tv America Reports FOX News October 28, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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underground that can go into basements. that's tough to fix but mta has invested billions to make sure trains run. they have about had a 12 hour windows to implement them. >> we can't wait to watch amy freeze on the weather app tonight. thanks for watching here is america reports. >> any moment we are expecting an update from police after nancy pelosi's husband paul pelosi attacked with a hammer in their san francisco home. >> this is america reports, our david confirming the attacker broke in an shouted where is nancy? where is nancy? the speaker was not home at the time of the attack. she was here in washington, d.c.
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>> correspondent jonathan breaking details the latest we had know right now, live from our west coast news as we await that update from police. >> for several hours this morning we all wondered what the moment i have was author this brutal attack. now we know forces telling him it does appear to have been politically motivated, the sale and chanting where is nancy? 82-year-old paul pelosi was beaten with a hammer. he suffered blunt force trauma to his head and body although we understand he is expected to make a full recovery and as you look on the right at a helicopter shot of the pelosi house in san francisco, we understand that the fbi and the u.s. capitol police are now assisting the san francisco police department into the
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investigation into which the sale at broke into the back of the house. speaker pelosi was not there at the time. she was in washington, d.c. but the big focus this morning has been motivation and we are getting all these indications this was perhaps the worst possible motivation. it was somebody looking to do harm to the speaker of the house. now, the pelosi house is well known in san francisco. it has been the site of previous protests, last july, 2020 there was a protest outside that home and also, on news day, 2021 offensive graffiti was daubed on the garage. this attact paul pelosi has been condemned on all side of the political divide, the senate minority leader mitch
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mcconnell said he was horrified an disgusted, senator ted cruz republican said violence is always wrong and unacceptable. president biden in a statement from the white house saying he is praying for paul pelosi and speaker pelosi's family the president apparently called speaker pelosi to express his support after the white house termed a horrible attack. paul pelosi is expected to make full recovery but it is a reminder of the times in which we live that the motivation appear s to have been political hatred. >> as we await this briefing the police say the suspect is in cus custody. the motivation is under
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investigation. as far as paul pelosi forgive me if you said at the top of the report, we are told he is recovering but has he left the hospital yet? >> not as far as we know. remember this is an 82-year-old man who suffered an attack with a hammer, blunt force trauma to his head and his body, some significant swelling and bruising we are told but the good news is he is expected to make full recovery. the pelosi family has asked for privacy through this so the movements inside and from the hospital when that happens they may try to keep private for some time. we are also not clear at this point on speaker pelosi's movements. as i say she was in d.c. one manages she is already on her way if not back in san francisco to be at her husbands
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side, but law enforcement forces telling our david this appears to be politically motivated. we may get confirmation from the san francisco police department. as i say they're being assisted significantly by the u.s. capitol police and the fbi in this that again perhaps to this being politically motivated. >> john here. so nancy pelosi has got a u.s. capitol security police dethey'll at the capitol and around wash they travel with her to san francisco but the fact she was not at the home does that mean that the home was absolutely unguarded? >> we are not entirely clear on that. it does appear she has her own protection. they would have been with her in d.c. when you look at the pictures, you see a broken door at the back of the house that appears
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to have been the point of entry. you have to assume there wasn't much if any security outside. it's not clear to us the tiktok of events there, who made the nin 911 call whether they apprehended the sale and on the premises or nearby. the bottom line is we simply don't know the answer to that right now. certainly a question people in san francisco will be police chief william scott when he speaks in the next few minute. >> whether or not there was security on hand looking at paul pelosi there was plenty of security surveillance on the house so that will bring plenty. >> david from the justice
