tv America Reports FOX News October 27, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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>> john: breaking news new at 2:00. vladimir putin with tough words for the united states, saying the u.s. should mind its own business in a battle over land. >> sandra: not ukraine but taiwan as the russian leader tells the world he has china's back. growing dispute over the island, a team of american rivals strengthening their ties as we hear multiple warnings china is speeding up the timeline to make a move on taiwan, possibly to happen within weeks. >> john: getting the breaking developments together. what it could mean for china's strategy. and wait until you hear the choice term putin chose when referring to house speaker nancy pelosi. welcome back. john roberts in washington. hi again, sandra. >> sandra: i am sandra
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smith. we will get to the escalating foreign threat. first to the tense battle playing out here at home with control of congress at stake. >> john: president biden on his way to upstate new york at this hour to push manufacturing jobs. with 12 days to go before the midterms, it's all about the economy. here is the president before takeoff. >> great economic report today, the gdp report. things are looking good. >> sandra: clearly not all americans agree with that statement, with inflation leading voters' top concerns, now democrats are sending out their top guns in hopes for a midterm miracle. president biden's former boss, barack obama, kicking off his campaign travels, stumping for democrats in key battleground states. he starts his midterm swing in georgia tomorrow before heading to pennsylvania to campaign for candidate john fetterman. >> john: and that's not all. the vice president making an appearance in pennsylvania on friday.
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kellyanne conway is standing by to react to the democratic strategy. >> sandra: as fox team coverage starts with brian yen is in pennsylvania where biden will visit tomorrow. >> john: steve harrigan, herschel walker finished up a rally there. >> that's right. there are a lot of walker jerseys in the crowd. her develop walker in cou cumming north of atlanta. there was talk he would talk about the abortion charge, a claim made yesterday. he did not address that directly but did speak about it last night with fox's bret baier. >> that's a lie. hopefully everybody will see rafael and everybody will do what they can to win the seat. they messed with the wrong georgian. >> an unnamed woman said walker pressured her to have an abortion 30 years ago.
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walker has denied that. his opponent, senator rafphael warnock said we know herschel walker has a problem with the truth, a problem answering questions and a problem taking responsibility for his actions. republican leadership is clearly backing walker. he campaigned today with senator lindsey graham. here is graham. >> but here's what liberals fear the most. a strong, confident black man being a republican in repub republican. and herchel is confident in who he is and what he believes, and conservatism is lucky to have him. >> graham said the abortion charge was a smear from los angeles. back to you. >> john: steve, thank you.
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sandra? >> sandra: to the senate race in pennsylvania where dramatic new video has crime a major focus there. you are seeing a wild shootout in the middle of a philadelphia street. one of the gunmen firing an a k-47. in all, more than 50 shots fired. eight hitting a man who somehow survived but is in critical condition, we are told. the shooting taking place blocks from a school. it happened last week. police are still looking for the gunman. brian, before we get to the race, tell us what happened with the shooting. >> hi, sandra. all i can tell you right now is they are looking for four masked men seen in that video. like you said, 54 bullets shot off. police describe it as including using an a k-47 like rifle. one person was shot about 8 times and is in critical condition. look, this is all happening in the context of a critical senate race where dr. mehmet oz made
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surging crime in philadelphia a cornerstone of his campaign. meanwhile, democrats and john fetterman's campaign are trying to change the subject from the debate tuesday night to abortion, releasing an add attacking dr. oz. last night at a rally in pittsburgh, fetterman addressed his appearance. listen. >> to be honest, doing that debate wasn't exactly easy. i may not get every, every word the right way, but i will always do the right thing in washington, d.c. i have a lot of good days and every now and then i'll have a bad day. >> he says republicans are openly arguing fetterman's performance tuesday was disqualifying as "new york post" editorial board puts it, proof of a coverup to hide his, quote, unfitness for office. here is dr. oz last night on hannity. >> they know he can't perform because he can't answer these questions about his eccentric
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positions but want to give him the money to get him to win anyway. >> it is still too early to tell how the debate will effect this race, but some pennsylvania voters say it left them concerned. >> for fetterman, i don't think he is up to it. >> i think dr. oz won but fetterman looked a little scary, sick. but i still like him as a candidate. >> in a pep rally of sorts tomorrow night fetterman is scheduled to speak at the democratic state party dinner here in philadelphia which is headlined by president biden and vice president kamala harris. they'll both be here. sandra. >> sandra: thank you. john? >> john: bring in kellyanne conway, former senior counsel to president trump and a fox news contributor. both president biden and kamala harris will be headed to pennsylvania tomorrow to try to shore up support for john
