tv Gutfeld FOX News October 31, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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he decided it was not scary enough. had he changed into this to go trick-or-treating with his cousin julia. that's it for us tonight. isn't that great? you can't do that forever but i'm still dressing up a little right now. thanks for watching. gutfeld and the gang take it al from here. happy halloween. back happy monday. happy halloween apparently i wouldn't know. i don't care. by now you heard about the attack on paul pelosi a suspect in custody apparently a homeles illegal alien. he lived in old yellow school bus.
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no truth to the rumor it was danny partridge. don't nokia was bus. we know how wonderful those things are. >> who doesn't love a yellow school bus? raise your hand if you have a yellow school bus. there is something about most o us in many of us went to school on the yellow school bus. and it's part of our experience growing up. >> so true. she loves school buses almost a much as she loves it been diagrams be back meanwhile in the media yet dams and talking heads it desperately trying to make it about right wing hate. it people on the right were always saying you've got a go attack me nancy's husband with camera don't wear pants. >> he was yelling out things we heard during january 6 which is where is nancy. >> that's what the intruders
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going to the hallways on januar. this is part of the january 6 insurrection. it's been going on for years. at attacks on her and that this group of makkah extremists haven't been not ending when donald trump left office. >> this is part of january 1. it's magus extreme is behind this who live in school buses who think their jesus christ. marga maga the media can't be dumb enough to play on campaign ads. >> looking at your candidates, republican candidates have spen more than a hundred 60 million on ads nancy pelosi by name in the cycle. if it's about the issues, make it about the issues of.
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why not depersonalize it? this moment we are eight days out, don't you think it needs t change? why not pull these ads or delet your tweet? >> late to delete your brain. you should stop the air that adds eight days out. what a coincidence that you would use at this for that suggestion. do these people think before they say anything? margaret, momo cbs depersonaliz their contact? maybe start with young sheldon. whatever that is. i don't know what that is or ho about cold air who has done nothing but stay uncivil stuff about republicans. how many attacks that he caused? i would never suggest that because of that deplete. >> eddie at a bleat. >> i haven't had a lot of sleep. i'm not awake.
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people freaking out never did s after school he's got sharp friend, and a a trump supporter was run down and murdered. remember how many jokes were made about rand paul getting hi ribs looking bleep. >> it's their republic is that they call nazis who are causing a lack of stability, i get anything for election. in the depths of losing which means someone have to get real jobs and democrats hate jobs. remember, never let a crisis go to waste even if it is someone' dented school. that's why even with covid, the dems are forgetting getting students. nothing is ever connected. it's exploited. even with that in election they probably do the same [ bleep! ] thing.
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like louis cheney used to do. did he compare her to him? >> i hope so. i hope you think that, you idiot . republicans focus on crime. home invasions are up as our murders, rapes and robberies. in places where politicians advocated to defunding the cops. you can cause a political take except this one is rooted in reality. a suppose republicans could've made up stuff as well like theirs is a winning gavel found at the scene. >> they didn't. and so the media screeches like camo kemal harris having her feet tickled. how dare you bring up violent crime even after a violent crim is committed. we will smack all of you with hammers. you're only supposed to talk violent crime for fake violent
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crimes there are lessons here but politicians and the media o interested it's about only political outcomes. >> now it's the poluzzi attack was maga. january 6. a hate speech it was a constant threat. it's code for criticizing democrats. as long as they went in november , nothing ever needs fixing. that's why the criminally deranged are still on the street . that's why this happened. there's nowhere for the mentall ill to go. bottom line if pelosi had been another victim, who knows if they give a at all about this. if it was just an asian lady, we'd be told to be people with hammer is a misdemeanor. the media helps by amplifying the fake origin to avoid the real one. the mental health crisis. it goes ignored like joy behar it's sex strike.
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california state logo should be a bear in a straitjacket. without all the homeless encampments, the new state mott should be the golden shower state. their state bar, a $1.7 million toilet. i know it's not a bird. they don't have a state appliance. so the suspect was a homeless psychotic like tens of thousand on the streets. there a danger to you but now also to politicians and spouses the things that happened everyone else else finally happened to someone who matters. the husband of the speaker he i not a cop a retiree or a student , he is rich and powerful and if they throw the book at the suspect, they sure as hell better do the same for every other felon because at this is crime if it's time for punishment and not justify the important victims, but for everyone. with the dems, while they care?
