tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News October 30, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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make it a great night, good-bye. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: hello in, i am mark levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." we have three great guests. senator tom cotton. and marco rubio and mike lee of whom are up for reelection. and as i told you, we have changed our format. up until the election, we will return to the old format after. but we're still doing the long form interviews but
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before our gifts m guests, my statement. what is this election about. this country is not divided because of donald trump, donald trump is not even president of the united states right now. donald trump does not hol hold public office right newer, it is not divided because of him, not divided because we're a white supremacist society, we're not, in the divided because right wingers try to over throw the government on january 6. clearly that is a lie. why? let's see why. what do democrats stand for and opponent? let's see if we can do this in away they will understand at new york time, nuclear family, they reject nuclear
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family, the transgender, movement, attack on women in title ix and on men. attack on the family. that parents should not have a role in raising of their children, they reject nuclear family. we support it. we defend it what else? the constitution of the united states how many times have you heard that is an old document it should be trashed and written by white slave owners, we have to have the abail tbiel -- ability to do what we need, they attack the bill of rights, first amendment, free press. the freedom of association, and exercise of religion, right to bear arms due process only for democrats, warrants how they work with that and trying to get around it. also, the 10th amendment
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federalism, it is so quaint but they don't believe in it the constitution, we believe in it, they do not. even before the constitution, declaration of independence our founds document. which states what really is the basis for western civilization. natural law, natural rights. that is right. and they fought a magnificemaggive in revolution so we can live freely they say we fought a revolution to enshrine slavery, that is insanity, the democrat party today, does not. the supreme court of the united states, is under relentless attack by department of justice for refusing to defend it under merrick garland, and by speaker of the house nancy pelosi, always trashing it,
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chuck schumer, and hillary clinton calling it right wing court with right wing decisions, they want to pack the court to get what they want, stalin believed in, that as did fdr, they don't believe in independence of the supreme court. we do. they do not. important to remember these things, what else? american history, country was actually started not in 1776, with revolution but 1619. who said? the "new york times" in the represent rebates, forget about these conventions, forget about the second continental congress or the constitutional convention we believe in them, they do not, george washington. one of greatest states men to ever live, they dismiss him as a white slave owner, we embrace him for what he did for country, thomas
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jefferson. who was actually third president of united states was crucially important in founding of in nation, they destroyed his home, we recognize great things to thomas jefferson did, they degreed him and dismantle everything he has created. james madison. considered father of the constitution. hit home, is being destroyed with propaganda now, and james madison to be dismissed. we think what james madison and his fellow constitution writers created is the greatist governing document on the face of the earth, they do north so madison has to dwsto go, evan even abraham lincoln, the great emangs pemancipator has been denounced by the democrat party and its
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radical elements, we support lincoln the first republican president, they do not. critical race theory rejects a color blind society, rejakrejects. -- they dismiss martin luther king. we dar agree with him, blue line. that ensures we're a civil society that protects us from who would rape and who ul stale who bush -- we support the police, they did not. the united states military. we can't get our recruit a ment, why? they turned it to a woke experiment. they are under funding the military. we support the military.
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they do not. what about the classroom? what is going on? feeding disgusting pornography to our charge in our library, parents can't even read it in front of school boards, critical race theory turning our children do racist and destroying american history. we have transitioning courses, we have all kinds of things going on that are perverse. in the classrooms, we're told parents, you butt out, we the educational bureaucrats, we the democrat party yrn unions, we'll take care of your childrens, and scores have dropped, they are destroyed our kids, we support the classrooms, they use it as an indoctrination mill. what else. all of spending, 10 trillion
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dollars so foreig. >> they said they didn't get everything they wanted build back better was just a little bit. they have driven down the value of the dollar and social security checks and pension checks they are destroying your rare as and 401(k)s, and stock market dropping, dropping dead. look at gas prices. through the roof! through the roof they sabotaged energy independence, we support sound money. we do not want to support this kind of debt and spending. but they do. we support the dollar, they don't. next. energy independence. god gave us resources under our feegh feet and capitalism gave us technology and we have red floode blooded americans who know those create, two
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years ago we were energy independence now we're on our backs, begging saudis who say now, and complaint being can't get oil from russia, we never got it from russia or ukraine. hal. >> fossil fuels are the center of everything. whether it growing food or producing product. or transports. it is the gold the liquid gold we need to be a prosperous free people. we up support -- support it they have destroyed it they are killing our manufacturing in america, in part due to fossil fuels, the price of all goods is going up, you have weakened wilar dollar, what happened in hard working men and women. their jobs are at risk. and sometimes they fire them.
