tv Hannity FOX News November 2, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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laws that disproportionately impact the community. >> so voter i.d. laws disproportionately impact trans people because trans people ares more likely to have ide s withot the name that they go by and the gender marker that reflectse how they present. >> tucker: got to say, it's kind of compelling. i mean, we were for voter i.d., but now that you're tellingw yo us it hurts the trans community, go ahead and commit vote tellir fraud. fine with us.go ahe sean hannity next. >> having a hard time keeping up with all this. i support voter laws. can we keep it simple and all right, tucker, thank you. >> and welcome to hannity. all right. >> if you in a little . well, turn your stomach. six the midterms only six days away. conditions look righ days t fora a major wave election. and while the polls are now generally good for republicans,' you're not goingre to hear anything. pollyannis th on this program. ovdon't like the idea of overpromising and delivering. . the only thing that's going to matter is what happens at
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the polls, and that will bebe nx next tuesday. make no mistake, anything can happen. we'll be talking about the results, or at leaste. some of them. one week from tonight, we'll know in most states , hopefully all states , the results. now, according to real s clear politics, their average five senate racefis and more thn two dozen house races ares within two points. soare wi think about this. this is why i'm not pollyannish. this is why i don't want to create a condition where people are overly enthusiastic within two points. that's five states. now, that's the balance of power in congress, well within the margin of error. now, just a fe'sw thousand votes can decide whether or not joe biden and his radical democratic socialist party will continue to have full control of your government. now, three key gubernatorial races are also within two points, including right here in the state of new york . these race s are all tight. and don't forget, in 2016, think about this. polls show donald trump losing handily. and then he shocked the worldedn and he wonalp losing the electii
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and if youon look at three keyte states in 2016, it was decided by a combined seventy seven thousand votes in 2020. the margin for joe biden was just forty three thousand votese in three swing states , despitei the absurd projections, joe carried arizona, for example,proj by less than halfiv a point. now, as you might have noticed, with a few notable exceptions,ex most polls in the last decade have been utter garbage. in other words, your votee is is what matters. your vote is the maiattersn polu if you don't turn out, the democratic party machine will wint arty mac and that woua disaster for you.u, our country, our kids, our grandkids, we can't afford another two years of one partyfr democratic socialist rule. rulene with a pulse knows this country is now suffering. joe biden and the democratic socialist party's policies have done irreparable harm to our economy, to our borders and even your daily daiy safety and security. now, in the shadow of
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the election, democrats are now playing the blame game. now, according to themg , they played no role in any of the crises they themselveselve caused, not the border crisis,-o not the fentanyl and opioid crisis. the bordor the violent crime crh the inflation crisis or the high gas price crisis or the supply chain crisis or even the crisis of confidence at our schools. and according to joe biden, these evil stubhub and mega mega republicans are to blame for all of our troubles, all ofa your woes, the dog bitescc, the bee stings. if you're feeling sad, blame mega mega republicans and theyin have a top secret plan. nobody's uttered the words yet, but they have a top secret plan. ptalk about a conspiracy theory to end medicare and socialecurit security and eliminate the va and abolish democracy y. tonight, once again, joey delivered another kind of bizarre out of touch speechuch p about his hatred, his fullee on hatred for half the country . takeake a look.