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they serve a purpose he gave biden something to talk about between lying about gas prices and that line he was raised by puerto ricans a mentally deranged drug abused at naked not that bag finds its way to the poluzzi home in the media stops and one talking point. their idea of investigative reporting. like so many crime victims, pau and nancy may never be the same. maybe it's time to move to florida. that's welcome tonight's guests. when she calls calls a shotgun, that means she's going to kill an antelope. hunting legends of america fox nation. >> she is less welcome and holl went than addiction counselor former trump deputy assistant secretary amanda.
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they say you should dress for the job you want so you must want to be unemployed. and it finally, halloween skeletons called bony. fox news contributor kept him amanda, nice costume. >> think thank you. >> who are you going as. >> i was told it was halloween and we were having a halloween party. >> the only two that showed up you as a skeleton of michael loftus as k.d. lang. >> can't shohei picture of him there would be too much work fo the director. >> good job. >> let's talk about this being-- you believe lee does would to january 6? >> always. >> you keenly get anything to january 6.
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you my cat didn't finish it's a food it to january 6. i personally feel victimized. i will call the fbi. except the probably already at my house. there was virtually nothing no matter how many years go by tha you can't link to january 6. it is a first of all worse than pearl harbor. definitely worse than 9/11. except nobody died. except it one of ours. it's really just only rivals an mystery that at the las vegas sheeting. the pipe vaughn or just walking around bombing places. >> we don't know it could be nancy that could be who went to nancy pelosi's house the fbi should look into this. >> is true loftus or katie. >> before we go i want you to join me for halloween.
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>> welcome to the club. >> actually, i've felt a lot better you have more work than one of them being. >> how many packs of cigarettes do you smoke? >> seven a day. >> it smells like marge simpson 's sister i think i'm getting cancer. i'm going to put this over here it is true january 6 is the kevin bacon of conspiracies. they can't stop they should've left it as a crazy person attacked an innocent man in america would've been like that's horrifying but they have to try to not let a crisis go t waste. as soon as they put it on the radar, you start looking at it and then the more you start looking, it's like pee-wee herman getting the cable that sweater it gets weirder and weirder.
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he was a radical nudist so i guess when he shows up and underwear, that's like respect. that's like he went to like it was a job interview. i'm off to attack paul pelosi it's crazy. >> it when i speak to be cleare at all this up that's why emma start a go for me so the pelosi 's can get a ring doorbell . be back it's amazing what net b nice to see some kind of security camera. >> this should be a lesson to them they live in a beautiful area in san francisco and they assume to your point that those windows are easily broken but like there will protected but also the other thing they can't do is talk about crime. that feeds into the narrative that's why they went for the january 6 extreme maga because if you're saying while even the speaker of the house it's a
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horrible time for them to bring up defending the police. >> first about, i can't believe you brought out freight to clin on a late night show. a little weird but the suspect of the illegal immigrants the fellow who broke in with a hammer he's not acting like a nice canadian. >> it's very odd behavior. but you are right they can talk about the issue it's amazing to watch margaret brennan and prorating a republican about pulling ads during an election by the sake of morality. that would be the right thing t do but continue and not democrats too run their ads which i'm sure have no insinuation of anything about going after republicans when mentioning kevin mccarthy. >> it is a threat to democracy but she also misses the point she says is an about the issues? it's about crime and they can't talk about it because they've been indicted on their own ideology which they refused to change. they believe in allowing criminals to run the streets unless they're breaking into
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someone's house who deserves protection. what you say about things getting weirder i don't buy there was not security i think we will learn a lot more about what happened outside the house. it's a little strange if januar went have full security. >> maybe she was not there that could be at maybe he doesn't like security i don't know adam went to get into the private lives god knows mine is screwed up. >> cat, what about this whole thing about mental illness? this guy is completely bonkers. he's got no consistent politica ideology. he's almost a libertarian. >> libertarian is in a consistent ideology. less government is what i want. i spent enough time on one for few years were honestly more time than anywhere else. what is it led to?
