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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 3, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> bill: nate foye, thank you. on fox live check out game five in philly. they'll be nuts. perino will will be watching. >> when they were talking we have something in our ear. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. president biden going prime time at crunch time. a last-ditch effort to rile up the democratic base with claims that our very democracy is at stake. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the president made his mid-term election closing argument last night trying to sell it with preserving and protecting our democracy. bottom line, he doesn't want you to vote for republicans because that would hurt america. he says he is trying to protect
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america. the countdown to election day november '85 days from now. the president laser focused on that, not on the issues voters have been saying they care about. instead here is what and whom the president says is public enemy number one. >> president biden: you know, american democracy is under attack because the defeated former president of the united states refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election. it is estimated that the more than 300 election deniers on the ballot all across america this year. we can't ignore the impact this is having on our country. it is damaging. >> harris: from the president of the united states and republicans with this. >> i thought it was pathetic and divisive. not one word how to secure a broken border or lower gas prices as president. how i'm going to challenge
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rampant crime. how i will make us energy independent. it was about half the country being political terrorists. it is not going to work. >> harris: that takes deplorable to a whole new level coming from the president. >> what white house officials are on white house grounds they try not to wade into electoral politics like telling people who to vote for or not vote for. so far all of their warnings about threats to election integrity are about republicans. >> the president will continue to call attention to the threat to democratic integrity and to public safety posed by those who deny the documented truth about election results and those who seek to undermine public faith in our system of government. >> right wing extremists already
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have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election. >> this is not a speech of concession because concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true, or proper. >> so here is the thing about the sound bite. each of the people you heard from have publicly challenged the legitimacy of specific elections within the last six years. now white house officials are claiming it would be okay if the republicans they are calling alarming and extremist in this cycle go on to win. >> comments that there is an alarming number of republicans saying they aren't going to accept election results. does that mean president biden thinks it's a threat to democracy if somebody votes republican? >> no. that's a ridiculous question, no. >> why is it a ridiculous question? >> american people should have the right to vote for whoever they want. >> the president's appeal to
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voters is not focus on the issue of the moment in this case, the economy, but rather to focus on bigger issues facing the country like preserving democracy, harris. >> harris: i have so much to show our viewers how many times democrats have done what he says republicans possibly could do. it is ridiculous amount, actually. peter, thank you. peter just said it. while president biden was busy taking aim at republicans in his speech last night he virtually ignored the issues voters are kelling us for months they care about. failing to mention inflation, debt, crime, gas crisis, the southern border. arie fleischer. your overall reaction to the complete focus last night on this idea that you are in a party that will break democracy
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as a republican. >> you know, with every passing day joe biden becomes increasingly beside the point. the things he talks about are not the things that motivate the american people or bother the american people. he is just in a narrow bubble. cocoon of offensiveness of the for him to say that half of this country is anti-democratic, a risk to democracy. he is setting it up if the democrats lose the election, they won't accept it. this is the will of the people and we'll hear it in five days. it is more the offensiveness. if you remember joe biden, the man who said about mitt romney that republicans want to return blacks to slavery. put you back in chains. the man who called people who oppose him semi fascist. the man who likeened georgia's election law that resulted in a huge surge in voter turnout to jim crow 2.0. when it comes to disparaging the opposition with the most vile of terms that some could say are anti-democratic no one does it
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worse than joe biden. >> harris: as i was watching last night, i couldn't help but think all of those voters that the president promised that he was going to shut down covid and he was going to make civility come back into american politics and life overall would be better, he never once addressed what he said would happen that has not. and he hasn't focused on what people say over and over matters most to them. it seems more than just a lost opportunity. it seems like he said, you know, just beside the point. >> this is why we should all have so much faith in our democracy. america has always been and always will be a self-correcting democracy. the correction that's about to take place next week on election night is the american people turning against the democrats, the party in power, the incumbent team. this is how our system is built to work. it is a check and balance. joe biden just doesn't like it. he can read the crystal ball and see what's coming next week and
