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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  October 27, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> proud of you have laura congratulations. >> indeed. here's to five more. >> i love them and i think i was every tuesday or wednesday i would go on with fox and friends. i do miss that. i don't get enough sleep as it is. steve and ainsley, brian, love you back >> and, remember, we want you to dvr the show so you never miss an episode and greg gutfeld and everyone takes it from here. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: beautiful. beautiful, beautiful. happy thursday, everybody. all right, control yourselves. my goodness. i'm not just a piece of meat. so i think we're finally realizing the secret truth about the woke, that the number of people who actually believe in this gar beige is like brian
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kilmeade's fan base. way smaller than we think. it's true. we always assume the woke have the numbers. but we really, we never really knew how many. was it 10 million? one million? what if it's just 500 miserable narcissists? what if it's just keith olbermann? the hill reports on a new study which shows people often appear more politically extreme than they really are just to fit in. of course, there are some exceptions like antifa, isisand the cast of the view. but the popular report compare how much people agree with political statements on public to them when revised in private and the differences between stated and private opinions were as big as my quads. they're big. you'll see them later. that's a tease. for example, it turns out millennials who tend to be progressive are much more conservative when it comes to
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education. why? because now they had kids which means they don't think it's already for a teacher to show second grade students how to twerk. you have to wait until they're in 5th grade like mine did. meanwhile 74% believes parents should have more control over the curriculum. that's a difference of 26 points compared to their public opinion. that's more points than jimmy failla has on his driver's license. [laughter] >> greg: now this should actually piss you off. it means these generations mass ca raid to fit in rather than step up. in short they have less backbone than a bucket of snails. it's this coward is that enables such terrible ideas to persist. it's why i get pissed off when i see folks still wearing masks outside: they're keeping a myth alive plus it keeps me from spitting gum into their mouths. i learned that from my mom. i'm glad people with crazy woke ideas aren't really crazy woke at all. but does it really make a
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difference if the people calling me a nazi are just trying to make friends? for example, they have way more private doubts about racism and gender ideology being taught in school. that's big. meaning the leading cause of stupidity is because it's cool. would you have known that if not for this survey? you're welcome, america. you'd have to ask people in private about their beliefs, and they might not tell. so that means while they might agree when you're alone, they might not stand with you in a school board meeting. they're like that guy in the titanic who threw on a lady's wig so he could board the life boat first. remember that fellows, always bring a wig when you go on a cruise. for a number of reasons. it also turns out that those under 30 reject more than just my friend requests. unlike their public personas, they don't want ceos to pontificate on social issues and they don't believe racism is
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built into american life. again that's heartening but also infuriating. marriage if these cowards had balls, then we might not have had riots or looting or crime waves or even better democrats in power. if these [bleep]s stood up against the tiny throng of miserable extremist on campus or social media, america would be great. i'd tell them to grow a pair but that means something totally different these days. it's true t sadly, they're only honest within their own cranial crawl space. and it's there that they're less likely to favor speech codes or force people to wear masks. but that's meaningless because it's private. you've got to let that stuff out. this is the u.s., it's not iran, for christ's sakes. well, not yet anyway. but this is public lying that creates an environment where the woke exercise undeserved authority and where everyone
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else lies to avoid being ostracized like fox and friends hosts. half of americans admit avoid saying something for fear of upsetting jackass. i live upsetting jackasses that's why i bought the billboard outside npr. no wonder no one trusts anything anymore because if you're lying you know everyone else is lying, too. the woke told us all into the clintons. worse we're like the audience members of the view nervously agreeing that anna navarro seems smafrment we're now in tribes that we don't even believe in. it's an idiotic thought that the most extreme position is now considered the safest position publicly. it's like peer pressure is turning us into a bunch of evel knievels.
