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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 31, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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this cheesesteak is so freshly grilled you can still hear it sizzling. i can hear it too. me too! actually, it's the... hello? cheesesteak? ...grill. grilled right in front of you. it's a jersey mike's thing. ♪ ♪ >> just eight days until this crucial midterm election, inflation and economy still dominant concerns. >> biden spending a week and at his delaware home. obama crisscrosses the country. >> joe biden is here to help you and will jump out with them. >> luke bryan is breaking his silence after being slammed for bringing florida governor ron desantis on stage. >> at his concert for hurricane relief. >> no deed goes unpunished.
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>> bracing for this huge influx of migrants in the white house even considering the expansion of a holding center at guantanamo bay. >> the whole thing is to keep the media away from mortar. >> elon musk in charge of twitter making some changes. >> liberal celebrities playing the platform but joe rogan loves that new guy in charge. >> elon wants to bring back twitter. a reasonable exchange of ideas. >> he has got it for the touchdown! wow! ♪ ♪ >> carley: there is someone out there walking on the beaches
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in south carolina. not too far from where we are in lexington, south carolina, two hours away. the beaches in south carolina are wonderful because they are flat and big and the sand is hard. when you walk, it is enjoyable and not syncing your feet in the soft sand like the beaches in florida in some areas, at least. even though we do love the state of florida, it will be 77 degrees in hilton head today and such a beautiful place. have you all been there? >> brian: i have not. i got the brochures though and the travel agent later this afternoon. >> carley: well, voted one of the best destinations in the world known for golf courses. brian, you are a good golfer and known for the beaches. i don't know who is responsible but they were not allowed to build signs that are high so starbucks is low to the ground. mcdonald's low to the ground and all beautifully designed. so it just looks really pretty in that area.
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>> brian: i have some breaking news. ever when i played golf with call to say i'm not a good golfer. so i want to correct the record. not a good golfer. although you are too nice. >> ainsley: well, i would say you are better than i am. >> brian: maybe not, we will see. >> steve: maybe that is why they call at the low country. ainsley is there and we heard from the owner, it was named one night but apparently there was some scotch consumed. >> ainsley: that is right. when i was coming down here, everyone up north said, "the lizards did it? no, the lizards thicket. a lot of locations around columbia/columbia area how many come regularly? my dad and all of his friends come to those once a week for the breakfast club. >> brian: that is fantastic, and you will be talking about the folks down there
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good morning lizards thicket in south carolina on "fox & friend." we are eight days away from the midterms election and cbs today poll and this is really bad news for the democrats. cbs says eight in ten likely voters say the country is out of control rather than in control. and that spells doom some republicans say for democrats coming up. >> i mean if you look at what people will be voting for primarily, become a 28% and combined with inflation over 50% and then far down that list is abortion, gun violence and climate change. when the president comes out he did it for his agenda but not the american people plus the war on fossil fuels is the reason why we are running out of diesel. the reason we have to beg venezuela and iran with deals to
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get iran back into the world market. and saudi arabia cuts back to billion barrels and we feel it here. all because the president's decision and he wants to kiss up to the green side of the constituency. hey, if it is popular, he will do good midterms. but by the polls not only did he not stem the red wave, it is re-primed after august. meanwhile, the press secretary doing the best bidding you can imagine trying to say it makes sense why the president's side out there talking about his agenda and past president and vice president president are, listen. >> why is the former president making this case and not the current president? >> i would disagree with that characterization of your question or how it was characterized there. the president has been talking about this almost every day for months now. he has been talking about the choices that are at stake here, which is what i was just talking about moments ago, which is,
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what trying to do. the president has been talking about the economy every day. and the things that -- and i want to be careful, president obama so passionately speaks about are the things at stake. but also the work that the president biden and vice president harris have done to get our economy back on its feet for the last 20 months. >> ainsley: obama is campaigning for the democrats more than president biden is because they know that he is not getting many of the votes. people aren't excited to go see joe biden, but obama, they are sending him to georgia. they went to georgia to campaign for stacey abrams and raphael warnock. and then lieutenant governor mandela barnes who is running against ron johnson incumbent and november 5th, visiting pennsylvania. we had senator lindsey graham from the great state of south carolina right here at lizard's thicket this morning.
