tv Hannity FOX News October 31, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> tucker: , big show tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. have the best night with the ones you love. >> sean: welcome to hannity. here we are only eight days to go, tonight herschel walker the were all join us straight ahead. these races will determine the balance of power and the units in it and it matters to all of you. plus we will bring you the latest polls and the analysis a republicans continue to search all across the country. now even washington state is very much in play. to get this right here. politics just moved it into the tossup column.
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the only thing that does matter is what happens on election day. take nothing for granted. everybody has to vote and everybody has to participate at this point, democrats are looking increasingly desperate. as per usual, as we predicted. that we see every single election year. i said at the very beginning of this election year. that has fizzled. the dobbs decision, and that an many ways has backfired since s many democrats want zero restrictions on abortion meanin that they support abortion up t the moment of birth. that is out of touch with most of the american people. republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, islamic phobic, trans phobic, you want dirty ai
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and water and you want to throw granny and grandpa off a cliff. you want to eliminate social security and medicare. after two horrific years, after the most incompetent president in democratic president in history. they have nothing left. democrats are turning to the anointed one, he is back and they are trying to hope and pra that he can help drive home their line and save them from midterm shellacking. take a look. >> they want to cut social security, and medicare, and the give some more tax breaks to th wealthy. the reason i notepads agenda. if there was an asteroid headed toward earth, its criminal land in like two weeks. if you went to the republican
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caucus and said what you want t do, we need a tax break for the wealthy, that's going to help. >> if that asteroid was headed toward earth, you would say donald trump brought a. not a single republican candidate is planning to cut medicare or social security. democrats no longer seem to value truth in logic unless it helps them politically. according to the white house, inflation was only transitory w have zero inflation at a point when it was a 40 when your high. gas prices are down. >> the border is secure, and as new york governor claims, america's violent crime search as nothing more than a vast right-wing conspiracy it's not true, it's not happening. don't believe your very eyes when you watch the news every night pride. >> these are master manipulators . they have this conspiracy going all across america to try to convince people that it democratic states are as safe,
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guess what, they're not only election deniers, they are data deniers. >> here is some data for her last year new york city had the highest murder rate and a decad the most shootings in 15 years, carjackings governor are up ove 200 percent. major crime is up 36 percent. retail theft because you don't arrest people that steal less than $1,000, that is surging like never before. crime is begging everywhere. 11 of the 15 deadliest places t live in this country are run by democrats, not by republicans. the left in their defund movement has wreaked havoc on major cities and towns across the country. that brings us to the horrific attack on speaker pelosi's husband paul. according to reports he was
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assaulted with a hammer inside his own home by an intruder looking for nancy come with the assailant we know to be an illegal immigrant is hyper paranoid, pro- activist who allegedly lives and a storage shed and believes in conspiracies. attacks like this should never happen. as i've said her over in over again. every elected official and thei families must be protected. we provide a private jet for th speaker pelosi to travel to san francisco and back. i would assume for security reasons, why wouldn't we suppress supply her secret service protection. after the vice president, it is the speaker of the house that would be in line to be presiden fraid this is not political, everyone deserves to be safe, everyone. unfortunately, many on the left want this to be political they want voters to believe that the
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illegal immigrant who attacked paul pelosi is representative o conservatives in america. they are even accusing republicans of preventing violence. of course they were singing a very different tune remember when that bernie sanders super fan shot up a baseball field full of republican lawmakers an you might remember just this year the all but ignored the assassination attempt against supreme court justice cavanaugh. when senator rand paul was violently assaulted, many on th left they just mocked it, nancy pelosi's own daughter even praise the attack and the media mob thought it was hysterical. a quick reminder. >> knew details today on the incident that left senator rand paul with six broken ribs. this might be one of my favorit stories. clearly senator paul is still struggling for it. >> is some kind of quote issue around the property because the
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neighborhood fracas. if i ever meet rand paul's neighbor i'm going to hug him and by him as many drinks as he can consume. to get many in the media mob have the gall to bash president trump for waiting two whole day before condemning the attack. i thought they didn't want to hear from mr. trump. now they want to hear from mr. trump. he called the horrible thing an also condemned the violent crim wave in san francisco, chicago and other major cities. democrats didn't like that part. the only value that truth if it helps them politically. if the violence, they can use i for political purposes, let's talk about it. you might recall and the summer of 202574 riots, dozens of dead americans, we had bricks, rocks bottles, molotov cocktails thrown at police officers. we had billions in property