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their acting as though this guy is like he was a normal guy in child like a medical sales rep or something. he heard trump talk and then al of a sudden now he's doing that stuff all kinds of crazy stuff like jesus is the antichrist he is jesus none of these things are mock a talking points that there is a crazy person and als don't think i don't know how they're spending this narrative anyone is like pro this necessarily because they say people refused to condemn not condemning something--not posting a tweet like i'm sad an sickened and disgusted there al the same thing. it not doing that does not mean you can't think that way it means you didn't tweet it. >> you have to do that signal and no one will like it anyway while another thing because conservatives have been consistent and opposing violenc that is a method and a cookie-cutter version to condem violence. it does not count now. >> which just happen to be thei
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will. free speech counts. it liberals delete accounts. more phytoliths fully as stairs and do twitter with glee a bunc of celebs say they're leaving twitter following masks take over. best known for creating shows for cat ladies. what did she do? 's sweats that stupid grey's anatomy it's been on forever 17 years i hate success stories. anyway, she tweeted not hanging around for whatever elon has planned, but my. go already she is dragging this
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out like it's the last meal on death row. others in hollywood may lead twitter as well because it 16 years old. others are posted twitter might start charging $20 a month to keep the bit glorified blue checkmark status as a part of a overhaul to twitter blue the subscription that unlocks other features that like the option t edit tweets they can also convert tweets from, la harris into english. , la harris stephen king tweete a $20 a month to keep my blue check at that. they should pay me if that gets instituted, i'm gone like enron that's the kind of timely reference that makes keen the top author of 2003. as if mosca, healing the screenshot of eternal messages from an executive regimen which it could be the evidence needed
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to fire executives for just cause instead of paying out their golden perches. meanwhile some hikes are full-blown in drama mode this guy looks like he's on the verg of tears lies in here go faster than the truth that you love muskets try to take down. >> reality can't exist anymore because it cannot catch up to lies on the internet. >> i'm not a scholar on authoritarian history this is the start of something that could spread if you are getting the guardrails off the truth little brother we cannot catch up to the lies on the internet because of how the pipework system works the incentives of the richest people in the world than that's how you lose your democracy. >> okay jerry maguire elon musk 's took over twitter for a second at that jfk assassinated again. >> you control yourself. what a baby. the good news is if liberals don't feel safe on twitter they can go somewhere else.
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we hear truth social is nice. with this. what you make of this? is likely to take the ball and go home except it's not their ball. after all these years of having somebody go hey, you don't like it start your own platform whil it's easy to just buy one. >> it's nobody up and running and elon musk is fantastic doin the 20-dollar charge for the blue check. we are watching that dr. seuss book start belly--in real time whenever the birds stars and others didn't it's wonderful. the only downside is i have to try and twitter. as a conservative. would you don't have a huge twitter following being suppressed shadowed. and now you're out like up got up put thought into this. one of the few people that has shadow band and public we will try avoid you. like people will actually block
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you. cat, how do you feel would you pay for the twitter blue the verified? >> know that people with know i did. that's true it's really embarrassing to have a blue checkmark know you're paying $2 a month for twitter that's extremely embarrassing although i would like i can never do tha to myself. >> i don't know. >> would you? >> at think so. but what do you make of the reactions of our? it's obviously they're talking about it as of though twitter before elon never contributed t misinformation or disinformation . you could at least acknowledge that a you're that concerned an say okay i know what happened but this is my more concerned otherwise ironically he's being the one disingenuous and the on spreading this information by acting as though it cells can happen now when it wasn't happening before. >> i guess before elon twitter everybody was so nice there
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nobody ever said exactly. and how many times of been alon and twitter crying i think greg will end up playing for a blue checkmark i do think you will. i just think you try to quit twitter i think you're gonna miss it. >> i'm wondering how democracy will not die in darkness withou the hot takes of the blue checkmark a crowd i think the countries over i think it shows it's one platform we have all these others you can't have one where people are allowed to say things that maybe you disagree with. it pollutes their ideology once again. >> they need to have everything. when they get taken away it's like jim got pulled that out everything falls down it's easier either that or mail
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hustler i saw. it could be both. his name was itching gotta his name was janke. i don't know where i'm going to be met personally i think you should pay everyone more so the can afford the twitter. like the show's been doing well for a while. i for one will gladly pay to no have to sue every single month apply need to get them all thei little application needs equitably check because i get impersonated at my movie does and that the movie account impersonators pic versions of the movie up which is a problem. i need the blue checkmark and isn't that what it's for? every single month they say no and every single month that the say no even though you met all if it's gonna cost $20 a month to stop it just one round of chaos, i am fine. you want 20 or 40 or 50? i'll pay for it just enough.
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>> i am going to buy the blue check not for me but for people i don't like. be met before they even now and make it look like they had to pay. alec baldwin's twitter handle. by his should probably buy one nevermind you okay. >> i was can is a something really dark that wouldn't surprise me. >> hillock skeleton costume are now it's still too dark. it's not late enough. out next he started on snl and stumps for the politician with no chance t inin hell.
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that with some meanwhile the bride gets liberals crying. you can't do that. at first a countries eager that brian is getting blowback from welcoming flow to governor rhonda santos on stage during hurricane relief benefit i went up the gonna raise money for th great state of florida? >> not only did the crowd go wild so that the left on social media prompting loot to retweet a responsive quote i understand the santos is a polarizing figure, but i grew up in a country where they governor ask you if they can come and raise awareness to help victims of a natural disaster, you help and that's an end quote. >> of course the twitter whiner don't care about disasters, the want you to vote for charlie crist because he's a disaster.