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department. you're reporting we have word from law enforcement officials exactly what that intruder was yelling as he entered the home and approached paul pelosi. >> that the right we know he was yelling where is nancy, where is nancy at lead several times demand to go see the speaker in the house the second in the line to the presidency at the justice department, we are told attorney general merck garland has been briefed, fbi director wray at the signalling how big this investigation is already. it's primarily being led by the san francisco police department. however the fbi and as jonathan mentioned the u.s. capitol police are involved but clearly, this is taking it to a different level because of who nancy pelosi is and number 2 because of the fact this does appear to be political violence. we are waiting for the san francisco police chief to step up at some point soon to the
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microphone to take questions. we know that suspect is in custody but according to a source briefed on this investigation when the suspect did enter the home was specifically looking for nancy pelosi. >> david, it's john here. i don't know if you heard me talking to jonathan hunt about it but do you have information whether or not it was any type of security detail on the premises there? again nancy pelosi has a security detail all year-round 24/7 but i know that extend to her family members as well and i recall the debate in the halls of congress over whether or not supreme court justices should receive more security at their homes. nancy pelosi was holding out for a more comprehensive bill that extend security to the justice staff and their families but now looks like a situation where the family of the speaker of the house did not have a security
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detail. do you know whether or not there was any security on the premises and whether it's standard operateing procedure for paul mosty to have security? >> from everything we gather the home was surveilled. there is gates. there's other methods of surveillance. i have not been able to pin down specifically if he had a security detail that was staying with him at the time, but as you mentioned the house speaker did want a comprehensive bill to add more security not only to justice family members but also members of their staff. you're talking about nine supreme court juliets and their staffs gchlt this happens an lead to change you're talking about 345 in the house, 100 in the senate plus all those family members, so there clearly a lot of people in play. we don't know if he had a detail a person or two people potentially at the house with him at the time.
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we know the pelosi family lives there, some of the children live nearby but we don't know other than the house was surveilled with alarm systems video surveillance and is protected by gates. >> and dave just an update on left hand side of the screen update from the san francisco police department chief scott will address the media and carry that live for our viewers because this will be the update but that chopper shot we have been showing the video did show according to our producers shows the side of the house with the glass door opened hand adjacent glass door with a hole in it and what appears to be broken glass on the ground. that's brand new video as we attempt to learn more about the situation. talking about the coordinated effort u.s. capitol police, federal bureau of investigation, san francisco police, a huge investigation under.
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we hope to learn more in moments. >> hopefully who called 911 was mr. pelosi coherent enough to do that so those are all questions we hope to find out and what is the suspect saying. we know the suspect is in custody. we are waiting to get a name confirmed and we have heard several names. we want to be careful to make sure we provide the right name, the accurate name but the question is what is the suspect saying under intense questioning and scrutiny. >> david for us at the department of justice as we await chief bill scott from the san francisco police department to take the podium and give more details about all. this let's bring in former fbi investigator bill daly. it's a shock somebody broke into the pelosi home looking for the speaker of the house and proceed to assault paul pelosi. but when you take a look at the number of incidents the u.s.
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capitol police field every year it was 9600 the first three months of this year with nearly 2,000. i don't want to say an assault on a spouse of a member of congress is common but threats to members of congress is common. >> unfortunately we are in this day and age when threat are made and i do know between what fbi can provide as far as support capitol police will triage those threats not all the threats may be treated the same. certainly they need to be looked at and see which ones require more with digging and understanding of viable threats. in fact, just talking about the incident as it is now, i do know that the fbi is sending a team from their threat says. unit in order to assist the san francisco police and other authorities trying to better understand this individual.
