tv Outnumbered FOX News October 27, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno here with my cohost, kenny mack kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner. joining us today, kellyanne conway and mark tu tucker. just 12 days to go until the high-stakes midterms and now there are reports that democratic leaders are growing increasingly concerned about a
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crucial race that could tip the balance of power in the senate. the pennsylvania face-off between john fetterman and dr. mehmet oz intensified worries about fetterman's health. he stumbled his way through the debate giving answers like this one. >> i support fracking. >> you have made conflicting statements regarding fracking. in a 2018 interview, you said, "i don't support fracking at all, i never have." earlier this month you told an interviewer, "i support fracking." >> i support fracking. i don't -- i don't -- i support fracking and i stand and i do support fracking. >> emily: last night welcome painting with musician dave matthews, fetterman made this stunning admission about his performance. >> doing that debate was not exactly easy. i knew it wasn't going to be easy after having a stroke after five months. i don't think that has ever been
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done before in american political history before actually. >> emily: there are growing calls for fetterman to release his medical records but the white house refuses to weigh in. watch. >> does the president believed that fetterman should release the medical records? >> i leave that over to the lieutenant governor to make that decision. >> emily: the perceived inability for fetterman to fill the position of governor is not the scariest thing. why? >> kellyanne: people across pennsylvania know what they've seen but they should be concerned about what the democrats have said beginning with john fetterman. when he formed a sentence, he is in favor of the following policies. releasing secondary criminal grades. he said in a 52nd bite 14 times "we could release up to one-third of criminals and no one would be less safe."
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no one believes that. he's against fracking. he's the sitting lieutenant governor pennsylvania right now and he has the number two job in the whole state and he isn't capable of doing that job. there's something else going on. the lack of honesty and humility and transparency and integrity really should bother everyone. i wish my full recovery and i hope he lives in another years. god bless him. we have the right to have a senator with the community to do the job. oz did very well. 95% of our coverage about the debate is about fetterman. oz showed his fitness for offense by having issues and running through the spectrum of solutions he would offer for pennsylvania for pennsylvanians. inflation, crime, education, a few other things. i think that democrats have to step back and sending an kamala harris and barack obama will not cure the fact that this is a man who has shown us he is
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not up to the job and he and his wife lied about it at the last point. i cannot believe how many reporters are playing medical doctor here and saying once had yesterday someone from the guardian said do senators do that much coursework do they debate? they only vote yes or no. the constitution says advise and consent. we want them to work harder than they do beginning with john fetterman but this is oz's race now. >> emily: it's interesting that brought up the role of federman's wife and they've been down playing the role of not only being a senator but the crucial component about the disclosure. we had a cnn medical analyst say he should have disclosed the illness earlier. take a look. >> the campaign was opaque at the very beginning. they did not disclose the degree of his illness. we don't know how sick he was. in fact, his treating physicians were not made available to the press or the public.
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there's a lot of honor in the determination it takes to recover and i admire that, but what i don't admire is the way the campaign has handled the disclosure of his illness. >> emily: a great point kayleigh that it's not about the rise of the ashes as fetterman e debate, but rather this was the elephant in the room for quite some time and it took so long for them to acknowledge it in for him to frame it as him overcoming something difficult, of course it is admirable in that small box, but with a greater picture. voters need more and they should have had more from the beginning. >> kayleigh: i love cnn. they are always late to the game. we knew this and where were the reporters asking questions? there was one -- who got annihilated when she asked the question about it. interesting to watch the democrats come out anonymously saying why was he debating? fetterman's team shouldn't have agreed to this, you can't pretend you didn't see what you
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saw. josh kraushaar had a democrat come to him say "why the [bleep] did fetterman agree to do this customer" were known as speaking your behalf and everyone is speaking honestly, let me do lost. also interesting, joe biden calling fetterman impressive. consider the message you have to jump over when biden is going impressive. kelly and mentioned this. , and joe. i know that kellyanne will remember the last duo to go to philadelphia. obama and hillary. did not work so well. the next day president trump was elected. read the signs like sports teams and doing the same thing over and over and peered don't go to philadelphia and don'ts in a duo. it didn't work out. >> emily: and don't go if you want to remain safe.
