tv Hannity FOX News October 27, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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this country around. >> let's go . tucker carlson, originals. the candidate, blake masters streaming now exclusively on fox stationing no. tha that's we always promoting our stuff, but that is a good documentary. and our interview with robert elstein about google and elections is amazing. >> it's on fox station rightec now. here's seas is on hannity, partt to see you. all right.t. that's it. i'm leaving new york about. e go
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all right.a we've got to do a show. >> we're broadcasting live fromr beautiful west palm beacee sh in the free state of florida.s, >> and then just and in just 12 days, you will decide the future of our great republicin just . and tonight, in just a moment, we will be joined by governor ron desantis, florida's first lady. >> casey santos will be with us . any marco rubiy o fansmarc in the house? marco rubio will be here. also, senator rick scottre. will be here. rick scott fans herett right no, both santos and rubio, they are now poised for a massiveo are election day. >> gov to santos is up by as whopping 14 points in recent university of north florida. hold thaiversityt same polls shw senator rubio up by 11 pointsy over democrasevet radical sociat leftist val demings.
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you notice i add to the teleprompter. toni, but tonight, momentumwe sa is absolutely for the republicans. we start with a lot ofrth good news tonight, and it's not unique to florida. a new poll by rasmussen outy, today. yesterday, herschel walker wasl up by two point four pointsf to by trafalgar. as of today, rasmussen has herschel up by five in north carolina. republican ted budd is up lates by four. according to trafalgart . the latest and this was just for this program, insider advantage pollnsider, kerry lake is up by eleven over katie hobbs and arizona. senate we now have a dead even senate bace, which means that mark kelly is going to be packingby t and headed back to arizona wer tonight. by the way, toe all my friends in arizona, we were just out there. please understand, voting for kerry late. don't fot forget blake masters.e >> that is an important senate seat that we will win anyway. ye so if you vote for mark kelly , you basically voted for chuckret schumer and i know chuck him
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schumer, you are not going to like a and that means everymeanh radical democratic policy. >> meanwhile, inilhe the live fe or die state of new hampshire, republican chris sununu, he will be easily reelected. and in the state senate e racera right now, general don bolduc has a real shot. it is a one point race.t he can defeat incumbent democrat maggie hassan, who'sfo done pretty much nothing for the state of new hampshire.ring now, this uss brings us tosylvaa the commonwealth of pennsylvania. whwhere after that very revealig debate, by the way, democrats have fetterman that hed actually went to the debate and peoplethe real could see thl condition. they're not mad that he lost wae the debate. >> they mad that h ke went tofo the debate. they wanted to keep in hidinga o fongr a long time anyway.ccordi >>ng dr. oz is now up by three peints, according to a brand new insider, alvin home. that's a great news for pennsylvania. and with just 12 days to go ,toa democratsts coast to coast,to b they are all struggling to gain traction. none of them want to be seeng wh
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with joe biden, who earlier today, along with chuck schumer,schumecalled had they hs called a hot mic moment.r they were consoling each other about their party's very bleak political outlook. >> take a look at this. let's take looks like looks like to me.] so that's now they know georgiaa is slipping away fromg the democrats, thankfully, and they know that fetterman seo serve. t but, of course, they're goingto to try and push him through regardless. the lefthim will do anything foi a win, anything for power.r if they got that power, that would mean the end of the legislative filibuster. that would mean court packing. i that would mean d.c., puerto rico, statehood.
