tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News October 27, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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>> bret: finally tonight, special day of florida woman shows off her potentially world record catch even more impressive 38-pound black drum fish caught by julie full spear dive 8 months pregnant. took up hobby as a way to stay active during the pandemic. beautiful about way to fair balanced and you unafraid. barely got out in time. >> jesse: i will give it to you. thanks, bret. >> bret: thanks, man. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: you always have to be prepared for the worst case scenario. keep some extra food and water in the house in case you get snowed in. have a jeb rarity just in case a storm takes out your power lines and you know you are going to escape your house if there's a fire. [shouting]
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[screaming] help. >> jesse: that's what the office of every democratic candidate and strategist across the country looks like right now. d.c. insider mark hall who is one of the most plugged in people in politics says democrats he is speaking to are in a living nightmare. they finally see the massive wave surging toward them and they admit there is nothing they can do about it. democrats say their private polls are showing worse numbers than the public polls. and the public polls are juiced left. you know this is bad. voters are giving democrat door knockers the middle finger as soon as they step on the front porch. black pass pastors say there iso enthusiasm in their community. voters are chanting let's go brandon when canvassers knock on their doors and even never trump
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suburban moms cannot wait for vote for kari lake and tudor dixon in michigan and lee zeldin in new york. democrats frying to plug holes in blue states like oregon, colorado, new york, and california. that's not exactly going on offense. "the washington post" says democrats have cowered into a defensive crouch, so, how did this happen? inflation, crime, and joe biden. we're on our hands and knees beg begging for leadership, begging for answers. joe biden acts like he can't hear us. >> thank you, guys. [shouting] thank you so much. let's go. thank you, thank you. [shouting] let's go. >> jesse: he doesn't care if prices are high. besides msnbc says fighting inflation is for nazis. while biden sits in silence, the
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squad though fills the void and the country hears. this. >> i was on a flight on the way out here and the flight attendant just kind of came up to me and she just started getting tears in her eyes and she just said i'm just so scared. i'm just so scared. are we going to be okay? and what i had to really tell her was, listen, i'm not going to tell you not to worry. i think we need to work really, really hard because we are still very much at this very critical precipice of fascism in this country. >> jesse: must be hard being aoc and if you are not getting hit on you are getting cried on. this is so typically of liberals. people are being shot dead in the street and they are worried about an ism from 80 years ago. filly looks like afghanistan. last week, four shooters lit up a block.
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54 rounds fired. 54. one guy got shot eight times. in ohio police were forced to gun down an armed man running toward a high school, watch. >> all the second dog stella. get out of the car, drop it. drop the gun. drop it. i will shoot you. i will shoot you. [shouting. [. >> jesse: democrats are lucky. they are only getting the middle finger when they knock on voters' doors. like usual, democrats only care about crime if it happens to them personally. democrat katie hobbes from arizona says this guy broke into her campaign headquarters. and she suggesting that her opponent, kari lake is behind it. well, she has no proof of that. but it definitely makes a good headline before the election. right? especially when you are afraid to debate and you are dropping like a rock in the polls.
