tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 31, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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just pay a separate fee call or log on to buy bioactive plus .com order. >> now this makes tv easy now with all of your favorite live tv and streaming apps all in one place. right. here we go . discovery plus dish streaming and live tv. >> oh, one place. good eveningg , welcome to tuckr carlson said. we've been watching this story all weekend with growingy mo bewilderment. last friday morning, as yornuou know, around 2:00 a.m., police's arrived at the home of the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. it's in the pacific heights neis neighborhood of san francisco. inside the home, they found old pelosi's eighty two year old husband, paul , and another man, 40 years younger, calledyoe david to pappe. it was outr of town at the timh ti full view of the police
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to pappe hit paul pelosi in the head two times with aan hammer. both pelosi and de papu wered then taken immediately to a localhos t pelosi for his heades and injuries and to pappe for reasons that are still clear toi . pappe was later charged inn fede federal court with assault and attempted kidnapping. at this point, that's what we can say for certain. david to pappe assaultedaulted paul pelosi with a hammer, apparently to papis admitted that in police custody.n but beyond thosepo factslice, tm is much in the story that remains muddy. e get for example, did h get inside the pelosi's home? that's the first question. last year, abc news reported que what you already guessedst, whih is that pelosi has roundla the clock protection at her houses. quote, she has her own security. she has the capitol police. they fly all the way out herecuy from washington, d.c. with her,r and yet, in this case, san francisco d.a. brooke jenkins says that there was no securityi present at the pelosi homegh on friday night and that's pretty strange becauseti according to multiple accounts, even when pelosipl isn't at hom,
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her houses are well guarded.l again, as yo u would expect, told u our friend harmeet dhillon told us that when her firm recently tried to serve a lawsuito serv against paul pelosi at various properties, he owns all of them were guarded by , quote,n multiple law enforcemente officers on the perimeter. so how did he get past security that apparently wasn't thereth? and why wasn't it there if in fact, it wasn't?he was we know he got inside and once t he was insidlye, what exactly happened next? will accounts of that are ss changing? there wa ats the first press conference on friday, san francisco police and ested there was a third person in the home whepon polic arrived and politico dutifully reportedthat that, quote, offics arrived at the house, knockedt on the front doo letr and led a inside by an unknown person, in other words, by a person who was not david pappe or paul pelosi. >> now, politico never formallym corrected this claim. instead, just two days later , politico, the same publication,e attacked anyone who repeated its owepeated n reporting as a d conspiracy monger, quote,
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pro trump commentators weighed in online to raise questions about the investigatio tn baseds on unfounded and false claims. among those baseless claims anse that a third person answeredre the door when police arrived at the pelosi home.hree okay, three separate adjectivest knocking down thatives idea. a but the question remains, washo? there a third person at the home? we don't know. but it's not crazy to assume's there was here up to these charging documents.n th >> describe the scene inside the house, quote, when the door was opened, pelosi and papiwere were both holding a hammer with one hand and to pappy had d his other hand holding on to pelosi's forearm. othpelosi greeted the officers. the officers asked them whatrs k was goinedg on . >> the pappe responded,d ever everything was good. so it's anwas go awfulod scene n some ways. but here's the critical clause. when the door waals opened. well openeopd by whom? common sense suggests probably ' couldn't have been pelosi orr de pappe who opened it. they were locked. life or death drama. a struggle over a hammer. the documents filed todayd.
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assert that paul pelosi had never seen david to pappe before. pelyet in pelosi's 911 call, hs knew pappy's first namename aand apparently referred to him as a friend. here's the's this t is from f a dispatcheror relaying paul pelosi's call. an you a stated that there's d a male in the home and thathee he's going to wait for his wife or that he doesn't knowo th who the male is . is that himas namele i is davide and that he is a friend. >> so what does that mean exactly? well, again, we don' t and we can't know.'s we do know that anyone who has ever met paul pelosi can tell le you he is an awfully nice man.rd he's warm and he's friendly. and he certainly didn't deserver to be hit in the head with a hammer. it's horrifying that he was. s >> but as long as this is a news story with public policy implicationsations and, and unfy ,that's what it's become, it you is fair to ask the obvious question wbout anys, as you wout any other violent crime that occurs in americasinc and especiallye this one , sine so many facts, basic facts seem to be in dispute. local ktvu investigative reporter evan sinofsky, for tigateexample, initially reportd
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that the pappe was, quote,was found in underwear when policeap arrived today, sinofsky madeof a specific point of retractingr that claim. quote, i'm nows told by other p sources that the pappe is not u dressed only in his underwear. well, okay, fairfair e enough.d we'd be satisfied with eitheru ' explanation. not really. our businesst thi, but you can blame. and this is the point. thi you can't blame people watching' hereof this at home for thinking that maybe there's something weird going on here. parts of the official account. don't seem to make any sense. b >>od so the solution, obviously is to release the police body ot cam footage from last fridayen d that's often done immediately in cases like this, cases that a attract heavy public scrutiny. >> transparency restores the public's faith in the system. the it is the only thing that df >> in fact, that's the wholeo re point of body cams. to reassure people thatat they can really know what .happened. rmation. transparency is the antidote o to , quote, misinformation. on the other hand , if you want people to fall headfirst into crazed conspiracy theories, then you keep lying and hiding things.