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also over the weekend, will ferrell campaign for democrat baidoa work who is running for texas governor. look at that. got some bluebirds in here. knows it may be ferrell was researching for an upcoming rol playing a loser. the duo knocked on doors in houston demanding boats which seems like a great opportunity to also would legally purchased guns it wasn't baidoa going to that? is dead, answered saying it's will ferrell in some guy who ca take a picture of me and will ferrell. beto is running against incumbent republican greg abbot who is enjoying a that a double-digit lead at the polls experts and think it will make the alamo look close. of course at ferrell is the onl celeb that lives in texas too throw his support behind beto earlier this year dress barn model harry styles styles and
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doors to beto at concert. baidoa was winning over british former boy began singers while greg abbott is winning over latinos but at least his name i baidoa which is spanish for [ bleep! ] on a skateboard. cat, i have a theory that beto is not in this too when elections because he never does. he loves making the celebrity friends he loves the celebrity endorsement even if he's behind by 12 or 20 or 30 points can still say i have george clooney on my phone or whatever will ferrell do you say to that? i agree with that because the opposite would be sad. i'm like not brett barrera but is not going to win. i'm actually going to call it right now. >> it's pretty easy to be in texas get the attention. i don't understand why anyone was upset about governor does desantis being at the lute brai
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concert either because it was a hurricane relief thing and he's the governor of that state. i also don't think anybody at a country concert in jacksonville florida was like zero no a republican. by the way i think you called the race too soon. >> i don't know. bellusci. we will see. >> we are also went to call twentytwenty 24 at 2028. clinton already called the twentytwenty for she did it's a jury talking olivetti would probably can't shut you up from the two topics feel especially interested in the look brian when weather will ferrell helping out? >> at the like they're both a threat to democracy. i feel like america is at risk. it's horrible that you can't have a concert and raise money for a hurricane. it's the worst. i know so many conservatives in hollywood terrified to come out because it'll kill my box offic
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and will ferrell who has slowly morphing into george w. bush. he really looked like him. it feels it free to knocking door-to-door. it people left houston if will ferrell shows up at your house, put them through his paces go while you were in aloe find lov that movie do the line to this warily turned gumdrops. nana did here yet do it again they don't get that phone. >> you just have them there for three hours. >> i loved you and stepbrother. >> you have hammer. amanda, kind of bummed that luk i, luke would actually respond to people on the social media platform why do that? i don't know especially as kat
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said it's hardly an issue. it would not have been an issue if you hadn't responded it's no like republicans care. like zero gosh like a match and who is at show i don't know. republicans. those that are part is the idea of anyone like this beto character who keeps rising from the dead, why doesn't he just move states go work for news an like you want to just go hang around all the celebrities over there just to get out of texas and that make way for the perso who we really want which is obviously colonel allen last that's my president don't you think if everybody stopped responding it with thy. >> you watch the video of him doing the remarks at the crowd was cheering there excited that the governor was at there and get his publicist probably said something like we've got respon because everybody is really mad the people on twitter complaining about this art the
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look brian vance anyway and the for them to put the statement that he's a very controversial figure no he's not he's like a blown out. of the country likes him and he did a great job in florida when all the media outlet saying thi is a big test for her because w love him to fail so we can talk about how horrible he is. i just don't think you should respond to love people on twitter. >> everything bad that a celebrity that can be traced back to publicist. and people at home i had a two work in the arena when i was doing magazines. these are the worst people on earth. they will give you the worst advice because of their miserable scum. >> to ever talk about luke brya they should saving three songs and you can't use your phone. you can't use your phone. we gotta move on coming up a lo rated show a blow to chris's egb ?
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to spread the blame. the younger cuomo brow is mad h has a low rated show. so is it the end it for the muscle had a from cnn? what is with you people? i have the bus company that audience in his story. these rhymes are making me think . human protein shake chris cuomo is reportedly blaming his timeslot for his news nation show bad ratings demanding the network switch from 8-9:00 p.m. at that will do it. one hour later. he is ignoring reason he's chri cuomo. maybe he's got a point how was he supposed to compete in cartoon network shows care bear unlock the magic boy, do they. oh my god. it away care bears.