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now, extreme anger. ublica republicans ainsm to question nt only the legitimacy of past elections, but elections being held now and into the future. this is an fd we're now in a struggle for democracy, a struggle for decentgnity, and dignity, a struggle for prosperity and progress. a struggle for the very soul of america itself. this is also the first election since the events of january 6th. when the armed, angry mob stormed the u.s. capitol . >> i wish i wish i could say the assault on a democracy that ended that day, but i cannot. a now, in fairness to joe,et your president, he gets an icern cream cone tonight because heghb really did well. he remembered the word megecaly mega republican .word, goodme job, joe . that's the closing argument now for the democrats. mega mega republicans are evil january is january six . but late term abortion up to the very moment of birth. late's
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okay. and by the wayjo, joe's conspiracy theory that republicans want to take away your social security and medicare, what social an ug message full of lies as hillary clinton herself put. republicans are so horrible that they should be disqualified from even voting.. if you're a mega, mega republican , you shouldn't even be allowed to vote. >> take a look. tell me how the attack on paul s pelosi struck you and whati did it tell you about the state of r the right in thiigs country and the hate toward a powerful woman? well, i think your questionf anw kind of answerers itself, joy . there's always been a streak of violence, of, you know, racism, misogyny, anti-semitism, as you said, we're seeing a whole political party. and those who support it, those who enable it, those who runn under its banner, engaging in
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behavior that is so dangerous.o and i find, frankly, disqualifying for people who are running for office. disqualifying, okay.>> h and by the wayan, i shareing. everyone's concern about paul pelosi. we wish him well.n't wa i don't want anybodynt in ameria to be attacked as viciously as he was. inclu thatde would include the dozens of americans that died in summe the rioting in the summer of 2020. the thousands of cops that were injured with rocks and bricks and bottles and molotov cocktail brick s and the billions ofropert dollars in property damage. no democrat talked or spoke out about that violence or o the rhetoric arounf d that lot violence. and we were lied to by a lot of democrats saying that these aren peaceful protests or they said nothing at all, or they tweetedd bail funds to get those people rioting out back out on the street. oplelike kamala harris. now, you have washed up former senator claire mccaskill, echoing hillary's venom, telling her friends at my dnc, l
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half the country lives iitn a slimy little dark corner where all they do is want to lie.. >> take a look . he now, that's where the party of the republicans, liz data,im live. and that really slimy, littl e dark corner where all they want to do is lie. o is a alppl they want to do is appealt to grievances,, to the worst common denominator. >> i wonder if somebody is going to think republicans are evil. is that hate language?are go is that dangerous?ar e evrhetoric? they're desperate. they are angry, and they're blaming you. the american people. they don't care abouteople. the quality of your life. they weren't spitting with ragei . and when gasthe prices were spiking, they don't seem to care. we've had nine straight months of a forty one year high of inflation now through the roof. they don't seem to care. one baby formula went missing. from the shelves. they aren't too concerne d about the rise in violent crime.e sh they don't equate it to their idiotic, imbecilic policies of,
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let's say, defund, dismantle,c i it. ci no bail. they weren't infuriated when businesses and churches were shut down and while kids were kept out of school. buids weret now they're mad . >> they're mad because they might lose power. so i'll conclude with an important reminder for democrater fors, this isn't a gn this is not an episode ofsode the west wing. your horrible policies have had real consequences, especially on america's poor and middle class and people on fixed income. for example, on octoberfo the 4th, in a state in the state of new york , a convicted felon with a e wasafter violenc arrested for assault after thating his wifebe. and thanks to the state's zero bail laws. twenty four hours latert back is right back out oe on the streets. and he proceededs to then execute his wife in front of her kids. n fronkathy hochul, do you care to comment because you support these policies? e you suis at the data denial ye talking about? kathy would the crime denier,
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kathy hochul, would she ever ventured down into the new york city subway system alone without security because i tendb to doubt it. thist is noitt a conspiracy i theory. people are dying because ofpeop defund, dismantle, no bail laws. lein fact, the victim's mother n this case is even blamingctuall the governor, telling the new york post, quote, she shouldd be charged for the crime. she is also responsible fore the crime.for and it's timth crime to restore sanity at the local, state and federals level and get this country back on track. you can make that happen starting in six days. here now with more house minority leader hopes to be speaker one day. >> kevin mccarthy. sir, how are youke?r one ho. good >> so i'm looking at the statelk of inflation oinf forty one year high that was supposed to be transitory. record high gas pricess . now, we've also depletedh ga the strategic petroleum reserves. i'm looking at wide open borders, four and a half million people entering this the