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like with the xl pipeline. we support them. the democrat party, does not. our farmers, they warned us, there will be a food short ashortages, why? fertilizer comes from oil they need tracke tractors to harvest food. we have food shortages because they had to. we were a net food experter. we exportedded wheat, and corn. now we're hat in hand again. we support american agriculture, and vitality of the farmer, democrat party has destroyed it. it is destroying it what else. that is united states of america. big globe. over 190 countries. there is almost 8 billion
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people on the face of the earth. see this? she outline. those are american borders, this is american sovereignty. no nation could have a massive welfare state and an open boarder. we're overrun with fo foreigners, we believe in survival. of the citizens of the united states, we have fentanyl coming across the border, killing tens of thousands of your honor americyoung americans and drug cartels. pushing drugs on your younger people, we have sex slavery going on. and rape, the abuse of children going on in the southern border it is horrendous. no society can survive this way, no society is doing what we do on its border, not one, not one! we believe
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in a secure border and our immigration laws, democrat party does not, open bored eopen season on -- borders open season on america. most of all we believe in the united states of america. we believe in our history, we believe in our founding, we believe in our institutions. we believe in the ability to become more perfect to modify what has been within the structure of our constitutional system. we believe the american people are the greatest people on the face of the earth. because we created and established the greatest country. the democrat party does not believe that they believe that america is too good. too big. and too powerful. and they are destroying us from within. they don't even like the american flag. we do. many of us have relatives
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who went to war carrying that flag. now. it should be clear by now what this election is about, every one of their candidates is a radical, every one. even those who pretend not to be, fetterman in pennsylvania, warnock in georgia beasley in north carolina. kelly, in arizona. radical. ryan in high, radical. and has an, in new hampshire, radical. murray in washington state, radical, demings in florida, radical, mcmullin, phony, democrat and what he is, radical. lisa murkowski, she is dressed like a republican. she say radical too. i'll be right back. among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend.
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mark: welcome back america. when i think of greatness of america, states men we have today. and i'm looking at foreign policy, i think of tom cotton, a combat veteran, he was the first or among first to point out problems we had with communist china. and we want to talk about some of this today particularly given weakness of the biden administration. the nuclear threats that are going on. the appease.ment of iran, you he
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written a fantastic book. you can get it on, any major bookstore. first, what caused you to write this book, what do you think about what is going on with this administration? >> thank you, mark. i started to conceive only the strong last summer after the fiasco in afghanistan, so man americans asking me, how did we let this happen? and but then as i thought more about it i got the question in other forms, how did we let left wing radical rampage in our streets in summer of 2020, tearing down statues of our heroes. and how we got to that point where we're allowing schools to -- indoctrinate our kids
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and subjecting our troops and military similar. i want to tell readers, this is not an accident, this is intentional. it is decline by design. it is our military, our sovereignty. about safety on the streets, our having strong prosperous equanimeous st. brown, it goes back to the roots of modern progressive movement from woodrow wilson. criticize the declaration. it is a very short step to repute/-- america itself. and then you have cu have
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-- the trending with president of barack obama and now joe biden. the story i tell how we took that journey and how the left in america today continues to try to sabotage american power. mark: sabotage american power, so true, people will ask you, why would the democrats want to do that? why? maybe i'm wrong, my view has been, because they want to collapse the status quo and substitute it with their ideology, if i close. >> deeply -- again at best, many on left ambivalent, many hate america, they hate our founding, you see this best with presidency of barack obama, she was a shrewd politician, not saying these things openly,
