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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 31, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> unfortunately that is all th time we have left this evening very thank you for joining us, set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham, this is a spooky halloween edition of "the ingraham angle." >> laura: my kids wanted me to go in costume. i said i am and cost imperative i'm a conservative television host. do you like the really scary costumes? on the end of my show i'm going to show what my kids were tonight, and i wasn't really a fan of it, but this is what the wanted to do. boys want to wear those scary things. >> i am in favor of letting kid be themselves and even if it means they can be a liberal politically correct back in the day they used to have the mix nixon mask and everybody every
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president since has had a mask. i guess you can't do that anymore. >> we were just bombs because w didn't have any money to get a costume. now you can't even say bum anymore, that's how bad it is. i will send you the photo in case you're not up for it could get want to see it, send a. i'm more ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight too. smears from the thought police is the focus of tonight's angle. just as we expected, within minutes of the horrific and terrifying attack on paul pelosi , democrats sought a political opportunity. this couldn't be seen as simply a reprehensible assault by a fringe lunatic on an elderly man , it had to be portrayed is a referendum on the entire republican party and then as a justification to.
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>> the reality is this was an individual who was radicalized. he was radicalized to, an act o political violence, and we have to ask why he was he radicalized , why are we in an american democracy feeding thes theories. why are they festering on socia media and we all need to take accountability. this social media companies, an certainly elected officials and people and the republican party who have been fueling some of these conspiracies. >> these types of baseless defamatory statements we're echoed all weekend long. notice that would be speech police, they never name names, because they can't. which republican official or candidate has ever condoned or in any way encouraged any type of violent assault? i don't recall liberals pushing
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for accountability went to bernie sanders supporter shot u a congressional baseball game. and if heated angry rhetoric is actionable, where where the democrats democrats after these comments? >> i want to tell you, i want t tell you, cavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. >> and you will pay the price for it this summer man was arrested near cavanaugh's house with a plan to assassinate him. uart magazine called republican criticism of that, of what schumer said a smear and defended tumor schumer speech a clearly nonviolent. democrats worked view of the first amendment is that it protects their speech no matter what, so they can lie and they can say donald trump colluded with russia or they can call hi a fascist or a white nationalist
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, all with impunity, but republicans calling out schumer, biden or pelosi for corruption? that's dangerous and there need to be accountability. heaven for forbid if republican actually win then the world, it is coming to an end. >> the only way this will stop is if a sensible republicans ge control of their party back and i don't predict that, but that is the only way this will change . it is going to get worse bricke there is no reason to think thi will or of this will diminish without a much clearer statemen than that leader from the republican party. all we're getting is a wink and a nod. >> this is going to continue. we are close to an election now great now you have ads up with people shooting guns. it's just rampant. it's just rampant. are these folks not aware of ho rough the rhetoric has been
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throughout our almost to hundre 50 year history? they say andrew jackson was a king who was going to destroy america. they said reagan was a warmonge hell-bent on using nukes afraid they claimed fdr was destroying the government in plan to rule as a dictator. lincoln was attacked even by hi own side. don't forget, john adams passed the sedition act so he could punish his critics in then the federalist party was eventually destroyed. my question is do the democrats want to do that. never trumper's aren't interested in history because them it's all about feelings an they feel like they can read republicans minds about paul pelosi. everything is yes this is awful but, no, violence is not acceptable, but, democrats to i to appear its progressives do the same thing. they will cite scalise, they
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will incite others, but that is not leadership, america, which you think they're going to do with it when they get it? what you think they're going to do? ticket they are only going to get worse, michael. >> if you're wondering what they're closing argument was fo the midterms, you just heard it. it's only going to get worse. worse than what? biden's leadership? where real median incomes have been declining since the beginning of the year, or where we are approaching winter with potential for crippling shortages for dc fuel and heating oil? or maybe worse than the rampant crime plaguing cities from oregon to pennsylvania, of course those aren't problems great americans are smarter tha this, aren't they? for all of the most leftist, there. and butter economic issues for the american people, the ones that are front in mind, that ar the ones that affect us every day.
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most of us are sick of paying through the nose with just a fe years ago life was affordable and real incomes we're rising. according to the latest abcs, washington news post full. the economy was the top issue with 84 percent saying it was highly important. this is closely followed by education in schools with 77 percent calling those highly important than inflation and crime was 69 percent. high paid key pink campaign strategist convince democrats with the country on the brink o recession, flooding the airwave with ads about abortion in january 6, that was key to victory. no wonder the democrats got flayed by the saudi's, they are that stupid. trendlines in wisconsin, arizona , georgia, even washington state and new mexico show key races the democrats that they had in the back two months ago are either deadlocke or conservatives have the momentum now.