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>> dylan we like you you don't have to do this extreme stuff to fit in. you know i think setting yourself on fire is stupid. >> you're not going to end up in the record books. more likely end up in the hospital. so you're not going to do it, okay? promise? okay. crazy. [screaming]. >> oh. >> you know, i never liked him anyway. >> yeah, me neither. >> greg: applaud a fiery death. you monsters. and so with dishonest media along with twitter blue check narcissist and activists who have art with food has everyone hiding behind extreme beliefs. time we start ruining their true art which is lying but not
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throwing mashed potatoes or soup at them but the truth because never in history has so little done so much harm to so many and tells you why once again this show is number one and stephen colbert is number two. [cheers and applause] >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. this first guest can spot a hoax striking fear in fake hate crime hoax. author of fake crime hoax, dr. wilfred reilly [cheers and applause] >> greg: people can't take their eyes off him out of fear he'll steal their wallet. host of fox across america, jimmy failla! [cheers and applause] >> greg: she hates haunted houses 'cause the monsters get all the attention. fox news contributor kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: and this halloween he's handing out beatings, my massive side kick and the nwa's world
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champion tyrus! [cheers and applause] >> greg: so professor, welcome to the show it's your first time. i'm a fan of your work. you came out with this amazing book on hate crimes and i'm always amazed that you haven't been cancelled, especially with your performances on twitter which are often incredibly perceptive and you take a lot of risks. how come you haven't been cancelled? is this study explaining that that maybe more people agree with you than we thought. >> wilfred: first let me say you mentioned this in passing but the jackass is probably the best symbol ever for a political party so i wanted to drop that. there's probably a lot of reasons i haven't been cancelled. being black makes it harder to call me a nazi, down on the line. >> tyrus: not as hard as you think bro. >> wilfred: i feel you brother. they still try it no matter how ridiculous. but at any rate i think there are a couple reasons. on the walk front i've read this study before, people can check that out most seriously most ran
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in the hill and it's absolutely fascinating. 76% of people across left and right think parents should make most decisions for their kids. only 42% of millennials think the country's racist that cuts across blacks and whites. it's absolutely entertaining. the majority of people are pretty normal. and last thing, but this is a reversal of something we already knew. we already knew people toned down those crazy tribal beliefs when they're in mixed company across political racial lines. this is the reverse. if all you hang around with is people just like you you say the craziest imaginable stuff to fit in and leave. but this is good because we now know very few true believers exist. >> greg: right. to me it's reassuring. it makes me sad that i might have believed in this delusion jimmy -- it's weird do you hang around with people like you? the homeless shelters are basically the closest you'll find. >> jimmy: as long as we're not within 500 feet of a school i can hang out with as many people like me acid a he like.
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>> greg: does this stuff surprise snub. >> jimmy: no. i always believed there was a gap between what people believed publicly and privately only because how we've changed labeling. you know what i'm saying? we took disagreement recharacterized it as hate speech and put a lot of pressure on people to play along with the group. think about this. something very simple. if you support voter id you shall a now considered jim crow on ter voids or if you want to take a kid to a strip call you're now considered a democrat school teacher. you know what i mean? but you get it. and what we've done is, not only does it hurt political debate but it's actually hurt the country and a good example of that for real would be the wall. democrats voted for border wall funding twice before trump came down the escalator and said build a wall ask and now it's racist which is psychotic because everyone's getting into the border. so what's happened is we exposed the tyranny of the minority just in time because social media allowed them to weaponize bad ideas quickly. the only reason we didn't defund
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the police after biden got elected because he thinks they're a british rock band but if it wasn't for that we'd be screwed. >> greg: i get that joke. >> jimmy: there you go. >> greg: hey kat, how's it going? >> kat: it's going so well. >> greg: i'm very optimistic about this but i wonder does this make any difference at all? like does it matter that the person calling you a nazi doesn't really mean it? >> kat: no. i wish we could go back to the good old days where people stopped hating me for where i work and start hating me for who i am. [laughter] >> kat: thanks. [cheers and applause] >> kat: i'm not sure if that's good or not. >> greg: they applauded somebody set on fire >> kat: yeah, i don't know. like the true believerses, you'll never truly win and because i am a truly horrible person i spend a lot of time on reddit and there's like the bachelorette and every day they're cancelling one of the