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fetterman, and let's look at the approval ratings according to a reuters poll, biden sitting at 39%, according to real clear politics average, kamala harris is 36.3% approval. that does not seem like a tremendous amount of political cachet to bring to the fetterman race. >> it is head scratching, john. more to the point, they're also underwater when it comes to approval ratings on the issues pennsylvanians care most about, inflation, the economy, rising crime, education, of course. so i'm not really sure they need new messengers is going to change the message, which is the fundamental failing moving into november 8th. it sounds like the white house chief of staff who is more of a tweeter than leader today gave an interview about the economy, sounds like the president himself wants to talk more about inflation. it is a little too little too late. you have been ignoring the
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will of the people, people have been saying we are suffering, afraid, frustrated, please solve these problems and help us. in the case of ropresident obama. he went into virginia saying vote for terry mccauliffe, i appreciate what terry has done on protect things important to us, protecting our right to vote, climate change, and a woman's right to choose. does this sound familiar for anyone? they tried it a year ago and failed with the biggest gun of all, barack obama, and it will fail again because people now see there's one party that's trying to solve problems, the republicans, and there's one party denying the problems exist in the first place. >> it is not stopping them from bringing out the big gun. bring it up on the screen. barack obama over the next few days is going to be in the state of georgia along with wisconsin, nevada, and pennsylvania. clearly he is seen as a real asset for a lot of candidates. you disagree that he is not bringing the right
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message. but clearly he looks like he has more power politically than biden does when it comes to assisting these candidates. >> no question about that, john. we have an unusual situation where the sitting president, president biden, is far less popular and welcome on the campaign trail than two former presidents, barack obama and donald trump. it is an unusual situation for biden who wants to run for a second term. see how much obama does then. on rome, no question he has cachet, he is a pop. >> caller: you are figure, popular in the democratic party. but here's a guy lost 63 seats in his first midterm election and overall on the 8 years in which barack obama was president, doesn't get talked enough about, lost 950 state legislative seats, net 12 governors. the democrats lost net 9 senators, and went from 256 house seats to 194. there's no way to perfume
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that pig and spin those numbers, yet he is popular because he can raise money and draw a crowd. but i'm not sure bringing in a different messenger will change the fundamentals. even today, the suffolk poll showed upwards of 40% of hispanics and 20% of african americans are looking to vote republican. those are enormous numbers coming from usa today polling. >> john: speaking of fundraising, tuesday's debate netted john fetterman a lot of money, more than $2 million. what's the overall effect of the debate performance on his campaign? >> he lost the debate, he lost the campaign that night for sure. it is oz's race to lose now. talking so much about fetterman's performance, mehmet oz did well in that debate. he showed a grasp of the issues and showed empathy and patience for his opponent who was obviously struggling. but i also think john
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fetterman has been able to raise money, there are people that hit send, send, send. he raised money. more fatally for his campaign, he raised concern about lack of integrity, honesty, humility, transparency about his medical condition. when you have cnn's medical doctor saying you didn't tell us the whole truth and it was tough to watch and it is a real concern, you have media saying the senators don't debate that much, don't they vote yes or no. the constitution says advise and consent, yes, you have to talk in that job. just the way michael bloomburg shouldn't have debated elizabeth warren, john fetterman should have never taken the stage and shown us what's happening. >> john: see how it plays out in 12 days. last midterm elections 5 million voted. kellyanne conway, great to spend time. thank you. >> sandra: the breaking news we mentioned at the
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top of the hour, vladimir putin injects himself into the tension between china and the west. >> john: just in the last few minutes, putin making a startling address with harsh words for the west, and beyond the war in ukraine, turned his attention with china over ukraine saying the u.s. provoked china by saying grandma nancy pelosi to taiwan. all of this as u.s. officials warn china is moving up the plan for invasion of taiwan with one saying it could happen within weeks. our chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has details. >> in an hours long speech in which he took shots at the u.s. and west for escalating tensions in ukraine and taiwan, he had pointed remarks for house speaker nancy pelosi and said he wished the u.s. and china could just get along. at a conference of foreign policy experts, putin said the united states was
