each other. what is a true humanitarian crisis. and most o to f the border patr, at least the ones i've met down at del rio, their hispanic, they're hispanice hispan, moral low as it's ever been.l li they don't feel like they have any support from this current administration right now. >> it's great to see you admi and thant to seek for that great report. thank you, laura .beto o all right. beto o'rourke was supposed'r toe o be in the great blue hope, right, in texas. he was going to turn the whole state blue , but his second statewide run looks like it's going to be another du d. governor greg abbott is swamping him in the polls and joins me next revealin how hispanics are helping to drive that surge. that'surge. next.n when we return to our retakingh america channeanl, ladies
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and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage blake masters. this may be the most significant midterm elections of our lifetime. for months, our team was able to bed with the masters campaign. a republican candidate who is not a politician, who may be an actual reformer. i'm trying to show people what a new breed of politician looks like. we're going to send a fighter to d.c. i'm a fighter. our job is to see what it takes for a different kind of candidate to win in one of the most competitive states in the country. i know it's going to be hard, but it is this important. and so i feel called to do it even if i'm just a kid from tucson, arizona. we're going to turn this country around. >> let's go . tucker carlson, originals. the candidate, blake masterslioj streaming now exclusively on fox stationew.
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an unthinkable took the livesd l an unthinkable took the livesd l of six millions and thousandson of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. comfort, e comfort my people when i come here and i sitthey' with lily, i realize what sheli needs right now is theseble. elderly are weak and they're sick. they're living on two dollars a day, which is impossible. this now is how god's children are living here at this time. are living here at this time. to send a survival food box to these forgotten, the international fellowship of christians and urgently need your gift of twenty five dollars now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials with all of the essentials they critically need for
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your attention? >> i'm not really surey su, tort no, no.orter: like, i'm no nt like the most political person on earth. i'm not thbut, you know, he sees >> so you said you like bado because of the abortion issue. >> talk to me about why that's important to you. hat isi don't know. i just feel like women shoulda i have, like, the choice to haveod an abortion. do you hope that abortion is also an option for women just in case you get a girl >>egnant? i mean. >> yeah, , like that guy. yeah, of course.course. i am going to be voting for bato this time. for bato. how come?>> yeah, it's it's a lot of different. it's very. let me let me think about that. i'm a big pothead and i reallyga want him to legalize weed. >> ibbett or veto better. itw come it's more of a it's more like a family thing. >>e i don'ta fa reallmiy know the stuff he's doingof. and you feel that, feto.ha oh yeah.
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now remember vedo was the one. right, the former punk rocker, the rock star who could turn it all blue in texas is the third time really the charm better?ou o'rorke hoperks that it is is the name recognition enough fora texans to turn texas blue for beddoe? democrats want to make inroads and actually let texas from red to blue . >> then they need candidates like beth overegg, the onlybecas one feeling blue these days, because a recent poll frome sito the university of texas showsid him down to gov.11 greg abbott by 11 points. but there was something inside the poll that really caught him . speaks tnio the reason we're he. tonight. now it is twenty eightee it in abbot election when governor abbott lost hispanic voters by 11t his points in that university of ofa texas poll. but he and bado are now tied at 48 percent48.
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>> among that slice of the electorate, a huge shift. go >>tt joining us now, texas governor greg abbott himself. thanks. now that's a big shift. >> i mean, that's a that's a double digit shift for you. what's happening? why is it hispanics coming tos the republican party? >> two r one is wepe constantly reach oue to the hispanic community. no governor has gone down to the rio grande valley more than i have. we're constantly reaching ou art and connecting with hispanic community. and like your other guest tonight,y r other policies the policies that i'm running on are the policies that the hispanic communit yieve i supports. they believe in hard work entrepreneurs, and hence and they want a state that createsng habs and a strong economy as we gather here tonight, texas hass the fastest growing economfay of any state in the united states . >> also also texas, since thesen folks reelected me, texaces,
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is that a far more new jobs than any other state inmerica america? texas is the place for economic opportunity, but at the same time, hispanics, whether you'rer on the border or in houston,de texas, or north texas, they don't want bidens ors or te the democrats open border policies. b they want a secure border. and because bideorder and biden isn is not doingo it, they have to have a governor step up and secure the border. that's exactly what i'm doing by taking unprecedented action an build a wall, to deploy the national guard to secure the border. and those who maked those wh, te going to bust them up tociti sanctuary cities, to new york , washingtonw yo, d.c. and elsewhe . >> okay, now we want everyoneven e to get out because i don't wa. people to feel complacent, like, oh, we got this. is goin no, no, everybody's going toible get out and vote. every american who's who'sto get eligible to vote has to get out there and vote.'s and i want to play bodos pitchtc to msnbc last night, watch and or reduce significantly gun violence in the state, especially when it comes to kids.