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country illegally. >> the borders would secure under donald trump. i'm looking at no bail laws like we're talking about l defud the police like we talking about. i'm looking at wolk' lice liks bills versus classical education and i'm thinking this is theio biggesn.ant choice election amea has had, at least in my lifetime, that i can thinky ofli. er bee the left has never been thisl. radical. so why so why are some of these races as close as they are? >> well, youlittle talkedto t a little bit about the polls, but you also haval pe to talrekt what the president said tonight. he wasn't uniting us .democrat the democrats were dividing us as they moved forward. they just want to distract from the disasters they created. all those topicsdi created you t up. i listened to the president's speech.e i don't remember hearing anythingprent's sp about inflation, about gas, about border, about fentanyl, about crime or not. >> even the ninety eight entyvio is on the border who are on the terrorist watch list. they have caught wha ot we're really finding in these next six days. this is a hinge election. ays, d thisef is this is a defining
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election, like a nineteenlike a eighty election, whichelo go direction does america wanthat e to go? that's why we have havitment the committe td to america. we literally spell out whatwe lt we'll doer, make us energyent. independent, give us an economy that's strong, secure the border fund the police, stop the prosecutor who are woke give you a parent's bill of rights. >> you kno.w what else? and sa >>ve save and strengthen medicae and social security. or the democrats, i guess, havei a government that acco, a future that's built on freedom.i think i think the entire nation should loothk. rt what has the democrats have done with one party rule? look at whaty the commitmenti' says and make a decision. and i'm talking to all americans, not justt the republicans, but independents, democrats, green party, youut know, this nation can be better. ck somebod somyeb who has a plan to turn thishat'x nation around. >> and that's exactly what we're doing. actl tkevin , your commitmentsr to america. i've read them. commite with them basically. hem, i agree with them, see america first, make americaf
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great again. agenda. in other words, we'rirste turnig to policies that were working twenty one months ago. 21 mo i love the facntt that every congressman has signed on to it. fact very comnow, the questione follow through on it and not? only follow through on joe biden's president , but follow through whent on hopefully a republican is elected and then it could be enacted into laws electe because there s symbolic votes on repealing obd replacing obamacare and that never became a realitym when it mattered. re7, did it? >> no, we got it throughd the house, but unfortunately, in the senate it was stoppedit? now our commitment to americaica promises what we'll do to getem out of the houseises w. >> on our very first day on january 3rd, we're going to vote on a bill . >> we're going to vote to repeal the eighty seven thousand new irs agents because i believe government should be here to help you not. d our feet t hol to the fire . remember, after the ninety four revolution, it took three timest putting on the president's des k before they got welfare reform.t >>he we're going to continuere to fight, moveform us forward. o
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we need yorwu not just to joindo with us, but stay with us as we move it through the househouse to the senate and thean president's desk. but, shawn, you're right. i've been watching your show quite some time. your town halllls,s on the sena. candidates have been tremendous, talking about solutions. it is so important to have the house and the senate bee it gives us an abilityto rep to repeal these regulations. eawith the congressional review act, which is fifty one votess n in the senate. wehe can do reconciliation with fifty one votes inin the senate and put a bill on the president's senat desk. >> we have the appropriation process. so there are a number ofpr wayos that we can achieve what we a talk about in the commitment, even thougboh the president is sitting in office right now. >> let me ask you this then, because the one big power the congreif you have the house, if you have the house and the senate especially, is the power of the purse, you have the ability to fund government or not fund government. now,the ability to f i would bet everything i had that is going to come a point where democrats
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are going to say republicans are going to shut downrepublin the government and they're going to take away your social security will republicans, by the way, social security will be funded. our military will be funded, when they shut down congressusul by the way. >> f soro free vacation usuallyn the end for people. but my question is , will you use that power? will republicans stand strong whenpu comes to the momentstandu to stand up and using the power that you do have? a p okay, we'rowe going to use the power. but i want to be very clear . >> we will always savee and strengthen social security and medicareanl securi. that does not change in the outcome. but you should havee a debate gov about how we spend government money. there shouldn't be a blanky. chec they sk for's t ithe is the taxpayers hard earnd money being spent. we should eliminate this wasteful washington spending and we can do that. >> so this is a part that we need with people. and on that verythe people firse have already sent the preservation letters. th'rervationrs.e going to hold s government accountable, something that hasn't been donae
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. you should know where covid originated from. the doj wentw why after parents for going to school board meetings. we should know what happenedo happened those last 60 days of afghanistan. so that never happens again. afghanso we don't have thirteen new gold star families again. nw these are just a few of the items that we'll be looking at. but whatat will be looki we'll o is moving policy that makespoli us energy independent, notcy jut in america, but we should makehe the rest of the world dependent on u os. es the >> it makes the world more secure and america stronger. we should that mor america rich and it would be good for national security and it would createe a lot of high paying career jobs in the energy sector. >> congressman secure., thank yu being with us. joining us now with commentary, former trump whites. house chied of staff reince priebus m and mark meadows and also with fox news contributor lara trump. laura , will start with you when when you look at states like georgia and new hampshirshire and pennsylvania and even the state of washington, arizona, nevada,