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now, even if it hurts the commonwealth of pennsylvania, democrats, they don't really care about good governance. they don't care about sound principles. democrats only care abou they only care about political power. now, that's also true right here in florida. where professional politician charlie crist is running purelyl for vanity .f crist, who nojew compares himself to . did you see the charlie? s, you're not . okay, anyway, he has for almostf run for almost every single office in the state of florida.b as ali democrat, as as republican , as an independent. he. wakes up and changes anyd of affiliation on any given day. it's kind of hard to pin downown any crist political beliefs because he has ay crist t one tr another, he's held all of them. now, currently the main pillar of his campaign is climate change. and chris is now a cardmber o carryingf member of the climate alarmists cult. pr, of course, he is in favor of limiting oil and gasth production, the lifeblood of the world's economy.onomy andrie pump hurting everyone here in he's driving up the price at the pump that is hurting everyone here in this room. newatchingtonight and everyone g
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on tv. he has vowed to veto any limits on abortion, including up to the moment of birth and now pretty, pretty twisted. and now, as one of joe biden's biggest fan boys, charlie is excited to be a rubber stampl for all things joe biden inotedw the senate. in the house, he voted forith 10e biden 100% of the time. can you believe that 100%t bi is like a perfect biden robot. now, recently, he praised biden for his exceptional and phenomenal leadershiadershi pricked him for his work on inflation and gas prices.een and needless to say, the crist campaign has been a disaster. a recently, his campaign managerc was arrested for a domesti c consu violence. one of his consultants waslt accused of assault. assau his running mate called hispanic americans racist. and had very kind words for the communist murdering dictator fidel castro followingw his death. now, crist has beeinnliciti
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accused of soliciting campaign donations from hurricane victimngs. can you believe? and meanwhile, governor desantis showed real leadership beforesantile, durinr and after hurricane irene thd the recoveryice rebuilding efforts have been amazing. now, the governoo showedr also h real leadership during covid. he kept the state e of florida free, open and safe. >> kids in florida will back in school in august of 2020. >> no other state doing that. dg and so many others were tha cowering in fear. in fe he stood up to the media mob. ma he stood u mp to fauci.i, he stood up to the democrats.aut hes stood up to bureaucrats.i e and i have n no doubt heor will continue to stand up for you, the great people of florida. >> now, are you ready to give your governor a warm florida welcome ? governor 1
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? very low energy product tonight, governor , great tonk see you. >> but this energy shows you and i think you and i agree of on this, the red wave in 2020 two starts in the state of florida are going to launch it . what are these polls coming outi today? i mentioned herschel now up by five. >> yesterday was two and a half. now he's up by five, is now upow by three. kerry lake went from up five tov now up by eleven.d no you see now blake masters is about to overtake markf kelly in in the state of arizona. you see, bolduc is within a point of winning the senate seat in the great state of new hampshire. >> what's going on ? thosegoin i think we're going to win all those races and i think we'll win many more because because we have a situation where voters are responding to a failed administration, there's just no way to
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sugarcoat it. things have gotten worse since joe biden is president. the inflation's at a 40 yearager high. he's waged waramerican on amerin energy. he's bungled the southern bee never seen'v before. so on issue after issue, s they're failing the democratarsw are still inil lock stepes and with him. >> they will not break with their extreme polic oury. and our candidates are offeringe a better vision. so i think we need to work hard over these next little less than two weeks. out to vote g outo be goin be go to vote . pet if we do our part and we get all like minded people and not just republicans,ell -- independents and some democrats, if we all do that id i think this will be one of the best midterm elections of>> our lifetime. >> i hope you're right.we we know usa today suffolk poll came out and the 16% of previously undecided people, they said almost all of them are breaking lastminute towards the gop. you hear joe biden becomes y president . and did you ever think thingsr h can get this bad thi os fast? forty one year high of
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inflation, record high gas prices, wide open borders,-open abandoningbo energy independencf all of these the no law order, o bail, defund, dismantle police departments won't educationion. versus traditional education. >> how did it go so bad in twenty months? >> so i don't know that i'vend aler seen it this bad in our country since i've been been around. but the thing that strikess youe about this is all those problems you said are created and manufactured by biden himself with this bad policy.. t there's sometimes there's sometimes things happen with the economy. sometimes energy priceps go upoo because of global supply. ba he's waging war on our own ability to produce. he's begging madur o for energy begging t .au he's going to the saudisdis fo and begging, you know, the saudisudis to cut productioe and people said, oh, they're bid doing politics against biden. yeah., i think they probablyf are. but he put himself in this position by making our countryti vulnerable to this. >>th whaint dikd you think when the saudis revealed joe biden was not only rejected his request that they would
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increase production, he washe ws told they would decrease it. t they saided he said, okay, canto you wait to announce it for a month until after the midterm ? now, if that was a guy with them last name trump or the santos, what would that be called? >> collusion? well, yeah. i mean, literally, h>>e would have been impeached if, he wou the democrat standard would apply to him. be, they impeach donald thump based on a phone call to ukraine about ukraine.e to >> so obviously, we know that the coalition don't mismanage w the money. that's what it was aboutit and there has been a lot of mismanagement that was absolutely valid concern that he had. >> how are i lived in southwest florida, you know, for a while. i'm on the east coast now and not full time. >> but i'm coming. i'm moving. and thank you, you know, and iy will not vote like the average new yorker , i'll tell you that. but i told sean before, because i've been bugging him about doing this for years. i'm like, why don't yoid whyu cn your vote counts? but i do havtsyork, e to say ne, we may elect. i think we will elect that.
