tv Hannity FOX News October 28, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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anyone in kathy hochul s office was involved. >> we're out of time,nd unfortunately. we'll be back on monday. nighy eight p.m. the that's the sworne enem enemy of lying, pomposity, smugnessy smugn, and groupthin. a great weekend with the ones you love. see . ity. >> hi, welcome to "hannity". in 11 days. on for t yes, a major choice election for the country. tog tonight we're goin bring you the very latest. we'll have polls, we'll haverean analysis. we'll have reaction. jd vance from ohio will joinbudd us . ted budd from north carolinalin will be here. hemme our very own bill hemmere at t will be at the handy hammer biga very plus, we're going to bring yoult the very latest details on the northern california felon that attack paul pelosi with a hammehar. it but we begin with the absolute state of panic inside
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the democratic party all around the country. p they are now petrifiedetrifi by very real possibility that the democrats could lose the house and lose the senate, not to majr mention multiple major gubernatorial races all across this great country of ours. this weekend, barack obama, bernie sanders, even first lady jill biden, they're all hitting the campaign trail hard in a desperate attempt to salvager. some of these races. bujot noe t joe biden, the president. it's m he's just noort up to the taskt and it's more than he can handle at thishi point in his life. so he will be spending the weekend in delawarere with his wit granddaughter. so much needed rest and relaxation for the president.afe now, afterr al all, it was a vey nesy week for joe , public events almost every single day. needless to say, the struggle was very real. sed yesterday, for example, bideemn seemed to think that heg inherited five dollar a gallon gas pricesn ga and that america, you, the american people, should be thanking him for coming to the rescue. >> he said it. >> today take a look.
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today,os the most common price f gas in america is three dollars and thirty nine cents, down from over five dollars. when i took office, we need top keep making that progress. >> all right. sot progress joe , lying or mays no clue. doesn't remember either way. .the cost of a gallon of gason o when he did take over was about. two dollars and thirty dou nine cents a gallon. it's more than doublble that inr most parts oy.f the country. even the very liberal snopes .com, they were forced to fact check biden writing, quote, biden falsely claimed that gasde prices were over five bucks a gallon when he took office. >> and biden added that the national average for us gas prices was three dollars and thirty nine cents as of late october. officewhich was also false. now, tonight, it's not only about joe biden and hise. trouble with the truthe and lying as we speak, the u.s.t is now barreling headfirst into what will be a debilitating diesel shortage just in time
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for christmas. and joe bidehaven seems to n hao idea. doesdoes anyone in the administration know what's going on here? does anyon anye seem to care?gl because almost every single thing you buy in every store you go to is transported by aa diesel powered 18 wheeler. this is a major crisis waiting to happen. hous not is anyone really surprised the biden white house, they have now mangled one crisis after another, afghanistan. the supplyy chai chain crisis, the baby formula crisis, all off that transitory inflation at a forty one year high. they told us only temporary. here we are.r. nine months later, the crisis at a southern border that gets worse every single month. the violent crimt crime crisis n small towns and big cities all across the country and , of course, their idiotic support for defund, dismantle the no bail. fund now, who can also forget the ongoing oil and gas crisis ? with biden humiliated on the world stage by saudi arabia, all while draining
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america's strategic petroleumm e reserve only for political gain, i promise you that will stoprvpolitica the dar election day. and now joe biden, by the way, and his fellow democrats, they want to be rewarded on election day. that would be delusional. din 11 days. , yo >> you, the american people, have this critical opportunity to send all of them a resounding message at the ballot box. anballoty new green deal climatl alarmists, cult member needs to be fired. that means that every democratth now here now with the veryhe's latest analysis. he t well used to be the hannity big board, who used tont be he took it.big now it's the hammer big i give it up graciously. good friend bill hemmerr is called it the hammer. >>annity bored. so it's like an h about the hannity hammer border to. >> we're just kidding around. hh sounds like you're closing tonight. kegood evening to you. >> this is where joe biden is today. average ala provl a poll, his.