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and isn't it interesting that hobbes is the one who released the photos of the suspect, not the police she doesn't know if the guy took anything she says. not exactly watergate but the media is eating it up. how much are you heard about the republican canvasser who had his jaw broken for supporting marco rubio. have you heard about him? probably not unless you watch fox. of the guys who beat him unjust got arrested by the way. democrat strategists are urging candidates to talk more about crime but the only thing they can muster up is january 6th. democrats can't shake the stench of the defund the police. mandela barnes, the democrat running against ron johnson in wisconsin is a big-time defund the police guy. is he also the same guy who says loving god, country and guns is as dangerous as isis. oh, yeah? and in his free time. barnes lik barnes likes to call
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wisconsin voters racist. >> the racism there is different than here in wisconsin because in louisiana and mississippi, alabama, it's more open. it's like you get it. you know the people that don't like you and here in wisconsin it's a little more scary because it can be institutionalized. >> much more hidden. >> much more concealed. you know wisconsin is racist but jeremiah wright is all right. >> not god bless america god damn america that's in the bible. >> now we are indignant because of the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back into our own front yard: america's chickens are coming home to roost. >> raphael warnock from georgia is even more radical than that. >> america, nobody can serve god
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and the military. >> no matter what happens next month, more than a third of the nation that would go along with this is reason to be afraid: america needs to repent for its worship of whiteness. >> so, in ferguson, police power showing up in a gangster and thug mental tattle. you know, can you wear all kinds of colors and be a thug. you can sometimes wear the colors of the state and behave like a thug. >> jesse: so democrats are worried that the race-baiting cop-hating reverend might lose. i wonder why that thing doesn't really play down in georgia. huh. i'm sure filly voters are going to love the white guy who chases innocent unarmed blacks with shotguns. fetterman still will not apologize for that one. >> why haven't you apologized to that unarmed innocent black man who you put a shotgun to his chest? >> all right. >> i made the opportunity to
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defend our community as the chief law enforcement officer there. everybody in braddock overwhelming majority community of black community all understood what happened. you know, they understood what happened. and everybody agreed that, and nobody believes that it was anything about me making a split second decision to defend our community as well. >> jesse: so his wife, will give, you know the shah shadow candidate whose family is tied to foreign intelligence says that's not racist. if you want to see real racism. we did not not the mansion the pool. the pool i wanted'. the dream was to open this pool and make it a public pool turn it into the people's pool and insure that young people across pennsylvania could learn how to swim and learn water safety and kind of work to right some of the wrongs. historically, swimming in america is very racist.
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>> jesse: biden was a lifeguard. he beat up corn pop at the pool. is that racist? people of braddock, pennsylvania, the town where fetterman was mayor aren't really that happy with him. he didn't make the town any better. but his campaigning like he did. >> i'm on my way out here. >> i know, you and everybody else. when fetterman says hey, oh, i helped create jobs in braddock we are like where? 1700 of us and like 5050 in braddock. we need a grocery store. we need businesses. people need jobs. >> jesse: he couldn't cut as it mayor and he is definitely not fit to serve as senator. here is what he said yesterday. staff [inaudible] >> and here's what he said today. >> talk about the liver -- the liberty of state -- has never
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had an inscription inside that said, you know, send your tired hunterred masses. >> again, we are not here to mock fetterman. we feel sorry for him. he should be resting and recovering. not running for the u.s. senate. everybody who saw the oz-fetterman debate tuesday knows fetterman is unfit for office. they know that. but schumer thought the debate went great and then got caught on a hot mic today telling biden what he wants to hear. >> jesse: if biden started listening to voters instead of politicians, this country would be in a lot better shape. here are the people of pennsylvania in their own words. >> from day bun, once he had his
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stroke, i felt he should drop out. i don't think he is healthy enough to be -- hold the office. >> it almost made him seem as if he was not even qualified to do the functions of the office. >> we need somebody who is going to be a sound, healthy mind. unfortunately, it seems that he is not that right now. >> jesse: dr. oz is running for senate in pennsylvania who joins me now. do you feel sorry for john fetterman? >> my focus was on talking about the extreme positions that john fetterman has been taking and i think they are out of touch with pennsylvania values. you just heard folks all across the country 2reu7 sort of reflecting the same reality. my issue at the debate was to get john fetterman to defend his dangerous policies but he couldn't do them. we talked about fracking i don't support fracking at all he said
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i never have. that was a few years ago. in the debate he said i have always been for fracking. he wouldn't discuss some of the things he said about criminal justice issues. in particular his desire to free as many murderers as possible. i don't know but, jesse, his main focus seems to be on getting people who are sentenced to life in prison out of jail and the most pro-murderer candidate in america. it's hard to imagine doing that over the objections of other parole board members and the families of those people who were hurt. >> jesse: so you are sticking on the issues and not getting into the health situation. that's probably smart politics for you. joe biden and kamala and barack obama, they are all going to descend into pennsylvania in the next week to try to close this thing for john. what's your response to that going to be? >> it's not going to help john fetterman to have folks visiting who right now aren't making the country better and people in pennsylvania know that what is shocking to me is how much money is flowing into john fetterman's campaign.