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so he lashes out as the democrats often do and say it is a threat to democracy when it's the will of the people. they just don't accept the will of the people just as they didn't accept it and i lived through this in 2004 when george bush won a narrow election in ohio. numerous democrats -- stacey abrams never accepted it. cory booker, sherod brown from ohio said the election was stolen. hillary clinton said donald trump was an illegitimate president. >> harris: we cite examples. there is a long history of it and there is a bit of compiled video we'll share by the rnc. >> trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. he lost the election and put in office because election
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interference. >> the time it was over, our candidate had won the popular vote and the only way they could win the election was stop the voting if florida. >> supreme court stopped the counting of the votes. if they let the count go on. >> what i observed as a voter and citizens of illinois four years ago were troubling evidence of the fact that not every vote was being counted. >> harris: even presidents on the left with a lot to say. just real quickly this idea that election denier would keep anybody going to the polls. there are people on the ballot across the country, 48 of 50 states where so-called election deniers are on the ballot. i have asked voters tuesday night will be voters voices. they say that none of that talk solves the problem that i don't think i'll meet my bills at the
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end of the month. >> yep. this whole notion of election deniers is a media myth. what is happening is press is going up to republican candidates saying do you accept the election of 2020 and if they say there were so problems. not everything was done right they characterize them as election deniers, 99% are running on inflation, on crime, on the border. it is only when the press asks. they aren't running on those issues. they are raising legitimate questions about the accuracy of an election that most say was not stolen, unlike the democrats who continue to say 2016 was stolen through russian collusion and never accepted donald trump. >> harris: hillary clinton wrote the book. what happened? the white house is amping up its message the rhetoric anti-maga even further. watch this. >> we have seen mega maga republican officials who don't believe in the rule of law. they refuse to accept the
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results of free and fair elections and they fan the flames of political violence for what they refuse to condemn. it remains important for the president to state strongly and unequivocally that violence has no place in our democracy. >> harris: and with that twitter had some things to say. mega maga republicans printing new hats now. another maga isn't enough anymore? now it's mega maga. ari, is this a poly don't know about that democrats are looking at having to keep saying this phrase? >> their audience is liberal democrats only. there is no right for violence in american policy but how about condemning the democratic official who killed a journalist
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and the attack on lee zeldin and the other attacks on republican candidates, a car that drove into a crowd of trump supporters to try to target trump supporters in california in 2020. the attempted assassination on brett kavanaugh. where is condemnation of the white house can these? they only see in one direction. we would be better off at a country if everybody said no violence in politics and condemned everyone equally. i won't listen to democrats say it is only one side. if any side does it, it should be deblurred. it is wrong for either side. when the white house only targets one side they become part of the problem. >> harris: it chills the talk like with kavanaugh. it chills the talk if people on the left had an interest in knowing that one of our u.s. supreme court justices was under threat that somebody had breached the perimeter of his property and with tht i didn't
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in the legacy media on that. not just the president didn't say anything about the attempted assassination on his life. really a lot of people who believe a certain way didn't say anything. how excited are people to vote? well not very apparently among democrats. a new poll finds that only 27% of registered voters say they are extremely enthusiastic about voting this year. the gop has the edge. democrats' enthusiasm has fallen by 20 points. republicans only by five. i want to add this, ari, this is fascinating. in the state of georgia where there are all of those election law changes that will keep people from going to the pools and never going to happen early voting.
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no know more than 2 million people have already voted in the state of georgia? >> turnout will be up compared to a typical mid-term election. what will be typical of a mid-term election is the party in power is in trouble. they are in trouble because their base doesn't show up. that remains and the poll you just referenced. fundamental patterns the democrats are faced with on tuesday. i still predict we'll have another wave election tuesday night. >> harris: more than 25 million across the country have already voted. we don't know how they voted but it sounds intense as you just said. ari fleischer, great to get started with you in "focus." thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: the numbers don't lie. if there is a red wave five days from now, the economy and inflation are likely going to drive it. tens of millions of americans right now struggling to pay their bills and keep up with particularly energy costs.