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approval rating at that's low.'s al l right. and it's tough. and i want to show you a little bit, sean, about what presidents go into in their first midterm ratings. at 40%, it he was donald trump four years ago, is it? 43% lost, 40 house seatsfurt go back further. >> barack obama, two terms., right. you know, that second term, t that so many headwinds right now, 2014, he was at 42%, lost 13 seats four years prior to heat 2010, this is obamacare. and now he's at 45%. not much difference. sixty three seats. go b's the shellacking he talked about. go back to george bush. rememberrge . headwinds in twenty six or rocks dragging on . he's at thirty seven , loses 30 seats. but four years prior to that, t he bucked the trend of political history in twenty two at 67%, he gained ses eight seats, george bush said. and thats is rare, sean. that was a security election coming out of 9/11 e t cetera. but that's a little bit of history right now that we are trying to examine hereou on the senate. i want to talk ton about this tonight for you. okaywh, this is our what if
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scenario. this is how we hav.e rated these these seats right now. we believe going into next tuesday night, republicans are at forty nine . democrats orul forty seven coul change. all right. o thessome of these states may bee tossups. could be some surprises out there. tosus.but we believe right now,e this friday night, we believed nevada and arizona and pennsylvania and georgia, they are the four legitimate tossups that will decide majority control in the senate. wh here's what we did. what if republicans what if check that. whats ihaf democrats have a surprisingly good nightol of on november 8th? they take it.the . they maintain control of the senate. they're at fifty one . >> right.f republican what if republicans, though, sweep all four of them? they'd be at fifty three . i a pretty resounding pick up te right now. and some people think, well basd they can get theme fifty three based on some of the media reportine g overhing , the past week, some of the polling and watching sean, wher thee the money is being spr on each campaign. republicans are puint moneyever
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and races that you would neverc. expect. democrats are having t o spend hav money in races they never thought they would have to spend before. so b it's a critical point. speaking of defending and goingt around the countryhe, trying to figure out where you makerack o your closing argument, let me just take back baracbak obama t is on the stump today in georgia, is there for stacey abrams and raphael warnock. i was looking at thisael wa is astounding thinrng to see here, sean.. >> this is point to percentage points. >> some two years ago, the entire state of georgia. cie >> all right, decided by fewer than twelve thousand votes. >> well, barack obama is and let me clear that off. he's in fulton county, atlanta, georgia. georgia. that's where he's going to have the rally. you see where democrat 70u cas do well here, right? well ove ther 70% of the vote.ho a difference here, two years ago in just this state of two 2 hundred and forty two thousand raw votes in just that county,id i should say, and fulton countys . so you got to go where the votes are right now. and that's what folks likea litt obama is doing this weekend.
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and then a little later is going to pop up to michigan on saturday and then he goes over to wisconsin is another interesting data point.see wh we look back at this history and try to figure out what's moving out there. all right. this was the deciding vote in wisconsin, 20 thousand raw votes statewide. >> barack obama will go to milwaukee. and if i can punch this upht right here, just in this county alone. >> come here. come here. come on . work with it's not coming up. it's a substantial difference. you can clean up in places like milwaukee just because i'm here . anot, let me show you this, okay? pennsylvania, anothegreat examrd example here.h ho i'm obsessed with how you canw a figure out here now based on total vote counts across the entire, state, how the margins can be so small. right. this is pennsylvaniasylvania. eighty one thousand. but look at philadelphia. okay, just in philadelphia, one county, one city, one vote ,one election.
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the ballot difference in raw numbers is four hundred and seventy one thousand. that's astounding. ing.and that's what explains why joe biden goes back , whymala h kamalaar harris goes back , why barack obama goes back , because that's where the votes are.e winners and that's where for democrats s you determine winnertas inh th states like pennsylvania. ne crunch these numbers s for the next eight , nine , ten days or so. sean will pick up some more patterns. and the hb four, you have a great weekend. >> i t has to be to have a board>> sa because i could never do that as well as you do it. >> and great job as always. >> give me 15 minutes.hat as g i'll show you the way. i'll see you next week. you n sureex.week i could master fifteen. all right. sea thanksn: my friend. polls all right. we turn now to some big pollseeo for republican bs and they seem. now to be surging in every single state in georgia. upiaherschel walker is up by the in a new insider advantageof poll. that's on the heels of being up five on the heels of being up two point four in the trafalgari poll in new hampshire.