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dr. mehmet oz was really surgical. >> harris: no pun intended. >> emily: exactly. but here fetterman on how he's hindered crime in the past as he said on the debate. >> i run on my record in crime. i stopped violence for five and have years as mayor. i am the only person on the stage right now that is successful on pushing back against gun violence and being the community more safe. all he has done is put a plan up on his website in the past 24 hours. >> emily: but harris, as we are about to see and what you covered extensively on your show, that's not the case in pennsylvania. in fact, fetterman's votes in fetterman's policies have led directly to an increase or an opposite of diluting and raising peace any kind. let's look at what's going on in
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philadelphia. this level of violence is constant and skyrocketing in the state and yet fetterman has insisted on continuing to vote. he says grandmothers and grandfathers are criminals and he's voting for the criminals. he's trying to make this campaign all about his rise up from the ashes. it isn't about that. it's about his votes that lead to things like this. >> harris: we are watching a street shoot-out. while paper that on the screen. when you talk about crime, it's a random and violent. that is a democrat led city and it is much like the one we are sitting in right now in new york city where things are just off the charts in terms of grasping for some safe and secure life for citizens. there were a couple things with fetterman and terms of crime where dr. oz was able to hit h him. i'm with kellyanne on this. our hearts break and we don't want anybody to be physically harmed, but don't look at what he's doing. reading a monitor and
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struggling. listen to the words that he is saying. know that larry krasner, the liberal d.a. that he was so tied to, now has articles of impeachment leveled against him just 24 hours ago. if those republicans -- of those reporters, rather, are worth their salt, they will ask john fetterman about that at the rallies he's going to like last night. ask him with larry krasner leaving, where does that leave you on crime question ricky you were with him. can you defend your friend? you might need you defending him. begin with that's a bit. he says he is ready. as reporters, let's do our jobs. by the way, dr. burns tried. she did not ask the questions, she told us what to look for and that's what we saw. >> emily: and pennsylvania words were treated to watch and cannibalism occur. they were denied the opportunity to dig into policies and accept opinion and her observations.
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she is a well-respected reporter. instead, their time was stewarded toward watching the mainstream media attacker. >> mark: it's one of the scariest part about all of this. democrats are willing to support anyone whipping the blue jersey regardless of their cognitive a. when you look at his performance, it was so bad that immediately after the debate, the betting odds of the republicans sweeping went up to 69%. that is an incredible movement overnight after one botched debate. it is absolutely insane but he reminds me of biden 2.0 from a cognitive standpoint except with worse policies. >> kellyanne: since michael bloomberg took the staged and allowed elizabeth warren to make mincemeat of his ambitions $1 billion into it in about 42 seconds, has staff fallen down
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on the job in allowing a candidate to go right onto the stage? i think that fetterman should have taken the hit. you are dodging debates, okay, but you can't unsee and you can't on here. speaking of larry krasner, this is important. we have a radical d.a.'s everywhere. we know that the one in san francisco is recalled. larry krasner a day or two ago said that republicans are racist and this is a majority. racist? people know what they see. you had an elderly man killed with traffic cones by teenagers. they aren't adult age. one less thing going on here that i want to point out. watch democrats use pennsylvania to push the fact that they do not want debates to be important. we don't need debates anymore. we don't need debates anymore and that's important. they have harris and biden who need to debate in 2024. they are going to undercut that central piece of democracy which is debating. >> harris: every time i hear my name my heart skips a beat.