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these races are razor thin. >> laura , i'd like to think republicans will run the table on all of theswill re. i can't say that with any degree of confidence. probably this timer or next week whether or not that, in fact, happens. >> what are your thoughts? >> i mean, i think we are poised for a historic winause because, john , people can't ignore the truth. and they know thatand sinceof 2 january , twenty first of 20201, one , their lives have gone in the wrong direction. their lives have been on the decline in a major way,or of course, since joe biden took office as president of the united states . and whether it's that they lost their job due to histh authoritarian vaccine mandates, whether in november of 2020mandt two, they stilesl can't find baby formula because, yes, thats is still a problem. stillmaybe it's people that dot feel safe in their neighborhoods anymore. someonheir neighe who knows so y people who have died from the fentanyl crisis happening i in america right now, that's, of course, gone unaddressed
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totally by the democrats or the people as we head into winter who are going to haven to decide between putting foodpe on the table for their families. for theilieor heating their ho. they know who is to blame for it's. it's joe biden and the democratb party. their policiesid democra have le this path. we havvee never needed a biggern about face than we do in america right now. but it comes down to voters. you referenced this, the top ofs your show. think about how close some ofe o these races were. in twenty 20, arizona came downs to less than eleven thousand votes. georgia less than 12000 votes.. wisconsin around000 vo twenty thousand votes. if several thousanted peopled pe more had gotten out and votedis in those elections, we wouldn't be in this mess because we would have a different president in the white house. so i want people to think about that over the next five days.da itys is up. to us to make thishn happen. we could have historic wins. we. could see things happen inac
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america we haven't seen in decades with a historia cbut red wave. yo a but you've got to get out and and vote. you go vote early and then t spend your time over the neximt five days making sure everyone, you know, gets out and votend vt because on our countryes and thc future depends on it. we can't continue down thie sdo path for another two years. >> we won't survive.surv well said, marivedk meadows, whn you think about 2016 and you'd think about 2020, you look at, o three swing states in each of those elections and under seventy five thousand votes each election year decided the winner and loser. i mean that is , that is razor thin. ing aboumargins we're talking at here. and then you look at all these. senate races forgot pennsylvania on that list, pennsylvania, georgia, new hampshire,n thatt. nevada, the state of washington, arizona, you look at all thesean states , they all matter. and they all we have to to assu all will be close. >> well, they'll be very close, john . and i thinrek one ofsting see wi
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the interesting things that we're starting to seth de with democrats is they've gone from policy to really just attac a personal attack against their opponents. what they're tryinksnst theineno is raise their base of support,r raise that turnoutt,. most of those races that you're, talking about, sean, will be decided by less than four fou to five people per precinct. and when you think about it, you can look at a dining roomsai table and said, you know, ifodyt everybody at this dining room table doesn t vote in sor precinct, it could have an effect on the outcome. and so i it's critical whether you're in pennsylvania, pe, nevada,orgia f those swingl o states where you've got senate candidates that are in real fights that you turn out. but listen, i'm optimistic that the american people will put forth a ballot that sayspe we'v had enough of the last twenty one months. i can tell you, i wa ys talking to a candidate running for congress. and guess what? presad a call from
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president donald trump talking to him, making sure that s he's willing to fight so that on january 3rd that they're actually doing something for peo the american people. a lot ofpl peoplaboue think, wet doesn't matter which party. well, twenty one months of joe biden make sure that, you bd knowen h, that it does matter.>n >> init matters. reince priebus is the head ofmar the rnc. you you've managed a lot off these closthe races over. the years. what's your advice to the american people? what shoulr advithd they know wi days to go? well, look, you know, if youo pu look at how you put a finer point on which all saying you yu look at wisconsin as an example in the governor's races, in the senate races, they're goingc to spend two hundred milliones trying to influence 50 thousand people that haven't made up their mind. but what i tell people all the time is you focus inwant on what's top of mind to those voters in america and what's mwt top of mind, inflation, gaops prices, grocery prices, crime,,m immigration.
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those are the things thae,t people are thinking about.ices and those undecided voters, they're they're askingrs themselves are a, am i happy win much i'm paying in gas or do i feel safe in my community? should i hav he a say over my parents, over my kids schools? y kidsthat is what candidates sd be talking about. and you know wha shot abortion,i six , all those things, that'sx, like five or six on the list. and that's where these candidates are honing in on because those late deciders, they're not thinking about june six . they're not thinking aboutabor abortion. they're thinking about my kidst, my my future, the money i cant t put in the bank.hek. and that's wha t candidates have to focus on . >> all right. i think you'll make great points and we'll find outt on one week from tonight. we'll be talking about the results at least r the results that we have. probably not all the results,al diich is a national disgrace also. thank you. all thank you, mark.race alsan k you almeadows. thank you, laura .comi good to see you.ngid now coming up, biden'sen economt disaster, it's going from bad to worse. no end in sight.