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you have general don bolduc is down by only one point to democratic incumbent maggie hassan in pennsylvania. an overwhelming majority of voters believe that dr. wonebat. this week's debate. no surprise there. ee dr. oz now is up three points over his ailingt in democratic opponent, the trust fund brad in a hoodie. that would be john fetterman. and get this, look at nevada.. we have adam laxalt is up by four in his senate race. according to a new poll from trafalgar. here with the very latest, two t of the most accurate pollsterssn in america, chief pollster at the trafalgar group, robert haley, and the insider advantage chairman matt lowry. r i won't mention either your poll in the first question ,matt .inte "uat i didre see that was most interesting, usa today suffolk i poll showing the people thatople are breaking eight , they identified them about 16%
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are now going overwhelmingly to the gop. >> do you see the same thing in the polls you're looking at? well, i think robert is going to agree with me with this.e la yes.te we see late breakers going thr republican , but we saw and three weeks ago we said thisvelg on your show that we saw a wave developing across this countrya. moving towards republicans anyway. so ia n a sense, we sort of fee like the story in usa today, att least i do, is sort like playing catch up to explain why suddenly all the polls are showing thesshowine republicans winning. we've been showing the republicans gaining in g arizona and pennsylvania, even in new hampshire, which i thinpk is could be the upset special of the entire night. we've been seeing it going on for at least three and a half weeks.p and it just seems to keepour la the building. i mean, certainloll iny our latt poll in georgia hirsch's herschel walker is making incredible moves very late inen this race after he's been beaten to death on television as with all that. that's a state. where>> sea inu don't get 50 percent plus one , 6,u'd have a runoff on december
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the 6th. >> correct? >> that is correct. highl and it's still highly possible that he could be in a runoff, becaough it will be a little better this time. usfor any republican because they shorten the time period ofd that runoff. so you of th don't drag on untir january . that would probably endure to walker's benefit in the runoff.b >>er all right, robert , same question. e >> absolutely.en talking about i mean, that's the one thing we've been talking about is , is we measure these undecideds and the undecideds almost everyr time are breaking very much antipode. and so we're not shocked when these undecideds end up in the republican column becausree you know, 60 , 70% of every undecideds in every race or antifa. >> yeah.yo let me ask you both a demographic question. then we'll go through the individual races. demographically,cally, i i'm set in your poll or your polls,r robert . i'm seeing ipolls,n your polls, matt , but in other polls around the country as well. demographically, we are seeingal what i believe to be a pretty big shift in terms of
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african-american voters, hispanic american voters are moving in big numbers tos to republicans. , >> i'll give you two states , georgia and pennsylvania, matari?. not just in >> yeah, and this is becoming common not just in those states . robert and i both keep getting these crosstabs back and wet consistently see where% the african-american vote about 20% oror more are going forndid. republican candidates. and when it comes to either hispanic, latino or what we call other, i mean, sometimesr h 60 something percent for the republican. not thesei'velways, bu are things that we've never seen before. i've never consistently seenan can amer republican candidates getting 20% of the african-american vote this close to an election. secertainly have never seen hispanic latinos or other racesi trending republican . like i'm saying, iisn thisyear particular year, robert , i know. >> i know. loot i'm looking at your polls.see yo so i see that you're picking up that trend as well. >> very much so. ver the two states you mentionedng t are particularly interesting
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with walker two and twenty three percent among black voters and , you know, the governor camp is doing 20 . but what's really fascinating is how well ours is doing.w i mean, we've got oz in the 30sh and the only one in the country that's breaking 20% with african-american women. >> wow. al% withl right. st now, let's go throughny the states that we're talking about. you could pick any racm going e i'm going to mention here. that's we have marco rubirco in floride . we'll take off the table. i'm not worried aboutt john kennedy. i'm not worried about rand paul . i'm not worried about tim scott. i'm not worried aboutscotch charles grassley. arles but we have rubio now is p by double digits. t we i guess we can add him to that i list. all right. but we have hershel inorgi geor ,herschel walker against raphael warnock. then we have ted budd in north carolina. then we have general don bolduc in new hampshire. n john we have osam, pennsylvania. d i think ron johnson is doing vae better in wisconsin. we have j.d. vance in ohio.. we have eric schmitt in
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missouri. we have aboun t in arizona, blae masters. we have adam laxalt. then you've got these other races we're beginning to paylike a little bit of attention to, likefany tiffany smiley in the state of washington, joe day in the state of colorado.wagton, joe o'dea in the let's go through those states , robert .colo we'll give you the first crackra wh ones, if you had to pick today, 11 days outside the election, whichic states would you predict go redu on election? >> i definitely think you end up with ause walker, and i believe that masters gets over the hump. i think smiley's in a dogfight and quite possible. i would actually give an edgd gw now to both winning and i don't think i would get gets close sej enough. >> and obviously, jd vance, nceu don't worry about him. you don't worry about ron johnson in wisconsin. right? right. matt , your take. >> okay, well, and the commentsm we just talked about there are all safe . the let's talkse about some of thes.