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and it will only get worse as the temperatures drop and remember, we're down to less than a 10-day supply until the president decides to tap the heating oil supply. he will be tapping reserves left and right. plus the president and the democrats apologize for what they said about georgia's new election law. i was just talking about it. >> jim crow, kkk like caucus. >> the strategy is a new jim crow in the south. >> president biden: this makes crime crow look like jim eagle. >> harris: i have an idea when they're taking it back now. people in georgia smashing early voting records. it is like a presidential election is going on. that's how many people. tammy bruce in "focus" next.
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>> harris: if there were to be a red wave on tuesday, it would probably be because of inflation and the overall economy. a new poll shows 51% say it will be the key issue on their votes. brand-new census data showing 29 million households have been unable to pay their energy bills this past year. cold winter weather and rising utility costs will only worsen what has now become a crisis. those numbers also show 43 million households cut back spending on groceries, medicine and doctors visits so they could settle an energy bill. contributing to what could be a democrat shell acting, i think
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obama coined that term. the research found more families struggling in red states. voters in blue areas like washington, d.c., vermont and delaware were least affected. tammy bruce, fox news contributor. host of get tammy bruce on fox nation. talk to me about the difference in what is happening in those different political party states. >> you are looking at, i think, for everyone in the country first of all the 21st century, the united states of america. that anyone is having a problem with heating oil or being able to warm their homes is shameful and it is shocking and heartbreaking. no one deserves that. this is also an economic dynamic. the larger state like texas you will have much more of a parameter when it comes to the poor, people struggling. different economic strat as are
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involved. people who perhaps lost their business and haven't recovered from the pandemic. the democrats seem -- it is almost like -- not like they have forgotten, it's almost as though they don't care because there is something larger for them which is their imagined nirvana when it comes to green energy. people don't matter anymore and that's what is, i think shocking. >> harris: i have another thought. a question after the president's people speech last night. he told us who is important to him. not republicans. >> that's a very good point. >> harris: i don't know that he cares about them enough. why? because he said if you voted republican, you would break the american democracy as we know it. >> it is remarkable. >> president biden: based on what he said. >> almost a do over of the philadelphia debacle where he coined the semi fascist
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framework for republicans who supported president trump and now a threat to democracy. how do you mean it is not all republicans? the majority like president trump. it moves into that framework. tens of millions of americans and divide the country between red and blue states and that is -- you want to talk about a threat to democracy, it is demonizing half of the country. there is only one person and one part of the politics doing that, the democrats. it's a shame. >> harris: my question about whether or not that feeds into an election and the intensity, we won't know until after tuesday. i can tell you early voting in georgia is set to break its own record. it is presidential-like. i mentioned that. it is on. as of yesterday, the total number of early ballots cast
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passed the 2 million mark. 1.9 million voting in person. the final number expected to double the early turnout in 2018. certainly flies in the face -- remember this? >> jim crow 2.0, 2 things. voter suppression, and election subversion. 21st century jim crow asolate is real and unrelenting. it makes jim crow look like jim eagle. >> harris: house republicans don't care about the texture of that. they want an apology. based on the words. >> good for them. you have to stand up for yourself. that's a smear of the entire political party, of the republicans and people who would vote for republicans. >> harris: we have a letter on the screen now from republicans and i just want to put that back
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up if we can. let me get this in. in a letter to president biden himself, they say quote in the interest of insuring american voters may have confidence in election processes and outcomes we demand you immediately cease spreading election misinformation. rescind your previous statements and apologize to the american public. >> it is treating also in particular in the south people of color as though they are infants and that they can't manage daily events like registering to vote, having an i.d. going to vote. americans are seeing this on every issue from the energy crisis to inflation to how the pandemic was handled and now they're being told they have their voting book and they've been voting and know where to vote and how to put something in the mail. it is insulting to everyone. i think the democrats have hit that wall where every voter, regardless of your party, are recognizing this is not normal. it is manipulative and insulting
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and in-- and not good for democracy. you want confidence. i think because of these new rules one of the reasons why there is more voting is because you want more confidence knowing your vote will count or be erased by a non-citizen voting or by shenanigans that change the voting totals. that's what we've been able to build. you see more participation. >> harris: after election day we can ask democrats who made the decision not to vote what kept them from voting. that kind of rhetoric backfires on your own party potentially if all you are saying is we don't know how this is going to turn out. it could be terrible. democrats could just sit down. let's move. a liberal meltdown. "the new york times" dared to report the truth on the president's recent gaffes in a piece titled biden verbally fumbles twice during campaign trip to florida.