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damage, in most democrats were either silent or lied to us and told us they were mostly peaceful protest. where were they then? by the way, paul pelosi was the victim of a deranged individual. it sad, but it's happening in city after city and town after town and it's becoming increasingly wallace for everyone in this country in large part because of democrati policies. when you stop prosecuting crimes , when you let violent felons out of jail, when you prevent the federal government from deporting illegal immigrants, when you excuse awa violent riots like we saw and the summer of 2020, when you believe in defund and dismantle police departments, when you come up with these idiotic nobels laws, guess what, crime goes up in communities and town in cities and people suffer. while abiding americans are victimized except we don't know their names from it they don't get the coverage that paul
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pelosi got anybody that gets hurt because of these bad policies, at what point do we blame the politicians that put these idiotic imbecilic policie in place. this can happen anywhere including the great state of georgia which stacy abrams is threonine to upend the security. they suggested the police in georgia are racist good old boys . >> men and women of law enforcement know who is going t be with them and he will continue to have their back. that is me. that's what we have the endorsement of 107 sheriffs around the state fair. >> as i pointed out before, i'm not a member of the good of boy club. i don't have 107 sheriffs who want to be able to take black people of the streets, who want to be able to go without accountability. >> democrats, they don't value the truth. here with more is senior counse
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president trump, former arkansa governor mike huckabee. you look at cathy for example i than you look at the statistics. the murder rate, the crime rate the arson rates, the burglary rate, and what part of what is happening in our state is she not understanding. >> i think her blunder on the debate stage was akin to where they want to make sure the parents don't have a say in their parents education. for kathy to not realize that always reality is reality, we see it's an occupational hazard to use the subway. people are walking down the street being randomly assaulted. when it comes to crime, perception is reality. they run a masterful campaign b putting the front and center by the democrats could not walk back defund please come with those of the three most
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poisonous words said by of part in quite some time. let me say this, it's not just in new york and it's not just a arm 80s major cities run by democrats with rates of crime have gone up. it's everywhere. people feel unsecure and unsafe rate this is about everyday affordability, but it's also about physical border security. health security, economic security. it's about all of that. of course that will help the party that goes out there and says no cashless bail. we are here to punish criminals not to punish the victims. people right now in new york, h is really closing the gap because he has put crime front and center. let's not forget that this family knows crime personally. he was attacking the siege. fight up crazy person with a weapon.
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somebody was on his porch, this is very personal to many folks. 1994, crime in the economy in the contract. they are so much more personal and front and center. you have the entire democratic party telling the country don't believe what you see, believe what i say. >> governor huckabee, you look at things. they caused a forty-year height of inflation. they prove it to soar. weight sick people get their heating bills this winter. they went from open borders and abandon the policies of donald trump that were working. they want that woke education versus the old-fashioned reading , writing, and. they want that dismantle and nobel loss. they have made decisions in the consequences are now evident to
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everybody. in eight days people get to vot on whether they like these policies or don't like these policies. are you better off than you wer 20 months months ago? i think the answer is overwhelmingly no. i don't think they have anythin successful to run on and i don' see a lot of success for them i this midterm election. >> i think what you just said i exactly right great it's interesting that there are strategy is to bring obama out of mothballs. and want to say something you'l probably disagree with, but i find it entertaining that obama is back on the stage. he is blowing smoke out of thos nodules and both ears in the rest of his body am telling a bunch of stuff that is not true. total nonsense, but i will say this, it was kind of entertaining to watch him. at least he is somewhat funny. he can put a whole sentence together. if you look across the democrat spectrum, that's a pretty high
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barbarity can put a sentence together. >> and when he's finished with his speech, he doesn't shake hands with a ghost and he doesn't wander around the stage trying to figure out how do i leave here. so if i were a democrat running i would bring him into because that's all they've got. >> i don't think that's bad advice, but i'm not sure that's going to resonate. americans, if we're going to break it down simply, they vote for peace and prosperity. i can't think of a single that had benefited the national. to meet at step fundamental and basic. >> the big fundamental certain thing is that midterm elections for is always a course correction pair this year, it looks like it really is a genuine wave and the way i look at it, if the democrats had a perfect night they could win 54
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seats and the senate. i think republicans will hold all four of those ct are. republicans on a perfect wave nouns 56 seats, a week ago i would've told you i don't see i happening. i don't see 56. now i can tell you, i think there's about a 25 percent chance that the wave is big enough that the republicans end up with 56 seats. that is what happens, people wake up shocked. they just didn't see it coming. in 2014, the second up obama helped us get nine seats and th senate. no one saw that coming either. as the thing about the wave election. you don't know it until you are under it and then the other party is jubilant. >> that may be pretty happy guy a week from tomorrow if that impact happens.