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let's restore a woman's right to choose. let's get behind publics who educators who are under attackar and are leaving the profession by the thousands. the majority of texansor areityf with us on this. we're going to havus on eget th the political will to get the job done, to get the job done. >> he's anti second amendment.. i mean, he'll talk a good game ,but he is against gun rights in this state and across this country. ate annot well. let's use his words. he said he would confiscate your guns. he wants so he wants to ignore that the second amendment to the united states . se constitution and take your guns .os, fami well, he's also pushing the abortionliar, mucho trhing e the democrats for a long time timet was going to be their golden goose here after the decision came down inu june, they thought that was going to turn this state blue and others like it.on, ho on that question, how is texas x handling, given all a d the suburban women out there who do have a different view on this issue? hi very different than in other states on the abortion issue, the recentrecent pol polling th,
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i think in that same poll thatod you made reference to, it showed you who do you choose moi on the abortion issue or eveonn among women? and so thi this is an issue wheh iner texas, texas is a pro-life state. >> what's going to happen here? g to happen here's here's how the republicans are kind of running away. >> you're not listening. very importantly, whatt ev everyboderyoy the state now knos because we've exposed bet on this issue. petto is in favor not just of abortion, but abortion of chi a child to the very last second before a fully developed child is born and was even against providing medical care for a baby who survives an abortion . >> that is horrible. what little stands. so he's the radical on the issue here. claim betto is the extremist on abortion, on the issue of esg and what's happening,corpor the the equity agenda forat corporate america and how the energya w th industry, whice is so critical and vital to the state, is just under siege. and they're making a lot of money because the quantity of oil and so forthd forth is dow
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so prices are up.n the buabt the attack on the abilitys to borrow money for companies that want to drill or want to be exploring for oil to the extent that they can, itto t can be devastating. how are you going to fightt issu back on that issue? well, unlike bettoe?, i do support the oil and gas industry. texas ranks number one inx the unitednu states for oil and gas production, and we will continue to do so. >> but lets mfod wee explai wiu what we're doing to fight back , because what we're doing to fightwe. back is last session i signed a law that exists inxit texas now where wes in are fighg back against any business like blakroc usb or ubs or any ofof e these banking companies that b discriminate against oilo and gas companies and do not lend them money. wenot le are blackballing them.i they're already starting tngo pick up the money over these. :c we're borrowing them from doinga business in the state of texas. they cannot participate in anyrt e pensn about the pension fundsn the state. we're blackballing all of these. are you cutting them offwe in the pension funds? >> okay, that's good. governor , i can't wait to talk
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to you after your reelection, but congratulations for everything you've done inbu the state and everyone vote for greg abbott. anabk you so much. thank you, laura .bott. one of the largest hispanicu, owned businesses in the unitedna states is based right here in houston, texas. the ceo of goya foods.a foods, i'm so excited he's here.'m robert . i is here. next hour, why latinos are rejecting the left over a disastrous economic policies. when are retaking america? town hale left.l returns live fr a heart. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance ,john . >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, select vote found john , a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and his wife and of five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty
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in the united states disapprove of biden's handling of the economy for a lot of latino voters, the economy is such a huge issue, maybe an overriding issue. >> those folks are most feeling the pinch. that is going to have a huge impact. latino voters, for example, where they're feeling the brunt of that economic impact. well, houston is home to the largest hispanic owned business privately held in america. goya foods were honored to have our old friend, goya ceo bob nottoway with us tonight. he's on set. bob , thank you for joining. it's so good to see you. how these policies are just at war with small business, but medium sized business business . so why are big businesses, big business giving so much money to the democrats still? >> why? well, first of all,
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congratulations on your anniversary. five years with your values and your faith, your incredible voice for this country. our country has been hijacked and we need to take it back . what's happened over the last couple of years with this shutdown, with covid and all that we've declared war on the working class. it's given rise to the pajama class we have. they've attempted to kill our spirit. i like the genie in aladdin who says to aladdin never drank from the cup of power or money because you'll never be satisfied. and we've got to fire these people who are using and abusing the working class of this country and all of us . this country is unrecognizable within two years and we need to take it back . i'm very excited about the candidates you have on here by monica and kathy and this group that they hold the values, god , family work. and we've got to work.
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jose marti, the cuban philosopher, said those who are born to love and build and those to hate and destroy, we've taken the path. this administration has taken a path of destroy. >> we need to love and build. and you can't build unless you work to work. there's
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>> test. >> we had an amazing show an
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incredible crowd incredible tea america, we have a country to save we had an incredible power with the hispanic community across this country. it don't marginalize at them an certainly don't characterize at them as one building after another. amazing. than >> todd: a fox news alert. house speaker nancy pelosi to rebrand the democratic party as the party of law and peace. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the hail mary comes as solid blue states like new york are seeing a shift to the right. eight innocent bystanders getting shot in new york city last month. eight others being shoved on the subway tracks. republican gwen osorio candidate lee zeld


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