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the administration zero idea, i. no clue how to fix it. we'll check in with charles payne next as we continue the great beatrice bs going on now. and michael, all trees are on sale. get 50 percent off trees installing online and get black friday prices. now, electric plus earn up to six. and michael's rewards for in is november 12 . >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium triple action formula was developed by renowned
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week trial plus postage and a digital scam. go to, try and get started today. >> all right. now, tonight, the biden economy is going from bad to worse as the country is now facing the real possibility of a diesel fuel shortage. d somethis winter and a real possibility that heating bills spikin and a rg north of 30%, especially in the northeast this winter. as biden's energy policies now continue to our energy security, hardworking americans all across the country are now o sufferinurg. now, look at this report from the wall street journal, even warning of winter blackouts across new england, all because of joe biden, his economic, his energy policies. and , of course, his efforts co
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to artificially reduce the world's supply of energye wl because we need renewables and let the new green deal socialist climate cultists set his agenda. but the disaster does not stop there. now, the dow tanked agai n today after the federal reserve chairman, jerome powell,ro announced another fornerme powo seventy five basis point mecrease rate in a rate hike, meaning that it's now goingt ev to cost even more to buy a newau home or used home. now, that's four months in a row, a massive increase inn interest rates. int mean to take a look at your screen? a monthly mortgage payment of an april rate, a 30 year rate would be a whopping three hundred more a month than a seven percent increase orand a seven percent rate at 30 years and around a thousand dollars more every singleonth w month. when you compare ihet to theu rates under president trump, whw which were well under three percent. now, think about that. now we go from, what, an
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average of two point seven percent, a little under three percent for a 30 year30-ya fixed rate mortgage. okay, so now you'll pay twelve thousand dollars more per year m over 30 years that is a whopping three hundred and sixty thousand dollarshoppin more for five hundred thousand dollar home over 30 yearr a $50r with a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. so let's be clear. we'r e now headed towards 80%% for for a 30 year fixed.a doubi would not be surprised if double digit rates are now in in our future. and all of that is added to surging biden inflation. havs you have rising priceses everywhere from the gas station, from th the grocery aie sinking stock market. everyone'socer for one ks are ae suffering, all caused by joe biden, his economic and his energy problems. but what is the white house's response to mislead you, the american people even more ? take a look. a screen again.e dele the white house deleted this tweet today touting an increase to social security checks after twitter. ost
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fact check the post explaininglo well that the only reasonpaymen the payments going up binds is because of biden's inflation and the cost of living adjustments. i cola, they call it. now, this is why i cannoty convey my full urgency in wordsy about how critical and crucial this election really is here with reaction, fox business host charles payne. all right. so you're paying two point focharles seven percent for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. it's over seven percent before today's seventy five basis point increase. 7%i did the math. i do the mathi i laid it out five hundred thousand dollarng home. it's now costing dramaticallyfo more for a family. so now we have a housinging ne recession, meaning new home construcw t and a stop sale ofhp pre existing homes is stopping and home values are deteriorating along with you. for one caseeteriora, now, how s tiat stop? >> it won't stop for a long time. that's what we learned today from chairman powell
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. ppened a >> and we've got to go back to how this happened, why it happened in's too too much mn too much money was poured into this economy. we had seven pointtrillion three trillion dollars from both administrates the dow. yone t whyone who tries to conflateo co what happened until twenty ,at t twenty when we stopped the entire economy told people they couldn't go to work. businesses they could not open. and by the way, the entire world did that. t whathat th would happen in twen1 twenty one is just being disingenuous. .the point, though, is that last months those that all that money that camt all e in 2020 os it created. it's the spark. it sparked two things. one , runaway inflation, which we cannot get under control and a wage spiral when you pay o people not to work, when they make double the amount of at hy, staying at home, eating a bowl of fruit loops than they do for going to work, businesses get desperate. when they get desperate, they have to raise wages in this wage spiral. oh, so now it's uncontrollablebl . soe the federal reservenow.rvet is trying to douse this
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and listendous, i'm not a big fn of what they're doing, butdo i admit they have to do this to a degree. and what's making it even tougher is president biden is stillpresid pouring more mony into the economy. some people are already gettingl checks for college loalenfo forgiveness. by the way, these areenes the elitess., the they will make anywhere from one to three million dollars more more than the average person in america. there's no statengle where more than 50% ofmo the people that live there havee bachelor's degree. chelor so's the majority of americans are paying , subsidizingpaying the elites who , by the way,bsin are getting paid to ride out this runaway inflation. and let me say one thing, sean.e this is so important. president biden is trying to pass the buck with respect to oil t companies. i just want to read two headlines for you. one is from february. bienty first of this year by administration freezes new oil and gas drilling leases after court rules against a key climate tool. they were trying to come up with some kind of funky metricfc to hurt the oil companiesled