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wrong to destroy relations over taiwan, adding russia recognizes taiwan as part of the people's republic of china and criticized visits by nancy pelosi who he referred to as grandma. >> why did that old woman have to go to taiwan, provoking china to respond, all while unable to resolve the issue around ukraine and russia. it is absurd. some might think there's some calculation, i do not think there's any calculation at all. all there is to it is arrogance and a sense of impunity. >> the pentagon rolled out a national defense strategy calling russia an acute threat and china its facing challenged. they're blaming the west for an alleged attempt at global domination. >> the west in recent years and especially in recent months has taken a number of steps to
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escalate, while as a matter of fact they always play for escalation. there's nothing new here. this is the incitement of war in ukraine, provocations around taiwan, destabilization of the global food and energy markets. >> putin ordered nuclear exercises and blamed ukraine for preparing a dirty bomb, something the pentagon says is not true. putin again blamed the west. >> in addition to this as we see now, destruction of pan european gas pipelines is horrendous. nevertheless, we are witnessing sad events. the power of the world is what the west has staked in their game. this game is certainly dangerous, bloody and i would say dirty. >> putin vowed to boost relations with saudi arabia saying prince bin salman deserves respect, all of this as saudi faces bipartisan u.s. criticism for cutting oil production to boost prices to help russia protect its petroleum based economy
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and war in ukraine. john? >> john: no question, he likes to be a bee in biden's bonnet. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in retired general keith kellogg, former national security advise or to vice president pence and fox news contributor. thank you for joining us, general. can i get your reaction to putin asking why did the grandma from the u.s. visit taiwan to provoke china? your reaction? >> yeah. thanks, sandra, thanks for having me. that's an insult to the speaker of the house. kind of a jab. it's almost like okay, this is really foolish for him to say something like that, but it shows disrespect to the united states of america and i hate to say this, but you get the feeling, sandra, that he has no respect for any current leadership in the white house or actually in the house of representatives either and it is his way of showing that. >> john: he better be careful how hard he throws the grandma stone. after all, he is 70 years
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old, reportedly is a grandfather himself. i thought it was interesting, general, that putin took an opportunity to draw himself closer to china in this address saying that relations with china are unprecedently open and effective. he called xi a friend, said russia's trade with china has been rising, and seemed to be a lot of tacit support for china taking back taiwan by whatever means china sees fit. >> john, my concern what's happening with taiwan and china now, not really pushing back as hard as we should. it is reaching a point we ought to get away with the one china policy and go back to two china policy. tell the chinese stop, knock it off with taiwan. people are thinking it is always been part of china. it wasn't. for decades it was part of japan. it was after world war ii when the chinese communist party took over that
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taiwan moved from china proper, and we used to have a defense treaty with taiwan. jimmy carter abrogated that on his own. that's where we had to put more defensive stuff through the china relations act. maybe it is time to tell the chinese we're done, we saw what you did with hong kong and now we want to recognize taiwan as an independent nation. do i realize there's a lot of risk, of course. it is foolish to say we have to keep having one china policy. right now, the chinese aren't prepared to invade taiwan, don't have force build up to do it. taiwan straits, it is 100 miles wide, something we had to go through with the norman deinvasion. haven't built up the a amphibious forces to go in. will it happen, i think it will. he is in a new five year term. i think they build up forces and we need to address it today and say
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let stop the foolishness, going back to two chinese policy and going to protect taiwan and get with congress and say let put together a defense treaty with taiwan now. >> sandra: looking more at the direct message from vladimir putin here, general, saying that relations with china are unprecedentedly open and e effective. called president xi of china friend. he said russia's trade with china has been rising. he is being blatant with claims, general. what sort of message do you believe he is sending to the united states with this? >> he is sending a very clear message that they're very aligned with china and with iran as well, you can see that with the drones that russia is using in ukraine, and there's going to be a partnership between the two. if we're not in cold war now, i don't know what you call it, but we are reaching a point you see the real alliance between
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putin and xi, chiepna and russia. i believe russia is now the junior partner in this relationship. when you see the economic strength china has, growth that china has, how they're putting forces out there. it will be a global enterprise and it will be something that the united states will have to counter, and we have to counter it both in the european environment and also in the eastern environment in the pacific. >> putin, a junior partner. an interesting proclamation. general, always great to talk to you. >> sandra: thank you, general. among other things, putin said the u.s. is wrong to spoil its relations with china and said visits by u.s. officials after the grandma comment to taiwan are a provocation. certainly that's all news just happening. >> john: i thought it was interesting putin said russia is ready for talks on ukraine and is urging the west to get kyiv to back off its position and sit down for talks. no indication that's going