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the democrats deflect and distract strategy was such a loser, that they are now having to drop cash in new york to try to save kathy houck will. of course, they can't admit the real reason that their scrambling, rightfax is their own stupid decision to hand the keys to the party to the far left which is why it's eight days away from election nights in the best democrats can do is quote liz cheney and sputter about on cable shows that to become parodies of themselves freight a tiny sliver of americ even knows what it is. i'm telling you what, they know that they are paying every week a lot more just to keep there car on the road and food on the table. the party of fdr and jfk has lost its way. they are stuck in a delusional time warp hating on trump and muttering about charlottesville.
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now they are adding the pelosi attack to their reasons that yo should keep them in office? how twisted and sick is that? it's become their stock and trade. it's a heck of a lot easier tha confronting the truth, that americans are tired of games an they want results. one and three want the economy fixed, they want that to be the top priority. and on both the economy and gas prices, 36 percent of americans trust republicans more than democrats, that is 12 and 14 points higher than the percentage of people who trust the democrats on those issues. democrats aren't going to rebuild trust by just smearing conservatives and the aftermath of a horrible attack. and they're not going to win next week or in 2024 if they spend all their time trying to silence their opposition. that is the angle. joining now steve scalise.
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congressman, you were obviously the victim of politically motivated attack. you and for others were shot during that congressional baseball practice. what are your thoughts as you'v seen the commentary develop really since the first hour after the horrific attack on paul pelosi that we learned about? >> laura, my thoughts and prayers are with paul pelosi, i express that to speaker pelosi on friday when i first heard of this horrific attack and i thin everybody across the country feels the same way. we are just lifting him up in prayer and want him to have a full recovery. hopefully it is a speedy recovery, but we need to be praying and hoping that he full comes out of this and we stand up against any kind of violence that is something i have been hearing loud and clear from all ends of the political spectrum as it should be.
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>> we have heard calls for accountability in political speech since this has happened. we all condemn the attack i did so on friday night, that's an obvious, but to move to circumscribe first amendment protected speech in the aftermath of this, does anyone know what we've done throughout our history and politics? it's always rough and tumble? >> and we have seen through crises there are people that tr to take advantage of it for their own personal benefits. history will judge those people. i don't spend a lot of my time harping on negative people who try to exploit other people's tragedy. i pray for people who are victims of any kind of violence. i will speak out against it, i also fight for policies that will stand up against crime in as you talked about across the nation there have been so many districts in the last few weeks over 60 districts and crime is
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one of the top issues that people are concerned about across-the-board. we should be uniting to stand u against any time of violence an crime. we don't know many details yet, but we see crime ravaging so many cities across america. we all should be doing what we can to support law enforcement to make sure the criminals are put away so they can't hurt other people. >> the democrats are getting creamed on the crime issue, but when the political violence of the left was brought up on cnn today, one of their main posts, he swooped in to shut it all down. can get you saved both sides, i is the republican party party, many of them in leadership telling their voters that your election was stolen, that democrats hate god, hate the country. when you say this happens on both sides have to consider wha this man said why he was there. >> coming congressman, there ar
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many people, anchors, and very prominent political analysts an colonist today saying republicans essentially have blood on their hands for what happened to paul pelosi, your reaction to that tonight? to get that's why there are literally dozens of people who probably watch that cnn episode not billions like your show, people are sick at that, people are tuning out that kind of hatred and division where they are trying to put things in people's mouth and say things about the other side that's jus not true. this whole election has been on issues. we ran on an agenda but called the commitment to america. we have talked about lowering energy costs and addressed inflation so people don't have to basil much when they go to the grocery store. we talked about the border and addressing crime and community spirit if they call that hate speech, i guess they are agains lowering energy costs for
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families and they are against helping hard-working americans that our struggling every day. everywhere i go i hear about th struggles of lower and middle income families. that's who we are fighting for. not of the division by all of the people that have the big megaphone spread. >> could just see you tonight. a story related to this this ma be one of the biggest stories o the last decade. documents obtained by the intercept are revealing that facebook and twitter were closely collaborating with the department of homeland security in the fbi to police what they call is disinformation anything from withdrawal of our troops from afghanistan to the origins of covid. in fbi agent was and direct communication with facebook and helped spearhead the decision t suppress the hunter biden lapto
