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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 28, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have for this evening and set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of hannity and monday we'll be eight days away from the midterms. in the men time, this friday night, let not your heart be troubled and laura ingraham, "the ingraham angle" is next. see you back here monday. >> laura: this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. thank you for joining us. let the melt down begin. that's the focus of tonight's angle. they're desperate, i'm telling you desperate to find any edge on republicans as midterms approach. in the aftermath of this hideous attack on paul pelosi in their san francisco home, of course we hope and pray for his full recovery from this disgusting
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attack, the question is will democrats attempt to use the actions of lone lunatics to chill political speech? if so this is because their grip on power is giving way on two major fronts tonight. in politics and across social media. for them, elon musk's successful purr which you say of twitter is a total invasion of their inter-sanctums like an intruder waltzing into their living room and maybe making a sandwich and turning on fox news and using the bathroom. how dare he. most regular people see elon's desire to house clean at twitter as plain common sense. after all, we discovered there's a lot of fat to cut l. >> welcome to a day in my life as a twitter employee. >> then make my way down to the log cabin area. i don't know what it is but it was cool.
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played fuse ball with my friendy friends to unwind a bit and it was cool. then going to the meditation room that i thought was super neat. i had red wine that's on tap. >> laura: in is the culture the left is desperate to protect. a private club for supremely entitled rather ditsy and self-satisfied liberals and it's not enough to control the washington journal, new york post and all of hollywood and every major university. the fact that they want to vilify anyone who disagrees with them including this network with musk himself shows their claims to care about democracy or free speech were always specious. they truly don't know how to deal with the pleuroistic society in which other people
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have different views just like they do any time a conservative arrives to the college campus. >> [ chanting "hate has no home here"]. >> laura: now, they may all feel protected on cam campus bl the wokesters and turns out it's falling apart and the left and the control were wrong about just about everything. this week the media regime finally started to notice. >> democratic strategists are concerned. and acknowledge that the party is having trouble in polling leading up to the midterms and more on with another group. genx leading away from democrats. >> democrat's messages roe v wade and fear of losing
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democracy, which are two monstrous things to talk about are not bucking what people feel as they go to the gas pumps. that's unfortunate. they're not the kitchen table issues but they're the most important issues over time. >> laura: don't you get it people, you're supposed to care about that and friends they push to keep ms. hochul in office pouring millions into last minnesota ads and bedrock of black and latino voters might not turn out. they're turning out for what? high crime? and that's what they're voting for. the truth is we now have close senate in places like minnesota, washington state, oregon, even
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in new hampshire and democrats never thought it's gotten seats l. meanwhile governor abbott and texas sensor desantis and more n georgia up double digits over their rivals and the truth is getting too hard for the press to avoid. democrat policies have left americans poorer, our country weaker, and with the added bonus of taking us to the brink with all out war with russia. there's going to be a huge political price to be paid for this. rather than trying to tack to the middle, democrats, they just keep digging themselves further into a hole and now populous republican candidate who is are bold and who are brave are about to bury them. they're telling themselves lie after lie for the democrats and inflation was transitory. >> i see important transitory influences at work. i don't anticipate that we'll be
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permanent. >> most of the price increases we've seen are -- were expected and expected to be temporary. it's not regular inflation anymore. i'm bringing it down. down. >> laura: they said crime was a republican talking point. >> there's a real crime prime we're addressing and those six crimes. >> laura: their propaganda would mean stuff and it's concerns around the racest rhetoric that goes hand in glove with the law and order messages and some republican candidates are intentionally linking race and crime as a tactic to undermine their black opponents. >> laura: and they believe that parents wouldn't kick up a fuss in school board elections. even when school boards were being dominated by radical gender activists. >> i've lived in lauden county my entire life and care so
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deeply about this community. we need a representative who shares our values and will fight for our values. i've seen what happens when we don't have someone advocating for those left out of the room. >> nick doesn't seem to show a whole lot of interest in including parents in the equation because he specifically stated he would support the policy that leaves parents in the dark when it comes to knowing what names their children are using in school or which bathroom they're using. i don't believe that nick is being genuine in his concern about parent involvement. when he wants to cut them out of the equation. >> nick, would you like to use 30 seconds here? >> no, i'm good. >> laura: no, i'm good. well, of course all of what the people have been saying is false. now the voters are catching up to the lies. but the biggest lie of all was that they there were red states and blue states. look, there's the united states of america. obama said that; right, back in 2004, well he was right. that means political leaders
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can't take any state for granted, can't write any state off or leave any state behind. americans "coast-to-coast" are tired, they're tired of seeing strstreets crawling with druggis and criminals and the southern border teaming with illegals and tired of seeing 401ks cratering and tired of paying $100 to fill up suvs and the drag queens twerking in front of little kids and tired of hearing college kids that are coddled little snow flakes wine about privilege and micro-aggressions and a reckoning is coming whether the democrats like it or not and not a moment too soon. that's the angle. joining us now is one of the gop candidates leading that reckoning, arizona gubernatorial candidate kari lake, republican. kari, they're out of ideas, including your opponent who now tried to blame you for a break in at her office.