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contestants for something like they follow a republican op instagram. or they liked a republican's tweet. and it's like, if this is what you expect from your reality tv show contestants, you can't be tolerable, you can't be out there in the real world getting along with real people. those people are never going to like you anyway so it's time for everyone to stop succeeding up to people who clearly suck and have sad clueded expectations about the world. >> greg: i was going to ask you tyrus what the solution would be and the idea that it's easy to say, do not take these people seriously. but if let's say your boss takes them seriously, or your hr department takes it seriously, you have to take it seriously. like, for example, the example this young lady just used. what's your name again? >> kat: i'm young! >> greg: like a bachelor could lose his --. >> tyrus: could have. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: well, the timing of
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this couldn't be anymore suspect. looks like the woke soiree is over and now receipts are going to be handed out. [cheers and applause]. >> tyrus: they just lost 534 of their woke members at twitter so there's going to be a huge drop-off on the hate. and ceos and your bosses and stuff, during the oz period where the curtains and smoke and bots made it look like they had huge numbers but every time i got a woke protest it was like three people and one person with a really loud meg phone that were the worst representations of whatever they were trying to represent. so what we're seeing now is the jig is up, the blue check is on. elon came in with a sink which means, i get it, he's throwing out everything and bringing his own kitchen sink. go broke with woke. so you're seeing, how do we do it? easy. shut up
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>> greg: esg. all right. got to roll. roll into the next block, the wheels on the bus go round and round as joe and kamala drive us into the ground. [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: kamala loves a bus that's yellow while airline fees turn joe's brain to jello. on wednesday, a day of the week, kat, president biden and vice-president harris gave us their best unintentional abbott and costello routine even though they were thousands of miles apart. sadly both decided to play costello. yeah, take that people complaining that all my references are 40 years old. [laughter] >> greg: we're getting that lower demographic. during a speech on inflation, joe claimed airlines charging more for extra leg room seats
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hurts minorities. >> some airlines, if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money. but you don't know it until you purchase your ticket. >> greg: no, joe, airlines tell you it costs more the moment you select a seat. maybe address the six inches of space between your ears before addressing six inches between you and the seat. all right. say something dumber. >> look, folks, these are junk fees, they're unfair and they hit marginalized americans the hardest especially low income folks and people of color. >> greg:. >> greg: that makes sense. hey america, leg room is racist. joe better be careful or the media might call him a hero to the disabled. oh. meanwhile in seattle, at an event announcing nearly $1 million given to schools to
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replace older buses with electric ones, kamala channeled romper room. >> who doesn't love a yellow school bus. right? can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus. right? there's something about -- and most of us, many of us, went to school on the yellow school bus, right? and it's part of, it's part of our experience growing up. it's part of, you know, a nostalgia and memory of the excitement and joy of going to school to be with your favorite teacher, to be with your best friends and to learn. the school bus takes us there. >> greg: now, if you had the word school bus on your kamala harris drinking game, your liver would have already exploded. yeah, sure she loves buses, although she hated the ones greg abbott sends to her house. [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: i never know what works. and she also left out the part about how joe biden opposed her riding one. anyway. i bet this makes more sense. tyrus. >> tyrus: with bongos. >> who doesn't love a yellow school bus. right? can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus. there's something about -- and most of us many of us went to school on the yellow school bus. and it's part of, part of our experience growing up. [bongos playing] >> greg: now, the administration got it backwards. they should have sent kamala to talk about the racism of airline seats since she is a minority and biden was the obvious choice about school buses because they're yellow on the outside
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and brown on the inside like his pants. anything to add, joe? >> wilfred: . >> hey look, i'm serious man i'm going to make changes on these airplanes. first of all these carpeted staircases they make you climb when you're getting on the plane. they're slippery. someone's going to get hurt. and now they're charging more money if you want a little extra leg room? and you know, that hurts black people. they're all tall. i see them on tv. lebron and shaquille, all those guys. i mean, this isn't jim crow, this is jim eagle. >> greg: tyrus? does he have any point about the leg room being racist? >> tyrus: no. i keep thinking this is it.