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but sometimes he would lead the mask slip. it is just kind of a out moded -- when you say he toppwanted to famili fundamentally transform america and who his wife said, she was proud much her country for the first time in her adult life. she was raised maybe to be proud as a child but put away childish things when she pe kama came -- became an adult and believes that america was a flawed place, that needed to badly atone for its sins, you see that in america and the world. that is what iran nuclear deal was about it was about barack obama trying to atone for what he perceived to be
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m america's sin. mark: how do youi explain joe biden, trying to be a unintelligent individual, nasty individual, yet there he is in the white house, or his advisers pushing a radical anti-american agenda. >> joe biden is a little bit harder to explain than barack obama, barack obama was a deep and committed ideologue. he was ruthless in pursuing his own ideology to sabotage american power, joe biden has been all over the map for 50 years, he started out as ti typical blame america first. he should a final turn, he
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becomes a deep and committed isolationist. now he is surrounded himself, with the ideologues from obama team you see the third term of the obama presidency, with stab to thinksob damagi taj sabotaging the sources of america power. >> a great book. it is a easily read book. it relates to everything that is going on in this country today. don't mind me. i'm just the flu. i'm quite harmless, really. and when people ask, “but aren't you linked to dangerous flu complications, like pneumonia, heart attack, and hospitalizations?” i just say, “but, i'm just the flu.” it's him! who? i'm just the flu! fight the flu with sanofi flu vaccines. they not only help prevent flu in older adults,
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order yours now on >> welcome to fox news live, i am ashley strohmier, fate of affirmative action on the line, supreme court dets ready to take up matter tomorrow, justices will hear two cases. >> they are nation's oldest public and private schools respectively. court to restriction the programs or perhaps outlaw them. >> and president biden calls russia decision to resume blockade of ukraine ports outrageous, and warns that cut off of the grain exports could increase world hunger, moscow claim its suspended a u.n. broker deal to allow safe passage of grain ships because ukrainian drops attacked russia's fleet on the black sea.
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>> i'm ashley strohmier, back to "life, liberty and levin." ." mark: book, only the strong. i want to talk about china. but first, you are campaigning for republican candidates particular please those up against radical democrats. i take it that you are concerned that if we don't win and win big, the senate and house, that the unraveling of america will get worse. >> deeply concerned, they understand that sources of american power are military, american energy, and sovereignty, strong and prosperous economy are on ballot in 9 days, that is the stakes of this election,
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we cannot afford another two years of democratic control in washington, we have to hit the brakes and turn the corner and set up for a bigger victory in 24. mark: look at china, i think to myself, why isn't there more of an urgency to build up our military? our military is not being built up it is flat right now, china is on the move with bases all over the world. we weapon systems they didn't have a few years ago, xi is now dictator for life and made it clear that u.s. is enemy, and he thinks he can defeat us. isn't this a time where presidents should give a speech and rally the nation to reparation. >> joe biden on cannot even bring himself to mention the name china. we talked about how he don't
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seek's cold war. we don't. but what another one wages one against you, your choice is to win or lose. and this has been typical of his career. to late 1980s and 1990s, soviet russia on the ropes we should have turned our atioattention to communist china, he favored them. throughout his time. and advice president he celebrated china's rise, they welcome it he said that the last presidential campaign as well. it is an example of how joe biden doesn't recognize that genuine threats from a brutal communist regime in china like he didn't recognize it in at cold war.