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what! >> yeah, we just got new polling, we're 11 points up and we're goon stage some sort of a water gate-style break in at her headquarters. we don't even know where it is. as far as i know it's probably in a basement somewhere because that's where she's been campaigning. it's a joke, and sadly the fake news media fell for it. you know, they take their marching orders from the democrats down here and the democrat party. they didn't even bother to do fact checking. that's okay because we're waking up, the mama bears are jumping into the mix now and it doesn't matter if you're hispanic, if you're black, if you're asian, if you're just a mutt like me, we are all protecting our children and we're coming in to rally around and save our republic, that's at stake right now, our liberties, freedoms, and kid's future. >> laura: kari, you've been attacked by many on the left and in the media and now a so-called republican is running an ad against you as well.
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watch. >> i don't know i've ever voted for a democrat but if i lived in arizona, i absolutely would. if you care about the survival of our republic, we cannot give people power who will not honor elections. >> laura: now, liz cheyney, you must be quaking in your arizona boots there, kari. >> i think that's a gift, that's a political gift f. you've got liz cheyney supporting your opponent, that's just the kiss of death for katie hobbs actually. i wouldn't even call her a democrat. she is a socialist and a marxist and you can tell by some of the things she's pushing. i cannot believe liz cheyney with a straight face can call herself a republican. she's not and part of that uni party and it's a party of common sense solutions and tired of same old issues and nobody solves problems and bringing america first policies to solve the problems.
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liz cheyney is a warmonger and she wants to push war and folks that she associates with. we're moving on from the old republican party. if they want to take personal responsibility and lyft american dream, they're invited. >> laura: populous versus the old guard. the old dinosaurs are about to lumbar off the stage we hope. kari, you can already see what the media are trying to do to use this despicable attack against the speaker's husband paul pelosi to try and do against conservative nows now. watch it. >> especially on the right, they're fueling it. using the anger and the disillusionment of conservative voters to push, you know, their political ends and also to push election lies. we just have to be up front about the fact that that's
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happening. it might be sort of advantageous to them in the near term but in the long term, it's dangerous. . >> laura: it's dangerous. are you worried this is -- the left would use this lone lunatic to try and silence conservative speech anymore than they already are? >> no, i mean -- i think people are tuning out to what the left has to say and realizing it's the policies of the left that have made our streets more dangerous and they're realizing that the crimes, whether they be small crime where your car is broken into to a violent attack. it's because of leftist elected officials who have not enforced the laws, they're realizing that the wide open border, all of this is playing into what's happening on our streets. we have less safe streets, we have hopeless population just exploding in huge numbers and drugs flowing in and the people are recognizings that it is the left pushing terrible pollicis, which make all of the bad things
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worse. that's why maher coming over and voting for republicans and the party is growing. >> laura: how afraid are they of elon musk taking over twitter, kari? how afraid? >> i have enjoy that had so much and i can't wait to have a little bit more parody and freedom on twitter. i want a level playing field, laura. i don't want to see it flip the other way. we just want our freedom of speech back, and i think elon is going to deliver that . i hope he invites a lot of people who were kicked off of twitter back on and i hope he gets rid of all of the bottom panels and trolls and then -- bots and trolls and then we'll see where the american people stand. on the common sense folks, we're majority by a huge long massive numbers. i think we're going to find that when twitter gets turned around. >> laura: kari lake, thank you so much and good luck out there if we don't talk to you before election night. >> thank you, laura.