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but he continues to amaze me with some of the stupidest [bleep] ever said by any person. and then when i think, it can't get any worse, kamala [bleep]s around and comes on tv. you know you don't love the bus, so why say who loves the school bus? nobody who ever sat on the [bleep] school bus likes the school bus. [cheers and applause]. >> tyrus: have you -- i'm going to go off. have you ever been on a school bus and your friends rolled up in a car, got my dad's car. no, i'm on the school bus. we wouldn't even watch the tv show magic school bus because across the board we all said [bleep] the school bus. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> kat: no, that's true. that's true. >> tyrus: nobody >> kat: some of the worst moments of my life were on a
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yellow school bus. >> tyrus: you had to get up at 6:00, freeze outside, avoid bullying >> kat: yep. >> tyrus: being rained on. don't walk back home. '80s moms didn't play that, the door was locked. nobody got on a school bus and was like, yes. >> greg: kat, do you have fond school bus >> kat: no, it was awful. i remember i liked this boyen a then like at a sleep-over we wrote a note to him in the sixth grade asking him to go out to him but it fell out and read it and he ran up and down the bus going no, i will not go out with you. [crowd groans] >> kat: i'm over it now relax. >> tyrus: but you had to eat it until you got to his stop >> kat: until the next day. it was great, nobody talks about that. but i've decided whatever she's on i want it. >> tyrus: she's high >> kat: yes.
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because honestly it would make me terrible at my job on the one hand but on the other hand i wouldn't call >> greg: she's definitely on -- jimmy, she's whacky >> jimmy: just to play devil's advocate and add to tyrus's rant, maybe it's different because kamala was on the short bus, unlike us. she agencies so stupid. she's just so stupid. we're all laughing but i'm watching like this whole country's [bleep]ed right now. the only thing with biden, this whole time he thought blm stood for black leg room matters. like, no. >> greg: there you go. all right, professor, do you agree with president biden over the leg room? or kamala's love for buses. >> wilfred: i'll say something that's probably going to be unpopular. i'm less mad here at kamala harris. i think kamala harris is sort of this business woman that's in
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the vice-presidential role a job with no power, no one wants it. she wanted to be president, she got one percent of the vote and now the president who hates her is making her do this stupid [bleep]. so she winds up saying things like we're going to the moon, kids. and, i mean, come on, used to be the attorney general of california, no that's why she's saying this crap. everyone hates the school bus. i went to school in the hood we didn't have school buses for the first five years, which is worse. and there's a love of farm kids in the same position. so second worst option. but the joe biden leg room is serious, kind of the idea that any system that produces any gap between people is racist. that's actually a real provenlt he's saying that the average black guy makes ten percent less than the average white guy so you're more likely to buy a coach seat that means airlines needs to give you a certain percentage of seats for me.
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there's a real objective that's more than stupid. but in that everything's racist against white people and in favor of asians. you can't take anything seriously per question one. that's my take. >> greg: there you go. i just got smarter. up next, as woke employees pull out their hair, the world's richest man enters with flare. ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... [ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx.