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you know, were those threats in any way made before hand. were they one of threats that the capitol police field. was there any or postings out there that may have been indicative of a potential attack and then further what are the complications, what are the complications of this individual with the relationship to other people, was there anything planned attack behind this. there are a lot of things that need to be peeled back as we hopefully get some of that from the news conference as the days go on we want to know much further about this. the other thing interesting john you mentioned was about the home security and whether there was presence there and again i'm not familiar whether or not there was any detail assigned to it. it doesn't sound like that however i would certainly strongly suggest the capitol police have been heavily
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involved in putting electronic security an other measures with monitoring that may have helped in signalling the police to arrive hand get there quickly. again we don't know whether that suspect was on premise or nearby but it certainly sound as though whatever those measures were they may have been helpful at lead minimizing the further assault to mr. pelosi. >> unfortunately it wasn't enough to stop the attacker from getting directly to pelosi because we are told that he attacked him with a hammer. this particular home in pacific it's has been the target of multiple attacks reported over the years, 2021. vandals targeted the street side of the residence, put up messages all over the house, spray painted messages in the garage. there was dozens of demonstrators that showed up in
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2007 protesting the iraq war so this is on anybody's radar obviously and accessible as you look at the house location. you would also have had to assume it heavily covered with video cameras and that will tell the story of what went down here and how he approached the house. right bill? >> yeah, certainly the video surveillance will certainly tell a story as to what led up to it how the person gained entry. again was the person alone, with others in any way assisting this individual. you know when it does go to show you it is more complicated when residences are in city center as opposed to further out where they can be further secured by a distant perimeter. you know, and unfortunately cameras tell the story after the fact. they're not there to actually prevent or deter. that doesn't seem to be the case
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around the country with incidents occurring but here as well it sound as though a physical barrier perhaps breaking through the glass sounding the alarm perhaps mr. pelosi had some other way of signalling like a panic alarm or notifying authorities to come to the scene. but certainly the fact the home had been targeted before would certainly be something i think that the capitol police would have focused in and provided more security around given that the a sale was known and it's one step away perhaps from intrusion so it will be interesting to hear both from what the san francisco police have to say as well as perhaps what the capitol police have to say regarding security that was in place that perhaps at least slowed down somewhat the intruder so they didn't prevent
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him from getting him. perhaps there were things that did help. we will wait and see. >> bill back on this idea that a security dethey'll and we have no reason to believe that there was one there, you know, if you're the president of the united states obviously the president gets a security detail, spouse gets a security detail, the children get a security detail. same thing with the vice-president. here's a person second in line to the presidency of the united states and you would think maybe it would be prudent for security to be extended to that person's family but then again there's the other school of thought these things are never a problem right up to the point that they are. >> well, that's true john, and you know, certainly ms. pelosi has security around her as the third person in line for the presidency after the vice-president so she has that security. how far back that goes to family members there is a hire can i in
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these things whether it's people from secretary of state secretary of defense you know the president, vice-president, speaker of the house, there has been some thought given around these. maybe the time is to think about it had a little bit differently, given i'd probably say the more evolving environment we are in much more of a threat environment. we have people who just because they're out there, because they're out there as political figures garner this type of attention and now we see maybe this person was looking for him but they came to the home and family members were attacked. so it may be time to look at this i. it may not be fair to say that all members of congress need to have a personal detail although their personal security i think probably should be examined with regard to their home and what can be done in order to improve things. certainly maybe it's time to look at in. >> bill for anybody tuning in
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right now we are waiting on ann update from the police in san francisco, paul pelosi attacked at home 2:30 a.m. suspect found with hammer in the home. nancy pelosi was not there tempt our reporter reporting the intruder arrived in the house shouting where is nancy. we are waiting for an update on paul pelosi's condition. nancy pelosi put out a statement he's expected to make a full recovery. we have not received an update whether he's left the hospital. obviously there's a delay here. the briefing was expected past the last hour. it's almost an hour past when it was first said to happen. give us the idea of the questioning for this suspect to determine a motive because that
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is the next big question. >> yes, certainly i think it goes even beyond speaking to the suspect. it goes into looking at any of his electronic devices and perhaps they'll get a search warrant and search this person's residence where this person came from. the big question will be if this was a politically motivated attack, what was that motivation, was it in con certain with other individual. so probably going to get out ahead of this stuff as quickly as they can but without kind of doing it too quickly in order to misstep or not look at all the facts of it. you know this individual may or may not be cooperating and it could be on one side somebody who obviously somebody commits this who would be deranged to begin with but at what level is