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mark: this is an -- an demic too his party, this is like, who is who, worse than the next? fetterman, warnock beasley, kelly, ryan. and murray, and hassan, and demings and mcmillion. could dow worse? >> no, you cannot. sometimes democrat try to meddle in republican primaries to elect a can pa candidate they think would be weaker, we don't need do that. we can't afford to let any of these radicals win. they will support the obama biden approach of contributing to more information and keeps our borders open. all of these are the sources of american powers. in only the strong, they are on the ballot next week in the election, so important that we elect republican
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majorities in the house and senate to begin to put a curve on the radical democratic ideological agenda. mark: putting aside the rank-and-file of democrats. you see their so-called masterminds and media, what is the purpose today of the democrat party other than take down the united states as it exists? >> i believe you see that in more incautious statements their political leadership will not say it publicly. because they want to win elections. like joe biden pretending he wants to lower gas prices mark my words november 9, they will renew their war on fossil fuels. and openly, democratic party back a hundred years had at the core a deep ambivalence about america and open hostility to american power,
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they think that america would be better if we would pull in our horns, and atone for our sins apologize for our past and become when they occur a more normal nation, we all know, that is not a recipe for success that say recipe for defeat. it will make america mors more dangerous and less free and impoverished. >> the book, only the strong, reversing the left's plot. by a very smart individual, tom cotton. one of my favorites, you can get if on johnny jo any major bookstore. >> thank you, mark. mark: we'll be right back. >> tech: at safelite, we take care of vehicles
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i am not a residence of florida, i voted the other day, 4 name is at the top, i voted for you. >> thank you. mark: i notice your opponent is spending a fortune on ads trying to recreate herself as a moderate, pro-cop. doesn't mention biden or pelosi. why don't they ever run on their records. >> because the record is built on the today's democratic party, base of it core. people who send them this money, she has out raised me, people who knock on their doors, knock on doors for them, they do all activist are made up of two group one is laptop nprliberals, they live in their little bubbles, the other group, the marxist misfits. people think that marxism, they confuse socialism as a
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economic model, marxism is about controlling every aspect of your life, and schools, media and public narrative, superior to family and to religion, everything has to be subservient to the state,s that are worth core. to succeed in today's democratic party you have to be for the agenda they are for, they did to washington and vote like dem thinks h demings has 100% with pelosi, then come back home -- their argument is we can vote leftist and raise enough money to confuse people and campaign like a centric. mark: law talk about florida. -- law talk abo let's talk about florida, it is free. our opponents and others
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running in florida, they are not regular democrats, they are radicals. who would change the state of florida. in case of your opponent she would fit in with the radical agenda of the democrat party, wha whatever it is,. and undermining our military, undermining our police force and so forth. i can't imagine the people in florida many of whom just moved here, are going to put up with that. >> they wouldn't. that is why that's don't campaign on that stuff, if you watch her commercials, only thing she wants you to know a long time ago she used to be a police chief, but she does not tell you, she added a $10 gallon tax on every oil of barrel and voted to gutted military spending and increase taxes.
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and then xi jinpi theny she said we need more booteboots on ground at border, she wants more processors, processors to help process people. we're talking about 4.4 million people. have illegally entered united states since joe biden within to white house, she said there is no real big problem there these are not things they will campaign on. that is what their record is, sadly we have a traditional media, that is comcompliant. if i voted for anything like that, that is all you would hear about, they get help of media and they are raising that money, i believe floo
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floridaians will see through it. mark: joe biden was considering her for a running mate. >> he didn't pick here, because she used to be a police officer, that is why she spent 6 months attacking police. they asked her, what do you think about what minneapolis is doing with defunding, she said, i think they are being thoughtful and she voted for a bill that would allow you to skew poli sue police officers as individuals, but now she wants to paper over that. she would be a compliant voice, the knock on her from the left is she used to be a police officer, she tried to cleanse herself from that by becoming antipolice, every police group in florida
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supports me. mark: what would you say to the people of florida and united states about why you should be reelected. >> in my time in senate i have gotten important things done, all changes to v.a., more on china than anyone. the paycheck protection program saved millions of small businesses. my opponents never passed into law a singer measure. but beyond it if demings was in senate, federal government would control our election, supreme court would have been packed. and you know we would have 4.5 trillion of wasteful spending, border all be worse. we might have full-scale amnesty, you go down the list of things that could have happened. and abortion on demand paid for by tax payers would have been law of the land. federal law. and that all they want to