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>> what you see happening? >> the democrats aren't even trying to solve the problem. they are arguing with the publi about what the. vintage obama was about hope an change, but now he's out on the recovery and rescue mission. he seems like he has a boulder on his shoulder, peddling anger and lying about the republicans. let me remind everybody about obama's record he is hardly the closer for these midterm elections. on his watch over eight years, there have been democrats lost 12 governing seats, the last nine senate seats, they lost 95 state legislative seats, and they last they went from 254-19 in the house 62 seats last in the house. so his batting average if you will is not so great when he's not on the ballot. i also think his message is ton deaf, he said stop talking abou
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all these issues, and then he goes out and he talks about everything but the economy. i was already on this i don't think a single republican house or senate incumbent will lose their there are a couple that our embattled right now i think they will be dragged across the finish line. in 2020 not a single house republican lost freight we have recruited such unbelievably diverse candidates this time an the republican party and they are there and now the party is investing in them. six digit investment in some of these congressional districts where biting carry those districts by 20 points so double-digit in two short years. it's going to be a big night fo it. >> i am impressed you remembere every single election post obama . in your right, he did have a terrible track record in terms of people that he endorsed overtime.
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governor huckabee, besides a huge victory we both expect in the great state of arkansas and a new governor there, what do you see happening a week from tomorrow night? >> i think that ocasio-cortez has nailed it pretty well. i didn't say obama was affected by said he was entertaining. i hope he continues to go out there because he reminds everybody that his policies and the things that he did set up for the republicans to take power in 2016 and he may remind them that maybe it's time to go back to the republican jet again . i think that's what we're going to see. i would second the motion to what larry had to say and i think he might be spot on. >> ocasio-cortez, if you are right, you're going to get a gold score you get the last wor pricking the other thing about president obama he endorsed hillary when he was a sitting president and how did that work out. was at the height of his power,
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and incumbent in office he played an active role campaigning for hillary clinton and donald trump one. endorsements don't mean much in the modern political era. economy, crime, inflation. it is the way that elections ar aware, but when they hit, they are big and that's what we are heading into. >> i think we are too. when we come back, we are going look at some of these races. herschel walker, dr. oz, johnson , we will look at the latest numbers impose, dr. oz just picked up a massive endorsement. we will tell you about that straight ahead.