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a republican governor , lee zeldin, and you'll be helping. . it probably is the last chancenl we has. how many people are migrating?be do you know, everycause day? do you have an average? ween 800 >> because i read about eight hundred. yeah. i mean people i think between11. eight hundred and elevenwe've ln led the country in net in migration since covid by a country mile. >> we've had more adjusted gross income move into the state since covid than hase ever moved into a statcoe in our country's history over a similar time period. >> and i know a lot of people will ask, hey, if someone's coming from a deep blue state, are they going t como vote the same way to bring those policies here? s. when ie's the statistic when i got elected governor , close to three hundred thousand more registered democrats inn florida than republicans. that was four years ago today. . we have three hundred and six thousand more registered republican . i was talking to the audience out before you came out to me, ronald reagan conservatism works america first conservative who works maga
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conservatism works. i don't like t myselfo a conservative for no reason, but when you have lower taxes, when you believe in capitalism, when you control your borders, whenyour bor are energy indepen, you're the master of your own. destiny. why did we wh ever abandon what was working? >> well, i think also we have hs a situation where the left has gone so off their rocker thatt o if you just show some common sense, you know, you're going to get very far with a lot of voters. i mean, who releases criminals back on the street knowingd of a they're going to commit moren: crimes? >> again, what type of a process, john fetterman? well, yes. >> what type of a prosecutor would say, yeah, you can go ahead and steal nine hundred dollars worth of merchandise, just don't steal a thousand, and we're not going to everlot f prosecute you. you see, a lot of these cities have really gone into disreputee because of these really bad policies. so we're just doing basicse common sense, tried and true american principles. one of the one of the most
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talked about decisions you made. yomade, you had fifty orform t fifty two people that they signed a consent formante n they wanted to go to martha'sey vineyard. >> martha's vineyard is a sanctuary island. t okay, you're kind enough to t transfer them tohow is their sanctuary island. how is it that the sanctuary or sanctimonious leftist threw mea, them off the island in less than twenty four hours? i mean, and not only that, they have a social services office thereu that saysgees wel everybody is welcome, refugees, welcome all this other stuff. that's what they were wha advertised, they said. but i think what it showedo impe is this. the elites in our country, own policito impose policies on all of us , but they do not want to have to face the consequences of their owndet policy. and that's what that all right.ile hour governor desantis, will be ofth us for the hour. we t turn now to one of the most powerful ads of the year. >> take a look at this ad run by governor santos's campaign. n >>ti i get asked all the time,
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who is ron de santos? k idhe's the kid who grew up right here in florida, working his tail off and, paying his own way through school and volunteering to serve in the navy and deploying to iranavy andif but if you want to knowsed wi who rhonda santos really is ,th when i was diagnosed with cancer and i was facing wae the battle for my life, he was he wdad who took care of my children. >> when i couldn't there, he wan there to pick me off of the ground when i literally could not stand, not stand by . let's give a warm florida welcome to the first lady of florida, casey. the sentence is here with us tonight. yes, back here with us here.