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he came on to talk about if the g.o.p. does sweep, what the agenda would be. listen. >> i think we can be 52 or 53 in the senate and i think we will take the house. we stop all the crazy. the first bill should be secure of the border and the second bill should make people vote on is finding oil and gas that we own so we are energy independent from people who hate our guts. if we have both bodies, we can set the agenda for 2024. we will then met because of the backlash. america will say no to the most radical agenda from the broken border, rampant inflation. here is biden's america you have to mortgage your house to pull up the car at the gas station and you will probably get robbed. that is why we are going to do it. we need to do well big time to change the course of america. >> steve: you know what, the republicans are motivated appear this morning "the washington post" says down in florida the republican party has registered nine, new
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republican voters for every one democrat that has been registered since the primary. pharma is no longer the biggest swing state in the union and now trending red. in fact, ron desantis will win miami dade county which has been super blue, which is completely stunning comeback. because four years ago he lost it by 20 points. so now, the red is searching in florida. >> brian: yeah, it is pretty amazing what is happening right now. it is like -- like lindsey graham just said, it is not so much the republicans have the best message. they don't have the democrats message and they refused to pay a bit. barack obama was hanging over the weekend, wait a second, the democrat republicans will take away your medicare and social security. where did that come from? senator braun come across till mike braun scott said we have to
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revisit unnecessary spending and almost every responsible person knows this has to happen because we are overdrawn $800 billion on a good day without all the spending from this person named president biden, who is going to be almost nothing. in fact, he is going to new york with a memorial service with eight days to go into an election. that is pretty embarrassing. >> steve: the president is not there campaigning for democrats. the number one topic people were talking about over the weekend, what happened in san francisco. the man accused of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer set to be charged later today. he faces a slew of charges and reportedly had a list of other potential targets. david spunt joins us live with details, david. >> good morning, paul pelosi recovering from a terrible attack early friday morning in san francisco. as you mentioned, there are public reports that the suspect
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david depape did not live far from nancy pelosi and had a list of other potential targets. there are other reports according to investigators that the suspect with zip ties plan to tie up mr. pelosi until his wife, the house speaker got home. she was 3,000 miles away in washington, d.c. but this morning and over the weekend and since this happened, both sides of the political aisle are coming together to denounce this attack. listen. >> this is disgusting. this violence is horrible. you know, this has happened and we had a doorknocker photographer that was attacked. this has to stop here and here and speak a white house press press secretary karine jean-pierre connect at the crime to january 6th. >> he was yelling out the things that we heard during january 6, which is where is nancy? and you know, again, we need to end this type of rhetoric.
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it needs to stop. before the suspect will face charges of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly abuse, anr additional felonies that may come down on a federal level. how speaker pelosi put out a's statement yesterday morning friday morning, he demanded to confront me and brutally attacked my husband our children, grandchildren or her broken. traumatized by the life-threatening attack. the second in line to the presidency speaker pelosi always travels with a security detail, but not her family appear that may change for family members of congressional leadership after what happened to paul pelosi. after all 435 members in the house and hard to justify security for members, family members of actual members of the house. we will see if that conversation happens as far as the suspect is still in custody and will be officially charged by the district attorney in a few hours
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later today. baback to you. >> ainsley: david, thank you so much for that report. our thoughts and prayers are with that family, and i'm glad that you will be okay. let's talk about southern florida, luke bryan scheduled for a performance in september. he had to postpone because of the hurricane. so he went back to florida and performed friday night on stage. he invited ron desantis to come on stage and got a lot of backlash on social media because of this. here is the thing, guys, this is for florida disaster relief. this was to help hurricane victims. people died in the ever again. people lost everything that they owned in the hurricane, and now he's getting backlash for inviting the governor on stage. >> brian: yeah, well, couple of things he was wildly cheered. number two, 50% of the country things or most people think he is one of the most successful governors in the country. 50% would love to have him
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minimum governor of his state. why is it that you can watch all of these other stars from bruce springsteen on down to hop on with a democrat and no one is canceling them? and these democrats more or less popular than any republican? luke bryan, here is the governor, trying to rebuild a major city in florida. maybe i can help out. why did he even come out and say this? i understand governor desantis is a very polarizing figure? relief? no, he is a republican with great success and knows not to shut down the state. but a governor to ask you if they can come and raise awareness to help victims, i have generally stayed out of politics throughout my career. i know people would be chattering about this but for me, the important piece if i am going to come back a few weeks after a large portion of people affected by natural disasters in a state where people have been good to me, this felt right. of course, it felt right. it doesn't matter if you are right or left. you should be able to -- dave
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matthews appeared with fetterman. i wonder if there was backlash there. doesn't make make sense to you? >> steve: it it is what happens with a conservative politician who appears on stage with somebody. and luke bryan was careful in the beginning when he simply said, "tonight, we will have some fun, raise some money and welcome governor desantis." he was not saying vote for ron desantis. he said, we are going to raise money because 130 people died in that storm. hurricane ian and 50 to $70 billion worth of damage. and luke bryan was simply embracing people to raise money. as you see ron desantis toss out some caps. we had john on an hour ago talking about the hypocrisy of now come on the left trying to cancel luke bryan for reentering the stage for someone who is trying to raise money. listen to this.