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that individual just mentally ill or is this person instance gaitd by others to commit this act? those are all the questions that i know reporter's and others and we want to know and certainly it's some of the facts they're trying to gel their hand around if this person has any kind of lengthy previous contact with law enforcement or has some numerous media postings in the past or is perhaps thrown up on that threat list that john mentioned earlier that the capitol police get every year. we want to make sure they're looking at all those points in order that they can report any more accurately because this is a politically channeled case i'm sure they want to be very careful to make sure if this person made politically charged statements about nancy pelosi where did they come from because those things can affect others
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and election. so i'm sure it's going to be [indistinct] considering the political season we are in. >> when chief scott from san francisco police department makes the podium, as sandy suggested they're probably getting information in line so they can give its much as they possibly can in the investigation and bill daly thanks for your expertise. appreciate it. >> former assistant director chris standing by with us and a lot of decision-making behind the scenes could be what they're going to release what information they're going to release about the actual attack in the home. also the family would want to ultimately decide what is released about paul mosty the victim of this attack. >> initially there's not much to work with here, but initially, you know, with a lot of experience in this hear doing
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security assessments about 25 years in the bureau it doesn't seem like it's very professional. it might be politically motivated bit breaking into somebody's home at 2:30 a.m. with a hammer and getting immediately caught seems immature so that jumps out. the other thing is how did he get? why wasn't there more security? that house seems vulnerable right on the street. the garage is on is sidewalk. you know there's cameras. you know there's alarms and i would guess when nancy pelosi is there, there probably is a detail nearby. i would also say it's highly likely there's private security nearby as well. it speaks to the fact somebody 82 years old attacked with a hammer and his injuries are not worse so that means somebody responded very quickly. i doubt the 82-year-old fought
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this guy off. >> yeah we are being told chris paul pelosi was breathe for bruising severe swelling and other injuries so clearly the attacker got a few blows in before police came along or private security but when you take a look at this in context of other things we have seen the threat against brett kavanaugh's life the attack against rand paul by his neighbor, the shooting at the congressional baseball practice in which steve schooes -- scalise was nearly killed. you have to wonder if security for presently nent members of congress is adequate. you might think at the lead even if nancy pelosi wasn't there that there might be a marked police car sitting outside that house to deter anybody. >> you would think so, but security is a tough field. you can go a long time.
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you can go forever with nothing bad happening and then something happens an incident like this and complacency particularly when you're dealing with private security and people on the ground that are sort of working shifts tend to get complacent. the physical security, the cameras are good. they can be a deterrent if people know they're there but they're really a way to document what happened after the fact and to alert a response. so yes, i agree with you. i think security needs to be tighter. in this politically charged era where we see people doxing our public officials all the time putting their addresses on the internet encouraging people to show up when they're dining out and about at their own homes, supreme court justices congressmen and women so i think
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there's a tolerance level that's built up that the unacceptable. we i think there ought to be laws that are stronger than they are now. there are three federal statutes implicated here. one specifically talks about threats hand assaults to family members of congressional officials or public officials in order to intimidate them or interfere with their performance of their duties of the employee so there are federal laws that are on the books but there's not a lot there to protect people at their homes, public officials at their homes when people are there under the rubric of the first amendment exercising their rights. but what about the rights of the people in the house or moving out and about? >> chris, we are inside the two-minute warning for this update coming from san francisco. police obviously along with the capitol police and the fbi real quick final thought for you obviously first and foremost we want an update hopefully on paul
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pelosi's condition as you mentioned being treated for bruising severe swelling an other injuries, nancy pelosi's office put out a statement he's expected to make full recovery. >> i'll be listening for who is running this investigation. i think you'll hear that the fbi is in a big assist role but i think it's really the other way, the san francisco p.d. since this is a federal, federal family member i think the federal jurisdiction will come out here pretty quick. you're going to see san francisco p.d. up front but the fbi will be hovering nearby and capitol police in third position. i think i want to know how this person got in the house and who this person s. i think it's really important what the motivation s. was eight random person who came in off the street or someone who has been planning this out and doing
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surveillance. i think we are going to find out it was an amateur operation and someone who just responding some of the heated rhetoric out there on both sides. >> yeah, a lot of great questions to consider and we'll see what comes up in the briefing. chris thanks for your analysis on this. it really is terrifying when you think about it sandra and put it in context and all the threats against public officials. here is chief bill scott. >> i'm the public information officer for the san francisco police department. just a few minutes, chief william scott district attorney brook jenkins will be providing an update on the incident at speaker nancy pelosi's office this morning. ladies and gentlemen chief william scott and district attorney brook jenkins.