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>> laura: it's official, tuesday's debate between dr. memhet oz and john fetterman has reset the race. wasn't fetterman struggles that are waking up pennsylvania voters but the policies he's lined up behind like a call to ba ba fracking as incomer -- ban fracking and a coddling of criminals during a spike in violence in the state a. new poll in the field after the debate shows that oz has 2 point lead now. it follows a poll earlier in this week showing oz up three. now, these are the first leads he's held all cycle. dr. memhet oz joining us now. dr. oz, good to see you tonight. i want to play a moment from this first post debate interview that fetterman did last night. >> do you feel that oil companies are more to blame for the inflationary pressures we're seeing in the united states than say biden's policies? >> of course, i stand on the side of working families here in pennsylvania, and he would stand on the side of oil companies who
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believes that he actually believes that we're being too hard on these oil companies. >> voters aren't real lie buying this at this -- really buying this at this point, dr. oz given the trend lines. >> you can't defend his dangerous policies. he takes these extreme positions and they're out of touch with pennsylvania values. take the issue of frack, which came up both in that interview and in the debate. so he has said all along that fracking was a stain on pennsylvania. he want add moratorium on it, he said and i'm going to quote him "i don't support fracking at all and i never have". he shut down the keystone pipeline or supported it. it's an $80 billion industry plus jobs and look at sign that would work to keep the beautiful planet clean, you want to use natural gas as a bridge to green energy sources and he won't acknowledge it and then caught on the topic in the debate, he
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pretended like he was support of of the industry. i said, you understand, john, the energy industry is scared of you and you said you want to prosecute these people and don't understand it's a commodity and stop drilling by banning on federal lands and scare people and not invest and block all pipelines, there's less of a supply of a commodity the supply will go up and if you're truly worried about the works class families in pennsylvania, let the price drops and energy drives a third of inflation and do things that make sense instead of racing taxes that it continues to want to do and paid his own 67 times. >> laura: dr. oz, in an effort to help democrats down the stretch, they're now deploying biden, harris, and obama. obama is going to go there next saturday a come days before the election. are you worried? obama is still a big star and very popular within the democratic base obviously.
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>> the thing about pennsylvania is folks want to vote for you. they want to understand what you stand for and they're not chaining their mind because someone happens to stand on the stage next to you. biden has been here a bunch of times already. it's not even an issue around him. it's are you going to vote for john fetterman or frankly anybody because they're supported by joe biden? obviously they're both democrats. the bigger issue is after the debate, somehow $2 million of democratic money was donated to john fetterman on his website and million more came through the party. they just want the 51st seat. that's all they want. if that bothers you, and it should, go to and i hope i ask tell the truth about john fetterman . than he's lying to you. compare up and down command indicates and i've all along -- cacandidates and i've always campaigned on kitchen table isissues and crime and drugs isn
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issue because of fentanyl in the totowns and it's killing our kis and those topics worry parents every single day. john fetterman's responses are not to defend his criminal positions but rather to insult me usually at a personal level. it was fun over the summer but people will vote in ten days on the issues that will change their lives and they'll focus on why he wants to protect criminals over the innocent people they've hurt. which he did by the way 25 different times given over the obstrobjections of other memberf the parole board, he wants to release murders. why does he want to legalize all drug when is that has led to a 50% increase in homicide rates and the one place it's happened is oregon. these are positions way out of touch and extreme o ones that don't connect with pennsylvania voters. i stand for a desire to bring balance to washington to address the challenges that are hurting our people. >> laura: dr. oz, thank you so much. and up next, we are back in the big board. kari lake isn't the only arizona surprise.
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plus, surprising house republican pickup opportunities in oregon now. chris bedford is here and we'll walk through all the key races and some you're not focusing on. stay there.