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he did. the article referenced moments like this. >> president biden: inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in iraq and the impact on oil and what russia is doing. i mean the war in ukraine. and i think of iraq because that's where my son died. but the point is, that, you know, that's why -- >> harris: he was still cleaning up where his son died. his son did not die in iraq and -- it was a mess. the left is losing it over all. the coverage in the "new york times," they say they are trying to destroy us. this was on twitter. another called the criticism problematic. and this one, grow up. conservatives getting a kick out of it all. a campaign staffer for governor ron desantis in florida wrote dems mad that a reporter
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reported something unflattering about dear leader. >> they were very careful in the "new york times." verbally fumbles. joe biden is known for this, pledge a this is who he is. we've seen this all the time. but the reaction is also reveals the base expects censorship. they don't want transparency. they don't want an honest discussion about what really happens in front of people's faces. this explains the new kind of obsession with don't let people talk about it because it hurts them. that is also where democracy dies is when you aren't allowed to talk about the truth. democrats deserve the truth. people who are liberals deserve the truth. there is a small group of people right now trying to keep us divided and keep us from being able to talk. that will change, i hope. >> harris: i thought the last
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tweet said it all. grow up. maybe for them. >> look, everybody knows who joe biden is. the democrats should be able to survive the truth and then that is the only thing that will allow them to be able to adapt to what happens in november and in 2024. >> harris: great to have you in "focus." a growing number of democrats don't want it but high-level talks on a biden 2024 bid are underway. high level, who is in the room? plus the pennsylvania senate race is razor tight. voters were, in fact, paying attention to the painful to watch debate. how much did it actually hurt the democrat candidate for senate, john fetterman? we'll get into it. u're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future
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young -- young -- students, give them a break, i believe that -- that supporting -- i do support fracking. and -- i don't -- i don't -- i support fracking and i stand and i do support fracking. >> harris: he is still healing from that stroke. we can all see it. in pennsylvania voters took notice of john fetterman's painful performance in his debate against dr. mehmet oz. new fox news polling finds a 51% say it will factor into their decision. the same poll has fetterman up by just three points now. way down from a once double digit lead he had in july. democrats are calling out the big guns to pennsylvania. president biden and former president obama will be together for a rally on sunday for
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fetterman in philadelphia. that senate race could decide the control of the senate. power panel now cassie, america rising pac director, richard fowler fox news contributor. it is hard to watch that, you two, without your heart being scratched. i've said it all along. that's never been the point whether or not we would feel bad for john fetterman. the point is can he lead in his condition and has he been transparent enough about it for voters to make an informed decision. cassie. >> we talked about this a lot. there is great empathy and sympathy for what he is going through. in a senate race are you ready to serve the people of pennsylvania on day one. it does not appear he is. in the same poll you just noted, 70% of spawn dents said they would have been if it wasn't for the streak. 7%. i would also note you played in the montage his answer on
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fracking. an odd flip-flop. ina built to defend it. a top issue for people of pennsylvania. that's of concern. so is he fit to serve on day one? and whether or not the answer to that is yes, will he serve the people of pennsylvania well? i think the answer i would submit is no to both of those questions. >> harris: senator tom cotton, richard, said he recently was on the stump with dr. oz and the reason he wanted to focus in certain areas of pennsylvania was about energy. it is into what you are talking about, cassie, with the fracking. he said that pennsylvania, this is senator cotton of arkansas, has an opportunity to play a role in bringing down our energy costs. it is a very important issue. how a candidate responds to that question is critical. this was tough for fetterman and voters will desiechltd >> we'll find out what happens on tuesday. my heart goes on to john