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after the debate ended, he raised $2 million online from people who just wanted to chip in and try to get him past whatever crisis they felt was going to happen with the debate. by the way, if that bothers you and it bothers me, go to dr. and try to even up the table here so we can tell the truth about john fetterman more than he lies about me. it doesn't matter. the tide has shifted. people are onto the fact that john is unwilling to defend his far left radical position. i bring balance to pennsylvania. you know, i can make sure that the republicans and democrats can actually talk to each other and address the crises. i will tell you, jesse, the main question i get asked in the campaign trail is not what can you teach the other party or can you beat him up. will you just fix the problem? we got crime out of control in philadelphia. we are suffering desperately from inflation and tax increases, please help us fix the problem. i will do that john fetterman will bring something very different. he will bring a mindset that prevents him from working with others who disagree with him. >> jesse: you brought also quite a sense of humor. when i interviewed years ago
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you, at the u.s. open back in 2015, i knew i remembered interviewing you at some point. i couldn't put my finger on it. my staff did some digging. and we pulled up this exchange. i think i asked you who would win in a tennis match trump or hillary? here is what you said. >> women have wicked back hands. i have lived them myself. i have to give hillary a little bit of a nudge on this one just nasty back hands. i think it's about the hips, they are wider and they can get through them. >> jesse: now are getting yourself into trouble. >> jesse: do you remember that? >> enough to recall but my wife played tennis in college and she really really takes advantage of me and she has a wonderful back hand. i was probably thinking about how much matches i have lost in games to her. >> jesse: always good to lose to your wife. got to lose at something. listen, you are not going to lose especially after that debate on tuesday. dr. oz, thanks for joining us. and we all wish john fetterman a speedy recovery if that's
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possible. thank you. >> take care. >> jesse: twitter employees are freaking out as elon musk takes control but we found out what these employees are doing all day. and they should be nervous. plus, happy national civics day. >> who is the commander-in-chief of the military? >> his name is joe. >> joe piscopo. [buzzer] ntly with chase. leon's saving up for his first set of wheels... nice try. really? this leon's paying for his paint job on the spot... and this leon, as a chase private client, he's in the south of france, taking out cash with no atm fees. that's because this family of leons has chase. actually, it's león. ooh la la! one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> jesse: employees are obviously not happy with elon. is he the biggest threat of lifestyles yog diva breaks. ened here is the day in the life of a twitter employee. >> welcome to a day in my life as a twitter employee. made my way down to the log cabin area. i don't know what this is. it was really cool. friends to unwind a bit. also, found this really cool meditation room that i thought was super neat i don't do yoga but they have this yoga room and make expresso before leaving today red wine that's on tap. >> jesse: remember when elon musk said he wanted to cut the workforce by 75%? does it make sense now? after elon said that the employees fired back with an open letter, don't you love those open letters demanding elon musk not fire a soul. their virtual jobs are just too
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important and honestly they will never find a gig with this many perks again. musk is being made out the enemy when laughs are common in biden's economy. cnn, warner brothers, "discovery" all laying off workers. it's only evil when he does it. musk sent out a tweet today to advertisers cementing his commitment to making twitter the true digital public square. and his even bigger commitment to make twitter actually profitable. their business model for the last 12 years was to not make money and that comes to an end on saturday. which "primetime" is saddened by because we won't be able to watch the day in the life videos anymore. i mean, is this place just a billion dollars cafeteria? only group of people more concerned than employees are democrats. hence, why musk is under two separate investigations now from the sec and the federal trade commission. elon taking over twitter is a doomsday sce scenario for him.