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pelosi regarding an a priority well being check. when the officers arrived on scene they encountered an adult male an mr. -- ms. plussies's husband paul. our officers. observed the suspect holding a hammer. the suspect pulled the hammer away from mr. plus and violently assaulted him with it. our officers difficulties armed him requested emergency backup and rendered aid. the suspect is identified as 42-year-old david dipepii. mr. pelosi and the suspect were transported to a local hospital for treatment. this is an active investigation currently being led by the san francisco police department, special investigations division. we are working closely with our partners from the fbi, the u.s. attorneys office, the u.s. capitol police and our district
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attorney here in san francisco county, d.a. brook general kings and her team. the motive for this attack is being determined. mr. depeppi will be booked at san francisco county jail on attempted homicide assault with deadly weapon elder abuse burglary and several other additional felonies. before i go any further i would like to thank the responding officers for their swift action this morning. those san francisco police officers are officer colbey willis, officer kyle cagney and sergeant edwin coyne. i two like to think our emergency dispatcher heather grimes stand to go my life for a really amazing job. for inquire it is regarding mr. pelosi and his condition, we refer you to the statement issued by speaker pelosi's office this morning. with that, i'm going to turn it
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over to our district attorney brook jenkins for a few brief comments and let me say in advance this is what we know at this time. we will update you further but will not be able to take any questions after this statement. >> thank you chief scott and i to want to commend the san francisco police department for their immediate response to this home and for swiftly making sure that mr. pelosi was okay and that the suspect was apprehended. we are working closely with them right now with respect to the investigation and will proceed with the propose rat charges as things unfold as well as work with the u.s. attorneys office and our federal partners. thank you. >> right. thank you all for being here. i know you may have -- we will update you when we get more. >> that's it for right now. we are not going to take any questions and our office will be issueing a news release very soon but that's it for now.
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thank you. >> all right, not a whole lot of information coming out of that. we know the suspects name, way don't know what his motive was. looks like paul pelosi had the hammer in his hand maybe trying to defend himself against the intruder. if i heard the chief right, the suspect wrestled the hammer out of his hand and started hitting with him. the police got on scene pretty quickly took the assailant into custody. >> they turned to nancy pelosi's office statement which said they expect him to make a full recovery so we anticipate an update on his condition. there was not one in this presser but they say the motive is being determined tipt and a list of charges for the suspect in the attack including homicide
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assault with deadly weapon elder abuse burglary and several additional felony charges will be brought against this suspect. that is the latest from the san francisco police department. >> let's bring in special reporter brett baier. we don't foe if this was politically motivated a created individual orbit of both but what a frightening occurrence. >> it's interesting we don't have more details from the police chief there. 2:27 in the morning local reports say this american got through a sliding glass door in that home and there's even a report he was trying to tie up paul pelosi. didn't understand to your point the hammer back an forth and who was holding it. they both were holding it according to the police and paul was hit by it. where was nancy? we are getting sources this guy
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was yelling so we don't have a lot of details other than the security questions about that home f. the speaker was there, there would have been a big security presence. >> a detail. >> a detail right there and you know, it raises the questions that you raised with your previous guest about the security not only for the principal but for the families as well. >> obviously this is happening a series of incidents involving members of congress just in recent months, brett, which brings up the bigger picture are they being protected at a time when there are a lot of threats out there. >> when you go through the list and you look at the juliet kavanaugh situation and the reality that the families were not being adequately protected but there are a lot of incidents we had don't really hear about on capitol hill and i'm talking about both parties getting threats for minor attacks that