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to happen. putin talked about waiting for talks in the past but ukraine is not ready to, looks like neither side is ready to. we'll see if there's any movement on that front. >> sandra: and another fox news alert. buying a home, getting harder and harder in this country. mortgage rates on the rise, back to a level not seen in this country in decades. economists are warning of more trouble ahead. >> john: real estate prices may be rising in midtown manhattan. there's one tract of land critics say never looked so worthless. vladimir putin's moves in ukraine raising a serious question. how can united nations enforce international law when the law breaker gets a guaranteed veto that can't be overruled. >> sandra: and taxpayers are paying more than their fair share, much more than any realized. a brand new report on extreme costs of the u.n. climate push. a fascinating report how american taxpayers are
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>> sandra: a contention battle brewing at the united nations. other nations accusing russia of violating u.n. rules using drones in the invasion of ukraine. that would violent a u.n. security council ban against transfer of drones. russia denied that. bigger issue could be russia's permanent position as a member of the security council. the incident renewing questions over how effective the u.n. can be when a permanent member is the one violating the charter. >> john: a skating new u.n. report shows global commitment to cut
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greenhouse gas emissions i is nowhere near meeting goals. only 26 of 190 nations prioritize the push. was the commitment from countries just a ruse? >> it looks like that's the case. a year ago now president biden convened most of the world's countries in glasgow where they pledged to go all in to fight climate change, which sounds great. the problem is only 26 of 193 countries that pledged have actually followed through at all on commitments, so the biden administration has been relen relentless, they spent tens of millions to adopt climate friendly. the infrastructure law, the president invoked the
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defense production act to increase domestic manufacturing of key clean energy technologies, that's why we need federal clean energy tax credits to get the private sector jumping head first into new markets. >> and biden's inflation reduction act included $369 billion for energy security and climate change over ten years, but bipartisan infrastructure law he signed included $100 billion for clean energy technology, that's a lot of u.s. taxpayer money going towards a goal turns out most other countries are just paying lip service to, according to the u.n. analysis. even the super wealthy european countries failed today their part. in the wake of this report, leadership at the eu promising to do more, as soon as possible. this is all a big blow to president biden's highly prized paris climate accords. economists question how long can america afford to foot the world's transition to green energy amidst the dramatic fuel
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spike. >> john: that was the argument in the last administration, why should we do it when nobody else is. >> sandra: when countries whose gdp output rivals ours do nothing. >> john: good to see you. here is larry with sandra. >> sandra: he needs no introduction. we will let everybody know, there's a brand new number on the economy he is going to react to, gdp. it is in the green for the latest quarter. economists say we are not out of the woods. brings growth for the year to .4%. but the growth comes after two straight quarters of declines. bring in larry kudlow, host of kudlow on fox business. he has the task of brightening my spirits, i have a case of the thursdays. >> a quick comment on jillian's report, very important report. we talked about this with distinguished climate scientist last night and in the past. in recent decades, last two decades, worldwide 5
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tr$5 trillion spent on disvesting in fossil fuels and investing in renewables. >> sandra: where has that gotten us. >> the needle hasn't moved. 80% of the world's power is still driven by fossil fuels and there's no hope for change in sight. they're doing it all wrong. i don't want to praise the saudis all the time because i know they're our frenemies and so forth, but at the recent conference in saudi arabia which the bidens didn't attend but everybody else did. the saudis say instead of killing fossil fuel which is damage the economy and raising the inflation rate, we should phase out something like coal, high carbon emissions and moving to natural gas. that's how stupid this story is. i want to say that. this is not a small thing. >> sandra: and goldman, sachs is writing about it
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too. >> nothing is happened. we're doing it all wrong. >> sandra: as you see that and point out the globe is flat lined, little growth to be seen anywhere, ron klain, chief of staff to president biden is still today saying this. >> the economy, we are making progress on the economy. it is not just the gdp numbers you mentioned, the economy did grow inside that as a measure of price, it came down dramatically. we're seeing some easing on inflation. >> sandra: i'm not sure what that means or what to take away from that. >> well, look, if i were mr. klain, i would make the same argument on the eve of election he will be shellacked. putting aside that numbers underneath the 2.6% hood, if you look at the basic core gdp, it was 0.1. in other words, consumption plus investment, housing and business investment, about 85% of the economy.