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the house minority leader kevin mccarthy last hour was talking about exactly what you're saying. there will be certain races that even early on, they are watching, republicans are, to see exactly where the party is going in 12 days. let's take a watch. >> i hope all voters, not just democrats, but republicans and independents, this election is different. it's not about party, it's about a nation. this is a hinged election. it's not just in pennsylvania. look at new york. if you care about the economy, if you care about crime in your streets, if you care about having a future that is built on an economy that is strong and a nation that is safe, don't cast your ballot based on party. >> harris: what we are talking about was the power rankings for the fox news power rankings that show that republicans are picking up even more points day by day in terms of where people would like to see the power rest
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in the hands on capitol hill. they can't touch the white house yet, but if you have majority of republicans on the hill, a lame duck and you better have some duck sauce next. that's any president. >> emily: check and balance. >> harris: losing a lot of seats. >> emily: bon appetit. lloyd austin held a press conference to discuss the national defense strategy in terms of ukraine. jennifer griffin was in the room and asked about putin's next move. watch. >> secretary austin, vladimir putin again said today that ukraine is planning to use a dirty bomb. is putin bluffing and how does scrapping one of the few tactical nukes i was in development here in the pentagon deter putin right now? >> we aren't seeing anything to indicate that putin has used a dirty bomb nor have we seen any other cases that the ukrainians
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are planning such a thing. the ukrainians, in fact, their leadership has indicated to us that it is not in their plans. again, we see no indications of that. it's important to make sure that we are talking to adversaries and allies alike and making sure that are tamping down dangerous talk and making sure that we maintain lines of communication. >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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despite public displays of confidence, anxiety is going in the white house and democrats that republicans will capture at least one chamber of congress and possibly both. even with those fears, president joe biden plans to remain on the sideline during the fortnight. on the sidelines and silent. the president refusing to take questions and mocking reporters asking them yesterday during oval office meeting with israel's president. his handlers taking one step further, screaming back and shutting it down. [shouting] >> kayleigh: kellyanne conway you and i both remember those moments, but it seems like someg else going on there. the white house seems particularly intent on the
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white house not answering any questions with white house aides screaming in the face of reporters. >> kellyanne: it's an affront to democracy. you have democrats running around, including former president obama, threats to democracy, american democracy on the ballot. that's why we need debates. so people can access information for free and suss out and assess candidates for themselves. that's why we need a president, no matter who he or she has come to stand up and speak up and address basic questions. we both worked for president trump where he would spend one hour under wing or out on the lawn taking questions impromptu walking into press briefing room or the oval oval office. it wasn't everybody's cup of tree stomach tea, but everybodye commune occasion instantly and free of charge. with the opposite now. i think that this is a different
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hostility to the media. it will crate among smarter meet that have had enough. they think that the media are on their side. they are wearing team blue jerseys at all time and are pushing for candidates like fetterman and you aren't supposed to talk with all the problems. joe biden is the last person in the country to realize that inflation, rising costs and rising crime are the number two issues that "usa today" poll today says that they think upwards of 40% of hispanics and 21% of african americans may vote republican. that's a "usa today" poll. >> kayleigh: that's huge. harris, to that point, the political article that takes us behind the scenes in the west wing says of the white house is worried about the late-breaking issues of the economy and crying. i don't know where they have been, but we've been covering them since last year. >> harris: it's interesting to see the president struggled these last few days with where he fits in.
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he sits back. he will make fun of us. making fun of the media doesn't exactly make you special. there's a lot of people that don't like us. not being able to answer our questions puts them in a special category. for instance, they want to tout certain segments of the economy. they want to go after particularly kevin mccarthy on leading the republicans on issues of social security, medicare, and crushing the economy. they do not want to wear what was said today. we are just waiting for a recession to happen. we backtracked gdp negative goes into quarters. quarters one and two. third quarter a teeny little bit. just inches. that puts us going forward .4%. we are treading water at this point. they don't want to talk about that and they don't want to be asked about it. now that they have flipped the conversation to the economy to try and fight back because abortion did not work for them, it is down on the list of things that american say are most important is to go to the polls.