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>> sean: here we are eight days from the most crucial elections freight i can't conve three words the urgency i feel for the country freight under joe biden our country is now imploding. nothing they have done is working and nothing they are advocating for will work great now we turn to the state of georgia. herschel walker has pulled ahea of the far left incumbent the senator rafael warnock holding three-point lead according to insider advantage. now the even ajc, they have
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herschel up, that's why democrats are desperate is ever interning now to barack obama i this case to smear herschel walker claiming he is nothing more than a celebrity politicia and he's not a pilot you wouldn't want him to fly a plane . either is obama, he went want him to fly a plane. he can't defend the record of warnock, he retreats to the politics of hers personal destruction. >> in the case of the opponent. any interest bothered to learn. any kind of inclination towards public service or elting althin people in any way. at least we don't really know
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about it, and that does make yo suspect. he is a celebrity who wants to be a politician. he was a politician but voted president more often than not i the state legislature. here is the republican senator candidate from. you might remember it you might have been on the presidents physical fitness program, you were on that board if i'm not mistaken and if i'm not mistaken , for how many years have you been running fitness camps for children and you migh want to talk a little bit about your other volunteering work an other things you've done that apparently barack obama knows nothing about. >> he doesn't care to know abou it because right now they will say and do anything to win this eve at their not going to win i for me this seat is too important and i want the georgi people to know right now they are doing whatever they can and they have to go through me to
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win that seat so they're going to try to put me down but they're not going to win. they didn't talk about the crim did they, right now the crime i up. they didn't talk about inflation . they didn't talk about that, an the reason why is because senator warnock. senator warnock was the factor in many of these things. he voted for men and women sports, what they don't want to talk about that. there going to have to come fro through me, they are coming for you tomorrow but they're not going. >> to you because they have to go through me first. to keep one thing they have in common as they both praised the reverend jeremiah wright's. i got a picture of obama and louis farrakhan, he has praised i don't even think obama did this, but obama praised vito castro.
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>> you see what he said about abortion, he believes a baby that survives abortion, he want to deny that baby medical care. may have someone like like senator warnock represented the good people of georgia because am georgia born, georgia. i am not going to let them continue to put the georgia people down through their racis things that they say about the georgia people is not true. i want people to get out and vote. they go to washington to represent us, but they only represent one side, it's going to be the blind side, i represent everybody. white, yellow, green, everybody from george upright not going t let reverend warnock and i'm no going to let x president obama hurt my family.
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the thugs and gangsters, is tha the guy you are running against? >> that is the guy running against fred the guy that has all these things. he hides behind these court records. i took him to school, he was supposed to be the one to teach me, but i taught him. people sought that he was not the person he claimed to be. he was a wolf in sheep's clothing i've been talking about . he represents joe biden. to have president obama come here, he told us to vote for president biden. do you think we can take six more years of this? we can't. we can't take six more years of that because they would destroy
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this country. i cannot believe that they won' talk about the crime, they want talk about this open border. they want talk about people out in the streets are talking about , they are worried about. they want to try smear me. sticks and stones may break my bones, but words are never goin to hurt me. i am going to fight for the sea because it's too important. >> clearly, checks you were has you on his mind. i think they were talking about you, herschel. that would be a major pickup fo them. thank you for being with us. not of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. john fadiman, the pittsburgh post- gazette has endorsed dr.
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oz in what was a scathing editorial laying out all the struggles for the lack of transparency, and in refusing t release his medical records is troubling, it suggests an impulse to conceal in a mistrus of the people it continues, despite his hoodies and shorts has little experience in holdin real jobs or facing the problem of working people the editorial closes with this, in a race on which much depends, and little is certain, dr. oz has shown he is ready to lead and deliver fo pennsylvania. to release violent criminals while on the parole board. wants to release third or more pennsylvania prisoners, and newly resurfaced audio now show suggesting that republican
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voters, people in pennsylvania, you're a bunch of racist. there are some in the republica party that are unreachable. nationalism, sina phobia, homophobia, i mean that's the strep southern strategy, right? >> isn't this the same guy they chased an innocent african-american out jogging, doing nothing wrong down the street and according to that individual he took a shotgun an pointed it right at his chest and held him hostage until the police came. he is my kind of guy. take a look. >> are you confident about his. >> i thought he was really good. i thought he knew it he was doing great i thought he was strong. he is everything that he appear to be coming you know where he stands, he is great courage. he has no elections to say what
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he thinks. he is my kind of guy. >> my kind of guy. dr. oz is hit in this race by three points according to the latest insider advantage poll. struggling as much as ever. the commonwealth of pennsylvania . do you think you will have any impact on the race? they cannot defend the radical views. i don't think barack obama can either. these extreme positions are out of touch with pencil. but they did is pushed against the other members of the parole board to get murderers out. he's acknowledged if he had a magic wand he'd want to get rid