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0.1%. and if you look at the overall top line numbers, we had three quarters this year. there's been no growth. it is a complete flat line with inflation rate that's still 7.1 p 7.1%. hard to say we're in an economic nirvana. >> sandra: this is austan goolsbee on another network. listen. >> by no means are we out of the woods. our overall point is still pretty bumpy so i think people should buckle their seat belts on this one. >> austan goolsbee is a good friend, had been very partisan, but glad to see him go so straight. you have to be honest. the trouble with the bidens, they're not honest, they don't like to tell the truth on the economy. you don't tell the truth what people see in their own eyes, food, gas, fuel, no one things you can
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solve the problem. the number today hints as bigger weakness in the next quarter and the quarter after that. >> sandra: ouch. >> and i think we're in either the front end of recession or going into deeper recession. i think you're going to see inflation numbers come out. cleveland fed cast inflation forecast is looking for 0.8% october cpi. a very bad number. gasoline prices have gone up. >> sandra: i think housing is a big part of it, as we try to track he will inflation, mortgage rates have gone up. >> housing costs, 26%. >> sandra: mortgage over 7%. >> plants and equipment down 15%. it was a weak slot. i don't want to be par partisan. i am looking at numbers. >> sandra: you are fairly assessing the situation. i was going to squeeze it in. lee zeldin who is running for governor of new york joined us. to take your point home, it is what people feel, that tangible stuff around
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everybody as we enter the home heating season this winter. he said this a moment ago with us. >> new yorkers are saying life in new york is not affordable, it is not safe enough, instead of a transaction about freedoms where government is taking away our freedoms, maybe it is time for the government to give freedoms back. >> lee zeldin is terrific, spot on. the new hampshire senate race is all about this. maggie hasan, democratic incumbent wants more heating reserves, and buldoc wants more gas. the democrats have amnesia about the benefit of oil and gas production. >> sandra: the cavalry is coming. here it at 4:00 on fbn. we'll preview that race in a second.
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with leqvio, lowering cholesterol becomes just one more thing life throws your way. ask your doctor if leqvio is right for you. lower. longer. leqvio. bol . >> sandra: like a scene from a horror movie, that's outside a home in pasadena, california. a woman with a pick ax smashing through windows. a grandmother and her six week old grandchild inside. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is in los angeles. jonathan, this family is saying they may never return home after this happened. what do we know about the
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person wielding the pick ax? >> we know a fair bit, the video is terrifying. seems like a scenario from a halloween horror movie than from the streets of suburban pasadena where it happened. police say this is 65 ye 65-year-old beverly baker, dressed in black in a flowing green skirt, repeatedly swinging a pick ax at the windows of a home where the baby and the baby's grandmother were inside. the child sleeping near the window until a grandma grabbed her and took her to safety. >> glass shards were double her size, right in the bassinet where my daughter was laying. if she was five seconds later, my daughter would no longer be with us. >> the chiropractor who believes he and his family may have been targeted because they're armenian. >> we got targeted.