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other races. walker either gets in a runoffht or went straight up arizonadownt masters was four pointwos down n our poll two weeks ago. affifor the fox affiliate in i phoenix. now it's two points. ri is rising so quickly and so strongly as the nd republican gubernatorial candidatidate,e. i think that could be a sweep and masters could win. let's talk aboutd some of the others. nevada, as laxalt clearly is going to win that seat . i pennsylvania, i think the bottom is falling out of peterman's campaign. after that debate and that that you saw a huge move when we hadv our pollan in pennsylvania for the fox affiliate there in philadelphia. here's the issue, thoughnia., so many people have already early voted in philadelphia and did not seeae a debate, which, by t way, our poll showed that ozz. won at 54% to 21%, up among those who saw the debate. i don't know. it's going to be a photo finish in pennsylvania, partially because so many people had i think th voted before they saw this debate. i thinsame-dk the same day voted the rest of the vote is going to be extremely weighted in>> sa
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the direction of oz after thatn: performance by faderman. >> let me ask both you this. we see that joe biden is hiding oue while joe biden and barack obama are being a bei brought inng as surrogates.g and a lot of the states we're talking about, do you see any impact that they can have on these races? >> matt race, no, none. just simple. >> robert , any impact, considering that joe biden negative one ? i would say zeronegative is so. >> barack obama will be of no help to democratic candidates. he could potentially, sean, in places like atlanta with fulton county, which i'm very familiar with , he might increasebi the interest and the turnout a little bit. but lookafrican american, the an turnout in georgia has ticked down in early voting. it startedn in at 36%, which, wh is very robust to win georgia. e has to be an african-american turnout of at least 33%. and as oinf today, t in early voting, it's now down to 30%. so barack obama has got a lot te
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of work to do. if he's going to pull eithert go one of these candidates through. it's not stacey. warn if he's going to help lot warnock's, he's got a lot to do in a short period of time,it and i don't see it all right.ean: last word, robert . not to mention the fact that som many of these african-american voters are going to vote forkern walker and going to vote for kim. so you got to be carefult who you turn out, because whenbk they haven't broken into 80 yet, so when only 70 percent of the people arevoting actually voting for them, him o turning them out mightut notbe e be the panacea they think it is . >> i don't think anybody's a little stacey abrams at this point. i thinrams ak she has run the wt y one singlebert, th candidate this cycle. ma all right, robert , thank you. matt towery, thank you.e americl coming up, only 11 days lefttheo until you, the american people, go to the polls. state when we come back , we'll head to the buckeye state. we'll check with jd vance. we'll get the latest on his a campaign in ohio.ll check in with ted budd who and we'll check in with ted budd, who is with lindsey graham. they will weigh in on anh-in
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important race, this one in north carolina, straight . hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation, and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps
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for nine zero nine three seven . >> that's one hundredth nine four nine zero nine three seven no. welcome to live email strohmeyer in new york . there is a possibility of a first face to face meeting between president biden and china's president xi jinping. next month. the two will be at the g20 summit in bali, indonesia. staffers from both parties are working to arrange a meeting, but nothing is firmed up yet. meantime, the president and vice president kamala harris campaigned in philly friday night for the democratic hopefuls in pennsylvania. biden telling the crowd the midterms are not a referendum, but a choice between two vastly different visions of america as president barack obama was campaigning in georgia friday night, state democrats hope his appearance will help senator raphael warnock keep his seat in
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the senate and help stacey abrams in her attempt to unseat gov. brian kemp, who narrowly beat her four years ago. i'm ashley strohmeyer, and i'm back to "hannity" for all of your headlines. log on to fox >> like we've been telling you,e we are only 11 days away from what will be the most crucial critical midterm election inn' our lifetime. i frankly can't convey the the urgency i feel anyway. we turn tonight to the great o state of ohio. j.d. vance now continuing to noin more and more momentum as tim ryan , the democrat, is floundering and is now for rsw vo continue to learn more and more about his extreme record . for example, you see it on your screen wanting to release prisoners up to a million of them acting as nothingru more than a rubber stamp forbber the biden agenda. anyway, he's with us now. republican senate candidate advance. he's been trying or he madetr
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attempts to try to seem more moderate than he is . and as i scroll his record , i could repeat it. he is as left wing as chuck peol schumer is ie n new york . have the people of ohio figured it out yet? >> and i think they're slowly waking up to it because we've been really hammering the message. vote hviously voters are smart and tim ryan has run away fromam his record so aggressively, but he wants to let career fit in fa all dealers out of prison. he wants to in cash bail even as he runs commercials saying that he supports law enforcement. and this is one ofw the reasons soan, it's so important for folks to go to jd vance .com and help out, because the way we've been able to get thee. message out to those allcom. important undecided voters in the state of ohio is just to tell the truth. the guy'cord is record is terri, but it's actually one of con the most liberal records of any congressman. he was a rubber stamp for pelosi. he'd be a rubber stamp for chuck schumer. we have to get that message out. and that's why going to jd vance is so important. >> well, then how is it this
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is the same if he's pro police,s etc.. he called the criminal justice system in america racist and said he believes in hise heart that it's the new jim crow, a new version of it, and a guy that also wants torigs take away people's second amendment rights. so not exactly consistent with it, with conservative idea s? no, not at all. f and in fact, the police here in ohio are very angry and very frustrated with tim ryan , the former chief of police inyos youngstown, which is theto biggest city in his district. e really lit into him a couple f years ago when he supported all of the craziness a couple of stp years ago, the defunde the police and stripping prote the police of their legal protections. the fraternal order ofct. the police normally doesn't endorse first time candidates, but they did endorst theye me in the state oo because they're angry, because when the entir e democratic leadership was going after the police a couple of years ago, timple ryan joined. and he does what he alwayse knee does, which has been the need t i. ancy pelos
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recrui and because of it, our police go are struggling to recruit toit'e retain good talent here in ohio. it's one of the reasons why wey tive rising murdermurd rates, rising violent crime rates. his it's because tim ryan just didn't do his job. of the al rl right. let's talk about the state of, the race and look, ohio,d ov yearink, has been trending more red over the the last poll i saw you up like five , six , seven points. a cos sois you've been running a prett consistent race. what is your is final final clg message in these last 11 days? >> it's really simple, sean. ha, >> on the one hand , it's tim ryan and joe biden hadn their chance. they delivered high inflation, a widerder open border, a lot of fentanyl deaths and skyrocketing crimee.. ul job and i'm a business leader. i'm a successful job creator.. and i think it's time toms at tnew blood in there to fix the problems in washington, d.c., . and at the same time, sean,ut we're trying to get that message out that tim ryan is not the conservative or the moderate that he pretends to be . he votes with pelosi not 90% of the time, not 95% of the time.