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>> and yetd , for some reason, the san francisco police department is refusing to release friday'ase s body cad video. we learned that today when wayee filed a records request. quest.e, they said. lot so until we see that tape, there is a lot that we cannot qt know. ct you but the main question tonight, a one that's going to affect your lif e going forward, xactly because this story will affect i your life. the question is , who exactld y is david pappe? many in the media seemly unint studiouslyer uninterested. they don't really want to know. at a police press conference last week, reporter was caught m on a hot mic being instructedic great dene not to discuss to pappe in any great detail. so it wata it s leftwa the end o journalist who doesn't work for a big media outlet. independent reportera ou michael shellenberger. to fill in some of the blanks.l shellenberger first diin dacro the obvious. hess went to where he was livin. across the bay in berkeley,f tht you're seeing an image of itreen on your screen right now. >> apparently, de happy wasime n camping full time in a a dilapidated ken kesey stylet school busa timed , complete wia gay pride flag out frontnd and a sign that reads berkeley standss
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against hate.angs a behind the bus hangs a blm banner. cle so politically, this picture whe could not be clearer. you know thi, where this guy stands. but shellenberger and others kept digging. known they found that pappy was, in a fact, well known in the area and the entiree bay area as ahg hallucinogenic drug enthusiast and a semi professional, heo often appeared at theme events . david to pappe ol f a prior criminal history, that's an obviouvious ans question, perhas a relevant one , but we can'tswi answer it because once again, authorities in san franciscoor have refused to tell us or anyone else. we do know that the people around it, david to pappe, believe that he was completelyly deranged. the ones who knew him best thought that the same psycho chroniclinterve interviewed his ex-girlfriend, who reported that the perp is mentally ill and struggles with drugs. onc for example, he once thought he was, quote, for a year. he has never been able to hold a job, said the former girlfriend. he has been homelessa job, said this person really does suffer s from mental illness, and thatuf is probably why he was there at two a.m. she described him00 a.m as a, quote, broken child.. a
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an adult with serious mental problems. seto papis neighbors who would know said more or less the sameh thinbog. thing. >> anything strang e about himmr or anything? you know, there's somethin g strange about the entire household is very, very strange. reabout him. him and he is birds of a feather.dso akin to them. so they are just, you know, drug abusers and that'sitates who gravitate toward that. so just another homeless, mentally ill drug addict with the fondness for bl m. that's not quite so unusual in san francisco. oh, there'ite sos one other hig unsurprising thing about david , papi. he's also an illegalthvid alien today. fox is bill mulugeta learnedie that de papi, who was originallyn origin from canada,s long overstayed his visa. so he is currently iy inn this i country illegally. so to restate the perpetratorloi in this violent crime againstll paul pelosi is a mentally ill drug d addicted illegal alien who takes hallucinogens and lives in a hippie school
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bus in berkeley with a blm banner and a pride flag out in fronsct. >> so take those uncontested facts and let them rattle so takaround your brain for a mu until a recognizable pattern emerge s. nd lik what does this sound like to you if you guessed this thi is obviously a textbook case ofr home grown right wing extremism? white wing, then obviously you'e been watching a lot of cable he news today. >> here' as a selection. vio is this political violence, in your opinion? it seems to be clear that the the content of his socialcon media and the statements hes na? allegedly made about where is nancy? we'r wee going to wait for nancy certainly points in that direction. >> seems like there' >>s effort t to normalize this kind of behavior and to make trumper feel at home and prioritize their feelings. >> this is aboute an election denialism. what has happened over the lastw two years has seepedhat har th e the minds and the thoughts ofnd some unstable peoples , deranged
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right wing fanatics, trump media alliesics and some of the most powerful people in the world. we're feverishly trying to stird up conspiracy theories that distracted from the centra fl political headline of this story that yearsstory. ofrump-fe republican propaganda and trump fueled fascismle led forty two year old david to pappe to break in to nancy pelosi'spes san francisco home. >> well, to be fair, the fact that mika brzezinski has a high paying job does give risen to conspiracy theories. i mean, in a faifair sr societyt how could that happen? hit but it has.e bo >>tt but the bottom line is ,n s ladies and gentlemen, the mentally ill, homeless, illegal alien drug addict who lives in a paintedllegalen l bus in berkeley with the blm flag is actually despite appearances, another member ofo donald trump's on army is cnn commentator david axelrod. >> put it far right conspiracy theories are to blame here.ies r and of course, jen rubin ate to "the washington post" accused right wing republicans of inciting violence against the pelosi family. ceusing this illegal
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alien homeless guy on drugs. t i >> the farze right demonized pelosi and that led to the attackd . read a banner on msnbc. msn so on what grounds other than political desperation, are they saying things like this? well, according to some thing reports, the homeless, mentallyg ill, drug addicted illegal alien david pappe somehow maintained websites with right wing contentb sites wi on them. one of these sites wasndly apparently called friendly friends, .com anm. w and the strange thing about that web site is that the web address for it was registered back in september. but there's content t on the sic that is backdated to august and internet archiving services didn't register any contentog from that blog, apparently.appae >> david tntlyo pappy's blog unl october twenty eight . that was the dayl of the papis attack on paul pelosiosi. on october. twenty eight friendly friends .com suddenly included a bunch of incoherent posts about ufos and peter navarro weren't making that up. >> those are the facts. 0 what do they mean?what what's a right d wing conspirac?