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>> if this would have been california and a natural disaster and luke bryan did a concert to raise money and governor newsom came out, i don't think anybody would be upset right now. look, he's trying to help the people. but if you do it with the wrong governor, hey, everybody will have a meltdown. it is the hypocrisy of this whole subject, where is bono? where is beyonce? where are the massive artist and why aren't they having a super bowl level comments are in florida? where has that been? i don't see what happened, do you? i see luke bryan out there trying to raise money on his own and only he gets punished for it. no good deed goes unpunished. >> steve: good point. >> ainsley: that is right. luke bryan trying to help people in florida that have lost so much and they need this money that can help them rebuild their homes and help those individuals out. this doesn't have to be a political move. he is the governor of the state. >> brian: ainslie, he should
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not have but the statement out. he should not put that statement out. forget what people think. forget about twitter. >> ainsley: i know, and it is just a few people. >> brian: jason l dean, jason l dean, they would probably vote for ron desantis. so what. rob snyder was just here and the comedians feel just like me. he was out in front of 18,000 people thursday night talking about trump in a positive way. talking about the idiocy of what is going on with the policies. you have to show some encouraging in this world. >> ainsley: luke bryan about the majority of the people who listen to him are republicans, don't you think? >> steve: let's see what else happens. nevertheless, we will try to figure out how much money they were able to raise. in the meantime, 8:16 and
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central time in chicago. >> ainsley: americas crime crisis, five people killed and 27 others killed in shootings in chicago over the weekend. this including a 17-year-old who was killed on the south side saturday night. that boy was 1 of 5 juveniles shot this past weekend appear at a 12-year-old boy also shot in the leg while walking down a si, but he is said to be in good condition. governor brian kemp and democrat challenger stacey abrams squaring off on the debate stage last night taking crime and support for law enforcement a central issue. >> i did not say nor do i believe in defunding the police. he is lying again. and i've never said there are a in defining the police. >> she got asked on cnn if she would defund the police and she said, "yes." we have to reallocate resources which means defund the police. men and women in law enforcement knows who will be with them and who will have their back and
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continue to have their backs. >> i'm not a member of the good old boys club. i don't have a million sheriffs to be able to take black people off of the streets and who want to be able to go without accountability. >> ainsley: governor kemp maintaining the edge and recent polling. the real their politics average showing a seven-point lead. the powerball jackpot is still up for grabs now claiming to $1 billion and the second largest jackpot and powerball history. the next drawing later tonight and if someone has the real tickets, they could take home $497.3 million in cash. taking of money, frontier airlines will offer customers all you can fly passes that offer unlimited trips for an entire year but the passes come with a catch. you can only confirm your booking with that one day before takeoff. frontier with flights but unclear how much the passes will
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cost. but there is always a catch, guys come over to you. >> brian: a catch? thank you very much, carley. coming up the state of michigan where former democrat tulsi gabbard is campaigning for republican tudor dixon. they will join us live with their effort to turn michigan red. ♪ ♪ with the latest technology. when my last customer discovered a crack in his car's windshield, he scheduled at safelite makes it easy. we're the experts at replacing your glass... ...and recalibrating your advanced safety system. >> customer: and they recycled my old glass. now that's a company i can trust. >> tech: don't wait. schedule today. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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and i'm going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare you are covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits but you have to meet a deductible for each, and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and coinsurance. but they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look at humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare advantage plan, hospitals stays, doctor office visits and your original medicare deductibles are covered. and, of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. with no copays
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or deductibles on tier 1 prescriptions, and zero dollars for routine vaccines, including shingles, at in-network retail pharmacies. in fact, in 2021, humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $9,600 on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans have coverage for vision and hearing. and dental coverage that includes two free cleanings a year, plus dentures, crowns, fillings and more! most humana medicare advantage plans include a silver sneakers fitness program at no extra cost. you get all of this for as low as a zero-dollar monthly plan premium in many areas; and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network; to find out if you could save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare.