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story in 2020. one of the more remarkable findings from investigative journalist who uncovered this i that facebook and twitter created special portals for the government to rapidly request takedowns of content. how did dhs justify all this? they said that false informatio is a source of radicalization and violence. in other words is licensed to censor their political opponents . can't think of a better guess tonight. how big of a story is this? >> it is enormous, i think the cover-up that we found out from the fbi in collusion with big tech over our story, is bigger than the original story of corruption. now we see that it expands righ
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across to all these other issues , particularly covid vaccines, you mentioned that withdrawal from afghanistan, al sorts of things that we're awkward disasters for the administration. end up being for what is being suppressed. obviously this is the biden administration. to silence dissent, to stop the critics. i guess that's because the democrats don't have a record t run on. he fired last week, they discus
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the plans for censorship. i know this doesn't surprise yo coming from the new york post. absolutely was, we know because he has admitted that facebook came to his people just before our story broke in october of 2020 and warned them about a story to work out for information that was just like our story. that was the same fbi agents wh are named in this lawsuit in missouri which is exposing all of these internal documents these internal e-mails at twitter and facebook and feelin how widespread these censorship campaign was. it wasn't just over the hunter
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biden laptop, but it turns out it was over they had your agencies, reaching out to facebook and twitter and microsoft, although social medi companies it seems that the executives of big tech were mor than happy to roll over. >> they documents that you were referencing his broader, j.p. morgan attended nearly all of the cybersecurity advisory committee meetings on misinformation and disinformation. again, quickly, they are laying the groundwork, are they not fo this idea of deep banking to become a more mainstream strategy removing the ability o people to house and build money
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in certain institutions for thi looks like where it's going. >> it is chilling parade we saw a taste of that with the canadian protests and we have seen it here with go fund me just closing down anything to d with conservatives. this is a terrifying ccp china like collusion between big corporate, big tech, whatever you call it in one side of politics. this is why they are going completely nuts about elon musk buying twitter. free speech is their enemy and they are trying to shut it down. >> laura: thank you for your reporting and your commentary o this tonight. speaking of election hail marys the democrats with the help of the media are making accusation against my next guest lee selde in york into dirt nixon of
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michigan are here and they will respond. stay there. - [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if you got ppp. and all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then we'll work with you to fill out your forms and submit the application. that easy. has helped businesses like yours claim over $1 billion in payroll tax refunds. but it's only available for a limited time. go to powered by innovation refunds.
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with prescription drug coverage, and more, all for a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. take advantage of $0 copays on primary care visits, and lab tests. plus more dental coverage than ever before, you'll also get free yearly eye exams... and $0 copays and deductibles on hundreds of prescriptions. so call unitedhealthcare about the variety of plans we offer, including ppo plans that let you see any doctor who accepts medicare, without a referral. enrollment ends december 7th. take advantage now. call or go online today. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: lees eldon is surging in new york and getting help from gop heavy hitters and the closing days of the campaign . at stumping for him today and o
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saturday night it was florida governor rowling thousands of really enthusiastic fans out in long island. rogue prosecutors get into office usually funded like people like george soros. and they say they want to reimagine criminal justice and their version of doing that is to just ignore duly enacted law in to get criminals get away with crimes. >> does he note that you can't mention george soros anymore? the guy who writes up heads admitting he is doing the very thing he was just accused of? jacob kornblum from the pounced he george soros who has been th target of anti-semitic tropes. and a liberal ground drone name jack stern added selden isn't
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even hiding the anti-semitism anymore. congressman, i believe you are running to be the first jewish governor in new york history, i that right? to keep the first jewish republican. it is hard to point out that he is somebody that has long recor of strengthening relationships with the jewish community strengthening the u.s. and for myself when i first got to congress i was the only jewish republican i am currently one o to and i've been active in thes efforts will doing the relationship with the jewish community, so it is really ignorant to try to attack ron and i, but they are getting desperate.
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>> it's laughable on its face. the governor's response meanwhile to those surging crim in new york, watch this. >> these are master manipulators , they have this conspiracy going all across america to convince people in democratic states are not as safe or they're not only election deniers, they are davitt deniers. >> congressman, are you a data denier? >> it was just a few weeks ago had a drive-by gang-related shooting on my front yard while my 16 -year-old daughters we're sitting at the kitchen table doing homework on a quiet sunda afternoon. there were people laying on the ground shot just 10 feet from where they are. we had a rikers island correction officer in the last few hours got stabbed 15 times and is now in the hospital in queens and hopefully is able to have a full recovery.