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they can't talk about the economy. saudi arabia just said, and i quote the energy minister, "we were the grown-ups of the room." they decided to be the mature people in the room and start cutting 2 million barrels of oil off of the market in one day. we are about to tap the home heating oil source to keep up with diesel. they don't want to talk about the economy. he can mouth blah, blah, blah to the reporters. we could do that right back. speak your people are suffering for that's the reality of this. hiding away and air force one is grounded saying you can do other things one of which is going to the dnc. he talked about his accomplishments and he's been tilted show some empathy. no president wants to admit defeat but nevertheless, it would go a long way. >> mark: he's oblivious to what voters care about and what they care about right now is inflation, crime, border, and
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that should be on the prompter with repeat the line underneath it. the fact that he so oblivious, that is why they are running out the hide and biden or biden in the basement strategy come in the same strategy they rolled out in 2020 which got him to where he is today because he has his own worst enemy right now. he is toxic to the other democrats that are trying to win the election right now. >> kayleigh: what's interesting is that biden was obsessed with trump and now desantis. apparently he is obsessed with ron johnson losing in wisconsin who is ahead by 3.3%. it's funny. rather than focusing on his job, he tends to find republicans to obsess over. >> emily: because we are always the enemy and also i will say the range of motion decreases, they tend to perseverate on one point. him over and over again. he drove with whomever. jay leno.
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do you remember when the late prince philip, h97, was driving in a range rover and got into a car accident and a month later surrendered his license? that's like watching our commander-in-chief drive 100 miles an hour on "jay leno show" prioritizing entertainment and joy and liberty in some attempt to display the competence. is it a cutie? last time i checked, there's a failure to empathize, acknowledge and for accessibility, there is a failure on all level by our president to do anything including serve the american people because we pay his salary and he goes. whoever allowed that, that is reckless. >> harris: do you remember he was test driving a car and he threatened to run over a reporter? he was joking, he said. >> kayleigh: he was looking at the ice-cream cone saying that the economy was strong. >> harris: that was last week.
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>> kayleigh: welcome to this week. g.o.p. lawmakers are airing out the biden family business revealing documents tying hunter biden's deals to the chinese regime. the latest turn in the investigation to the president's son, next. new subs for the all-new subway series menu the new monster has juicy steak and crispy bacon. but what about the new boss? it looks so good it makes me hangry! settle down there, big guy the new subway series. what's your pick? and i'm going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare you are covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits but you have to meet a deductible for each, and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover
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worsen kidney problems. join the millions already taking ozempic®. ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. announcer: you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. >> harris: top republicans are saying they are frustrated with the lack of action from the united states attorney of delaware leading the investigation into hunter biden. don't miss it, yes that is his dad's home state. i digress. senators grassley and johnson sent hundreds of pages of documents that linked to a chinese energy firm that linked to the coming's party. "we are transmitting to over 200 pages of records to the bidens connections to the chinese regimes and persons connected to military and intelligence office." hunter biden's business dealings
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are finally drawing some criticism from wider meter including john stuart who went after working for a ukrainn energy firm. watch this. >> hunter biden being on the board. >> charisma. to me, it's corruption straight off the bat. >> the idea that nepotism would allow much larger amounts of money to flow into the hands of people unqualified to be in the positions that they have been accepted because you think those countries are trying to buy influence. i think it is a huge problem on its face. >> harris: suddenly everything is so obvious. >> mark: luck. over the course of the past couple of years, we have learned about dozens and dozens of these shell companies that hunter has set up. the joint ventures with foreign entities. first it was ukraine, now it's