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i love san francisco, but i'm working overtime to stay here. now is not the time to raise taxes. i'm voting no on propositions m and o, because the cost of everything is going up. san francisco collects more tax revenue than nearly any city in america. but our streets are dirty and public safety is not getting better. i'm working hard to live within my budget. the city should too. join me in voting no
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on m and o. now is not the time to raise taxes in san francisco. vote no on m and o. ♪ ♪ >> brian: it has suddenly become the most watch raise this election season. the governor's race neck and neck gretchen whitmer with a three-point edge over tudor
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dixon. prominent women's voices including democrat tulsi gabbard and rnc chair giving the g.o.p. hopefully post this very weekend. here with more on the fight to the finish, gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon along with former democrat tulsi gabbard. welcome to both of you. i know you are together and barack obama is there to boost up whitmire. first off, tulsi gabbard how did you know tudor dixon had the campaign that you would want to help? >> because she is a courageous person who speaks truth to power truly and the focus on the issues facing on protecting parents rights to raise their kids and provide them with the education they deserve. she is focused on rebuilding the economy there in michigan and eating down crime. detroit is facing and crime rates, these are the basic issues that are not just sequester to republicans versus democrats. these are issues facing everyone. tudor dixon is the leader
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speaking to these issues and can bring them in about that change. >> brian: the republicans are not interested in solving problems, but interested in making you angry and finding someone to blame to distract you from the fact they don't have answers. does that sound like the republican party for you? >> i think it is completely the opposite when we look at standing in detroit public school having this conversation. detroit, the latest numbers show detroit lost 30 years of reading progress. the students in detroit are being robbed of an education, and nobody is willing to talk about that. he also talked about crime and stands in the second most violent city in the nation and does not hold gretchen whitmer accountable for anything. gretchen whitmer has not done anything to improve education and taken a drastic turn to the bottom ten information. crime is rising and businesses are leaving the state of michigan. >> brian: tulsi gabbard you must recognize this
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governor whitmer, they look at you as a rising star and wanted to get rid of you. but you went anyway. there is a lot at stake for governor whitmer and they never expected tudor dixon to get this close. >> that is right, brian. i think it is interesting to see them play out the same old tactics they have used against me or used against anyone who threatens their stranglehold on power. they refused to have a real substance of policy and hold themselves to accountable. gretchen whitmer hold yourself accountable under her leadership the last board you years. and experiencing the negative effects of her failed leadership and why they are looking for real change in fresh leadership to move forward appearance be when she has a shutdown governor. they really went over the top to shut down businesses and people at schools. tudor your closing argument to close a three-point gap? >> well, the democrats are a
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running machine right now with a lot of money coming into michigan. we need all of the help we can get and go to tudor to bring back education. we are closed for three months but we had schools closed in 2022. we are up against someone w whos dishonest and allowed crime to rise. i know you have someone a law enforcement officer on "fox & friend." we have to get michigan under control and prosperous again. >> brian: at least try and stop defaming and defining the police in michigan. it would certainly help. i think something would resonate there. tudor dixon, tulsi, i know you are on to illinois so you are not stopping. check out tulsi's podcast for more of these two. tomorrow, featuring steve scalise and a discussion on the second amendment. thank you so much. we will check that out. good luck the rest of the way. speaking of the rest of the way, we have 33 minutes left in this
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show. the governor of south carolina is on the ballot. and ainsley with mcmaster. speed to brian, how fortunate are we? we have great jobs in lexington, columbia area and we are at lizard's thicket. started 45 years ago, right? dad did and all the sons are taking over. we love that family and we are here with a governor who was running for reelection. we are having coffee together and talking about the issues. stay with us, and we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: we are back with headline starting with this pure twitter's new owner elon musk is reportedly drafting job cuts following his $34 billion purchase of the company. out employees across the board could face layoffs including the engineering department. he also reportedly plans to start charging verified users $20 per month to keep their blue check mark. world-renowned chef sounds the alarm on the increasing price of food. in an interview with yahoo finance, the average cost now and restaurants, food up 15%, which is allowed. just to get somebody out to come
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and fix your stove or refrigerator, it cost a fortune. last month the price index food indicating an overall rise up 11% compared to last year. to the nfl as newly acquired 49ers running back kristian mccaffrey accomplishing the amazing feat not seen since 2005 in san francisco stunning win. >> and mccaffrey, he has god it. >> ainsley: mccaffrey the first player in over 15 years to throw for a touchdown and they beat the rams 31-14 and the dolphins past the lions with the big game for offense winning 31-27. in the meanwhile, the eagles beating the steelers 35-13 with three touchdowns. philadelphia is two games ahead of the giants after they lost to the seattle seahawks.