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obviously better indict marjorie taylor greene for the crim bettee. cr >>im so keep in mind, as you shake your head in bewilderment at all of this, that the midterm elections are next are day and democrats are in trouble and they believe the attack on paul pelosi might help the thethm, as margaret bre explained over on cbs, because o a mentally illegal alien attacked nancy pelosi's husband is now immoral to criticize the leader of democrats a week before an demoa election. didates is more the one hundred andion sixteen million on ads that mention speaker pelosi by name in thispea bs cycle. the >> if this is about the issues ,why should make it about the issue? >> we are the result. >> don't you think this needs to change? why not get some of these? you makege? it about the issues says th lady who spent four years screaming about donaldrump trump, the man. >> it's hilarious and brazens ar and shameless. and the second the midterms are over, they'll stope . sts, but the point is , as always,goh all the journalist journalistse
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got the same memo and they're all running with the same memo,t of course, using exactly the samehee . ashley parker at "the washington post" wrote this quote, in 2020, llio the gop spent 40 milliong dollars vilifying pelosi in adp . and on friday, her husband was attacked by a hammer. t corresee the direc correlatiolan? >> if you criticize nancyviousl pelosi, obviously you're endangering her family. ofcause she does run the political party that's facing reelection right now tha that controls the united states congress. >>ls the united stat she's thira the presidency. but you can't criticize her because if you duso, you're just like your acolyte, paul de pappe. so the republican party clearlyo needs to stop running advertisements that hurt ads ahead ofse the midterms. please. that's the problem here. blem not the mentally ill blm in berkeley. >> s bo what they're really arguing is in the wake of thiss attack, which is awful, against someone who did not deserve it. and we want to be clear about, n that policy really is a nice guy. hard to believe, butlosi he is but in the wake of that,re they're telling you,n't ha unfortunately, you can no
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longer have free speech where tht. ple of >> they're telling you this is an example of stoate chapstick terroris, com, which t completely meaningless phrase that emerged like a viruf ths o of the university to infect our public discourse or more precisely, to suppres to ss our public discourse. >> reuters has reported that d we're quoting terrorisiscom and extremism. >> experts believe i ct couldou be an example of the growing threat of so-calleexample ofd sr terrorism in which sometimes unstable individuals are inspired to violence by hate speech. >> okay,dualism are inspired whe by the way? all of a sudden, everyone in the media has sort of withoutage explaining why, agree that there's this thing called hate speech that's real and probably actionable. u they can find a billion dollar judgment against you if yobuu commit hate speech. >> but just to remind everyoneat watching, there's no such thing as hate speech. chhate speech is speech.y th people hate usually the peoplep. in power. , the truth is all speecexh except speech that encourages people, e to imminent illegal action, like go shoot that guy.shoo short oft t of that, there's noe
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speech. all of it's allowed unde ar the united states constitution ,which is our final hope.s that >> but what they're telling youa is that dissentingny in any wayn from the editorial positions of, say, "the washington post" ors gton post or the the daily r the atlantic magazine disagreeing with those publicationspublicatio. us >> the consensus they represent isn't isn't simply immoral. no, it's worse than that. it's violenc sim e. it gets people killed. that's the stochastic terrorism . when you question, sayols or, c protocols or drag queen story,ia our or the war against russia, you are effectively smashing an eighty two year old man inmaargu the head with a hammerme. they're making that argument.. and of course, they have n o choice but to make that argument. the codemocrats are very worried about the coming elections, but they're absolutely lon musk terrified that elon musk may allow people to criticize them on twitter. o >> and they know whyou republicans don't seem to know, which is without censorship, cannot c the democratic party cannot continue to hold power. de thattop yoerstandpower. they have nothing to offer. they have to stop yog u fromy ht asking questionso . ight
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so they have to crush elont becs musk, not because he's a rightl winger, but because he will allow their opponents to speak. >> and , of course, they are ari using the attack on poor paul pelosi to do just that. tih the new york times has just i come out with a piece that says and we're quoting elon mussharea retweet, sharekes a link from a site known to publish fakealsk news. really, what did you learn musta do? well, he linked to alledn articn about how paul pelosi calledt th the guy in his home a friend.1 >>ta well,pe that's what the 911 tape says. not and you ca.n draw your ownt care conclusions or not. mayb which ie you don't care, wh is also fine. >> how is that fake?. seems to be real.c nbc news is ben collins. explain that musk's tweets orsea quote, how you lose a democracy in the age obyf the internet.qun >> oh,s. by asking questions. jimmy kimmel attacked musk, personally. used to be a comic sad . sad to watch that decline. mus it's been interesting. kimmel wrote tato us tcho watchm blossom an electric car guyy to into a fully formed piece of f human. >>ord piec then cnn told intervs today that in the wake of of tattack on paul pelosi, elon musk can no longer let peoplehe speak freely paul pe on twitter