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well, 100% cancer free 100% cancer free, thanks to god . thank you. i know so many people. my mom had stage four breast cancer. my mom 1 was a prison guard. she worked double shifts >>whole life so we could go to private school. and she had stage four. nineteen lymph nodes lost allllr her hair, double mastectomy, chemo, radiation.ctom it's scary when you hear that word. cancer is terrifying. >> i'll tell you, sean, thatth that is the first time that i saw that ad. i have not seen that ad since wh i shot it. and when i did it, i asked wan everyone kindly to leave the room because i wanted to look l to the camera and i wantd to tell people exactly who rhonda santurce is ,hrough o harduse when i went through one of the hardest things i'vew ofer gone through in my life, i had a guy who was with me every step of the way tod. literally pick me up off of the ground. and he wasn't even jus he wast there o
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for me.e he was there for my't and imagine, as a mom of three little babies, when yout can't take care of your kids hel and put them to bed,ping but you got somebody like this, helping you out means the world is . yo're so glad you're well. welitics is a rough and tumble business. >> you don't say i don't. cal i do. blood we call it a blood sport.f it you see the tough side of it. and then you see when you're successful, you see the upside i is how hard is it on you when you hear him being attacked?to you know what? i don't even pay any attentionpp to it becauslee i don't think people buy what the corporate media is throwing at them anymore. i think they know the truth. they saw a guy and rhondan desa santurce, who stoontd for
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the rights of the people of and this state, stood up for freedom and they rallied right everything that he's done. and he wasid right, covid and an lot of the media who were. wrong, they've never apologized for being wrong and so wrong.y e so i think they're proud of ron and i don't pay attention to anything, to be brutally honest with you.also bot >> yeah. and now you've also both beent very active and involved. >> i lived in southwest floridir . >> how is the hurricane? sanibel island was was e co destroyed well off the coast of fort myers. >> i was i mean, it was obviously i'l a devastating storm , did a lot of damage, but i'll tell you, the response has been rapid. were still we had search and rescue even when the tropical storm winds were still blowing in there, helping all the folks they did over, i think three thousand rescueue missions, the quickest res power restoration that we've ever had in the n the state of florida for millions of people out. >> but you had those islands severed from the mainland. 't sa and so people camete to me. they weren't state bridges, but they said, governor , can you help?
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i'm like, let's help. bri sodg we did one bridge to pine island in three days. did >> we did the and then we did the sanibel causeway, which is severed in and three places t did that. that opened to day t the publihe three weeks from t the day thatd the hurricane came through. average amount of heartbreakeak we got to take a break. first lady of florida, really. thank you for being with us bac because we're just getting started. when we come back k, co, we'll continue with governor santos, senator marco rubio up next. and greetings to you. thrill seekers, conversationalists and music lovers crossly. i'll be full and optimistic. fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here on the excellence in broadcasting. i mean, the flag, no matter what side of the political aisle you're on , it stands for unity and freedom, liberty,
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call 855 six thirty two hundred. that's 800 for five seven six thirty two hundred. and welcome back as wee continue live here on beautiful palm beach, florida. now to another critical race right here in the sunshine state. >> senator marco rubio has opened up a commanding double digit lead over democrat val demings after this debatek. performance. >> att's take a look the extremist on abortion in this campaign is congresswoman demings. she supports no restrictions, no limitations of any kind. she voted against a form. she't a four month ban. she voted against a five month ban. she supports taxpayer funded abortion on demand for any reason, at any time up until the moment of birth, because you didn't support a 20 week
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ban. yo birth. u supported the time ofe bill . but when is that? t' that's the vague language they allth give . and then they talk about the doctor and the family. let medoct telorl you who else n that room. om and the government is in that room because she brought them in there. she wante wants the taxpayer toy for that abortion, whether that's government involvement, no's gover t just to pay for that, but to them all over the world. look, the senator can play. national security expert all he wants. i know he needs that for his next presidential run. n.congresswoman, i need to stop- you there. and i want to get because he sen mentioneatd senator , 30 seconds to the senator. yeah. i mean, i don'set knowna>> whatu mean by i national security. i'm the vice chairman of the intelligence committee. i was the previous chairman of it. so it's actually mof it soy jobp buont my opponent has been in congress now for half decadegl and has never passed a single piece of legislation into law, not one . >> the only thing she does% witp is vote 100% with pelosi. >> now, senator rubio's right. val demings has nothing but a rubber stamp for nancyoe pelosi. by the way, a one hundred
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percent joe biden voter, 100% of the time now wants to be aidn rubber stamp for chuck schumer. now, she already supportsof the the biden agenda. 100% of the time, likelf the joe biden, she doesn't have fond feelings about half the country. she even campaigned with a far left activists well, actually compared republican voters to the taliban and al qaeda. deming's also heaped praise onpr the teachers union boss o who tirelessly work to keeutp h kids out of school. she called her, quote, the amazing randi weingarten, the teachers union head. she also praised the very thoughtful plan to dismantleus ! and defund the police. that's a genius eve or and like every otheradical radie democrat, she also supports open borders, wants to limitgas, the production of oil and gas,f the lifeblood of our economy, through thh a socialist new grey deal ad. during her five years in congress, only two of her sponsored bills ever became law
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and both renamed post officet -- buildings. >> now, in contrast, justo the record anyway. in contrast, marco rubio is one of the most productive, thoughtful, freedom loving members of the uniteving mem sto states senate. >> let's give a warm floridarc welcome to senator marco rubio. anybody that is is preparing for a debate, maybe any otheraya candidates. >>t they i pray that they watcht debate with you and val demings. that'si do my job. >> that's what i do. you i thought that was a really good, powerful moment for you in the whole debate. i thought you did very poorly. you're both up by double digits. you're both running againstha candidates that are one 100%eres
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and supporter of joe biden's policies. >> i don't think there is ae're bigger choice election inp our lifetime, senator . >> well, first of, we're not to buy anything because we have the votes have been counted. so it's important. everybody get out and we.e get vote and we run through the tape because that's whatt us they want us to do. but i and i don't know what floi charlie crist is because he'sst the only one in florida. >> we were just talking about this a moment he will have lost to me in 2010n it'sthen rick scott in 2014.ow and now to rhonda .ge it's a rite of passage that's like the trifecta and but he's also the only candidate i knowi that had those three three people were introduced on the stage. >> charlie crist, and rhonda sanchez and his fan and charlie crist man got his own introduction as well. so the guy's not a serious candidate, but i don't know how you can be with nancy pelosi a hundred percent of the time. val demings is pelosi isn't even with pelosi 100% of the time. >> st eveno it's a tough thing .