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that's where our thoughts and prayers are in new york. we are seeing the videos of the people are getting day after da thrown onto the tracks in some cases actually killed by cars that are coming, but we have stories coming from around the state where for example a long island dad is visiting his kid for parents weekend and is grabbing a cup of coffee checking out of the hotel and ends up getting shot. we can recap the stories the high-profile stories from the last three weeks, and you would think we are recapping a list from the last three years. kathy wants to call us conspiracy theorists for statin raw faxback to nvidia nvidia with actual victims? this is why she is so out of touch at last week's debate she said she doesn't understand white walking up criminals is s important to me when she says that it's a message to new yorkers that she doesn't care o understand why this is so important to everyone.
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its one of the main reason she is going to lose a week from tomorrow. >> congressman, we'll be watching. let's turn to michigan where tutor dixon we were the first t bring her on fox news is tightening the gap this razor-sharp debate performance think reminded of witmer's gros and horrific performance during covid. rumor she liked the kids out of school, she ignored her own lockdown guidance in than she abuse the people of the state with her treatment during covid. instead of addressing those failures, the left is launching an 11th hour attack on dixon seizing on comments from over two years ago. >> the country today is divided and this was the plan. it's been in the works for years . the party that wanted to own
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people because they viewed them as less than human. do you think the democrats are over losing to the north? >> joining me now to respond is dated obviously, i mean anybody who watches this knows your comments are a little tongue-in-cheek here, but the media are calling this an unhinged conspiracy, so you are a conspiracy theorist air claiming. response tonight? might response is this is what they do when they don't have an attack rate they are scraping the bottom of the opposition research file am throwing anything they can out there because they know that their candidate just admitted she sai the quiet part out loud multipl times while she was in the debate and then went out no, th michigan people are seeing who she really is in the fact is she's not somebody for the michigan people at that same rally, her lieutenant governor said this is about political
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power and we get political powe from the people in detroit. they don't understand they are here to serve the people of michigan it's not about their own power and they are trying t distract from what they know is happening people are saying we don't want gretchen witmer anymore. >> at think people are worried if there is another virus somewhere, everyone is going to be shut down again in the kids will have their lives wrecked again. she is taking a lot of heat for keeping the schools closed, so here is who she brought out to campaign for her this weekend solidifying herself is a lockdown queen. >> on the other side who stoped up resentment, anger, and fear. who as using kids as political ponds. who is banning books? who is tearing down the democracy? you know who is on our side?
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governor witmer. reminds me of terry mcauliffe who wrote rot in randy to close out his campaign. to get there is no question. randy gave her $1 million to continue running and also made sure that she kept her protocol in place while we were in the middle of covid and he says states opening up very then on the debate cag said that were only closed for three months, parents we're shocked and horrified that she was trying t lie about what happened to our kids and how far behind they still are. here they are lifting up the person that was forcing us to close the schools and she think that's a good campaign idea? so much so that her lieutenant governor came out and said we know that the key to a great education is taking care of the adults first. that's how they really think about this. it is mind-boggling.
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>> kids well for is never put first by these people. i have a good feeling about nex tuesday. the ladies of the view used halloween costumes to politicized children. a frightening seen and unseen with raymond arroyo next.
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in, we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. treatment, things are a little creepy out there on this halloween night. >> keep you're holy water close the creep started this morning when the ladies of the view unveiled their halloween getups they were dressed as tv heroines , is the costume to push abortion rights because that's
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what you would do on halloween. within they paraded out childre in politicized costumes what di they choose to celebrate? this. can keep the on trumps mar-a-lago estate. >> what did he do? he flush them down the toilet s we have trump as a toilet with our fbi agents. >> and then they walked the por poor child out. >> with a slap mark on his face. let them dress as things they'd like to dress as, not with thes partisan boomers would like to see them as.
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>> rayman, the whole thing is just halloween has now become its own religion. eight used to just be a fun night and now it's a night for adults to dress up the kids our kind of an afterthought bird this is all about the adults first. >> i guess it's to prove that they can skew scare the daylights out of an audience. >> this thing looks like up before and after add. were they trying to scare her t death? at first i thought this was i didn't know what she was dresse at, but what did she do to deserve this? >> i haven't seen she still get
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down. >> i don't think i've seen her since like hollywood squares. >> look at that. that was something else. >> biden had in the scare late last week i understand as well. >> thank goodness, his vp guardian was there to keep him from falling off the stage. ♪ ♪ ticket they are going to have to put a shock bracelet on him to keep them in the stage area. talk about creepy with obama an doctor mike jill he was home
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alone in delaware where he averted earlier with his granddaughter i couldn't tell i it was early voting or early groping. beware of the hand. which i do want? >> the side. it is just unbelievable. given that spooky scene we just suck him at the white house trick-or-treating tonight when the president encountered children, i think they picked the perfect soundtrack. >> who needs a mask. >> they won't let him near voters, but they will let him near people too young to vote.