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china. in the latest one, he set up a 50/50 partnership with a chinese entity where they put $5 million in as their initial contribution and he put in nothing. that begs the question, what sweat equity did he promise? i'm guessing it was access to the big guy. it seems like the biden family is compromised. there's a lot of corruption going on and it is a national security issue. >> harris: emily, when you hear the president's brother being talked about in terms of these things, is this something that supersedes the presidency at this point? should we be hearing from hunter biden and some of the other people now irrespective of the fact that our national security could be at risk depending on what deals were done? >> emily: yes. according to the potential future house and senate republicans, should they be successful in november, that is the main priority. having those questions by hunter
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and james. having those questions answered. i would like to highlight in the letter written by the senators where they said the media reports and documents reviewed by committee republicans suggest that hunter's business partner and his relationship extended beyond professional obligation and they point out that is a common tactic employed by chinese intelligence agents. they are concerned because he may been compromised by the people's republic of china and this access would jeopardize u.s. national security. spelling out what many people have been questioning and stating for months now but to have it written in black-and-white like that, how may times you have to see it and b, as we are 12 days away, maybe now we will get an investigatio. >> harris: particularly hunter may be exposed for whole host of reasons. if you don't have the resume and the clearance and the allowance
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from our government to go to do those deals i've questions about them individuals, james and hunter biden. >> kellyanne: to everyone's point, this is not politics as usual. there's nothing usual about what hunter biden dead. when he was promising access to the big guy, the guy was a medium guy and he's now a really big guy. he's president of the united states. we need to know what was done with government resources. he needs to fly around on air force to with his father and it we hear connections with ukraine and china. they are in the news every day. containing china is the most important thing that we can do national security rights. we need answers and when he told them to account. you cannot expect our commander in chief and president to do that if he was willing to live during the debate in 2021 when he was asked very squarely about hunter's dealings. he said there's nothing there and he lied. everybody covered up the hunter biden laptop appeared 70% of americans said they would have changed their votes from biden to trump had they known it.
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>> harris: i would like to know what the percentage of americans not only would have changed their vote, but not left their laptop at a maintenance shop and forgotten about it and had all of the material on it and then had the media complicit in helping you hide the fact that maybe there was nothing to see. >> kayleigh: most americans would be wise enough not to do that. let me quickly start by saying the last video that we aired from which a little show which aired on wednesday was flashback footage from 2016 from biden driving. i would like to make the clarification. that being said, i have a lot of faith and chuck grassley and ron johnson. a lot of my conservative friends say that republicans need to investigate and we have seen aggressive investigatory tactics from nancy pelosi and they don't have faith that republicans will do the same. chuck grassley has been on this. he is putting out letters and he has been holding this administration's feet to the fire and he named specific fbi agents that he wants to talk to because they downplayed the hunter investigation, acting as
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an arm of the dnc and he wants to get to the bottom of it. americans want to get to the bottom of this, what's happening at the southern border, afghanistan, and i have a lot of faith in the new congress should republicans take it back. >> harris: the security issue is, as you mentioned, that is the crux of all of this. those are two men that would be looking forensically at the issue. we will see. kellyanne, democrats at all the time. i imagine it's a safer republicans. you can walk and chew, the same time. >> kellyanne: you can get it all done. >> harris: coming up, elon musk wants his impending twitter take over to sink in and now he is expanding his mission for the social media giant going forward. he showing it off. i'm here, i'm about to take over.