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anyway, and by the way, i don't think joe knows today's theysday. ouch.sponsible fo that was mean, right?r they're no t responsible for what i say. >>k youat know, senator , i lok at what's happened toths -- the country and i was asking the governor about this the last 20 months. i my son is here with mees in tonight. he's twenty four years old.fl he lives ia.n florida. and i worry about his future. i worry aboufut my daughter's future. she's twenty one . i worry about everyone in thisr room, their family, n their children and grandchildren's future. i've never seen things get thitt this bad ts bad, this fast. tos me, this is a very thishe is an inflection point fore's wh the country. >> am i overstating it? no, i thinat what we need to understand. the same party that has that's a democratic party. rolled i don't sa by this with any pleasure that's controlled by two groups. these laptop liberals and these marxist misfits. that's the core ofore of tty the democratic party today.. not democratic voter not the voters, not of th democratic voters, but the leadership of that party. that's what they takatevery b their orders from. and i'll be very bluntlu, if the these people stay in power for
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another two years, they'llhands destroy the country. >> if they get their handsothe on this state, or they'llroy th destroy the state. and so to meis, this choice and i'm glad the governor is here tonight, you know,o allm i always say this to people. peopleerica all want to come toterrible america. all these guys like to talk about how terrible america is , but nobody wants to come ameantr and then the same people say, a wa, and by the way, florida is a terrible place, but they all want to move here. >> so, by the way, the greatest moment in covid for all these democratic governors and politicians that supported shutdowns in their states, they come visit you down hers eo and they all got h a cottage industry. i mean, if i hadcott a dimage ed every one of the locked downers who came left lockdown's to come to florida, i'd be a very wealthy man. b i mean, thisalth happeney mad or and over again. it did. caught almost every time. and that's the thing, though, when your biggess the th t critics, - people can posture and they can emote politically and say thisev stuff, but how do they behave? i and if even your worst criticsno are coming to your state, then,
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you know, you must have beenou doing something right. i don't know what my favorite was either was either gretchen wittmer, who came and then lied about coming, or aoc, the came down and was partying without a mask on . oh, i see. t i see. have a lot of aoc fans inn the crowd. ta bulkt my favorite moment to isn you talk to one of these democratic politicians and invariably it comes down to, oh, sorry, i've been downee ton downorida florida a bunch o? >> yeah, why? lives in boca. so that's a great line. wa you know, let me look at the other side ovef this. s everyone's talking about a wavei election. senator , you said somethingthin i hope everybody heard loudther and clear. >> there are a lote' of polls, n but there's only one poll thatve matters. and that's on election day when we know how many of you can vote early in florida. you've perfected the system down here. thankfully,000 or 20, it's no ls thousand or 2016. ok >> but it's so critical because let's say the democrats took over the senate and they had a majority. i don't think they disagree
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with me. they'd eliminate the legislative filibuster. they packe thinkd the courts. they'd make d.c., puerto rico statehood a done deal because they think that would guarantee them for senate seats in perpetuity. they would do and they wouldinud continue down this patowh oft new deal radicalism. and if that happenedha, i don'tv know if we'd eveerr dig ourselvi out of it.onth >>ey p now, they would also take over our election system. they pretty much said they wante to do that.ra e also wantstosh the federal government to potentially take over ima our property insurance, which is he can just imagine maybe that's whamaybt the eighty seven thousand irs agents will do is run the insurance company. agenl do? but i mean, the list goes on of the parade of p horribles of things they would do if they were in i'm convinced of this now. if they had a filibuster, no filibuster, whatever they had been in charge during the covid, they would have locked down the countr y. they would have done to the country what they did to new york . vaey did to california what they did to illinois. that's what they would have done. va as muchl deming's has said a, and i think both deming's and crist are on record as asndi late as i thinstk last summer, asking for another shutdown inst the state.