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last thing they want is a free and fair conversation where all people are treated equally and all ideas respected. place to debate without getting canceled. democrats don't want this the more their ideas are explored and analyzed the less popular they become. and they won't be able to crucial republican october surprises anymore to win elections. so, we will have to wait and see if elon can truly reign in the giant. it's clear he actually wants to fix it. but, if you think the twitter employees have it easy. take a look at the day in the life of a face book designer or meta as they're called now. >> in the life as a 23-year-old product manager at met tax i always journal in the morning and do a quick workout routine. i get dressed. i try to look cute every day. got some food at the office. i make a coffee every single morning. i need that i did some work on the roof. worked until lunch and ate up there. here is me being cute.
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i got a snack always. i then shuttled home the view is so pretty. met up with some friends dinner. my boyfriend came over and acting like a d.j. for my dog. >> jesse: clay travis is the host of clay travis and buck sexton show. i don't know what your office is like. do you have your employees doing yoga and do you have a meditation room, clay? >> i don't. you know, i work from home. and so do most of the outkick employees or they work in the 1211 building where you are jesse. if that's the kind of work experience they have. i want it be an employee instead of running the place. i want to have a lot lower stress and hanging out and have somebody come over and play d.j. for mayan mall in the house which are actually three kids because i think that could give me a little bit of leeway. look, jesse, i actually think this is going to be historically a really interesting time. on friday, you were going to have elon musk take over twitter
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and then 10 days later. the democrats which have basically allowed twitter to become their default sounding board for everything that they do are going to deal with a red tsunami, which repudiates everything that is popular on twitter. the question is i'm sure you guys have been sharing is aoc on twitter the real world or is aoc in her town hall meetings where people show up and tell her that she is doing an awful job, the real world. i think it's the ladder. and whe latter. when we start to have public algorithms and see how much far left wing ideals have been overemphasized. i think the democrat party, which is now taken over by identity politics is going to look around and say oh my goodness, we allowed ourselves to be destroyed by believing social media was real. >> jesse: clay travis does not have a meditation room in his office. they call that the bathroom. thank you very much, clay. >> i need it. trust me. >> jesse: so do i.
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"primetime" investigation into kamala harris' electric school bus boondoggle. ♪ (bridget vo) with thyroid eye disease... i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d was beyond help... ...but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study, more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you don't have diabetes. and may worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. we're in election season and many politicians are promising that they're telling the truth. i can tell you there is one who always tells the truth. that is the lord jesus christ. he said, "i'm the way, the truth and the life, "and no man comes to the father except through me." there aren't many ways to god. there is only one, and that's through jesus christ.
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god sent jesus to earth to save us from our sins. he took our sins to the cross. he shed his blood and died, was buried, and god raised him to life on the third day. if you have never trusted him, if you have never put your faith in the embodiment of truth, the lord jesus christ, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, "god i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. "i want to turn from my sins, "i believe that jesus christ is your son. "i want to trust him as my savior, "and follow him as my lord. "from this day forward. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now. god bless you!
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>> jesse: joe biden loves to tell us he is a big car guy. he just can't get enough of the sweet revving sounds of good old american muscle. but yesterday they tried to put joe in an electric and it just didn't feel the same for him. >> feel like going for a ride. >> i would love to. >> why don't you drive. hop in. >> all right. thank you, pal. >> you just got in this and drove and didn't know it was electric, would you know right away? does it feel different to you. >> feels different in three ways one it's quiet, quiet as hell. number two, if i accidently hit quickly. >> this is the only time you go et to drive is when you are with me. >> yeah it is. >> it's the god's truth. >> and i miss it. every once in a while i take the corvette out of the garage and run up and down the driveway.