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seattle extending winning streak to three with 27-13 victory. and check this out, elephants at the milwaukee zoo with a smashing court time with pumpkins. the zoo's three african elephants ripping apart the giant pumpkins for the smash and squash earlier this month. the zoo likes to give the pumpkins as part of the enrichment program. here that is so fun to watch, over to you. >> carley, beautiful on fox square for this halloween forecast and it will be a nice day for halloween. and i will dress up as colonel sanders from kentucky fried chicken, kfc. and boy, 54 degrees in new york city. often the west, cooler temperatures out of the west and with her complaints. the big weather system moving across the midwest running to the mid-atlantic. at times, rainy conditions. the halloween forecast 57 degrees in a candy town,
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63 degrees. 65 degrees salem and the rain all dry towards the west pier that is your halloween forecast on this october 31st. ainsley, tossing it over to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, adam. just eight days to the midterm elections. voters making their priorities crystal clear as another poll shows inflation and the economy are still the leading concerns for most americans. south carolina's governor, henry mcmaster joins us now. good morning to you governor. do you find that true in south carolina, too come inflation and the economy? >> people are worried about making a living but we did not shut down during the pandemic that we kept working. as a result, we've had the best we have had ever. we have $5 million in capital investment. we are cutting taxes on our people. we've had the largest income tax we've ever had. that we've ever had. we eliminated income tax and
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raised teacher pay, raised pay. we are doing the right things that the people want, despite what is being caused by the biden administration. >> ainsley: what do you think will happen to some of the states where you have senate races and house races neck and neck? >> i think we will have a red wave that you have not seen before. i think it is going to be wonderful, i think. ainsley, we had 28 republican governors and the rest are democrats. virtually every democrat governor shut down for the state right from the beginning and kept it shut. the republican governors did just the opposite and kept it open and did everything to stay open. the difference is, all states had shut down like the blue states did, i don't know where the country would be here that is why we have to have common sense. that is what we do in this, protect the environment, helping the veterans, cutting fit taxes.