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>> laura: it's time for "the ingraham angle's" top races to watch 11 days from the midterm and back at the big board with
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the executive editor of the common sense society. chris, let's start right with oregon sixth district where democrat state rep andrea salinas down four points from mike erickson. why is this race important? >> i started paying attention and my fiance was driving through and saying there's nothing but republican and independent signs through here. it's a suburb of portland and this district was literally drawn by democrats after the last rejiggering of the maps and they chose it. this district has the highest amount of hispanic voters than any district in oregon and the democrats are mind. erickson is saying i'm going to take care of the crime and drugs and fight the homelessness and the democrat salinas saying i want to put more money towards social services and fixing things and it's a democrat's perfect district from 2020 and going poorly for them. >> laura: dove tails from the town hall this week finding a turn and shift among hispanic
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voters. going to the governor's race in oregon. would have the first republican there in 40 years to take the governorship. >> first republican in 40 years and perfect storm for the republicans here and unpopular democrat and incumbent governor is the least popular in the entire united states but at the same time you have betsy johnson, a former democrat coming in as an independent and not really liberal by the modern standards and not woke and got big backers like phil knight at nike saying he backed her because there's a picture of someone doing cocaine. what's illegal in that state is probably the plastic straw and sick of the madness. this is splitting the vote and giving the republican a serious chance and people once again they're sick of the crime and homelessness and drugs. like going to portland these days and a beautiful city like the site of the walking dead. >> laura: stay west but head down to the arizona senate race there. now, where are we there? rcp average has incumbent senator democrat mark kelly that people thought was untouchable a
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couple of months ago. he's actually leading blake masterson, the republican, by 1.5%. >> that's right. arizona is not like oregon where biden won by 13 points or new york where biden won by 23 where they have democrats on the defensive. arizona is a place where biden wont by 0.3%. it's a confusing state, interesting state and can put up kelly and john mccain. masters has been gaining by doing the hard work and getting out there even while being outfundraised and mcconnell hasn't come in for him and it's get willing and he's getting the help of the governor who's extremely popular, lake, the republican candidate for governor who's ahead of all of them by about ten points. if i was looking at this on kelly's team, i would not only be worried about master's gaining numbers and worried about my numbers and can't get above the 46% level and a real long way from winning. >> laura: chris, i get mark kelly is trying to portray himself as some sort of moderate because he's claiming he's
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strong on the border issue. but my friends in arizona say they've never even seem him address the border issue in any real >> he's trying to portray himself in the mansion or cinema vain and he's a reliable democratic vote and from masters if he's an independent, i'm an n astronaut. >> laura: chris, east to new hampshire, live free or die hard state. incumbent maggie haster is struggling to keep her seat. she was leading by 11 points and fast forward to this week where margins just cut to three points. >> yeah, one month cut to eight points and the pollsters start to get serious and they dispense with the summer nonsense and don't worry the democrats are winning and no one is really angry. this is a state in new hampshire with more independents than any
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other state in the union and not as politically aligned or baked in the cake as other states and a state where biden has a 40% approval rating and maggie is someone that's been around and an incumbent and raced 10 times the amount of her challenger and the winds are blowing against her and people are looking at what's going on in the country around them and saying, i'm sick of this nonsense and rick scott came in with $1 million ad buy to try and bolster this and push it over the finish line. >> laura: think about the heating oil cost this winter. it's supposed to be a cold winter this winter, heating oil costs are through the roof. friends in new hampshire are worried about just that and there's rumors of rationing of heating oil, whether true or not, that's freaking people out. >> that's important. air conditioning is important here in washington dc or up in new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, maine, it gets freezing cold for months and months and months and that bill is something that comes in. you can't just turn it off.
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you put on so many sweateers and it's a worry for people and a danger up there. >> laura: chris, we'll be watching and so much fun to have you at the big board. i have a question, when do we classify the climate classics as ecoterrorists and we learned about prince harry's new memoir. raymond has it all in friday's foleys, next.
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>> laura: fox news alert. >> husband of house speaker nancy pelosi is recovering after being attacked in their san francisco home and the 82-year-old suffered a fractured skull after being struck with a hammer but expected to make a full recovery. the police chief says a dispatcher's quick thinking led to a faster response. listen. >> it was something more was going on just in her intuition just with her experience. that caused for a higher priority than this type of call normally receives. this was a wellbeing check.
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she knew there was more to it and alerted our officers, she went that extra step. >> the assailant faces numerous charges including attempted murder and police have not release add motive and say it wasn't a random attack. back to the ingraham angle and more of your fox news headlines. >> laura: it's friday and that means it's time for friday foleys. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond royo. this has been a week of protests. >> climate activist smash add cake in the face of king charles or a wax work of king charles.