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was a toilet and captioned it with let's potty. huh? yeah. don't clap. i know you wanted to. it wasn't long before liberals started melting down faster than greta thunberg at a monster truck rally. saying it's so cruel and he's a piece of trash. and they said it on twitter so they should thank him for the pre speech the ingreats. musk followed up saying it's important to the future civilization to have a common town squared. meanwhile twitter's brats are proving it's as essential as james corden's running shoes. tossed an open letter about elon's plan to fire 75% of them quote a threat of this magnitude its reckless undermines our users and customer's trust in our platform and is the transparent act of worker intimidation. someone should flag that for misinformation. so like death row inmates requesting cushions for the
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electric chair the people about to be fired wrote up a list of demands. they want respect, safety, protection, dignity. hell, if they want all that they should just come work for me. >> hey, guys, great work on the scripts today. [laughter] >> greg: jimmy, it's so adorable that they wrote up a list of demands. it's kind of like the christmas list by a five year old and daddy's like you're not getting any of this. >> jimmy: it's like me being beyonce i'll only date you on these terms. >> greg: yeah. >> jimmy: thanks for coming, drive safe. my favorite part of this whole societal meltdown of elon musk buying twitter is all the angriest people drive a tesla. have you ever thought about that for a second. it's like this guy was your
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patron saint, you know what i mean? we're actually banning gas cars and the biggest electric vehicle manufacturer in the world is now considered hitler. but what i think the left is getting wrong is they should want free speech on twitter because it diverts our attention away from how crazy their policies have gotten. when trump was around calling rosie o'donnell a land whale every tuesday and thursday the leftward lunch had already begun. when you think about what we're paying attention to it's not new. they were saying men could get pregnant three years ago we are he just paying attention to it now. >> greg: i think the media operates under the assumption that everyone at twitter leaving are all coders. no, they're marketing drones cat ladies and the typical -- >> kat: hey. >> greg: sorry. anyway you know where i'm going. >> wilfred: i'm a cat gentleman myself. but i think if you've ever
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watched one of those videos like my first day at work at twitter it's straight up sipping latte in the morning and wine in the afternoon and playing bags. so the background is completely serious. elon musk said when he comes into twitter he's going to fire about 75 to 80% of twitter staff as useless and that really is the kind of oppression issue at twitter. that whole ecosystem of people partying and hooking up and complaining online is supported by like 400 people who actually know how to code. people like from cal poly, that's who's actually doing the work there. >> greg: so true and he knows that because he looked under the hood kat. he saw how it works. he basically took the makeup off mrs. doubtfire >> kat: i didn't see that one i just thought it was clever. so much so i used it twice today. >> tyrus: geraldo didn't get it then >> kat: i loved their little letter but my favorite part was
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they said we call on twitter management and elon musk toing sees these negligent layoff tleths. like, sure, that will work. but i know why they probably think it will, because it did work every time they did this when they wanted a speaker to not come to campus when they were in college. i worked. >> greg: right. so that's the lesson they learned in school >> kat: yeah. they're like i know what to do he's not going to come here. >> greg: but it translated into actual corporate world until you got a real boss. these people do exist tyrus. where are they going to go? are you going to house some of these people? >> tyrus: sure. >> greg: hire an assistant. >> tyrus: yeah. i'll assist them. speaking of assists, mr. musk if you need cleaning out desks and walking people out, i am 1,000% available. [cheers and applause] >> tyrus: because, as you know with how i raise my children, not just the sea turtle movement, i also believe in real-life consequences and that's something that the woke
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have been able to steer their little ship away from everybody and never be responsible for behaviors or ruining someone's life et cetera. now here's the deal, corporation, your company got bought. in every other world there's layoffs. you get let go. they bring the their guys. so welcome to the real world. so you're going to have to do lattes and wine at mom and dad's house. your little note, we he appreciates the effort your asses are gone and they should be gone and that's what happens. if a new team came in here tomorrow, let's say coburn and kimmel got together and in some weird poker game they got the gutfeld show, do you think it would be the gutfeld show anymore? no. and although walking you out, although painful, i'm keeping my job. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: why are you applauding that?
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i could have all of you tossed out into the streets and will never air this show. will never air it. >> wilfred: first they're yelling about buses >> kat: we would have to air it. we do have advertisers. >> greg: i don't know with jimmy here i'm not so sure >> coming up he hung out at central perk and treats key and you a reeves like a jerk. bipolan can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms. and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent.
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vo: it's a new day. because covid vaccines just got a big update.