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this is too good. >> we don't need to have him putting stickers anywhere near the area, that is not necessary. my goodness. truly spooky. good to see you. >> all trach and no treat. to get not for the voters democratic candidates coast-to-coast are desperate, and now they trotted out to basically yell into a microphon for a few hours. did they forget let voters that that him during his own midterms ? that is next. ♪ [christmas music] ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list.
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eight days left until the midterms, the democrats are bringing up the big gun or at least the person they think is the big gun. >> we've got politicians who work to stir up division. to try to make us angry and afraid of one another for their own advantage. in all of it gets hyped up. at sometimes it can turn dangerous. >> how delicious, the current
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president is such a drag and hi own party that they brought out the condescend or in chief who suffered historic midterm losse when he was president. like the rest of his party, he can't republican some policy because he knows that democrats don't have a winning agenda or even a single solution to help fight inflation or crime. so he resorts to two messages, the first, just trust us becaus the establishment will take car of you. >> the only way to save democracy is if we together nurture it and fight for it, an that starts with electing peopl who know you and see you and care about you. >> the new york times, the cia, silicon valley billionaires tha show up, these are the people that he thinks should make policy and who care about us?
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if you trust them, if you do what they tell you if they've make if you make the sacrifices they demand you make, things won't be all that great, but at least he'll have done the right thing according to barack obama. his second message when he descended from mount martha's vineyard was mistrust everyone who criticizes the establishment . >> just about every republican politician is obsessed with jus two things. own the libs and getting donald trump's approval. >> he thinks if you're one of those people who criticizes the establishment you're probably a racist, sexist, and a homophobe. he's always punching down, all appealing to snobbery, always defending the establishment in the status quo. he had eight years to reform th system, but he never wanted to do it. he likes it and he thinks everyone should like it.
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currently tired of all this by now? we have real policies that are working all over america and th real politicians who are willin to fight for the average person even if that means taking on th new york times. we should be listening to them not watching obama's nostalgia tour from the days when the americans actually trusted that system. charlie, i think they think tha magic of obama somehow can help them limp across the finish lin next tuesday. you're thoughts tonight? >> i guess you know they think, and you're probably right about this, the magic of obama is certainly better than the alternative that being joe biden , which is a total disaster . the other thing in watching these clips that i'm reminded o is that trump revolution has
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just begun. this guy doesn't realize that. remember in 2008, this guy ran on a platform of changing government changing politics, and as you point out, he slid into the hot tub in washington and he never did thing to chang all of it. he became a useful idiots and h served the government, he serve the people that were in charge exactly as they wanted him too. it was because of that service to those people that opened the way for donald trump to come along and absolutely destroy th place and do what this guy was too scared or possibly too dumb to figure out how to do himself right let's not forget. listening to him lecture people is a nice reminder under the eight years he was president, democrats lost over 1,000 seats across this country pride obama got himself reelected but democrats lost over 1,000 seats because the american people wer tired of what he was peddling.
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>> jay-z and beyoncé came to th white house, that was nice and they had the cast of hamilton come to that white house, but for the regular people it was just like what about us. >> they remain and start for many democrats for it it's always of course a danger to speak in a rally where presiden obama is speaking if you're not as talented as he is very its gifted to her, and i think sometimes we forget how gifted he is. >> remember the glistening pectoral muscles.
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member he were out that in the washington post? get these people just talk to themselves they talk to one another they don't talk to normal people under barack obam people suffered and they suffered in really profound way which is what open the way for donald trump to pick off all of those democrats. >> charlie, thank you. when we come back a creepy reveal from the ingraham house.
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i hope you all had a happy halloween. especially those with little kids. there are my boys. i don't know what they are. what are they? jason? myers i always get them confused . here's our senior executive producer kids. they're so cute. too many cat women little tommy is spider-man's he angry? here in sam fox's son teddy as frankenstein. >> that is great.
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he decided it was not scary enough. had he changed into this to go trick-or-treating with his cousin julia. that's it for us tonight. isn't that great? you can't do that forever but i'm still dressing up a little right now. thanks for watching. gutfeld and the gang take it al from here. happy halloween. back happy monday. happy halloween apparently i wouldn't know. i don't care. by now you heard about the attack on paul pelosi a suspect in custody apparently a homeles illegal alien. he lived in old yellow school bus.


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