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of life in prison for felony murder. or 1,000 carjacking. this city is in unimaginable me spread here's the part that catches me off for it offguard right after that debate, when there was issue after issue after issue where he could not defend taking radical position he was able to raise millions o dollars because all the democrats want to do is control the senate so help me fight bac go to dr. it is the belief that by the democratic party that they don' have to address the kitchen table issues of crime, the border, the economic crises we are facing that are getting worse by the day. gas prices went up again today. it is going to get back to $5 a gallon in pennsylvania and
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probably much of the country if we don't do something about it. to get it later in the debate when he said he was never for eminent moratorium on fracking. we have multiple tapes, we played there many times. he wants no restrictions on abortion for it is has never been a candidate in the senate can think of that's advocated t release more convicted murderer in violent criminals than him. get this straight grain, thick lips, he wants taxpayers plate pay for heroin injection site spread and then you have that little shotgun incidents as he dares to call republicans racis rate and a reaction that? to get you just listed a litany of problems that he has with la enforcement. that's why the paternal order o police interest me. his home time paper which is a
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fabulous paper, genuinely doesn't interest republican prayer they've had enough as well. everybody is saying the same thing. let the cops do their job. make prosecutors do their job. elect politicians we should bot answer questions from voters, h has not done that yet on the campaign trail he's not asking answer question from the that debate was the first and only time he will take questions fro a bird they we're trained to round-the-clock out but didn't get away with it. now pennsylvania i am looking a the results of the debate thinking of what he can't answe questions fred he doesn't have good defenses for them. he's done great and 140 character tweet. that's great if you're going to be the aoc of the senate, but i'm not going to let him get there. this is important we do not hav a republican senator in north carolina or on the atlantic coast. there has been a republican
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senator in pennsylvania most of my life. this is a state that because it's so important we want a republican presence here to mak sure it is well represented along with other states that have other issues. big cities like philadelphia that has issues along around poverty. we have to ensure these issues are addressed read republicans into it while. when barack obama was there campaigning for that it was barack obama who referred to th people of pennsylvania is bitte americans that cling to their god, gun, bible, and religion. somebody in the media might hav enough guts to ask if he still believes that about the people of pennsylvania. thank you, we will follow this race closely the next eight days . democrats are turning to obama to try to avoid that midterm white out instead of the issues. obama is resorting to the same old tired talking points and th
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same old lies about republicans. here are easy suggesting that senator john ron johnson wants to get social security. >> how many of your parents are on social security? some of your grandparents are o social security. you know why they have that? they worked for it. they worked hard jobs for a. they had chapped hands for it. they had long hours in sore backs, and bad needs. >> that social security. and if ron johnson doesn't understand that, if he understands giving tax breaks for private planes more than yo does that make ensure that seniors who have worked all their lives are able to retire with dignity and respect, he is not the person that is thinking about you. >> 's sore knees, bad backs, working your whole life, i wonder how the same people are
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feeling now that the average american household is paying $7,200 on average because of jo biden inflation. it is anybody in the media goin to ask the anointed one that question? mandela burns has the pro democrat agenda he's also glorified violent rioting and the summer of 2020. he's a rubberstamp of the biden agent. here is i hope people might remind people the heritage foundation pointed out the average household has to pay because of biden inflation $7,200 on average for the very same items they were buying under donald trump rate i would argue the people that need thei social security and medicare that you are not going to take away from them are getting hurt more that way than by that lies obama is now telling. >> sins biden took office the
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dollar is only worth 88.3 cents. obama is the deceiver into freight i don't know why he's s angry. it's a little rich for him to come into wisconsin a guy that spends half his time at martha' vineyard in the other half in washington, deceive. incomes and in accuses me 5,000 miles just the last month in another 4,000 miles on talking to people. understanding their concerns he says i'm out of touch? he has completely out of touch. listening from all these races are pretty much the same, it's the truth versus the truth, distortion, character assassination because they can' defend their record, the disasters their cells, third policies are governments, they
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are so good at lying and they have no problem lying. to the democrats, the end justifies it. >> look at his position, the 2020 riots, 574 of them unnecessary. that's what your opponent said, your opponent would never apologize for the comments he made after steve scalise was shocked on the belfield. in the meantime, everybody saying some of the comments mad by some people, not any conservative i know about paul pelosi were inappropriate. i think paul pelosi deserves to be safe and secure in his own home. that is why you shouldn't be supporting releasing half the prison population like your opponent would like to do. >> he said the founding of this
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nation and of course president obama and president by barney said they wanted to fund elite fundamentally transform america. so the leaders of the democrat party don't like america, they took care of racism down south and said we have we concealed it , he scalded concealed carry racism break why jesse wants to represent to represent a bunch of wisconsinites. i am asking democrats independence in wisconsin, if you like the country in are concerned about our future, joi us. join us in healing and unifying because that is what is at stake . >> three critical races, georgia , pennsylvania and wisconsin pride senator, thank you for being with us. straight ahead, the view use children for political ponds on their holiday show.