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just in time for everyone who works. with other people. just in time for... ...more togetherness. just in time to say “oh, you bet we'll be there!” because the updated vaccines can now protect against both the original covid virus and omicron. and that's a moment... we've all been waiting for. >> greg: oh, my god. the star of bill and ted lives rent free in matthew perry's head. the star from friends believes it's all the fault of keanu reeves. matthew perry wrote about his addiction to vodka and prescription painkillers in his new memoir friends lovers and beautiful things. he admits he was consuming a quart of vodka and 55 vicodin a day or as they call it to who had wood prefrin.
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it sent him to rehab 15 times and put him in a coma wearing a colostomy bag and almost left monica going back to richard. he wrote worse appearing in the matthew leblanc spinoff joey. quote why is it original thinkers like phoenix and keith ledger dies but keanu reeves walks among us. what a cheap shot. that's like me out of nowhere saying brian kilmeade smells. he does. he also had the same reaction to keanu after chris farley's death writing i punched aid whole through jennifer aniston's dressing room wall when he found out keanu reeves walks among us. even a healthy matthew perry's not punching a whole through anything. the only thing he knocked out was his own career. he said he's finally sober and has people in his life that help him stay away from the things
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that hurt him most, booze, pills, copies of the matrix on dvd. kat, what do you take away from this? this sounds like an amazing book. i can't wait >> kat: i agree. i hate how he apologized. yeah, keanu reeves i just picked a random name. random doesn't mean twice buddy, especially since it was the same sentence like keanu reeves walks among us. you hate the job, you should have said yeah, i don't really know why but i hate people. people hate people for no reason all the time and i bet you it was probably even more than twice. i bet you every chapter had something like about keanu reeves and how he sucks >> greg: tyrus, my belief is that his argument against keanu is actually more effective against perry. how is matthew perry still alive. all the great people are dying from fentanyl from prince to heath ledger and this bows 0 is pumping 60 pills a day and is still walking among us.
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shouldn't he be dead? . >> tyrus: sure, sure >> greg: thank you. we'll be right back. >> tyrus: no, first of all this is what happens when you don't write your book, okay. he said [bleep] a lot. his ghost writer was writing this stuff. >> greg: it was recorded. >> tyrus: was recording this stuff and when they said go through your book you wrote for you and have anything taken out and he went, yeah, i did it, here, send it. no. and i'm sure this is about a woman so it's keanu reeves, no one's wife is safe. he starts doing the hey, what's going on thing and he was sitting there going, jennifer, don't look at him. stop. he's obviously a jilted lover. and again if you're going to have a ghost writer, not my thing but i got you, you might want to proof read once or twice. because he said that, he meant that, this ghost writer was like i'm only getting five grand for this so he probably cut out a few other things >> kat: people think keanu reeves is hot?
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>> tyrus: apparently enough for him to hate him. he said he walks among us like he was a playing. like keanu has been walking around for centuries stealing girlfriends and fans from perry. >> jimmy: terrible movies. >> greg: i aboutest this stuff coming out is the first time he heard it because he did it as a transcription and now he read it and is like wait, did i say that? >> tyrus: so maybe it's 16th time to rehab. >> wilfred: if you're asking me as a book writer, taboo and hate crime hoax, two fine tones i would never plug on television, i agree 100 emoji with tyrus's last comment basically. i think first if you're going to use a ghost writer, no ethical problem with that, pay him. talk to him pay him don't build up a feud. i don't care about matthew perry's book one way or another. i will say this, if you look through it one of the things i
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remember about the book is his comment that he took so many opioids that his colon burst. so maybe he just doesn't have much of a check reflex. like you seem to just talk to somebody. again like 100 percent that person put it all down and page and that went out. there are quite a few things in there even more than his romantic rival was that he wants taken back. >> greg: you hit on it the head. i have to read a book if somebody's colon explodes. because i need to know how that happens just in case. i want to see the warning signs before my colon explodes. because i don't know what it's like. it could just happen now if i get too angry. maybe -- >> more than 60 vicodin or fentanyl a day. >> greg: yes, according -- i'm not quite there yet. jimmy the show was called friends. some friends right? this guy was near death every day and they just all showed up for work. no inventions on their part. >> jimmy: that's the part i love
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about the cast of friends is that they've acted like we have he's been going downhill lately and we have to step up. you hung out with him for ten years where he did more drugs than a retired lab rat. he was like a rat getting a pension from pfizer, you know what i mean? oh, we had no idea he was in such trouble. that's my problem, too, is part of it is yes him being on drugs the other is like keanu reeves is like the nickelback of people where people made fun of him even though people like the product. keanu reeve has sold a million albums and he's done a ton of movies. it's keanu reeves, the drugs, and this guy is i don't want to say high all the time or yell us all the time something like that. the other thing is it's like sometimes you make a joke about something for no reason, i've seen late night hosts attack a guy's jacket out of nowhere.