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called a social cost of carbon. the court said that's ridiculous. of carbon so what did they do?tion mik they halted all the leases. now let's go to another, headline. this is critically important. october twenty eight . this isn'titically it's just ret biden knows it's policies increase energy costs for americans. increa they get this evidence. the department of interior put out a 500 page report. so, i mean, who's going to read it right inside that report?dmit they admit that allowingld offshore leases would reduce the cost of oil and natural gas oil by seventy three cents and natural gas by six cents. so they've been delaying this.$0 they'r6.e deliberately hurting the american public. and everyone needs to knowing ts while they're going out there and blaming oil companies and profits because that's anprt indirect attack on capitalism. and by the way, powell put a wet blanket on any idea that i we would have a soft landing in econ terms of the economy today. >> powell powell was upset. l yo
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let me tell you something i haven't seen a fire was out of him. i mean, he is like, we are going to pound this economy. we're breakingun up the mountain .d this by the way, everything we assumed in september when we crunched the numbers the, they'e going to go and this is the worst. by the way, this is the worst intraday reversal on a fed dayrg in history. reversal in a fed day in we were up initially. we cratered into the close.niti the only thing tha creatt stopps the closing bell.mb nec we would still be going down at this very moment. powell was the was breathing fi. his job is so insurmountable, he knows he's going to become a public villain. there's nothing he can do.know his s fightingit monster that ws created under the guise of free money, modern monetary theory, free money cures everything. right? it was gender justice, environmental justice, racial justice. all it's done now is made the the poorest americans poorer. and ironically, japoorest ameril saying he's going after excessive savings. poor people don't havegoing aci to savings. ve it's going to be a tough ride. i'll tell you. buckle up. it's really disproportionately
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impacting the poor middle clasfr people on fixed income, but it's also impacting 70% of the country that are now living paycheck to paycheck. many people borrowing on their credit cards just just for bareness necessities. anyway, charles payne, thank you. and straight ahead, with sixchar daysles six to go until the mi, democrats, they stooped to new lows in order to try and scare the living out of you. the american people. as you head to the polls,nator senator lindsey graham will react to biden'lil s speech. p straig that's coming up straight ahead. a heart. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance, john . >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month. and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars a month. go to select cocom now and get the insurance your family needs
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tony lives with his sister in law and a little boy. >> oh, very cozy little house. monday, tony might have been accused of being rats. tell me it's not. the cleaning lady is all new this time. the deal will be made on my terms through to me. my doubts are unfounded. i can't do this anymore. >> the cleaning lady all new monday at nine eight central on fox. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help eufala sleep faster,
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>> stop struggling with restless nights, sleep like you were meant to with relaxium relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of clinically proven relaxium sleep today. >> fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed, call today for your thirty day risk free trial at 100%. money back guarantee relaxium sleep doesn't need a prescription is 100% drug free and is not habit forming. >> call 800 for one 730 773 804 one seven thirty seven seventy three . trust you got to relaxium sleep when you can't watch. >> listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. >> fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. all right. democrats are as desperater, as ever. and now turning to even see t list hollywood actresses to try and rally their voters, particularly down in the state
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of florida, where they have no shot ahead of the midterms. now, less than one week away, here's actress jennifer lewis smearing senator marco rubio att a rally last night.oright >>. take a look at this now. demings is the true choshi. no, what a lie is .also k shnoe also knows, like me, you cannot lie your way to greatness. marco rubio was allowed to see that debate, laughed his off. now demings will win. she will win. win. she will win. so i say to marco and all those toher weak men before you lie to us, remember rosa sat remem on that pot.
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no, she will lose anyway.>> h democrats, they arane clearly imploding in florida as senatorn rubio and governor rhonda santos. they continue to rise. and this state is criticals to republicans in retakingrepubl control of congress. and it's why the left is asit'sw unhinged as ever, including joey. tonight, joe bidenhy, our president, who delivered another rambling, pointless speech claiminbiden deg republie a threat to democracy as if the first one wasn't bad enough. >> tak a le a lookook.. l i know there's a lot at staket k in these midterm elections fromo our economy, the safety of our streetr s, our personal freedoms, the future of health care, social security, medicare, it's all important. ms >> but we'll havewe'l our differences. we have our differences of opinion. and that's differeou supposed t. but there's something else att stake. democracy itself. it's estimated that more than three hundred election deniers on the ballot, all are on acros
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america this year. >> we can't ignore the impactg n this is having on our country. this effort, the chaos in america, it's unpressed, it's unlawful, and it's un-american. i've said before, you can't love your country only when you wiwhn. : here >> here now, south carolina senator lindsey graham, another really hostile, angry reactionnu . they've nohemsw reduced themsele to fear mongering. there's not a singleublican republican or conservative that i know, senator graham, that is saying they want to cut or take away social security of medicare. and this rhetoric about a threat to democracy. he' i don't know if he's talking about what three of the membersb on the january six committee that are election denierhes or stacey abrams herself. but that's not happening eitherr . what was. wh your reaction to biden's angry speecbiden'h?