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fetterman who is clearly struggling from a stroke. a couple of things to consider as we get to the final days of it. the first thing is this. he is improving from where he started when he first had the stroke. >> harris: i would hope so. that was may. >> we have seen senators who had strokes while in the senate and served effectively. when i talk to my sources on the ground we hear a couple of things. voters are weighing his stroke along with what is happening with dr. oz. in that debate we didn't play the clip. he made a comment around reproductive health saying the decision made by women, doctor and local politicians. my sources are saying when they are on the doors talking to voters they are weighing this and do we want the guy who had a stroke or do we want somebody who believes a local politician
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should be with a woman and doctor's office? >> harris: time to respond and we'll move on. >> senator kirk's hometown paper said he shouldn't be allowed to go back to the senate. >> he is not in the senate now. >> at the time he had the stroke they didn't endorse him. it is different from john fetterman. dr. oz's comments you are trying to make this the top issues of the election. voters are saying that is not the top issue. >> i talk to my sources in philadelphia and that's what they are saying. unless you have another source saying something different prove to me that is not what's going on in philadelphia. >> harris: i'll step in here. burns did great reporting and canceled by the wider legacy media and liberals saying what she witnessed and experienced with john fetterman and very detailed in the only sit down he had done since the stroke when he sat down with her. her reporting seemed to change
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the game for how we understood the condition that he was in just right around that debate. that was important, too. i notice in all of the people you talked to you didn't mention the network that brought her forth. that's the most recent and most accurate reporting. she is not a doctor nor are we. fox news confirming that biden is preparing a potential 2024 re-election bid behind the scenes. he has been meeting with advisors in recent months but yet to make a final decision. here is former trump advisor kellyanne conway. >> it is very hard to pluck a sitting president of the united states from that office. they have decided advantages. he is surrounded by people who have been with him for a long time who apparently aren't level with him about his standing in the polls and many deficits. >> harris: a growing number of democrats dodged questions
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whether they would support a biden 2024 run with some saying he should not run. long time journalist and "washington post" columnist jorge will says in a new piece both biden and vice president harris should bow out calling both of them unfit for office. >> last week on "saturday night live" they had a horror movie trailer having to support president biden in 2024. in 2024, the senate map for democrats is very tough and it makes it harder when you have to campaign with a very politically unpopular president and unpopular policies he supported. >> i like "saturday night live" but not making my predictions off that. it is too early to make predictions about 2024. i'm focused on next tuesday. we'll see what happens then. the president and vice president will make decisions based on what happens tuesday.
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we'll have to see what it looks like. >> harris: when you hear the word unfit to serve from george will or anybody else, some of that is based on what people may have seen, including last night with the president of the united states in terms of gaffes and miss steps. a quick thought about that and then we'll go. >> george will also said donald trump was unfit to serve when he ran for re-election. he has an opinion and i think the white house will make their determination after they see what the election looks like on tuesday. >> harris: cassie, maybe they'll make their decisions based on what senators and others say if they don't prevail or tried or didn't try to help them. good to see you both. a new york criminal freed without bail. that's not really news these days. this is heartbreaking news, though. that man is now accused of killing his wife. with crime at the top of mind for voters, new york governor kathy hochul is pointing fingers
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every where except for the leader of the state. that would be in the mirror. plus twitter fact checkers coming after the white house over a misleading tweet again. a lot of reaction after the white house pulled down that tweet. you can't really actually kill a tweet. you can find it. who wants to tell the white house they tried anyway. clay travis joins me next.