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spea was his plan, but no more in the wake of the attack. and pelosi must must retain,ll quote, what the far right calls. censorship of the far right. ide but you don't need to bes far right to identifynd t the censorship because censorship is exactly what it is . and to restate democratso mocrao longer exist or hold powerthey without it. they nee need censd to censorsho and they're going to try to usei this horrifying crimnge to hold on to it. >> but s something else is going on here, too. somethinthatg beneath even all c that, obviously, by immediately politicizing the attacks,ially. democrats get a lott th potentially. >> but the main thing they do is effectively obscure the deepest truttruth ofh fall,h is that what happened to paul pelosi is not so unusual anymore. s country crime in this countryf control by every measure. attacks by the mentally ill,homs homeless, even non, who don't live in buses. bu tt the mentally ill homelesse are not their own category. they're a featurl homelesse of our cities. in fact, of every part o dethis country controlled by theces democratic party. ma livtte iner one of those
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places, no matter who you vote for, you know that that's true. trfronget pushed in front of a y train by one of them. that's entirelaiy real. . here's one reasonpl and especially awful example from california. calia fifty four year old mana and his twenty two year old daughter were just stabbed to death ipan the parking lot o a kohl's and palmdale by mentally ill homeless manles not an unusual story, but a particularly awful one . here's a local news count. >> residents say there are multiple homeless encampments in the area and that people are known to live out of their carsb in the back of this particularay parking lot, everyone said they're shocked by the violence. >> for the me, i was like dumbfounded. just this thing. like when somebody got stabbeddi int bed in daylight. i mean, like, it doesn't matter if it's daylight or my time, but the fact that people have the audacity, which means, hey, people don't care, you know, especially dealing with the type of mentality that these homeless people have. they don't care. sos on'te. to find out like, wait t geminute, somewhere where i go shopping to get gat s to my bank is right here. but thenut some dead s personom is right there. that's infuriating and sad. >> s so to restate with heartfet
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sincerity, we couldn't feeli wh worse about what happenedo to paul pelosi. >> he didn't deserve it. dion the oon the other hand , ie going to be injured innt a violent crime in 2020 two,wa not so surprising that thatimesa crime was committed by are mentally ill homeless man a cause so by many crimes are committed by mentally ill homeless people, a fact that t everyone who lives in the cityar understands perfectly well and the people who are making it possible, the leaders, the democratic party, assiduouslocratic pay ignore. this summer, a nonprofitignore director in san francisco, for example, a man called james spagnola as two homeless men to move away from the stepsi of the community center. in response, t the homeless mens violently beat him with woodenen plank and send him to the t hospital. this happened at 11 a.m.o th ine broad daylight. this happens all the time. and here's the point. the psycho drug addled zombies e who do it are usually released. the same day to do it again. everyone knows that it's notltsp accidental. >> the result of policysi sup policies that nancy pelosipo
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supports in her own city. >> but in this case, the guy did not walk because it happened in nancy pelosi's house. so the guy is still in jail. bei he's not benefiting from cashless bail. the police got there in two minutes in san francisco. that's four time ts faster than the average average response time in san francisco, four times. re >> so the lesson here couldn'tan be more obvious. they're screaming is designed to keep you from reaching this conclusion. but here it is nancy pelosi and her party, the democratic party is not an overstatement. atement to havto say this have d created a breakdown in law and order and safety and quality of life in odar your neighborhood. yet they are given special treatment themselves when it happenn s to them so you can grieve the attace k on paule pelosi and see it is horrifyingt because it is and still b understand that the response to it would noe t be extended to you. it's it's a doubl a te standard.wo it's a two tiered system ofin
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justice that's completely unacceptable. and it's not justice iact.n fac it's the opposite. so the media oughting ab to beo specifing about this. this is happening. this crime specifically happened. but so man happeney others have happened because of policies designed to allow themhey pa to happen. >> and someone in the presson should point that out. hey, paul pelosi is noly ts gu the only guy who got attackey d by a nutcase homeless guy this month. t sayingbut they're not saying . and because they're notht sayinc thatia democratic politicians get to skate and not jus stkate skate, but you grandstand on republican violence in ways that any persoy an, the sense i shame would be totally beca becausee themse you'd hate yourself for doing it. but they don't hate themselves. they'ls. thahatever it take obamhe very same day that barack obama blamed republicans for assaulting paul pelosi, obama was campaigning in wisconsin for tony evers. >> does that name sound familiar? that's the governor whr who led homicidal mobs take over the city of kenosha two years ago. for polireasons.for political r. >> watch this. we've got politicians who work