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if i'm a liberal democrat, i would say, joe , please stopop helping. i thought it was pathetic. i thought it was divisive. not one word about how i'm. going to secure broken border, how i'm going to lower gas prices as president. orm going to challenge rampant crime. i'm going to make us energyll independent. it wasenge ram about half the cy basically being political terrorists is not going to work between him and the lady in florida. thisit's not very inspiring. so let me tell you aboutcs politics. i've bee, n doing this for a while. the last seventy two hours of any campaignthe la cycle meansew the difference between winning and losing a point or two. that's when their ground gamegrd kicks in. g so here's what i'm going to ask ca you to do. ixin. just don't be mad at biden. don't be discussed about what dt you heard in florida. do something about it. there are three million people watching here tonight. ife ar 10% of you could if you0o could possibly give 10 or 20 bucks, it will make a difference. in the last 72 hours, my weburs. site, lindsey graham .com,
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is going to be open tonight and i will share the money. 100% goey grs to five races, arizona, nevada and georgia. pennsylvanian, wisconsin. if we win those five , it is over in the senate, kevin mccarthy is going to win the house. everything he passes i n the house will come to the senate floor if we're inifin charge. >> so if you could help, please do. >> lindsey graham .com and the. money that you have tonightsuggs will help. >> yes, certainly.ti e because gen. b bolduc had a good debate against chason and can win.e isu that race is up by one done. >> okay, i've changed the web. site to listen. >> actually , you're right and good. yeah, the point is the>> the seventy two hour closing campaign, that's when you knock on doors. that's when you call peoplete who allow republicans to vote. if you haven't, please go vote. so lindsey will add the general to it. i'm trying to raise as much
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money, not for me, but for people that can affect the country. you knowo ca, democracy's not ur attack. our way of life is under attack. your family is under attack. we're being invaded by illegalng immigrants. crime is rampant. invadedyou can't afford to filp your car or put groceries on the table. here's good news. all nig you've heard bad news all night. here's good news. we're a democrac y. his. you can change this. stop the crazy stuff. no regrets next reu put it all on the field.n actht like everything you beliee in is at stake. if you can for ten orten or twenty bucks 2 and you'll send t to lindsey graham .com. i promise you your money will go to stop the crazy and you've got to help if het me can do it. but you can pray. georgia, hampshire, pennsylvania, nevada. yes.>> please. even the state of washington. tiffany, smiley and arizona. yes, i miss those races are all within the margin of error. marn of error, they're all close. they're all close. that's why i refused to go along with those people making
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bold predictions of, you know, massive pickups by republicans . it can all happen.happen it's all set up to happen. but you're going to have to gett out and do your i do agree with that part, senator . thanks for being with us. appreciate. all right. coming up, could republicans up, pull off an upset in washington state and oregon in terms of the governor's races? orego >> we'll explain straightin ahead. terms and greetings to you, thrill seekers conversationalist and music lovers all across the board. i'll be full and optimistic. fruited plain. it's the rush limbaugh program here. on the excellence in broadcasting on i mean, the flag. no matter what side of the political aisle you're on , it stands for unity and freedom, liberty, personal parents. we want everyone to prosper. we want a great country. we want a nation of people
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that's 800 five seven six thirty two hundred. all right. big breaking news out of the deep blue state of washington tonight, where republican senate candidate tiffany smiley look at these numbers here. effanis now within one single pt of far left democrat, 30 year incumbent who only passed nine bills her entire 30 year career, patty demo this race is absolutely winnable forcr republicans.
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deep blue could it be on the verge of turning red ? tiffany smiley is gaining more and more momentum i and exposing murray's failed left wing record in the senate. and tiffany smiley joins us now to explain more . i look at what's going on out ot there, and it's prettys fascinating to me. and i'm going to i'mat goingingl to put up and scroll hertions. positions. >> how close? what do you think the reality is ? and why are people looking away from patty murray, an incumbentn democrat, 30 years? why >> and why is this race so close in a deep blue state like washington? yes, john , this race is close because i've been at this for 18 months. i've listen to the voters of washington state who are worried about the risingoters oe of gas, crime, inflation costs and our education and the education of our children. so we've been addressing these o issues. senator murray does about these issues. she talks about out of touchut t policies that do not work. like you mentioned, she's been there for 30 years and it's only gotan nine bills across the the line that is becoming more and more clear to votere.