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passed with one more vote in senate. my vision is, we'll get there and number one we'll stop bad things from happening, and we'll pass thins this make sense for american people. more energy production, focus on china, the real threat. and we'll hold this administratiaccountable. >> >> we need to have oversight hearings on conduct of the fbi of the department of homeland security, on all of these federal bureaucracies that are targeting conservatives and running loose and there is no one holding them accountable. mark: i wish you the best. you got one vote already. and good luck on the campaign trail. god bless. >> you thank you, mark
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you could imagine. in many ways he is mr. conservative. he is being targeted. by a guy who started outsides a never-trumper, a republican, work the in bureaucracy. and now he pretends to be an independent. the democrat candidate. a wolf in wolf's clothing, radical left. he has changed his views immediately to take on mike lee. mike lee, you -- a very strange race. that you have going on in utah. tell us about it. >> it is. i have an independent challenger who is endorsed by democratic party who courted and obtained democratic party endorsement. raised 2.5 million in last quarter from democratic donor network and act blue and plowed two million of that to democratic
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consultants, on the political front who represent -- liberal and democratic causes and candidates, if it walks and quacks like a duck, in this case it is a democrat, that is what evan mcmullin is. this guy, vote the for joe biden, he campaigned for joe biden, and encouraged others to do the same, he praised everything that joe biden has done. and criticized everything that republicans have done in 2020 he campaigned against lefler and perdue in georgia. he can't avoid the fact he has been helping democratic party for a long time. he is joe biden's guy. joe biden wants him in the united states senate. and we have to stop it. and to compound the problem,
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utah news media is in love with this guy, they have no real conservative media to speak of on a spat statewide basis, our media is far left. by any standard, comparison to utah. but they love the guy, they are giving him free media, he is getting a huge influx of cash from the democratic donor networks. so, i would invite your viewers any who don't want joe biden's guy to get elected, from utah g to lee for, make sure we have enough ammunition to fight back. mark: a serious issue. you have some polls that show close. and some that don't. but you have to worry because this is a entire camouflage effort returning
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him as an independent, he is a democrat, a disgruntled republican and despises prior administration and despises conservative movement. and so he had a mid life crise, he is flipped. and they dressed this up as righteous and independence, he is not. he is the play thing of the democrat party. we have seen what the democrats have done to this country, do the folks in utah see that this is no time it play around? to time to be deceived or ohorel hershisor -- elow corrupt media and money to deter them, electing you helps to save the country. >> i believe most in utah will see through it and not fall for it that said, i've been surprised by the number who have fallen for it in some ways not surprise, given what i just mentioned about news media propping
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him up and money he has raised from d democrats, the more they come to realize mcmullin. that is a vote for biden. the less likely they will be to fall for it. when americans look at their 401(k) and the fact they are spending so much more money every month in utah we're spending 949 dollars per household on average more than we were as of january 2021, the day joe biden took was on the, they don't want tor-- dk sportsbook offi joe biden took office, they don't want more of joe biden's policies. this spending spree has been been on has to end. we can't have a meaningful backstop against that unless wwe have a republican controlled senate.
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mark: finally, if you are not elected, that would be a damn shame, he is, i assume he would support the democrats and republicans will not have a governing majority in senate? >> yeah, that how is i see it. here is the curious thing. mcmullin claims he is not going to caucus with either party, he started out by stating, i won't caulk with caucus with republicans, he trash talks republicans. but he then said, i will not caucus with the democrats either, he is forgetting for last 177 years, you can't get committee assignments without aligning with one party or the other. if he actually were to maked about on that promise, he would be ineffective. at the end of the day, he will break with the democrats, that is as sure
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as saying that is unwill rise in the east tomorrow. mark: if anything, is clear, about mcmullin, sh he is unprinciples he will say anything and lie to get to where he is, which is opposite of you mike lee. lie folee for, thank you. >> god bless you. >> thank you, mark. mark: we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ no two dreams are the same. but there is one van equipped to handle them all. for over 120 years, mercedes-benz vans have been built, upfitted and ready to go. because we believe dreams - should never stay that way.
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1964 and '65 civil rights act, thawere aimed at the democrats d people can live in justice and equality and it's another time and we have to defeat the democrat in the election and put the brakes on their disastrous policies. make sure you vote now. see you next time on life, liberty and the bit. >> disarray over democrat as biden hits hillary clinton over election denialism. >> can't condemn the violence as elections are not real and more of the line and right wing
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