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to stir up division to try ang to make us angry and afraid of one another for their own advantage. r theiand all of it gets amped b hyped up 24/7 by social mediaa because a lot of times those are their for profit platform. and they find it t more profitable to feed you controverso y or conflict insted of facts and truth.ts and and sometimes it can turn dangerous. da your speech turnshe dangerous. other people are stirring upan resentment. evereally no precedent in american history. ever caused, intentionally caused more racial division, more rac hae than barack obama o did, of coursebv, was the key to his second term. obviously,methin but the solutin is something that he did is prohibiting you from saying o
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what you think shutting downurto your constitutionally protected. right, your god given right. sato say what you think is true is always the solution. because they conflate wordswhen with violence when it suitss them. e pa in georgia last week, barackundh obama said democrats, the party that defunded the policepolice, the democratic party somehow, he said, bears n foor i responsibility for the rise in violene alt crime all overbama the country. in fact, obama pretended democrats had not votedpo to defund the police at all,d fo who actually voted against more resources for the police departments. rources forit's okay if you sa >> maybe it works. wh baltimore in gary, indiana, in minneapolis, in new york and seattle and portland, oregon. how ard oregone those cities do? >> speaking shamelessness,f kathy hochul, this one on al sharpton show to claim that the crime wave, the one thatto crim watching, the one thatyou r may have hurt yo ku or killed s allf your neighbors, it' fake in the statement that is crazier than anything. alex jones has ever thought. >> they have see going all
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across america to trypeople and convince people that inic sr democratic states they're noaitt safe . well, guess what?, they're also notthey only electy deniers, they're data deniers. the data shows that shootingsaro and murders are down iwnn our state by 15 percent. even in new york city, down 20% on long island. >> really, zeldin comes from. h so that's just a lie, actually . conew york is so dangerous that people are leaving. rents haven't gone downors ar as foreign investors are buying up a lot of the buildings, buta t people are leaving new york iy droves, of course. >> but according to kathyazier hochul, in a claim that is truly crazier than anything alex jones has ever even though e showt in the showerochul is to himself, kathy hochul is telling young that the data are fake. >> so here you have a city inp which new york city subway ridership has dropped by 40thy percent over the last two years. >> now, according kathy hochul,n it's not because subway ridersof are being pushed in front of trains. people being attacked by mentally ill homeless. apparentlno.y mil
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millions of new yorkers are r watching fox news. they've been fooled by right wing pa into thinkingda the subway is dangerous. th that's what she's suggesting . this is toiso stupid.lie. this is a lie. voters know it's a nex and when democrats get crushedti in next week's midterms, it'll be in part because people a hao live in cities and states run by liberals understand thapt what happened to paul pelosi, an could very well happen to them. and no one would care. morning joe would pretend it never happened. needso republican terry lakennio is running for governor in arizona. t wouldattentthink i be a race that would drawio national attention to permanent washington fucomple is completely freaked out because they seetut and heard the future. ri lak and it's note a future in which they win. here like joins us straight ahead. ah.with details. al the stus, brand new documents revealed the national security state is collaborating with big tech to censor americans. the biden administrationo censor
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shutting down your freedom ofuta speech in an unconscious legal way. and now they're caught. we've got to tell ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage blake masters. this may be the most significant midterm elections of our lifetime. four months our team was able to embed with the masters campaign, a republican candidate who is not
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a politician, who may be an actual reformer. i'm trying to show people what a new breed of politician looks like. we're going to send a fighter to d.c. that's the fighter. our job is to see what it takes for a different kind of candidate. to win in one of the most competitive states in the country. i know it's going to be hard, but it, it's this important. and so i feel called to do it, even if i'm just a kid from tucson, arizona. we're going to turn this country around. >> let's go . tucker carlson, originals. the candidate, blake masters streaming now exclusively on fox station. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and i want to give each and every one of you one last chance to get your very own. mypillow, parkhill bed sheets go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. use your promo code and you'll get the lowest prices ever. for example, you get my bill showing queen size, regular eighty nine .