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m.o. scholarships for children to go to school is not for a poor child to go from kindergarten. technical colleges and we have millions of dollars for scholarships. and we have increased the scholarships for four-year schools by four times. >> ainsley: i know you are running again but why do you want to continue to be the governor? >> have love this date and it is important for one year. i traveled a little bit and i know this place is special. history, we go way back to the beginning eckstein 70. we have all kinds of people from all kinds of places and all kinds of different circumstances. we have grown up together and confronted hurricanes, earthquakes, everything. when you come to south carolina and a place like this, they call you honey, sweetie, darling. that is what we do to everybody. that is why we have a lot of people new here, but also, that
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is why the businesses around the world which can go anywhere in the world are coming and investing hundreds of millions of dollars and the people of south carolina to do the work for them. >> ainsley: you are right. there are a lot of people in new york moving to south carolina and coming from other states. how do you handle that? will that change the elections? >> no, i don't think so because the people moving in or coming for the right reasons. they see south carolina that we do things right here. they have seen the biden administration and the successes of the democrat governor and this is the constitution that does not allow the government to take your business away from you to close it down unless there is a good reason. and then they have to pay for it. in these cases around the country except in the red states. the governors are shutting down businesses for no good reason and were not paying anybody anything. those acts are unconstitutional and harmful and go to show when
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the federal government is outside of the constitution doing things not supposed to be doing, it pomes the storm every time here that is why we do things right and people notice. >> ainsley: i know you've been on the campaign trail and we wish you all the best. >> thank you. >> ainsley: eight more days, right, governor? getting any sleep? >> a little bit. >> ainsley: good deal. we will talk with wonderful, fine folks living in south carolina and eating breakfast at lizard's thicket coming up crime as the top of mind for many people here in the voters and people in one blue city or taking matters int. how volunteer led group is working to return stolen cars to their rightful owners. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years of active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served,
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they'e been in leadership positions, they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary and they come to us and they say, "i need some financial help at this point in time." they're not looking for a hand out, they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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so many people are overweight now, and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. and i'm going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage and
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still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare you are covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits but you have to meet a deductible for each, and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and coinsurance. but they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look at humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare advantage plan, hospitals stays, doctor office visits and your original medicare deductibles are covered. and, of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. with no copays or deductibles on tier 1 prescriptions, and zero dollars for routine vaccines, including shingles, at
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in-network retail pharmacies. in fact, in 2021, humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $9,600 on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans have coverage for vision and hearing. and dental coverage that includes two free cleanings a year, plus dentures, crowns, fillings and more! most humana medicare advantage plans include a silver sneakers fitness program at no extra cost. you get all of this for as low as a zero-dollar monthly plan premium in many areas; and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network; to find out if you could save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare.
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♪ ♪ >> steve: america's crime crisis taking a toll on portland, oregon. car thefts are trekking over 10,000 this year and cops say they have to be focused on other crimes. now our theft victims are taking matters into their own hands. thousands of residents banding together as volunteers to help reunite owners with stolen vehicles. titan crawford is the founder of pdx stolen cars and joins us from portland. good morning to you, titan. thank you for joining us. this all started when you were walking your dog and saw a car that should not be there. you thought it was suspicious, called the cops and what happened? >> it was no police interest at that time and obviously a stolen car with ignition out of place and out of sorts with events. through social media, tracking down the owner and the next day
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we started, i started a facebook group called pdx stolen cars. it took through its word-of-mouth. >> steve: it is extraordinary as of right now, do you have 11,000 volunteers looking around neighborhoods? >> 11,800 and some change. >> steve: okay come almost 12,000 volunteers. we just googled it and it looks like the portland police department has 800 sworn members. and by far more volunteers than cops on the streets. but the cops don't have time to look for cars, right? they are just prioritizing what they should be doing. >> yeah, there is the priority of property theft is a little bit lower skilled out here right now. so, our goal is volunteers is to help locate the stolen vehicles and reignite them with the owners and get the police contacted to assist. they have been helpful in doing
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that. >> steve: some of the volunteers have gone up to a suspicious car, but have they at any point been in danger? maybe the person who stole the car is still right there. >> if the person is in the stolen vehicle, you can reach out to 911. in an stolen vehicle. so, we tell our members to always maintain safety as the number one priority. safety is always more important then a car. so if it is occupied and able to track the police and typically a pretty fast response. hopefully, the bad guy will get picked up. >> steve: this is just for portland. so, it is effective and people in portland would like to give more information so go to pdx stolen cars daughter work. this is very effective. titan how many did you find saturday and sunday this past weekend? >> sunday was three or four and saturday seven.
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a typical day could be as low as two or as high as 12. we really never kept track until recently. so now we pay a little more attention. >> steve: a bit and because it is such a problem in portland the police are busy doing other stuff but you guys are finding more information,, titan, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you, you guys have a good morning. good luck. >> steve: meanwhile ainsley having breakfast with friends in lexington, south carolina. there you go right there. she will talk to them in a minute but i will talk to bill and dana. >> what is happening? eight days and counting and we are ready for the election today i think. >> i will wait another eight days. >> you will wait eight days? >> i like the leto. >> trick or treat, boo. ainsley, lee zeldin will join us in a moment. >> three democrats in virginia who rode in four years ago but
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will meet public politicians trying to enact the seat. >> interesting story. still waiting for the intruder, paul pelosi's house to appear before a judge. >> several people in jail, hint, follow the candy l see you soon. from veteran-owns all throughout our store. 26,000 veterans and military spouses work here. and our no annual limit discount program saves military members and spouses 10%. every day of the year. at lowe's, our dedication to you is limitless. ♪ ♪
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our internet isn't ideal. my dad made the brillant move to get us t-mobile home internet. -which... we have to share our signal with the entire neighborhood. yeah, now we do some weird things to get our speeds. well... i'm up. -c'mon kids. this sucks. well if you just switch maybe you don't have to be vampires. whoa... -okay, yikes. oh sorry, i wasn't thinking. we, uh, don't really use the v word. that's kind of insensitive. we prefer pro-lunar. yes, much better.