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clea all across washington state. the momentum is on our side in l every crowd i share that we arer more alike than we areen different. i have hundreds and hundreds of people coming to my events. i just got hundr offed my bus fn event with hundreds of peopleth there energized. they're excited. democrate peops are coming to my event, independents, swing votersts and, senator murray fad us on every front. she she has noy solutions, no hope for the future. we have an agenda to turn crisis into hope for all of washington state. we're seeing a lot of money from the dems being pumped in to rescue senator murray. so every dollar counts. this is about washington state o . this is abou cout the unitedntis states of america. and anyone can joitan us at smiley or washington .com. this election is important, john . we will wiisn this race.n th and i know you believe with me it is time to turn the page on washington state. we don't need a career politician. we need a leader who will go doe work and deliver results on december 18 . >>ono in and 2002, after the 9/1 attacks, she praised osama bin laden.
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i can't believe she said this,ae that he's been out there in these countries for decades, building schools and roadstriese and infrastructure and daycare facilities and health care facilities. extr and the peopleem are extremely grateful. has. ade their lives better we've not done that. how does anybody survive?nybody as an elected official praising osama bin ouden after 9/11? >> iat makes no sense. my my husband lost his eyesights serving our countrigy. senator murray is completely out of touch. washington voters are wakingnaty to that every single day aeat op and they have a great option in front of them. i'm gladtifron we got one debate and one town hall because we sta started to make itrt clear i called her out and i held her to account for her failures. or heri don't know., she's been iitn the debate. yes, thank you. and the peoples. of washingtond state are energized. enthusiasmth is on our side and we're very excited about it. >> six nights, six days from today, people have the opportunit
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y to makeange i a change in your state.n . we're watching the race closely. we wish you alu all the best. tiffany smiley, thank you. all right.stay now, staying iing inn the north, we go to the state of oregon where republican gubernatorial candidat oe christine drazen is now leading and would be the first republican governor in and oregon in 40 years. >> now, this comes as residents of the great state of oregon, a fed with high crime, homelessness, surging costs.imer and christine dorasagingn joins us now to explain more . you know, i've had anha opportunity to look overponent your opponent's record when a person that supported the 20s 20 portland protests, which were really riots. ly rio i look atst the rest of our agenda and it's you know, she's a radicaf her agl new grew dealer. she has nothing really that i can see that would warrante no her to be elected. how is it possible to use a republican can win this?a >> because oregon voters areorev seeing what you're seeing, that heracles her record is indefensible in the state of
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oregon right now? you know what oregonians themselves know that we are kno. living in desperate times in bet our beautiful state, homelessness, crime, rising costs. all of it is making our state less livable. our quality of life has qua plummeted. our our schools, our kids have suffered. h on the other side of covid and tina, kotek will be for more years of the same. and oregonians can't live with that. oregon themselves are saying no to four more years of kate brown through by rejecting tinoco tax policies. she has completely misguided in her values. she's completely misguided in her focus for the state and for this race. right now, oregonians want safe streets, good schools, affordable places, want sa to lh and frankly, they want our quality of life back .t this is an amazing state and they deserve for portland t to be livable again. we deserve to have good jobs and strong communities across our entire state. we will onlywely get that if we choose change on november eight . >> so for most people's inflation, it's record high gas prices, it's open borders, it's,
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law and order, defund o the police, dismantlpee the police, no bail laws. and then, of course, woke education versus traditional education. which of those issue ws are most prominent in oregon? >> you have to add homelessness in oregon. t homelessness is the numberpromin one issue and homelessness itself is the greatestst indictment of tina coatex failed record as speaker of the house as she linked arms with kate brown to fail kaegonians and increase tent cities across our state. >> youte it's an amazing it is a beautiful state. i've been to oregon a number of timenus, a little liberal and portland for me, it's kindrd of like new york cit iy for me.w but we y wish you the best inthe this race. thank you for being with us.stis all right. >> quick break. we'll come back . we'll more hannity straight ahead. thanks for being with us. what is progress? >> progress is investing in
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12:00 am
evening. as always, thank you for beingmg with us. thank you for making this show possible. thewe hope you'll say dvr so yu never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. don't forget for news any time, all the time. every time it's fox news, .com, hannity, .com, it's only sixay days until election day. you can feel that heart beating a little faster. right? right. in the meantime, let notttle fas your heart be trouble. >> laura's next. not we'll see you back here tomorrow night. ubled.i'm laura ingraham and ths is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. >> no state left behind. that's the focus of tonight's angle. gle" so i ask you to think long and hard about a moment. we're in a typical year. we're often not faced with questions of whether the vote we castf will preserve risk. cy or put us at >> but this year, we are now dissecting
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