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establish its own ministryed nistry o ofbe truth. it was s do ridiculous iist had to be disbanded almost immediately. when running. it was so far out. she was a parodydiscredi and discredited the censorship movement. but that doesn't mean dhs has dn stopped trying't to censor you. oh, they are used to know about it. t thanks to the intercept, which just obtained many years of internal documents from dhs. we know that companies like worg with tok and twitter have been working closely with the biden administration to , quote, curb speech that the administration doesn't approve of. emails also show that twitter's top censor, vagi gaudi, was just fired by elon musk, met every month with the by demonstration sensors dhs to talk about new ways to get wy you to shut up and unconstitutional fashion.. lee fang broke the story. he's an investigative journalist. from id joinsight. us tonight. we thanks so mucnk youh fo sr cg on . this seems like really important story, is which is for bein some reason being ignored. >>igno do we get the outlines, n the administration is working with the tech companies
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to censor people? yeah, that's right, tucker. we looked at really hundreds of documents that paint a vivid picture of the fbi, the closely collaborating with the top social media platformsorms, twitter and facebook, to censor various forms of contents of unp the banner of fighting disinformation. th. the story shows a couple on of things. one , it shows wharet yolatiu jn mentioned, a very cozy relationship betweenrnment and th the government and these tech giants. there's those monthly meetings that that yd bu you just mentiot also just very cozy emails and texts, not a veryia adversarial relationship. we looked at one text where microsoft executive text,t textd jen is truly the top disinfo director at dhs, appointed by biden, basically sayingre the government needs to get the private sector needs to getf more comfortable with the governmentortablernmen. talking they're closely collaborating on reports, talking abou thet censexpanded role for dhs in censoring a really broadc collection of topic areas off policy and political topics.
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and just broadly speaking,look the story also just looks atf the mission creep of dhs. this this is an agency that was founded in the aftermath of 9/11 to combat foreign terrore threats of al qaeda and the like. . but over tbut over the last fiv, it's kind of evolved in itsg mission. r just it's move towards fighting disinfo. and their justification is , , yo you ormationu. , disinformation radicalizes the homeland. ca ad tn lead to disruptions in public health or in political violence. so thaveso they have a justific we have these documentsing forw and they're pushing forwarardd with this broad censorship agenda. s criticizing the people inyou kn charge is dangerous. you knowow, i don't know, i donf did this story at the at the intercept. >> i'm just so gratefu l that service you did., i it's a great story. you it's a huge public service. i hope you were rewarded for it. no doubt you will be. >> but you should be laughing. thank you so thank you for having me. >> thank you so most i republican voters believe that
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ney if liz cheney attacks you, you're probably someone they want to vote for and soth by that standard, kerry leak lake just got maybe the mostd important endorser she couldy li ever get .cheyne >> she's despised by liz cheney. she joinshe joins s us . it started in 1970 to an avid young angler with a passion for fishing, opened his first tackle shop in his father's liquor store. his goal sort of fellow anglers and provide great value for over 50 years. johnny morris's dream has grown to serve conservation and all who love the great outdoors. it's woven in the roots of bass pro shops, friendly, passionate outsiders helping you build lasting memories. bass, pro shops and cabela's voted america's best outdoor retailer. hello, i'm mike lindell and my employees and i want to thank you for your continued support by bringing you the biggest sale ever. >> get my six piece tulsans for
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tonight to network television's greatest spectacle. s has come back to the stars on the planet, but unleashed a crime time and again. a friday night smackdown sponsored by progressive at 8:00 eastern on fox and the fox sports app. liz liz cheney is so loathsomeey i on every level. n even with her last name, votersr in wyoming rejected her in the republican primary and has recently. so she's out, but she's got a couple more months incong the stss and she'sress spending your time not helping the state she supposed represents, but attacking kerry lake in k arizona. soari cheney is so obsessed with kerry lake that she cut an. ad against her. >> watch i don't know that i have ever voted for a democrat, but if i lived in arizona, i absolutely would. you have a candidate for governor , terry lake. candi you have a candidate forcretar secretary of state, mark fincham, both ofy of s whom havd
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that they will only honor the results of an electionhe ifn they agree with it. and if you card ife about the survival of our republic,pep we cannot give people power.le we will not honor elections. >> i've never voted for. a democrat. well, of course, liz is a left wing democrat. we'll stop lying. so in response in res, ad, y. kerry lake wrote this letteru fo to liz cheney begins, quote, dear liz, thank you for your generous income and contribution to my campaign. your recent tv ad urging arizonans not to vote for me is doing just the opposite. our campaign donations are skyrocketing and our website traffi crashed from the traffiec . gary lak e is running for r governor of arizona. as noted, she joins us today fo. >> thanks so much for coming con in. is that true? that's true.. trueliz cheney now is my offici. my biggest fund raiser to date . we've raised a half a million r dollars since she did the anti endorsement. and people are still flockinsegd to our websitecking to. com and a it's beendn an incredible boon for us in fundraising. so i got to extend a big thanktucker