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>> jesse: three reasons he only gave us two. that sounds right. do you think joe is going to bring up cars without bringing up the 67 corvette. as soon as he saw her sitting on the lot he couldn't help himself. had to hop in and do a little drag race. [revving engine] >> old men revving up the vehicles. determined. yesterday to governmental ready. >> may the best corvette win. on your mark, get set, go! [tires squealing] that's not the only drag joe is into we don't have time on tonight's show. now, you think a car guy like joe biden would be acutely aware of the price of gas. but you would be wrong. >> the most common price of gas in america is $3.39. down from over $5 when i took office. >> jesse: that's a lie. it was 2.39 the day he took
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office and today's average 3.76. but who cares what the price of gas is. we got electric school buses, people. >> who doesn't love a yellow school bus? right? can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus, right? just, there's something about -- and, most of us, many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? and it's part of -- it's part of our experience growing up. it's part of -- you know, an anostalgia and memory of the excitement and joy of going to school. >> jesse: we get it, kamala, you love school buses. we all watched what did you to joe at that debate. >> you know, there was a little girl in california, who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. and that little girl was me. >> jesse: oh. maybe that's why joe tapped her to be in charge of the electric
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school buses. that's what you call forced busing. now, i know what you are thinking. cheney was put in charge in the war on terror. v.p. biden was in charge of the war iraq and ukraine. pence was in charge of the covid task force. electric school buses don't sound like that big of a portfolio but kamala doesn't care. she is down right giddy about it. now, gutfeld sources say this was going to be mayor pete's big push. he didn't even really want it. he was like just give it to harris i have some racist bridges to tear down. kamala just announced they are spending $1 billion on electric school buses. now, these buses may cost nearly four times as much as a regular bus. you know, why spend 100,000 when you can almost spend 400,000. they may be deadlier on the road and may be catching on fire like this one did here in connecticut. but these buss are going to make democrats very, very, very happy. you see, there are a few
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companies who are set to profit off this big time. one is proterra. they are getting a bulk of the order on these electric buses. proterra's buses have known to be clunkers, the city of philadelphia spent $24 million on them and ended up having to take them off the road. in california, another one caught on fire. joe, kamala, pete have all thrown their weight behind them name dropping them any time they get a chance. but the funny thing is about proterra, biden's own energy secretary was on their board up until last year. but that's not the worst of it. she also was sitting on $1.6 million of proterra stock while she was energy secretary. and she is not only one. democrat mega donors like the pritzker family all have financial stakes in proterra. does this sound like another solyndra and another company who is getting a big juicy contract is bloomberg the bus company. the chairman of their board just
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happens to be a big donor to the democrats. donated thousands of bucks to biden. thousands, tens of thousands to other democrats. wouldn't it be great if democrats cared but what kids learned in school instead of how they got to school? jason isaac is the director of life, power and he joins me now. how about these electric school buses. are they really that environmentally friendly? >> well, it's all about the kids, jesse. you know, i live a high carbon lifestyle and i think the rest of the world should, too. it's about the 40,000 kids that are employed in chinese owned and controlled mines in the congo. kids that are 6 to 13 years old that earn less than $2 a day but, wait, you mentioned drag earlier and there is nothing more toxic than drag and kids. that's been going around but what's more toxic as you mentioned buses actually catching on fire. you talk about an environmental disaster and a toxic mess. that's more dangerous than
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breaking a compact florist sent light bulb in california. it's really detrimental to the kids. >> jesse: you are saying they are probably using forced child labor in third world countries to dig these properties out of these mines and the democrats are like okay, as long as you don't really hear the engine, that's what we care about. >> it's complete virtue signaling, like the percentage of electric school buses on the market right now .15%. this shouldn't be tested and tried with kids as the cargo. this technology needs to be proven and it should be proven in the trucking industry where there is nearly 3 million trucks with professional drivers on the road. but that hasn't worked out too well. i think niko has been in the news here recently. it's just another green boondoggle and handout to big democratic donors. >> jesse: nowhere to charge these buses. i can see my daughters being late to school every darn day. >> and cold weather with the range. >> jesse: at least people are
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making money. how's come i never find out about companies to get great big juicy contracts. can somebody tell me when a company is about to get a great big juicy contract. i'm the last to know. i just have to report on it. give me something on the inside once. thank you so much for joining us. coming up, when animals attack. [screams] ♪ e with new neuriva relax and sleep. it has l-theanine to help me relax from daily stress. plus, shoden ashwagandha for quality sleep. so i can wake up refreshed. neuriva think bigger.