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they would have spent 40 something trillion dollars. they tried to. anbid even in their infrastructure bill , they brag about a quartequarterw only a quarteren of that money went to infrastructure. the rest of it went tooble takme on very seriouros problems like, you know, racist roadswhatever and discriminatory trees and whatever else they can think of. >> and so, look, anhate i'm i hate to say this about my fellow americans. these people are out of a their minds and they cannollowet be allowed to be near power, you know, erases the bottom line. newt gingrich defines it really well the night he became speaker that republicans were out of power for two years. i was the emcee of that event. o >> i was a local radio host in georgia at the time. how do you reconcile capitalisml versus socialism? how how do you reconcile diphonr nobel versus law and order?ec how do you reconcile energy,rg domestic energy production and energy dependance? how do you reconcile capitalism ?s together
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socialism put all these issues? together dif. the >> they're very different competing visions. to me, the only answer is oner i side's going to win and itdei d' better be our side. ho i don't see any middle ground here. yeah, i mean, just loow he statk how the states have performed like since i've been governor . you have states like california, new york . people are fleeing those states . they're not safe . of those things. >> sean: they tax lock down all those other not given gavin newsom enough credigivingt. he he's the first governor in the history of california that had a net exodus of it out ofou his state, not a net increase. o >> but yourk see, though,people the different the florida blueprint ha js worked. i mean, people just by bringingg their wealth, they're they're they're visitacion h what and e here. but woullsd they wan doo is take those failed blue state models and they want to force that over the entire country. marc things. to do >> i marco mentionedr the elections. they want to outlaw voter id in every election in our country. >> can you imagine wha t they want? a mandat mandae in florida?
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>> since i've been governor , we banned ballot harvesting in woulida, but they they would federalize it and they would require ballot harvesting. >> and so i agree with marco in the sense of it's not justn taxe maybe we disagree on taxes, maybs e we disagree on welfarefe spending. these differences areg... fundamental. t wh's about really what it means to be an american and what areat our foundational principles. and the left wing of our country has departed from the the principles that have made the country great. >> they're not there. you can't reconcile these visions. deo win inas t the future. there was a time, you know,t democrats are a little left, ati republicans are to the right.n >> but we.e both operate d like in the same universe. , theynow, what's happened hereh is that these people, they live in these little bubbleop liberse the laptop liberals that live in these little bubbles, the marxist misfits. there's no hope fos.t misfr. but the laptop liberals, they live in these little bubbles where they have a lot of power and everyone is just
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like them. and so they have these ideas and they're immune from the consequences. nssincequence joe biden has been president for point for almost four point five million peoplers have entered this country illegally. martgoillegav flew 48 of them oy to make a point to martha's vineyard. 48. they they arrive. imme >> they they arrive. the state of massachusetts immediately declares a state oef emergency. 48 mob people, they mobilize one hundred and something nationalg guard troops, two to one ratio. then they do what all thesee laptop liberals do. they staged this thing at a church where they show, look, we're feeding them, we're giving them toys and then deport them to cape cod. and >> twenty four hours later, the when i was looking less than twenty four hours immune frome o there, because it's nod.t their schools, it's not their hospitals, it's no theirtr their cities that are that are being overcrowded. and you know where they're moving to. they're moving t cties ando immigrantizona communities and hispanic communities and states like florida and texas and arizona. wh who have to share all the burden because these laptop
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liberals, they live immuneeir fm the consequences of their craziness. >> and that's why they're that way. sean:f thokay, one of the arear you're uniquely qualified toecu. talk about is the area ofvery c nationalon security. i am very concerned.ers an i don't think joe biden garners any respect for moral leaders, hostile regimes like vladimir putin and russia, president xi in china, the mullahs in iran, the saudis mocked him, made fun of him, denied his request toe i increase oil production, as a matter of fact, reduced itl prod and then exposed that he wanted to collude with them. >> to delay the announcement of their reduction in the production otheif oil. or n >>ve by the way, if it if it wad a republican, they'd be put inow jail, they'd be investigated, probably impeached, as youn: i'e i'm worried about the national security side of all this because we seeca what's happenis in ukraine. and i believe president xi,id when he sayshe s that he wants - quote, reunify with taiwan, it's not reunify.