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but 100% of the time.p and we just need as much helph. down the final stretch. liste talk to everybody you can allryi your listeners tell people thato tim ryan is not the guy he pretends to be . and go to j.d. vance .com, if you want to help us out.el >> all right, chad, good to seed you. thank you for being with we'll check in before electiondo day. now we head to the state off north carolina, wherere republicans now are standing strong and senate candidate congressman ted. but he continues to exposeft the radicalism of far left democratic opponent cheri beasley. the latest real clear politics numbers have, but with a four point five percentage point lead. here with the latestre with on the state of the race, republican senate candidate in north carolinae , bud, and heng brought along his fellow withlinian, although south carolina, lindsey graham is with you. up a bothwelcome , both of you. ted, you've been able to build up a lead. it's on from one point to two points now.. four and a half points. whats ha is happening in north
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carolina that is bringing you more support? almost on a weekly basis?asis >> and again, thanks for havingl us are all carolinians today. but i would say this is aboutan inflation, about crime're and about education. we're talking aboutat tht the ts that the voters want tohing t get better in their lives and everything that democrathaes are doing is making life worse. everything that i'm doing is about making life better for not just us here in north carolina or south carolina, but in thi s whole country. running fro and sherry beasley is running away from her record . she's defended cop killer. rowno she's thrown out indictmentsutr for sex offenders. she's against gpses tracking foo child molesters. the more we dig into her record , the worse it gets. and they know that i'm for fixing inflation and for making crime less, not worse. and i'm for giving parents a say in their education. the more we talk about that, ex the more we win. but we can't let up in the nexts 11 days. that's why i hope everybody goes to ted budd .com and figures out that we don't have the tech billionaires on our side like she does, butbe we do have you and your viewersn on our >> and so we need help. yeah. you know, lindsay used to
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be democrats would hide their radicalism , try and runding i as moderates. >> they're not hiding itt anymore. i meanyou , the issues come dowc radical policies on energy, wide open borders, defund,s. dismantle, nobel laws. e it comes down to woke education versus traditional curriculum in schools. and they're saying i nt openly and no restrictions at b all on abortion. t they all seem to be outr radicalizing each other, thinking that's going to resonate with the american people, especially in light of two years of biden. the >> well, they've got their in a bind here. if they don't satay the thingsl you're talking about, nobody gives them money. just listen to what ted said about miss beazley. sh be raean statewide and only n by four hundred votes. >> trump won north carolina by less than one percentagetagep points. oite so, ted, from one of the beste t races in the country, don't atth these polls fool you? these people surge at the righte time. so surge if they say no to d.c. to sehood, say no to changing
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the filibuster, try to secure the border, they'll lose all the money. so shela raised thirteen million in the last quarter to raise t four from october the 1st,19, ratober the 19th, the last reporting period. she raised. five , ten , raise. one and a half. your audience has beenerous. incredibly generous, ted, but .com 11 days left. needs everything he said needs to be in a commercial. >> i don't know where all this money comes from. sean murrelet. i was just going t i wo asask this. s this is lindsay. this is not every single stateuo ,every race, gubernatorial race, senatorial race. where are they getting these fro tens of millions of dollars from? >> has anybody looked into it? has anybody itwell, i sure wellt believe this is legit on the up and up. . but i do know this, that the money is real. thirteen to four. he's being outraised four to one . he's got the best story,raised 4 really, of anybody runningo about being a reliables conservative. there's a headwind for democrats, but the nex t 11 iscom. ted budd .com.n ge
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if he can get the money he needs and you have sent money like you helped elect. three nights ago, you have noo idea whaideat your audience didn herschel. all these people are being pounded. so let's close with a flourish. every liberal in americaever is trying to take over georgia and north carolina and florida. >> i lived near all these folks. . we nee wed conservatives liked the people listening to help jadi. please helcod p. but this guy has run the best race maybe in the entire country. he's leading in a state wheree it's hard to lead ted. but .com prae vote and give . hl >> absolutely. h we're going to stay here. nex we're going to we're going tos n stay humble and work hard, go the next 11 days and winp at this. but we need your help at ted budokan and we just ask fors pr people's prayers, support, and if they're in north carolina forand in a man. than >> all right, ted, but ahead lindsey graham, thank you both. althl right. moraight ahead tonight, with democrats now rapidly losing momentum, they're nowte turning to their idol. is the anointed one is back . barack obama. t but can he even help any of them at this point? 'll checwe'll check in with senn
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cruz. >> he's next as we continuext a hey, i just got a text from -m >>hm you remember rick , her neighbor? sure. he's the seventy six year old guy who still runs marathons, right? >> sadly, not anymore. what, you mean just like that? th soe sudden we're not about to conversation again, are we knw we're having though we are getting coverage that we don't th >> conversation. so you're callinat $9.95 poday.t the nine ninety five a month plan from colonial pan am. we put off long enough.someti >> wmee are getting that nine ninety five plan today. is it time for you to call about the 999 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial life insurance company. sometimes we just need$9.95 pl a reminder not to take today for granted. it could be the death of someone, you know, for a health scare. that's why today could be at jut