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>> it's a symbol. just stop. it's a piece of cake. >> his son harry is about to smash the king with a cake of a different sort and releasing a new memoir called spare and allegedly unsparing account of the duke of sussex's truth, my truth. what do you think of that title, laura, spare that he would call the book spare? >> laura: well, he's supposed to have air and spare just to be safe; right. i guess he was using that as kind of a play on being the spare heir. >> princess anne is the spare, the sister of prince charles and she's the backup should anything happen and more and i want to
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also point out that in addition to looking like a video game avatar on the cover of his book, mis-cover look -- his cover looks like a companion piece to meghan markle's piece and his ghost writer is the one that andre agasi book open and got the same full face treatment and it's the trend of celebrity rather than royalty. >> i think it would have been better if it was called whipped. >> laura: he looks like he's kind of the poor guy is always in the shadow of his wife. not that there's anything wrong with that apparently anymore. >> or call it had lady in waiting and was behind markle. >> laura: should have been peeking out from one of her beautiful ball gowns. just peeking out. that would have been good too.
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there's another protest in week and another climate idiot glued himself to versus frequency mere's girl with a pearl earring and an accomplice poured soup on his head. what? >> maybe next time they can glue themselves to a soup can while an artist paints their faces. this is getting absurd and these people should be jailed or fined for destroying or endangering works of global importance. i don't know how they get away with this. it just -- it happens almost every week and multiple times this week. >> laura: well, don't forget to tell that to our friends on cnn. >> that's get ago lot of attention in terms of the e defacing art work and what that means and overall our conversation and what's more important to you. this art or the long term sustainability of our planet? >> art and sustainability are not at odds. not an either or and destroy art to save the planet.
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art should bring people together and they're using it and its destruction for divisive purpose. we all should be unified in con temporal integrationing this. i'm sorry >> laura: in her logic, anything can be destroyed if the theme behind the destruction is saving the planet and that means any person frankly because is one person's life anyway as important as saving the planet? it's a very utilitarian approach to things, raymond. >> i can't wait to see isis booked on that cnn show. from the misuse of paintings to the misuse of song, laura, this is a climate group called extinction rebellion but they may as well call themselves music rebellion.
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>> laura: oh my god. >> laura, if you do a flash mob, pick a song from this century and make sure you know the choreography. look outrebounded they're kind of tentative and don't quite know when to lift the leg. it's very sad. the song the extinction rebellion should have built around in this group is this one. laura, the man who wrote that song and produce sod many of these iconic christmas specials jules bass died at 87 this week and he directed and producing everything from the great 1964 rudolph the red noised reindeer to frosty the snowman in 1969 and he also wrote the lyrics for so many of the beloved songs put one foot in front of the other and i'm mr. snow meiser.
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whatever i touch turns to cold in my clutch. we are santa easefuls. all these great -- elves and the beloved touch stones of our childhood. he was responsible for a lot. >> laura: he died at 87 and jerry lee lewis of course passed away at 87 too. icons in american culture and music. >> laura, before we go, i can't let this pass, "the ingraham angle" is celebrating five years on air this weekend and anyone that's been a long time fan of this show knows that while you had one thing going almost every episode this happened in the early years of the show. >> laura: my earrings are falling off i'm laughing so hard here. >> laura: my earring fell, isn't that fun. >> laura: learning about this in "the wall street journal," a federal delegation -- my earring fell off. >> last week he sent me and
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secretary pompeo. >> laura: people in office, you don't know what they're doing. my earring fell off i was so excited about that topic. >> laura, i want to congratulate you because that hasn't happened a single time in 2022, but now we're moved on from losing earrings to, well, we're losing other things. >> laura: she should be removed from office just for that. and with that my little ear piece fell out but go ahead, i'm listening. >> that was on monday. what's with your ears, ingraham? >> open channels that things don't cling to in any way. what's happening? >> laura: first of all, happy answer verse reigns leading and -- anniversary, you've begun instrumental to the task and it's been an awesome, awesome five years and i hope many more. we have a lot of fun. the show behind the show is the next show. >> we're doing a reality show on that later. congratulations, laura. >> laura: back at you. it's a big team effort here,
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raymond, thank you. we're entering the period of midterm season and we're very impackful we hope and -- impactful and political ads can make a difference and we'll walk you through some of the best of the week with charlie kirk and jason staffotz, stay there.
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>> laura: we are 11 days away from the midterms and at this point, political ads can help push a candidate over the edge with independence or undecides or totally destroy their chances as well. it's no surprise that candidates are spitting these ads out as fast as they can. joining me is charlie kirk president and found fou fou foud jason chaffetz. let's listen to the ads.