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>> he wants to take overe taiwan. well, to be fair t o biden, amer, as we all saudi oil is cleaner for the environment than american oil. so, you know, my my my headline tomorrow, marco rubio says saudi oil is cleaner. so now according to biden.o so my solution is just to pump american oil, put a sticker that's a saudi and confuse them and maybe he'll before it. so but going back to the point that you're making. e. >> s o let me give you one example. we have and i loveilia our military, but civiliann le. leadership. and so you h looavk at it's embarrassing. you look at the twitter page and they like video after video about the proper use of pronouns. no, you need t focused oo be fod on how do we blow up chineses it aircraft carriers if they everhe attack us . respe soct, of course, you don't respect the guy. they don't respect him. eyy view hand why would they ? they view him as incompetent. and then i think, you see,he'l okay, if you're bad to americaty and mean to biden, he'll try too be nice to you. you're aronne. he'll want to do a deal. you're venezuela. he'll want tu'reo do a deal. 'la but china, yount know, john kerry, who's still around, he's like the charlie crist at
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the federal level. >> h charle he's still arouniede wants to do this climate deal . >> we're going to take this show on the road. and i know and so, you know,o t china is sitting there saying we're going to take these guyscl to the cleaner. s you know, we're going to takech these guys and that's what they're doing. so you're absolutely right. it's dangerous. threst cene sthes. and the chinworla threat is the threat of the twenty first century. either they willy be thore wor most powerful country or wprere will . and i promise you, a world where china is thet powerf most powerful country, the world is not a good >>ds it is not the one i want ti leave my kids. s i hope everybody's listeningat's because that is a realwe're clear present danger for the country. all right. we're just getting started. we'll taketing started re wit break. more with governor desantis, more with senator rubio when we come back , senator rick scott will join us right here livetage on st. anthony on the road like . >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of
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welcome from what does that make now? okay, all right. sit down.what i okay, here's why it is okay. >> what is this? i okay, so in this role, is run the i'm the chairman of the national republican senatorial committee. i createi crd an award for peopu sean care about freedo tm. who do you think should get there? sean hannity. my god, you care about freedom.s what you do on your show to fight for freedom. y around this country is unbelievable. >> and i'm like, oh, so this is for you. oh, wow.
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well deserved. so when i was a kid, i played i ice hockey. >> i wanted a stanley cup. no w i got one .now, senator , yo iu are workinge around the clock. you a i know, because i talk to you two, three , four a.m. in the morning trying to get every republican possible elected. >> your role is to winn th the senate, win the majority,its win the majority. tart>> s >> simple.t you know, itstarts starts right. it starts here. everybody's got to get out and vote and call all their friends and make sure marco wins. don't take a chance on thesedonc polls. s. marco looks like he's doing well. don't take a chance. go vote. i really want to put emphasis on that because sometimes somebody is up by ten point. you don't take a chance. don't take a chance.