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zero four zero four call eight under three two two zero four zero four eight under three two two zero four zero four. >> when you can't watch, listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. one, bar >> all right.avelin he's back. the anointed one . barack obama traveling to atlanta today to try to save the struggling campaigns of raphaellf raphe warnock and stay abrams. but here's a question. the mob and the media will never ask barack obama. >> doeess he h endorse all ofnoa the extreme views, for example, of warnock and abrams? take a look at the screen. for example, warnock has offered praise for obama'sor former pastor, jeremiah wright.e they probably agree on that.rem. he offered praise forg the murdering dictator fidel castro. >>l let's see what i call polie thugs and gangsters. hes an wants to end all cash ba. you know, look at that list o on on your screen.
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is barack obama on board with all of that? because if he is , he never told us in the past. now, remember, wobama e thought, was radical, but as it turnsnock out, warnock and obama do have shared radicalism. their love of jeremiah wright and louis farrakhan. remember that? oh, they hitjere thamit picture america for eight long years. ei >> so does obama agree with all of the other radical positions? and what about the case of stacey abrams? h he does obama agree with her?ji jim crow 2.0 lies? pushi does he agree with her pushing the mlb all star game boycott that cost georgia at least one hundred million bucks? anyway, here with reaction, author of justice corrupte wd. o >> senator ted cruz is withtice us . senator . you know, i always knew obama was radical. we didn't see the picture of him in farrakhan till afte dr hs presidency. we knew about jeremiah wright.t we knew about bill ayerspr and bernadinesn.e dorn. we knew about acorn. we knew about alinsky. we knew about frank marshall davis. the question is , he never took
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on these very extreme positions of this new democratic slate ofa candidates. will anyone ask him if htic ewia supports these positions? >> the so of course they won't,t because the corporate media is utterly corrupt and they are in the propaganda business. but obama is radicalopaganda. he always was radical.. he was a radical when he wasn hw president . he's still a radical. what's changed is the democrat party has gotten so muchdical. more radical than it wasck back then. the remember, back then barack obamn,d joe a and joe biden bots opposed gay marriage. it was a different worldifferen they both claim they opposed socialism. they both claim they wante d to secure the border. they both claimed thatborder they supported the police. , th now, what has happened is the democrat party has gotten so extreme, so radical, there are no moderates left. esand to has it has beent your weaponizes. you know, i look at your last l couple of guestsas . rschel w yesterday, i was in georgiar ca with herschel walker campaigning all l all over
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the state. cacouple of daysin before that, i was in north carolinal campaigning with ted, but all over the state a couple of days before that, i was in ohiowa campaigning with j.d. vance all over the state. i got to telwith jl in all thre them, we're seeing huge crowds.. people are energized. they're fed up with thisem radical and extreme left wing that is bringing record on inflation out of control. nflationcrime, open borders and. and sean, we're going to see a red tsunami in november. >> you know, it'novembers funnyy that, because over the years i've been out on the campaign trail covering campaigns it. and you can feel it. i knew, for example, when obama was running in 2008, i remember being on stage with bill y cunningham. i know you kno kw him. the radio talk show host.we're and we're on stage togethelir and we're like, this is not going to happen.t then o this this is a disaster.n th but then on the other side,an fe the flip side, you canl feel it when there's energy and peopleg are excited about a campaign. i get the feeling everywhere
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i've been, you've been what you're going to seventeen states in tota7 l that the enery is high, people are motivatede r and they're tired ofre the failure of biden and kamala harris. that' now, that's that's absolutely r right. i mean., the tests thatg th i'm saying we spent a month doing, the seventeen state national bus tour. i'm not on the ballot this time, so i'm supporting otherfoh candidates for the houseng to re and senate, trying to retakean the majority, trying to be make sure we elect conservative warriors so that when we havvate the majority, we do something with it. and i'll tell you the testm .go i'm saying at every state when we talk to reporters, i say, look, just ask yourself this. question. >> is your life better off now yea than it was two years ago when biden became president ? and if you happen to be a big tech billionaire or a humancker trafficker or a felon, dealer, then the answer is yes. and you probably should vote for the democrats. at but if not, if you're a senior,o if you're a working mom, if you're a young person trying to