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come and go so there are questions in this current environment, social media stirs things up and people take action. we don't know a lot of details on this wind and i assume over time we will get more. >> as we mentioned earlier in the hour, 2021 capitol police field's 9600 threats between january 21-23 this year nearly 2,000 threats they looked into. but when you look at this overall people may be quick to make leaps to certain events in the past, certain political ideology, what may have driven this person. we can't make those leaps an shouldn't make them because we just don't know at this point that this person could have been motivated by just about anything. we don't know. >> the only indication we have is, where's nancy but we don't
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know his point of view. we do know this is a real thing in thoughts day and age that public figures no matter who they are come under increasing threat and because of our environment and the way we talk about things, online and elsewhere, there has been an increasing threat to public figures. it's interesting about this. i agree with your previous guest as well about the security prospect of the speaker's house when her husband is home. i would have thought it would be more secure as well but we don't have all the details yet. >> obviously a moment where crime is a major issue all across america. there's a lot of people probably watching who don't feel safe in their homes in some of these neighborhoods and have taken additional safety measures. that said reaction pouring in on around capitol hill the president reached out to nancy
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pelosi chuck schumer and others i believe it was jean pierre. obviously this shakes a lot of folks on capitol hill to have an attack like this happen. >> and it crosses party lines. you're going to see everybody even this close to an election maybe sure they express that concern because there isn't a party here in you're dealing with family members who are under threat. now there will be some who make jumps, to john's point. and you can't do that until you have fact and we just don't have facts from the police department. >> you know back to the security aspect of all this, she's been speaker of the house for a long time and there's never been any
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incident that came close to this but when you're in the security business, you're always planning for the worst case scenario and you can say well she's been speaker off and on for a decade or more than more and nothing like this happened but it did happen this morning and did you plan for the worst case scenario. >> right and that security profile of that house looked like it was kind of open and how he got in there is really a question. i was just in san francisco and people downtown any gherp around there are very aware of the security situation based on trial based on what they've seen, based on interaction in the street. >> when you go to san francisco and you go to surface parking lots and see cars with windows smashed out and robberies, drug deals that is a city in decay. there's no question about that. however we don't know if this was in any way related to the other crime problems of san francisco or this was specifically represented to
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nancy pelosi it. >> leans more that way with what we are hearing so far, that nancy pelosi, where's nancy. >> brett if you could stand by we are going to get jonathan hunt correspondents from hour west coast news room. jonathan we don't know much yet but i hear that "daily mail" is in brain surgery. we have not determined that but have not got an update from the police but i thought i would include that and add to it what you're learning at this hour. >> yes, and we should all remember that the pelosi family has requested privacy as they deal with what is obviously a very difficult situation with 82-year-old paul pelosi suffering blunt force trauma to the head and body and remaining hospital. now a couple things struck me from that press conference with the police chief and the d.a. first how quickly the police
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were there, which would tend to point to some sort of alarm being triggered, either automatically or mr. pelosi himself making 911 call before coming into contact with his assailant. the police chief said they arrived and they had found the assailant, the 42-year-old man and mr. pelosi apparently fighting with both of them, as the police chief put it, holding the hammer. what was not clear from what the police chief said was whether the assailant entered the house with that hammer and paul pelosi tried to grab it from him and that the why they were both holding or mr. pelosi confronted the intruder and the intruder grabbed it. either way as the police got there according to the police chief, the suspect pulled the hammer away from mr. pelosi and violently assaulted him with it while police were in the house.