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you to liz.we and at this rate, tucker, we h might have to invite her to our inaugural ball because we'reto going to have to thank her forf bringing in so much fundraising money for us . >> well, you'd think it'sngress a little weird since she is awoe congresswoman still from wyoming. 's l oshe's got a lot of hobbiea shlie could be planning a new invasion of somalia ord on something. but she's attacking you.. she's very focused on you. why? is i'm beo yoy is that, do you thi? >> well, i think the same reason i'm being attackedut by the media. i'm speaking the truth. i mean, yo you about it in med your monologue tonight. we can't talk about al l these issues because the media has you they're prohibited. you know, you can't talk about t vaccines. peu can't talkions about electi. you can't talk about paul pelosi now. you can't talk about nancy abouh pelosi and you can't talk aboutd the elections and you can't talk about covid. thos and i'm talking about all those things because i still believetm we have a little bit of the first amendment left. iz but i'm dangerous to people and like liz cheney and the folks m. that she hangs out with , power
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and they want to stop people like me. >> words are powerfuful. y undea i will saynd the left, liz cheney, for example, r they understand that. so i want to ask your reaction to this story. so recently, the headquartere hs for katie hobbs, it's race, the person you're running against in the governor's race will not debate yo vandaliu wase vandalized. th the suspect broke i an and stole a few things. the suspect's name is danielrtey motd dos reyes, and reportedlyal he's an illegal immigrantat to this country. >> what's your reaction to that story? s he's currently in this country illegally. >> and i had had heard that cant as well. but, you know, you t can'tk say that now because you can't talk about that.wo it's insensitive and the press won't report than'hat.t. , he and i'm glad that you just said that because. that's right. he is currentlis county in thiso illegally, just like it sounds like we've had manuny other instances where people are here illegally and the reporters nevet because itha proves the point that havingan a wide open border meansncidents more crime, higher incidence of crime for american citizens.izo. and that's what we're seeingut here in arizona. and you talked about the a homes
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man that was found half naked in pelosi's home. this is why republicans have i have a homeless policy, the press doesn't wa i have a homeless policy. the press doesn't want to talko about that. i have a policy to work to end chronic street homelessness, get peoplestreet help, get theme the streets and return quality of life foanr the hardworkind ri but th of arizona. but the press would rather rather act like there's beenpons some watergate break in at my opponent's office. ce.n't eveni don't even know whw office is , by the way. t watheys inat and a basement somewhere. they'd rather cover thatlies and make up lies than cover our policies, which will actually help the people of arizona and mak e them safer. the press has gone bad and the t people are awake to it. >> the fact that even runn someone as lame as katie hobbsjo for governor of a major state tells you that they believe the they have the systemha orn't they think they can't lose. >> i mean, why. wouldn'tomeone they pick someone who can talk , ? well, her sister, her twin sister, actually , there wasf he
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some undercover video of her the other day. other dasaying that she voted fn and i was listening to hercove and that undercover video and she could actually communicate a little better. and i thought, well, she's obviousld actual a y smarter if she for m voted for me. and she can obviousld y articulate some points, why didn't they run her twin sisteru instead of katien he, who can't seem to articulate even her policies? polbefore the people of arizon a debate? >> it's almost sad. carrie lee joining us . thank you very much. great to see you. thank you, tucker. muc soh. corporate media outlets are awful, obviously, but the gooden news is people know they're awful. so they ar people collapsing. at their business models don'ts work anymore. and it's not jus t the united states . it's true.n even in el salvador, where i the media have tried and failed to destroy the single mosthe popular president in the world.m and they buchelios, who runs el salvador, he joins us now. >> you're santa? no, i asked for a lot last year, but this year
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is different. all i want is the u.s. to win the world cup. >> this is the team that's going to make a run. and we have to do is a leader that's like your whole thing seems there's more for this here. hello, i'm mike lindell. >> in the light of the recent events, your continued support means everything to myself and my employees to thank you for having the biggest sale ever on my pillow. bening get my pillow bed sheets for as long as 20, 1998, a set of pillowcases for only nineteen ninety eight in this economy. instead of buying a new bed, rejuvenate your bed with my pillow mattress topper for as low as ninety nine ninety nine . we all share blankets in a variety of sizes, colors and styles like plush wildflower gossamer for as low as twenty nine ninety eight .