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>> jesse: a wise man once said -- >> if you are good at something never do it for free. >> jesse: seems chicago mayor lori lightfoot couldn't agree more. so good at her job she wants a raise. $215,000 salary isn't cutting it anymore. she deserves more. she is asking the city for 5% bump to even things out. i mean, come on, those dance lessons don't pay for themselves. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jesse: what about those fancy costumes? they don't come cheap. now, listen, i know what you are thinking, dolls lori of all people really deserve a race? crime is up. companies fleeing chicago. but, here's what you are forgetting. lori lightfoot who battalioned the italians and won. they wanted to bring back the christopher columbus statue lori fight back and let them know she has the biggest unit in chicago. if lori wants a big pay raise, i'm willing to bet she will get that raise. this is a scary world we are living. in the streets are dangerous. there is violence everywhere. and if the crypts don't get you the sharks certainly will. >> okay, sharks, vonomos ♪ ♪ >> jesse: no, not those sharks. these sharks.
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>> right there, wow. holy crap. >> oh. >> but i got on -- >> oh, that was a close call and the only thing scarier than almost getting eaten by a shark is almost getting mauled by a bear. look what happened to this mountain climber in japan. >> oh. [screams] [screams] [screams] [screams] >> sound like gutfeld making love. and if you are thinking to
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yourself oh i'm not a japanese mountain climber, bears aren't coming for me. think again. we spoke to a wildlife expert who told us democrat policies are causing a spike in bear encounters, maybe even in a town near you. >> watching the department of fish and wild life commission decided to ban spring bear hunting. this is nothing short of an inat this investigation to allow these large pretty tores counsel neuro cities especially as urban sprawl takes place, jesse, we start moving up into their habitat. they are moving back down into ours. >> joe paul burns a wildlife expert and radio host. joe, you have had scary encounters with these beasts. what happened? >> i spent a lot of time in the mountains hunting bears, hunting deer. i was a fishing guide in alaska and on the peninsula in russia. so i was, you know, around bears daily in those situations. here in washington i spend a lot of time in august and september
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up in the mountains hunting bears. and i had one -- i have had one experience where i was charged by a black bear with two cubs. just one of those situations that you don't want to ever have happen. but i ended up between a sow and her two cubs. i didn't know the cubs were there up a tree behind me. that sow charged. i had to use my handgun to dispatch that bear. it's very rare that that happens. you know, i have been hunting for over 30 years and that's one situation that i have had. >> jesse: it happens when you are going around looking for bears. hopefully it doesn't happen to me. if i am ever out in the wilderness and i'm not armed and maybe i'm accidentally between a momma grizzly and cubs or one bear just looks like he might be licking his chops, what do i do?
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>> well, first thing you want to do is you want to face that bear. you want to stand your ground. you want to wave your arms around, and you want to make some noise. you heard that hiker, that climber screaming and yelling and making noise and scare that bear off. you never want to turn and run from a bear. black bears can run 30 miles per hour. you are not going to outrun that bear. the best advice i can give folks if you know that you are going to be in bear country, have bear spray. and know how to use it. practice with it. >> okay. it's funny, we had a guy on who does security in the cities and he says to carry bear spray also in some of these metropolitan areas. it looks like you need bear spray pretty much everywhere in the united states. thank you so much. >> bear spray sales are going to go up. >> jesse: that's right.