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an anonymous insider my favorit kind he's a cuomo he does not blame himself his entire life he's been told he's special. never caught on. when they say you're special, i usually means that something bad . >> cuomo show averages 119,000 euros per night. for reference at half the numbe of people who watch you change through the drilled holes in t.j. maxx dressing rooms that's a lot, actually. cuomo is blaming the network, staff that he personally hired is a lead-in. the promo department and even the press department. he forgot vladimir putin. it looks like the dude found humbleness chris cuomo has already evaporated. he should face the facts when a tv show fails, there's only one
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person responsible we will get to you later. katie, i don't like beating a man when he's down but he's already pitstop he wants to mov do you think he wants to go up against a tapper? >> i think you're making it worse by giving him the complement of coming home a human protein shake. >> that's a compliment to him. he likes that kind of thing ver concerned because last time there was some rumblings about chris cuomo not getting enough attention and he posted that photo of him in the nude accidentally. i would be on the lookout for that. >> like how did this happen? how did you catch me in this pose and just standing here wit my button the air my bad hope n one sees at this as they posed on my instagram page and retwee it later. >> that was the best. that's what hell i can so much. he brings me so much content of
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not even have to work hard. right now i'm not even thinking. maybe he's pro ball tanning. he's one of those guys. >> wudda u think now my katie? i can't imagine ratings getting the slow. 116,000 soon it'll be a 1-1 ratio. it's going to get that bad. >> and so much up front it's a good thing you're a nice person and didn't tell your people hey everybody tuning to cuomo for like five minutes and switch it up and held look at the ratings like i do so well right here an then they go away. i don't know what it is. this would be a great halloween prank. >> i don't know where to find i i guess if you're pumping gas i could show up on the screen. >> only with regular unlimited you go premium that takes you back to a better gestation.
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>> don't even get me started on diesel all you get is the fumes. >> i'm never pumping gas i don' really know i used to it i--i don't need to do that anymore's been replaced with new stuff i' sure it's more useful. the only interesting thing that ever happens with this guy is the behind-the-scenes stuff. it's not the show itself up. i watch a show behind the scene where he's being a [ bleep! ] to everybody. it's in a fight with a neighbor or a party nude set up a you're a nice guy i'm a humble guy, no you're not. he never did anything wrong you are [ bleep! ] and you're probably such a jerk in ways i can't even imagine a human treating another human being. let me watch that. >> and then being hung over the next day. to on cuomo, hung over.
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a story in five words. but keeney baristas now can work . great news federal judge ruled in favor of baristas in washington state saying local roles abandoning their skimpy attire was unconstitutional. this is a win for people who would like to serve its gold eg hot liquids naked. >> yes, it sure is. >> i am so proud of them at. >> imagine kind of loser was like at this is not okay. we cannot allow this to go on. had there in their bathing suit -ish serving coffee way mesh ha it down. get a life, you loser.
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you don't have to go there. could go to one where people ar wearing more clothes at. >> the same person person at upset about brian. >> the person who was met at that they were not hot ugly people ugly person with an ugly body i say that after doing muc research kde skimpy attire it sounds like the name of a hobo stripper. welcome to the main stages at skimpy attire. or it's a roadside assistance relation weapon a keeney's skimpy attire there is a prime no one should think about. i think it's great. the court system washington state what a day they had we go a third-degree murder case and then some freedom of speech thing and can chicks in bikinis make coffee? that's a great day at court right there gonna be careful i had making coffee scantily clad
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bad things can happen. same thing with breakfast you gotta watch out for the poppers cooking bacon they go everywhere . >> you're saying if one does no enjoy it. >> that's correct they can have little burn marks all over your body. >> fancy turn on. >> amanda, what do you think? these women were targeted unfairly. it is for all women who wish to serve coffee's kimberly attire of things. >> met them knew that i didn't read that off the teleprompter about them serve cake. it's a fine. the thing is it's where the constitution does get trotted out at the weirdest of times always at times like this where it's never times will over debating something like free speech or gun rights or anythin that actually matters like the constitution says that these women may serve drinks nearly naked and you're like that
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wasn't, yes sure but why god bless america but can we also use it this founding document when maybe i don't know arguing things of more significance. >> stop at this is the got show. had ben franklin did warn of th specifically. wrong guy. that's what he was doing. >> it is in the history books i german franklin went to coffee shops with scantily clad women in bikinis. i think we found some good news for chris cuomo that the tv thing doesn't work out as an appropriate place for him to wear a bikini you can go serve coffee and almost nude we have to have some standards.
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>> out of time. katie and amanda michael ketchu study audience fox new @ night was dreamy i love you america idea. >> thank you good evening everyone welcome to america's late news fox new @ night. i am trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight after repeatedly blaming maga, republican scope it up vladimir put president biden is brimming are energy problems on big oil and he wants to make them pay b asking congress to tax them. at the same men who campaigned on ending fossil fuels now want
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