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take a look. to get what tv do? he flush them down the toilet s we have found is a toilet with our fbi agents, but we don't want to endorse violence of any crime, but we couldn't help, bu talk about one of the hottest hot topics this year. we have our interpretation. we call this the oscar slap because of the paint on the statue. ♪ >> sean: joining us now, they alter with the times and along with "outnumbered" cohost kayleigh mcenany. am not offended, i would assume the parents of these kids participated gave therefore ora approval.
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kayleigh, mcenany rate i don't really care either but what i will say is this, imagine if your wife up session is donald trump is the republican party they also had a costume that mocked dr. because. i was on the streets with my daughter she was a princess i saw firefighters, i saw fairies i saw all kinds of cute little kids freight agency one of them but these women on the view, their life obsession is donald trump and it must be very painful way to live when you go to even dress kids up as such. >> i would do a bit on the radi where i would say halloween is bad because you're teaching kid to be liberal because you're telling them to knock on people 's door and get something for free, it was a bit, it was joke people would go note sayin hannity is calling halloween liberal. it's like no, you're just too stupid to be in on the joke.
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these things don't offend me. if you had a scary mask of nanc pelosi or any other democrats, that is sexist and racist, homophobic. they would make up something. >> first of all, you should get me stressed pay for making me want to see segments of view. you had ron johnson on and talking about obama and he said what is he so angry? every time i watched watch the view i have the same reaction. why are these ladies so angry. one time, you might remember years ago, whoopi goldberg was the highest-paid actress in hollywood perigee has a multimillion dollar job sitting their every day trashing conservatives and this is a woman who was briefly on welfare . she should be doing handstands about how great america is. instead she is incredibly angry. i felt the same way about barac obama. he claimed he and his mom were
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on welfare raised by a single mom, raised by his maternal grandparents fred goes to harvard becomes the first black president of the harvard bopper view, runs for senator, gets elected. he spent eight years basically telling white people your oppressors and black people you are a victim you can't make thi up. >> and yet, 30 acres and here w have 50 people who those 50 people and 15 of the 30 acres were there illegally and martha's vineyard. paul pelosi, let me ask you, kayleigh mcenany, where is the same anger and outrage over everybody that is a victim of violence in every big city run by liberal democrats for decades ? >> that is a great question. i fielded so many violence at the podium. we condemn violence whether it
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was paul pelosi or anybody else where there were never question when it went the other way whenever questions about the dozens of people that lost thei lives and the riots and there i a rush to try paul pelosi to a political angle, but when we se violence go the other way there are many such examples, where was the president of the united states when there was an assassin assassination attempt on justice cavanaugh. spokespeople spoke, but he did not speak. because we have a press that simply doesn't care, they get away with doing that and not condemning the violence. >> by the way, taking your daughter to go trick or treating , not a good idea. i'm kidding. more hannity next.
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>> unfortunately that is all th time we have left this evening very thank you for joining us, set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham, this is a spooky halloween edition of "the ingraham angle." >> laura: my kids wanted me to go in costume. i said i am and cost imperative i'm a conservative television host. do you like the really scary costumes? on the end of my show i'm going to show what my kids were tonight, and i wasn't really a fan of it, but this is what the wanted to do. boys want to wear those scary things. >> i am in favor of letting kid be themselves and even if it means they can be a liberal politically correct back in the day they used to have the mix nixon mask
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