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i actually have stock just like people electric school buses. just kidding. lawyers get off my back. thank you for sharing those tips. i will go like this and scream like a girl. it's national civics day. so we did what we do best. >> what's in the president's cabinet? >> big bottle of scotc bo [buz. shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. >> tech: at safelite, we take care of vehicles with the latest technology. we can replace your windshield ...and recalibrate your safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,
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service advisors, store managers. ziprecruiter helps me find all the right people, even the most difficult jobs to fill. - [announcer] ziprecruiter, rated the number one hiring site. try it for free at ♪ >> jesse: today is national civics day. in order to celebrate this grea holiday we sent johnny out to quiz americans knowledge for of it all we have to say is yikes. ♪ >> who is the commander-in-chie commander-in-chief in the merit military? >> his name is joe. >> joe piscopo.
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>> joe schmoe. >> joby iberia to. >> joe biden? >> wet cracks. >> have to be kidding me. it's not biden. >> i'm your commander-in-chief. >> joe jackson. >> name as many amendments as you can pricking and no amendments pricking what is the fourth amendment? >> you got that. can get the right to remain silent. >> about no. >> the right to bear arms, the right to free speech. >> the right to jaywalking. >> exactly. the right to jaywalkers can get that's not rightfax. >> it's not. >> and amendment is i have no idea. >> not a single clue. to get what is in the president 's cabinet?
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>> it's all right for people to head healthcare. >> salt-and-pepper? >> secretary of? to get what you mean? >> secretary of state. secretary of defense frickey wh is the secretary of state? >> mark meadows. >> how many supreme court justices are there? >> seven i believe? can get lower? to get lower. >> ten? >> at lower. >> nine. >> can you name any of the supreme court justices? >> judge mathis? >> judge judy? >> don't know him. >> i haven't studied this, i don't know. >> the presidential elections are usually held in could get
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maybe it. >> september. >> november. to get you got it. >> let's go. >> brandon. >> here senators? >> don't know. >> check. >> eegs. >> schumer. >> you're from new jersey, who are here senators? >> and nobody looks like, but i can't think of his name. >> bob the builder. >> who is your governor? >> your guiliani? >> i don't know what you do? take it there is a race. >> right, right, right. >> what a dumb hand i am. >> you're going to be on jesse waters prime time. >> 11 jesse watters freight wait , i love jesse. 11 year. my fiancé, i always say you're my second boyfriend.
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he always puts on fox news and say he's handsome. >> my wife deceived me. that is what my window is about. it was a white lie. the kind of lies and will do with. she told me, she told me the pinkberry cup was 100 calories. but then, the guilt was getting to her and she came back ten minutes later and she confessed it was 150 calories. i thought i would give you up date freight we are still trend get in touch with the executive the pinkberry. pinkberry now follows me on twitter. so there is some sort of action between us, but we are still waiting for real contact. pinkberry, overhear? >> we have judy from pensacola, florida. she is to be the highest per capita income in the 60s fred now they have school shooters. that's right, jd vance, might b
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able to take care of that. mike from nazareth, pennsylvania . jesse, we got a heating oil delivery today byrd $7,400 what else does anyone need to know before heading to vote? >> heating oil is going to be astronomical this winter. >> congress, new york page humo doesn't of fake victims hurt that dems that bad in pennsylvania. i have an antiracist bridge to sell them. >> lauren from minneapolis, minnesota. lori lightfoot would make a great twitter employee. could get that's raised. she yoga room and do that when dispenser. print. >> craig from hudsonville,. can get the batteries and the bus go up in smoke, up in smoke all through the town. >> comella from staten island,
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of course it's carmella from staten island. had you knew what greg gutfeld does in private, because he won't stop talking about his personal life right if anybody understands greg, he doesn't shut up it's like a stream of consciousness. he eats up meditation room. that is all for tonight. tucker is up next. i'm watters, and this is my world. ♪ >> welcome to tucker carlson tonight. there are a lot of faraway places and the world, but europ is not one of them. europe is where your kids spend their year abroad. it's an easy flight from the east coast of the united states to pretty much anywhere in the continent. you know this if you been on vacation area. they've got starbucks and taco bell and air-conditi
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