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expected to close officially tomorrow and he looks like he's ready to get to work, literally. yesterday he change the title of his twitter bio to chief twit and then later he barged into the social media headquarters carrying sink tweeting "let that sink in." today he treated that's "the reason i acquired twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to ha common digital town square where they can be in a healthy environment without violence. echoing that divides our soc society. tomorrow, 5:00 p.m. is the deadline. the money has not hit twitter's account however, sources have confirmed that banks started moving the debt and it will take until tomorrow. twitter has made it clear that they won't drop the suit until
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the money is in hand. that is the marker when the money hits. >> mark: it's a done deal. this is a $44 billion deal for a company that might be worth $10 billion. in my opinion, this is elon musk's charitable contribution to the preservation of democracy and free speech. i think it's incredible he's doing it. i don't know if he thought it would happen, but it's incredible that he is doing it. you watch them walk in the sink and he tweeted out "let that sink in." i think it's symbolic of what he intends to do with twitter. cleansing the social media platform of censorship. you mention potentially getting rid of 75% of the thought polic. i don't think that meant 75% of the total employees, but 75% of the content moderators. to give people a chance to have a platform where you can have discussion on both sides of the
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aisle. >> kayleigh: i love it. his charitable contribution to society because we all remember when tim scott's name trended as uncle tim. we remember when stacey abrams made her ridiculous comment that the heart does not beat before six weeks in fact it was twitter who wrote doctors have proven she's right in the description. they've tilted the platform left so will be nice to have a speech app. >> harris: i'm going to push back a little bit here because i do worry about the fact that there are some bad actors on twitter. what will he do with the ayatollah? what will he do with that account? will he leave enough people behind to watch his accounts? make no mistake, they hate us. you put kanye west on and you have those incendiary comments, but there are a lot of people that think like that who might be following the ayatollah account. bigger picture and all of this is absolutely push back on
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cancel culture, but we have to be there to see the ones who might want to harm people, particularly americans and the people who said we would never see it happen again. this before most entrepreneurs away from public facing roles. they like to create and be private. i give them credit. he's an entrepreneur and innovator of our times. he's turned himself into a social media symbol. he gives as good as he gets. he went after "the new york times" this week which was funny. there was a study in 2020 that 92% of all tweets were being sent by 10% of users. that tells you all you need to know about the lack of a public square. if he makes it more fun, a lot of the sour and dour people that currently occupy twitter all day talking to each other, it will be opened up and he will have fun with it. last point. he survived the worse and that could happen on twitter. they made fun of his body, they showed him on vacation looking a little overweight. he lost the weed and logged walked into twitter like the
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boss he has. i can't wait to see what he did. >> kayleigh: i hope it's an internal investigation as to why they censored one of the biggest newspapers in the country, "the new york post," with hunter. >> emily: and the consequences for the results that are likely to occur with that. i love that he -- and it normally hate the word, but he is the ultimate disruptor. the reason i don't like that word is because it has been over used by the progressive left in the techno needs to symbolize some type of shaking everything up but within the very small confines that they have prescribed for the rest of us. he actually is the disruptor. i'm just musing here that he is right that it has been devolved into the far left, and extremist fringed appeared to your point, 90% of the comment by 10% of the users. i wonder if the normal, moderate, common sense, if they are disgusted. you get a draft and you are editing, it's easier to start over then edit. i wonder if it's gone too far.
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i wonder if most people are looking at the digital town square and saying you know what? it's too rotten and i'm never going to step back in. or if he does have that potential, to shake it up and clean house and make it a town square that all of us would actually participate in. >> harris: you know it gives me hope and a sense question it because of what he's done for other countries in trouble. >> kayleigh: starlight. >> harris: star length. i have hope that he will look at this for the potential to bring people together because he gave voice to the voiceless. literally. the satellites were gone and he stepped in and did that. when he says an open town square without the violence, without the threat, i take him at his word. i want him to have enough employees to make it happen. >> kayleigh: 5:00 p.m. tomorrow, twitter might have a new boss appeared looking likely. coming up as the crime crisis hits chicago hard, the democratic mayor is sending in a new proposal for a pay raise for herself. that is lori lightfoot.
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by kathy hochul who is right now in the fight of her life in fear of losing the race to her opponent. with days to go to the election to come with an all-star lineup. harold ford jr., sans duffy, mike pompeo, larry kudlow and more. join us on the "america reports" at the top of the hour. >> harris: chicago mayor lori lightfoot pensee rates. the liberal leader proposing more pay for herself because of inflation. her proposal is a 5% bump. that should take her salary from $216,000 to $217,000 a year. it comes as critics tear into how she is performing at her post. there were more than 50 people that were shot two weekends ago in her city. there's a lot going on. lightning round. >> harris: crime is up 90% sure and she got there, carjacking 44%. the number of chicago's under the poverty level is 22%.