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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: we are back in south carolina talking to the voters of the lizard's thicket restaurant in south carolina to find out what the issues are that most are concerned about. you already voted. you have come early voting. what is the most issues important to you? >> when biden came into office, he shut down the keystone pipeline. by doing that, he disbursed all of our oil producers. why would you want to invest and then shut that down? we can drill and make it happen in the u.s. for the u.s. >> ainsley: paul, what about you? voter i.d. laws. border security. most important things to me. >> ainsley: how does that affect your life? >> well, as far as the work i am income i noticed that. i'm having to bid against guys
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that really don't have any stake in their processes here they are so much cheaper than mind that i have a hard time competing. >> ainsley: gosh, that is sad. how about you? speak with the border is a big issue. the influx of the people coming across is affecting the price of the job we are able to bid on because of the jobs and the supply chain, it is hard to get equipment. when you do get it, you are paying more for the product. and then taking that to the customer. >> ainsley: how do you feel about biden wanting to forgive student loans? >> no, no. is that anything new? you forgive them this year and then what happens next year? we can't do that. >> ainsley: you talk about eating an electrical industry because you have to pay for someone to go to harvard when they sign on the dotted line. >> that should be paid. the people great to do with. >> ainsley: thank you, gentleman. let's go over here.
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tell me your name. >> heather. >> what issues are most important to you? >> mostly inflation. we've got two seniors in high school going off to college next year. with everything getting so expensive, we have no idea how we will for that. >> ainsley: are you cutting back what you are buying at the grocery store? >> absolutely, asked. >> ainsley: what are you seeing as far as prices are concerned, duke's mayonnaise, people like in south carolina and it was $3 but now $6. >> absolutely, even eggs under $1 is now $3 or $4. everything is rising. >> ainsley: cereal, halloween candy. tell me your name, sir. >> my issues are inflation, borders, and culture. all three are extremely important because biden is trying to destroy all of it. we've got to be able to afford it. we have to be able to secure it, and live for the next
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generation. >> ainsley: tell me what organization you are with. >> and what god when, the director for se columbia chapter and maga republicans. >> ainsley: oh, my goodness, what are your biggest issues? >> they want to close the border. gas prices. we are very upset that biden has sold 20 million barrels of strategic oil reserve. we are very upset about that, especially to china. >> ainsley: thank you so much. let's move to this table to my friends. you from the very beginning, you have been here since what, 6:00 this morning? >> no, 5:00. >> ainsley: thank you so much. what issues are important to you all? >> mina's, okay? at this new thing about iras, people don't realize people my age, our age, we are getting up there and we are losing our retirement. we are losing our money. what is going away, going away.
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how did they expect us to live the rest of our lives on loss of income? you know? that we have saved our whole lives. so that is my main issue. >> ainsley: thank you all so much. it has been wonderful to be with you all at lizard's thicket. thank you so much to the williams family and senator lindsey graham, the governor. we have more "fox & friend" coming up. [applause] ♪ ♪
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden.
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6:00 am
h h >> it has been so much fun being in south carolina at the lizard thicket. if you're in the area come, eat. you all come back now, you hear? >> great job. see you tomorrow in studio. in the meantime have a great halloween now. "america's newsroom" is next. >> bill: good morning, everybody. eight days until america votes. president biden calling it the most important election of our lifetimes. even as his own party keeps him on the sidelines as we say hello and good morning on the eve of november. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. i'm great. this is "america's newsroom." >> bill: happy halloween. >> dana: i dressed up. >> bill: you know what i like to say every year? boo. >> dana: yikes. this is what might be yikes for the white house. democrats are pinnin


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