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the actually witnessed in immediately tackled him and eventually obviously arrested him. he's charged with attempted homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. just to pick up on brett what saying this obviously is without doubt a political element to this in that the speaker's house was deliberately targeted. the assailant was apparently shouting, where's nancy but what dough don't know as brett said is the political point of view of this 42-year-old david depeppi as named by police. so there is without doubt according to authorities a political element but we don't know from which perspective that comes so we should keep that in mind. the police have said they had were investigating a motive. they'll tell us as soon as they know. and while there will be rampant speculation on social media of course we wait for the effects
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of this of investigation from law enforcement. one fact we have by david's law enforcement sources this assailant was indeed shouting where is nancy where is nancy. what we do not know is why he wanted to find nancy pelosi. >> we know but the suspect 42 years old being reported in several california publications he's a berkeley resident. i'm sure folks at fox are scouring his background to find out more about it. do we know anything about him as far as you know at this point? >> all we know officially police is that age, 42 years old and we don't know much else at all officially. there is a lot of information out there by social media via some of the local outlets he was from berkeley and may have been involved in some previous protest not necessarily aimed at
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nancy pelosi but previous protests that have taken place in san francisco. we are of course digging into all of that, john but again we don't want to put information that is unconfirmed out there because we don't know what the fact are of this person's background. we will get them as soon as we can and bring them to our viewers then but we don't want to indulge in the speculation we are seeing online and in these situations as we know too well. >> so to your point you learned little in that briefing moments ago. this is the capitol police involved san francisco police federal bureau of investigation. this is a coordinate investigation they accepted moments ago is ongoing. this is video that came in of the pelosi residence. we are told this is probably -- this is a live shot. we had tape earlier showing a couple different views of this home. this one is live shopping obviously where it's possible
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the intruder entered or exited this residence. you can see the open doors there. as we await more on his condition because it's being reported by multiple outlets he's hospitalized. >> we believe that he is still hospitalized. again the pelosi family has asked for privacy so we are not going to get ahead of ourselves on any reporting on the condition of 82-year-old paul pelosi either. as you look hat live pictures of the house it's pointing out that is not a particularly secure property. the garage is on the left as you look at that picture there. that is right on the side walk. that is the garage where offensive graffiti was scrawled on new year's day 2021. then you look at the walls. it appears fairly easy. you would only need rudimentary climbing skills or a stepladder
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to get over those walls so i think a lot of us are had a little surprised that the home of the speaker nancy pelosi is not more secure than that, it is not surrounded by huge walls by any means so it doesn't look as though it would have very difficult without any security detail there and we don't believe there was one, to john's point we don't know that for sure but it doesn't seem there was any security detail on the site. so it would have relatively etsu to get into that house and break into through what appears to be some sort of glass door at the back or side. not quite clear whether it's back or side but not through the front of the house around one of the other entrances the assailant seems to have had made his entry. sandra. >> jonathan hunt on that. he will come back with breaking details as this is the scene live. you see the police tape there marking ofl the area as they continue their investigation on the ground there. john.
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>> thank you sandra. let's bring in congressional correspondent asha. this is raising questions as to whether or not lawmakers' families or family members of prominent lawmakers like the speaker of the house who is second in line to thepysi should get extra protection. >> that's a question i believe is going to be asked predominantly in the coming days and weeks here from different members of congress. it's a discussion that folks have been having for quite some time as we know we've been tracking with u.s. capitol police they've seen a huge spike in threats to lawmakers in the past several years everything from violent rhetoric to death threats made to members of congress. in fact axios i'm point out the staff from the first three months of this year alone capitol police have looked into some 1800 different accounts of
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threats made to members of congress. people of course have also been on edge since january 6th so it has been a topic of discussion here on the hill for quite some time. something you have made cleared to our audience and i want to point out members of congress are not guaranteed security. in fact, it's very rare to see a lawmaker walking around any of these buildings the cap follow campus followed by any member of security. security is really only given to leadership which would include speaker pelosi, but their spouses and family members do not get that same level of security. so for example if speaker pelosi were to go home and paul pelosi were with her he would enjoy her security but he would not have that security extended to him if she were to leave and of course we know she was in washington at the time of this attack.