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get a job, then then life has gotten much harder and much worse. that's why we're going to see a big election. and so my question this week also, as you noted, my new book came out. just describe the way it has" ha left his weaponizes the legal system. and it details how barack obama and joe biden politicized the department of justicjustice politicized fbi, the irs, the cia, and they weaponizes the federal government to go after their targets and it is dangerous whether it is thefb fbi raiding president trump atr mar-a-lago, first time in the history of our country, or whether it's the fbi targeting pro-life activists, raiding them at dawn with machine guns drawn in front of their crying kids. it's an abuse of power. and this book walks through how this originated under the obama presidency, where he e took the machinery of government turn it intor a weapon. joe tbi under joe biden, i is metasearch sized and it is dangerous. and the books. justice corrupteo
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walks you through the antifae an and black lives riot. it walks you through january 6th. what happened? it's the firstned? inside accout of what happened that day. i was standing on the senate floor leading the senate objection against the voter fraud. and it walks youfraud. through president trump calling me and asking me to argue the u.s.e supreme court case hade co they taken the case. it givesurt you the facts becae people need to be prepared to take on the media lies and counter it with truth. and facts and substance. >> we're not going to have a country if we don't have rule' of law, equal justice, equal application of our laws, it goes to the heart of our constitution. which is the foundation for allu laws. last question. whention.stion. you were outgh g on the campaign trail, you talk about inflation, you talk about high gas prices, you talk aboutk open borders, you talk about a law and order. andand defund and dismantle law the noble laws. you talk about what education ea versus classical education, which issues seem to resonate pp
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the most from your perspective? being out on the road? >> yeah, look at the top three n the country according to the three issues in the country, according to the polling. and this is true in almostpollin every state. especi one is inflation and especially gas prices. people are really hurting. people number two is crime and crime is out of control. people are very upset about it. number three is illegalth immigration on all of those, the bad policies are a result of disastrous democrat policies. for example, let's take crime. one of the things i talk about in the book, justice corrupted is is the the waukesha christmas parade murderer and the george soros d . a's that let violent criminals go . and in that instance, we just li saw the waukesha christmas parade murderengr convicted thit this week. if you look at what happened there, this was a guy violent criminal, had been in and out of jail, in and out of jail. he was arrested for trying toomn run down a woman with his car ,
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a red suv. he tried to murder her. he went to jail to george soros to let him go with a thousandth$ dollar bail. baila slap on the wrist. and just days later, that homicidal maniac drove that suve into a parade, murderingttle old dancdren, murdering little old ladies, the dancing grannies. coungran is happening all over the country and it is an incredible threat to safety i and security. people in every state in add seerica want their families to be safe. and look, i think in a additiond to the senate and house, i think we're going to win some governor's races. i think lee zeldin is going toor be the governor ofnew yo new york state because even bright blue rk , new york , they're fed up with left wing democrats who have countless bail and let violent criminalsem go . the firs the first responsibility of government is to keep us safe. and the democrats have r abandoned that responsibility. and your book could no t be anye more timely. senator ted cruz, thank you for being with us. and coming up, wait till youit see what one pennsylvania
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voters said to circle back jen psaki will show you that. we'll check in with tammy bruce. ari fleischek inr and much mores we continue for over 20 years, super beta has been the name men trust for reducing their urges to. and it's become the number one supplement recommended by urologists only . this advanced formula has cost often three key ingredients to help reduce bathroom trips. it's like taking three supplements and one. that's why it's a best selling formula at wal-mart. reduce your urges to with the brand. urologist recommend most over a million people were poisoned by the water completion and some government officials knew it was happening. that's why we had killer. posman fought hard to make the justice act become law, where a team of marines, west point grads and harvard trained lawyers with experience in the highest levels of government, more marines and their families have chosen
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with ohio state texting fox raskob this week on the road in happy valley from state in america's number one game is big news. saturday night, my favorite drop, the second ranked buckeyes into a conference glass with the best three game, the best since the biggest game beginning saturday. ohio state, penn state on fox, the midterm countdown with the balance of power on the line, er
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nine zero nine three seven . that's one hundred nine for nine zero nine three seven . >> no. all right. brand new mmfs dnc contributorst circle back . jen psaki actually travelerid to john letterman's hometown of braddick. by the way, pennsylvania is a disaster where she was dealt a brutal reality check about the failures of the biden agenda.den ag and the administration. ta an administration. l >>oo take a look. so what's most important? what's your thinking about who to vote for you care about as a mother? for children?ldren, their jobs, they say that allnog these jobs are out there, but they don't want to pay enough for you to actually live off of the job. of theso, you know, i like ther be more jobs available with the