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this is not normal. three times she came back swinging the pick ax, seeing my mother-in-law and my newborn in her hands, no remorse. >> police say they don't know a motive but believe baker may have been having some sort of mental health episode. either way, the doctor says his family no longer feels safe in their home. >> this is our home. we're not even done building the house, my wife, my kid can't even come home. they're terrified to come home. >> baker has been charged with felony vandalism, she's due in court tomorrow. sandra. >> sandra: we will be watching for that. that's horrifying video. jonathan hunt, thank you. john? >> john: beyond terrifying. new york democratic governor kathy hochul encouraging parents to mask up their kids in school again. she says kids are used to masks after covid, it
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could be another layer of protection with rsv and new season under way, this is days after we learned how harmful the pandemic was to learning in this country. bring in dr. mark seigal. yesterday at a news conference governor kathy hochul seemed to normalize the idea of kids wearing masks as respiratory virus and flu run rampant. listen to what she said. >> right now kids are more socialized to the idea of wearing a mask, it is not a strain, knows what is this about, there are cute masks out there, i've seen a lot of them. >> doc, what do we know about kids and masking? >> first of all, the cute masks don't work at all, they're the cloth masks with patterns, very pretty. they don't work. they prevent you being able to read what other people are saying, to understand the person next to you, so they do
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interfere with socialization and lead to anxiety and depression. the cute masks, forget it cht when i'm in the doctor's office, i sometimes wear abe n95 but that's fit tested. the masks they were weren't working, they were never sufficient or worn properly. it was an imposition of adult and government authority. shame on you. the other thing i want to say, i am concerned when governor hochul talks about recommendations because she quickly goes to mandates. over the summer, she was mandating masks on transit, didn't let that go until september. if you recall during the debate with lee zeldin the other night, she talked about punishing health workers that get jobs back by -- the concern is recommendations. you can recommend what you want. she may then go quickly to mandates. >> see how parents feel
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about what governor hochul said. go back to a harvard study in march. 41% of parents believe masking hurts kids. 11% said it helped. we know social development and learning really suffered because of it. as you mention, doc, if a child can't see the person's lips move, they can't communicate as effectively. >> yeah, and they feele allergi where they were forced to wear masks outside engaged in physical activity. none of that made any sense. if you have a kid that's immuno compromised in an area with a lot of spread of some virus you're afraid of, a parent can say wear a mask. but that's not what we're talking about here. the recommendations, especially coming from the governor, don't feel like recommendations and i'm bothered by that. again, she's recommending the wrong kind of masks.
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>> john: the most important thing you said, the cute masks she's talking about, they don't work. doc, thanks for the house call. really appreciate it. >> great to be on with you, john. >> sandra: thank you, dr. seigal. heating or eating, that's the question dominating the new hampshire senate race as costs soar and winter comes. when we return. eople having a good time. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's a pool party. ♪ good times. insurance! ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> sandra: all right. democratic maggie hassan and don bolduc are focusing on the economy. >> i don't know how she looks granite voters in the eyes knowing they face a choice between eating and heating. i have been holding the hands of moms and dads and retirees that can't afford to live, a family that moved out of their home because they can't afford it into a three room apartment with children. this is disgraceful, it is wrong. >> i push the biden administration to release more home heating fuel right now from reserves so that we can increase supply. we also came together and i led a bipartisan push to increase home heating assistance because right now the immediate costs
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are really hurting people. >> sandra: all right, that was a really interesting moment whereas larry kudlow said before the break, he talked about how home heating costs soaring in the northeast are becoming a big part of these races that we are watching so closely. case in point, that senatorial race, just the latest emerson poll, fox news power rankings that has this lean d now. recent pollings, don bolduc has come up five points, maggie down five points, tightening this race, only three points apart there within the margin of error. as we watch that race closely, some key issues voters are watching in new hampshire, the economy, number one, cost of living a big one for folks there as well, especially with home heating costs. abortion still double digits there, 25%. threats to democracy double digits at 17%. health care number four at
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8 per 8%. we look at new hampshire's unemployment rate, it is worth pointing out the unemployment rate in new hampshire is significantly below the national average at 2 p.2%, makes it more of a cost of living conversation that they're having in that state, especially when you look at the rising price of things like gasoline. gas at the state level is below the national average, put up more than a dollar since president biden took office, so that's a big one to watch. quickly. into the governor's race, obviously in new hampshire one to watch as well as republican sununu goes against senator sherman in that state, that's one to watch. finishing off with a couple of the house, two house races in new hampshire, we had caroline levitt on the program, 25 years old, former trump staffer, trying her best as victory in this state. she would be one of the youngest members in congress. she has been able to close the gap as far as polling