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i want to win. so we've seen a lot ofp by 1 progress. >> we know tha ot senator rubios up by eleven as of today. we're very happy about that. but then you see hershel, yesterday, he was up two and a o half. now he's up five .w,p by yeah. dr. oz was down double >> o he's nofw up by three as of today. perry lake went from a fivea an point lead for the governorship out in arizona. >> and now she's up eleven 1. and blake masters now is tied. he's going to win. he's going to win. and i see that general bolduc is now down only one point. and i'm going there tomorrow. are you going?d i've been traveling. well, i'm done. e sunday.d yor i'm going to wisconsin and ohioa tomorrow. >> okay, i'm not surprised. yo lu can'ott remember where yoi are. that's a lot of traveling. you're florida, yapa, in the free state. on:is >>it here's my question is , is it possible we win florida, we win georgia, that we win north carolina, south carolina, new hampshire, pennsylvania, wisconsin, ohio, missouri,
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nevada, arizona, maybe washington state, maybe slightly down to double the fundraising of patty murray. so she has a shot. jody's got a shot. i think. i think i mean, i think baltic's going to win. i that guy is working his off every day. 'scan you please tell mitchutt f >>connell he took away six million dollars to give it back ? >> yeah. no$6t give it to m lisila murkoi i knowve i. murkow we got to go help. by the way, if you want to help don bolduc, if you want help, marco, you can give to nrc. doug will take your moneythes and we'll go spend it as fast as we can on these races. days we'rtoe we've got twelve days ago, we got we got to get weoutn got to get the message outssageu and we got to get people out tot vote . >> and we're we're going to work hard. this look, weis have people the townn hall. i, hi. your name is . hi, i'm angela. i angela. >> long time listener.t-ti first time >> yes. all right. s that'sn: al a radio play. thank you.>> what's your question? yes.t' s so hello and thank you for
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the opportunity. our family fy relocate relocateo florida just last year from new jersey. >> oh, boy. i just want to you're notitic bringing your politics with . absolutely not. okay, absolutely. >>. the're very welcome thank you. >> thank you, senators.gove rnand governor de santos, for the job you're doing, fighting for the moms and the children. >> while i've been very blessedn to find an amazing schoo arel, the children are our future. how do w acstop the indoctrination of our children across the country and ensure the future generations uphold the values our great nation was built on ? >> so thank you, sergeant. it's neither the government or the school's job to raise children. >> it's they're there to teacheo parents, raise children, strong families, raise children. ch and that's what we need to be supporting.
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il. from our role. vernme i don't wantnt the federal government involved in our schools. i don't want the federal threatening our schools. i don't wantt wa the federalnt government, government holdingen leverage over the head otf the federal government wants to help pay for school lunches. >> yeah, that'hoolnes fine.strig bus t don't put strings attached oyke they're doing now, which is if you don't let boys plas yy against girls in sports , we'rea going to take away your school lunch money. >> i'm against that.yo we shoulurmoney. that.uld al we should always be against that. and that's what we should be doing at the federal level, is ensuring that we arthe not about bullying states intose pla adopting policies that atce the end of day turn these places from schools toat. indoctrination centers. we don't want that. we don't need that. that's actually the wa's they mm works. they use the schools torinate a indoctrinate and to tell the kidsdon', don't listen to your parents, listen to us . >> we can't tolerate we won't allow it. >> that's what they want to do.a and that would destroyt our country. all right. i havethey w only a minute leftd goodes question.try. thank you.e only a by the way, i'm glad she used to be from new jersey. she talkrmal nows normal now. b >>ec oh, great. minute so really quickly because we have less than a minute. if republicans in these twelvea1
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days, if they focu-yeas on a forty one year high of interest rates, doubled gases, a gallon for gas, open borders, crime, on feime, rising everywhere, open borders, the unbelievable amount of crime, the fentanyss d coming across the border. >>we i're gof we focus on inflah focus on crime. ine goinwe're going to win big e think we're going to all agree to that. >> quick break.e. we'll come back for hannit y as we continue our beautiful west palm beach, florida. >> thank you for being with us. there's an uneasiness growing within today's parents. >> questions arise on what our kids are being taught, exposed to and influenced by . >> thankfully, a fully engaged, well informed parent is a powerful thing. that's why i support answers in genesis, and i would recommend that you do as well. >> because it's important to remember that the battle for our kids minds isn't won in the courts. >> or the classroom is one from the safety and comfort of our own home. so be the influence our kids hei yo genesis today.u re
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12:00 am
i'm going to go to the whole time we have left this evening . thank you for being with us.ible thank you for making thi.s showt possible. r newsdon't forget to do this ay time, all the time possible .com happyhannity. .com.t be la the meantime, let not your heart be trouble is next to mangle. we'll see you back inh us. new york tomorrow night. thanks . i'm laura ingraham and this is ingram angle with a fox news alert from washington. tonight. elon musk has officially taken control of twitter and the house cleaning has already begun in moments, we're going to bring you a live report about who is already locked out of that san francisco headquarters and why. but first, who has the bad candidates? now, that's the focus of tonight's angle. for months, the regime media worked hard to build the narrative that the gop
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