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we know that in just the last couple of months, because of the rising level of security threats that the sergeant at arms made some funds available quite a bit of cash to every house member because they don't normally get security so the tar gentleman of arms actually gave lawmakers $10,000 each to install private security systems in their homes. we do not know at this hour if the pelosis had used those funds and keep in mind speaker pelosi has a residence here in washington so she could have perhaps used those funds on her washington home and not the residence in san francisco. you'll also remember back in june we have been talking about, as well as david, the house passed a senate bill to increase and expand security for supreme court justices and their family members and also people who were
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senior officers of the court that did not include staff members but again this was all being discussed back then as well. congress did not extend that billed to include members of congress. so again they don't get the security. after this incident it could be the case that paul pelosi is offered extended security from capitol police, just for a temporary basis, for just because obviously of the incident he's gone through it wouldn't be permanent but could be the case the capitol police offers that security as well but definitely look for lawmakers to start talking about perhaps extending this to other members of congress. >> asha reporting on the hill. we will check back with you. now michael schnellenberger
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gubernatorial candidate in california. >> thanks for having me. obviously it's a horrible attack and we should all condemn it. anybody that's competed for public office should be concerned about this if political offices are indeed being targeted. it may also be this is somebody that is suffering a serious psychiatric condition. we are in a psychiatric emergency in united states as a whole. california is particularly hard hit. you know, people don't realize it but one out of four residents of san francisco say they have either been assaulted or threatened with assault. half say they have been a victim of theft over the last five years. so, we are dealing with psychiatric emergency, a drug addiction emergency, a huge crime problem, san francisco is 800 police officers short of the minimum we need to maintain public safety. so obviously we don't know what happened with this assault on
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mr. pelosi and its reprehensible no matter what the circumstances but i think it's keeping in mind we are in a crime crisis in hour country because we demoralize the police. we have basically said to the police they are the enemy in a variety of ways. this is a wakeup call these are problems that affect everybody. this isn't just a problem that affects people in poor neighborhoods that we all should be concerned about restoring public safety both to cities like san francisco and cities around the country. >> when you consider michael this it was a very prominent member of san francisco society as well as the spouse one of the most prominent politicians in hour nation's recent history and this person is not protected against being assaulted what are regular folks there in san francisco to do? >> well yes i will say too it's upsetting a year ago when my book came out there were a lot
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of people accused me of exaggerating the problem. you can manipulate the numbers in a variety of ways but the fact of the matter is a lot of people don't report if crimes that they suffer so it really took a backlash against the local media in san francisco which is an extremely important media for the chronicle to do a survey of the public and discover the people weren't making this up. people really are suffering high levels of crime and violence in san francisco. it's not the only city suffering from it but you've seen this effort to effort to de-police to demonize police to reduce consequences for crime to let repeat offenders out without constant consequences. a lot of folks and may be well in this case in this case are suffering from psychiatric conditions or from drug addiction, which is often related and the answer is not always long prison terms but you do need to have some approach to mental health in our country
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where unlike other countries we don't have a single system that allows for property psychiatric care for people experiencing mental distress so i would hope this incident an other incidents no matter what's going on behind it help us get the kind of psychiatric care our country needs. >> interesting perspective on all. this we are just looking at pictures here looking for any trace any clues obviously because at the last briefing it was said they still have not determined a motive so this is going to be a huge collaboration, a huge investigation that's going to continue for quite some time. really appreciate your time. thank you very much for joining us. so there you have it, the live pictures as we got the update about half past the hour update on paul pelosi's condition. we certainly hope and pray he comes out of this and makes full
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recovery that nancy pelosi's office said he's expected to make in that statement this morning. >> again things are moving very quickly right now and a lot of the stuff we are hearing is unconfirmed there. are a lot of making certain leaps. we wanting to slowly on all this bring you accurate information which sometimes takes a little bit of time but we've got our teams across the country in fox news who are working to dig up as much information as we can, not only about what's going on with paul pelosi and the speaker of the house but with the suspect and what his background was and what could have potentially motivated him to break into the pelosi home. >> we are going to stay on the story looking for updates from officials on the ground there and of course we will anticipate any sort of statement that comes from nancy pelosi's office as the news comes in we will bring that to you and we are going to take a quick break.
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11:00 am
>> hour two of america reports. nancy pelosi's husband fall attacked near their san francisco home this morning, brutdly we should add. we are waiting to learn more on the 82-year-old's condition and motive and any sign of nancy pelosi. we do know she was not there but was in washington, d.c. when the attacker broke in. america reports starts right i'm john roberts in washington. >> good to be with you. i'm sandra smith. we heard from the police chief on the investigation into the attack. his remarks were brief. no questions were taken but it does leave big questions about what went down and obviously there was was not an update on paul pelosi's condition. we have fox team coverage in washington and san francisco but
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