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anyway when he sat down for a with him for an episode of tucker carlson today, he tolds h us that the entire world's economic system is trying to destroy the values are the most important to humant beings. ant >>to here's part of it. you know, they say that the federal reserve is nothing federal and has no reserves. right. bring so so they do print more money . they rob you sav froingsm your h and from your savings. and that's in moramoral.l. but it's not only immoral, butme it also destroys some basic f economic principles, like, foris example, save or your pension from this financiall publ publications. they will print liesic . i but, you know, there's there's something special about lies is that they last for long. they didn't last long. so when people realize these things don't make any sensetheme and or they see from themselves the difference, likelves, for example, have gone three times to a and different. yes. in different times.
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and so they they see thingsey se to a different light and they see reality. im, you know, reality.y always impose itself over overlieposs just because it's real. so it's it's it's easier to hold it.r it's easietor to to show it or to demonstrate it's it's true. w so we are we we're takingt some heat. but if but iiff you if you look a little back, they didn't care about us before. so, we h now, yes, we do have bn publications in forbes, the financial times, if 't t el sthey weren't writing about us there before, it's not likeig we lose anything. so and there's other publications writing interesting stories about us . but some guy just this is aof cs joke. of course, it's noe,t. it's not. but he just said it's salvador has the most documentarist per capita because there's a lot of people doing documentaries about bitcoin adoption, aboutt saraph, because you have a lotoe great surfing in el so they have a lot of security
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measures where we're implementing against msecuris 1. so we're getting a lot of a lot of good press and we're getting bad press, too. but the guys bringing the bad i' press didn't write anythings about el salvador before. so it's not that we're losing their audience and also their audienceirs diminishing. ' right, because they'rere theren during that. even-- it's not even close. usey're not as important as they used to be. almos they actually almostt irrelevant, but they have their legacy they names. but who buys at time magazine anymore? i , and i mean, i don't know anybody but before it was a very important thing in a kiosk to buy a "newsweek" oro time magazine. but nobuw who buys a magazinea a and more who subscribe to a magazine online? nobody. i mean, it'szi li really it's just really names legacy names and their twitter accounts. so it's it's. not really, youkn know, then they're reallowy, juinstream media anymore.
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>> they're just, you know,a they're just accounts and social media with a legacyou name of being major medi da. >> and you don't seem to care what they say. well, yeah mean,, i mean, you k, but, o i have learned not to care, butm of course, at the beginning, i do care. i did care because for me, i thought therw e were importan. now that i see they aren'tarnedo cad since they are not treating us that well, i've learned notre to care. and i think it's better because this and if you look atfor the ratings, for example, the amount of subscribers they have is really ridiculous. diculousmeani mean, the i mean,. watching them,'s l nobody watches cnn anymore.ik ws it's like i , i was we were talking yesterday about, you know, sad that we have e this new show of the new shows. of course, local and the, uh, news. i didn't did any a show in like
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nightly news. yeah. h,the nightly news, the main nightly news, local nightly news for channel four. chann they have likeel one million viewers every night out of seven millionevery nigh n live their lives in el salvador. the living you have one million viewers, which is not much. weot m you know 14% of the popun is watching. and then cnng. in primetime, you have like half a million viewers. so a channel four back in el elr salvador has twice the the c ratings of cnn in the whole united states with three hundred million people. so, i mean, who cares? c it doesn't make anary sense for them to be airing their shows anymore. >>shows it doesn't make sense r cnn to be airing. >> it shows anymore. would you why would you care what they think? >> boy, is that great advice. you can watccon watcnversah the conversation tomorrow on fox
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way] . >> oh i know. we're going to be having aa dt alcoholics anonymous. we're here to help. >> we're about to start the meeting. welcome to anyone new . for more information is at eigg and download the meeting guide app tuesday. the ohio town hall ahead of the critical midterm for the swing state, dem ryan and
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jd vance face off in front of an audience of bipartisan voters. bradbury and martha maccallum, co moderate. the ohio town hall tuesday. that's it for us today. we're out of time. , big big show, though s, tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. as always, the enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink have th the best night with the ones you love. >> here's sean hannity. al l right. >> and tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity. gol right. here we are, only eight days to go tonight. t herschel walker, herschel walker, dr. oz, senator ron johnson, will all join us straight ahead. these races will likely determine the balance of powera in the u.s. senate, and it absolutely matters to all of you. plus, we will bring you the latest polls analysis has how republicans continue to surge all across the country noacross thew, even washington e is very much in play that senateto race. look at this right here is aghte statistical tie, real clear politics just moved it into the tossup column. but let'e
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