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>> harris: when twitter fact checks the white house, apparently the answer to the problem of misinformation is just to delete the tweet. the white house team apparently doesn't get how it works. why don't you fix it and put the facts in it? they didn't do that. twitter fact checked the tweet boasting that the president deserved credit for the boost in social security payments. twitter then added context explaining the actual increase has to happen. it is required by law because it is a cost of living adjustment because of the high inflation. one twitter user called it incredible. a conservative author wrote i have never seen this happen with lefty narratives. amazing. another tweet reads wow, fact
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checkers are getting factual now. the "new york post" editorial board wrote will twitter get any help shaming team biden out of endless lies adding we hope it's a trend. practically everything out of biden's mouth should get the same deflating context. here is how the white house responded after being questioned about deleting the fact checked tweets. >> the tweet was not complete. usually when we put out a tweet we post it with context and it did not have the context. as you have been hearing me say about maga republicans in congress and their continued threat to social security and medicare proposing to put them on the chopping block every five years and change eligibility. those are the types of contexts that would normally be with a tweet like that. it did not have that context. >> harris: that's laughable. it had to be adjusted for inflation. she doesn't want to say the word
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inflation. clay travis is here founder of outkick. i want to know your response. >> finally -- finally we get just someone applying calling basic balls and strikes who is not in on the rig job. this is so important, i think. all of this consternation on the left wing is brought about because republicans and people with functional brains in the center part of the country are just saying hey, let's treat all politicians evenly. let's treat all speech equally. and they can't handle the idea that their rig job might finally go up in smoke. this is really the first strong evidence i've seen, harris, that we may at least get some form of normalcy back in terms of social media and how we handle the marketplace of ideas. >> harris: i want to get your thoughts on just the forensic
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ignorance that exists with the white house thinking they could delete the tweet. that actually fixing the facts and based on the cost of living. that would mean they would have to talk about their economic policies, i would suppose. >> yeah, i think you're exactly right. this is part of a larger story. why have democrat politicians overwhelmingly whether new york or michigan or pennsylvania as you have watched these debates take place, why have democrat politicians gotten wrecked so often in the debate? they are soft and flabby because they are used to being protected by the media. their inaccuracies don't get called out and it makes them worse candidates, honestly and worse politicians. you saw it with the reaction of j.p. who had no idea how to respond to this and probably the white house was stunned when the fact check got tossed on their tweet. it hasn't happened for all the other lies from the white house
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for the past two years. >> harris: it is what you are saying. i say to people all the time they will say you should lean into the tough questions. that will make you a better fighter. nobody ever wants that advice, though but it's true. the "new york post" cover hitting new york's governor kathy hochul, trying to keep that seat, for passing the buck after the brutal murder of a buffalo mother. by the way, that the hochul's hometown. a man shot and killed his wife in front of her children just hours after he had been released without bail for allegedly beating her. critics quickly blamed governor hochul's soft on crime policies but the governor said the system has to work. we need to make sure the judge and prosecutors charge appropriately. the governor's opponent lee zeldin fired back this way. >> kathy hochul doesn't want to talk about any of us. just look away and nothing to see here.
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she is really alienating herself. >> harris: commissioner called on the governor to roll back the bail reform policies while mayor eric adams has not commented. he is probably partying. he likes the social scene. >> this is what happens when you decide you're being too tough on violent criminals and that's what americans decided in the last several years. being soft on crime is a luxury of a low crime environment. harris, we no longer have a low crime environment. an awful story out of the buffalo area. every personal watching us there is someone who was a victim of a violent criminal who was otherwise 100% innocent and still be alive in our authorities did their job and our prosecutors did their job. we know who the criminals are.
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when we arrest them keep them in jail so we don't need to rearrest them. i think kathy hochul has a real chance of losing in five days and why so many democrat politicians are dealing with the red tsunami all over the country. there is a story like this one in every part of the country no matter where you are watching us right now. >> harris: so sad indeed. let's hit the last one quickly. the climate czar has racked up quite the footprint. i just want to get your thoughts on the fact that most of us are only using a fraction of the amount of energy that john kerry is using flying around in a commercial jet for a u.n. conference in egypt next week. critics calling him a hypocrite. your quick thoughts. >> he is a hypocrite. the only reason he is flying commercial now is because he has flown private so much and ridiculed. it's the stars of the world.
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the number of people out there decrying climate change and taking hundreds of private jet flights around the world. there is a hypocrisy there, harris, that is hard to ignore and kerry is part of it. >> harris: he will use up an estimated 300 metric tons. those of us who live on this planet use about 16 metric tons of energy a year. wow. clay, please come back. it was fun. "outnumbered" next. and maybe a lot more than you think. if you need cash to stay ahead, call newday. use your va home loan benefit to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. test. take out an average of $60,000 and lower your payments by $600 a month with the newday 100 va cash out loan. pay down high-rate credit cards, personal loans, even car loans. missed a payment along the way? newday's been granted automatic authority by the va.
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