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>> laura: jason, other than having kind of a sped up audio sounds like there, done a lot it speak to the widening map for the gops in a state like connecticut? >> yeah, you'd think connecticut is safe but take the fight everywhere. this is a choice election. the issues are stark and they are different and they are -- this is an opportunity to spread the word on crime and inflation and energy policy. all those things so i'm glad they're not just assuming that this is going to stay blue. take the fight to everybody. >> laura: charlie, let's turn to michigan now where another damming ad came out against governor whitmer. watch. >> kids out for three months. >> today signing an executive order to close school buildings to students for the remainder of the calendar year. >> parents saying it's been rough watching the effects not physically being in the school has taken on their children. >> flint students remain out of the classroom and will learn remotely. >> laura: charlie, it was all
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a blatant lie and kids didn't have to be out of the classroom and all the democratic governors are pretending they never did any of this. >> media talking about the election and inflation and crime and the boarder and that's all important but there's going to be a midwestern referendum on the overly draconian reaction to covid. that's a midterm surprise people aren't talking about enough and in michigan, you're going to see tudor dixon defeat gretchen whitmer and midwestern values looking at how draconian and severe and harsh and cruel they were to the children of minnesota and wisconsin and michigan. i think parents have not forgotten that. they're looking at how their kids math and reading scores are behind. how their speech progress is behind and delalayed and how may kids commuted suicide on drugs and alcohol and, laura, you cover that had fabulously in the beginning parts of the pandemic and how unnecessary the lockdowns are and we'll be shocked on election night when a
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midwestern state that's typically blue shocks the world. gretchen whitmer is the example of that and she was the chief mascot of the cruel lockdown policies. >> laura: they were locked down and learning on screen and learning gender theory and crt and that nonsense. jason, now trump's pack called mag a&inc started pouring money into races as well including a new ad hitting fetterman in pennsylvania. >> he brutally murdered his girlfriend's mother with a pair of scissors, convicted of first degree murder, john brookins is serving a life sentence and john fetterman was the only member of the pardon board to vote for his release. >> laura: jason, is this another willie horton type ad or an ad effective in a time like this where things are so dangerous? >> it's more effective like this and the reality is newt gingrich talking about this and 25 times
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he did this and this is but one case and 25 different ads on cases where there's five members of the parole board and fetterman is the only one that votes to release the killers and people convicted of murder and it's disgusting. people need to know this about him so trump's done a lot in pennsylvania and hope he continues to do more and goes right to the heart of the issue and goes to the core of what fetterman believes in. he fighting for criminals, convicted people -- people that are convicted of murder more than he does the victims. >> laura: now, charlie, speaking of the crime issue, congressman lee zeldin running in new york and he's highlighting the problem of crime in his state in a new ad against hochul. check it out. >> there's no question, this fear of crime is real. >> waterworning he turns violent. >> you're looking at actual violent crimes caught on camera in kathy hochul's new york.
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it's getting much worse. on kathy hochul's watch. on november 8, vote like your life depends on it, it just might. lie zeldin for governor. >> laura: charlie, tough stuff but now we hear that desantis and youngkim heading to campaign for zeldin and obama going out to georgia and pennsylvania and another campaign swing for him. >> yeah, i mean, this is just another example of the midterm triage we're seeing where democrats are having to send out their best surrogates to try and stop what is this looming wed wave in blue parts of the country and lee is spot on with the messaging and new york has become a dis- draconian night me and working against kathy hochul and crime is the number one issue in new york and i'm glad lee zeldin and focusing on that and crime is an issue that affects every single person.
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when you can't walk the streets of new york, it changes the fabric of society and we'll see really surprising election results especially republicans winning in states that used to be considered reliably blue. >> laura: charlie and jason, have a great weekend. thank you. i'm told we have one more surprise shoutout ahead of sunday's big fifth anniversary, and i have no idea who it'll be but i can't wait to watch it so stay there.
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>> laura: , another surprise shut up for the ingraham angles fifth year anniversary. >> i would like to congratulate you for five great years and also great readings, because without the ratings you don't have the years, so congratulations on a job well done. >> oh my goodness. mister president, thank you ver much. all the shout outs have meant s much to me personally and our entire team. thank you for putting their sho
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together every night because they do really all the hard work . i'm just the person on camera. it's a huge group effort and i love every single one of them. you don't know their names, but you should because they are jus as important as it was truly pride set your dvr every night to stay connected with us and remember, it is america now and forever and greg gutfeld takes it all from here. have a great weekend. ♪ out >> sit down everybody. sit down. that lady fainted, get her some water. it's been another great week of shows things to wait


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