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i'm not going to name names but it rhymes with craig buttif he would. >> greg: that's on my voter registration card >> up next is on line porn the collegey's scorn. it has l-theanine to help me relax from daily stress. plus, shoden ashwagandha for quality sleep. so i can wake up refreshed. neuriva think bigger.
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>> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: pope says nuns watch porn. i never thought i would say that in my life. wilfred pope francis recently warned seminary students about the evils and temptations about online porn. good thing. saying it's a vice even priests and nuns also have. is that the right thing that a pope should be saying? . >>wilfred: well, how the hell am i first? [laughter]. >> wilfred: i mean, honestly there's a lot there. like first of all, what else are they supposed to do? like i'm a catholic by background they take a vow of chaz takeity for life. women like sex as much as men do so i'm told. that's going to be an issue, the internet is linked here in vatican city and in the usa. there are questions. what type of porn are they watching. but i don't think inherently that's all that much of a
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problem. that's a religious issue for them. i'll end with one line. i read recently that one of the most popular categories of porn actually is nuns, nun porn. so you wonder how engaged these people of faith get. but we'll have to see. >> greg: we will. as long as they're sisters. >> wilfred: holy father doing his job, warning them, do it a little less. go pray >> greg: jimmy i'm afraid to ask you say what you need to say and month have on. >> jimmy: what i love about the story is internet porn has been around 20 years, this gives new meaning to the phrase palm sunday. good night everybody. good night everybody. >> greg: ladies and gentlemen, kat, i hope you covered your ears when that gentleman spoke. do you still go to church? >> kat: if someone gets married and i'm invited. that's pretty much -- yeah, like twice in the past ten years. >> greg: yes. i think the take home message is
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porn is so pervasive it's a problem at the vatican >> kat: i think he doesn't know as much about it as he thinks he does because he also says if you can delete this from your mobile phone delete it. you can't delete a web site which is how i hear i can see it and then he called it a mobile so i don't think he knows as much. >> greg: so you're boomer shaming >> kat: am i boomer snowplowing. >> greg: i don't know what i'm saying >> kat: why are you trying to send an army of boomers after me? >> greg:. >> greg: she hates you >> kat: thanks. i will turn off my-i'll just watch porn tonight then >> greg: you winced at me. >> tyrus: because am i taking crazy pills. we 1,000 percent know who was out watching porn and got caught. the pope. he was watching. and then they caught him. he blamed it on someone else. all of a sudden it's a mobile phone and we're going to get to the bottom of this. appear the other side of this,
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if you're a nun and priest and watching porn on the internet you're not a nun or a priest anymore. >> greg: don't go away we'll be right back. help me. ... ...
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>> out of time. thanks to our studio audience and guests. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you america! thank you, greg. good evening, everyone. welcome to america's late news. "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight, new polling shows democrats could take a major midterm hit over the economy, especially with core democratic voting blocks like hispanics. our political panel will debate that. in the wake of today's gdp numbers, president biden thinks the economy is booming but the nation


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