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is concerned against chris popas. and i will finish off by shoepg you new hampshire's second district which is also a close race we are watching, and that is currently a lean d between custer and burns. so those two districts, close watch. the governor's race there obviously and the senatorial race, much of the debate happening now, about kids in the classroom, parental control, abortion, top of the list is the economy. and with the home heating prices surging in the northeast, this is becoming the number one conversation in a lot of the debates for the candidates. john. >> john: all right. we know that president biden is in upstate new york in syracuse, touching down a short time ago where he is campaigning for governor hochul who finds herself in an increasingly tight race with republican lee zeldin. just a few moments ago,
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the president touched down, was greeted by hochul and chuck schumer. a bit of a hot mike moment. you can hear schumer talking election strategy with the president. let's watch here. >> we're in danger. >> looks like -- basically picking up speed. >> john: difficult to hear. they were working on closed captioning. schumer said in that seat we're in danger in that seat, it is close, we'll see. looks like the debate didn't hurt as much in pennsylvania as of today, so that's good. i guess he was talking about the fetterman race. he says we're picking up steam in nevada, don't know if he is talking about the governor's race or the race for the
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senate. but we'll try to listen more closely, get captioning on it. interesting to hear them talking strategy here with 12 days left until the election and the ballots are counted. we find out who controls congress. >> sandra: amazing to hear the president's attempt at owning the economic message as we approach the midterm elections where many can make the argument that democrats have been late to pivot on this issue, not really focusing on the issues that matter most for voters when it comes to the economy, when it comes to home heating prices and when it comes to gas prices. and the president's message now, john, as you heard from him directly, he is telling voters that republicans will lead to economic decline and disaster, making the case that they'll repeal the inflation reduction act among other things that will not be good for the economy. that's the case they're making on the ground. governor hochul, syracuse
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university i believe is her alma-mater. interesting moment there as we had lee zeldin running against her on the program a short time ago. >> john: i mean the very fact that zeldin potentially has a shot at unseating shows you how far things have shifted the last few weeks. >> sandra: indeed. john, this week marks a decade since new york and new jersey coasts were pulverized by a rare meteorological mutant. part hurricane, part nor easer. it flooded downtown manhattan, left a new york city subway facing delays due to repair work for nine years. >> this is what it is looking like. imagine what it looks like once we feel the brunt. >> the concern is for water to spill over the pat re, enter the subway. >> it became a monster, extended tentacles out thousands of miles. >> so many of us remember that well. joining us, meteorologist
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amy freeze joining us. >> good to be with you. hard to believe it has been ten years. we have fresh memories and so much is still to be done. it turned out to be new york city. back to the storm, had impacts from transportation going down, the hospital had patients out on the street in the middle of the night. a lot of places, businesses and cities have completely redone plans for emergency spagsz liek e this situations like this. they've gone on to money for projects. billions of dollars have gone into them. you go to visit them, you go behind the scenes, they have a power plan at the hospital. it has to be one of the most >> martha: so crucial. so many lessons learned after super storm sandy. we look at this footage and
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remember how horrific this was in so many different ways. we showed the footage of the new york city subway systems. the water poured down. what a disaster. >> it's incredible the amount of money that has been spent to create protection from new jersey to new york city. we have tunnels under the river that allow us to travel in between. now there's doors that will close up and keep the water out. we have the underground flood gates. what we have to remember, it takes time to put these measures in place. an entire shut down would have to happen 12 hours before a storm would make landfall. the forecast has to be really good. >> something to look back. amy freeze on that. thank you to watch surviving a super storm, the lessons of sandy, download the fox weather app. it's at 10:00 p.m. eastern time.
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so many memories from that day. >> martha: hard to believe that ten years has gone by already. it is remarkable. time flies. >> sandra: time flies, there's our two hours. we'll be back tomorrow. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. >> john: we'll see you tomorrow. it's friday. there's only going to be 11 days left until november 8. the mid-term elections. i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha in new york starts right now. >> martha: good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. as john said, we're 12 days to go and the president today trying to be upbeat at the white house. >> great economic report today. the gdp report. things are looking good. >> martha: but there's other reports that folks in the west wing are getting worried about what they're seeing. it's being shown in some of the headlines out there like these. democrats scrambling in to defensive posture. grasping for a third rail. new polling shows republican
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