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flexibility, you know, toly wor be able tok actually work and take care of your family and not have to worry abouto choosing one , because i'm in that situation. singyou know, i need to go back work, but i can't afford to payf for childcare. well, thank you.r is being a moy. m of four is not easyanswer of the answer you wanted, but ra you know. >> all right. new here with reaction, fox news contributors tammy bruce and ari fleische from it's interesting watching that from jen psaki. tamm psay, what are your though? >> well, i think her gettingicas that job will help her understand what america is goinggh. through. you know, if you're just in ane air conditioned suite, you're hanginheg around the table with all the politicians. you get lockedin in that bubble she is now getting a prettyea o good idea of whawht americans ae going through. but what'ss interesting is in, is that i don't know whyt losi the democrats are worried about losingse the house and the senate, because that will help a america. and if they want anye to chanceo survive in twenty , 2
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twenty four and even keep the white house is if their policies are stopped. i mean, this is the only thing they can hope for is that the republicans come in and get this country back on her feet, create those jobs.. that woman was talking about a job that could be a career and that she could actually afford to raise a family on . those were the donald trumpweret jobshe. those were the real career jobs that we the bestst e economy in the hisk theyankind. and they threw it all the way wr over the lies and the promisese that were really meant to not bc be kept about coming back to normal. ed tha and everything will be fine. and now they realize that they were taken for a ride. so the democrats, in fact,fact every grassroots democrat,s we as we see from this red wave ine this trend, that we seem totandt be coming up to understand thata if they care about their future and their family's future and their jobsd and crime endi or certainly getting getting better and they are being real
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justice, that it's about votingn for republican regardless. no, look, it's a two year stretch, right, for governors. we've seen abuse of power thatm. happens with democrats. everyone understands now that this is about life and death and the future. and it's not about mean tweets. it's not about a personality. it's about policy. i and this is what's destroying their lives now. so lives jen psaki is gettingaki s the finally the education of a lifetime. party she should start to acknowledge that this democrat party is a failure. it's going ty ano be a marginal party and it's ruined people's lives. ari, it's not our first we've been through many a campaign. we've been friends a long time, tammy. same thing. and i've never seen so muche damage done to the country in such a short period of time. in this case, you know, 20 months, the damage is real. and i'm seeing the energych on the ground. people want change. they are unhappy, happy
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with what has happened to the country in the short period of time. and here's the historical trendf . and republicans were the victims of it in 2018. i and donald trump's first midterm election, barack obamahi in his first midterm election in 20 . >> what happens here toward the end of the campaign is the undecideds and independents break and they're overwhelmingly breaking against the party in power.democr that's joe biden of the democrats. and that's why theseats. theenae races are now moving in's why the direction of republicans. that's why we're pretty muchmber every prognosticator has increased the number of republicanans thats who will pip seats in the house. this is an unmistakable midterm wave. the only question is how big will these waves be ? and the democrats had going for them in august has long dissipated in termissipates of joe biden's improving job numbers. the problem fundamentally remain les. i ca this is a jen psaki can't get her arms around her boss.r the problem, joe biden hase ar led america and the american people are very common sensicael
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and they want to swing awayy'ves from what they've seen with joe biden. you know, what a great running toward a woke direction. >> everyone says it's justt it's biden, but it's biden and the new green deal party. socialist part, soy that they've become the party's been radicalized. almost everybody. >> and i think one of the biggest factors you talked about it with some guests. one of the biggest factors is going to be the black vote ,c the hispanic vote . and i think every timetee a democrat says a man can haveay a baby, they lose more votes with traditional core sensible v groups of democrat. >> can you prove otherwise? has this become. >> i never thought i never thought the halls of congressngs would be debating whether biological men could have children. wher ort men cohavei never ant. >> all right. thank you both. parting our own party with their nonsense. well, it's even barack obama kind of mentioned that and refer to that. ari, good to see you. and happy, as always. >> good to see you. more "hannity" right after this. dancer wears can go wild with wildly adhesive on denture
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12:00 am
the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being>: with us. thank you fo unfr makingortu thw possible. please set your dvr so yous never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. by the way, monday we will be eight days away fromin t the midterms ihe mn the meantim, this friday night, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, the ingraham angle is next. hope you have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. i'm laura ingraham. >> this is ingram angle fromang washington tonight. thanksashington for joining us. let the meltdown begin. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. oh, do you feel the tensions are so high on the left across america tonight? desperatthey are desperate, i'me you, desperate to find any edge on republicans as the midterms approach. so i hideousn the aftermath of s hideous attack on paul pelosio and their sahon francisco home,h of course, wise hope and pray fr his fuller
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