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i think this is a resounding no to a pay raise and if it is because of inflation, call the white house, call your democratic allies and tell them to stop raising everybody's taxes and increasing regulations and being energy dependent. >> kayleigh: that's it. her party because this and her constituents don't get the pay raise. they just don't. but she's worried about nomenclature. it's not a pay raise, it's a cost-of-living increase as she sings about the karaoke contest. i can't get that footage out of my head. it's emblazoned in there. >> harris: she is reimagining what things look like. >> emily: she's patting yourself on her back and wanting more of your taxpayer dollars. governor ron desantis just sent every first responder in florida including police officers not only a $1,000 check as a bonus, but a little extra to cover the taxes they would've had to pay on the $1,000 bonus. that's the difference between someone who sees their role as a steward and a servant rather then i don't even know what she sees. >> harris: she serving.
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herself. >> mark: it's a lot of me, make them a meet. is another politician that pretends to have the greater good in mind but at the end of the day it's about her. if you are a chronic under performer, you don't get a that a boy. you get fired. that's what happened. she's using the inflation card and she is using that to her benefit now while they have been avoiding that for the last 12 months plus. >> harris: lori lightfoot, remember how she legally got her haircut during the lockdown? now she is finally talking inflation for democrats. she's hoping it will benefit her. what i love. more "outnumbered" next. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. test.
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get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. ask your doctor about fasenra. can a button work wonders in the bedroom? no, no! not the fun button, the other button. sorry. marcia has sleep apnea and her struggles with cpap had me sleeping in the guest room. now she's got inspire. it's a sleep apnea treatment that works inside her body with the click of a remote.
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sorry, i mean, not sorry. a new article in "the wall street journal" says want power, stop saying sorry. according to the piece, apologies are more of a reflex than real expression of contrition. overusing them may hold you back. kellyanne, i see two issues. one i agree with, stop apologizing all the time in the professional workplace, and also that i hear it used a million times more by young women and women than i do by men. >> this is a very female attribute. i learned the hard way to stop saying sorry for others. i find people that should be sorry and express contrition rarely do and i find that other people are using this as a way to just make sure that they haven't offended you in some way where they haven't. look, i think women in the workplace particularly should be self aware, self deprecat deprecating, not self defeating. there's a way to be polite and deferential without undercutting yourself. i think women say sorry as
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an excuse and men don't say sorry as a reason. there's a difference. >> yeah. at the gym, at the locker room, i feel like oh, sorry, people are constantly apologizing for existing. i was in first class, i got bumped up for my miles. this young girl was getting her suitcase out, sorry, can i get my suitcase. i said honey, you don't have to apologize. you take up all the space you need. i want her to exist without apologizing for existing. >> that's sweet. i heard a commencement speech about not saying sorry and i realize how much i do it. to your point of women on planes, it is women helping me lift the suitcase pregnant out there. thank you, women. >> mark, your thought. >> one of the first things i learned when i started in my business was never say i'm sorry. now, if you make a mistake, own your mistakes, never say i'm sorry. you would rather say i apologize or my apologies.
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psy psychologically it is better. >> what are you apologizing for, i am so sorry i misunderstood you, i am so sorry i took up your time. you are articulating why, so it is not reflex. >> i prefer when it is me or someone else apologizing that they make action to change what got them there. otherwise, saying you're sorry over and over and not changing is the definition of manipulation. >> thanks, guys. here is "america reports." >> thank you very much, emily. governor's races that democrats once thought were in the bag or tightening across the country. republicans gain ground in several states as crime becomes a top issue for midterm voters. >> john: look no further than new york where the crime crisis is making the blue state competitive. republican lee zeldin looking to unseat kathy hochul. how does he plan to shore up last minute support with 12 days until the midterms? we ask
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